VOL. XXII. PIOKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1894. NO TilE SPATE ALLIANCR. PRESIDENT EVANS'S ABLE AND PRAC TICAL ADDRESS. Je Discupsed the Welfare of the Alliance in a Masterly 1Manmor-Insiiertant sag gestiona fmade-Alluanons to the Omoiki Orgi* of thIe 0O1 der. AIKEN, . C. July 25.-When the Alliance met this morning in the Al ken county court house at 11 o'clock there was a full attendance of the members. President Eivans was in the chair and secretary Reid was in his place. The other ofilcers of the order presentwere Vice-I'resident J. S. Keitt Treasurer F. P. Taylor, State Lecturer J. Wmn. Stokes, Steward E. 1. Taylor Sergeant-at-Arms J. E. Jarnegan, Dis' trict Lecturer J. I. Blake, Jr., of the Third District and W. 0. Tatum of the new Seventh; and exectitive committee men Te. P. Mitchell, ElU. It. Walter and S. T. D. Lancaster! and judiciary com mitteembn W. N. Elder, D. K. Norris and John T. Gaston. The absent 0111. cers were Chaplain .James E. Douglass, Doorkeeper J. W. Kenned y and Assist ant Doorkeeper L. E. Parler. The following delegates appeared and presented their credentials and were enrolled: Abbeville- .T. T. Rnbertson; Aiken J. S. McKie; Anderson-J. M. Glenn; Barnweil-W. L. llamberg; Berkeley T. S. Browning; Chester-S. T. Mc Keown; Chesterfleld-R. E. Rivers; Clarendon-James E. Davis: Colleton D. M. Varn; Darlington-1I. A. Josey; Fairileld-J. M. Galloway; Florence J. E. Pettigrew; Georigetown-R. J. Donaldson; Greenville-J. ii. Latimer; Horry-James A. Lewis; Lancaster-J C. Elliott; Laurens-A. P. Goodwyn; 4 Lexington-D. F. Ellrd; Marion-J. Do Montiromery; Marlboro-G. W. Ilear say; Newberrv-W. E. Lake; Oconee J. L. Smith; Orangeburg-S. C. Kenne dy; Pickens-Joel I. Miller; Richland -James Norton; Spartanburg-M. 0. Lowland; Sumter-I . T. Abbott; Un Ion-II. C. Little; Williamsburg-J. 1). Daniel; York-W. J. Miller. .Among the other Alliancemen pres ent were Col. W. A. Neal, Prot. W. N. Marchant, Senator Reagan, D. W. Mc Laurin, D. K. Norris, Rt. E. Kirven, W. N. Elder and others. There were in all about forty live members of the Al liance in attendance. A few more are expected in tomor row morning. The body is composed for the most part this year of new blood Mr. D. W. McLaurin, -who attended the first meeting of the State Alliance of South Carolina, said to me: "This is as good a body as I have ever seen and I have been to every meeting the State Alliance has ever held. After the organization had been com pleted President W. D. Evans proceed ed to deliver his annual address. It was a strong one and seemed to great ly impress all the members of the Alli ance., lie urged the Alliance in the strongest terms to stand to its guns, reiterated all of its demands, etc. The copy of the address was placed in the hands of the committee to be reported npon and I've had some difficulty in getting at it. Here, however, is the address: Gentlemen of the State Farmers Al. liance of South Carolina: Six years have come and gone since the Alliance has been organized in this State. These years have been spent by us in advo cating measures burdened with the pre servation of the liberties of the people and freighted with the responsibilities of perpetuating our republican form of government, a legacy handed down to us by our revolutionary ancestors as a sacred trust for generations yet un born. Let us ask ourselves today if we * are faithfully and honestly discharging our duty as .trustees of thsnoble es tate Fro 188 to1889, tearclu ral and industrial classes were aroused to knowledge of the fact that the props were being knocked from uinder them, and that they had not only to stand alone bearing upon their shoulders the l egitimate superstructure of maintain -ing the professional and non-producing -classes in their necessary and honora ble calling, of preducing bread for t he eater and raw maierials to clothe the naked, but that a horde of gamblers and speculators under the forms of legalized monstrosities, had fastened themselves upon them; and had placed to be tolerated. In ract there was an uprising of' thu people protesting against a financial system that was first, destroying the resources of the farm,! and sweeping all the profits of the laborer into the coffers of the legalized. robbers. The result of investigationi and consultation showed that unless a different an:1 better system of finance was adopted by the government, ruin and disaster would blight the peace and p rosperity and happiness of the people. .To avr't this calamity, f~he Alliance formulated and set forth what are known as the Ocala dlemands, and boldly predicted that unless these do mands were inactedl into law, the coun - try would witness the most diisastrous~ panic ever known in its history. TIhis prediction has been mere than verified, for not only the government itself, but every kind of' legitImate business has been on the verge of bankruptcy for the past twelve months. The Alliance L aing mnide up of main bers of all the political parties, these demands wore made in a strictly nton partisan spirit, and therefore every political party was appealed toe to give relief to the country through a better and just ilnancial system that would give the wealth producers equal change tunder thie law. We have stood by these demands from 1890 to the present time, believing them to be founded upon justice, utemandled in equity upon the broad D~emocratic principle of eqiual rights to all, special privileges to none. Until experience Leaches us something better, we must stand squarely by andi advocate these demands,supporting for -ofilce only those who are with~us and who will use their political influence to advance and build up our interests. if we do no less than this we will be re creant to the high duty of' citizenship, traitors to our country, to our homes and to our families. * While the membership of the order is not as large as it should be,it is grat ifying to know that a largea majorIty of the people of the State are with us-in fact in every State. In this union thou sands of voices are preaching from the same text, adaretmnare work i 9gQ~ the success of the same meas n e;aIere is no longer a yawning guffearatirng the North from the 0o hb iut the farmers of the entire country are banded together in a cot mon brotherhood, having the same p triotic purpose to rescue this land ours from the desecrating grasp of tL Shylock. One in heart, ene in purpos they will be invincible in the strugg which Is to decide whether the man the dollar shall be the ruler in (i1 American government. The time is past when sentime should bliad us to man or party. I that is not for us is against us, and m should have sense enough to know : anl courage enough to show it. Ti Chief Executive of this great nati< today is a puppet in tho hands of a ganized monopoly, and we are in large measure responsible by our vot for it. I have spoken thus plalni brethren not with any intention < stirring up passions, for i see the fir( of indignation already burning in you eyes; sold out, betrayed by the so-calle Eastern Democracy, let us seek polit cal aifliation with the great Wes where the dawn of empire is -fa brightening in the full power of ti noonday sun. It has been brought to my attentlo by a resolution passed by the subord nate Alliance in Columbia,that charg of mismanagement had been made b the editor of the Piedmont Ileadligi against the manager of the lExchang and asking for an investigation. called upon the JudicIary Committee I make the investigation, but owing I the failure of Brother T. L. Gantt, w had made the charges,to respond to tI summons of the committee, and the al sence of Brother J. T. Gaston,who we an important member of the committi the work was necessarily unsatisfa tory and Incomplete. I herewith han In the testimony of the witnesses e: anined, and would urge that the All ance take such action in the matter a to thoroughly investigate and publis the investigation. If there is anythin wrong in the management of the El change, it is due to the Alliance that: should be known, and on the othe hand if the charges are without fout dation, it is due to the Exchange Mau ager that he should be vindicated. It is much to be regretted that tii editor of the Headlight, who is a men ber of the Alliance, did not prefer ti charges through the proper Allian< authorities instead of through h newspaper. The Exchange is a most potent f a( tor in forcing prices down, and ther fore looked upon with disfavor genera ly by merchants and manufacturers. has broken up the old order of dealin through middlemen in a large measu and undertakes to bring the produce and consumer nearer together in bus ness relations, thereby getting rid ( the heretofore unreasonable prolits d( manded by middlemen. If the men bership of the order could arrange the business affairs to buy fertilizers, ba ging, ties and heavy groceries throug this channel, it would soon become still more useful agency in accomplial Ing the purpose for which it was inat gurated. In connection with this I wi call your attention to the fact that tL National Alliance has decided to estal tali a national exchange in the city < Baltimore, which is destined to becon1 great and useful to farmers in provU ing a channel through which they ca with the least expense and greatei profit dispose of their produce and pui 3hase such things as they may need t great advantage. With a national exchange and a syk tem of State exchanges there is no rev son why the producer and consume will not be brought into business relu Lions which would be mutually bent [Icial but especially so to the farmer. The State organ of the Farmers Alli %nce, for some unaccountable reasot loes not receive the support it is ent bled to. This paper should be in th home of every Alliance family in Lh State. I am satisiled that any one wi be a more useful member of the orde by readir.g it. i n fact I don't see hos any true Allianceman can afford to (14 without it. I earnestly recommend t this body and bespeak for it a motr iberal patronage. To educate is on >f the chief missions of the Allianci md it is through the press that the pea le are most easily reached and Laugh he science of government and th' vi or good effects this or thiat systen )f legislation bears in relation to prom perity. .It is necessary, therefore, for man to become an intelligent voter thta 1c must become a constant reader L'he capital stock of the Cotton Plan ihould be increased to place it upo)0 mnre and permanent basis, and I sugges hat you take proper steps to acconi plish the end. The second means of educating Lh eople is through the system of lectoti ng, and it is very important that f aithi ~ui, intellingent lecturers should ad! iress the people, b~ut owing to tihe fac ~hat the treasury was in depleted con lition, we have been forced to do with mut a great deal of lecturimir thsa ihould have been done with proflt. I submit herewith for your considIernl ion at communication from Mario: Butler, President of the National Alli mnce, suo wing the conditions of tile 11s mnes of the national order and sugges he adoption of the plan gotten uip b; I. W. ited, State Secreary, which, hink, will give tihe desired relief, it i is followers: Change the system re orting so that subordinate Alliance should report semi-annualiy intread o luarterly, sending to tihe county secre ~ary 35 cents for each member, mali md female, reported inl good standing Miarch 31st andi September 30o of each rear. Let colunty secretaries repor ;emi-annually, tabulating reports am mening to the secretary ol' the Stat A~llianmce each member,male andi femnal bet the State Secretary then tabliat md send to the National Secrtary cents for each mnale and female, fret Mlarch' 31st to .1uly 1, and from Septemi ber 30o to JIanuary 1. This will in eae ase give thlree months for the report be come in and the State andi nationst oues to be0 collected. This will enable us to pay the nm bional dues at the time required by th National Alliance. This, you will oh serve, divides a dollar for the year a follows: National Alliancemnen dues, 1 cents; State Alliance (d les, 30) cents Subordinate Alliance (ties, :30 cent: total, $1. rLet all initIation fees be returned 1i the subordinate Alliance. No part be sent to the county secretaries wit the report. I1jquire County Alliance to pay thA mileaige of delegates to L1I State Alliance meeting andl let LIh State Alliance pappor denc. This, thinak, a better plan than the systen under which we are operatin gIf ye adopt this plan there will be nuse t consider the p reposed amend t~ents t bile cnstitution, emhbrlied in the nci a- cular letter sent out some time baok t< a- county secretaries. )f I have received two let-ters from cot te ton associations, one in Liverpool and e, the other in PhiladelphiR, calling atten le tion of the Alliance to the evil parctic< 3r of over-taring cotton bales and request Is ing that you take such steps as will, in your judgment, put a stop to the prac it tice. The letters are herewith submit [e ted and I hope you will give the sub re ject the attention it is intitled to. t, The future as well as present condi. to tion of the cotton grower in the State n is not a very enviable one with cotton r- now below the cost of production a What is the outlook for the future' is With the rapid increase of acreagc y, planted in Texas and the Western >f States, we will be forced to turn our is attention to something else and L woul1 r recommend that the South Carolinr d farmer would diversify his crops and I- make his provisions at home. Home t, made provisions, more stock, more it home-made manure, this moans les: ie debt and more independence. The Alliance is having a wonderfui I, in fluence in the politics of the State I- Though constantly told that the Alli is ance is dead, yet it is a fact when I say y there is no candidate who stands the it least change of being elected to the of. A lice which lie aspires in the campaigr I going on, who does not either stand o upon the Alliance platform or has o made the people believe he dies. 0 We have reached the period in th( e life of the order where the most serious - forces are drawn lip in batt.le array. a The light will be fought out along lin. e ancial lines. The issue have been made up and the result of the contest will d decide whether the people shall be the - rulers of this country or the vicious i- linancial system devised and fastened s upon us by the money kings of Lombad It and Wall streets shall prevail and con g tinue to rob the people of their honest - earnings. We must light this fight tc t the finish. There is no compromise ir ground for us to stand upon. Wo must i- be true to our principles, true to th( - country, true to ourselves. believing in the justice of our cause. IHaving faith o in a just Arbiter of the affairs of men' L- let us acquit ourselves like men worthy e of the trust reposed in us, having every e confldence that victory will crown our .5 efforts. May the God of nations direct your minds, control your deliberations and lead you on to a higher and nobler - appreciation of the work that is before - you. t At the afternoon session the Alli g ance took up the committee's report in e regard to making the candidates foi r the State Legislature declare them I- selves as standing flat footed on the Al f liance platform and pledging them ). selves to vote for no men who did no i- so declare themselves. After quite i ir fight the Alliance passed the resolutior g. which is considered stronger than tha h recently passed by the Marion Count' a Alliance. I- Some of the delegates wanted t( L- compromise and vot9 for candidate. il now before the people who came near e est to standing upon the Alliance plat " form, but no compromise would be if agreed to. A few wanted to leave the e matter alone ontirely. Others said they I- were tired of being considered as only n lit to (1o what Tilimnan told thom to do, t and angered considerably by the Gov - ernor's statement at Winnsboro, were o all for tight from the jump, and won the day by a good majority. The key . note was sounded in President Evan's - speech this morning, and Governor r Tillman's Winnsboro speech only added fuel to the flame. - The question is now a plain one. Having passed the resolution, the Alli ance cannot vote for either Tillman or , Butler delegates. Their members of , the Legislature will have to vote for D somebody-but who? That's the ques e tion. 1 hear that Keitt will be the I man. r Another important matter was thre r passage of a resolution reeniacting the Alliance catechism of last year. The s judiciary committee in the afternoon 3 also submitted a report in the Gantt s matter. I understand that it gives Gantt a pretty heavy dose. Of all the - surprising things, though, that I have t found in this campaign, is the way the Alliancemen speak of Governor Till man. They are hot, and they make no - attempt to conccal it. One listenmng at x most of them talk would think he was t listening to a crowdi of '93~ Conserva .tives. The (dispensary situaition is not being talked of at all. 'The committee to whom was referred tire address of t tihe piresidient, submIittedi a report which -was ad optedl, in which it is said. "We wouldi emphasize that part of B the message in which we are urged to Sstand firmly by each and( every demand -made by tihe Aliianrce."-State. ' sECOND) DAY's PRIOCIlIDrN~cs. t AIKIaN, S. C., ,Juiy 26.--The first event of' today was the meeting of tihe State Farmers' Alliance exchange. This meeting was held1 about 9 o'clock, in the IPark Avenue llotel. Tine prin - cipal feature of the meeting was the 1 exoneration and thou the re-election of 'Col. D). .1'. Duncan as the manager of - thre State Alliance exchange. All the old1( oflicers were ro-electedi. The boardl as electedi consists of tihe foliowing: First Congressionail District-O, 11. 1 i1iiy. Second. -Dr. WV. i. Timmerman. Third-J- M. (Glenn. Foucrthr-John i. Iharrison. F'ifth-A. II. W ~hit.e. Sixth-S. T1. McKewee. Soventhr-narmo not given. T ihe ofilcers elec~tedi are asm follows: .l'resident-,;. A. SlIgh. Secretary-Wv. i. Timmierman. Tlreasurer-3J. WV. Furguson. -The financial report srhowed the e'x ch 5iangfe to be in line condition. The exchange lhas $17,000 invested in the 1 i ock of the iFarmers' andi Mechanics' -llank( of Columbia, holding the major '1 ity of the stock andi having live out of 5 the nrine dlirectors. Thie entire capital iof the exchange now is about $225,000j. A resrolutioni wasE unanimously passed inrstructing~ the oxecuitivye committee of B the Sftate Alliance to submit the in -terrogatories framed by this Alliance s at its last meeting to all candidates D for Congress in this State and pubiish Stheir answers in thre State organ. IN Urgenet and !ordhiai invitations were extended from lexinigton andi other y places for the next mieetinig of the 0 State Alliance, but C~ohriaic was the ri most favored ini this matter, and~ the 5 . next session of the State Ailbance will e be held in the Capitali (ity on thre a fourth Wednesday in; July, 196 I I tesolu tions were ad optedi comme am 1 orating the (heath of ,J. A..Jlfferies, (ex Li State Lecturer. 0 This resolution was unanimously Is DAY OF SENSATIONS. CANDIDATES MAKE CHARGES AND COUNTER CHARGES. I.voly Orowdl at WV101abaro--The Most Fvnetitil Uaniupaign Meeting of the Serin.- Ieformera Hisake Else Other UJp. WINNsBORO, S. C., July 24.-The mot eventful meeting of the campaign was held here today. From the point of view of peace and good order it was a model gatheriug; politically it was not model. The simple and blunt truth Is that the Reformers partisipated in an all-around slugging match.ln which nearly all of them became involved be fore it was over. Col. 1). P. )uncan started the ball by denouncing Larry Gantt, his traducer, as a "buzzard." Senator Stanyarne Wilon j imped on Colonel Duncan and partially defended Gantt. Evans next went for Ellerbe and Ellerbe went for Evans. Governor Tillman undertook to spank the whole crowd, including Tlndal,sand got into a sharp and salty spat with General E.1lerbe. I will not now undertake to give my opinion of the outcome of this spat. I have given it verbatim and the public can form its own conclusion. The question betiween the Governor and the Swamp Eox is probably settled, as each man succeed. ed in getting before the public what lie wanted. The speaking was commenced by Yelldell, who was followed by Thomas, both of whom are candidates for Itallroad Commissioner. Tbey were followed by Whitman, Mayfield and Kitt, candidates for Superintendent of Education. This Is Mr. Keitt's first appearance. Gen. Richbourg was the only candidate on hand for Adjutant and Inspector-General, and he went in alone. Winnsboro is the first place in the Fourth Congressional )istrict that the campaigners have yet touched and there were three Congressional aspi. rants present to talk to the people Wilson, )uncan and Farley. Johnson, the Conservative, of Laurens, was not on hand. These gentlemen had quite a sparring match. They were followed by the candidates for Governor, the lion. John Gary Evans being the first introduced. CANDIDATES FOR GOVERNOR. Senator Evans charged Ellerbe with conducting his campaign on a narrow minded basis, trying to array farmers against lawyers. This was not right and he condemned it. lie said Ellerbe takes oience at all that Is said about him in some of the Reform papers. lie (Evans) had not been paying any atten tion to articles against him, but would answer a communication which appear ed in the Register this morning. The article was signed by "Sener." The word means old. If "Senex" Is as old in years as he Is In iniquity he is as old as Mothusalah. Senator Evans then denounced as lies insinations made by "Senex." One of these was that he had forged Governor Tilliman's name in sending a telegram to Darlington during the riot there. lie had written the telegram on Gov ernor Tillman's order and the Gover nor know it. The insinuation of "Se nex," was basely false. That was hit ting below the belt. Another insinua tion was that he is drawing salaries from corporations. "That is another lie. I never drew a dollar from corpo rations in my life." (Lou:d applause and cheers ) To the insinuation that he claimed all the credit for refunding the State debt and had done little, Senator Ev ans said lie had never claimed all the credit, but he had done his share. qI am not claiming false glory. It is bad grace to be trying to pull nme down by lies. You know they are lies. (Ap plause.) I have done more for the Re form movement and gotten less out of it than any man in South Carolina." (Applause.) Senator Evans next began slugging General Ellerbe and hit right and left, going over all tile charges Ellerbe has made against him and defending him self'. Senator IEvans ended his speech by a discussion of the Dispensary law. his remarks were well received. Secretary of State Tindal followed, a shower coming up as lie was intro duicedi. lie said: Why does tile Alliance require you to admit Republicans and Populists and D~emocrats to the same table'? To teach toleration and remove prejudices? Why ? In order that farmers might consid3r measures and vote for their interest instead of for their prejudices. This was a basic princIple and the whole ritual was founded upon it. Why wvas it necessary'? .liecause the prejiunices4 engendered by the war ena blett tihe Repubhlican party ito rule and r'ob the farmers of the Unaited States. flow'? Tihe northern f'arwer-the back bone1 of the Republican party-wor shipped his heroes and voted only to keep dlown the "rebels." The Southern farmer worshipped his heroes and voted to -keep (lown the raaicals while the government was run in the inter (est of corporations and manufacturers and trusts and the money p~ower. The irst thing necessary was to remove this prejudice in order that the farmer might he led by his reason instead of his prejudices. What is our plain dut~y as Reform ers'? Evidiently to conduct this Reform election for Governor so as to let every Raeiormier feel that he has justice. Al readiy the people in almost every coun t~y have said that they are afraid the conv.ention will be manipulated. Some say they will not go to the polls, be cauise uinless lie happened to be with one who has the plurality his vote will not be0 countedi. Suspicion and jealous les are already taking root. Now, I care mnore for the success of true re form principles and for the pea',e and progress of the State than to be Gover nor. Tlhe fate and future of the Reform party dlepends upon the satisfyIng the rank and flle that the election will be fair. Now, how are we to have a fair ex pressIon of tile will of Reformers? Suppose Fairlild cast 1,6100 Reform votes and three of the cannidates get i,193) votes and tihe other get 410. Will you give the whole dlelegation to the candidate who gets only 410 votes and leave 1,i190 Reformers without a voice? Would that be the will of the majority'? On the contrary one-fourth of the vot era would dominate three-fourths. I have a fair proposition which I believe will be satAiastory and avoid all dan ger anid encourage every Reformer to vote whether he be in a minority P one place or not. Proposition to secure a satisfactor expression of the Reformers' choice ft Governor. Section 5 of the resolutions publishe by the Reform Executive Commiitte says: That the Reformers be requested t exprf Bs their choice by ballot for Goi ernor and Lieutenant Governor, an that the chairman of the delegation c the club be required to make a retur of said choice to the county conventio to be held on the 13th day of Angus 1894. My proposition does not change thl: but perfects it. It is when the It( formers have cast their ballot, let ther be tabulated for each candidate an taken to the county convention. Ther let the ballots of all the county clib be tabulated so as to get tho numbe of votes cast for each clegates an elect delegates to the State Conventio so as to give each candidate his propoi tionate strength or vote in the Stat Convention, the chairman to take th vote with him to the State Conventiot which shall count the whole vote clai for each candidate. By this means th party will be fully satisliea and no di, satisfaction will result. The audience expected hot stuff fror Ellerbe when he got up ar.d they go some warm material. General Ellerb said that he and Eyans had been spat ring. So far they had not hit below th belt, but the newspapers friendly t Evans had hit, him (Elierbe) below th belt in a most foul manner. Larr Gantt was one of these men. Gant had deliberately slandered and misrep resented him and had scattered I h Headlight broadcast to injure him. 1i view of all the false charges agains him lie thought that Tillman ought ti say to the people that lie (I-llerbe) is ni traitor. General Ellerbe then went on to sa that lie did not desire to bring out cer tain things but was forced to it. ii repeated mo3t positively that Governo Tillman had solicited Hm (1lHlerbe) t make the race for Go, arnor and hia told him (Ellerbe) that lie would no have to scramble for the place. Col W. A. Neal was present when Governo Tillman told him that and lie woul, prove it by Neal. The people, Generr Ellerbe said, want a farmer and not lawyer for Governor. Furthermor. Ellerbe said, after Governor Tillma had told him (Ellerbe) what ho did, ti1 Governer telegraphed to Evans I come to Columbia and adyised Evai to get out of the race. The Governm and others knew that lie (Ellerbe) li not wanted the oflce of Governor at had been solicted to make the race, General Ellerbe said that it was r ported everywhere that orders ha gone out from headquarters that Eva must be Governor. Ie (Ellerbe) pi posed to show that no auch orders ha gone out. "Governor Tillman," General Eller declared, "is an honorable man a: would not induce me in this race i then go br4 'k on me. lie has fougi the lawyers all his life and why shou lie be supporting one now ?" General Ellerbe next scored Evai for what he considers the Game (ock faults and mistakes of the past. Evan he said, had promised not. to sulk beaten for Governor, but Evans lh sulked when defeated for Speaker < the House by Irby. le had sulke with Tillman as late as 1891 and hr abused the Governor then. General Ellerbe made a strorg appei to the farmers not to let lawyers g4 possession of this movement. If the did It meant good-bye to the movi ment, If the farmers'have any amb bition for their sons they must not a] low the movement turned over to glit. tongued lawyers. What encoutrage ment would it be to a farmer bo when lie wanted to seek oflice to knol that the lawyers own everything ? Evans, lie said1, has not ditscuissed lih Alliance demands on a ille Atum and has talked as all lawyers do. Senator Butler was in a humnorou: strain today and kept his auitienc laughing from beginning to endl. 11 said that the sports of the daty reminc ed him of a line of poetry. "Oh, lbert' how many crimes aire commnittedi i thy name?" A little transpositlo would make it read: "Oh, Reform, hol much ihumbutggery is committed ii thy name ?" General Butler defender the Democratic parl~y and aked wh the whole party should be condemnel and spit upon and villilled because on man has not sustained lisa pledgesy Ii acting as they are the D~emocratmi ar simply pav'ing the way to then succes of the Reptublican party. General liut 1er said the Reform movement is gel ting sick and the best thing it can do to keep Marne lien in tis State to ge it well and return him (Bt her) t~o thi Senate. General liutler advised tie Conservac tives to elect dlelegates f'rom their cluli: to the Reform County Convetioni an in that way offer to take part it th primaries. They ought to want to tauk part as goodl citizens,.i (111 did ot bi lieve, however, the Reformers would ki them in. Genaral Biutler received somt' solid cheers, lie was not once interrupi ed. llis discuissioni of national issue was brief and( was on thme same lin with what has been pnublished biefor in my correspondience. Tinere hs complete change in Genieral fButler tactics since the Edgelield mieetingp lHe jokes and makes humorous per sonal remarks t~o mn lie knows in fh audience. Governor Till man was thien introui uu ed and began. hy saying that lhe tel like spanking the iteformers who ar quarreling among themselves. lie ho iteved he wotuld just spank the "whol. biling of them." Instead of' their tel] ing what they intend to dho if elhecte Governor they go around qutarreling with each other. Evans, he said claims all the credit for retuinding Lh State debt. Evans did nothing bu bring a sham suit in court, lie (Tilmian and Bates did the work. Elrmue taike< like heo had (lone all time lighting augains the railroads and the banks when I has since been found otut that anothei man originated the plan againist ti' banks and roads. Tindal, ho said, is going around get, ting off some doutble-twisted, back ac tion schemes fbr a primary insteaid c the plan now adopted by the Rteform err. The Governor acknowvledged tham It would be better t's have a dlirec vote, but that wvouild bring up the oli quiestion between the up-coutntry an the low country about the negro. .1 the equilibrium between the hos country and the up couintry is to 1 preserved the syrstemu asm adopted mum stand. The Conservatives, ha an t want to come In and pick out and elect a man who will surrender all we have y fought for. >r Just here there was one shout for A Elerbe and one for Evans. Tillman I told the shouters to shut up and then 0 went on to say: "Now, I will touch on the coat tall r. o business. l'eople are trying to make out that. I am trying to play double. d You who know me know that I never r played double in my life and that I it never will." (Applause.) ri "The sum and substance of this whole at , thing." he said, 'is that in to January EIllerbe and Neal came 1, into my ollice. There was a la i- great cry for a farmer for Governor. 131 Li J'lierbe was talking about the matter 13 I and L asked him who he thought would 3 be a good man. Ile named several and B I told him tihe people wouldn't have i r them. '1hen I asked him .why he didn't W1 il run. lie said he didn't want the place, th i aid I asked him what he was making '- all the fuss about. About the 'ame o tine it was reported that I was in i favor of Evans for Governor. Ellerbe co asked am if I wasn't pledged to Evans he t and I told him no. I further told him 0 that it made no difference what class a I man was from; that tne peo. th ple wanted and would have th I a man with the backbone and nerve to ita t carry oit the laws. "I say here and 3 now that Ellerbo i. a good and true - man with plenty of backbone and nerve tiv n but lie is not the only one in the i0- po ) form ranks who has it." Sel General Ellerbe had bf-en sitting with co i his eyes steadily fixed on the Governor t while this explanation was being made. - lie arose. called the ('overnor and said: fer 3 "Didn't I tell You at ileauifort that I av, I intended to refer to this if this thing t, kept up, and( didn't you, by silence, agree to it?" gr ) The Governor did not (lispuite this. In Then General .Elierbe said: lie: 'Didn't you tell me, Iln the presence W - of Colonel N eal, that I wouldn't have to a scramble for the place, and that you ii r would take Evans out of the race?" pO ) Tillman answered: "Yes, I said I no I would got him out if I could, but he Swouildn'L come out. I ain not his keep. or and could not take him out. isn't r that so?" m< 1 lulrbe-"Yes, if you say so." he The 1vernor said he had never in- fu dicated any preference for either man, he Turning (uic3kly to Elierbe Tllmau n asked: of " Why do you underLake to say I RI i brought you out?" )r Ellerbe quickly-"lecause you did ." al d Tillman-'" . did not." 1] d1 Ellrbo-'You did." ci Lond cheering for Ellerhe and Till- ti e- man broke out, it being dhllicult to tell h e which had the best of it. There were as soaSme cheeis for Evans. 0o. County Chairman Ketchin stepped 8 ve forward and the noise ceased. a Tihe (iovernor turied around without be another word and resumed his speechi id by saying lie wonid now spank Butler t id some. I e chunked the Senator briskly it, for a few minuittes an(i next turned his Id heavy guns on Cleveland, referring to t the I'resident at the beginning as that is black hearted old scoundrel. (Loud f 's cheIers.) Senator Gorman had just come a q, oi the conclusion diat the thieves are t if heainning 10 fall out and] exposo each c (I other's roteness. (Applause.) n if "I say we are Democrats, but I do u d not say that we can possibly hold on si d much longer that name the way things h1 are going on. I have got this to say: it il Rather than be trampled on and tied t< it hand and foot by the gold po wer I will y seek the first opportunity of uniting gi !- the South and West. I will go whether si i. you go with me or not. (Tremendous cc - cheering.) hi Shouts-" We vwill go with you." he '-"We are hleldi down ," the Governor vt y said, "and our noses put to the grind- at V stone. I would give lIve thiousandl dol. at lars today to be in that Senate to tell sii e t hat ol scoundrel and the Senate what ni P 1 think of them. (Loud applause.) cl TIhe Governor said that yesterday lie : had issued a proclamation leopening a' the dispensaries until the Supreme m ' Court decides the 1893 law or the Leg. W B islature chianges It. Hie reviewed his in action in closing the dispensarles after hi ', the (lecision of the court, and the whole si1 a bulsiness5. fromi beginning to end. In st a reopening the dispelnsaries lhe is simply se V obleying the wvill of the people,.W iei then'i t ook ai handl pri mary in the audience on the ther an instant before in an ecatacy delight at what they thought a mi mulis intervention of Providence, re bowed down with grief, thinking it their eldest daughter must have an dreaming. l'he next day, however, the novelty hearing her own voice having worn Ida again assayed to talk and sue adled admirably. Nor was she fright ed at the interest she aroused . The ting of her finger seemed to be the rning point in the history of the case d from this time on her improve mt was rapid. She has entirely re vored her power of speech and is a ry happy child in conseqnence. Last ednesday she celebrated her seventh thday with a party and entertained r gtuests in royal style, laughing and atting as happily and freely as any them. She has always been a ner us child, but very healthy and ex. nmely bright for one of her years. ('he case has caused muchu interest tong medical men and those who are iuainted with the circumstances. A Sensation. WASIIINGTON, July 25.--A special >m Birmingham, Ala., says that John illins, a gardener, residing in the out irts of Cunningham, thought he ard thieves in his garden early this orning, and with his daughter, Mag e, 16) years old, arose and went out~to vestigate. The closing of the door roke Mrs. CJolline, who aroused her n, Willie, telling him burglars were ying to get in. The boy got a Win. uester andgoing out,mistookc his father ud sister for burglars in the dark esaa and shot them both. The father as killed instantly and the girl will le.