Mississippi Negro Rict. V:i K>wuii, Sept. n. ? Aft tsiri. edition of the /tc.'iilU given the Pillowing account of how the iliytiirlfcince fti Ciiutcn < rijj:iia'e>l. I'wriiciiiar* i f the rut ni Cliitto'roti S*'niday evening have j I>ccn variously Mnif l. After hooting all the . siutcmeutA, ?) think the fol'o wring u about cot reel: "There in a law prokibditig the wile uf ti<|itcr lit < Tin tun. Some voting meu from 1'aymotid j brought A IhiIiIo witii thorn, ami while the speak- i itig was going on, Mnrlin Sivclly ami Some of I hia friends wenl o!F u ehort di>tuuc? to take a , drink. A colored marshal for the occasion tip- I proachoil ihvttt, and forbid their draining. This l order wrs not regarded, md when tin* marshal | at temple. I to take the bottle out of hiti'lly < | bunds, HivcVy struck him ovet the le tJ will. it. | Senator ('aid well. colored, atari* I I" settle the difficulty, and vj?s followed liy some twenty no ypjeji, whom he ordered bitch, but about lit1' more eatttc rushing on. Some one lire I a shot, which w is followed by a general tiling, and n stamped* Siv.lly tired alt llie barrels of lib" pistol, mid ilie negroes then demanded his sur- . tMtiler. Il? rurr-.'tiilcicl and. tie up his pisiol i lifter wl.ioli he wast shot uti 1 In- htniitb knocked ( out. II was lii nt rotdic t ol 1 is clothing, and i n finger was cut otr in order to get his ring 'I )i i> i li lit rint.? I ? > - I - I' I i 'I. - ? 1 - - ' bill v.. ' 1 yard. and *l?ot killed tiiio in the presence ol ' l>is family. Kriink Thunm-.soii, n pr< i-ini I young lawyer, was Kbol I'i v "!l protection, under I l.'ol. Harding, and telegrams .-cut here tot ftvs.s- ] Una'. Fifteen minutes after llie receipt .?f I In , first de?;.ili u. 1 >0 men ?vore re.idv to innrelt, , and took n special tiain, vhich reached Clinton lit 7 o'clock. \t?ont III m !" k more icinforce moots canto from .fnck*-"n. Tlic tools wen- ! picketed luring tin- night, hut .ill t inger being npi urently over, most of the citizen. returned to iheir lioaies lit Vick*httr|r, leaving thirty men on guard under CapC IV. II. Andrew*, ('apt. And reus returned iviili the men this morning, and report* till i|iiii-t a> ''Union and lid-sard*'. ! The train fioia.1 aoks ni .*> uurdaa night, with r<- ! i'lfoiceniin's for < Union, vvas died into frmn (lie I side of 'In road, and obstruction* wrc al?o placed on the 'rack. Important C.ipturo of Two Villains- A Neatly Worked-Up Case. It a II he remembered tbat on 11?o 24th of | ,'tily lift, tin* pnsscngct tram nit ?t?' Air-Lilt' road, uhoiit three miles fi rm Spun v city, wan ! thrown from the frnck hy men a* ur .i rail plncc 1 j i lie root i ?the engineer, Richard Chatham. :i I highly re*root-d citir.cn ot OreotiTillc County, I Wing fatally in Tired, and the engine and ><\ j era! cars completely wroukc f. The conipai.y at [ once secure I the terrier* Cant. II. Mlcv. ! <>f Spartanburg. who bar fn I hp six wci'lid | boon tpiinlly working up (ho niit'??r. fin Wednesday night hi- effected the arrest <>f the two perpetrators of i ho f)c-:> IimIi at.-. the modus operandi was unh|uc. < apt. \lley soul a "French gentlonuwi" do mi on ;hc train, and at Sctiecn lie inv? 'cod h tinsel. in ri row will* the conductor >> as-*ex erely beaten an! put off of | the train. Tilt? boning was no sham- it war i genuine, n* tl.o "Kronoli gentleman's" appear- | unci! to-day a ill testify. lie muttered vengeance, but event tt energc'i rally in this matter, and rctnlerei. efficient aid to ('apt. Alley. We arc at a >tuo bias to determine which to 1 admire u mt Captain Alley's ingenuity and ' skill, nr the Trench gentleman's" endurance It is presumed that the-e men will hang in a ' short time. -'?rrv??Y/r .V > $. Axutukii 1'amf I'romviit.r.. ? New York, September 1. ?Tlie// ra'd e l: irially discussing the : feverish and panicky fee'ug prevailing in Wall >treel slock market, cautious speculators against j a probable panic ami another black Friday, The ! stork market just now . ir an unnatural condition. A black thunder cloud bangatbrentening- t ly over it. Xoho ly wants a panic, hut thn way 1 to prevent it is to leave events to bring their na- j tnral ron.-r i.ieiiees To tamner with the market f to IioIhIvi' ii 11 n artificially, may put ??ff the evil I ilay for a little time, but onlv to make a crisis 1 when it cornea more fatal tin 1 most lisnstrous. I The cloud t.iay not h irst, bul it may and it is [ .sure to burst at an unexpected moment. ? ? Important To .Medical Students The Trustees of the Lortsvtt. ,r. mi.mcal Cut. m.iik {f.ouisville, Ivy.) lav, in accordance with the provisions of their charter, established a j Beneficiary System, whetvby any young mnu i studying medicine and being unable to pay tor | hie eelucathn, may receive a Beneficiary S< hoi-nrship, which relieve.* him of payment of the l'rot'e-sors' fees. The public wilt he pleased to learn that tiiis well known College luis abolished i nil fees lor its diplomas; tlic Faculty being thus wholly uninure e l pecuniarily in the result of all ctaininntl >ns fir graduation K >r partiou1'trs. address Bear, ot I/> tlsville Mc ileal College, lfi.'i Second *'reot, Louisville, Ky. - Tut: Oil ciu.k.*t?>\ Ki.u ftos. ?Governor (.hamberlain has appoti.;od .Messrs Reuben Tomlinson, 8an>tt"l Lord, jr., and John A. MushingIon the connnissioiiers to conduct ihe elect vr. | tor mayor and aldermen of Charleston, winch 1 will take place on the (ith of October next.? i Those appointments will be highly satisfactory to the public, for the character of the commissioners guarantees what has rarely teen had in South Carolina of late years?absolute impartiality And fair dealing a small majority. Dr. A. M. Snider brought hi town for iniip'"- I tio". a splendid otter, which he ha I fairly run down and killed. He was a vanning big fellow, and tlio Doctor, being anxious to take hiin alive, rati hint for a long time through woods and water, hot was finally compelled to kill hint ? Ora'iyrbunj Wtr*. - ? . * ? Discussing the Into Davis-Kimball affair, the Umdon Jieritw posts its readers thus: Jefferson Davis, the American rebel, lias been invited o add vers the Winnebago natives. N 11.?The Winncfartgue- tire a trihe of Indians, formerly of Wiaeoriann . TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. oni frtr, |? tbvattMC, " ?;.II0 ! I ujii"< '.n- y? )?r, " " V.V> " " 11.00 10 " ' ' 20.? > 'titling ii* * hih of i??i or ??? <. fir?l in... Hon, - M. "O Kuril siiK.injii.jui iuvrtioii. ------ 75 l.ll.-ial i|i . ?u;)i mi-mI-1 t . nifivlixnti ami "ihw? 'I''T- ) It-ln.f for ? mill- >r In the jrrar. OMl in< Nnlw nf t"i 'In.?< in.ftlcn fi?N " nrcr ten liiiin, eii?rn. i < \ I i s -? I!! I on K. IKdes hn 'ecu i|ipo'iiioiN1 i'cii in Iitipin Parish, l.n . were j .i gnol on tin -i inai from eating f'roiieli Worm bcizrug-' They died in a few < Ik ii r i. flsT:** 'I lie f'orunri io/ji.oVk ustosta'e ilmt ih" i up|'ointment of Mr. W illiam Mil! n- deputy Cor- i oner win in consequence of i l>o resignation of . Mr. William II. If. CbjV Tlia members of the Me-liu?l "h ciety of I I nioii ( ounty ."I onlil tioi forp. i Mint llie regular 1 nociing of the vocicty will be bold on next j Tuesday, ihe Ifnli. A full ultcinluaci is d??- I sited ? C?nr friend, William .S.tn lore, will tier ;pt our thanks for ilie fir.-t treat of new Street I'o- j tntois The;, >vore reecirod last week, but ue , neglene i i . noticethem. Tre.y* were truly a treat. I | flf'iu Mr. J as. T. Wells. I ho former efficient j I'ooh Keeper of the Columbia I'hn'im now occup:e? 1 aim Ur position in tlie Columbia Keym/tr off; i whir!: N *>ifhi Knit evideneo tlir.l. iho lie;/iitrr is on n firm footing - , We a- Knowledge the receipt < ' tiniuiitntioti '? join lie HchuCten V?.-ren in a i > t>e In id in Columbia "ti the 12th, l-'.th und 1 lt!i nt ii"\i re inth. We whsl! try to put in an up put-Alive on that occasion. ?>nr Mounlniu visitor*, II I. (Visa and l.ady, und Cil Jos. V Ciiat, have returned lookin" hair and iienrtv Then hi-.-audit homo i sue timen ol Mountain Cheese, which is e pinl to "Knpii ?ti Hairy. ha 1 a delightful trip. The Trie! Justices liavo been kept busy | all tins wet k, and Inive ? >i k enough i. afore them to occupy their tituo for three days next week We don't kno.v exactly 'toe ntuelt nulla bona cost t the County w ill have to pay, hut ? rough fti ens )inis it hi ' M c arr reijtteslod t i tat< that lb I/. 1., M 1*. llix, will \i. it I'ru lone" Lodge at Ji aesvillc, on the lAtli: Cross Key Lodge on the l?'lh, mill Union Lodge on tV 1 Til* inst. The brethren of these Lodges will take due notire thereof and govern thernselvc.t accordingly ?lrft Tho nads noiLr tho su,.eri, don of r. ' It Smith, in tlreenville fount v. n t- .on | perfect condition that Mr S Invites owners of trottin^ liorwiw #?% mai iKrt *? 1 * over them \\c arc moro practical in Union? draft horses are tried over our road-. t&ctt.. Wo thank the mcinbiTH of tho .^il- i ver Cornet lloiul fur the delightful tjcronatlo the.y jj;ave ua tut Monday ni^ht. and euu ratiilut ? thetn upon the very marked gfess they have made. 3*4/" Our merchant* have commenced going to ntaiki't for their Fall and Winter Stocks. Messrs. (ice .V llitmptiiios, who intend open ing in the Hotel building, are now in the Mar ki t and their good* will ho hero in a few days. Mr. Fric.dbergor and ('apt. A. It Foster !ef' the early part f this week. ? ? - * . M'o see by tho ijuironsville lit raid, that lion. James Farrow, who has been living :br several yeat * past in Kansas City, Mo., has been ilecfed l'reeidcnl of lite Laurensvillo Female. College, ami has nocepted tho position. This i? I a good selection, and we honest'y believe will j iduiiA (li*? I '.\ll trn tinnn i\ linn anil fnKiMM-ni < 1 fooling. We uro pleased to hear of *u< "i citlxeii j refurnitig to their n.ttivc .State. rii Tamrcnsvllle Female College will be open- J ed i. the third Monday in tetober. - ? - m Mr. Samuel S. Stoke* lias been appointed \geut for Union County, for the Columbia Rrjiatrr, o straight-out, spicy mid nblo Democratic paper, published at the Capital of the State. Persons wishing to sustain a reliable Demjcrntic paper at the seat of our State government have now an opportunity of doing an. Mr. Stokes will l>c found at fbc office of lite Union /' m-.s during business hours. trans or m umthiti' x. 1 copy. 1 year $7 fH? I ' G months i oO I 3 monthi ? J 71 'l.tJUO acres of the celebrated Rollmg Mill property, including the shoal, mill jite, Sic., in Spartanburg County, have been sold to "The Knglish Manafactiiring Company." who intend purling up at once a large Cotton Factory and Calico Printing works. This, wo consider ; the most important,step yet taken in this btafu towards establishing Factories, and developing our rcsotiroee. Once commence such enterprises and the upI per Counties of our .State will soon be musical with the whir! of spindles upon . he great num| her of valuable water powois dotted all through ! them. Joe Crews Shot. j The (ircenville A'rws of yesterday morning brought n detailed account of the shooting of Jo? Crews and Charlie IJoliio, on the road from Laurens to Newberry, about 4 miles below Lnureus. The shooting was with a double barrel shut-gun. Five buck shots-truck Crews ?one about the collar and j two on ouch side of the buck bone. Dr. Dunklin, who attended rho wounded parties, does not consider Crews' wounds dangeVoos. While we candidly eenloss that wc have no sympathy for Crews, And have been npprehousive that such a late would overtake I him, wo were in hopes his punishment wou'd como from n decree of law. Wo have nc\ cr known violence to correct an ovi!. hut it generally aggravates it. Tin) Southern Lfo Insurance ?s^aay 1 be advertisement ot thia hoiepfoc **"I ftl' Jre?3 to the people ?f Itnion, spphsfei'1 out col- j utnn* itij we invite all our rosier* l?4-v* 'hem a ca efu pertiA.il. \\ < ca . cwld bulli4'*to wrhot is said in either, ;uj the \ d dress ?*ts vrth fully i the 8t.itma and objects of the 1 o.opati/. hut wc i n.-e impelled to speak ot 'lie mortis of 'his Cow- ; J?any m they appear to us. It will he soon that j Ik rile of infers and Trustees, rompf**'! of the | very he* inen in his town i?nv<- been jOrnted to i look titer Die interests of cvor} pn ic,.' holder, J so that iLoi-.- can lie no epprehepsiwa ?>*! fraud j will l.< coiuuiittcd. Ite-aclcs. the < oinp*n/Itself j hit* pieced safeguards at < . cry point, only to j preset vc itv integrity mid protect .is i iter eels, by seloeiing (lie host men in Ihc South <> nannice :t? afloir?, hut alio to protect those who invc-t their mm ey in if, by iuveslitig nil it* pro* iiis of tli" I'retuiiiDiH derived from jn'j.'bi uf residents in this .Suite, in ileal Kelatu uj<1 such other securities a* are safe, in South t'?r?lifi?. It is u tried safe and liberal home Inst.tuliou, which, it su'itaiurd :u- it certainly d esc was. will diffuse immoiiM) benchtHto tin* Sou I Lorn ?eoi?b-. and boo t > an ii.titiuion iti whioh lb y will for' a laudable motional pride. V e t.iii point to instances within the lord ra of Lni'iii 0??nnt\, where widows and fit eric's! cl ildrcu are not nly now iu r.oiufiirtnVr cir- j emus niter* but li.tvi' iron aved >V in ; ?.*? want, ly the prndei I utiiinnl investment, Cor a lew years, of u piii til nut from the fulitr'i earning*. in this Tory I oiopany. livery li ad of u family slmuM ltiivo his liV met red ft/" Iht i c ndii i f liia \vifu und childieu. Ilv> vould ] hc.'cr alisGcl with himself .\&d tuu rorM it lie knew flint he hud thus lunde pr'wisio* for th so dour one* tt honic after death ho i Writ from ih< tn tho manly t.rm that suppoUod tloti. rite innn who ! >vci Ills family and uro-il I ): o n li V < '' misery it' ho "upposed theji would \?fr nne uhjcols of charity tfler h!a death, have ii the Life Insurance a certain preventive front pith humiliation Then, we ??y, let every in;.;;? particularly every pixn man---take o?it a p- cy on liia lite for 3?I,0??M, or as much moo as lie fee 1.1 himself able to pay the premium a. A no table case just occurs t> ui, where a '.ilo insurance policy saved a fieo farm for the vido\v ami f nii minor children The hushmd fiad borrowed $"?,000 to buy ;>iri ook he faj ut ; id gf>' >-i mortgage ou it. In I luce yen-' he pV.\; V- >?'() of the borrowed money, lie died a on afterward. I is life was insured lor $d,0>X). whit It tvas paid to (1 e widow and enabled iei o pay off the mortgage and run the fur: 1 ike uoxl yi ar without giving a lieu. Innuui ni-el iiuliuitd of this kind iin he found iliroM^Le.o I the Eolith. U?"fp. We would cuP 'ho attention of t! lUihond authorities to Sho very disagree b?r inconvenience to which passengers gelling m and .if th.* r-rtt-h .it ;Iiim d?iinl ?iw # fi.*? . i. ed. >iost of the time 'hey hove to w alit in uur i> for io.dc distance ' got ' > l'tl' depot platform*, and v\? have known it to ho impossible to there, in cuiist'i|nonco of freight cars .-landing on the track, (t seem? to in- ihat a gap conl? 'he track--to itt coin:. oduto those going to or from! the p.n?eiij,er ...i. ? r. *'*. b^ye >n-* ?"licin " an* one cui\?ioctet ?i;4 the depot. Such nn tvirungouien? during the en.. .-nd' i. i.?ir >t...i ?),.> ..reive ar t leave e ery day would mi incur ten iiiiu.urs later anl would .-how some little respect for tin Convenience aril coin fort of passengers. I-as( winter a lady wa* compelled to tramp tlirougt the n u l an 1 rain for some distance, in getting from the cars, which made her sick for some weeks, and a lawsuit for damages was spoken. of. We na*o heard great complaint about thic' matter, partieularly from strangers. ttr<\, In the r-j >rt of the 1 nterricw with (lev. i'linrubcrlr in which v\a published last wccl that goat'eniiin iny:? : "I confers, however, that i ant not so mm t , interest oil in what is past and gone as 1 t.tn ' i what is present mid coining." ' I la that expression the (lovcrnor sets the j?r?-1 cedent that the nfticial* if one a -I minis! rat ion | re.I interest. -) in punishing tlm rascals who hath 1 robbed and disgraced the State under a pv*\ ,v.'. ^ administration. In other words, if the, olftov.'e : i?t* Mr. ( liiiiiilii i Iuiw'a liihitiiiNl.'-'jinu vi i I pi ?equally as p -eat rflmal* us those ?m Tt'l j Moses, tlio miceei .lnig ulministr.vtion would 'h | feel any intere.-i in bringing them to jti.stioe. that course is In be followed, we nee no for punishing official rogues, but m the otiwf I haul it nee in? life offering immunity fi >th ptr Shell, they have induced to deny that Jon Crews inmito'Vl tliem to cjiumit that terrible deed, and > der affidavit* accuse Mr Wfifch. Shjdt \ . i len L'inl. I'etei tive Alley, A. M. ifofV of having iut inundated And bribed sW* implicate Crew s. Nobody hat lug 1 '$ ' knowledge of the character of Crew* i) be deceived into believing their lout jtMimeat. Wo know the gentlemen thejr euso of bribing thorn t.x> well to bo'evy thev would resort to nnv such dishonoi Mc means to convict the nuibt uiiuiUi?;iied cai in the State. .m The Charleston Daily ?xpr,?* it tav | name ef a new paper Just started in th It assume* to * 0 independent in poiiliss, p.y. art-] vocalc* the election of tien. John 2 the Conservative candidate for ita^d . r?lV'4 j large, well fillfd sheet, a id giv >a f r*rtia$. ing a valuable ad lit ion to ike joun^st*" tilate. Wo are not la favor of in tads, under 11.o exiettlng condition of ? inks, Br?lBy?^y j cantile and Mechanical firms, f<>r ruaa have been reported f?t the North the The telegraph of the 31st nil., rspsgit f'^*re* and suapensiona of parties whoso ^ (lities amount to $1,000,000. Financial afiV.i^lhe North look squally. O M OI K MM II, t'OMX V Aaumuat.?Saleriay, ho * general tiling, is * i pretty lively time wi;h the merchants this time 1 of the year, but tho Salevlay in September vill be loug remembered ns the dullest that has "ooraeiik ng for some time." There were a urea* many people iu town, but very little money afloat. John Barleycorn had his any with a great many, but nobody whs hurt by his influence. There was one lit'le skirmish, but the Sheriff, in his usual prompt and decided way, put i st ip tu it brfiro anybody was hurt. StiKHirr's Sai.ks.?The sales by the Sheriff were very email. Only two tracts of land sold, 1 as follows . All the Interest that .1 l. Situ* bad j in 1 acres of land .sold fit purchased ' by J It. Stcedman. Two hundred and foity-funracres of land, be- , longi.ig t > the Batate of Mrs. Mary McDowell Black, sold for SI,IL'i.GO--j nichased by John A. Black. Wkhtak great complains. about the stench that arises from the vicinity f th butcher shop and hope the next I'ouncil will iro i ? having the rMisai.ce abated Wo >1 >11 i think a .slaughter pen lion 1(1 be allowed right in tac cer ire of the town, as i Is considered very nalicnitliy, iv? well a.- unpleasant. We hope the Hoar ol* Health w !l take sonic net ion in the premises. There i h. 3 a nuisance in the rear >t the llix h we. which Dinkub the passing t'roui Main street to | I look or street disagreeable, and should be aba- 1 ted. Tiik H::?!tim Mux's Lo.m ivi. I'l.m?Thing- , carta lily had a gloomy appo uvatice h.st Monday j morning, for as "1 e Local" was strangling along ] hunting "Local Dots," he espied a group of gentlemen sitting on the ltinil cr nam* the Bank on t SLppasiug thai lie might lie able to glean something rliat would be interesting > the readers of the Timks, he straggled in that direction. Sure enoii'/h, lie did hear something that o ltd not only i ' rest them, hut cause soino surprise Lie. On or arrival at 'lie pile of lumber wo i were informed by the Chan man, who. by the way, was thu .Senior, that the object ot the meet- ( ing was to organize a Loafing f lub, a id the i- i | itiatiou fee w is a ?hew of lobacc". As rvc ilid I not etiew wc had to take a "back scat.'' \\ liile sitting Itiere a lle.sol'ttion was intrn ha cd provi- ! ling thai onl}' olio no mbor of any /.'( > ?r*.? firm , I ho allovrod nlmillanrt <>, of course, gave | I way t > 'lie Sin , feeling satisfied tn.it lie > old : fill the position will more grace and dignity. The membership cm dated oi tluev merohintb, two doctor*, me lawyer and. for a time, too printers The subject of discussion was ilie lei >c of the roof of the new buildings on the op- j podle side of the Urcct. I'fhe tjluh meets daily, from 9 A. M. to 7, T'. M. Bring a chew of tobacco tun be tiitiaf d. i Fiu:its.?Them were two Jitt'c fight- i?? t v-vn ' this a?'ek?one in Buckets'' and one in *ltit. Tiifi settlement. M <; mi ion.?It i.s suggested t>y a tleman that (lie next Town (""oi m il erect .Martin boxon, I to en murage these useful l>ir?l- ?r uii't Town, oh , thry iknlMj the different inserts, particularly j the gnats, which tire very troublesome these dry ' dsys I AiiKRfTHenry Fan a yonr.g col<>red hoy *,tn -oiiuu'ttM* 'v?cia'ioa was hid off at ^ I .'AT ot the monthly meeting <-iuetida\ night Inst, t'ov.soii. Mketim>.-?Tbo Town 'Vuincil tnet li^il Titr.Htiftjr nitrld, and adjourned fit*. t l.nj- S' cm to he anxious to throw off their 'otfioial robes." Main trukt presents a lively and busy fig*" 1 at this time. The ring of the i.urniner and trowl el Hounds cheerily upon our oars, while :ho <;vy | of "more mort" and the quick movements of About thirty mechanics and laborer.- give nu| uilit tkable evidonc t at the town is improving. Mr. Grant is pushing 'lie three stores on the J. h. Young comer rapidly, and they begin to 1 fn u V. o a truly handso nc addition to the town. . Ma Tasssn, of Spartanburg, hus about 1"> ' han le actively employed in building a large two story brick buildiug in rear of the hole', for a Milliard room, Barber shop ami Servants' slceping rooms. > Thk dwelling bouses of Jlcv. B. G. Clifford and .Mr. 11 M. Grtnibnll arc also going up fast. Those houses were framed in Charleston, by Devereux Brothers and :tu? nl?iw nw.n.i?,. i.? BfiE?\7 ? - - * ?" ~ f , huodaouir and convenient dwelling- to adorn | ti>At portion of our Main street. . _ - m - - Our Charleston Advertisements. Our columns begin to shown disposition on the pari of the Charleston Merchants to put themselves to some trouble and expense to secure the traiie. of this County. M e arc truly gVul to see this ipirlt, and it will give us great plessure to I know that our cit'som* return the compliment by I making that City their seaport market IVc think they should do so; and we also think the Charles- j to-. Merchant.) should show a greater desire to i?t?yrt our trade than hey have heretofore. .hose firms wo think wi rtliy the * .oifi '.Wee and patronage of onr oil irons, are I Mksbrs. J. H. Caukki*. A Co. | 'These gentlemen are sirangers to most of our ' people, but we learn they are prudent, reliable ! and bo no ruble men, in every respect worthy tiie Confidence and patronage, of lite public. Mrmnrs. IV. W. M'nn.ntN Co., arc gentlemen well known throughout this and rung States. Their reputation as Cotton) Vac era and Commission Merchants stands equal j with any firm in the City for reliability and V empiness in all their dealings. We hope our people will give them a liberal trial. A. 11. Mrci.tr.aN needs oo commendation from us. lie has enjVftd h iarge business from the best men of this County for many years, a-.d the best evidence he enjoys their confidence uUo, is in t he fuel Hkfti iKftu r?!tnw 1a ksrwx K 1 ? - -L Sl * - !> . A^TUWNHKNP. W abiihutu*, September 6?The Treasury Department lit?x advices of tho arrival of a res el in jLo Delaware Bay Irom San Domingo with I j-cllo-r ferer on board I*iir ti?c " uo<. Idle Moment* in an Old Library. NO 13. Jvim ( ige. ot u? lie was c< itnnonly called, ' old Jolm;,' wmi native of t'.umi/ Vutrim, Ireland. He emigrated tuth t'aroliua about 1784. with hi* brother*, Mat;he'.v mi l James They began life j>cd ha 1 expose I his ware- f r -rile. Mr. tinge discovered that there was 110 new .it miction which drew tin- people around the yuukec's -dund. Nearly nil the pu'oh i-es of the merchant.- at thai (tine were made ?u Pi.ihilelphio. Mr (?*ge, leaving somu one in charge of hits goods, slippetl into the < rowd around tlie van nee' - .stand. nud soon fonnil out tl it the ehnriu was in ti e yankee a goods 'icing fron "New York --a new place. He went hack and soon afterwards called out, "now la lies and gentlemen, let me show y-wi something worth looking at.: Here's a ca.-o of goods fresh from Vnld Ireland, jist walk up find take a snili' of the salt ather. will ye?" It is unnecessary to say the Irish calicoes had n run after that. Mr. tl-xge was. in Ids yettth a very handsome tillow. of prepossessing manners, genial di.spo| sition, full i.l anecdotes, nick at repartee, t graceful dancer, a glorious singer, and always ; rea lv lor a convivial entertainment of r. v kind. Nearly half a century has parsed an i we still retain t're^h in our mem' ry the rich toucs of his \ -.ee n the old Scotch Ballad? \l? have never 1 heard ? nything more touching than his rendering of "Poor Totu Howling. Ihc darling of our crew," <>i more mirth provoking than his "Honnic Maggie hauler." | It was the custom in these day-- for gentlemen J lo nmet at each other a houses .met supper, and i yj'vi. .? ii 'i h i irs ui idling niuril'n. mi whim r j, ! discussing public matters, and singing old ual! lads. "I ncle .John" was always a trump on | such occasions anil led the em ir or 'he solo. | The party nearly always woke up with " \uld r. ing Syne." or '-Wife, hiidreu and KriuuJs, j all joining hands, auil wit.!, their whole sv ul oni teeing into the spirit of the song. J Many antcdolw are tohl illustrative of his ready wit. lie once sold u woman a sc; of cups and tf'/*', *?> '' ?' o ' .* v*i< 7" wfiui then? "FitUb, toy leai nadiun, jin bring ihern back anil I'll gic J*c the wovth o' theui.' Voire enotifin, ttiey broke, and the n.raa.s brouglit iheui back. 'Aell Mr. (Inge, huro .i tho , cups nud saucers- -you know what y?u told inc. "Faith, madam. an t what was that?" "That you would give l.ie the worth of them ' "And what arc they worth?" "Nothing ut all, sir." "Ami wns'nl iliat jist what 1 was gi ing to give ye. ' On another occasion he met a woman riding >n tho country, when the following colloquy occurred : "Hood meriting, Mr. Gage!" "flooa morning, ntadatn." j "Well, now, Fin not sure whether this is you or your brother?" "I faith, madam, and it's my brother." 'Well, I beg your pardon, I thought i: was you." M.vnv anecdotes are told of him in connection l with his ovc-neer. Ony ttneale, which are rich ' in humor. ! Mr. Gage married first in Ireland. His see! ond *vifo was from tho city of "brotherly lore" ?a very beautiful woman, who did not live long after coming South?died of consumption. His third wife was a daughter of Hessian Johnson, of Union County. He left i largo fumily, who are scattered over the South-west. He accumulated n large fortune?owned that portion of ihe square now owned by Mr. Grant, half the square East of it, and a large body of land N'orthof the I Tinagc. ! ile was a kind, indulgent luiher, a good neigh| tior ami an liouosvt man. IIU Library companions indicate very plainly his tastes . Shakespeare Cavallo on Magnetism ; Uaoieay's Revolution ; Tom Jones ; Sterne's Works; Life of Catharine 2nd of Russia . Lord Chesterfield's Works ; Washington's Letters; The Tatler; Life of Washington, tkc. Kef (lie Time*. Air Castles on the Farm. Fair Forest, S. C. Mr. Kihtor have read a great deal in your paper about "Manufactures." "A Farm that docs pay," Sowing Oats, ' Jtc., which is very pleasant reading, and will tickle the fancy of mint ready lo build air cast I or; but the question is, dou't wo a'.l build too many of those ens" lies? It is n great ilea' easier for a mnn to sit down and write what ought to be done? than it is to do it. You may be sitting on the Bide-walks of your Town, and hear inen say that we can make from three to five thousand pounds of Cot ion per ncrc; if so, why not do it? I Am (old tlie Mississippi and Rod River Volleys never moke more than from fifteen hundred to three thouann 1 pounds per acre. In (hose valleys na ture has planted the soil fr.-ni three to five feel deep, with ulinnfo end ail to suitNow. please tell ino how are wo in the upper Counties of South Carolina to raise more than they do there, unloss we pay inoro than the whistle costal ! can, and will admit, that Mmu factories ought to he built, an 1 should spring up in and around all our Towns, and on aC good water ptlvilcgcs, and such must and will he tin enve before we, as a people, become Independent. { hut when I read or hear of a man aukiug $840 on twenty eigliV'icros of poor, hilly upland, '11111 one small tuulo and Cvo s.pall phiMren r.nd himself, 1 think ho has forgotten, or don't know how,, to calculate. That will do to talkjdxuit. hut it will not do to calculute on. TL^p^ticle brings t?. tnind that I heard a good pne-legged soldier jay the other day, a man of undoubted YCf-?clty, j he I. i t a neighbor rlio raid lie would itiaksot1 eutton ha > ot Cotton anl Corn enough to do i liiir. two y !? -, v. ith one horse and ??ue hand, ox opt auiue i> < i nration in Dip Spring with tw , horses and a few da\ * hoeing. , Now. Mr h^iitor. if suoh bathe ease, the wri. tor of this might just a-, well quit, for he hug about two hundred acres in Cotton uses fire I tons ot liiuiun, and lias had (ho most of his fna i worked well, anil if he pets aevcnt-live hales of Cotton. weighing four hundred and fifty pounds, i lie will be satisfied. My farm won't pay Tho ! writer is woll acquainted with lie uhovo farui? ; the writer s lautl i> thought to be the Lest?and I I kt. >w it to be best; and now what is (ho 1 mutter? Don't the writer prepare his land, pi inland work right? Or can't he build air castles to suit the times. 1 don't oxpeet lo have j any corn fi r salo. neither do 1 expect to have j more tlinn will do me tho farm year, if that. Son' tiling is * rong. Tlie truth is, such air i .'a.it!? ? should never go to the press, for yaukee ; speculators !n cogitate over. If sttch he truo, you in I me, Mr. Editor, are living in the best | kim! of a County in the world, and don't need J hi;. Vh IJr.e U. U.; we've got at home all wc I need, and Mr. Oat-suwor can gel ns much Cotton j as he wants without buying it, for .vt will have to sell and give aivny. Is not this all good news? Cotton to give away; urn enough lor two y ears , and Teas for sale; what a happy dnyr '. just come J in all at once. Mr. !!di!.?r, 1 fee! much beD.-r since I saw j y " r paper of the 27th August. I was about to ?|v.it tiiki' g it, a* my time I tbiuk will he out on | the '.'Gth inst; but 1 can't do without itjust now. ! The las: issi e was worth the price. Such trood j news and glad tidings all to conio just as the i writer was about to despair ! Oh ! what ft han| py and prosperous time ! I do wish some of I those />?,?/ far uers would coiuq and take fine of , my land and pay such rent?$7.50 per acre !? ! 1 have no more news- your last issue will do me I until it comes again?if you will siill send it t v meon fid. Yours, ?kc., FARMER. - Tho Spartanburg and Athevi'.lo Railroad. We give below a synopsis of the provceitings of the annual meeting of tho Stockholders and Directors of the East Tennessee, Virginia and Caorgia Railroad Company, licld at Kuoiville, on the 1st Intl. It will be seen thst the new President of the S. and \. It. K., Muj. P.ui.can, "Via there looking after tlie interests of his road, nr>d that lie j received great encouragement from that t urii pany. Mr. Duncan further informs us that bo j had assurance from a responsible and reliable I ..I ii- u i? t? __ ? i. " , f (Wimviru >?:uiiuv l.. 1. V. mill VI. l\. n., j that when the S. and A. road is ready to lay | down the ir??n that article be forth com Lug ')un of the Directors, must impress the iieople of t.liarieslon with con* ' fiden v in the desire of the people :?1\ along the ! line to ui.'iko that city the gr?>tit Ocean outlet from the West, it, ihst they spenk of the S. and ! .v. route ?S the ihoritti nnd cheujtet route tn j Chi'Irtion. No other point on the seaboard is | alluded to, and we believe no o'her point will be thought of utiles* Ohm-lesion foolishly gives our route the cold shoulder. The report of the President was r?iwt, and. on motion ad. t led. ' v/ji iiioii.yu ti e eoovoiUioo went. into ' (Ion of I!u.ird of Directors. " Mr. .1 Mouroe Meek jfur 4 l,,e fMWwiug renoluliun : JtitoUfd, rival U|? lueor'"8 directors be requestod to declare 'Mend to toe stockholders at the earliest day consistent with good faith and the financial ability of the Company. The resolution vmih carried, i On niction it was ovdered tlntl the usual nnuiher f copes of the report be printed. The Chairman introduced Mr. L>. II. Duncan, President of the Spartanburg and Ashesilln Railroad. Mr. Duneua said the road he represented needed no introduction here ae it Lad its birth 3'> yearn ngo. At the meeting in iSSC. the route by which they intended to connect Knoxrillc and Charleston was the sauic as that presorted now. anil no good reason had since why it should not continue to be tho route. Since the war the building of tho road hud bee:: revived, aad that hy u people with scarcely a dollar of money for the work. A considerable private subscription was tccured, and surveyors were put in the field, and the road was located. Ily n report of the eugiuecr it wins found that ?710,000 will complete tho grading between Spartanburg and Asheville, ' and lie considers ;t a very reasonable estimate, j One tunnel of one hundred anil sixtv-fiva feet ia ! nil thai rill be needed in the tunnel line. Only : $710,000 to corny let e the grading of this conI nection 1 Will 1 he people of South Carolina, I North Carolina ami Tennessee stand back a id I not take hold of such an enter prise? What I would he tlic result? There is not a thing I raised in this country that is not needed and will find ready sale in South Carolina They i had given out a portion of tbo work, and it hoe i been completed. The resolution* passed by the , meeting of stockholders of the East Tennessee, | Virginia and Georgia R. R. encouraged tliern 1 very much, and several of the Counties subscribed .5100,000, and one County $150,000.? There is needed a subscription of $260,00(1 to reach the Henderson County line, which tbov must reach before they can make the Henderson County subscription available. lie also gave sorao fact* and figures au to the p-esom prospects of the enterprise, which t?o ! find embodied in tho report of the former Prss' ident of that road, Mr. C. 0. Meraminger, read ! at tiic stockholders' meeting, August 10th, 1876, [ handed to us by Mr. Duncan. The facts aro aa I follows ; A more economical plan of construction, too, has been devised, and the estimates herewith submitted show that the remainder of the road, as frir as Swanuanon Junction, can bo constructed ut seven hundred and ten thousand dollars ($710,000); tlitis mating a reduction in tho whole of about iwro hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) on the figures of last year's estimate. On the other band, our nt$?ns, instead of being diminished by the railroad catastrophes in other sections of the country and by the amount already expended on the road, are materially increased. The people in Smith Carolina having been fully awakened to the neoewity >f doing the work themselves, have con e up most nobly to our aid. I'nion County has subscribed one hunbrtd and fifty ($160.00(1) and Spartanburg one hundred thousand ($100,000); and If to these be added the subscription of Henderson ami Ituncombo Counties in North Carolina of cnc hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) each, and the amount of good private subscriptions, after payinn existing ' ?? ? '>a nrwt 1 . . ? ? \?J ?" ,; we have remaining nsneta to the amount of fit* N hundred thousand dollars (^600,000) to carry on the work l'ho result it ?hil* InM year we undertook a work to coat neltalj ono.5 miJjUou dollars ($l,000,(?0rt) with nssvtf aroorifctiai to one hundred end twenty-eight thousand ddUM-s ($128,000); ?hiw year we flti l Ourselves supplied with five hundred thousand dollars ($MX),OOOd to accomplish a work to cost only seven hundred and ten thousand dollars ($710,000). Mr. Duncan In the course of his remarks, | raid that in speaking of this rottte, the ktrpunge of Uor. llobt. Y. llayne Is as tme ttvday a* when spoken, in -IHHf+J. FTt> said : "It eat>- ^ not he doubled that tntt'r irf'too route by which a railroad can I* carped Icygss the Ulue Ridge at a cost fur construction anything like ?t] [ual to that of the route wlilch passes along Ihe Valley >f the French ltroad River. After a laborious anil patient investigation, wit 'a all the lights of thorough explorations and reports by engineer*, :hc uiiauimuus concinsiuu has been reached that