The Sumter lt* w. y. PAxroft ? . tu^wMAftAfl^ft MW All Trau?l?nt AdrortUamco I?, ?nd ?1 JobWork ??jut ba p?ld for Iii ?.ib. Tbl? win beob??r?ed wi Ibo? t dt*tt notion. ?obicrl?on? nrw ?1*0 p?y?blt In advaao*. /?P- AppllcmioB- foTTob Work will bo?d?, .I (ho offloe, to Tilo?. E. Ft.ow?*?. Tb? WATCH?AM book* ?*. tiM koo]>1a?>of W. V. PAZioif. Who w/lll iwe?ipt for noalM dstyMsA ?tteod to ai) W?ttori iono?i?d with tho AfloiSBw tiling or 6qbs?rlpilon depirtmtat?. V ' v fetr Oar AdrsftUlo* friend* aro raqoWad to . end io tbolr favor? notlator than Monday. MASS MEETING. JUDGE CARPENTER, GEN. M. C. BUTLER, GEN. J. B, KERSHAW and probably other distinguish? ed speakers will address the citizens of Sumter County, white and colored, at Sumter on Wed? nesday, Aug. 81st. The people, en masse, will no doubt turn out. THE SEASONS Have been generally good io this section, aod the crops are generally promising. UBIN1TSI1*S QUEEN'S DELIGHT. Our columns contain (be advertise? ment of this popular remedy. Mr. HEINITSH has long been engaged in the Drug business at Columbia, and no Co? lumbian has a higher reputation than bas he. His Queen's Delight is made pure-is no trashy nostrum, the sole purpose of which is to make money. For the purposes for whioh it is recom? mended it DO doubt bas real merit. WILSON de 8ELEV, We bavo muoh pleasure io directing general atteotioo to the oard of Messrs. WH-SON & SELBY, Cotton Factors and General Commisson Merchants, of No. 5. Water St, Baltimore, to be found in our advertising columns. We have personal acquaintance with Mr. JOHN W. SELBY, of this house, and from that acquaintance, and from his general reputation, are prepared to say as muoh fir him as for any businessman of whom we know. Trusts committed to his hands, our friends moy feel sure, will receive proper atteotioo. A BARBECUE PROPOSED* A number of prominent citizens, from several parts of the count;, present at Su ni ter, on Sal es-day (Monday) last, exhibited much earnestness io urging a barbecue for the Mass Meeting on the 31st, and offered to contribute beeves aod other meats aod supplies for such a purpose. Time did not admit of a regular meeting, but informal consulta? tion resulted io a request that uti who would unite for that purpose would at once communicate with this office. Let us have a barbecue. "NOW." We ask every calm and honest reader of the Watchman to give careful read? ing and mature deliberation to the arti? cle signed us above, and published OD another column. It contains truth and power, io points so plainly put that the way-luring man cannot fail to compre bend. They ca nu ot fail to have tho el feet in bringing our people to see the true po nt ion they occupy in tho great struggle DOW being inaugurated io this State, between honesty i ud dishonesty -between good government on the one side and plunder aod bribrry on the other. Let all honest oit ?zens, white and black, arouse themselves, and oast ing to the winds all prejudices aod animosities, go to work for the right. PERSONAL* We were pleased to receive a call, on Friday last, from F. D. RICHARDSON Esq., DOW canvassing agent of the State, for the Carolina Life Insurance Com pany, of which JEFFERSON DAVIS is President. Mr. RICHARDSON is too well known to our people and to the State at largo, to need commendation from us, and we simply say that the Com pauy he represents is one of tho best in the country. We have also been pleased to receive a call from Mr. F. C. RANTIN, who represents the old and popular Charles? ton Shoo House of E. B. STODDARD & Co. Mr. RANTIN IS a native of our sister District of Clarendon, aod a relative of our esteemed fellow-oitizen, JAMES H. DINGLE. TIIIC GOOCH COTTON TIE Out friends, Messrs. GREEN & WALSH, as appears from the advertisement io our columns, are sole agents for Sumter and ClareodoD for the sale of this im? proved CottoD Tie, andar? now prepared to take orders. ? We wero pleased to reoeive a oall, a few days ago, from Mr. HYMAN, the popular junior partner of tho house of DANCY, HYMAN & Co., General Com? mission Merohan t's of New York, who are solo agents for the United States for this Tie. Mr. HYMAN informed ns that it is extensively used in North Carolina, of which State the members of his house aro all nativos. Our plaoters are invi? ted to call aod examine it, at the store Messrs. GREEN & WALSH. mon? OKLICIOTT?I\;ANTALE?JPS. Our good friend, Dr. J. M. PITTS, approached us, on Saturday U"t, his countenance all wreathed with smiles, with an ominous "bag io buggy." We hardly knew what was oomiog out of that bag. But the Dootor's quiok move? ment soon presented two ot the largest and most luscious looking oaotaleupn that our oyes ever rested on. The truth ^w?Ugaa to *eai?ge ;$?t there ?O fft?oie plew M?* c?nnetfe-l, ?TCTI wUh OM editorial ?hair. ?? firs* of Ahes? |*aa a long cantaloup, wa? booxbk- ?bj[ ,Dr. Prvxs ?I W..h?.grI#nder. The se cood wm the "Alton Nutmeg Melon/' of orange *bape, very large, and lo celled from 'tho OHmd of Altop,. Iii., Wm whence it waa brought. The Jong .melon we f?uo?T much the sweotest more juicy Md of decidedly finer flavor. Io fact we thought it the finest wo had I ever'tuted. ? - Thanks to the Doctor. Who cornea neil? Tilts OOliOKBsW M4N1 TAX t We saw A tas execution, the other day, receipted, against a colored woman, amounting to $2 66, the items of willoh are as follows : tax on cow and calf : State tax, #0.10, county tax $0.06. penalty |0 .Ott, Treasurer's cost $ J. 87- to? tal, 12.56. Recapitulation : State and County tax, inoluding penalty, nineteen cents; Treasurer's cost, two dollars and thirty-seven cents. The Treasu. er's cost adds to the tax to be paid by ?7*e poor colored women nearly thirteen times. There aret hundreds of oases like thia in Sumter oounty, and thousands throughout the State. Could our friends of the Reform Party have a more pow?r erful^argument to present to the colored man than this? The poor, ignorant, m?3< led oolored man, taxed thirteen times npoo hisxow and calf or other little property ! -twelve hundred per cent of which goee into the pocket of the tax gatherer. SPECIAL NOTICES. Tbis valuable Family Medicine bas been widely and favorably known in our own and foreign countries, up warda of . THIRTY YEARS 1 - . , It has lost none of its good 'narno by ' repeated trials, but continuos to occupy a prominent posi? tion in every family medicine chest. It tn an external and Internal Remedy. For Summer Com pl ni nt, or any other form of bowel disease in ohildren or adults, it Is an almost cer? tain cure, and has without doubt, been more sueoossful in ourlng the various kinds of CHOL? ERA than any other kown remedy, or tb? most skillful pbysioian. In India, Africa and China, where this dreadful disease is more or less preva? lent, the Pain Killer is considered by the nativos, as well as European residents lu those climates, a sure remedy ; and while it ls a moat efficient remedy for pain, it is a perfeotly safe medioino, even in unskillful bands. Directions accompany each bottle. Sold by all Druggists. _Price 25 eta., 60 ota., and ?1 per bottle. SINKING SLOWLY. Dlseasoa that progress rapidly to a crisis are not the only ones to be dreaded. Canker or dry rot does not blast a tree as suddenly as a stroke of lightning, but unless arrested, lt destroys it as certainly ; and in like manner ohroniu dobility although it does net kill with tho swiftness of yellow fever, ia aa sure to sap tho springs of life eventually aa any aeute disenso, if not obeoked by invigorating medication. There is something inexpressibly touobing in the speot.iolo of proma? ture dooay. Languor, pallor, emaciation, depres? sion of spirits, and a distosto for exertion, are its ordinary aymptoma, and they should bo promptly met by tonio treatment. The host invigorant and exhilarant that oan be administered in a once of thia kind is Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. The stimulating prinoiple of the preparation rouses tho dormant .energies of the system, and tho strengthening and regulating properties give a permanent and healthful impulse to tho vital forces thus brought Into play. Tho failing appe? tite is re awakened, the process of digestion and assimilation are quickened, the quality of the blood ls improved, the secretions become more natural, and every organ that contributes to the nourishment of the body undergoes salutary chango. By the.?o moans the repair of tho phys? ical structure is effected and its health and vigor restored. In no olass of diseases has the benlfl cent operation of thc Bittors buen more markod and striking than in those characterized by gen? eral debility and nervous prostration. Ladies affected with these ailments find in this most wholesome of all tonics and correctivos the saf? est and surest means of relief. It is ??roug to restore and powerless to injure. Snoh is the uniform testimony of clouds of witnesses." ^5aW* Tho ''Phcoba Baker" Salvo 100 years a oocret Cores as by magic All Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Soros, Ulcers, Cancers, Sore Nipples, and Broken Breasts, Chapped Lips and Hands, Emptions, Chilblains, Bites or Stings of Insects, Ac. A Wonderful cure for piles. Sold everywhere. Ask for Ph cebo Baker's" (and take no other) "Coster's" Rat, Roach, Ao. Exterminators. "Coaler's" (liquidl Bed-Bug Exter. "Coster's" (pure) Ioscot Powder. Uso this (only pure) losest Powder for Moths in Furs and Woolens, for Bed? bugs, Insects, Ac. "Coster's" (only sore remody) Corn Solvent. SOLD ovary whore. Ask for "COSTAR'S" (and take no other.) $1 (2 $3 and $5 shes ?ont by oxpress. Address "COSTAR" CO., 13 Howard St, N.Y. "ARTICLES OF REAL MERIT ARB AL? WAYS WORTH THEIR PRIOB," as ls proved by the value of SOMTBR BITTSRS. HO say hun? dreds who have usod thom. THU PAIN "KILLUn? After THIRTY TSARS trial, ls still receiving ths most unqualified testimonials to its virtues, from persons of the highes; oharaoter and responsibil? ity. Physicians of tho first respectability, recom? mend it as a mos? effectual preparation for tho extinction of pain. It ls not only tho best reme? dy over Unovn for Bruises, Cate, Bnros, Ao., but for Dysentery or Cholera, or any sort of bowel complaint, it is a remedy aoiiurpassed for oficien ey and rapidity or action. In tho great cities ol India, and other hot climates, it bas become tho Standard Medioino for all snob complain.?, as well as for dyspepsia, Liver Complaints, and other kindred disorders. For Coughs and Colds, Can? ker, Asthma, and Rheumatic difficulties, it has boon proved by tho most abundant and convino lng testimony, to bo an Invaluable medicine. Sold by all Druggists. Pries 21 cents, AO oeats, ?nd $1, pet bottlo. Charlotta, Columbia S?d A ?Mit*. - ?ao; ?otaa) 87?-i Northeastern, - ?91 ; 8BVM. ?ah and CharUMoo, (Ut mott) -80 ; do, (6uu guarantee) - ?76} South Carolin?,7? j do, 78; 8partanburg and ?n?o?, -?60. ?*!L?w*D ?Tocas^Ohartotto, tColosabt? asid Angosta,-@ 40; Greenville And ColaTbl?, - ?ij Northeastern, Alb"} Savannah and Obartos too, -@33{ Boath Carolina, (?bola ah area) -?40; do, (halfdo)- ?20. < . ntkiHi, Ao-Now York Sight, ? off part GWd, llfl?122; Sliter, 10?? 10S. . SOUTH CAROLINA BAHK ?ILLS. Rank or Camden...,..,...48? Baak of Georgetown.?? Bank or Sooth Bink or Chutar.....;...T@_ Bank of Hamburg--...10? Bank of Stat? ot S- C. prior tn 19AI.60? - Bank of State of 8. C. issue 1881 and 1862 82? .Planters'and Meehan ici' Dunk of CL. ric?-(0 'People's Bank of Charleston... ".-? .Union Bank of Chorion ton.-? .Southwestern B ll Bank of Charleston, -