ij"'*' von. VIII.?New Series ' " ' ' "---' CAROT.INA, JANUARY 12, 1877. ^ NUMBER 1 | IS UHAMBERLAIN INSANE ? i "a ItKCKLESS 1.UNAT1C WIJO OUOIIT TO BK P i caged LIKE A WILD BEAST." PT This desperate wan has.been driven by 1 bis insolent and ignoble ambition to modi- t I tale a measure which stamps him either as ? | a Ciitulino or a maniac. The most oharita- 0 I ' ?tnWmlnuMit his friends could bestow on k him would he to shave his head, put him in J a straight-jacket, and commit him to some 11 _ kindly managed retreat for the insane.? > If his power wore as great as his temper ^ t is ungovernable and wicked, he would be a t ' dangerous man to bu left at large. What 1 he r,(>w tlk^.11 1 ^ 1(1,111 -* rton ou"a charge of treason. The atrocity r of tiiis wild threat docs not consist in the < intended coViequcnce* to the victim. The < hamdn" on'tu. Hampton would be a small in rffctDarison with the incendiarv I *T direct of sticl^'U attempt. A maniac who ' should carry n torch into a powder maga- * ^^^^^7,inc, or a villain who should send a tool on J f ~M. tint errand, would hardly excite more hor- i ror than au incendiary politician undcrtak- ' ing to arrest for treason the most popular 1 and trusted citizen of South Carolina in 1 the present inflammable condition of pub- I - lie feeling in that State. A man must be ' absolutely innano not to know that such an act wo'?ld kindle the whole State into a con^^^^^.fl?giation. It would be absurd to say that author did not in ten I this consequence, ^Hif he should venture on such an act when popular passions arc excited to such a pitch - ihat^the restraining moral influence of hat lias prevented violent outbreaks. 11' /ioveriior Hampton could be arrested, tried, pentOQCod and hanged with UM little tumult J as attends the ordinary course of justice, .even then tho conduct of Chamberlain would be ignoble and detestable. Hut if such a thing were attempted there would be a general uprising throughout South Carolina and the neighboring States to proI .?.wl ....1 I once begun in that way all control over popular passious would be lost, and nobody could foresee to what cxtremcties thov would go. It is not the one life of Wade Hampton that would be put in peril, but the lives of half of the people of SoutU?$*irolina. The worst enemy of the ^hnjr^^^ brands -x 1itfw^orK be P 43y..??v -? % " w L^awwJtp|niraH il!?*lbncern<^^W5|X)or - Hampton mtnsel ;. bi|$ its insolence wilT'no^bo impotent in its effect on public feeling, ifian mtempt is made to put the threat in ox- > Nu-?on. Even if it be only an exhibition " * .* .V lu,,! 1 "hying and bravado it is still wick V eat .-Mid ^m.W as ieufl!nff to" provoke disturbances olfnu; peace. Treason against a State is an obsolete idea, To be sure, (lie States have laws defining and punishing treason, but they have so 1 long boon a dead letter that not one citizenut in a thousand is aware of their cxistom gti They are like a sword that has rustee? long in its scabbard that it cannot be d?vnV an In the whole history of our couai there "Ol ___ ?has been but one trial for iw*n?r,..gainst a of -Sh,lo ? ? ' - tj-.t.ii.in.ui, una wi:v?So-wy instance j)e - was an egregious blunder ??ti repented of. In the State of lthode 4|md Th-unas W. 11 JUorr was convicted of'eason und senteiie d toiguariajyQ^n'.of life. Hut when the cla ^jT. ^teTTirWfciterrt#tt had subsided he was par- ' mc ^ aooed, nod the Legislature of the State | j|n \ pasSedan net restoring his civil rights and ! . ordering the record of his sentence to be expunged. It was felt to be a disgrace to * T^.'tlte Stato-hat its records shoiihl be stained Mi ^h^i^cnteugC^i'uF jreason. That was the mi tt treason trial in :.ny State of tbis I'nion, . BwA it will probably be the last. The States ^ "W.l in uo need of a treason law, because ?cir governments are guaranteed by th? luv ?'v4'ra(es. Whcu public excitement pot in Louisiana and Arkansas over py a claims to the government, there ^ tlk or thought of arrests for treafusc that remedy is>alien to our in- Wl1 Kveu the Federal Government but l> depondenco on treason trials for sw? ity. Not a single trial for treason |,a}i our great civil war. Jefferson tjio as arrested and indicted, but the ertnln/?j? .1 1 kv.il, ; too glad to avoid a trial. The abortive tri- u"< t ' ul cf Aaron liurr is the only one in our ju- oce ^ /I " P1 1 rnnnr.la \f ? I iMi. v/iiiiuiuuriain iiilist ho as j Ca| crazy as lie is desperate and malignant to j j bran dish tlie threat of a treason tri d in the n^Ki'uccs of the people ol South Carolina. 'J' " flHr Kven if tho courts of the State rceogni- org zed his title to the tiovcrnorship. even if he the had judges on the bench as servile an I bru- Con I as the infamous Jeflries, he could not . j V^prneure the oonvietion of Wade llainpton. " Tho idea that a South Carolina jury would Cf,u find a verdict of guilty is ridiculous, even this if the. judges were tools of Chauiberlain. tlij,c Jlut, fortunately, the courts of South Caro- . p i liua have of late acted in a very becoming independence of party ties. Win never the a ' ^ iif l-? '1 .... . vu,.,ra nuiuri; niein ior auiu- I ana ?"> >0 l.ei.lc silo h.tJLlF^T!r"<" tw?k ?f,i competitor by a ^BBosccution to^ffcSof^l^t tlio threat and Tii attempt to ex scute it prov of I ^^^doody resistance. Perhaps thuh.. what lie cert ^Fwants. lie would seek refuse in the jj(^ quarters of (Jen. Kuger and expect ttlf> ^ F Federal army to find the excuse which has r^y not yet been given it for shooting down the mu people of the State. The groat obstacle j{(1| .which has thus far stood in the way of this ambitious man is the noble self-commaud of 0|jj tho citizens of South Carolina, which has restrained them from any act of violence. ' He, perhaps, thinks that u turbulent upris- ne< ing of the pcoplo would inuke his fortune, to - ?r ^ - ' } * i r ' ...." : . i-ijt ^s soon as fighting had onco begun between he troops and the citizens, be would ex- < icct ib to go 011 uutil his political opponents rcro slaughtered or subdued. He feels that lis power totters; sees that his last chance ies in overt acts ef violence against bis anhority, and is desperate enough to make a lircat whose execution would delugo the ?-wK ki..j O..A - ? j mitu uiumu. outII li H'UKICSS lllllillic ; ught to be caged like a wild beast. Those who stand behind and abet this des- i crate political gambler and lnnatic are alnost as wicked as himself. How docs this mpudent man dare to act such a part ?? V lint emboldens him to hold on to an offico o which the Courts of the State say he has 10 title and meditate proceedings which mulrl oruvrrrt ika Sutaiatn a. urn-no of caringe ? lie ventures to brave the public pinion of South Carolina, to defy its courts 11 justice, to ?>?Uo indolent threats ngab'sl lie liberty and life of his poin nlLiiimueutu, ot their objects. \\ c respectfully ask him to take counsel of the safe, mnden^jSHiriso men of his own party, men who enjmftnlf confidence and esteem of the country. lie is soon to retire to private life, after a long smu illustrious career of public service.?? 11 is sincere well-wishers woul J be sorry to sec him |VJ%r MC| ',?> ? ^ ^ | ^Mast' moment before niovirtg. Her ans of transportation being d lictive, c lias been taxing her resources to the nj most to get her army into a condition to ike with the greatest possible suddenness i d vigor ; but it seeuis now that her menus I ^ ' transportation are inadequate to the task ^ providing for such a large army as would \ ^ uecessary to strike u decisive blow against ir key. A Moscow despatch says the Gazelle dc-,. res the new Turkish constitutions were a tckcry of the po i is. The only way of proving the condition of the Christians ? Turkey is the granting to Christi.ui> of ! right to carry arms or depriving the C. issulinen of that right. The Pall Mall Gazelle says that probaa word may be spoken to day which will : followed by instant war, threatening to ' n'vc ill K r >p , s ' o r or later- ' the M? vers de\nund a >'. iple yes or no, or it the * rte, for military and other reasons, thinks xpedient to go straight to the point hout delay, the answer will be a refusal; , it is more likely no dircet or final au;r will yet be given ; not tbut>thc^i'ort? ; sli^ W iethe |Vintest s giy of to, ?. upntion, throughout the various modiQi -lis, to the latest proposal lor the simpic roduclion of a small nuiuher of Relgiun j-i j s n cludcsthat Russia is ready to accept, or ^ cod to suggest, further modifications, beso affairs do not look well for Russia. At t i time, it says, the stories of disagreeable ' :overios iu llussiau arsenals and uncxpec- I'" w eakness in transport apparatus arc prob- ^ ! true. The country is almost bankrupt, (j|{ the utter failure of the internal loan rt'ed how little money could bo screwed out ic people. The danger of antagonftm with ^ itriu, and thereafter with (Jormany, and 211 icing confronted by (treat Hritian at a ain point of success, may well bring sia to a pause, and Turkey knows her would be glad to withdraw from her nrposition. The question is not so , the I\>rto will \ it-Id to the ssiaiy,!,^.? - - ^.... ior imc sake <>l peace, but 1 sther Kxssia will abate them for the same Oct. r\ SL. - rit j\Vm' Oregon, is bull-headed, hull- ) bobd*-d ^ ^ul rctuscs ^c' CONFERENCE APPOINTMENTS. niAlU.KSTON DISTRICT?T. K. WANNAMA- ?. K Kit, 1*. E. Trinity?John A. Porter. Bethel?W. II. Fleming. Spring Street?It. L. Ilarpcr. Berkley Circuit?S. I). Vaughn. Cainhoy Circuit and Mission?L. C. Loyd ji and O. N. Itoundtrce. Cypress Circuit and St. Paul's Mission? Cr. II. Pooser. Sununervillo Circuit and Mission?J. C. Russell. St. (?corse's Circuit?3'. F. Kistlcr. '^ i^rcuR?AV.^l\ Mnuwm. j Ilardccvillc Circuit?J. C Bissoll. J.Lardcevillc Mission.-? Winnsboro' Station?CI. W. Walker. I Bail-field Circuit?J. M. Boyd and A. C. Walker. i ~ Chester Station?J. E. Carlisle. | p M est Chester Circuit?M. II. Boosor. ai East Chester Circuit?J. W. Kelly and W. W. Williams. Bock Hill Circuit?B. W. Barber. Y?irk\;iH- Station?W. S. Martin. ^ York Circif*?E. A. Johnson, supcrnu- gi literary. n, Eosington Ctvsiofr4#^- be ,'iltI?- '/ ! tu 11anging llock Circuit?W. H. Kirtf*11" I Chesterfield Circuit?J. \V. MurrayV^ . , P( Lower Chesterfield Circuit?W. 11. l* . Simpson Jones, supernumerary. > on Lancaster Station? WJ A. lio^r'*;- ! ih /oar Circuit ami Mission?.^up 4,'le^ by | A. J'lylcr. i r'1 Fort Mill Circuit?John L. Sto ^c8> 1* Knglaud, supernumerary. < 'i( t.ouKNCK i?isr:tt? i?\v. p. row ?R'*' K- (1' Florence Station?A. J. Sialic I" Liberty Chapel?W. 1). Kirkl ?.'.'!} A Darlington Station?John Off Lson. x. Darlii\.-ton Circuit?L.. N./~,iu,jLr" - TT, Lower Darlincton Cirouir- '* Hon 8. Cheraw Station?W. Thomas'* r a I Tiuiinonsvillc Circuit?G. ells,* A. tj1( LcgCtt. -1. I |V Lynchburg Circuit?J. JL ria'i.f Nurlli Williamsburg Cii*?TUlt J* S. ' "Ul ;asley. .... bcl Kingstrcc Station?P. Tillor. t. % Th JH.iek JGvcr Circuit and "Air |K.j organ. , -> ' 1 louruii: and .sanipit < ircuit and dfii^stopj K. Ij. Duflic, II. II. J>r?>\vno. ... tl,e Georgetown Station?W. T. CflCpes* Johnsonville Circuit?(!. W. Ga'tjf0- ou( Lynch'* Creek Circuit?J. C.'Coun.ws- j (>.II( MU1 ^.'1 is>i >n -\\ . L. 1 ttlc, supornnuicr ry. soo, South Marlboro' Circuit?G. S. Harmon. Ifcnncttsvillc Circuit?T, Mitchell, T K yol Ihort. thai North Marlboro' Cirr'it?J C Davis. amj Waccaniaw Circuit 'Mission?W j,y , rson. _ r supi Little Hiver Circuit and Mission, D \Y mar _ > at tl Lucksville Station, J W W oiling. ??jf L'onwayboro' Station, L Wood. UIUS Uonwayboro' Circuit and Mission, sup- lnal ad by L. Scnrboro. (jjS(i I'ccdec Circuit and Mission, J. J. New- (]m ry the| ERN V I I.I.K DISTRICT, O. A. PARUY, P. K. |llar "irccnvillc Station, A. Coke Smith. \Yh jlrocnville Circuit, A W Jackson, J A felt >od, supernumerary. pm llccdvMlc Circuit. ?' y,. J F Ma- hint K?- gun Fork Shoals Circuit, J Finger. the iYilliatnston Station, S Lander. \ teen dushy Creek Circu^L^L^IVNLvknian. whe Vndcrson Station, ill"llirnttaberir ' Vndcrson Circuit and Mi: Smart.' Cokcshiry Circuit, \V A Clark, K J 'rice. Abbcvllc Station, *?V S Wightman. Abbcvllc Circuit, X Pi Mellon. South \bbcvillo Circuit, S P II F.lvnll. Lowndisvillc Stati ?n, \V 11 Lnwtun. Tumblng Shoals Circuit, I It 'i'rav/ick. Crccu'iuod Circuit, 11 P Franks, 1. F lealj'. Netvberry Station, C II Pritchn.d. ,^ HcrlcK, -T W IWKTANeHiU mSTltlCT, II M MOOD, 1'. E. Spnrinii'uCg Station, J M Carlisle. Union s'tntion, A II Lester. ChcrokvO circuit, ./ F .hnitli. Cane Creek circuit, 1) Z Dantzler. Tonesv He "-'rcuit, (Tcorgc M Itoyd. Cosher. Hill circuit. P. It Dagnal. I .aureus dircnit, J A Mood, A (> Gar.tt. Ijimcstonf Springs circuit, .1 15 Wil. on. Mack's .Sh'ion circuit, K L Archer, liiilinont . uit W \Y Mood. Gowamvilii circuit, 1) 31 Hooker. Rich 1 '.ill circuit, A 1' Avaut. Clinton circuit, \V Vv* Jones. After a baitno.iiouH session of live day?, ic Coufemicc adjourned at a late hour [outlay ni^.it. ItEDFIET XS LAST LETTElt. Cn.vrr*.-. Tknn., December 21.? \ hat will he the result of the present cuiiiication in Siutli Carolina? Those who xpcct to fin J any permanent solution of the ifheulty oiler than turning the State over > the Dcimcrats?that is, the white p< ople -can undcctjve themselves. So called Keubl ican gntoriiiiioiit is at an end there, al if. pereUincc, Cbauibwrlaiu continues to el as Governor, he will he powerless. What is such a government as his in oitli Car u an 1 h cllogg's in !. ?u na t il for anyway ? They cannot stand alono i hour if Federal protection is withdrawn, i>l with that piotection they arc powerless i command re.-pvet. or enforce law. 1 fail, i t;ec w hat', iood is to come from a continuion Of a??Okvmpt to uphold so called lte|UM^jji?tf{^iients in these Slat s, -at^'pifctut M flPifte fourth id the sort we the Southern States since tlio fir. W'u remember the two headed govumciit in Alabama tl??u whs for so l u ine a nuisance and a shame. You rcuieui :r Clio ?o ?' aslnngton, the fights and rmuil. It is ailover. ami Alabama is at ace. Then thee was the double goVcVlieut in Arkansas Brooks at the head of! ie anil Baxter a the other. It is over; j e white ji< ; that is to say the Ibinoe- | cy, are in pow.r. tJld Joo Brooks has a j st t flice, and Iiero is p in Arkansas. ' juisiatia had a long experience with a < mble goveriuicn'. and. indeed, has it now, j r M/.'.ner has never entire ,' su ed. fi ; Ja v she will have more of it, i ?r ) l V"' tattgu-l hhe rasoqthat the Republican p 1 y is j I'ailuift in fie cotton States is because ?ro is no wlite element in it except the ! ic/ho'd !> The blacks cannot conduct ! ! ?d goveri nteut, and if they could, 1 don't ! lievc the flutes would long submit to it. . I ese agitatorsni the cotton Mates arc re j | lions agaii f negro rule where the negroes I ( in the majority. That is the truth of : t matter. j ? ? it \ Tt'.tt it lit.k Tkst.?Those notorious I laws, tin Younger brothers, recently ] tured anl imprisoned for the murder of I}, hicr llejwood, are ' ? bjects of interest ' j ; now to M .iincsmn pcoplo. I pon one ! , isioii. l4fl^itreH's hand eneomjfeo4ed. a | ty of jaylkawkers numbei^ng Knity or " f? 1 nt^^EPWOnSf dicir fate I , 1 tuTcq^P^tcr jp^pcy, :>u l?s of crfhiiig WQQ approaching, Colo p if.ger got. ?>ni an Knfleld riflo efcpfcurcd'i j t. lay. It Was (ho fir.-t lie had over seen,'j| jls merits and demerits were discussed j ? tic men. Opinions differed as to its 0, p'ior (|iiali(ies. One of the men re- n led that he had heard that it woul I kill 1 p hj distance of a mile. Younger replied, j t| that be so the force of the discharge ! a } be t rrifie." Another bnnterinely re- jj !:cd, if the new gun will kill at a mile oi int, the bull at short range would go ugh ten uien. Younger raised up from I puddle on which ho was sitting and re- 01 Y d : "That is easy to demonstrate."? p ei. the prisoners heard this remark they tl sue their time had come. The fifteen (] oiers were then placed in line, one be- s) 11hp jithcr, and Cole Younger took the v, i p^0Mt%Vth the lock a moment, to "git v hauir o. Jt," and then measured off til- Sj pi cos lln front of the line formed, w eled abut, looked calmly into the faces S( ii 15 unn.jeu men, anil then tired. The tl , jmCoih and third man dropped without a, pnn. Muttering a contemptuous con- ] nation >f the new ritto, Younger, withinoving i'rotn his tracks, continued Iris Eucnts. Seven times the rifle was dis- s] 1, onch time the guerrilla comment- f; l^Jyupon the merits of the Kir- o > at)(l^K&n of tho jayhuwkcrs lay in, fi "X~ i * COUNTING IN. It cannot lie expected that the result which lias been reached by the ?State Canvasser* and Returning Hoards in South Carolina, Florida and Louisiana, will bo acceptable to the great body of the American people. On the face of the returns as sent in from the polling places in each of these three States, the Tildon electors and the Democratic Stale officers had a majority, and, unless the votes could be set aside, were legally chosen. The method by which this apparent majority lias bem totally reversed will not command general confidence. In JSouth Carolina the manipulation of the returns which has produced such a result was made not only by extreme partisans, all of one side, but by candidates apparently '' drfcnttul'ttt V.nlU ?i iiu vuumtu l IH'III" selves in without much dexterity and in the face of an order of the Supreme Court of their own State, every judge in which was appointed by the Republicans, in Florida a single member of the board was a Democrat, but the other members, who out voted him, were of the party now counted as in the majority. Iu Louisiana the board was composed wholly of partisans whose previous character was notoriously bad, (the Republicans themselves being judg s.) and who years ago bad been caught in acts of great dishonesty in a situation almost precisely like the present. There could be, from elements like these, no rcasonable expectation of fairness, and few will be disappointed at the conclusion. 1 We d'> not see bow the most expert leaders of tin- dominant party can make even a plausible defense of the course that has been pursued. If the national government had been in the bands of the present opposition ; if the State authorities had likewise been wholly Democratic, with sheriffs, con1 stables, registrars, poll clerks, marshals all of that political faith ; if the Republicans j had been in a feebie minority, with the I whole power of the State and Federal govi eminent, the militia with its arsenals, tlie I army with its veteran leaders and accumulation of warlike stores, thus against them, there might be a reasonable assumption that their adherents had been terrified and a fair vote prevented. 11..? -n .1. . .vTimi; .in mi; iituniunni eireuinstan1 c?'s. and the claim appears wholly preposj tcrous. With a Governor and Legislature, | th i military authority, and the machinery 1 of election all in their hands, and backed 1 ! by a willing President aud the whole pow- \ of the Federal government, a party, repre- I seating, as it cImuih, a large' majority of the able-bodied votots, ought to have succeeded, j in the face oLeMtVavor "intimidatioi^ in oi' the want of a tdifKP'Btieh I attending influenced woum ^c'rtairtly come | witn most plausibility from the opposi- J i tion, laboring under so many disabilities, j j and not from the dominant party, clothed ( as it was with supreme authority, ami not j disposed to he ovcrscrupulos in the use of , >ti ll the party represented as in a minority I had si'.ddenly taken violent posscssi u of the polls, and by force of arms driven away ' lite surprised adherents of the other side, I this would of course be publicly known, I and in siteh a locality there might he a fair i , claim Ibr redress at the hands of the lie- I , 111111111:4 uuaru. J>ut wo have already heard I ( I'roai every part of the South ; the election ' | was to all outward appearances perfectly i j quiet and peaceful, and no persons offering I ( to vote anywhere in the disputed States i ( wore driven away or pevented from the ex- ^ orcisc of their lawful rights. j | The magnitude of the changes proposed ( in Louisiana must he startling to every un- ! prejudiced mind. It equals nearly fourteen thousand votes in the case of the leading TilJcii elector Who can believe that there is any honest occasion to reverse a : | popular majority after this fashion ? Thus. ! four unscrupulous partisans, openly eonvic- j ted hy their own party of a similar fraud v heretofore, have, against the face of the re- s urns, counted in their candidates for the j v Sectoral college, the Legislature and all ; p hate offices, and lor the Congress at Wash, , . n No right-minded man, as it seems to us. yi unvevor strong his political preference, can |, .iiiniuii such proceedings. Wc arc far u nore anxious that the people at large should j( opmliate this action than that any purlieu- j, bo^8UCCC8?fuJ? ^ iro #& it 0 ropvesou'mtui. jF>oi j4ui effect this may | ave'on either party. "^Whether if it issusdincu (as we cannot think it will be) by Sj] lio mass of the II publicans it will ulti- ft lately crush that organization beneath the |fl diuin thus brought upon it, or if rightly let and treated l>y the opposition, lead to ?r s entire supremacy in the near future and w icrcafter for many years to come?these it re questions not as important to the pub- to c welfare as the possibilities that grow out ta f the action itself. la We need not discuss just now the way hi 1 which the Congress should meet this n, mergcncy, as several mouths must elapse hi efore it is called to Dass unon it Tt. it r -r- i?l ?c honest people of all parties to speak m icir minds in reference to it, and this th lould be uttered in no uncertain tones.? di [ot with violence of epithet, not with a fet iew of stirring up civil strife, but in 'he airit of a calm judicial sentence, the pa hole American people should set such a ^al of condemnation on this great wrong lint nothing like it will ever he attempted ; H gain in the history of the nation.?AVjc t'n 'ork .Journal of Cuninurceh, 12/. m *- ?- p; IM.owiSc.?Stifl clay and sod lands for ri firing crops are plowed with profit in the ill and winter. Not only is the work f the busier season ef the spring thereby m mvnnb d, but the action of the frosts and l it hiwings is beneficial. Joi % RAISING PROVISIONS FOR LABORERS. The laborers on every farm should raise the food they consume. If the farmer ili) s not wish to take risk, let liiin a> range with the hands to cultivate for themselves, under his direction and control, sufficient crops of corn and wheat (not cotton) to supply themselves and families with bread. I ho farmer can secure for himself the rent of land thus planted, and receive pay in work for the use of teams and. implements, and thus lose nothing. On the other hand, the laborer will secure his bread much cheaper than he can in any other manner. yo meat, it would, be better?to a)^~'l .complications'?for tKo farmer to take the whole of that matter into his own hands. anil furni.-h his laborers. As heretofore shown, hogs can be raised very cheaply by utilizing wild fruit bearing trees, and plan inn crops of potatoes, eh u I as, Ac. It will he observed that the course recommended above, if carried ont, would utilize a large portion of our abundant lands now idle. Instead of the negro population being fed from hinds cultivated in the N? i llwestern States, and his money pas- eg through the merehaut into the pockets of Northwestern farmers, he woul " ^ e supported from the lands of the Southern farmers, and they (the farmers.) receive practically the rent ol a vast quantity of land now entirely unproductive. The proj or i>lace for the negro in every poi.it of view?political, social and industrial, is one of friendly subordination^) the whites, insuring on the one side kindness, care, protection and means if support, and <>n the other cheerful, steady and reliable labor. The time has come, we think, when in most of the Southern States such relation between the races can he readily established.? .S"iitfirrn Cultivator. Hkmkhy foii Hiu-IIkai).?The big head is only a name for the disease, because h is more readily noticed there than it is in the leg, thigh or spinal column. It is a disease of the hone system. kii n' 1'it I n'i'KK.?? lie must be ^ itisfied with about one-thrird of a price 0 >r his work, nnd then lie must be willing i do the work over seven or eight times, just to sec how it will look," for tho gcu idity'of people do not know how a thing ill come out in print, and, of course, want "a little different." lie must be willing wait six months for his pay. and then . kc it out in second hand clothes pins or st year's garden seeds. He must never > so bold as to suggest that a little cash ight not come amiss, for people expect ui to work for uothiug nnd board himself, id yet always be cheerful and happy. He ust at all times be willing to do this or at for nothing, or at least at a greatly rcreed price, as "it is for the association, you low 5" and mtist throw in a puff gratis so, if he happens to be publishig a nowsiper. Judge T. II Cooke, saysin the (ireenville Uiih/ Xnrs, I). T Corbin secured his elcciiu by getting hold of phosphate royalty oncy by trickery, and buying his election, lying ?200 to each member of the Maekcy imp. This is a (inelic provcb: "If the best an's faults were written upon his forehead would make hiui pull his hat over his ,A? ? {OS.