^c~ ??-?- ^-esL ? ? . - mi-.' .. ? Clurlestoa Has Spoken. Tiic inn. > looting iu Charleston on Thursday light was n lit opening of the ttui\i not iu the giMii l -Irutua of a people's recovery _?roin a government of misrule and corruption. In the tiutiiher iiiii 11 it:i 11o-1 thi-sn, . 'I'!; .i-iii, Ms>)3., and tienerul James Conner. The nd-lress an-l resolutions were adopted uumiiiiiotisly itie resoiutions are as follows t J'cwleiJ, That the Conservative citizens of Charleston, Hcinocrats and licpubllcr.ns, do reeegniz.: Wade Hampton, an 1 none oilier, as the lawful Oovcfiiar of li Carolina. To liiin uhn.o will they yic! I, us Coventor, obcdict ee uml support, and to him they pledge such aiil nii'l as istance, moral, liuaiiciul and material, as may be required lbr the establishment and maintenance of the constitutional government el \v licli he is the head. /,' n'eitf, I hut ue reuogui/.c Win. lb Simpson, ami u me other, as the lawlnl I.untenant Hover1101* of South Carolina; ami that we recognize tiie House of which the lion. \Y. II. Wallace is Si as the "legally constituted House ol I'.i; re-.eutativc " of SouthCan Una. i'' Thai l>. 11. Chauibirlaiii, having Ik*, u i- vcatcl at the polls as a candidate for reel cii tn, an I place,I in olliee under the dcclnrati ,;i of an illegal ticncral Asscmhly, by the unwarrantable use of military force, is regarded liy us as an usurper, and we here avow nyr uu ammt- ' ctTTTjgjnble resolu.ioii never to recoguizo hiat as Governor, an I our indexible determination to repudiate his every art, and every act of the pretei.de I l.ieuleuaut tiovernor, and every act of the pretended (ieneral Assembly, as being without authority of law, null a.id void. V ,/< ' /. That while we, by these rest luliotis. n--ert. our right and determination to be govere tic I old,) by thcolliccrs whom the majority oi the people have chosen, and while we are fixed in the purpose to oppose to the uttermost tiie ctl' -rtsof l>. II. Chamberlain and his associates to usurp the functions of government in tiiiState, we expressly disclaim any into it to resist the exeensioti of the process of tiie I niicd Stulc.t'-m.rts, hjr.ever hai -!i liny may seem, or to resi t. under any circumstances, the military foice el the United States. - - u'rctl. That the pretended government ol which 1hand erlain is the head has no , !' :hii!i :-il v i o S.oiI Ii I *m .1 i mi vov,. .. ' it i- given to it l>y the continuous support mid ac; :us? of United States ?roups. It is the ci ;tinv til" politic"! IVau I mill tinned force.? Without tltiil armed force, it is as impotent as it is uudaci nis and uul.-r.rfut. > - ? 'i'li!-: SivruiiY Sm \.?it. ? Mr. .-dierf.-.e, the S. ith ('.-troll.;:' agent of the Security I.ife !nsr, rat tee :'.n I Annuity <'ompuny. still declines to furnish any dull as to the amount or miinhor of t! j> '.icics held in this .Stale. The fell jiving oir adar \va- i -t.e I yesterday to the policyI. !ers in this State : t'::\itt.;:-no.\, ('., December li?", isT '. !> 'r I regret t? infi rm v-ni that our ! e nipany has been declared insolvent hv the In Biiranee ''otniiiissioiier of New York, and that it 11:i-> been placed in the hands of a receiver, | flavor \V. II. Viie'.ihain, of New York. I he lirst intinintioii 1 had of it was through iho '. illy pipers < f the loth. ! iinnicdiately p: ec - led to New York in the interests of the p '.'.cv-ii.iiders. Upon my arrival there, 1 found the r. ueivor in charge, and was informed that th" company was not in condition to reinsure, and that it would be wound upas soon us possible, and its assets be divided among its crediton. No regular statement of its condition has us i The vcr i* now I i'" etc; up- I nVe'c; ... I: is -.Up-' N . \ i' if 'is a;'*'.- : n eti' !y j i I. ihi . fourths ef idi 'l lis* f t wir-.n - ' " ! ost . . l.I - .ye .l.HV* , .' l .l.c.ej iloif i "?? , i? hold c.a?i> ; . .1-1 ..if oi l ' villi, .'d It' -a-h. ij.d I..at ii i b > - .. ' ea n re in .0:1.0 ( on the l.ith !> ? ember, will be entitle I to such diii l'tid ti-i may be declared. i.o: me warn you again.-! all cll'.irts of insur- ! nil " agents, who liny endeavor to indnee you ' to ; ai t nitli your p lieies. If y >ttr policies are j w nyjbi'i,r to tlieiii. they are worth more j to you. r.iilT 1 would advise you to keep them, | so that you may participate in any dividend which may be dee'ared by the receiver. 1 will try and keep you informed as to such matters j as may be of eon-1 iptenee to you 11 the winding up f the affairs of the eompauy, and will do try best to protect y uir interests, ami realize what can be secured for you. if you will entrust liie with vour police. Yours in lv, *1.01 IS Slll'lll'l^ll!', I.nto Agent ?f the Security l.ife Insurance ami Annuity t'o. * a - Tiif. Nr.xr llursK.?Washington, Hcccinhcr ?A'luut ouu-lliir>l of the credentials of incniLcrs in tin' next House of llc|>i'csciiltiiivcs have reached the clerk of the ( reseat House. None of these CJiue twin the -lismito I States or fr ..:i districts ivhere llie credentials of eoiitc.sli: ' nietiihers are file't. t'lcik Adams treats litem :t- c itiii lential documents. to he exliihitril only to the person (ilia;; the .same. The credentials i-ito'l hy the iiietnher.s elect are under dilferei:t forms in dil!oivnt States, the only itmorul in'e:i'l >|'te I hy t'oiijricss being the instruction t 1 the clerk of the next preceding House to > on the roll the names those of holding c. Initials showing their election under (lie laws of .heir Stale. At the opening of the present (:re.-s t ".et It Mel'herson refuse"! I?> place the ii""i of tneinhers elect on the roll- where two tb.'.citations appeared, each certified l>y a rival (inventor Sh 01M t lerk Adams decide to lull 00 this rule, t!ic next House ivouM orratii/.e withi.ni l lort'l.i. l.onisiana ami South t arolina,? Ta' ing *< ..? ! iii i -no ciM'tirto iii'v, rlie Slate U'h'frniniii * * " will stand sixteen Democratic to eiglifcc : lican. '. i 'Miest existing in three lli ]ii-.;i i.-e <'iii!i|nvsiiiiiii iii' iiio iloU?l?rt',""s will * matter l'\ Ai.i. Humr.?Tulliiliiis.icc, Dccctulw 'JJ.--The Supreme Court sustains the ilumiriv I j '.he an >vcf of I he rail vassing board. an grants ft jierriiiptiiry?ordrr lo the hoard lo n canvass from thsfuecof I If returns. This givi the State to Tilden by a small majority, and i course elects the hallance of the Ltciiiocruti tic 1%et, including both (.'iiigrox.smcn. The Hew oer its are fji ielly hut heartily enjoying thei vi. ory. The roiinsrl for the hoard gave notic of a mot he: to answer. The court adjourned i \. M. ti-inoirow, and announced its detenu n.ni in to adjourn *i/?' llic seal of the Com took willi lii 111 ill? key of llic o111ec safe, and la l> ifii :11?.- viiI one nionili. The law ic jiiires the Clerk a office to l>e o|>c every day in I lie year wit li ono or tivo exce| li'iit. I lie absence of Kico interferes with l?u iuc.'S, and lie. should bo indicted for official lui randuci. hiinrmnHU TTrnihl. o C\s'r in; iii:i.|*t:i>. !'\ Treasurer Cirdozo ni notiwei's iliat the J aymeiii of interest on comol ?b.I.- IJion la and Mock of il<<> Kioto lias bee l?o woiic l, \<\, on luvomil of unavoidabi delay in t' b'vyinjt Mud cdleciioii <1 taxes.Hi'/itUr. I... ? ? -vliEltc Mlcfliln Pinion ?imts. H. M. s roivUS, Editor. UNION," Fill HAY JANUARY 12, 1877. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION! 1 one year, in advance, S3.00 2 O'i'los "lie year," " 5..V) '> " " 11.0.) II " " " " 20.00 ADVERTISING. On? square or r six month* or by the year. Obituary Noliees.it' leu lines or less, inserted free. " over ten I in vs. charted us A.lvcrtisc uirlitx. i!v" - i percent additional Tor ai not to appear In consecutive Umcs. lirjf" The second Wednesday in February is Si. Ynleutinc's tiny, ami the day when (lie Presidential vole will be counted in Congress. The Washington *Yatiou says: "The only ditTereuec bet ween Cliaiubcrlain and 11 uuiji- i ton is, that Hampton is making troops of friends, | while Chamberlain is making friends of troops. j ? - - 6-:?"' Commodore Vaudcrbilt, the great millionaire of iho country, died at his residence in ( New York last week. Poor fellow! lie had < made a fortune of vOtH). and did not take a cent of it will I A convict re? . 'vom (lie J 1 Penitentiary, after hi -, went to the res'.- 1 deuce of. one of the ofluors ol the j institution and indue - d '!> ofhcoi ; let him have a sixty- .- "mi clot ins. npteset ting that tlie oinccr uaU scut him for ' them. The ex-eonvict now struts about in broadcloth, while the ofticcr wears bis old clothes. , * ? ?? r A meeting was held in New York last Thursday, to discuss the ipiest'ton of abolishing 1 llicoiliec of President and substitute in its place, an Fxecutivo Council to he composed of seven 1 Secretaries or heads of departments ; four to be 1 ] elected by the House of Kopresentalives and three by the Fcuute, from their respective bod- ' ics, to be remove I at lite pleasure of the house I electing them. ? I-Miatu or J. Nkwiox Caki.isi.::.?We regret to s ate that a telegraphic despatch was received 1 here on Wednesday morning, date 1 at Okalona, Miss., .Ian. 8, stating that .1. Newton Carlisle i died that morning from a Wound received in a I i-er.-oaal ililliciili v In iln- 1 ..r \l > i lisle the Male ol' .Missi.'-sippi lias lost a lirave, i true uiul honorable citizen, lie was burn in this County ami tlie announcement of his stul- . ilen ileatli will cast a gloom of sadness over an extensive circle of warm friends ami admirers. A good man lias fallen. ' Tuo New Orleans Democrat makes tlie ' ilciiiriiitig Hoard of Louisiana a pretty set to decide upu:i the election of a whole sovereign 1 Stale. L says: Mad. Wells, the chairman, is |a defaulter; Thomas (\ Alexander is a detected ' blackleg; I.. M. Kciiucr, a colored man, was n ' gam ding house waiter and a lill-lappcr,?which means a sncaU thief; C. Cosauane, colored, an I ! ass. Now, .^cualor Sherman says these mem- | hers of the Ueturning Hoard of Louisiana arc | 1 respectable men. J fcjr TL way kc:ho people do is very n?cu- | j liar it has cot ie tc our kn i riber to tee 7'i^^j^^bee11 VV fill tjIII ^t.10 " Now. Wl : would not object to mat n it were not tlin?v..: have only live subscribers at that olliec and some six or seven of the club alluded I i refused to take the 7Vws hecause we could not credit them for an indefinite period. They can find money to pay in advance I'm New York papers, j hut home papers must wait until it suits their pleasure or convenience N> pay. Jr..: Iii eoiiseipiunce of the extreme weather which set i;> on I lie night of the iMiii of Decern- j her, no freight trains could be run on the 8. and j i l". 11. 11. for two weeks. A supply of paper for i us was placed on the cars at Spartanburg on the j '.21th. just in time to he caught in ih'e blockade, | and, cdtisfiqiicutly, did not come to bund until ' last Saturday. That is I lie sole reason why the , Tuner was not issued last week ; and that is the i only apology we have to make. It was a visiia i tioti of I'rovi lenec and n > one was to h'uiuc. For some years we were able to lay in a supply of paper siitliuicnt >o last some months, but as it ' is a cash article and our collectji ns have bc?n i so very small and uncertain the past six months ! we have only been able to order in .small ijiian 1 lilies :inil u|k?ii ahun notice, which h:i> often i caused us great trouble and anxiety in getting it in time. i# * ?rijp' Judge hnwtvuee. tin: Kenuhlicnii luetn, Iter of the ! I ottse Cmigre* donal C.imniittee, is a (inn believer in the honesty and integrity of j any being with African blood in his veins, and I hud about thirty five of tlie-e "men and hrotlii , era'' hanging around him all the time he was in i Columbia, drawing their per diem ami mileage, j I One evening the Jadge told llicin their services were no longer needed to testify for Hayes and e 1 in bis slippers, enquiring if any one know tin it | l'ost nflice address of it "colored gentleman' 'j j with a jiitir of tine boots on. No one could tel j biiu, but advised the Judge t > address "IlohLin ho*," Jiarmcvll. We Stop When the Time is Out. I livery one of our subscribers i-< well aw.ir< that when they subscribe for n paper public he J in Coluiuhin, < hurlexton, New York, or any otli c er place out of the County, they timet seiut th i- money before the paper will be scut to them ami further, they know that ilirectly the linn | pniil for expires, I lie paper is stopped ; but tlic; j ure not aware tlirit upon the strict adherence b ! those two rates mainly depends the success, siz and value of the papers in those places. ^ Now, wc ask, why should the Kditor of is ('unity paper be expected or even asked not I '> adopt and strictly adhere to the same rules?For the life of us wc cannot see why the sain ,,, rulcs"a?r not as just and necessary in one ens [i- as the other, and we have determined to inak s" the experiment this year. Willi this ninnbe s" we shall drop every name whof.e subscript io lias expired, Irrespective of inc olor, or an i- condition of circumstances. The o. te murk wil i~ be sulliclcnt to notify each subscriber tlint it i l" tlie last paper lie will receive unless he renew Ids subscription. Of course, wc are ready t correct any errors. * . -5 - 3P'" V The Politioal Condition. The general features of our political affairs have undergone no umtcrtnl change the past three weeks. In Louisiana, Nichols, the Democratic Governor, has been innu?riiro??..t i.?- ?? OIIU AS to ^VlVlillllVIIV bus taken possession of all the police stations and Court rooms in New Orleans, while the Packard Legislature and authorities hold only the SfcMe House. The s^iie W affairs, exist in Louisiana that is cursiug tliis State.? They have a defeated lladicnl Governor and a bogus Radical Legislature attempting to force its authority upon the people, while the honestly elected Democratic Governor, Legislature and other State officers are fully organized as a State government, and the people stand linn in their support. j Packard, the pretender, has called ubon Grant for military assistance to sustain him in the attempt to force his government upon t ic people, but the President refuses to take nnj action in the matter. At an extraordinary ses^ on of the cabinet lust Sunday, he said : "There will lie two inaugurations of Governor to-morrow, unless one of tlieni is prci entcd. I ilo uot, however, propo.-c to interfere tick them. I have milling before me to justify ae ion in tlic ii' i.ii t ' ' '?.! vul.tr 'J 'n- ' ot cacti Louie 01 Congress is r.ow cug-tjdii. in voft'iiguling a'l lite facts ct iRe l.'.te cttcuoii, >1 j I lu l-Hj th' CMuUttX if tfir < O fii.ffru-'k, uUlii the J L?0? .? UuUw*;.. loetc. l Pit ier ilnVe* dirijJiiKt fo>* cevgnizr. one or ihr Psjr~'? A. be hur.llj | iustihubie and ! have so mf> ed Gotyprnor Kellogg.' ^ In Florida. Drew, the Dei^ocrxtic Governor and the other State officers were inaugurated last .Monday, and it is supposed thrift will be no ctl'celuul opposition to their authority. The Presidential outlook is s|ill encoring, to our mind. The people all over the (North arc uoiuiug large mass meetings nml tcinnnding an honest anil fair count, ami that the candidate elected President shall be iuaugu^atod. These meetings are participated in by Ruling men of both parties, and a large prcpondcrtuce of inllucuce is decidedly in favor of Tihlefl. Next Monday, we thinl:, is the dif appointed by the Constitution for the counting of the Presidential vote in Congress. Upon the manner of counting it is expected that a long and jitter discussion win be cnga A*d in by leading members of both parties in CWtoss. so thai we may not learn the final result firr some weeks. . o - - ? &,}" One Jerry Talley, somewhat notorious n this County as a Trial Justice School Teacher tad leading Radical, stole two hales of Cotton from tieu. Wallace's Plantation, nelr Jonesville, iomc time last in. nth, tool- them tofalTiicy City, told them at d then "put out for prrts unknown." i'lic cotton was recovered by the proper owner the next day, but Jerry has n>>l been heard of since. W^hio sorry for the (jail.icy .Merchant j who bought it, but Jerry's abs.uiee is ipiittr a relief to the e.unty. The last time we saw jii a was when we wire joing to the \\ ilkiusville meeting, last October. We met him in the road, ami afterwards learned that he had been all through the neighb.uhj. l with orders from Mobley to the colored people, Wtstructin" then^n >r to attend dJjMnooiytic n!d <\e*c;rh" fclloW^fehb litis SU. 1 to*?^ ^ ^- g.a alt not ' cll^.yii?^ti I/ring up'' ift some penilonl'i.trjlii B^^H iiig State, where they have more" ing thieves than this Plate has . afff penitentiary is nearly .'nil with sit tows, mrd the little r.i.nn leti tlen. 1 i 11 ti\j are those live years more ?.t" gold stcaliii a Carolina. t>ue by one tit small i;? arc leaving, bin each one tukcsVilh him so g belonging to honest po pie. f li 2>'" Cuewhillikins ! whiitu Turkey Where did it come from? W'iy, frotn tliat to i of all good fellows,. Andrew Myrdbek, at Lylm Ford, lie intended to send oi^ for our Christ inns dinner l>ul one of CI: a in Lectin's constituents got into the Coop and stole it, lint Andrew is not a man to he defeated wlieuS^TIiasTivi le* (l|> his mind to do a generous u^^^alie ju t ."'"l th ? eoimtry tlioiiglil lit to grace an l!dili?^^^We,**niiy day 1 in the year, and send it along, t is a whopper, sure, and if the I'res.s Cotivetititi Vol been appointed to lie held here we wonldiave saved liiin to show the hungry Ivlitors thesizc Turkoys we rube in this part of (lie State. Thank you, friend Murdoek. IP was a timely and generous present, and t;i i<ud this one act of an honest Uovcrnor present when put alongside the acts of our (Joteriio I of the past ten years. There was no ^flicji i grabbing for tin money before and after it g into official hands, but a prompt, lionet, an humane distribution followed the [>ityiri-iit i ? | the taxes. Kvcry lax payer should fee! iprh I as well as a duly, in supporting the llanpti . government. } ? . . , r 4 Mules Drowned. j Our csieemed friend D'Orsey 1*. Duncaf, in B with another heavy loss lost Wednesday mam it y by having four of his best Mules droyned u 'J'yger llivcr. Tlicy were crossing tin* brid 0 with an empty wagon, when one of the ^ills tho bridge broke and precipitated Mules,lVag< ft and driver into the rivjjy. niul 0 were rescued without much mjt^V>. (July ft few montbs ago, Mr. Utlcuit liad li c large barn and (Jin House and'Jcir contoi e burned tip, and his domestic aiiiictiJn.? Ipive be c extremely severe since. A man w\th ltf>s net r and energy than he would have *uhk u.u^er t n trials that have been placeil upon hint. jf ... 4* . y JKa?'" colored tiiftn by the name of i?i! 1' ' ? ? - t i\a pl.t,,*' i-aideu II grim was imi 1114 in irunv vi i vi. .w * in Spartanburg, on I lie morning of tlio 'JHiih s frozen to death. lie was lost sj^?"!Ve on t o evening before, much under '^influence liquor, oil Ills way home. ir ^ > ?~ . Gov Hampton's Call. Wo publish this week, a call from Governor Hampton upon (lie people of the State for 10 per cent of their last year's taxes, to he applied to the urgent necessities of the charitable uud penal institutions of the State. That the call will bo willingly and promptly responded to by the people of Uuiou County we have not the least doubt. In fuct we know the people ure f\nxious to phow their devotion to the government they have elected by giving it all the aid in their power whenever called upon and in whatever manner Governor Hampton might indicate. They know tjicir taxes will be honestly and discreetly disbursed, and with that nssuruuce they will not withhold the small amount now called for, one moment longer than they know who is a; pointed to receive it. In no othci way can the people give stronger assurance of tlioir settled determination to sustain the Hampton government than by contributing to its financial necessities, particularly when they have the assurance of Hampton himself that the taxes they pay will he appropriated to relieve the sufferings of the unfortunate inmates of the Lunatic Asylum aud provide against the now apparent necessity of turning loose upon the people the hardened convicts in the l'cui u t; , iu ii .? a deplorable condition for. elm waut ( i '.* ?r?" -Sta.. doubly asmrgd that th" ? ,v r the call of Gorjfcfjr" Hi , oo .its' t place, be cjnscicnt apj.it A>t int. el j u. and the receipt of each K ctuiiu against the tilate paymefil^f &*' hereafter, under any gori nmcut thipM'ia' permanently established. it will he observed that 'hough res lions of the Constitutional t lse of]?*?l>,'0!' tatives empowers (lov. Ilami .on to toi per cent of last year's taxes, ho ha^'afce" wise ami etninciitly honorable prcctifflfc>n ,c' at this time for only so much as he befj^cs v bo necessary to relieve the sufferings f' inmates of the charitable ane^'pfctffil tiotis of the State." lie asks ntft f..i r. pay himself and his associates iu ^ out jii 1 the nobleness of his liMinanity ca. 'puni'10-'" who fought so nobly with hfu fo n iid^csl ?tate government to lirst ^n?vc tin ' kvi&L, to tiim ami that paramount necess: "by it-' trusting to him a small portitn of tlu inde^-^ edness to the Otitic, not for Us own list ?? betj^'" lit last to relieve the urgewt wants am conttj", bute to the comforts of those unfortunati das.-J*. of our people who have no other rclia o fo^ food, care and protection but the State. .\nc that noble call will uof be unheeded by the people of l iiimi. Those true sons of this (V'ttt Jr w in. sacrilicctl so much time and money to t tct Wade Hampton (b.vernor of t'ie State, will . < destt: hint and the cause of liune.-ly and tcfo. now ; but will step promptly for\vol'd and wit willing hearts ratify their votes given > '? tbi 7th of November last, by pln-?>?3 ?'? bis hands the means to support his gine-'int'Ctit ami make it humane and honorable. - Wo must, as a people, ?li<^ 'be (.Isamlcrlain usurpation nntt all if," " '' ' bejide, lli.i' we wdil-uot^. in, any way, t jogniyunny m>vern| lueut of South t'lrulion bm iho jftjjfedrral b.y oncts aVlaHtbc " ]k', > v c s s i P] may exclude our llepresetitat Ives from I be I.eg Hi .alive Halls, and attempt m" force a ustirpe: .WLl0 the gubernatorial chuir^^V^* slremain people whethergovcriiinci Isjfi?lT bo sustained. I? cannot live willmtt '"Sfcney, ,j (pat m-aey must eomc from the la: people alone. It can find no otlit | aotif^, 1(ll. ,jlt -uj.plici ; and it the people pa '.Xaxrsinlo tliu t'liaiuhcilaiu treasury the tuliittT - j. ad ion at the last election by fir> u^iit fajj?"as otlicinls those whom they declare ' "S'dffiie halh.t box sh'iubl not control th " Me jfyvei . meat, and then j^ivin * them tl y means to oi'.tV.j^o their usurped at * \ > a.n ssnry thai the law t'ourts of th | ! * .ejit in operation. Most of th j J ! jil t on iheir salaries alone for tli ' slv ot i'w? , Ives ami famtll?^. and it abac IV tlint they should be paid.aluries av? mjfj., i.y as Judge*-*, ami Juroi cannot be ^ pet ita vave their farms and oil er &Jciipaffl?jT>3 qi, hey are paid for the services* ^ pfoii ..-oonse to the preset cu tA?'ill provide the moat | " t . the urgent necessities of n It. and nothin;; nunc, ll *y ",!,t ,'IC ^ta,c >a legal i >t>? ft^aihufPIof lite people, innst be r the State Treasury. In fact, it p>t '^3ovjj> per cent, of what is due the ?>ta ??uu people will have, to juti/ to an H?y?V]^inoui hat may ultimately be establislic Tl'e-jMifta1' i is, will the people now pay a tin i owe v',"lc into the Hum T sBumerebjr gWe encourttHRMvo^llif Chai ^ berUin usurpation to eoatnWMa Ma present <1 i(j fiant attitude. sl Wo cannot get out of paying the tax of t! s year, any how, aud us wc arc assured thai t! rj4 instalment callejHoriwill he honestly and ec ,(l noinically di-4>ars^MFtmT niu*i~X>\: nekuovvledg j as so much tax^paul to the Stale, theio can |tl no good reason for not responding to the c of promptly. (i. In the interest of honest government and I )|( the sake of humanity wc call upon the tax p:i crs of Union to recognize the call of the Gov nor they have elected and to stand liy him w (1, all the aid they can give to consummate t great work of November for I lampion, Ho : Mule and Kcforni. . o . |?c UrM" A valued "little friend," who lives of Alston has sent us a bountiful present of s: salt's, Wl( that, kiuil liicuj. We know exactly where is put such delicious tilings?tlic paper didn't i's one oi thfcji. IS.il y.iu can't prevent our pull on m (he}' '/^fftinnlein ink nliout thuin and t ve kind d^ur. In ike first place wo honestly s ^ Jl^jy were as fine as yc over eat in our lifi seasoned to a dot?and wo enjoyed thorn hugi il- If they are a sptjpftncn of your housckcep ice qualifications yop'aro entitle to the first lion I., It is said that "the ficst things arc dono up lie small parcels," and in your case it is true, of truly happy and prosperous New Yoar to j and yours. Carried unanimously. . ' r* The Weather. Wc suppose it is uot necessary for us Jo tel our renders anything-about the weather wo hnvi had for the past three weeks. Most of thou know all about it, by severe experience. Tin people in tlio country have been under a suov blockade all the time. One gentleman informct iuili.ii 1-- - ? ...... ...u iivcMi no coutu not got tar euougt lo visit his nearest neighbor; that, he rc:u bliukspcnru through twice, wore out two pack! of cards anil made egg nog till the whiskey atu eggs gave out, to keep the cobwebs out of hi: brains, lie did not say that he had looked it the Bible oucc. Our country friends were unable to visit tin village folks and the village folks couldn't go in to the country, consequently we have had t complete stagnation of business* Such a seven an 1 long continued spell of winter weather ha: not been experienced in this section within tin memory of our most venerable citizens. In tin North the people can stand such weather, be cuu.c they expect and prepare for it, but iu thi: seel ion no one had made any preparation for ; visitor from the Arctic regions, und ii has bcei; a severe trial to all, but mure particularly te those who had but small wood piles. Even now, although the suu at mid-day gradually melts , the suow where its rays cau reach it, in the < morning the ground is again frozen hard and it freezes all day in the shade. From our ex* . ohanges we learn that the weather has been very severe in every part of the country, and caused great aulTbring. *? I Iho "Times'" * t?o Reduced. oe compelled, niter this week, to reduce the size of the Times to five columns in a page This is made imperative by the great falling otl in our advertising patronage and the uncertainty of collections to meet our necessary weekly expenses. As retread nient is the order f the day in all businesses, we must adopt it, v. vi uisumiuiiuc ilie paper nltogolher; ami we u ( intend to slop it jtist so long as we can enough money to | a.v the printers nud for Wan J buy a cracker and a betting a day ir home folks, rhould httsitiess revive we tnost assure 1 ly resume the present size, at ,l" make the paper still larger. 5 The Commissioners' Report. \e received a cotntmiiiicat^uii signed hy a of citizens, making enquiry why the n.u. j?vri t? - J . it i - / /. I had not been published. We should heil the communication, although its spirit w(h? v'.culateil to create some ill feeling, but"':i>il * w ing a personal enquiry of Mr. pubpth, earn that the delay was occasioned gby tlic lb nut being alio to get the report and xjglj'' of each member. One has been a;. uber of the Legislature and the 'rfftier.'flr. ; n, although written to IVequcuty, has not t either made a report of his cl ilt lor scVv or taken any other notice of the re>pcst < f other members. .Mr. Duncan assures nn> hoa r, that the report will be pub* -bed in a%-''r' -ic. v 5 Ifir Chamberlain. ^ h'i'.u ' irtidly mi l nobly, iiirtho Nfc p ^.jPjV^iticovs I ,'jj r As r. o,Hrv^;-. ! ? ' :i % > i ai . v.- ready t ,.a?j jK< j. > ,)? ."J?' , ca r> r l v. a. "! .;.c e ,j?fc vi.'V.'rfc^^ .. U"Thtff <*?'. "f iff" ^ ?i,t^-enL It-: * lV )u !)3jilv v. a :'.. ! \ifcn >' tin !\li II, (&!<'Viii1.'ey)jGif|, and do y km.v. uiisei?W5lU...v . . mcttjdcd'jlatu " or resolution pa-scd itt part by** tlie Mac!. Mouse. 'I'iii. Tax I'aykks of I.i.xixuto.v.?A lar nuiiil ci' of citizens met at Lexington Com Hon c ycMculay for the purpose of endorsing ' rn c Hampton ami the only law fill gov _ South ( .11 i'litiu. liovertur Hampton \. out. A large number of people met liiiu .. 1 depot, among whom were many of the ni #?mt c clubs. The scene at the depot upot.'the nrrii ie of the v-ioveruor reminded one of tlto exciti c times of the campaign which ended in his eh tiun. tlovernor Hampton addressed the pcn| 18 in a lengthy speech, after which resolutions si - ilar to those passed in receive, and receipt lor, ihc co^tributi is of ten per ce.it. uputi tlic union at of the fit: U ami County tax of called for l?y I (Sovcnior under authority of t!ie House of lt< vcscutativcs. ly . o a- Chamberlain not Recognised. c. Si a n. <>r lini i it ('.vttoLiN.v, 4 tii:.: or S en i:t \ o v ri|-S ustk, ,s < /.htvtiiboi.l!8, 1370 't S. If. /Jem', l\tq.r 1 y Slit?I :i>u instructed by his Kxccllency ,1 tlovornor to iiiforin you that lie has removed 1 .* from the oltiee of Treasurer for Aiken Coun Vou will, therefore, immediately upon the j>- ceuu yf cease to exercise the fuueti ceJflBald riy respectfully, ffu 11 Hat*", Secretary of State ^takr or Aikk.v Coitxtv Secretary of Mute: Sin?Vour (avor of the 23d is at hand. Ii yen say : "lam instructed by his Kxccllci lis the Governor to inform you that he has reino he you from the ollice of Treasurer for Aiken I'u ty. Vou will, therefore, immediately upon receipt of this letter cense to exercise I he ft; c lions of said ollice." 1 presume by his JSx be lency yott refer to Mr, D. Ii. Chtiiitherluiu ; all recognizing Mr. Chamberlain as Govcrnoi South Carolina, 1 ask leave respoctfully to si must decline your mpicst to cease lg exer 'u>? tlie functions of said ollice. iy- Very spectfully, i?i*. (Signed) St*ii:o.\ \V. Ilr.Ai'.n, j(l( Treasurer Aiken Count, A similar correspondence occurred lietv ',c Mr. W. 11. Wise, Couuiy Auditor, und II we Hayue. The lion. II. LI. Hill, in a letter to n fri at denies, explicitly and einphutically, all the stories which have been published about ul" since lus return to Washington. lie denies to I e has abused Northern Dcmociats in Congi uUt JUk'i cnies that he i) not in thorough accord Mr. Tihlen and the leaders of the Democi ? party ; and he denies that he has agreed to Mee too South to Mr. Hayes for a Cabinet pout 1 nj This disposes of some bungling falsehoods, ho gives Mr. Mill the opportunity to show, in letter, that ho is thoroughly in the coiili1' ' of the party. 1- TUo Dcston Journal Ts nnxi"?? l? 51V. , , what system of arithmetic .Mr. f "rou*4? ?? * UIB gun, can count himself a majority/?>f thrtj lor. Wo presume dial Mr. CWinin getu/nc '"It-1> in u uea and coin pre icnsive plu!v/c?'"l,'lciy1 \ published by Chamberlain & l*>- ''o!i?il H. C., in wiiicli work it is btfc'duwu dit on?hud received u innjority of the votes ^B cast, and hud bceu inaugurated by the legally A constituted House of llcprcscntntivcs. Aniljfe. ^B this uieetiug was to say which g?vcri>?i*e?Ml?*Wa? ^"" people of Union would recognize. y ' Mr. Mhamt made a few remarks to the snmo J point, lie said it was a questj' u which no one could shirk. That the tax levy of tho Chainbcrlain government, enormously high as it was, had been passed in part by a pretended House vukic-U ^Ko-i'ifU" Court ? 11.united uu illegal body, and h .d been approved ? by D. II. Chamborluin, claiming to be governor .^.JL because so declared to be by this suiue illegal body. Every cent, therefore, pnid under that tax levy would be a vcluntary t^eitribulion to I I the support of a revolutionary g^crnuient, and V that 110 one would pay it except those who wished to see Chamberlain maintain his posi-^^^^^^B lion. Tiic contribution asked for byllamptou'^A B was also voluntary, but thut every patiiot who ^ B desired to see Hampton govornor of the Htato would surely do tho little which was nsktd for. \ \ Hut there were other matt ;rs which would soon \ force every man to avow his allegiance. For instance, before tbo close of the month persons would claim to trio* justices tinder '! claim t?fS H hold the np-^^^^^^B^^B point 111e111. It WAS, therefor*, a question loon be brought homo to each one of us, and one _ it "now ttuJ Were, "uiul to which ol' the two claimants we would siij Mr. Shand then offered the following pre\ ble and resolulio.is, which were udoptoil Miin\ tuously: \ M'ukukas, It is proper that the citizens o? U Union County should publicly indicate the' m course of couduct which they intend to pursue under the complications now existing in :Suiith^^j^ft|^Hfeh Carolina; and WiihVkas, it will be necessary for every citizen to decide at an early day to which government lm will render tribute, and to which officials he will yield obedience j therefore be it That we, citizens of Union County, mu u iustrntntnufl its may be ? jrnniCUl Oj If. U. * liiuuuvi I?I?1 , ? ? I't ended statute or resolution passed in part ?| lie Mackcy House will lie acknowledged the ffl gc j\ficlrA That in all our acts wc will keep tM M" atyjy tt.uA'h i''e law, and will willingly sub- k K| Of J flinn CuurU? ol competent | II Out, 'he oilier I Kind wc will V-l cured 1,0 ';l,c election, "o w ere. I " C 'I >'{fey d: 1 i I Z " 111 CHl'- V v?n t Jm ,,,. On motion TV* u.- . tin; .v.iiMfrr, - ' Wji? '.J* W ClIUWMH AMI NIW VK.Vil < M-TD - | ||l IS 11 ,s Christmas and New Vear's Day 'ffif'" 01 time within a dozen years have fullou ' . .^1/ "j" day. They occurred 011 Monday iu 18G->, '*}\ the fullowji'.g singular prophecy w^exhuu. _lc from an ancient folio in Hie b?*iiisli gj^H "If Christmas day 011 Monday be, A great year you'll -'And full of wiiule both loud and shrill to tell,^^ High winds there shall be, long great plenty of shall They I hut bo born day, 1 ity. They shall be?ir<>ng each one and shall he foron! 1111 thou not." remeiii bored folli^B^^^H^H^^^^^Bjr' Austria-Prussian memorable i^r aiiiiiruiis mill (ion l>y ( cattle plague, lu 1871. fi'li on Moinloi- Aini in [ii.ii von-1' ? war occurred In r;ii??.<, and the next year was noted fiir prevalence of the cuttle plague. Ave 11 11 we tu have war uml pestilence in 1877 7 icy - WM ved Tilt. Oi.iik.st ami Tiik Bkst.?These are the un- claims which the publishers of the AVic York the Olterver make foi* their paper ill their prospecinc tus ot the fiftyJi.'Oh volume. And, while history 9 eel- bears them out iu the tirsl, an umlevlotiug course * nof'tft sending out a large, full, fresh, readable ht*?- * r of ily newspaper, gives them at leust a right to tho jfl iy 1 second. In the great multitude of papers lliaL^ ~^K else arc published, the OLtcrvrr holds its own tion. and an env'able position it iti. No . IE., reaches us that we recoinrucod more heartily.-^^ It is published at $A,10 a year, post-paid, and ) y. the preiniuiii picture and clirotno humbugs are U /ceu left for those who iinve nothing better to offer, . Id. S, I. l'ritne & Co., :!7 I'arU How, New York. Tiik Fi.obiiia Committer.?Washington, Jan-*'^ did. narv K Tl.d K1 oi-iiln commit Ire bus returned. sitly There will he no minority report on the .tale \ . hiin election. Tito minority report regniV that Presidential electors, if nr.y he mmlc, wi^l'ow ^ rcss; (hat there were mutual tntiiiihla^^: gf0 districts, ?n^*w5ok$ in other districts Mil Koierrttl fwji^oting 'he Hepublionnticket J H olio, fear of "?}? employment. ?'l in the National Theatre at Wnshigton, tL^B io" Play btlng the "Two Orphans," ami the occa^V J ion being the first apposranoe of Knto t 'hi\ionf "SB in Ibis play flinOO the burning of the llrooklyu "B hy Theatre, a cry of "fight :" was piiataken nip* \ )rc- fire!" and a panic iiiuncdittely resulted, 4