I'or 111" 'I TO BY LOIS. The sun's departing ^picndur jrljw* Adow n the rritnsou W?.?t, An 1 airy birds now reek i?|n?i) In leaf)- glades where shadow* icst. A hove tlac trees 'he clear new moon I.it'll up ?lie Yell ?r gather'njr gloom, Like hope fl.nl miuIis through sorrow's strife A fx! half dispel* (he ills of life. Where viae leaves 'hoop L stand nlone, Ami think, uear one, of thee : Oh 1 w luhl lhai thou couhl'st ijuiclily come Ami " { erul this evening * hour with me. rhrotirh waving wo d!>wids. hrccres bear The sweetest, eth)r< rieh nmJ nire ? No cue should test upon llmt brow, If thou wert here, besiJc me now Our | ureal though'. <, unJ bes;, we d share, \?'I ihun the tangled theeiuls would lake, Of our ptt.>t lives?one here, one there Ami hold tliciu up I' love s sweet .~-ake. Wo d truce up them wiih tuanv a smile : With treasure if the heart beguile l"i?i ? rveninj? hour, could ?v-; hut men, <>)i ' ! vt, niif all the ilny? sine? hist met, 'Tis ntiw my heart most !unj?* fur t ukitn Wamitn< tun.? Yesterday nitiruirig a careless in.i.s .ii dropped a hall' l.'-iek from tho ccoud >tur) oi" a build-1 ihg out on ,1' fToi 'ii street on which ho | w is at work. Leaning over the wail and , glancing downward, lie discutered a i\ sp.-c | table citizen, with his silk hat scrunched, over his eyes and oar.-, using In una reeuuibent postm The muson, in tones ol so ait , Hpjueln nsi'a. ked : ' D tl that brick nil j any one down titer: The citizen, with j great ddlicnuy e.xtric iti'ir: himself fro?n the gtuv v.-lilting extinguisher int . wniihhii- hn? ; (.ail l>- in truiistvruiod, replied. wnh r !?-: ! ! ertbie, wrutn "Vc.", sir, it did; it hit! jut.' '"'Hut'- rijjht,'" exclaimed the ma-1 son, i.i t. ncs i.f ui d admirutiou 1 "Nablo man ! 1 would rather have v ast' a a thousand bricks than have had you tell mo a lie about it. ? Jit'r/hnjtoU 'lairkcyt ' liK.WI.Ntl I ( liSltA X I) \N1? ('JUr.l'HF.N FOR 1 CV.vscikvk ^akk.?A curious case of j &wrakcn?.d couscione.: if thus ' cportod from ! 1 imiiliii, N Y.; ' ( )n Thursday morning last ' Mrs. (Mi.ui.s Randall tjuictlv informed her i husband that during the period of twelve , )i thirteen years iu which they had been J married bhe had not bceu to lnm what a i wife should bo. and sin- bad made up her mind to leave this part of the country. She ' had >_'ivi n tho v.attm much thought, and decided it was, i'r >n. all considerations, b\*t | that she .should g away and leave him and j ber three liti h: ones to live in pence and; happiness. The wile calmly prepared breakfast, ieft tho morning's work uiiinished, | packed hti trunk, Ki?->cd hex children, and d* parted, the hired r.ian accompanying her ' t > Rrockport. whore she took the 5 P. M. ; tram for nohodv knows where.'1 * * ^t'RONW 0?.!ri*i ioN ? "Are you sat- i isfl?u ..... . ny, gentlemen ?" said -Judge ' Nnonrui thi. morning alter the jury had been impanelled. ' Wear'. aid the lawyers in chorus. A tall, gaunt figure rose up solemnly iu the my box and said impressively, "l>ut I'm not." ' What's your objection, Mr. Snooks.'" iuquircd his honor, blandy. ' "his young man on my right, your honor, has been eating onions." "Objection overruled; go ou with the ( ease," observed Judge Nouniu, with a -og- . nifieaut glance at the slu-ritt. and the tallest ; man sat. down resignedly, and held a white i naiMKciviuol to ms n?>:.c :u a knot ul sig- ; nal of distri R9 -fJ'ntirn (!melf' If you seo a youug. man, abou' du.sk, | *ne iking through tho hack streets keeping close to the hou.se walls and wearing a pair ; of immaculate white trousers, with u gliast ly clot of green on each knee, you can bet he bus just got home from a pic-uic. A Yankee, advertising for a v.ifu, says : "It would ho well it" the lady wcru possessed ' of a competency sufficient to secure her ; against exccssiv > grief iu ease of accident ' iccurring to her companion " OITlt COUNTY TIC'IvliT. | Far Iii/iret'ntalitf, II. WALLACE, (5. I). I'BAKK, WILLIAM JEFFItlKS. /'or Sheriff, f:OL. 15. MALUETH. /'fir Clr.tk, i f'HA HLKS Bul.T. For f'rotate Judge, JOSEPH K. 01 ST. For School Comuutrir.mr, KEY. A. A. JAME?. For Coun'if Coniin if*ioners, J F. HAlLFiY, of t'ross Key*. W. f.. fiOlJDKI.OCK. of tiou ley?ville. I?. 1* IM'Nf'AN, of ?iju'ien Kill. J>elegatr.i ir. Stole Convention, W. II Wall arc. J. I.', Hicliarda, I Ion. T. H. Jeter ami Dr. J. IV Tliornati. The Rural Carolinian. Tin: ureat soi'thekx Ajfi'icultural Haii Printed and Spleiiilidlt II- ; lit* (ruled. SIXT V-FOCK pages' ef reading matter, eni_ bracing contribution* fr >iu tlie best ngticullural writers of the Soul it, and correspondence on agricultural subjects, from all purls of tlie world. I?. W. AIKKN, Koitou. No agricullural paper or magazine in the country, North or South, we venture lo say, can boast a tti ire wciy/it'/ list of contributors than the Hunt I Carolinian. Other publications might, perhaps, display a larger array of names, but in practical experience, learning, talent, influence aud special position, the Hut 11 Carolinian is not easily matched. Ion : Single copi.o 2ft (.mio < opy. ??ne year .5 'J (X) Six Copies, " " 10 0*> ; Ten ? " 1ft 00 Twenty " " " 80 Oo j Address, D. WVATT AIKKN, Cokesbury, Abbeville Co., S. July 28. '7'? 10 tf ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, oy FOREIGN LITERATURE. 1870. , t if 11?T y-s i: t;? \ i? v i: % h. ; rnilK Kci.mtiu reprint* th> be^t Essays, He-j 1 views, Scientific Papcrs/fales, Stories, Po- | , cms, iiinl Hiogrnplik'ttl .SWe'vi;?? from the whole ' i ficM of foreign literature. ami it .j??iucim1? it- | self especially to these re* tor." wl > aeeh profit, ?? well h? nunisernenr. in solid ".n1. healthful literature. ? LITERATURE. In the department of general literature, the , / >{, ?{.> is unsurpassed by any of the literary monthlies. A class of writers contribute to the , MlgllStl periodicals such OS SCldolil appear ill ; American mugaxirie*, and the choicest of their 1 articled are rcpruduccl in 'lie J'clrctu. Amon^ l int writers recently represcutel m its pages are j the Kighi lion. M' K. tSladsione, James Anti.o- | n v Kroudc, M itiliow Arnold, Charles Kingsley. | l-'oheri Hucliai in. Lenin Stephen, \itliur lleip?, Alfred Terryson, Thomas Hughes, William; liluck. Mrs. Oitpbuut, Tin s. Hardy, William ' Morris. Mis* fhuckoray, Mrs. AlexutiJcr, aud j others eipiaMy eminent SCIENCE. It is l?elievc f 'lie pre.-.' 'it an I j nst times. FICTION. In "his department the host current literature 1 of its class is Ion mi ; comprising occasional so- J rial novels, but cliictly the slot' stories and' l tales, for which the Kngliah Mugn inesatcd .- !( servedly celebrated | , EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. j The KJitnrtal Report incuts n Literary N< - ' i tic s, Morcigu Literary Notify. Science and Art, ? and Varieties. These tiro second to none in t point of freshness, variety, and interest i ENGRAVINGS. : I No oilier m-tgurit v is ?o artistically i'lo-.toted ["] at (ho Kach uutnber contaiux a >>.ri 'iuyraving- usually n portrait- executed' in the best niatiii.r. These engravit gs ci-' pertnnncnt value. TKll.MS Single copies. 4-j cents : one copy, * nc year, ?i~> t\v? copies. -yj ; (if uhov* rat** in- ' ' rhnl> pox'f.t. Voltrne; commence in January 1 and July. Suhscrr tmns may bee in >.t any time The / . lectir. will be clubbed with at v ' other pei! dienl te-piired. Address. K. F. PELTON, Publlftlior. 25 Bond St., N Y. j5 A1 ir. ui *76. 11 If Laurensville jo l^cnialo Oolh'ii'R. rnilK Scholastic year insists of tv-o Sessions, j X The i I l!>T SlisSIt ?N 11 oiti I lit- I 'ir?.i of. Hctnbor to tlio 151 It nf I'ehnittr.l : the SMC'NO, froui f5fh FeitriltU',! to llic itil of J uly TH11MS PKIt SI *iv; 111 \ i.. i .1..i. Primary Department $10 0"? j Academic Id 00 i Collegia to 25 00 i Contingencies 2 i EXTRA STl D1K8 (Optional. Music v'.'') 00 I' Use of iustruuicut 'J 1*0 j ' French 10 00 :: Drawing f du:'. < alisthenic. Hoard (including washing, fuel ?n-l J-.tiu I 1 l'J.OO j or month payable 'iitarteriy in advance. l'upils from abroad allowed to board in pti- i v.iie families of relatives and Iriends, when re- 1 iptc-le I by patrons : but su-h i upils inu.-t he I subject t?? the rule* and regulations of tlit Col- j lege. | ( it is iiupotiuri to pupils that they bo outer d , lit t ie beginning of the {icssijti. and lint t!.-ir ' studies be not interrupted by uaucco.-Miry id sences. No .' '.'.uidicn for absence except in en- j se* of protracted illness. Pupils fjtitst lie subject at all time- to rcguln- i lio.t- in department us in studies. For fu. .hor particular* apply to JAMES FA P ROW, l'H'jith tit. .iitren?villc, P. Jan. 128, ISTil. 'i tf TI UO COLUMBIA REGISTER, j rtiii.tsiti.ti DAILY, TIM-WEKKI.V AND WEEKLY. j THE ONLY DEMOCRATIC PA-! PER AT THF. CAPITAL. I TERMS, IN ADVANCE: Dai in , mx months .. ">l Frit il'l. N'OTKl.MI I'd. T STKKMMi MKKIT ,vu!d have sustained it so long, and given it the wide and extended circulation it lias. Planters from Virginia to Texas are constantly excli inging \lews and relating their experience through its columns. It is PRACTICAL AM? 8("'IENTIKIC, and conducted specially wit It reference to the Agriculture, Horticulture and Gardening I OF THE SOUTH. Msr 6, 1876. 1H tf 4Joil<*? Hand Mhido Hhurm. \SriiKNDlb AjtSolll'MKN T just received, at OKK & III MIMIRIBS' Hotel Store. April'21, 70 16 if C* ^ i (1*0 A Vcr''*7 ut'muie. Sample* worth ?7?} '?juvu fl free. Sti.sson & To., Portland, Maine Apr '2 1. '70?10?ly .Tied lea I Police. milK undcrslgued have formed a t'opartnerJL ship for the practice of Medicine in Cnion County un.Ur thv firm name of Tiloxao.N A mi'nko. a. iv. thomson. THEOI'OI'A MI XRO. May 12, 1H70 IS' ' lin O J a # day ?t home. Agents wanted. Out?]) 1 q fit and terms free. TUUE k CO., Augusta, Maine. Apr. 21, '70?10?ly IjMNKS'FTOBACCOTat OEK AHUM I'll KIKS'. I Oct 2D 411 tf PROSPECTOU3. TIIK ClIARLLSTlN Journal of Commerce.; O v "Tl>K ClIAItl.RSTO* 1'im l.-ltisu , > fON This nevepapcr. as its name Jcvote a largo portion of its s| to the development and extension ' LOCAL t'O.H.M KRl'F of tlif < Iiy 11 f < Initios, on, and the gem ^ provemcnt of the material interests < !' t'areliiin. It will endeavor to represent* ? ? ' faiiiifnl ind cnlighteuol manner, tlw rest *le- 1 incuts of rtic community, in which it looks or nnM iili'ttfO ti i -nil v tiiilttulriullv ? r~ t.il'ill, as far as po?sihl?, every ro of an ADVANCED MODF.KN J0UH> Its news columns will be supplied v,i and 1km inf irtnation attainable, ami will In* lies' ved > pon (lie preparation, burnt ion of its Its niluiniks will always l o open to o? atmns i f a proper cliaracier, from re .?? parties, and the redress of public wrongs .tiid ! i;r cvanees * always find in it a .rilling and ' .ympatlictoiiii>oriiti<.' ; keeping ibrvust of ?!>o' m ? ran ' land progressive views of the p And. in it? financial policy, ad vocalic. e, ipeidi'-sr possible return of the courtly / a i ne'altio currency, consistent with the safety of j as business interests. '! hrec editions of tli J trmtl ' f ' mn?re* will , >e primed- -a Daily edition, wliirli will hep'iut- . 1 every morning, except f-ut: lay ; a'' ri sef'n'y ' litiou, which will be printed on Tuc lay and . >ui-,.i i.'ys. nnd a Weekly edition, which w'.l be | irn ted on .Saturdays. These cutioi.s w .1 be leliv -red by carriers to city subscribers, o.-cnt j liroiigh the. mails to non-ciiy subscribers post ; ?ai I, at the following rates : Ihtily. strictly in advance 8 Op j I'ri \\ ecl.ly, in advance > !,tt j iVeekiy, in adiuti c J 00 | \t. ilie Journal oj f'otumere starts win the ! i:".|iie'd countenance and support of thelitis!* j ic-i" community if t.'hiirlcston, nnd with a arc: | ulisiipti'in l'..?t, already obtained, it. ts o-vious j lint it otTcr? i'liiisual inducements to ad or lis- : vs. firculnting in nearly evcy ceuiti rciul j xtabli-hineut. anil rend in nearly every iiotne , tircle in tlio eity, nr. 1 nppeuling o n lurjc nr I 1 "instantly inerersing cut ii try patr'wia;;c..t.s coli in r. > will furnish the heat it means for our eit- ! 7et.v to make their hu.sino.is wants kruw u to ! aclt other nod to tin. world. i] plication at tin- Office, N(i. 1 FAST ItAY. Ci.aim.ktto>, S, May I, 1S7C', May "?> !1 tf [ X. IN. HOBNON, ?!s KAST ll.IV, COMMISSION MERCHANT i no DEALER IN FERTILIZERS. ! < ii titf.i.fT?>N, b'. November . i>. n A VI Mi been engaged lor twenty ?ciir"? in iliv iinntto Trade ?iiIt ciuim-i nn [ \ l?"un-1 ii advisable to introduce lYvtili/?rs ua- ' ler my own name and guarantee. t have made ur.ihgonieiita to have prepared a (iinini> under it) ins|nctiun and coutmb alio) 11OUS0YS 'OTTUN \NlM-Ol:N FFUTll.lZEK. This (l?- i ino is oi' I lie highest standard, It c. ntui imong otlicr valuable ingredient.*. - hrcr pr.lent. oT Ammonia, ou'o am'. -v tiulr pi - 1. . ( I'ui.ish, and fourteen percent, of Available i ?. ? hate. I also have prepared for me n t'OMi(?r\i) Ann UHOSIMIATU of the highest indurd. These Kevtilir.fi? me comj on tided > f llie purest materials. i.t. I :w< inairj ahitcd and tot e I under the st?|?or. v.-ion (' Dr. Si. J. I'jv i-nel of this city, whose inn ic gi\o-> o warrant ' n cii- hi.,it clniraeloi tin I ndaptaii?vi f.?r our - '.ii. 1 offer these K< rti 1:x, r? to I'hiiif.rs - i. the I. Mowing favorable lenn.* : Ho1>hoii*s Cotton him! Corn l-'orl'r. Cash, r 11 per ton; '>n 'lime. So1'. ltol?K<>n*s t'?nt|Mi;iii(l Veil! Cash, S'JS per ton, On Time, S' o. Planters ordering immediately will be allow td t 'he first of Apiil tu decide which hey prefer, cash or time. An order for a err 1 >.? 1 ot eight ten-t will he sent free of ilrnyngr; hut lor a less amount ?! per ten, will be charted. On orders f? 41 ' 'tf. Sugrnr, Ooffeo and Te. KICE McLUTtL JT 6. 1 .May i'ft 21 IT V CH ^ | "|?R ' uikitninl nf r.>n. *.?n in the bright columns of- A uiericu's fa- ' c humorous paper. he publisher of 0av j KKTIKI.i.S, I'ai.MM; MANN, KIXOS ' iji.'hv, s t i i i.. w ill i k. sl'kkry, katon ' Suki.iiov, etc , whilj the e litori.il depart-i mem will still iiinnii, in the hands of its I founder, the vixneious Buicktop. ot' whom | enough is kn wu without more being said. | As an additional inducement to subscribe j fni the C"utecnial year, wu have at grout : expense prepared a comic ehrotnu the crown- | iug effort of that g: phic inouius, Hopkins . It is a work of ait. worthy of an elegant | frame, and is worth at least one-half the ! price asked for the subscription. It is a ' horse pie c " being a burlesque id Ma-j 7.ej pa ;icd 10 the back of the fiery, untamed J stood. A copy will be scut t.teach suoseri- i her daring the year. Advertisers are beginning to iind out that llVb/ Oafs reaches a gn tier rmmbei , of hve u.i i than any otli r ill Jstrntwl p:i- ' per n Arncricv. and therefore it is a first- ! ci?N? medium of advertising. j To thorn v '.new MVA/ (Jul* wo iicc-ti ! not s.i} tl at u lias toi, ?1??*_.-? not, ami will : not contain a tv? rd : *? illustration which may not he till; n i*it*> (. very family i i the \ land. hun we give in various sized loses, but never vulgarity in any shape. it ia thoroughly America!, in sentiment. wholly original, sharp and incisive, and light to tlu point n: dealing with in u and events of i l ho day. Oti< C< /)>/ ill iin;/ i n,i if;,'' ( . ni'i:?Cf >/OH <>f '.ill SiJIJ.^Ciil I'TIO.N 1 ICK.?1V: 1 'aid. One Ycnr -SI.00 Six .Months 2.00 Single Numbers 0.10 v unJw uo LLIN & SMALL, 59 Beekmari Btreut, N. Y. April 7. '70. 14 tf iThe Weekly Sun. 1776. NEW YORK. 1676. IjMOflTKKN IM NDUKl) .AM' SKY. KNTY SIX is the Centennial year.? i it .s also tno year hi wit tell an Opposition | House of Representatives, the first since | the war, will be in power at Washington ; : ami the year of the twenty-third election of la I'rrfei'leut ('1' the Uuitod States. Ail of ! those events are sure to be of great interj est and importance, esp< cinlly the two lntI tor, and all of them and everything coni neoted with theui will he fully and freshly I reported and i xpounded in The Sun. The Opposition House !' Ihpresenta| lives, taking up the line of inquiry < petted years ago l?y The Sun, will sternly and diligently investigate the corruptions and misdeeds of Chant's administration; and will, it ia to he hoped, lay the foundation for a new and better period in onr national history. Of all this 7V.< Sun will contain complete aud accurate accounts, furnishing its readers with early and trustworthy information upon these absorbing topics. Tito twenty-third Presidential election, with the preparations for it will he memo rablc as deciding upon Grant's aspirations lor n third term of power and plunder, and stiil more a.s deciding who shall be the candidate of the party of Koforui, and as electing the candidate. Concerning all tlusf subjects, ihe.se who rend The Sun will have the constant means of being thoroughly \w.\x informed. Tlic Weekly Sui>, which has attained a circulation of over eighty thousand copies, already has its readers in every State nnd Territory, nnd we trust that the yonr 187U will sec lh< ir numbers doubled. It will continue to bo a thorough newspaper. All the general news of the day will bo found in it, condensed v,hon unimportant, at full length when of moment; and always, we trust trailed in a clear, interesting and instructive manner. It is our aim to make the HecAVy Sun the best family newspaper in the world, and we shall continue to give in its columns n largo amount of miscellaneous reading, such a.- stories, talcs, poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural information, for which we are not able to make room m our daily edition Tin* agricultural denartuicnt cspeoiully is one of its prominent features. The fashions nro also regularly reported in it-, columns; nnd so are tho markets of ovcry kind. The Weekly Sun, eight pages with fiftysix broad columns is only $1.20 a year, postage puid. As this price barely repays the cost of tho paper, uo discount can be leauc frcna this rate to clubs, ageuts, 1'ostm isters, or u>?; uiifi. ?u" y .Sun, a large four page" aowsnuper of twenty-oigbt columns, gives aM tho news for two cents a copy Subscription, postage prepaid, 55c. a month or $0.50 a yoar. Sunday edition extra, $1.10 por yoar. We bavo no travelling agents. Address THE SlIN, Now York City, * April 7, 7C. 14 tf . D VERTIS BMENTS. li. V. UXOXP. venger & Edmond, RK'IVMOXD, VI. M it u u t*?* ? t ?? r ?' r cm o I" Portable and Stationary Engines.. Boilers of nil kinds. Circular Saw Mills, Crist MUls, Mill Ueartaar, Shaftlnar, Vullejrs, Ac. American Turbine Water VI heel, Cameron's Special,Steam I'unips. St; VI) FOR CATALOG i'F. Oct. l.r>, 18?:">. 41 ly Talbott & Sons, S1IOKOE MACHINE tVOItRS, Kiolimoiul, Vn. M ANUFACTUKE118 OF Stcillll I'lll'i ill's ii nil Itn! Ii.r. Agricultural Engines, Circular Saw Mills, Grist, Hark and I'lastor Mills, Shafting-, lUnem ami l'nllcys. Improved Turbint Water Wheels. Oct. 1"', 1H 7 . 41 ly B. F WATSON, | FURNITURE WORKS AND LUM- | BBR MLLS, Richmond, Va. CIOTtagk nrostkaos" chamber and i FintMTUKK LOUNGES, ( IIAI ICS. Ac., manufactured of Walnut and cheaper hardwoods. ATo Soft /'ine Haul. Collage Bedstee Is a:ul cheap Mattresses leading article*. Oct. 15, 1875. 41 ly Fagliics, !tl?lIn, Iron W orks, Ac., WM. TANNER & CO., It X C II M O IV D , V A . Oct. 1ft, 1875. 41 ly Rice, McLure & Co. VNNOYNt'F, that they have icccived a full ' line ol' l\\ 1,1. AND WINTEIl GOOBS, lu which ihcy respectfully call hr> fttfcrtijn of purchasers. These good; have hecn carefully selected, purchased nt low prices, ond are otfeied on i lie most reasonable terms. The attention of (lie Ladies is especially directed to the did>s cools, , siiawls, cloaks. TRIM MINGS. .MILLINERY GOODS, SILK NECK TIES, x 1111 FLINGS, IIOS1 F.HY. GLOVES AND FANCY Ut')T?"LES, | Dj.splavO'l 'jv RICE. McLUItE v , \0. I, fiHU )CilllK<'. Union C. If., S . O . i VV71I.I. practice in the Circuit and Prolate I V < Ola:.-, of the State. Prompt attention given to collection*. I Oct. 58) 48 tf c a n \ 1: 1 > Corned Hoof, I Midshipman Oysters (On bat in tiiirlref.) j Aspanigas, t Oyntc. liny.) l'inc Apples, Pears, Peaches Tomatoes, l'o| per. S|?KV, ' tMfT"f9 Mustard, Sea l't m>. Raking 1" ndcrs. i AT It F 11/ V\ l.S ,S: (JO'S. I No. 1 Store. Nov I > 40 tf lioota and Slices, J A Ml tIctulcui n, Ladies and Children ?vnrII vniiti-.l 111CK, McLl'lll. & C<). Oct. 1 1! tf I MKN AND HOYS' CLOTHING, A FULL, SUPPLY, AT RICK, M< LUK? .v CO S. Oct. K? 41 if Russian Diapering, \V 1*11;V largo Stock nnd ttie pr?ttiest Pat. tens. at UKE & HUMPHRIES'. | Oct. 1 80 tf L" IEADY MA UK CLOTHING, i A COMl'I.ETK STOCK, nt GEE ,y 111 Ml'JIRIES: ; Oct /'? 40 t T}AI>I,0('KS, TAHLK nnd l'Ot'KET CUTI LI'.flY, Trace Chains, Jlanics, Hnckbnwis and llooks, Spades and Shovels and Plow linos, at GFKfc HUMlMlitlKS'. | Fob 1 0 If l? A I NTS. ' Drv and in Oil. Paint Brushes, Varnishes. Linseed Oil?Boiled. Window Glass and Putty. Kept for Sule, By B. F. RAWI.S & OO. Nov Hi -41J tf Hats and Caps, ALL STYLES AND PRICES, AT RICE, McLl'RE & CO'S. I? Oct. 15 41 tf BOTTL.KD D randy, Matter id, Sherry and Purl Wines, anE OF WAMASUTTA MUSLIN and '21 Hundred Linen, yerfet! jit tiny, for $lt>.00 ja'r dozen, Cath, at FOS TP 11 ,y U'/LKINS" I .Inn. 7 1 tf cigars! 4 FULL supply of the popular brand Peril* J:\ llnr, formerly Punch, for pale by the hundred or thousand at the No. 1 .Store of B. F. It AWLS & CO. East. Union. Axes, Trace Chains. Hames AND ALL KINDS of Farming Implements, at FOSTER A WILKINS'. Jan. 7 1 tf Winter Goods AT KKUUl Kl? ITUUKH. (ALL Ay J) SEE TOE BARGAIN'S at FOSTER ? WILKIN#. Jan. 7 1 if New Stock of Prints at POSTER & W ILK INS'. Jan. 7 1 if LADIK8 SHAWLS AT GEE & HUMPHRIES. Oct 29 4iJ If fliinM!~Gnnri!I CI. HEAT bargains in Guns. A good BreechJ Loader for SIO 00. RICE, McLURE A CO. Oct 22 42 tf Old Pnpurn for Hule. "^INQUIRE at this office. TIME TABLE NO. 8. SPARTAN BURG- & UNION R. R. In l.ffot't i?- 10 A. H., )' i. . 'in..!.. 1870. DOWNWARD.'^ T~ I I'Vv \ ill' . SloMiAvn, ^dnksdays auil ]"Ti k.s!'?vs.Tin kxhvami FIIMVi I SiTUtPAT. I'jjw STATIONS si Arrive. Ixavc. ~ Arrive. J Leara. ^imrtaiitiiirK.I I 9.30...UI 68 S.JOj.ui! \j$$, Pacuii'l. 111 > 10.20a.ni 10.2557 2.25 " i .'JWp.m WSHk" .IniM'svllU. ;1S HI.6B" 11.00 " .*>o Jjm " | 2.00 " t'uloli. r28(ll.4.1 " 12.181>in 40 12-16 " | 120 " .Snnluc. :?7;i?/Ai.ui 1.00" 31 12.15 " 112.20 " Klali flam. 421 1.20 " 128" 26 UA0a.ni ll.?? la SheltOU. 48' 1 AO " 2/W ' 20111 15 " 11.20 ' I.jflea' Fowl. .VI 2.26" 2 to " 18 10.47" 10.60" Slrotlien. |6rt 2.46 " 2.5o " 12 10-26 " 10.30 " Alston. 3.48 " 9.30 " A3>~ < !'* <> (' iiiieciimi luadu with (in cinIllo anil Col iinhia Triiina? Maae* a'. Trains ou arrival in Sjiart-iu nurg, (< y ruMtugcra to UtonDs or Cherokco ."51?rnig? wine evening. \V. AV. DAVIEIS. Hupc rlutenUon (. June 9,1476 *1 tf Greenville and Columbia R. R. CHANGE UK SCHEDULE. Passenger Trains rim daily, Sundays exceptcJ, connecting with Night Trains on South Carolina Itailroad up and down On and attcr .MONDAY, May 2ftth, the following will bo ihcschedule : ur. Leave Columbia at 7.45 a inLeave Alston ft.80 a m> I eavc Newberry 10.50 a n? Leave Cokosbury 2.17 pin Leave Helton 4.00 p in Arrive at Greenville 5.35 p m. vows. [.cave Greenville at 8.05 a n? Leave Helton 0.55 a in Leave Cckcsbury 11.33 a m. Leave Newberry 2.40 p m Leave Alston 4.20 pm Arrive at Columbia . 5.55 p m AND HUSO V Lit A NCI I AND BUTE RIDGE DIVISION, news. rr. Leave Wallialla. ...0.15 a nt Arrive 7.15 p m Leave Perry title...7.00 n m Arrive 0.40 p iu Leave Pendleton...?.50 a in Arrive 6.00 p ? Lviive Anderson...8.50 a n? Arrive 5.00 p m Arrive at Helton...'J.40 u ni Leave 4.00 p ni THOMAS DODAMKAD, General Superintendent. .Iaiivz Norton, Jr., General Ticket Agent. June ft. 187(1. 28 tf John Rodger AT T O L LD reaped fully Inform hie friends and V v fi rmcr customers that lie has RE-OPENED HIS (rrfiP.Grv Rt.nrft vi * v v v jl J N/ V V/ A V J AT THE OLD NTAND, i And is now receiving ft completely New Stock of UltOlEltlKS, Hardware and Cutlery, Bootn and Shoen, HT'OYKS, TOBACCO?All Qualities, Warranl?unty at as low prices as they can be put. Our .sti ck consists of DRY GOODS, OKOIERIEM, 1JOOT?, SliOKft, IIATS Crottltcry Wurc unci WOODEN WARE, with all other articles cf Merchandise. ffc offer fine HoiucMidr Shoes and ltoot?, at the lowest prices. LADIES SHOES ruade to order and warranted. J* R IN T N, BROWN AND BLEACHED II O 111. e 8 ]) U 11 H m PL A11> OSNABCKUN, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, &c., Ch?vy. GEE & HUMPHRIES, Oct. 1 ?'.? tf R. F. STOKES, WITH JT. ^V. Y oiing- & Son SOUTH THY OS STREET, CHARLOTTE, N. C. I TAKE pleasure in infovming my friends thai ( ;tm established with Messrs. J. A. Young A Son, in Charlotte, X. C., where I will he happy to moot and serve any persons who may favor me with a call. We arc now receiving an:l epeniug the largest and most carefully selected Stock of Clothing to bo fonnd in any Market short of the wholesale Marts. The Stock presents every variety of Style and Grade of ISuMiiiesg and Dress Nuits and under clothing, for Gentlemen, that can lie asked for, and it is the purpose of the proprietors to sell their Goods at SHOUT PROFITS. If not convenient to visit Charlotte, 1 will give my personal attention to making selections ...... .,..1, r-i 1 ' - . -