pr iv , V One of lhe largest lorosts in the world stands on ice. It is situated between f/'ral and the Okhotsk Sea, Siberia. A well whs reciotlj dug i*i this region, when it was found that a depth of 310 feet tbo ground was still frozen. " 4?S; ourod bJ th* a_? , . . FRAHS J. CnniT. A. >V. OutasoK. Hall's Catarrh Ours I* taken in terror* acts Ulrpctljron the blood and muroua nurfacM I of the system. bend for test linonials, free. ,. . r. J CHENEY At Co., Toledo, Ok &T Bold by Drmur'tU, 75c. ' * There are sonto epicures in rabbit catln? who never touch any part but tho hind quarters. Others will cat the about lers only. , Ladle* needing a tonic, or children who A'lUil building up, should take brown's lion Hitters. It is pleasant to take, cures Malar a ...? ... Jt-v'igestion. Blliousneee and Liver Complaints, It aetSTIies tho 11 lood rich and pure. * Tne sut.ieuia "..uutcer missionary niuvemcnt now numbers 7 >00 voluuteers i for inissiouary work in the foreign Heldv | among the college studcul*. If afflicted with soro ?yes uso Dr.Isaac Thornpaon> Byo-wator.Drugglata soil at 26o.pyr bottlo I Vote for Hood's Forty Years in ^ho Ministry ^^^Pt?/T5er | i " Having taken Howl's 8nn>n|mrilln flv.> . months I inn satisfied it is ihi excellent rem- . edy. For years I have had Rlieunuvtism, afflicting my body, but cs|ieclally my right a in * from elbow t?> shoulder, so severe I feared 8 I Should Lose the Use of It. c 1 felt better soon after 1 began with Hood's 8 Sarsnpnrilla, and when I liad taken t bottles <3 the rheumatism entirely left me. 1 have been li a minister of the M. Ii. Church to years, and r< like many others of sedentary hub ts havesuf- j] HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURESl""""^ll?rtWH?l^n?fllofKP?f!ars5!I>affl1aTT5av!^!ad a good appetite, food digested well, 1 gained several pounds and sleep better. 1 vote for Hood's." Kkv. W. It- Pt'rrr.R. Richford. Vt. wl Hood's I'illn arc tho best after-dinner l'Ula, as- lis slat Ulgeitlon\.cure headache. 25 cents th ' ' m "German s in] Syrup" I William McKcekan, Druggist at i,u' Blooiningdale, Mich. " I have had ^ the Asthma badly ever since I came oht of the army and though I have been in the drug-business for fifteen to j'ears, and have tried nearly every- jj|a thing on the market, nothing has y0U given me the slightest relief until a and few months ago, when I used_JBa= ?PT# dll'iinv -??*=? ?ignt go to thc sreci> without the least trouble. <$ roo) Cores Conaamptlon, Coagbo, Croap, Soro oils Throat. Sold by all Dniqiill ? a Guarsntse SUUC A Woman Has ? retry little desire to enjoy the pleasures of life, and ta t he I entirely untitled for the care* of housekeeping o? any ordinary rHitl?? At:n v. i? * v - ? - r* r iM( It A V an a copy of (larrett's famous I OO Choice Silrc- Irnnce lions," costing only JIOc. Suitable for Lyceum* , < Schools, Church Societies and Home Theatricals unm i Sold by bookksollcrs. No. ,TI, Ihr latest, Is a gem, view 240 puges of | mi til os, dialect and fun. Including two bright new Comedies; all for SOr., postpaid; or, the SKIP, two Pinvs, I Oc, Catalogue KIIKK. P. OAK? lino co II KTTA CO., Philadelphia. Pa (Kstnbllshed 1W5). c" miseral seemin, IBft j If rouDde R - pa?J I day aft | guesses 8 I L. I guesses ffilfi S/iTm ki d H c?r^s j' hlmdaJnJurJSTlroniHHSS!?^-^''* ~"'n _?that the tm niaina Hun sum Folia* to Brilliant, Odor- rlenr nr< Iras. Ouratilr, and the fftnmimtr par* for no tin ,, ' . or gla*s package with orerr purchase. which 11 ? There a H 9 corks, b BBBBtBCTillUMiPTiiMMh every ki I^^Caaaanaipttaa^D^pooplo^r^ liquors. Who barn wank Innia or A?ih- and will ma, should nM Plao'aOura for H them int Consumption. It has ear ad l,lrm ,nl thousand*. It Las not Injur- 'or ten 0 Hstlon*. It la not bad to take. H ?innn, v H It I* tba boat cough srrnp. H saionns, \ QUEER CITY OCCUPATIONS. TTNiaxnt METHODS OF BASHING LIVELIHOOD IN NEW YORK. TMting and Spicing Soups and Meat# ?How l'auper? . Al 1 o Dalanccd on her head of the pro- ovei n? of an inflatod balloon or two or chil feather beds rolled into one. She circ :a manfully along, past the on- year to tho big bridge, through Chat- Bhei Square, until finally she is lost to the * in the maze of streets on the east ot tl Wonder as to what the enormous fact ntaiusis only equalled by the coin- beloi tion felt for tho woman and ho com gly hard lot. A veteran Park Row on tl r cleared up the mystery the other her f er a number of persons had made Shea as to what was in the bag, these right ranging all the way from feathers adopt lar at it there sack," said he, "has got befon nto it, and you don't need to be out in of your precious sympathy on Jc.ara re female, for tliey represent a . . >flt of from $10 to $20 to her, i pretty good for a day's work. The ire champagne corks, whisky largest eer corks, 'pollinaris corks and Btates Ind of nnrif" i>oititng I 'he b? Sbo in taking thein home now Greek set her childreu at wortc sorting a centi o different sizes. She buys them 311 fe? r fifteen cents a pailful from tho fin and when they are assorted she $3,5)0 n over again for from twenty- MO aci rty cents a gross. capitali here are those who mako a rog- Now O aew of calling people who bavo , ?____?_?? ^ to go to their work at ao unusually early hour id the morning. They are to be found in every i?arc of the city now, from the Battery to Harlem. "This business said," one of them, "has its amusing sides, ns well as its dangers. New policemen often cause me a good deal of trouble. They see me enter a number ef houses with no apparent AIeoT, and ortea take me to tho station iousc as a suspicicus character."' ^Of course, the Sergeant knows me and lets me go at once. "Now, do you seo> that!" continued he, pointing to a knob 6n his forehead Hhoilt thiu aill cutuc around, but the couductor was iropared. lie drew a heavy bag from >encath the scat nud handed it to the lasscuger with the remark' "Here's our change, srr. It's all right. l'vo ouuted it." He had secured 1030 pouiies the night before and kopt twentyve of them for the fares ho paid for the ( miucss man. Tac bag contained 975 i opper coins. The passenger took thfc i ag and rang for the car to stop* He 1 t>w rides on another car.?Cleveland g lain Dealer^ t im T ,.ncri-tIgt otlo the~ ? rgost if not the very largest of the e inarics, about half way between the * >rto Santo and the summit of the fa- c ous l\co do Tyde, the highest point of 1' ad on the island, stands the consider- 8' lo town of Urotavu, famous for its h )udcrful "Dragon Treo," the identical tl tanicul specimen which Humboldt ? oaounccd "the most ancient vegetablo f? io iu the world." Humboldt inadc w Iculatious on its ago in several ditlerent tl >ys, and declared that it was between rc DO and 6UU0 years old. Sir John V a'schel often alludes to it as the oldest to c iu the world. For at least twenty P' ituries the Gu inches used the immense cr low of this ancient tree as a temple of cli rship. Its eventful career was sud- vo ily terminate 1 in the summer of 1867, **a en it was uprooted and almost entirely troyed by a hurricane.?St. Louis fill >ublic. flri Aristocratic Indian), 'here arc no people in Maine io whom of aristocratic instinct is stronger or bei ) have more prido of birth than some wil bose who live in Oldtown Island, his preseut the tribe is greatly agitated bra r the question whether an adopted ,i .u-n ? - - k ouaii oe admitted to the inner 1 le of the island's Four Huodrod. A an or two ago Mr. and Mrs. Sabatit bcc i adopted a child from another tribe, ntt< -.hiId being half white, as are inani wh ic Maine Indians. (,Owing to th< log that the child is a half-breed and Wl aged to auother tribe,"says an island ovc spoudent, "there is a certain clast Art ic island thnt is trying to prevent was rom having lier rights, while Mr. grci claims she is entitlod to all the kit< s of the tribe, as she was legally his led. There are other cases of siml- His dure, but no trouble was ever made as n ?, and Mr. Shea proposes to fight it o '01 i a legal way."?Lewiston otht a'. m nen Tapitol According t? Her Site. 41,4 wltl State Capitol or Texas is the Bton t State building in the United 9e^ and the seventh in size among |a,(4 ilding of the wnrlri " it is a VMt Whi cross of red Texas granite, with al rotunda covered bj a dome iej( 5t high. It was begun in 1881 for(j ished in 1888, bavinx cost about ,000. It W(\s paid for with 3,000,- with es of public land, deeded to the fiayt sts who executed tbo work.? p?cia rleaus Picayune. Vork \ - WtSk 'MM 1 r V , v " PRESIDENTS AT|J)1NNER. HOW THX WATIOX'fl CHJW XX- !? XOVTIVX8 HAVX DIKED. j}( Washington and tke bhul-Eiitoh th "ilnmenta of ;H|im *>??*-? Later fn president* Oa|AJfe?tera. th V V tion as the' light-minded htl and unscientific Would imagine. Lot us try with gravity aud reverence. *"< Washington had plain tastes* As ec President ho was even inclinedrto be P' ccoaoa'ral. Ho used to lectio his au steward every week on the evils ffl ox- I*3 travagance. But the steward, anv ex- w' cellcnt inan named Frauuces, who iwer- w< shiped Washington and had a proper ^ sense of the dignity of his position, or wouia mutter at tue end ot each weekly *u lecture: "Ay, ho may discharge mi if ce he will, but whilo ho is President aud I Wl am steward hi* table will be supplied W( with the best tho conntry can afford," P" "Washington had a special fondness for tcl fish. Ono February an early Delaware nn shad, caught in advance of tho season, NT< was soizod from the market by Frauncoa cc and served up triumphantly at the Proaidential table. <*i 'What fish is that?" cried Washing- WJ ton, a) the savory odor WpMu* nostrils. "A shftd, sir," satd "ZrauaBY^T'gtee- (C fully. "The only one iti' tho market, the first ono of the souon." But the price?" Washington's face grew stern. Ira Three ?thrco dollars, "stammered tho ha steward. t ? wo Washington's storjnos* io;re.ved. us< ,;Tako it away," ho oried. "It shall tip never bo sai 1 that I setisuch an example clc of extravagance." 1 aft Aud the dish whichlwas too groat nn foi extravaganco for the President was to carried off into the k tchcu, where tho tio servants ate it with n i qualms of coa- pei scienf? be Washington's irami liiito successors, ful Adams and Jefferson, rero light caters we in private, but the fo >ner gave stately by aud m&guiticeat bam uois, while tho wa latter kept a goncrons able in tho large tb? free-handed Virginia style. Forty guests crs was no uuusual number, and it is said abl that the marketing fQC a jingle day fre- tio auentlsr ainounbsd tdmf/muclar' us 650. tin -V? sr?.\";.. ?dinner* of | Adams's time with B^jgoaO deal of tin attoudant ccreonnial, wbfch JeUersotr* had discarded. Yet Mn. William ^ Winston Seaton in Jior :*li:iry rather slights one of the banquelfrat which she gja was present. "The diuujr," sho says, was certainly fine, but stifl I was rather ^ surprised, as it did uot Mirpass some I have eaten in Carotin* There were t ninny Freuch dishes, Jand exquisite ' wines, I presume, by the praises bostowed upou theui; comment ou tho pc quality of tho wine seems to form the chief topic after the removal of tho cloth. CandUs were introduced before the ladies left the table, and the geutle- ' men continued half nn hour longer to ">m enioy a social glass." But Madisou to* himself was a light drinker. Whou he rcc< had hard drinkers at his tablo he would aQd invariably dilute bis wine with water in DOV order to keep up with ( them, or else rcra racro^j ^ouch the t*Uss tof his lips whilc__ Mr. In stroug contrast to Madison's ban- 8'c'! qucts were those giTen by Andrew Jack- dor son. lie hated conventional etiquette 1 even incro than Jefferson did and set his Enq face more sternly against ceremouial. |ar>' lie always used a steel fork himself and 'Dfi provided his guests with ono steel fork Pafl and a silver one. After dinner he ftD'c smoked a long-handled corn-cob pipe, t'168 It was his wish to throw the doors of ^cst ?!,? rr - ...? ..uiw ikiuw open to tUe people ia 80 " general and allow thoin to partake of his w",( hospitality without any special invita- atul tloo. But after a trial or two this ex- turc peiiment was relinquished, though not ?.CCI until the carpets in the East Room had tl0ni been ruined by tho punch which the !uat< crowd spilt on the floor in their eager- '?ter acss to get at the bucket* which con- *JJat tainod it, and the dresses of numerous 8< ndies had been iriotrini rectly associated with the table. The abi?d 11 it President Harrison caught a fatal ?re*t mi Id while out marketing, bis invariable Syrup o itora, before breakfast. Taylor died yenwl li cholera morbus, resulting from a irty meal of ch?rri*? J * v r ??uou uown | ***v th Ice inilk, which he partook of on canon return from a Fourth of July oole m ition. hour ho was reizsd with own 0 inps; in tire days he was dead. ments With the exception of President -phc tiuir, the later IVetidents hare ail . in rathei careless eaters, paring small 1 ention to the delights o? thj table popula en they dined en fatnille, an 1 allowtheir stewards or the la lies of the w*t?r.n lite House to take lull supervision r tho State banquets. President The bur, however, though a light eater 01 suo| i essentially an epicure, who took a the cjclj at interest in the affairs of the shoo, and made the supervision of dinnors a inattei of earnest study. Brown's private dinners are said to have cost JpSSRosuch as $5 a plate, bis public ones r #10. Presidout Cleveland, on the Benji ?r hand, during hit firs# term, is said Is said er to have enterdA~ CllKidloheas of holder White Botite, end m|F blessed Andrew i a wholesome *|MHr ?n<* 1829 hi mch capable of dlgeM#S[^anything thkTh before him, be haw an-' epicurean AC\ dirret ?s. Garfield, when hf Altered the to House, was torraeaiA with dysia, and was tnn^A * , ta;i|||aO aim. ^ III R11 to plain dinners. Ha^Snd Rather* N. Y., B. Hayes wero the oalj presidents WCIlt 10 1 were not so untamed to ewre wines 'afe* their meals. Like ?iet abstainers, "The be >s had a sweet tootW "end was es- young mai dlj fond of cake eq4 Wdj.?IUnr v^kYflui , \VorJc|, __ *i?,' <.-- * plug them * /?.? -* I * Jfl cm ami brought forth nnotbor largo I. Ills owner then explored tho spot ith a stick^mid found that the cell sro buddleif thcro together la a mpsa Asina tho winter. lie c?lled the atntiou of an acquaintance to the fact d ho proposed to see how many cell :re beneath tho leaves. Having no 1-spcar lie procured nn ordinary pltchrk and proceeded to throw the eel) it. The nuinbor astounded him, and tion conn tod they were fvuud to be nctecn dozen, or 223 cola.?Norwich 'ohu.) Bulletin. Rconperatire Power or Natnrs. An interesting and curious case, Blushing tho recuporativo power of nature, s just been recorded by a surgeon. A irk man whilst attending a machiuo id for cutting blooks of tin had the is of two of the Angers of his left hand an cut off with a kuife. Seven hours erwards the man went to the hospital - treatment. The surgeon determined sttcmpt to replace ttie missing porns of tho fingers, although the prosct of getting them to unite seemed to most remote. The wounds were careIly cleansed nnd tho ends of the Angers re restored to their places and gxed saturcs. In a fortnight firm union s found to bavo occurred, and when ) patient wasucxt seen, after aconsidible lapse of time, the surgeon was >o to note that both motion and sensan were perfect in the ends of the ijers.?Yankee Blade. A Long-Lived Family. At Skillington, a village in 8outh Qcoinshire, England, there are now ing Thomas Dufiin, who was ninety: in January; George Dufiin, the aon, ed seventy-two; Qeorgo Duflln, th? indson, aged forty-seven; Joseph iffin, the great-grandson, aged twenfive, and George Dufflo, the greatjat-grandson, aged six. The head ol j family is still active.?New York u m \ Small-Pox In Wall Paper. 'Many years ago n person was sick of ill-pox in a farm house in the country rn of Groton, and after the patient nvcrcil the dwelling was fumigated I re papered. Ira Chester and family r dwell in the house. The paper wa? loved a week or so ago, and presently (Ihcat c r's dm'|^l 11e r wti a^icl^n with sn tho germs of the disenso were mailt in the walls of the room.'1 'he above clipping from the Cincinnat: luirer makes good the claims of sanians, that all disease germs find a bidplaco in wall pa|x.'r,witli its vegetable e to hold it on the wall, and its nal glue to hold its colors; that c, to say the least, arc not the materials with which to cover iucM%jce around us as the walls in ih we live and sleep, and that paper glue are great absorbents of raois, of which every person throws off rtain number of ounces in exhalai every day, and that such decaying srial as glue and paste gives off deious gases in such small quantities we do not discover tbeni, though : who study it can smell it in most is papered, and especially where a >er of Jayers of paper 0 aware of; that such a state of s in the room in which we live afus more lor better or worte than a change of climate; that it would eapcr, at least, to try a change of or one coated with some ncn-de- g material, before going to the cx- |U and trouble of a change of climate. " ptniu \N. It. Smith, President of the ty of Americau Florists, is a Scotchwho is so fond of the poetry of 1 that he has collected t>50 editions j poet's works and is able to quote * from back to back. Ik The Skill find Knowledge ' ?1 to the production of the most perfect >ular laxative remedy known have en- ? ie California Fig Syrup Co. to achieve a iccess In tho reputation of Its remedy, f Figs, as It Is conceded to he the nnt- *" native. For sale by all druggists. others of the KnolUh r t*- ??v 0?- una uilirdl t lie tried by couit-martial unless A lembcrs of it beloDg either to their y r one of the other household regi* m small towns furnish more murders * le large'cities, in proportion to tion. J n? Eeffhsm'a rills wlih a drink oi J Hecchara's?no others. 26 cents a box. ^ United States are the chief source [>lj from which Germany draws icit in her domestic breadstuff** Back Aches, or you ore all worn oat, I >r nothing. It Is general debility. * Iron Bitters will ears you, mike you leanse your liver, and wive you a good -tones the nerves. # train Patton, of Deliance, Ohio, ?j to be the only surviving office - HU'icr i ue administration of ru Jackson, whose inauguration in i witnessed. boat.?" Brown's BronMlal Trochss " y Ijr en the orgsna of the voice. They /f < itnordlnsry effect in all disorders of ( C _ I i committed suieide at Saratoga? ^ recently, because the train bo the station to catch was an hour 5er1 Son st thlnjc vet!" That is the way a !? nut It who made ?rran?Bi?m?. B. F, JohnaoA Sc Co., of Richmond, 1 furtbw Information by d*?p- I ^ An Eol-Hantln* An IrUh letter dog, owned la NoanV, rew weeks ago surprised hit matter by poaring by hit side when Bear the ?ank Ico Company** pond with a large I in bis mouth* The Ucldeat led to e suspicion that be had takea aa eel >m the pile of some fishermen along e shore ot the pond, aad no notice ii t-?? oi lu Pretty soon he ea? a rod with another good?sl*ed eel IB s mouth, and the way in which he me bj this eel became a cause ot in* dry. tho owner thought that hi suld follow tho deg aad see whole Is be was stealing. The dog seemed cased to haro the attention of his towner d ran to a part ot tho shore Of the ind that was not frosea and alonir tilch large quantities of dried leave* trc packe t Intho water. Re ran along o edge of the leaves, and in a moment two tnndo a snap at something id o -----never makes sour, soggy spoils good materials; n alkali in the biscuit or things do happen with tl cling to the old-fashione< other Baking Powders. If you want the best Powder is indispensable Easily Taken Up Cod Liver Oil as :t appears in Scott's Emulsion is easily I fl v?\ taken up by the <5k ft f system. In no i J other form can so fijlj/Y\V ' much fat-food be "73R VAjL assimilated with- 2 out ifi.jury to the 5 organs of digestion. . % Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophos- ? phites has come to be an article | of every day use, a prompt and j? infallible cure for Colds, Coughs, $ Throat troubles, and a positive | builder of flesh. . Prepared br BcoU A Bo ww. K. V. All dnititU?r pnt ap In boxai. lib yeur dealer for tlaema, tr .ifnd Mo ? taps for a box of 100. ataorted ?l/.ca. Maii'fd by ^ IUDS0N L. THOMSON MFQ. CO., VALTBAH. HAH. If RAKKEII PIJYIWOUTH ROCK ,r>' X from bona weighing ( to 10 pounda anch.f I foe Ml lorn P. D DARNH ART, WeaVKowlon, Pa peon ? N. U.-ll. 0fltl ????????? ititu *Sero?i It won't W/, wJ\I ZLT"' b off." / JWJ auwi?? ///////Ji\ ' \f? Up,n?l I ' Vim'' 'm> lllM * ?**?^^3 /ffijfrM \\\ i \\| * briih?4 k/fJF(pW WAM\V 1l \W fwkUMbJn *P ?iS?li V\ V * 'J' 'Wv* *r" ' \ \ // ^ lfc*lr ? ? id for A lata* tine Rock for jjjjjj1' ivenlr, Pre?5 also Tint Card, (pppp) p?? Mention tlifc p?p?. Klf B*l< LABASTINE Qo.r GRAN ? 'vf.f * V* >? * iilriMTlr1 ' " Dew rail of a Tear. Strictly speaking, dew does not "fall," it is always formed upon tbe substance upon which it is found, and cannot, in any sense of the word, bestid to "fall" from tbe atmosphere as rain and snow do. Dew is a great respecter of colors. To prove this take pieces of glass or boards and paiut them'' fed, yellow, green and black. Expose them at night and you will find that the yellow will be covered with moisture; that the green will be damp, but that the red and tbe black will be left perfectly dry I On an area of land equal to the six* of the State of Missouri the amount of "dewfall" per annum would be 19,156,219,* S22 tons, counting the ton of 252 imperial gallons.?St. Louis llepubltc. I Three thousand marriages are per-' 4 formed ercrjr day all ovor the world. (* If You Wan Although you ma; with but few failur< biscuit in the old-fashion sour milk, or soda and will have better luck and no failures with the Rc The truth of this must remember that in the lee taurants, and in the hom< where the latest and bei ably employed, and wht and dainty food is always the Royal Baking Powdt for all quickly risen food Roval Baking Powd< ?????a? ? A (form Inquiry. 'J New York wotnau has beon poUohed " by some * 'germs" that were on her ' gloves. 8ho rubbed a wart with a black glove, blood poiaoniog aet in, and the loctors aay that there was doubtless a >v "germ" sunning himself on the glove at the time. Where on earth went ail these murderous "germs" fifty years ago, when T ' jur grand f athers and grandmothers made i point of showing thai iue u?j? jrf ou? jwars are not three f e ore\and ten by any manner of meanaf We refer to the days when, if a man died under seventy years jf ago, the neighbors wondered what he ^ had done to dndermine bis constitution. Were these "germs" too ignorant at that time to know what capabilities they had w' for making themselves a public nuisance I ?Buffalo Commercial. in fennaylrania a man has been fined 1000 for calling another a "Molly Ma. uire." eg i .! ?? ??a sm w i TllA ftAof I Hit DIM y have had good luck es in making cake and icd way with soda and cream of tartar, you (following directions) >yal Baking Powder, be evident when you iding hotels and reses of our city cousins, st methods are invarijre the most beautiful > set out for the guests, ir is exclusively used ?r never disappoints; or husky food; never ever leaves lumps of cake; while all these tie best of cooks who i methods, or who use food, Royal Baking AA To ran be mad* monthly K / working for n. K. Johnaoa* To, F1 WWW No.SBouOi 11thSt.,Richmonda AN fDEAt. FAMILY MKOIOI Ml) For ladlcmilM. HllUaaaea*. Headache, UaaattyaUaa, Bad ^-ssrteSE liver and Bowele, jQpVflV) ^ w/EB& by dmgKl'U or MDt by mail. Box (8 tU1bV,T6o. IVkut (t Uoxra), t*. W SfoTt^jfeggoAI. CO.. K*w TavA. r uoof^ pof$ |; 1 Two Beautiful Ladies 1 ) COMPANION PICTURES |? I You will find One on a bo* of [ j IHOMFTAClfSi with several apartments. J2' 1 and all different sired 1 TACKS, adapted to all the * various Home uses?? the other on a box of -v HOME NAII& 1 containing several differcnt sized nails, just what 7: are needed for every day J? use Made solely by the Atlas Tack Corp'a, Boetea ? Warehouse*.--Boatan, Maw York. HitladelpMa, A Chicago, Balliniur*. San Francisco, Lorao. Factories?Taonton. Maaa. Falrhavan, Miaa. A Whhni>o, l>uiPorT. V. L. DOUGLAS 83 SHOE adVWte. )o yoti wear them? When next In need try a pair, tlkef I give you more com.'jrt and service tor the nettf n any other make. B??t In tHo world. ?500^W^#3.OO S4.00 M V25' *3.90IMiiiii am** S2.80 af^^WsVaa ' L IH tL Latest Styles. you wr.n? 3 fine DRESS SHOE don'l pay %6 (? |fl ny $3.50, $4 or $5 Shoe. They will (H equal to nh m*oe and look and wear at wdH. If yea with to omlze In your footwear, yoa can do to by earchtslnft .. Douglas Shoet. My name and price (t ttamptpi te bottom, look for it when yoa bay. Take no tm te. I tend thoes by mall upon receipt of pIlM' ige free, when Shoe Dtaltrt cannot luppty yeaj L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, ttaaa.. SaU hp) rlflBTBODT lam Ctf'* A ]| nl that wallpaper, with ^ Ita vegetable paeto yy?T\i}| and Ita cotorlago la I r f' L J animal glae, la anaaaltary, jrJ^J ^Cdj and that to apply repeated Wpr, layer* of aarh fa a rery J I 1 " BMtf na well U V j at daagerona. Kalaetalae ? | ft 5 It temporary, rata, rah* off I I ara,M' paint otepa ? iwfiraHW V CCflOfl to parity walla. InlUM | for e yiftr from Hehlgaa I BULe Board of Health rea.-" One layer part oa thle aabjeett ? te2"*fcH2 Owweadlag Chereh'a A lair bat cannot Uoe l?i plaettco mUf for wello , illiiTi lilft for** pan, permanent rtr|W?la*R' ooi not rtfiln to bo takea off to MNV o time ? Is a dry powder, reedy for boo by or (tbo latest make la need la COL? la aerer aold la balk)t aaa bo osaUp bp any one t made U while aad twelve flats, afed la three shadee, from wbleb aake tbo balaaee of fbrtp abadea abotra rd. t la aet claimed that aU who lire with* ^ walla die mack before their time- h.e , ?U?y k?tt?r kealtk witk wall (Mtlift *, PorauMit, Ptrm ud Pr?ltf. t k) Ptlit Mm UTtrywkt**. d Rapids, Mich. y