"BUSlNfcSS* IN MISSISSIPPI. i;\ ittwts liissKi.i.. W'hy, liowil'y', Mahs'r Johnny ! is you g'uic io keepin' store? Well, salt, 1 is surprise-! I neber liearcil of ?lat afore. Siy. ain't you gwine (<> jiih me piece o' ?o>I toliacou, please ? I s long will you in ticorgia, time we all was refugees. I know '1 you woitM ; 1 alluz tells tie people w hite an' hlaek, I>at vou's a rual geii l niaii, ami ilat's ilc libin file' ? Yes, sali, ilat's what I tells cm, an' it's nutliii' else hut true. An' all ile eulliiil people t'inks a mighty heap oh you. i .1. i i i- i - ni'un iivim. miii ; nun i vim mini iii miv sonio Col 1(111 ? Vi'S, veil i|n ; l?Cr o's odor parties wants it, lint I'd rador sell to yon. How milch ? Oil, jes' a hale?dat on do wagon in de street ? bis hcah's de sample?dis is cotton mighty hard to heat ! You'll fin' it on de paper what de oiler's is dat's made ; Dey s all de same seditions : half in cash an half in trade ? bey's mighty low. salt?t'ome, now, can't yon 'prove upon do rates bat barrol llrudders offers: only twelb an' ' schcn-eight's Lord ; Mahs'r Johnny, raise it ! lJon't you knows dat I's a frien', An' when I has de money 1 is willin' for to spen' '.' My custom's wuf a heap, salt ; jes' you buy de bale an' see? bere didn't nehher tiohody lose mtfliti' oil' o' me. Now. what's do good oh gwine dar an' a-/.aminin' dc hale'.' When people trades wid iw, dey allu/. gits a holies' sale ; I aiti't no lian' for cheat in' ; I heliehes in net in' fa' r. An' eheryliody'11 tell you dat dey allu/. fonn' me siptar . 1 isn't like sonic niggers: I dcclar' it is a i shame be way some oh 'cm swin lcs?what ? dc cotton ' ain't dc same dis dat's in dc sampleWell, I'm hlcst, sail, if it in Dis licah mils' he my hrnddcr's sample?yes. I sail, dis is his. I If dat don't heat creation! Ilcah I've done been totin' roun' \ sample dif'rent from de cotton ! 1?will?he ? consound ! Mahs'r Johnnv ? on mils' 'sense me. Take de cotton as it stan's, An' tell me if you're willin' for to take it off j my linn's. i ... ... 1 Mio : neuer nun />tt be'.' I packcl tint, bale mysc'f?hoi' on a minnit. le' me sec ? My stars ! I must be crazy ! Malis'r .lolinny, (lis is tine ! I s gone an' liaulo'l my hrwilrr s cotton in instead eb mine ! It's a IJttv?One evening rccenf,"a.\?>\ friendsof a married couple';, , { . a:)l-'v,V-.i\ St determined to ' 9r? ' ifrf W?I 1. ritcd the stor^fTT?kers, 11 t i appearance be ft fie thc? house | v. 1> o'clock. As they came tip to the , ,,, door they saw the gent Ionian standing in ' st the alloy way with his overcoat on. smoking a cigar, and tlic parlor all lighted tt]>. This | struck them as rather singular, but tin: s, - leader grabbed tint doorknob. a id they St rusbctl bilariotisly in. The gas was burning st brightly, tnfd six dignified old ltidics were . sitting around the stove, looking as solemn " as grand impiisitors. "Oh, my ! whore's M attic? ' shouted one j exhuberaut young lady, sitting Iter basket | on the piano." "Slut's up stairs " said tin old holy, look ing over her spectacles with solemn acrimony. ! ci ".Let's have her down," screamed half a dozen girls in chorus, as they made a break ^ for the hall. j '] ' 11 ere, girls, girls, don't go up there !'' j i, and the old la in made a hasty attempt to ?> check the |?r? posed raid. j ^ ' Why. what on earth's the matter here j " niivlitiii' '' ' i tit i ii i rr?il tlu? im?? ? f i< ?? t il?n*lir?#r^ v." i". ,v . (I ' Well. I believe it's a buy <:( )li. let's 1 n And that company <>f nice young men 1' and Women moved away 1 ik. a snap bnb'oh: | in a hurricane, and the "ills never stopped ' for beau or baskets, but. stuffed their hand- (l kerchiefs in their mouths to hold theirj c: breath down until they were safe behind their I own doors, and not a girl in the Fourth j Ward knows where Mattie lives. j w What's in a Namk.?The new editor; of the New York 11 'ur/i/, Win. Henry Iltul bort. is a South Carolinian by birth, and a I brother of (ten. Stephen llurlhut, a Me-] publican Mepresentative from Illinois. The latter insists on writing the family name ; llurlhut, while Win. Henry adopts Hurl- -j InM f :i> I Itf I 1*1 r'.t.Mli?U (tlUilly IlitlltM. ( toll. llurlhut disfburnished himself as an officer ' in the last Indian war in I'loriadn, and was ' a brigadier in the late civil war. I ( Kv's Mother '/" asked 'lie I'rince of ''I Wales after he had kissed his wife and ba- ' v bies all around. 'The Ifempress is well," , replied Alexandria. "Ilempress be 'mitred." 1 retorted ti e Prince '-She ought to 'ave . knocked ar nnd llindia as Hi 'ave, and J then she might talk about hein' I lemprcss.'' And he gave his head a eomtemptuoiis ; l' >ss. "Say, missus, your skirt, is comin' down. It looks bad. an' if you' ll ji". step inside | 0 #1........... I'll r.;., 'ii .... iv... . ' ....;,i .. j ' i "i; "* ; colored woman to a lady in Louisville the i other day. After thanking the old woman for liar kindness, the lady went on her way, 1 and soon discovered that her pocket-book had been stolen. -1 'What have you got in your carpet hag?' asked one clergyman of another, at a rail : V road station. 'Dried tongue/ was the re- J j, j>ly. He had several manuscript sermons in it. r One of the clowns in a new show puts this conundrum : "Why is the Centennial x like home? 15,cause it's the dearest spot on eailh ECLECTIC MAGAZINE, OF FOREIGN LITERATURE. 1876. T II I II T V-S K i O * l> Y K 1 K rilllK reprints the host Kss;?\s, ISc1 \iews. Scientific I'npers, Tales, Stories, Poems. ami r.iojrraphieal Sketches from tin; whole fiehl of furoioii literature, tm 11rtic is more comprehensive mid complete , than any other magazine not exclusively devoted to the subject. Its articles are written by tIntruding authorities in their special fields : as I'rot's. Huxley and Tviidall, diehard I'roctor, B.A., I'rof. tfweti, Hr. W. 15. t'arpeiiter. Max Muller, .1. Norman Lockyer, Herbert Spencer, , all of whom have been represented in recent is sues of the Magazine. BIOGRAPHY. There is no branch of literature more important and, at the same time, more generally interesting, than Biography.- In this deviurtmenl, therefore, will be four.d sketches of mo.-1 of the famous men of the present and past times. FICTION. In this department the best current literature of its class is found ; comprising occasional serial novels, but chiefly the short stories and tales, for which the Knglish Magazines are deservedly celebrated. EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTS. The Kdiioriul Hepartincuts are Literary Notices, Foreign Literary Notes, Science ami Art, i and Varieties# These are second ..to, none in i point of freshness, variety, and,interest. ENGRAVINGS. ' ' No other magazine is so artistically illustrated as tint f'rh'clir. F.aeli number contains a ] Strrl /In;/iniia7?usually a portrait?executed j in the best manner. These engravings are of! permanent value. TKIl.MS :?Single copies, 4"i cents : one copy, t one year, :? "?: two copies, S'.' : thr uhoi c rufr.t m- j chi'fr pnftiti/f. Volumes commence in January | and July. Subscriptions may begin at any ( time. The / 'rlrrlir will he clubbed with any oilier periodical required. Address. K. It. PKI.TON, Publisher. 25 Bond St., N. Y. Mar. 31, 'Tb. Id if Laurensville Col mi! K Scholastic year eonsi-ts of two Sessions. .1 The Fl ItST SKSSItlN from the l-'irs>l ol' Oetolter to tlio l.ltli ol' l-YI?ritsu*.v: the SKt'oMi, from 15th lYItrunr.v to 4 I... .. < IHVIMI Ml TKKMS I'KIt SKSSIOX, in Ailriinro: Primary Hepart ment Slo on I Academic 1 f? oo an lli'a\vin<:i?r month -payable sjunrterly in adv.anetv :J " PuVils from abroad allowed to hoard in ]>ri- P" lie 1 unities of relatives and friends, when re- | ' ' nested by patrons ; toil such pupils must he j dyed? to the rules and regulations of the < ' !- | ''' ge. | '1 It is important to pupils that they he entered ' " the beginning of the Session, and that their ' 11 udies he not interrupted hy uimcccs-.iry ah- | ' nces. No deduction for ahsetu e except in ea- , s of protracted illness. IS Pupils must he subject at all times to rcgtilaons in department as in studies. ! For further particulars apply to .1A M KS FAIIIKIW, l'resiilent. I baureusville. S. ('., .Ian. 'J*. 1*711. tf to THE FAMILY VISITOR, 5 Vl.AIUIli seini -monthly Literary and Family i a paper, containing columns of the choi < or i'?t Miscellaneous matter, iiiclu ling I lllKIINA j Id lilt I \ I, ST< >1! I I'.S by i he lies I writers: 11 i-t . lute paper. Heading new and fresh, adapted < all tastes and all sections of the country. Tr.itvis. Single subscriptions, SI.do per an- j 1:111, in advance; in clubs of live or more. > I.j ' er year, and a valuable Premium, worth from ; 1 .(Ml to SSd.OO. depending upon the utimber of ; Ilhscribers, to the maker of the club. speci- ! icu copies and full parth tilars of our liberal ! H rms to agents ami club-makers >ent o? appli- \ atton. .tmiress * I,, M. GRIST, l'uMiflier, > . York vllltr,iS. ftHj'V'' The /'itinih/ I'ixilnr > 11 1 flic I'nii-n Tirnr.*, ill lie furnished one year fur ?d.Mi. Mar. IMG. * if ,-i II11: ? COLUMBIA REGISTER. I I KI.I"IIKI> I A i>aii,y, ti!I-nvi;i:kia ami wi-:kki.y. | Sl rHE ONLY DFMOCRATIC PAPER AT THE CAPITAL. TERMS, IN ADVANCE: j i mi.v. -'ix moii(lis S ; .'.II "i:i-i i K i.i. six 111o11111- '.II 1'kk.kl.v, six IIHJIlllis 1 Mil CHEAPEST , Book and Job Printing Office irv tiik s ta ri:. Address all communications, of whatver clinrnctcr, to Manager REGISTER PUBLIfeHINO COMPANY, COLUMBIA, S. C. Moy 12, T'i If* if ii Gnif's IliMfl UihIp SIkics. \S I * I. I! M?11? ASSORTMENT jiio received, * . at (SEE A III^Ml'II III ES' Hote. ,>tore. April "21, 70 1?> If t? r |(., l'ortind, Maine. Apr. '1\, "7tf?10?ly Ylcfliiitl Sofice. j 1111 E undersigned have formed a Copartner . ship for the practice of Medicine ill lotion 'ouniy under the linn name of Thomson V II'N ICO. A. ? I IIIIMMIS, TIIF.ODOIIK ML'NKO. | May 1L\ IS7H I in I \ PROSPEC ^OUS. O * Till: CllAKI.FKVON Journal of Cctailnerce. ? ' Tiu; Oil\iti.kn IYiii.imimni 'ikmivvny" issue li> day tin- lirst nuiubci or u laily Morning Scwspapi r catted Tin: JoniNAii or co?mkkck." This newspaper, as its tu^lV indicates, will levotc a large portion of its give and inlliicuce lo the development and r.\tensiy>^of th^ liOCAI. COM writ CE if the City of Charleston, and the general iui|>i'oveni< tu .1 the material interests oV South 'arolina. It will endeavor to represent, in a faithful and enlightened inantier, the beat elements of the cmiitmiuiiy, in whieh it looks for natron age, socially, industrially and politically. It is the aim of the projectors to niajte it highly uid equally vahiahle to the fatuily, the voter, lite merehaiit, the tanner and manu'ietnrer, and lo fulfill, as far as possihle, every " ,uireiuent if an ADVANCED M0DE11N JOUlttTAL. lis news eidniiilis will l>e supplied wjtli the latest mid hest information attaino'de. and special care will lie hesto#ed upon the preparation and elaboration of its | Altii'lvt'l liepnt'ls. Its eidiuii'is will always |,c open o com nut ni ations of a proper ehara.-ler, from responsible parties, and the redress of public, smugs and grievances will always lind in it a willing and sympathetic nicdiuin. < In politics, the fnnnm/ ?;/ (' tin will he licmocraliu : keeping abreast ol't luVinost advanced and progressive vicWs "V t""iTici,"ai?i?^ And, in its financial po/tey, ad vocal ug the speediest possible return of the eouniV to a metallic currency, consisicnt with the >Yew ol its bii-iness interests. wb Th ree edit ions of t lie ./ ?u run I > / (' iiuinrrce be printed a Daily edition, which will beprt^B ed evcty morning, except Sunday ; a'ITi-week edition, which will he printed on Tuesdays niijl Saturdays, ami a Weekly edition, which will be printed mi Saturdays. These editions will W delivered I v carriers to city subscribers, or sent through the mails to non-city subscriber#, post paid, at the following rates: Daily, strictly in advance a?N Oil Tri-W cekly, in advance I oti Weekly, in advance - Of As the ./ itirthll ;/' Ci.niniirr, starts with till assured countenance and support of the business community of Charleston, and with a largi sulisciptinn list, already obtained, it is obvioie that it oilers unii-tial inducements to in vertiscrs. t iri'iilaiing in nearly every coin nercial estalilishmciit. and ro.nl in nearly cvdly liotm circle in ihe city, and appealing to aT rgc ami constantly inciytsiimcuim^ paWOUage^U col u in lis will furnish Unf^^t of ni.se.3si ni'ir cit i/.ens to make their business vunts known ti each other and to the world. Advertising rates will he ma le known upot application at ihettflicc, \t(. lid EAST lf\\ May V<"JI ? if J. >?. U( >l?r^< >>, i:\sr hay, COMMISSION MERCHANT AMDEALK^N FERT\UZEIIS. ? i I II ? i: I.KSTnN, S. NuM'liJ^ . INT-.. I.\ \" I > 11 l>oon cngajrr.l f.ir Itv^pt years in _ thetiuann Trmle vvi'li 'miniM. surcoss, I erncl it :i-lvi-si'ile tn inir.i lure l'o tili/.ers mi? my own iianie ami jruaranioo I have mailt* ; laiiyeiiicnts in have prepare'l a (luann timler , . in-|>?*?'(i it ami control, ealle I *" *ltS< ?N'S (TTiiN AMlinliN HI! IT I 1.1/111!. TiiisCn-l ii i-= ?f I ho ] i stamlai'il. It euntains, I i 111^ nlher valuatile inuie.pouls, three per nt. el' Ammonia, one an I i k if per cent . of ' ituxh, anl fonrleon pet < ai'uri^h ? n?r4 ate. I also have preparnl for lite a t'H\|il Ml At lit I'll ??> I'll A I V. i,l the hijrlie-t 1 iti'lai-'l. The-o I'ertili/.eis are C 'liipoumle I nf e purc-l materia!-, ale! lire Miinipu'atel aiel -to 1 nieler the .supervision nf I'r. S'. .1. Ilnv- ; el. nl llii- inl"hose name y ves ; "arrant their liioh eh tract* i aiel ai|a'*taii< havw aj>- 1 itlleil >1 1?. w. A. MC1I()I,S().\ y Ae111 for the Sale nl" my Pertilize.s in ' ai<>ii t "utility. 1 ?ee "JJ H If Fancy Candies. IH'K. .1 NI'ANF.SI. STICKS. I 'I i "vol ale ('renin I 'tops, iill l.o/i) iigvx, VVnlalC'l l)"ll IliiilH, Vcnciinii I 111 linns, Crystal lion liolis, Asialic Hull ISolis, ^ roil III lij^s, I i ?*: III Dales, C.m vcrsaiioii Heart*, l> vcrsal i"li Lozenges, Fancy Cocoa. l'r<-:iiii, Crdial, f Aj I >1 angc atl>l l.rillnll Slices, (linn J'ruBp ssni ic'l, i y\ si :illi/c iy-ior)'j?*? Nm). 10 If, CHOW CHOW. )I<'<'A l)LI. IWTSI I'. I'M "K I.KS, mi.rill mill iilniii, mill Sunns, at II. [ i; \ \N I.S V I D'S. > V . I Store. Nov I'.i I'. If f)Ur I'lish. ci:i: iMi.mI'llkiks. I'.l. I ') If \sri'l'I.Y i.r I hose I NCO.M I'A HA Hl.Y I'llKAI' Sillli'iS Ue< |iH Partly const inllv Oil hand. KICK. Mi l.I ItK \ I ?i. Apr. 21 10 '-'i 11EFIN KI > & SWEPE^" RON, I'IjO II STHKit awtVLt) IF.S'. AT IS. F. I!AW\A k CD'S. Vo. I STOI:r. Nov. 10 10 . if I > I,A N K KTS -WII ITK \ N I> COI. |j OlttD, nt <: K I-: \ iir^vnniKS' Oct I.-, II , If SiiRftr, Coffee and'Tea, lill'K Mcjt'F.F) &('<>. | May 2H 21 I if < I I \ ^iIDT^IU ri n<: CHAMPION COMIC PAPER OF AMERICA. l'ltOKFElTOI N l oll IS7?. rnms sparkling ami brightly illustrated weekly, humorous and satiraele paper lias entered upon the seventh year of its jolly existence, and this being the Ccntcnial year of our national independence, the publishers take pride in saying that it will not be. as it never has yet been, a whit behind the times in holdiiiifsip the jorous or satirical side of everything American.? The merry side of this great and glorious Centennial year will receive special attention in the bright columns of America's favorite humorous paper. The publisher of II //'l'. Ilnril kmia ttkit. Mf.n I>ay. Kkttki.i.s, I'ai.mki; Cox. .Manx, Kim;siii It y, Sill.i., Will t k, Sl'Kltlt v, KaTON. Sit ki.iion. etc.. while the editorial department will still remain in the hands of its founder, the vivacious 1>I!Ii kt<>i\ of whom i ouoiich is known without, nmre heinir said i As an additional iudiiconieiit t .^m'. r.fkcriber diirino the year. Advertisers are bejriiinini: to > d out i that llJ know II ilil (tuts We need i not sac t it has n t. docs m l. and will j in ontain a word or ;:ti illn.-tr.it: n which : may not he taken into every finely in the j lanJ Kim we ojvi in various six. i d s. ! !>* . never vulgarity in any ship- It is' 1 tie I' uvhly Am rican in seiititne, t. wholly i original, sliarp and incisive, and r.jhi to the point it: dealino with men ami ev.n's al ' tin' day. Our ruin/ ,il II ml linn it iff full villi''* // >( ?./' l/iis I Slltsritii't lux I 'it le'K.? I'ost I 'aid. ( >ne Vear * I 00 i ' Six .Months li.Hil sinirle Numbers . . . . . 0.10 1 59 Boekmri b April 7. '71'?. II il l The Weekly Sun. 1776. NEW YORK. 1876. IITKKN III X l?IIKI? AMI - i j KXTV SIX is tlio < '?m:111111i 11 year.? 11 is :ii.c? tin- year in which an Opposition l|i use ill' Representatives. the lirst since tin- .ar, will he in power at Washington;' ami the year ul' the twenty-third election of a President nl' the Lulled Stales. Ail of tln se ev m* s are sure to I -rival inter- ' e.?l ami importance, especially the two Li- ! ter ; ami all of them ami e.crvthin;.r eonmcreil with them will lie fully ami freshly iepiulcil ami expounded in /'/! 4nMK? th.4rM?#fid>.-T^:'W^i -JJ, j continue to be a lhor??u? *%"" pape.. ,\|| ' ! the general news of tlm ?.h\ \\;Ii be found , it! it. condensed when unie mutant, at full j j length when of moment.; ami always, we 1 tru>t, treated in a clear, interesting auil instructive manner. It. is our aim to make the II lumiis a large amount of miscellaneous reading, lieli as stories, tales, poems, scientific intelligence and agricultural informal ion, for i which we are not able to make room in our ! daily edition. The agricultural department ' especially is one ol its prominent features. | The fashions are also regularly reported in l its columns ; and so are the markets of cv- | . ry kind. 'I lie IIV//>/// Sun, eight pages with liltysix broad eoluiuns is only ?1 20 a year, postage paid. As tliis price bun ly^ppiiys the cost of the paper, no discount can he ! made from this rate to clubs scents Post i wasters, or :my one. Tlio DiiHi/ -Sun, a lar<;e lour pnjjo iiows, paper of twenty ci?rlit columns, "iveS all tin; news for two cents a copy Subscription. postage prepaid, f?5c. a month or a year Smului/ edition extra. Si. 10 per \ear. We have no travelling agents. Address, Til K SI N, New York City. April 7, '7ii. I I tf RICHMOND ADVERTISEMENTS. WM. KTTKMiF.lt. II. P. KI?lONI>. Ettenger & Edinond, St l< IDIO\ |>, X A. 31 II 11 11 I'll < i 11 i* o 1* n o 1* Portable and Stationary Engines. Itnilcrs of all kinds. Circular Saw Mills, Wrist Mills, Mill Wearing. Sliaftiutr, I'lillcvs, &c. American Turbine Water Wheel, Cameron's Special Steam l'limps. N AW D b'Oll (| TALOQl H. Oct. 1">, 1875. 41 ly Talbott & Sons, MKOitoi: MAimi: woitks, 12 i<*lniioiic:t}> Mattresses leaditij; articles. Oct. ! "?. 1 87"?. II 1y Kit);ineH, .Mills. Ircii Mollis, tie., \VM. TANNER & CO., k u; ii o > i>, v . Oct. I"., 1ST*.. 11 ly Rice, McLure & Co.-. VNNOl'Nt'lT that tliey have received a full line id' K.\l.li AM) WIXTKU HOODS, ! te viliicl. limy resj.eelfnlly call the attention ot 1 purchasers. These floods have heeu carefully ' -elected. purchased at low prices, and arc uHerod 1 on the most reasonable terms. The attention of the Ladies is especially directed to '.he in;f.ss ooo|?s. HI AWLS, CLOAKS, TKIM MINOS. .MILL! mtu y OOODS, Sll.lwNKl'J\ TI ITS* . *t" r.i i M.IV ^i.nv, .0I.oy ITS ANI) ? _ fancy AKT10MTS, . ? RICE, McLURE & CO. Out. 1". 11 If V JAS. H. GOSS, ( 1 <> i- ii ?- .v :> I I. si >v , Xo. I. I.:iw ICaii;;e. ( ' u I o ii C. II . S. C. I I I 17"' ? iaclifo in tlic Circuit :in< 1 I'rnliale I Viiu is of tlie Stale. IYiiiii]'! attention given to colleelions. (tot. L".t I ! If c; .v > ?s ! : s> CiirilO'l lil'l'f, M]>tn:tti Oysters (//if hut in iinrrkrl.) I Is; ara^ns, i Oi/xi-r l!n>/. ) I'ine Tcafs, I 1 . lies. Tomatoes, l'e|>|i?'f. >|iire. Cinder. cliiOai.l Sea loiitn, Jerking I'owiler- *r ~ w A\yu* k . " No. 1 '-ore. Nov I' ! ; if ~ " i (tools Sltocs. { r "Hi It < ientlemoii, l.mlies ami t liiMren, war- 1 V I..! :? I. i: !t II, M, l.l.T.K \ CO. Oi l I " II " I mi;n and hoys* clothing,. A FULL SUPPLY, at inn:, m. i.i im: en s. Ort. I". I! if Russian Diapering, 4 V I'.I'.Y large Sloek ami tlie (irettie.-t I'atA terns, nl t i 1,11 X III M I'll III US', t let. 1 if j I> r,.\t?v m \i?k cloth inc. I ,\ COMI'liKTK STt" K. at a in-: .v in Mriinu.s: j Oet "j'.l lo II I )AHLOCKS, TAItM! ami l?0< KKT ( I T1 I nice Chains, 11 unit's, I tuck I minis j airl spades r.ml Shovels mid l'low lines, i?r ?i I i 11 & lll.MPIll{IKS\ iyl i r A i is r J-J . Dvy and in Oil, Paint Brushes, Va. uishes. Linseed Oil?Boiled. Window Glass and Putty. Kept lor Salo, By 13. F. B AWLS &. CO. N t > v 11 11i if Hats and Caps, m.i. >'/')'/// .'.>' am> ri:/r/:s, AT mi i:, M. i.i iti; & en .. Otl. ! "? II if i s< >ri"ri.,ici> I nit ml'/, M.i hi hi, Shfi.!/ itml /'ml If/BM, ii it it lllUHlIf/ l'niclir*, nt 15. r. HAULS .N CO S. No. 1 Store. Nov. 10 4?i If THE KING OF SHIRTS A I am: n|-VaM ASI TTA MI SI.IN mill fl I? I Hundred l.incn, !> rt'ret Jitdinj, fur H 115.00 fur i/nini, ('unit, at ^ rosrun .*117/. a /.v.?* . Ian. 7 1 If C IGARS. \ i i i.i. ij>i iy "I Mil' popular nratnl lYctiliill*, liii iiu rlv 2*11 it**li. fur Mile 1 ?_v the luiii'lrt' l > i ilion*ami : i the .N<>. I Store of it. i'. i; \\vi.s & t SEE THE r.MtuMxs m FOSTER ?V WILE ISS'. Jan. 7 I If New Stock of Prints at FOSTKll .S: WILKIN'S' Jan. 7 1 lf_ T A l?l I S SIIAUIS \T I J OKI-: & llI'MPIIIt IKS. Oct 20 13 if 4alltiH! 4?iiiim! ! ( i I!KAT Inirjrains in Onus. A good llreeehM Loader for S4U 00. KICK, Mrl.CltK k CO. Oct 22 42 If OI?l 1>iii??*i*k #?>?* Sltlf. T^.N'Ql llti: !? t liis < llicc. T! TIME TABLE NO. 87^/1 SPARTANBURG & UNION R. R. | } < In Effect 11:80 A. M., Tuesday, JuiicG, Is70. / i I it i\V N \V AITT?. ~ r UPWARD. I \ Mosiiav, Wki>NKsi*ay ami I Ti i-si>*v,Tiit'it>i>AY ami I'KlllAY. I S.XT?*ltllAY. ^ STATIONS. |j | Anivi*. Leave. Jf| Arrive. | Leave. j S|>art:iiilair)>. ! O.HOn.in OS J .'1.1 Op in I l'nt-?l<-i. II 10.30a.in 10.21 " .17 2.2-1" 2.:i0|?lii W> .torn-.villi*. is la.1.1 " 11.00" ">(l l.fl.1 " 2.00" . I'll loll. 2H111.11 " 12.11 |>lil 40 12..VS " 1.20" . Saiitnr. ;?" | I2..M p in 1.00 " III'12.15" 12.20" l-'i>li Ihim. 42 j l.2o " 1.2.1 " 2<: ll.AOa.m lt.-V>n.m Slli-lloll. 4S 1210 " 2.00" 2011.1.1" 11.20" l.vltn' I'onl. Hi 2.21 " 2.110 " 1.1 10.47 " I0..K1 " SImllicr*. m1 2.45 " 2.">0 " 12 10.21" IIP.:*' Alston. IQifi 3.-W " I I 1 f4' ' ,;l" ' _ I Ai)' I'Iim' I'linnii'lioM made wltli tirocuville ami Co- 1 limit.ia Trains?Stages at Trains on art ival in Spartan- I imrx, In convoy Passengers to L fi(iii>orlntoiidou(( Juno9. i -<7.; ir I Greenville ancUColumbia R. R. I change or schedule. I Passenger Trains run daily, Sundays except- I ed, connecting with Night Trains on South far- I olina Ihiiiroiol up and down. On and after MONDAY, .May 2'Jtli, the following will be the iBL Schedule: I.eave folunibia at 7.45 V .\ ... Arrive ,ft Greenville Leave/ reenville at S.Oo a Leave Helton a Leave fokeslniry 1 l.SW a tit Leave Newberry 2.40 p tit Leave Alston 4.20 p nt Arrive nt Columbia p nt ANDKI1SON UKANCH AND 151.UE 1UDGE Leave Wallialla f>. 1 nt Arrive 7.15 p Leave l'erryvillc...7.(M> a in Arrive 0.40 p in Leave Pendleton...7.ot) a in Arrive 0.00 p m Leave Andersoti...S..*iO a in Arrive G.(it) p m Arrive at Helton...P.10 a in Leave 4.00 p m THOMAS DODAMEAD, ^ I General Superintendent. .1m: 17, N'tniTiiN, Jit., General Ticket Agent. it John Rodg'er^H WOl'Ll) respectfully inform bis friends eo-;? -.,l?eu ' 0,j . i\\ * * ' .? 7t>tf3y Grocery Store,H <>T^I> STA1> I>, fl| Aii'l is receiving completely New Stock Hardware and Cutlery. Hoots and TOBACCO?All QucalitirM^^^B a nui.j to iele in ?1 l'rie3^Bi^^^(^B Feeling thankful for the IP ulul patronage- ^^Hj heretofore given me, 1 respectInriy invite my old friemls, siii I as many new ifcs as feel incliucl, to call ami CNaniinc my -*^*u. It wil l>e lay emleavot* in tlie Inline, a "in tl.e past, to so coinlnet inv lnisiiiess tlint pin< liasers will liml \H it to their interest to lair ! me. i^H JOHN UtiDUKll. mmv '. 18 if |1 NEW FIRM. 1 GEE & HUMPHRIES' Cheap Store \ . IN Til K f ? V I, IV l(01i:ii ItMMH XO. ' MESSRS. IU.iiikn t. tier, anil M. M, lit m. rnitiks, having formeii a copartnership for the purpose of conducting a Mercantile business in Union, are receiving their stock of entirely New Goods, in the store of the NUN t HOTEL, which they offer to the people of Union l 1 County at as low prices as they can be put. Our stock consists of *w" ' _'l TM)\7 /I Ar\TAC( <6 x I UV7V7IJO, ? (jROCIlllIKN, ' \\ HOOTS, SIIOKS, IIATS^ 1 _ C'nM'ki'r.v Ware iiikI V V WOODEN WARE, I W with a!l oilier articles of Merchandise. . We ofl'cr line lloine-.Mndc Shoes and Hoot :ii the lowest prices I^/VDIKS SIIOKS t > ^ mudc to order and warranted. PRINTS, BROWN AND BLEACHED IT <> m o s ]> u n s, riAiu osvAiu iujs, AT (SIIKATLY IlKDUt'KI) IMtltT.S. NOTIONS, HOSIERY, &c., ('/imp. GKK & IILMIMIKIEP. Oct. 1 ?' If m R. F. STOKES, . J WITH ? "** ~t"~ - I. ^V. "Y^ouii??* At JSor^ NORTH TRY ON STREET* CHARLOTTE, N. C. ITAKK pleasure in informing my friends tlint' k I am established with Messrs. J. A. Young | iSl fhin, in I'liarlolle, N. ('., where I will lie Imp- ^ I py to meet and serve any persons who may favnrf. j me witli a e >'!. We are m.w receiving an 1 opening tlie largest ^ ^ I and most carefully selected 1 Stock of Clothing t(? he found in any Market short of llie wholesale Marls. The Slock presents every vuricly ? of Style and Grade of llusiiiOMH iiimI Suits ami undcr-clothing, for Gentlemen, that can ho asked for, ami it is I lie pnrposc of I lie proprie- Jj tors to sell their Goods at r. V siioirr ntoriTs. Is J If not convciiiont to visit Charlotte, I wil' give my personal attention to making selecttofis * n for any orders that my friends may entrust to - . inc. * R. F. HT0KK8. *'{ 1 Oct 10 42 it CRACKERS. j\ Soda, Corn Hill, Lemon Snaps, Ihilliiaw / ""J SWKLT WINK, FANCY M'' NAC. * j m' Vanilla Cream. Strawheiry, Ginger Ntal / J SON I'AltKIL, I.IMON l'|C NIC, ?' ? l.cmon Cream, Ginger Snaps, Cream, Novct. ml CAKKS, I'KA t'AKKS, .1 ('M Iti Vf I Sugar Cakes, .Vc., at II. F. HALLS \ C(J vli NO I STOI1F J Si 10 Jf