Sumter r.pim. ?SS win ?it?-* to salajettera o?.?"^*3*j?*A6*g Bit IJH? ihottld ?ot deter if?y ?fcrt?- psy^ jog tbe small amount d ue the rtatcJk mo?. Bf ?ry wan wh^Qj.^jm^l^ hU paper.. Pay np ! ^?1 fogg :: ^ |? " '?Mr' ??ed-ltye at ' i>Aa^^$tf and Confectionery.. See advertisement; Light Irosla were seen io thia s?&ieo| on (be mornings of tho 14th' and IflthJ Vegetation is still uninjured by it. , llfTBBBSTIPfQ X? TH at LAD 1139, ' I? tbe advertisement of M ra. M. ZEBNOW, which appears io oar oolnmuJ to-day. Ber Fall and Winter Opouingj la unusually rieh And beautiful. ' ' tar '* ' ' .'. SJ. C. CK NTH A Ei HAILHOAD. W. H. PKBONNEAT;, Esq., Treasuf-] ar, gires notice t hat'the fourth iostal ment of fire dollars per share ia piya> ble on tbe 15th of November. TUB IVIDK'AWAKK Fire Company, (colored,) were out in full uniform and strength, Saturday last, with their now attractive anti useful machino. The interest man i fea ted br our colored citizen?, tr? this depart? ment, is worthy commendable notice. 10* The sprightly letter of our corf] respondent "Edith Earlton," concerning! the recent session of Harmony Presby? tery, at Bisbopville, we regret' to say,] although io typo, is unavoidable crowd? ed from our present issue. IHR REGULAR FARAD? Of the Sumter Fire Kngiue Company,! on Monday last, brought out the nd jackets in foree, and, as is always the! case, a bevy of pretty girls to witnetSj their practice. The beautiful "Eagle") "played" well her part-at each inspir [ ing shout from the boys at tbe brakes,! aending her glistening spouts higher] and yet higher above. TH? DAY . The people of South Carolina will go to the polls to Cast their suffrages. It is an occasion upon which no honest and intelligent citizen can look without deep concern, or an unmoved or indiffer ent observer. Go to tho ballot box, and there lift your voice, and the vote you cast agaiust the misrulo and corruption that now prevails in tho public affuirs of the State. THU COTTON^CIIOP - Of this section is turning out lighttr] eren than was calculated upon at tho] beginning of the picking season. The complaint is generally coupled! with the declaration thal, the invest-! ment in fertilizers has not been profita? ble. ThjSSajyeaoot price of tho staple is, too; raKus to the planter, evcu und?r more^favorable circumstances. From the present situation, let our people learn still another lesson in re? gard to growing more largely Of broad. . .? ?' "'-**\ . .. SAVIN?'? BANK. / It affords us no little plcaau?o to di-] rectpublio attention to the- advertise moot of the Citizens Saviog'a Bank of? Soutjti Carolina, as published in our] issue to-day. We eongrstulate our oommunity upon] the establishment of a branch of this) useful institution at Sumter, with Maj J. W. DARGAN as Assistant Cashier,! and Messrs. J. T. SOLOMONS, L. 0 PATE, J. S. RICHARDSON, Jr., and T.j B. FRASER, OS a local Finance Commit?] teo. It will, no doubt, under such manage-] ment, become a popular institution in] our midst. I>OB Ka/riC ENTRRPHISH. That afir people should eooourage sod sustain all manner of laudable domestic enterprise, is a self ev ?d'nt prinoiple, and one which we have long proclaimed. In it is involved mutual advantage and the common good. In this connexion we refer with muobl pleasure, to the announcement, by Mr i AV. J. ANDERSON, as Agent) on another] column, of buggies, wagons, carriages,' carts, fto., for aale. Mr. ANDERSON a master workman, in the literal signi? fication of the term, sod we invite alli interested to visit tho establishment] managed by him. "GOO? TO KAT?? Scarce an ear upon which such an] announcement falls with indifference and if it be, po. chance, where nature is dedaring ber wants in tones of demand wbioh cannot be silenced except by "supply," such words excite an interest wbioh probably no others eonld produce Interestingas they are, they come from a source irom whence thoy may bo ful? ly realised. Look you to the adver? tisement of Dr. J. S. HUOUSON'S Family! Grocery, now managed by Mr. JuNlutq N. SPAHN. We apeak from experience. Flour a? white as mow, and cabbage, "big heads" and "hard heads," and ever] so many good tbiugs. "THianu ??Mi Try*** Vein?., Bai*. frt.ha... dpit?rr?. U.^?1 br***e., Afcl.^reese/ OH. Le.(br, Badil.ryfl Barde,,**, ?od >H, ?**d. kept ia . Irit Wl Saddlery B/tebltSbmeot," call it J: 8- TJMUM *? Oo/S., No. .9 ?oath Promt Street, ;.WlljalBgW,| witt bu? .been With sltvs? or copper Ubi," wbtclfl ^F*?^^" W* PsH-ctshpes. ;0o?W par.dwttb ragged loos ?od dirty stockings, theil we be.otifut, }<. say tho lessl Parents., fy lt- ? k4w_ *Q Ai^BiMiaB ATO?' AttTiYaal D.h'l b?V. y?or stair. Without banisters, atV tho rt? of breaking your children's ' neoks-B, Don't hare woodoo ceilings, tbat require a eordH of lightwood to illuminate - ibo room. Don'rBL have windows without gloss, ao th ut whonevur llH Bina rou inuit-sh ut out th? light' of heavet)? bn't bay? sashes without blinds, so that tbfH .summer .un will dussle your eyas,, warp y o or? furniture and fade your v.rpot. But order a'bW the - necessary material*' for furnishing 1 y ourfl bouse ib comfortable ..stye from P. P. ToaleJ Charleston, 8. 0., tbe largest manufacturer oil such things In Iho Southern Slnloa. ? Tbe Five Dollar Sowing Machine purohasadl by net Januaryr1866, from tho Family Bowing] Machine Compony, 86 Nacsau'Street, ft Y. hus* been in almost constant use orer si nco. . It hall not bean out of or ter onoo. Has oost ootliing? for repairs, and I lind it simple and reliable InT I operation, ?nd, alway?, ready to aew. Those] friends of mino wtm use them with the now 1m I proveniente' are Tory mnoh pleased. Tho eue l] bate I would not part wilta. MRS. ANN W. CUTIIBUKT, 428 West 36tb Street, Now York. Aug 81- 3ra This celebrated medloioo bae won adeservodlyf high reputation nS an alleviator of pain and Ereserver of health. It has become a houje-l old remedy, from tho fact that it gives imme-l diate and permanent-rollof.. It isa purely vego-, table pr?paration, mado from the best and purest materials, safe lo keep and to use in every furn Hy. It is recommended by physicians and perl sons of all classes, and today, after a public! tria| of thirty years-the overage life of m mi -j it stands unrivalled and unuxoolled, spreading! its asefuluosa over the wide world. Its large und iucreaslng salo affords positive evldonco of? its enduring fame. We do not deem lt necessary! to say much in Its favor us ono small bottlo willi do more to convinco you of its o IB ency tbnn alls tbe advertisements in the world. Olve it one fair! trial and you would not bo without it for tonj times ita cost. . Directions nccompnny eaoh bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Prico 25 cts., 50., ct?., $1 per bottlo. Pet_ _ A TORPID SYSTEME. Sometimos, without any ussignablo cause, thc] physical strength and animal spirits give way, ?and a atrango torpor fulls alike on tho body and intellect. Thoro is tittlo or nn the medicinal efficacy of active poisons, bud if these skeptics will take tho trouble to enquire; of those who have tested tho corrective and al? ternative virtues of the Bitter, undor the drouin stances described, they will lind tho statoineut I to be truo. New Advertisements. OCTOBER. 1870. lJ.&P.COATS: BEST SIX COBB IS NOW THE [Throat! put up for thc American mirkot| which is SIX-CORD IX ALL NUMBERS, From No. 8 to No. 100 inclusivo. For Hand and Machine. THE LEHIGH UNIVERSITY,; SOC I II HHTMLBIS'^mr, PA? . An Industrial and Polytcohjiio Institutlot VWlotf y ?line_ STBW1NU MACH INKS-AGENTS WANT?b j.Salary $10,000 por year; ?lreulara ard uamnles of work frso. Address CRYSTAL SKW IMO WAQHiaa Co., BOSTON, Mass, . (fri t iA DAY FOR ALU-Stenoll.Topi sam, f lUplM mailed free. A. J. FULLA M 6.4? Broadway, Y. Y. nOYAL HAVANA B.OTTrtltY. Prises cashed and information furnished .by QKOKJBR UPHAM. Provldenea, B.-I. -r j IJO els. to $5 per Evening, at Home! Weare prepared to furnish profitable employ? ment to Men sad Women at thoir homes. '. One person In each locality throughout the United States, can engage In this buslnessat great v/?gei We send, ?nm?, foll particulars and a valuable sample, wh Ich will do to com menee work on. Any person seeing this notice, who wants profitable, perraanont work, should send us their address, without delay B.r.Al/sVWN dcCO.. Anamata, Malpe. AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early indiscretion, causing nervous debility, premstoie dsoay, A?., having tried in rain ?very advertised remedy, bas discovered s slmpla means of self-cure, whioh he will send Free to bte fellow sufTerers. Addr.i. j, u. SUTTLB, 78 Nassau st., N. Y. . -?-\' ?.-. :'? .-'.r: - : - ' ftgj MtmfajXk+lhi ??eds I. ?hew 7??. t?er. M BACKS ?nd SA ? ATOO A. XOX TR-U?KS. $ ?ey want ?Trunk sari lcd for Ladies' work, am sar? you ?tin ??d U'.\< "f' ?; ' i TO .; rout satUfaeUou. And If yon make or repa 13 oo ts sad G'u oos, bar? ts tb? pla O* to buy Loath, ir, French and' American Calf Skins, Goat Uki ii ? ? >'. ' ._, , , . ' * JJ Morocco, Split leather, Russets, Oak and How eek Sole Leather. Therefor? when-you READ t? r? ; . . .. 1 J ibout what I har?, eon? and'axants? the ii lacking, Brushes, Shoe Findings, Ae., which ll ian furnish, wholesale or retail, at prices loj nab? it an object. ", THIS ealsoafuet: I have a ot of HATS nt cost to] dose Invoice. Call at . James Caldwell's, Main Street,! OPPOSITE J. T. SOLOMON'S. SIGN OF THE BIG BOOT. Swat 28_ HO FOR BARGAINS! -AT FRANK FOL.SOM'S Cheap Variety Store.! Ho lins just roturnod from New York with nj ino soloction of Fancy Goods, Toys, Con fcc tionery, &c. Urcat Bargains Offered thc Ladle especially* Everybody-Young und Old, Little and Big ?rill bo served to Ivst uf my ability. rea at $1,25 per pound* THOSE SPLENDID SCRUBS at 60c. each Supt 28-6m F. A. FOLSOM. MISS E. J). BRITTON WOULD RESPECTFULLY INVITE bor friends, and particularly tho ladies Of Sumter and commu? nity to call nnd examino Her Rich and Beautiful Stock! -CF. Pall Millinery and Fancy Goods.! Having selected her goods personally, andi irith great care, in th? New York and Baltimore markets,.she feels confident of pleasing all, both is regards quality, sti le and prue. As usun), (hero ure many novelties for ibo season. MISS BRITTON is supplied with a FIRS' CLASS MILLINER nnd a DRESS MAKER, rum Baltimore, who are woll qualified for th? business. Tho fashions procured in New York. Ladies, call nnd have your Dresses and Hats nude in the latest styles. Paper patterns of Dresses, Sscqucs and other miele? of drona may bo bad. At the New Store next to J. T. SOLOMON Supt 28_ F HALTOM FOLSOM,! OT M O o ri O Watchmaker and Jeweller,] SUMTER, 8. C. Calls the attention of Ibo public to bis assort ment of Watches, Clocks, Jewel r j, Spectacles,! and a Finn Artlolo of SILVER PLATED WARE,| Bridal Presents, Ae. Persons purchasing of him oan rest assured of getting articles as represented. All work in my| lin? neatly rcpairod and guaranteed. Barrett's Build wa, South West Cornet] Main and Liberty-streets. Oct 6_ State of South Carol ina. | COUNTY OF -SUMTER. Special Copartnership. rpHE UNDERSIONKD, L. 0. PATE, C. E X STUBBS and MARX E. COHEN, citizens ot Sumter, hnv? this 20th. day of August, 1870. ntsoointed themselves in business as General Merchants under the name of PATE A STUBBS lt. G; PATE ?nd C. Es STUBBS ar? Genera) Partners. . MARX E. COHEN is a Special Partner, ?no has .invosted in tho business, Four Thousand DnllsTS In cofh. '' '. ' , This partnership to.lnst one. year, fren abftve Ju to an d be renewable at tho option of Ibo parties, fSlgned] LV O.'PATB, ' . C. E. SI UB*8> .. MARX lt. COHEN. RoptH _W OF , > GOOD SEASONED IiVlTIBBll. which J will sell At reasonable prices, either all the MILL, or delivered in Town, for whiohl orders may be left at my Store in Sumter, andi it will rooeivo prompt attention, J. RETTENBERG. Oct ft-lu "We iii vite the attention of buyers to the following, which em J 'brace but a few of the goods and prices of . our Stock, and ask all] to call and see for themselves before making their purchases'.. GROCERIES. BROWN SUGAR, - 12 1-2 cts, per lb;. Best 0. Coffee Sugar, - - 16 cts. per lb. ?Molasses, 60 cts. per gallon-by the Barrel, 45 cts. per gallon. Lard, - - 20 Cts. per pound. Cheese, best quality, r . - 20 cts. per pound. Candles, - - 20 cts. per pound, by the small box. Good Family Soap, IQ cts. per,pound-by the box 8 cts. per lb. ?Coffee, a good article, . - - - 25 cts. per pound. Choice Hyson Tea, - - - - $1 per ponnd. fJhoice Oolong Tea, - - - $1 50 per pound. Choice English Breakfast Tea, - - $1 25 per pound. Flour, - - - - $7 to $10 per barrel. (Our Flour was bought at the time of the greatest decline inj prices since tho war.) .. . OF ALL KINDS AT REDUCED PRICES. A Fine Assortment of Bacon J AT LOWEST MARKET PRICES. 'CANDY, 30 els. per pound, best quality. FANCY GROCERIES, of all kinds.! LIQUOR?- I ?Pure Whiskey, of good quality, at - 50 cts. per quarti Wines and Liquors of all kinds, at low prices. k T O 13 -A. O O O . I A Fino Stock of Tobacco, Snuff nnd Scgnrs, und a Choice assortment of Pipes! Bought from the Importers. , |^ DRY GOODS. COATES' COTTON, genuine, - - $1 per dozen.! [Best "English" Needles, - - 5 cts. per paper.! Shirtings, 10 cts. per yard-Heavy - 12 1-2 cts. per yard.! Good Calicos, - - - 12 1-2 cts. per yard.j ?Good DeLains, fashionable styles, - - 25 cts. per yard.! Empress Cloth, 60 cts. per yard.! Kid Gloves, all colors, - - 76 cts. per pair.! Kentucky Jeans. - - : 16 2-3 to 20 cts. per yard.! ?Blankets, .- - - r $2 25 per pair J [Dress Goods of all kinds. A Fine Stock of Heavy Goods,! IFancy Goods, Collars and Cuffs, Laces, real and imitation, Ribbons, Hair Nets, new styles, Waterfalls, Puffs and Rolls for the hair, India Rubber Goods. A SMALL BUT SELECT STOCK OF REAL FRICK PERFUMERY, SOAPS, POWDER ML PURCHASED FROM THE AGENTS OF THE PARIS MANUFAC turcrs, at the lowest prices for cash. Hardware, A Complete assortment, selected with great care. A Splendid Stock of Guns? Hats, OF THE NEWEST. STYLES, EMBRACING ''THE RHINE," "0?B FRITZ," "L0TH?IR," fte. CHEAP HATS, at 50 cents each.! A NEW AND CHEAP SUPPLY. LEATHER of all kinds. CARPETS, DRUGGETS and RUGS. GOOD BRUSSELS CARPETS, at $1 60 per yard. HANDSOME PATTERNS. STRONG HEMP CARPET, yard wide, at 50 cts. , per yard.| [Cheap and Good Clothing. C?TT?N purchased ?? highest market price. EXOf??NGE on New Yorfc for sale. Wo intend .to sell oar goods Low for Cash. They have boen bought at th?! lowest wboioaa4o priocs. andi wo intend giving our customers tho bonefit ot'ourL bargains, so as to establish tho reputation of A CHEAP AND RELIABLE! HOUSE. - . .' ? ' CHAS. H* MOISE & ?3?u. PLANTERS' WAREHOUSE, Oct 6 SUMTER, S. C, tb* ??Ir In ni M .j,? and IlhtalrMkwo. M] :- tithed fe ?or*???0(1,1?. s^fcj . . .. :F?MrtW?B??k;l>i^^ [A Btw supply of tho?? VsJuabU b^ke of D<5 String He.Teoward. bj MT? E. PrWOae Mari Tw?iu'?Innocents Abroad for, th?, Chambee EnVyc^^ v acribcra will pleas* esJl ft* No? i8 ?nd 1*1 Spare Hour?r (Horm S*bs?*TO,)>j Job?'Browlil Af. I)., fl rot ? n a - se?? nit Hrl & ?*? Passages fruin tb? Eogllah Nfl* Books of JU^ F aoiaUt?wtoorn, *y?l. ^;M..^;'.?,V^.1 . |Th* Heart of tho Continet, a reeord of-- fr*T?H ., aoron th? Plain? and in Orej?n, with an] examination of the Mormon Fri Fila Hugh Ludlow, Illustrated...........S.71 ^.Frencb, KugUsb and American Kote and loiter Papen and Kn relopes, together wicha funeral ?took of Blank Book* and Stationery., N. ^-Our MONTHLY LITERARY BULEE TON will bo ?ont PKBK io pori?n? la the CO*B try. . '?. j - ?' ''. . - ?gr- Parions residing' In the country 1*1)1 piena? beor fa mind, tbat by sending order? u> tu for any bouka publisned In A morice the?'' ?HIM charged only tb? prie? of tb? book. Wo pay lot the postag* yr expr?s?. Addreaa [Fogartie's Book Depository ! No. 200 KI KO STU KKT, (IN TUB BEND,) CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. Oct 6 _-. . " PERK! N'.B.oV, H OU 8 E 8 *V NON-EXPLOSIVE KEROSENE LAMP 18] absolutely safo both from Breaking and Ex? plosion. Giros twico aa muob Light as ordinary! Lamps, and uso? 38 per ?eat. leis Oil. Qi veg off] no udor, ?nd lasts a lifetime. . For sale by jr? P. nnowNB, Ab. 136 Meeting street, and Nb. ftl Broad] Street, Charleston, 8, C. Agent for State of South Carolina. OREEN ct- WALSH, Agonts . (or Sumter ] Sept 6-- Sui. C. GR A VELE Y, DIRECT IMPORTER OF HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNSJ Aaa Agricultural Implemeuts, ?NO. 52 Eiist Bny St. South of tba Old Post Office] CHARLESTON, S. C. ' Oct 6_? ' ' _tja FOR ALL KINDS OF Books and Stationary, ' Go to EDWARD PERRY, 149 Mcoting.atreet, opposite Charleston Hote?.| Oct S _ Cm FOR PRINTING and BLANK BOOK] MANUFACTURING and RINDING in all' U branches, go to - EDWARD PERRY, ?US Muoting-atroet, opposite Charleston Hotel.] Oct 6-_. ' 6m ASPECIALITY, FLOUR-SA OKS, PAPER; BAGS and WRAPPING PA Phil, At EDWARD PERRY'S. 149 Meeting-street, opposite Charleston Hotel.] Pot 5_? . _iin^ PAVILION HO T EL,! CHARLESTON, S. C. BOARD. PER DAY, $3.00. [noBT. nAnii.Tox, > una. n. L. BOITKBPIKLP, Superintendent. Proprietor Orr f>_'_ ? ' :J. E. SU ARBS, SUMTER FURNITURE --AND ' Chair Ware-Room.s HAS ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF FUR? NITURE, fur leas than nan be obtained In any Southern market, saving both freight and Tjsjt.of breakage by Railroad. With experience In 'tbls branch i?f burines? in tba City of Charleston, for twenty five year*, and ha* lng the advantage* ol the beat Manufacturers, be is offering Aral eiasa work of willoh efery M nlolo sold ls warranted. The stock connut? of j Sofas, Sido Hoards. Book Oise*. Wardrobe* | Washstands, Bureaus, Cottage Setts, Whatnot? Extension Tables Mahogany, dine and Wood Seat RoeklngChnlra Malign nj. Cane and Wood Seat Setting Choir* Cribs. Cradles Trundle Bedsteads and Cottage- Bedsteads Every style Looking Glasses and Mattrasse*. FIVE HUNDRED PAIR WINDOW SHADES Just reoeiaed. together wilta s> Jot of WALL PA' PER AND BORDERING. Main Street, opposite Express Office. UP STAIR8. J. E. Suares, Feb 21-tf _ ? / EXECUTOR'S SA L? O \m Xui j?k. 3NT X> . BY-CONSENT OF THE PARTIES INTER. HUTED in th? Heal Est?t* of Mrs. MAR HAUET MCLEOD, (locensoil, acoovdlng to Ike ternis of her. will. I will sell a? Sumter Court House, rm sn1u?-day tri ftnvcmbor noxt, w irk et nf lund belonging tn said Ratal*, In the County Hf Sumter, in iii* State qi South Carolina, ' eon. tajnlrig TH UER HUNDRED A*ND tWH!#tY WK ACHES, mora or U^Jweiudid' North by fand af John Montgomery and Samwsl' ?, Ucftrte, KdW b/Iarid of J. H. Wilson. South by rand ot lf?M..mWand West* by laud of Estate TKRMS :.. u?e half erteh dad th? bMirtfc? on eredlt of twelve months, with Interest, th? pay-| inert t. to bo Bond of tho purcharor with mortage of ibo premise*. . Purebasera to pay fer ' papers ?r>d ala mps.' ' O. M. Mc I-HOD, Executor. 0?t 5 rid . fewj i - y$ ItsnrAi-iv AND : IV"? b#f to-fflfom oir rH?nd?, patron* and all el wa hate\>peoael a larg? W H OL ES AI _ne*t doer te our t at all at pt?, wbcre we will ?ho w a ?owaat ngaree for oAaa or ?i ty,acceptance. ?goodf a*ckrd la one bo*. ' I ' VT? gaarantea t* a*ujw tb? ta?nest?toek abd al ju aare and ? ?ami ne our a took (before fou arab*} uj " , v ?& ' -V I MR. Joint q. A BAHS U erith a?, abd wilt be?twa ^natot-nca? avery altonion pof&lbl*. . ! 1 . ' vr^ > Respectful), ??M?^?*av^_^^v^^^^^^ . s (SOUTH CAROLINA,! AND TUE hereat Carolina MarlBoq/'j [A Popular Mid Scientific Vhsw of their Origin* Oeulofleel. Position ?DU Age. . Ah>?, VMU C hf io leal Character und Agrie ut ta rut V*le?* Together with a History of iholr Discovery mid-j Development. Having *f? colored plate*. Dyf Profesor P. 8. Holme?, of Cu?rle?t?n, 8, Cl (Oneoffti*Dl*ew?*V? V ' ' I rntiilS ^?RK 18 NOW I? PRES 1 and will be abortiv publl>hed. Apply ut HOLMES BuOK HOUSE, Klug Street OO.ITEKT* t 1, Rcssona for Publishing thia Pamphlot; 2.' l8elentlfl? Tarma and popular Na moa. : | 3, Nausee R?von ta tho Phosphat? Re??; < Earliest Nptloe of Phi sphata Rock*. .,. . 6, GeoloRleal lliatory aid Order of Succession' of the Fossiliferous Eada of tub Charle? ton Jtus,ln, with colored illustration?. ' . 4 . 6, Socaba Bnbratone or SlHclfled ShoU-Foirae tlou; 7, Meloceno Heda! 8, Plelocehe Bed* ; 9, Foat-Pleloceoe.Bcde; Age] or the Ph o ?ph uto H gc ka. . 10, Phosphate-Kook Basins, tba pr-o historio .ge of man? , ' . . Jj ll; Recent or Ulatorioal Age; I J, .What ar Fifrslts end Pelrcfietlona. 13, Origin .of the Phosphate Rock?, with coi >red plate. '?14, Hoer, the Nodalca war? converted into [phosphate Rock*, with colored pluto ; 16, "Fl ' I Bc d bf the C h a rles tou B ? a i n." ' 10, Tb, ?Great Carolinian Marl Red 17,| ?Comparison of Marla nssocieted with the Phos Bjhnie Rock ?nd those not thu* associated, la, Comparison pf. the San tee. Cooper, an Ashley Marl*) Iv, Green Sand?. 20, Use of Ground or Raw phosphates as* a Fertiliser ; 21, P?oovery ?Dd Derelopmont of the Caroliaa Phosphat? j 22. When and boar if Rock wa* fl'st found; 33, Discovery of tho Roc KN a/fat. . 24, Ulscovory of ?tone ?rroar-heade and - ?toa ?ha lehet j 36, Human bone* uk an fi om Ibo snroe] |bed ; 20, Coprolite? in caverne or pockets ; 37, Loiter of Professor Ho! ir ea, September 17l?J 1868, recapitalatlag the history of the Carol!, ha Phoaphale* an their vuluo aa ascertained, August,. 1867.? > - ' - . . 28, Letter of Dr. Pratt in reply > 29, Who aro] tho discoverers? 90? Why the discovery wa* not made long ego I, Wha*. baa been done In thia new doparttuco if commerce, and what li now being done] towards the development of the South Carolin Phosphate*. 31, Llat of orgaslaed Companies engaged in inlng and manipulating these rooks, with carda] Iof each Company ? L Applications for coi ie? may be made ntl HOLMES' BOOK HOUSE, Klng.stroct. To? tbose Coropanle* who siibsoribe for 200 copies^ or more, a discount will be made. Sept 28_? . "_ |?. B. STODDARD & CO , Wn OLES A LB DEALERS IN ^ ?BOOTS, SHOES .V ... AND |At Manufacturers' Price?, 165 MEETING STREET, INK ARLY OPPOSITE CHARLESTON HOTEL,' Sept 3?- ?irt WILLIAM L. WEBB, LATE WEBB & SAGE, ?UCCE8SORS TO CAMERON, WEBB ? CO ' IMPORTEITOF y r. [China, Glass and Earthenware,1 N? ?28.MEETIN0 STRrf ET, /.?.*',' (OKK noon ruo? HAS KL ST.,) 23S-' Will supply teantry Merchants with!, Klovds,ln hi?Bti?, aFA I.LT18 Itt t& . .CUTLERY, 8?NS, BAR r?jJNi STEEL, "" A Implement?, ?J. H.'Adgar, ? , ' A. Mci). Er.iwn,. ^129 feeling Slrtet, E. I>. KdMnaoa, " and ^ - i*, ll. Moffat, -. Qm tait Dav f?tV*eS( Sopl 21- gw ?rv "? ' *' tr . * Uss ?7 V''^V^>W;*llw#?iM ?iv ' .s- ??t?^**'*?^si9 ?b band, r,.d, ,?. M Hi. W;.: ? WB^D^1^ WHO 1> 8 S: A ?^?t^;?^^MP^^B| t? '. ?;' AS.?': .? v, S^M?*? . ?LA ?SWAR^ iS^??PSK??^i moil Hov ii7 MB ET rate. STUBEt?o^^^wf?l JlAYK^'ST'RBBt,; ' ^ ' ' ?xtonding through to No 02 MAKKfel STR3^?T^| ' entrant* ^^D^'*W(*^-^^^H Mr. W. SLLANNBAV; K??JMe^*.^^t?l^ 3ALB DEPARTMENT ?pe^iU* ?.??tt, ?bargo, end* Mr. BTBP?IBK iljO^ ? (band nt th? RBTAA? STORE; o^a'STRpBT." c^raor^^ monago that branch. .' . .. . ^.?^?J^M . Our c u ?t ornar? o nd frtoftd?, wMl fl nd .' ae-**a???l plata , ASSORTMENT OF>: G0OD8^'?%>^jiJ| Store? nt IIB ASONARLE ^tfec^^^hj _.. W. SvL'?|MM.--\ .vV^ '.;-^ CROCKERY, . CJ1JNA ?AND; ?L^^^|| . WHOLES ALB OR RETAIL, '^^ffl t? o. 2 O U A Y'N E S-T V?^I No. 62 M ARKKT ST^ET^'^' | WATOWBS, ' . '* JEWELRY, . SILVER AND. P?^*B^-WA*kaJ?;v/ M 'CV? j?i|D/:3pi^ . '," r. CROCKERY A^D ^Jttlt?lll & ' - ' : AT : : ?f?il : N o, J J 5 Kl S CK '$ T-R^p? V^V $? ! CPRNER JIEAVPA?N- j?^^g K". For ?atc by ' ; ' .V,-> W IL L IA M ?. W HTLD <,N; %? > a>Wt N,, FARMERS Vs?Tl^eW'0?;'^ (?-..,' 'Vj? . > ? . ?\ T ' Office safyeoe Sweat ?r, . ..'-..; f;' WILLIAM ?: W1IILD?B> ?| !:.^-'::; ? SSwyj PHOENIX IRON John F. Taylor & ^?oli K ty CC U SSO RS TO C.1?UUUON * co/^-iflj Engineers, Bo?er-Makers, '?j&fj Nos. 4, 6, 8, 10 3i \2 WlLTClU ft^-?^ j;> '. (NKAll T?k i)llY?:K^ ''| I C II A ln.ESTOX, \?S?;; ?Af/J Stca?uEiigiiuysantll?oft?iwJ j'.' ?l?R?NE?.$TA?'0N?tlY?". p?u^MW^? Rice? - Trcsbe'rs, and '""?lilla* . Sjm o Ve ry ! ?tfb.?': ; * j v ' B Shafting Putties and' ^ Iron Fronts for Ko??(?in?s, Castings olaxoy kind ^ in Iron or Brass.8 W c guarani ero to furn ish l?ngin esl . and Boiioi ? of as good ^ual- j Hy and power, and at ' 9 ?srlow ratOiiilscan ' .""j bo hud in . - Now York, Baltimore ^vFliila? do?phia. ?9 ' - ?0 EMS FOR ' ' . 9 KUN'UU AM ? S'rw?? VAliVK, j rwhioli are put ?Tn u)l oft.?>ur Eujf'Uffatil 1 se ?? ; .' : ? ..A-. ? i J .4. KAMOM. IRON WO Sil I ESTABLISHED 1?8$, 4 NA S V.t V A Y?> Coi OM ts U>? V*' M?tifsip VU? ric Kio ,t B^-'ttU- I |y STE.l iM K VOINKK, \ ; wAitiNK4.i'uarAi)LB,i.?TrtTio>rAfu-. | B??le?a o?AC?waW/ MAOE?I?Da?, RU? ^?hindjii/>JlH,? .... . 1 . Vj Uiro Tr^t.i.r4 sill?n. C;. . ? ' 5 Pli-"?;.?..?!. Va?iW, I " '. ' ?? Pi?r(mmiiK?rMiria-.- ' - ' -.* J SAW M!LLS,vFnOim M!t?,8j ? ' . j.. If. KASOrf A ilKO. 4 i ' .'- .?.