VOL. XXII. PICKENS, S. C., TIIURSDAY, JULY 5, 1894. NO. 42. A CHANGE IN TACTICS. SENATORIAL CANDIDATES PUr BY RAW HIDES AND SALT. Outerly n irinl at Cho-torfnd- Going Into flallonol Isnues-EIlerbe Ant IV acis Spar for Points-The Crowd Uodem onet~ative. CHISTERFIE'LD, S. C., June 20.-Ihe campaign of education Is actually dawning. The meeting of the second week opened here today with a decided revolution in the character of the speakers. Wonderful, wonderful to relate, the lambasting was discontin ued and the discuasion of Issues began. For a day, at least, the scorcher and the roaster have been laid aside and the people have been roaniled with more edifying and enlightening dis cussion. The crowd of about 800 persons was well behaved and in thorough good humor, interfering with no one and ap plauding circumspectly. In truth the meeting was really ideal iW comparison with its predecessors, both in respect to the character of the speeches and the orderly, good natured demeanor of the hardy crowd. About one-fifth of the crowd were tar-heelers who came from the Old North State but a few miles distant, and a few of them were Populists to the core. Governor Tillman made a rather easy going speech,leaving out all harsh references to his opponent, and doing his "blistering" in a very mild way. He went into a lengthy discussion of national questions relating to the con. dition of the country. Ile claimed the crowd but refrained from taking a hand primary. He was not applauded at first, but later on he got full meas ure. The Governor's speech was by no means a happy effort. It was rathei tame and did not provoke ernthusiasm. General Butler likewise dircussed pub le measures and had nothing salty to say of the Governor. His speech seem. ed to be effective with the crowd and is regarded as one of the best he has made. He was listened to very atten tively. The feature of the meeting was the brotherlv spat between the Marion swamp fox and the Aiken game cock. General Elerbe charged his brother candidate with tacking himself on to Tillman's coat tail and with voting against salary reduction. Evans, in reply, demonstrated to a nicety that with nim Reform was second nature while Ellerbe's Reform had a revenue flavor about it. There was not a word from the crowd as Governor Tillman began to speak. Ile revewed his official career,giving as a reason for his second term as Goyer nor that he wanted vindication by the people. He felt and knew that he had done his whole duty, though he may have made mistakes. He scored the Democratic party for its treachery, and Cleveland for having betrayed his trust. le pictured the poverty strick en condition of the farmers and said they were euchered out of their earn ings by the same scheming scoundrels in Washington. le went into an ex planation of the money questior', tell. ing how Rogland, the creditor of na tions, had stricken down silver in or der to enhance thavalue of the interest received from other nations. Every man having an income from bonds and stocks was opposed to silver. These fellows had manipulated Congress in regard to the issue of paper money,and now control the outlet of money, prices and products. Silver had shrunk and with it the pockets of the people had shrunk, This country ought not to be paying interest. It ought to be issuing its own nioney. The only reason that this could not be done was because one half of the country was-bamboozled by the newspapers and manipulators to vote the other half down, and the money power is always on top and the thieves in both parties joined hands to keep the people poor and make them selves rich. Hie told about Judge Si monton and the railroads, and after showing up wheat an awful judge he was, th6' Governor went on to rub) it into Butler for votirog for Simioneton's confirmation bs circuit judge, saying that he wanted to help him for the sake' of his kinsman, hunch McBke, whom Judge Simonton, he said, had helped out in the railroad case. General Butler' received some cheer ing and a cry of "God bless the old General!" when he was introduced. Referring to his fight for ailver in G Congress he said he had receivedI let ters frocm people in the North threat ening to blow him up with dlynamite, but that did not atop him. The reason he and the Refrorm (Congr-essmen, wvho Vhad been in Washington several years, had not swept out ail the abuses that Tillman -spoke about was the same that defeated the South in the war they dlid not have enough men. Clievo land 19ad not bought him with Patron age. lie had done his best to induce the party to carry out the financial platform. 1le saw no relief as long as Cleveland was IPresident. General Butler said it was bis8 opinion that the tariff bill would be passed this week and that its passage would bring bet ter times. The trouble with the coun try did not lie in the insufficiency of - the money but in tIt e ine quality of its distribution, and it all came from the national banking s3stem and Republi can legislation. Representative F. 1'. Taylor asked General Butler what was his vote on the anti-option bill. The General replied that he votedi for an amendment prepared by Senators George and Cox which would have h~een effective in breaking up the gambling in futurts, and which proviaedl that . any man who traded in futures should be put in the penitentiary. '[hle bIll that came from the House was nothing more than a piece of blank paper as '. ~ far as its effeots for goodl went. lie ad vocated free silver beoause it would, to that extent, enlarge the currency of the country and Iliake cotton aend corn and all the products bring more. Tihe -next great political battle that would be fought in this country would invite all men, of all parties for finon'cial re lief, and he for one was unwilling to sacrifice the Democratic party in the struggle because one man, Mr. Cleve land, was not in accord with it. Gen eral Butler made an eloquent appeal to the people of the St ate to get together ~' like brethren instead of trying to throt tle each other like cowboys. "i. beg and pray and beseech you, if it is the lest word that escapes my lips, to bury all animosities that have been nrateaa rt I can secomplish the unity of our peo ple I would lay down my robes of oilce or even my life, without a single re gret. It isachily for this reason that I am making this canvas." lie con cluded by saying that the money pow. er and corr'orations have such control In the country that a revolution is cer tain. 1Ie will be with the people in that great light, whether in olice or out. lie begged that animosities and bitterness cease. He bogged the peo pie to send to the Senate whoever they thought best fitted for it, even if it was Tillman. Ile nmade a pretty appeal for white supremacy above everything else. Ile thought the best way to se. cure this supremaev was by a constitu tional convention. EVANS AND ELLEIDnE SPEAK. General Ellerbe was the first guber natorial speaker. Ile said he had beard today and had received letters from other counties that friends of Senator Evans are industriously circu lating a story that he (Evans) is the choice of Tillman for Governar and that Tillman is in a quiet way working for Evans. General Ellerbe said: "Tne Governor has said, in an interview,that lie is hands off in this light and that he has no choice. Here is Governor Till man;ssk him if any man is his choice. I say that it is unfair to me and my friends to be circulating this story in the hope of winning on it." General Ellerbe proceeded to criticise his friend Evans for his tardiness in get ting in the Reform cause, telling some things, as at Sumter, highly amusing the audience. General Ellerbe next charged Evans with having voted against the salary reduction in 1892. "That is not so," said Evans. "I will prove it on you," said Ellerbe, and he read from the records where Senator Buist, the Charleston anti Senator, had moved to indefinit'ely post pone the salary reduction bill and where Evans flad voted with all the anti-Tillmanite lawyers for postpone ment. Ellerbe also charged Evans with having voted against the farmers pollege in 1888. General Ellerbee told what his (Ellerbe's) record is on salary reduction, showing where he had asked to have one of the clerkship of his of flee abolisbed and had always been in favor of all around reduction of sala ries. Continuing General Ellerbe said: "My friend (Evans) intimates that there has been a State House ring and that Governor Tillman broke that ring. I will ask my friend to specify, to name the men who composed that ring. Sen ator Irby wrote a letter charging that there was a ring. Fellow countrymen I have never heard anything in the State House for Irby but expressions of pity and sympathy. Irby charged that a caucus of ring Reformers had been held at Wright's Hotel. It is fasle. The caucus, if it can be so called, was at Governor Tillman's house and the Governor was present. (General Ell urbe told who were present.) No one was discussed as a candidate for Gov ernor at that time. I repeat, and I want it distinctly understood, that as far as I know, there is no ring in the State House. I want my friend to specify, and I ask him to do it. I am running on my record and I am not in any ring. My friend ought to do the same thing and not tack himself on Governer Tillman's coat tail. I am as good a Reformer as Governor Tillman or any body else, and Governor Tillman can and will tell you so. The speaker was frequently encour aged by remarks from the. audience and was at times liberally applauded. le devoted the remainder of the time to telling what had been accomplished by the Reform movement and discuss ing national issues. Ile concluded be fore his time was up, and a cloud be tokened a shower. Senator E-vans had been speaking only a few minutes when ruin began fa.lling. 'The chairman ad journied the meeting to the court house.9, a half mile away, where the speaking was contin ued. Senator Evans resumed his speech, employing his ilme in answer ing the accusation of his friend Eller be. ie ridiculed Ellerbe in a good na tured way, making the crowdl laugh, ie told jokes on his friend and these almost amused the au dience. Senator Evans said he was willing to answer all charges, i~e did not come in tils race to attack fel low Reformers, but had been jumned on and would defend himself. if Ellerbe started out to prove that lhe (Etvans) had not been true to Tillman and Re form, lhe had a hard andl stumpy road to travel, ie would not notice every thing, because he was not shooting grasshoppers. Eller be says he has (1011 lots for Reform, but lie has been well paid for it. lie is a Reformer, but it looks like he has beeni one for revenue. Senator Evans says he had been a Re former sInce 1886i. At that time lie wrote an article in the Augusta Chroni icle. ie read t his article. I t.was a de fense of the Reform movemenit then be ginning andi the right of farmers to organize for political purposes. The article also (defended Tiillman, then starting his agitation, in 1888 he was elected to the Legislature b~y the farm ers of Aiken and was twice re-elected, each time on the Refor m platfor m. T wo years ago he was sent to the Senate by f armera by a thousand majority. The people had never regarded him as a coat tail swinger. To the charge of' havIng votedl against Tillman for the Agricultural Board. lie said it was an attempt to shelve Till man, who had after ward censured his friends for nominating him. ie had voted against the agricultural college as charged, beoause the bill for it car ried an appropriation which would have increased the taxcs of the people one. fourth of a cent. This was not ini ac cordance with the Reform platform and pled ges to the people. Later lhe had fought for Clemson College because the bill was different. "I am not Tillman's candidate or any body's candidate," declared Evans. "Any man who accuses me of disloyalty to the Reform cause I will tell him he lies, but nobody is going to do it. What is the matter with Billy (referring to Ellerbe)? Is it that lie hias got a big fat oflice and wants another'? It looks like he is swinging on Tillman's coat tail. I am no coat tail s winger." Evans told a good joke about a b)oy who had one potato, but wanted two, and said this is Ellerbe, who has one no tato bust wanted two. (Lasughter.) lie ought not to jump on me beaause I want a potato. About the salary reduction vote, hie said he cast it because the first bill'did not cut salaries equitably, le also said that Jim Norton, -Ellerbe's clerk, had gone to him (Evans) and begged' that salaries be kept na they wer., -sh and otier clerks couldn't live. lie said Norton ad put up a poor mouth. Sen. ator Evans declared that afterward lie had voted for a salary reduction bill. lie had voted in 1888 to cut the salary of legislators to $4 per day. lIe said that eve"ry Ieform measure has been put in his charge to pull through the Legislature. To hear E1llerbe talk, he said, one would think that E Herbe had done everything and that Tillman had not existed or taken part in anything. Senator Evans said he had been a Re former by Inheritance. is uncle, Mart Gary, was a Reformer, and Evans desired to right some of the injustice done Gary. Evans said it looked like I Ellerbe was jealous of him because he goes to Tillman's house. lie said the Governor often sends for him to advise on matters regarding the 1eform movement, because Tillman thinks I have more sense than Rome people. I care not if the people know I do love Tillman and have stood by his side in all dangers. Durlng the Darlington trouble he had not slept forty-eight hours. "About the Stata liouse ring, all I know," said Evans, "Im that they want ed a March convehtion. That looked like ring rule. They wanted candi dates nominated in March without, ever appearitg before the people. I told them that if they didn't lot the people hear them they would all be kickad out of office. Governor Tillman endorsed our views. Ellerbe was in favor of that March conventien. I made Till man put his foot on it." Senator Evans said the antis hated him awful hard. At Sumter one of them said: "If you will let us vote in the primary we will beat Evans and elect you, Ellerbe." Senator Evans de clared, but not egotistically that if he had not assisted in refundiog the State debt, it would never have been refund ed. Ile had epent his money in doing this and had never asked the - State to pay back a nickle of it. le not only spent money, but time. le had defended the conststutionalt ty of the bonds before the Supreme Court and made no charge for it. After the debt had been refunded, Ellerbe had the cheek to want the bonds sent to his home in Marion, so lie could sign them. It would have cost the State $300 to send and get the bonds back from Ellerbe's home. Senator Finley aud Dr. Strait, Can gressional candidates, followed the oth ers, speaking on the same line as at other meetings. Secretary of State Tindal and G. Walt Whitman arrived just in time to address a small number who had remained in the court house. It was then after three o'clock. The campaign party went from here to Cheraw this afternoon and will go to Bennettsville tonight. A TrP in Hold Up. SAVANNAH, Ga., June 26.-Train No. 6, of the Savannah, Floridi and West ern Rail way from Thomasville, due to arrive here at 7 o'clock this morning, was held lip one mile this side of 1l0 merville, 126 miles Southwest of Sa vannah, this morning at 1:50 by six masked white men, The safe in the express car was robbed of its contents, $1,222 in cash. Two of the men board ed the train at Homerville, concealing themselves behind the tender. As soon as it was started they climed over the tender, covered the engineer and fireman with pistols and told Engineer .Jenkins to stop when ordered. About a mile from Iloierville the order was given and the train brought to a stand still. Then four other similarly masked white men joined the party and while the two kept the engineer covered they proceeded to get into the express car. Conductor Farris came out with a train hand to investigate t.he cause for stop ping, but did not stand on ceremony whnim ordleredl to return to hia car. While two of the meon kept wvatch, the other two ordered Express iaiessenger Calder to open the door, lie refused and was then told lhe had botter get out of the car. Hie heard one of the men lighting a fuse and before he could reach the corner, a dlynamite cartridge exploded, breaking the door from its fastenings and completely stunning the messenger. When he came to he wvas looking into the barrel or a pistol and was ordleredi to throw uip his hands. ie did not hesitate long and when told to open the safe he did so, taking the packages out as ordered. The rob ber, there was only one in the car, gathered up the money in his arm and went to join his associates. They got on the engine, made the lireman un couple it from the-cars and then com pelledl both engineer and fireman to leave it. They took the engine, ran up to a point in the woods near Argyle, eleven miles from the scene of the rob bory, where they loft the engine and took to the woodsf. As soon as they left, word was sent to the ofllcials here, who ordered a freight to bring uip the gasseng'er coaches to their engine. Ex. Sheriff Hlurst of Thomas county, one of the most daring oflicers in the state, at the head of a posce, reached the scene about four hours later and with a pack of hounds, from Meltao's convict camp, startedl in pursuift of the robbers, who were thought to have gone off in the (direction of Okefinokee Swamp. 1'hme ofliciais believe the posse has the right trail and that the robmbers will be cap~turedl. TIre d of Living. CmHAuRmsTrON, ,Jutne '28.-J. II enry iackerman, a young white man, coin mittedi sluiclide flve miles f rom here to dlay. le tied a bar of Iron around his waist arid went out Into the river. where lie shot himself. it was his evi dlent intention to have fallen into the river after shooting himself, lie left the following note on the table in his room:l Dear Mother and Father:-[ am tired of living and so I will make an end of my life. So I mean to dIe and bury myself'. It is useless to try and ilnd my body, for you will never fInd it. Th'is is about il I have to say out of my mouth while I live. Your truly andi beloved son, J1. .ii. IlACmKERMAN. A Sad DOcth, CHAUIoROTT:, N. C, .June 26.-John Logan Jamison, Jr., assistant overseer on the Thompson orphanage farm near Charlotte, was killed by lightning this afternoon under a poplar tree, under which he and his mule, with which lhe had been plowing, took shelter. Last Wednesday young .Jamison was marri ed to pretty Ruth Brown, one of the* ward of the rompgoon orphanage. A fter a motherless and fathierless childhood, Ruth had at last found happiness in marriage to a manly husband, but [now, af ter fivye days Of wedding life the un fortunate woman is n i~ wi... A QUIET MEETING, 'EACE REIGN8 BETWEEN THE SENA 1ORIAL CANDIDATES. rhe Oasmpaign Oathering at Denvetteville Tividnial. E4lle Io, Evana ovd Oth.r Con I'tates M ke Fp chkes Repreenting Their Olains. B IEN NIF.VTTV1. L.r1, S. C., June 27.-The :ampaign is j ust humming along quiet y now as a summer simb. The Gover ior continues to prod Cleveland's "old at ribs" with his pitchf ork and 0. W. Whitman is still blowing up Hell l ate,% by the gross without touching Ie Suth Carolina College, but all races of blood have disappeared from ihe Senatorial moon. A majority of .he meeting favored Tillman. Repreeentative Whitman was the Irst speaker. Ile jerked the bell cord )f the welkin and rung it for all it was worth. Ile put on his political diving jell and blow up Hell Gate again. He leclared that in order to find out a nan's politics these days one had to 'revert to genealogy and the records." lie had several other Hell Gates in the ihape of the corporations and the mon )y power to blow up but did not have ime to iix the dynamite. lie thought t was time to rotate Maylield out of .he State House and rotate him in. Secretary of State Tindal spoke next. lie said that one South Carolina had assod away and that the reform move nent was making a new one and read iusting the social lines on a new basis. Clho agricultural college had been es ;ablished to enable the boys to apply icience to their work. The South was Ifty years ahead of the North except n one respect-the North has more ikilled artisans. The reform move nent had taught the railroads and the .orporations that they could not dic ate to the State. It had reduced the in erost on the State debt from 6 to 4% I'his govesnment has been taken out of he hands of the Ae w. thus preventing hem from rehabilitating it on ante Jellum lines. If the people wanted to ,ontinne to progress and properly ad just the affairs of government they aust watch and not let another ring be formed. A government of the whole people would eventually result in a government ot the best people. There was no reason for strife to continue to mar the peace and progress of the State. It could result only from the mere de sire of one set of men to dominate over the other. lie hoped Tillmanite and Conservative would remember this. The conflict between the towns and the cities was deplorable. This came from a misconception of the AlIance by the town people who would not open their eyes to see the object of that great organization. Mr. Tindal sketched the history of the Alliance, showing that it was through it that the nation was awakened to its interests; that it overturned the Republican par to and placed the Democrati in power: and that it stopped the sugar bounty and the giving of land to railroads. In stead of saying "damn the Alliance" every farmer should join it. Ile warned the people not to allow the Al liance to commit itself to any political party. If elected Governor he would endeavor to administer the affairs of government in equity and justice to all alike. Senator John Gary Evans was the second G(ubernatorial batsman. le paid a beautiful tribute to the Con federate soldier especially to the veter ans of the Pee Dee. Discusing national affairs, lie said that the only real Dem ocrats in the South to-day are those wvho stand on the Ocala piatform. iTe declared that lhe believed the Sub-Tre asury lplan, if adopted into law, would destroy the Yankee nation. l's would make the South the most prosperous section of the United States, and would transfer the financial fountain head of the country to the South. No law, he said, could be passed which would not benellt one serction at the expense of another. The country is too big. lie advised the Allance not to surrender one of its demands or principles, 1t will win in the end. Senator Evaus spoke next of his con nection with -the Reform movement and of some of the bills which lhe had introduced and seen become law, ie b~elieved his county government bill one of the greates ever passed and that it would make splendid roads for the people. I t had been commented upon it every part of the country, ie said he introduced a bill to establish separ ate public schools for white and color ed children. It had been defeated by members from Charleston and Colm bla. ][e said the article published in the Columbia State that he had oppos ed the two-mill tax was false. The people, he said, should vote for a con stitution al convention. Trhis conven tioni would change the arrngement for bublic schools. Teaching on the I)lspensary law, Senator Evans said the Supreme Court hadl tried to become the Legislature 01' the State. To prove that the law was constitutional, he said the whisikev men of Charleston had employed law yers to get their advice on the law and were told that it was sound and constitutional. Every circuit judge in the State except one had decided that it was constitutional, lie fluotedl decis ions of the Supreme Court showing its inconsistency in whiskey cases. 'L'en years ago it decided that the right to sell whiskey was not Inalienable. Tis year it had decided just the opposite. Senator Evans ably defended the Diuspensary law, ie showed how much that decreased dJruinkness and how much good it hnd done. The people want the law and are going to have it. The speaker attacked prohibition as a farce, ie told a good joke on lien netts vylle when it had prohibition and shiowedl that liqJuor had been more plentiful then than now. Ha~ was lib erally applaudled when he finished. General Ellerbe then took the bat In the gubernatorial game andl he knock - ed some hot grounders and several sky ecrapers at the Alken game cock. When lhe repeated his statement made at Chesterfield that Evans had said there was a ring in the State House, the Senator got up an denied he hadI made any such statement., that what lie had 8aid was that he was ready to smash rings. Ellerbe replied he was giaad that Evans had the manliness to say that he had been misrepresented, as he belonged to the State House crowd, and if there were any Charges about a ring there he wanted names. Evans-I did not say there was .no . ring there, and you can tell that part of It for yourself. What I say is that I never sAid there was a ring there. Elierbe again banged away a .Evane for not supporting Tillman until he began to itch for ofice. le declared that the Aiken candidate represented the new issue, "the death-bed repent ance boys." lie read from the Rouse journal showing that. Evans had voted with IHaskell and Brawley and other anti lawyers against Clemson College, "and yet he gets up here, puts on his guffs and swears he will stick then in anybody who attacks a Ieformer. (Laughter.) Vhy, bless his soul, he fought us for live years until we whip. ped him in." lIe wanted it distinctly understood that he had been a le. or mer since 1885 when Ben Till manl first shot off his gun here in Hennettaville. lie was no compromise candidate- lie talked some about the condition of the country and said that the Sout.h and West must come together and elect at President. lie showed how he had raised the assessment of the corporat ion and tried to make them pay propr taxes as well as the farmers. Gin. Butler was received with nt) plause. Speaking of the mangnilicent crops and nice homes of Marlboro county that he had seen while riding here from Cheraw, he said there ought to be no calamity howlera here, and] that the people should b3 happy and thankful. lie thought and prophesied that times would shortly be better throughout the country. The capital Ists in the North said there was f24 per capita, while we did not have $2 a head. 1le told of how a bank in his county could not lend $150 because it did not have the money. The trouble about the national banks was that they contracted or en larged the currency to suit themselves, These banks reduced their circulation to a minimnum,and he had voted in Con greks to allow them to isssue an amount of currency equal to their deposit In bonds, insteat of nine-tenths as now, in order that the circulation of money be increased. Answering Governor Tiliman's charge that Wall street had raised a fund t0 have him re-elected, he said that Wall street had no liking for him, and that it had threatended tc blow him up for standing for the peo ple in Congress. When Tillman wanted to fund the State debt he went to Wal street. In regard to his voing for Judge SI monton's confirmation he asked wh: had Gorvernor Tillman not sent som protest to Washington against it. ''h Governor's mouth ought to be close on that score. Judge Simonton was a honest, upright man whom he ha known for forty years and he could nc get up in the Senate and vote agaii him just because Governor Tillman di not like him. The Alliance and th Reform party were just getting on hi platform, as he had advocated free si ver for fifteen years. In the face of previous experient the people had re-elected Cleveliaind Thoy knew at the time he would vet a free coinage bill or anything tha would help the South. It was the pol liticans who had opposed Cleveland Gen. Butler said that if he had any thing to do with the Democrat party it the future lie intended to read the rio act and tell the people that they oughi to have a candidate from the West. 114 had in mind a man from that sectioi who was with us completely on all otu great questions. The Southern farmers were th< smartest people in the world. The] made cotton at nine cents per pound sold it at seven and still lived. But they could not live long at this. Tli must have relief. The General sail that chairman of the meeting had re minded him before the speaking thal the people wanted to hear issues dis cussed. This was what he wanted, li< never heard a speech but that he learne( something and he always tried to tel others what he knew. Iier deprecate< bitterness and hoped to seei the peopi all together. (I ,vernor Tlillman was received will shouts and cries of "tell it," "we ar gladi to see you again." lie recalledl l~i fact that lie hadi begun his attack om the "oligarchy,"right here in liennetts vylle nine years ago. Ie did niot wau to catch the popular s1(1.. Ile jus took his stand andI somehow t~me boy came right along and ranged them stives around him. ile was going t< be the ad vance guard sent b~y thme peo ple to take thei governlment, from the plutocracy. ie was not responsible for the bit terness that had passedl between lhin and Butler. l~o just pitchedn~ back twi rocks for one, lie war.ted peace. but he was not going to be dictated to by minority. If those who had fough him so bitterly anti were ready to join the church and wouldl (1int call lng him a devil, he was ready to opei the dhoorsI. (Voice: Tfh'y want, otlice. Yes, that's what is thle matter witi them. Le~t them take back( sealts ani come In on probation anid show the ain't for revenue and ollice and may b we wvili promote them some time. I do not hate these men who hate mn so. I feel sorry for them. They ar benighted and have read the N e ws an Courier so that they think I am a de vi jLaughter I lie would talk to the people as5 plain farmer and ai statesmnlan, whic latter lie clalimed to he, as he had rlgi ly interp~reted the will of t he peop] andi had dlone their wishes. The lei publicans andIi lamniltonians and th Antis werenit heart Itepuublicans. Thet were no more l)emnocrats than lhe was negro. "Cleveland is not haonaest today, o~ else he is the most dlamn~able tralitoC that has ever held that seat," shlouate the Governor amid aipplause. (leve land and his so called D):emocrati, Congress were responsibie for the l)ov erty stricken condition of tile country 10ngland had bribed Congress througt Wall street. Biefore they wvent te Washington and booght the nomina tion of Cleveland. Tfhey lso4 biougli Iharrison's nomnatlin. Th'iey were happy and mfade tne peOople pay the 1)1 per, no matter which one got elected. 'The Governor said that the New! and Courier and other subsidlzed news papErs that were bossed and owniet whined about an "honest doilar. They made silver dishonest by legisla tion. The governor argued for green backs and asked why did the capital Ists want the promise of the govern menit on a b)ond andl yet reject it on note, lie wanted Unicle Sam to des troy national banks and mah~e gold, il yen and paper receivable for all duel and go ahead and turn on a stream e: greenbacks that would irrigate thil countr.r Of course the nnnpoilom would say this was the rankest heresy, but he did not care. The sub-treasury was simply an edu cational doctrine used efilcaciously to show the farmert that they had been Imposed upon and to show the iniquity of the national banking system; and it has serveJ its purpose. The Governor said that at Spartanburg when he had his famous debate with lien Terrell before the Alliance, and behind closed doors, lie had satisfied his audience that it was South Carolina's part to maRe their light in the Demoeratic party and so ho lot the sub-treasury alone because he did no want to light his brothien. When the State conven tionk met last year the feeling was not to send any delegates to Chicago, or if they did to instruct them to leave if Cleveland was nominated. In a caucus he spoke against this and a1howed the Rteformer% the unwisdom of such a course. 11 thon argued that they could not afford to risk the election of harrison by dividing the national De nocracy. The convention put the Ocala platform in the State Democrat, ic plattorm. iHe did not agree with theui and told them so, but that was their right, and by puttig it there the Third party was kept down in South Carolina, while, said he, you and I and two-thirds of' the people had a nerve of Third patrtyism up our backs as big as your flinger. In other States the Alliance kicked out of the party and had ruined itself in doing so. South Carolina remained in the Democracy and was an example to the other States which are now re gretting that. they had not followed our course. We are likely to have them follow our lead if we lead wisely and well, but we must not fritter our forces by dividing on small issues. We must not load down our platform with such impractical schemes as are on the Populistic platform. ItC we make the light in the South and West on the question of the government issuing all the paper money and taking it away from the corporations and making gold, silver, and paper interchangeable we will win. The tariff is a side issue and so is governmental control of the railroads. We must leave all these questions out of it and consecrate all our strength on the light for the peo ple's money. Speeches were made by several candidatws for State offices. NOT ALLOWED TO LEAVE. Germin Fi'usliers Refused Permission to Viit Austisa. SCOLUNunrA, S. C.. June 29.-At a spe. clia meeting held on June 18 the Ger man Fusiliers of Charleston decided to t accept the invitation of the German t Guardsof Augdsta to participate with 11 them In their celsbration of "German e Day," or "Dantsche Tag," (June 27) a that city. - The comipany, having decided to go tc Augusta, Capt. Schacte wrote to Co. 0 lumbia for permission for his commaU - to leave the State. 0 The following self explanatory corre. t spondence then ensued between him. self and Assistant Adjutant General Watts: -tts Charleston. June 18, 1994. G.en. H. L. Parley, Adjutant and in spector General State of South Caroli na-General: I have the honor to re quest you to grant me permission to visit Augusta, Ga., with my company, the German Fusiliers, on the 27th day of June, 1894, Very respectfully, HENRY SUIIACTE, Captain German Fusiliers. lh'apectfuilly forwarded approved. T. A. IIUG4UENIN, Brigadier General. Columbia, June 25, 1891. Captain llenry Schacte, Charleston, S. C.: Dear Sir:-Your letter to General F arley asking permission to leave the Istate armedi and equipped has been re ceivedl andi was referred to the Com-. m rander-in-chief', and 1 am instructed by him to say to you that as your com mand is under charges he cannot grant your requnest. Very respect fuly, .GARY WATTS, Assistant Adjutant and inspector General. Uipon the receipt of the letter of the A djutant and inspector General refus luIg the desired permission the toe.e graphic coirespondence below passed ,between Capt. Itenkl, of the Augusta . Germantu Gutar-ds, and Captain Schachte: Charleston, .June 25, 1894. Capt. A. ,1. Itenkl, Augusta, Ga.: IIlaving bieeni unable to procure tihe permission of the Commander-in chief to leave the State we regret that we cennot be~ with you. IlIINRtY SUIIACIITEC, Captain German F usiliers. Cd.A ugust a, (Ia., J1une 25, 1891 Cat.einry Schachte, Charleston, S. C. hpuniforms and come anyhow; hae lenty of gnnai. Answer. A. ,J. RLICNKI,. Ch arleston, J1 une 26, 1894. Ct.A. . Itenk I, A ugitata, Ga.: glanks d for your telegram. Would gaydoso, but~ under the circumn stances impossile. Ai flrsending the above telegram Captain Schachrte wrote to Captain llenki the following letter with which thei corr-espondlence c1osed: ~ ~ A.Charleston, ,June 26, 1894. Ssay that we regret sincerely our inabill ity to parllcip~ate with you In your an ni versary celebration. As e'xplalied to you by telegraph our application for permnissiona to leave r the Stiat~e wasu rflusod by the Commnd r .or inchielf. I We sendl our greeting to the German Guards of Augusta, and wish them continued prosperity In the years to - ome. Ver-y t ruly and sincerely your s, - ilanat. red ike Rats. LONDON, June 2.-The further ex ploration of the Point-Y-Petdd mine -which an explosion occurred yesterday, has shown that the disaster was far beyond anything imagined last night. - The number of (lead Is 251. The orig I inal report that only 200 men were in 'the mine at the time was due to a mis - understanding on the part ot the man. ager, who thought that a shaft of min. - e had jult come up. Many of th( -(dead bodies were mangled beyond re o ognition. Crowds of women, whc - hive not slept since the explosion, still surround the pit, awaiting news fromi Shusbands and brothers. Exploration of the mine is slow anid dlilcul t, owing to the blocking of the galleries- with A TERRIBLE DISASTER. TWE N TY FIVE MEN DROWNED BY THE SINKING OF A BOAT. A Tug Ovnr-crowded with Mesnilpra Gf a FlaIng jinl, Fonndera oil Atlantle 1Sol hluide--The Steamer Algonaquin and Twoa Tug. tn the ftescue. NEw YojRc, Jone 24.-The tuz Jaa. D. Nichols, owned by Wi. Reeves, of 87th street, this city, foundered off the Atlantic Highlands shortly before 1 o'clock this afternoon. The Nichols had on board a party of excursionista num bering sixty-eight persons and also car ried a crew ef live men. As near as can be learned at this writing forty eight.persons were rescued by the steamer Alzonquia, of the Clyde fAne, and the tugs Governor Wallace B. Flint and It. J, Morgan. This leaves t - enty- fve persons unaccounted for and these have probably been drowned. 'he names of' the victims have not all been learnied yet, and It will probably be sev eral divs before a complete list of the dead can be gathered. The tus Nichols was chartered by an association known as the Herring Fish ing Club, whose headquarters are at No 55 1st avenue, this cty. The tug, with the parly on board, left the loot of 5th street, EAst River, at 7.30 o'clock this morning. Sbe stopped at Pier 3 on her way to the fishing banks off Seabright, N. J., whore several more persons were taken on board, making sixty-eight in all. The ishng was indiflereut and the weather threatening, and the tug started homeward. Stories differ na to what happened on board the tug. According to one chapter of the nearrative the ilsh ermen, to avoid getting wet, moved around oni the dry side of the vessel, that is, the side where the waves did not strike with much force. It is claimed by some that this action on the part of the passengers resulted in the foundering of the tug. With the Increased weight on one side she toppled over and the water ran into her to such an extent that it was thereafter impossible to navi gate her. She struggled for a short dis tance and then, a the water continued to roll into her, she sank turther and further into the swells and went down. By others it is claimed that the shifting of the pasengers had nothing to do with the accident. These allege that the tug was an old and rotten affair; that she was torribly over crowded and coni acquently top-heavy, and that when she got into the heavy sea she simply went over. She blew her whistle and attracted at tention on board of the steamer Algon quiu, which was a mile away. The Al gonquin lowered a life boat, but the tug sank before either the life boat or the tugs named came up. As she shank out of sight the top of the wheel house, together with a rait and a life boat, re mained floating on the water. To every particl s of wreckage clung one or more of the drowning throng, The life raft was the most sought for and those who were ao fortunate as to make it were saved. The tug's life boat was found afloat, but full of water. In it 'was the body of a drowned man tangled up in fishing lines. The water was so rough that the Algonquin made no attempt to pick up her life boat, but gave it a line and towed it astern until quarantine was reached. Why He KiIlied Im. LYONS, June 26.-Santo, the assassin of President Carnot, was again brought up thin morning for examina tion before Examining Magistrate Benoist,.When the examinating magis trate asked Santo whether he had a personal grievance against President Carnot-, he replied: "No, but he was a tyrant, and I kill ed him for that reason." "Ilow did you stab him ?' asked the magistrate. "I pushed aside the horses and curl asoler and advanced to the carriage. I had a dagger concealed in my sleeve. f only had to raise my hand. I aimed at the stomach and brought my arm down sharply, shouting "Lo'ng live an archy." 'The crowd rushed novon me and laid me prostrate, I was beat mer cilessly." "Is the president dead ?" asked Santo. As the magistrate made no reply, the prisoner took it for granted that his victim was dead. lie smiled and rais ing his hand, imitatedi the not of stab bing the President with undisguised glee. Tihe examination lasted four hoiis. A 1.,idy Etued, Fr4OR ENCE, S. C..,lJune 27.-A horri ble accidient occurred here at 11 o'clock today, in which Mrs. F~annie Nachman lost her life and Mrs. IHelena Welsh re ceived a horrible scalp wound. Mrs. W~eilh, a widow lady and a cripple, was out shoppinag today driving a horse and buggy. While on D~arlington street the horse took fright and ran down Irby street. While crossing the Wiming. ton, Columbia and Augusta tracks Mrs. Welsh was thrown out, falling on her head and receiving a gash from the forehead to the back of her head about six inches in length. Mrs. Welsh may recover from her injuries. The horse continuedi his mad run till it reached the electric light pole in front of the court house. Here the buggy was smashed into smithereens and Mrs. Nachman was thrown about thirty feet, falling on her head. She was knocked senseless, the concussion being so great that she died in about five minutes. No one knows the cause of the horse running. It is indeed a sad affair and has been the topic of convor satio)n all day. Outiawa as Yemassse, Y EM A~sEE, 5. (3., June 26.- Yes ter day afternoon three negroes were caught breaking into the freight cars of the Charleston and Savannah Itail way near Central Junction, and were followed by Bramn White, who 1s om.I ployed by the road. ie followed them to Yemassee, but before they reached there they had committed another of tense. They had robbed another negro right in the sight of the Yemsasee de pot, and took all the money he had, also shooting him and badly bruising him. A posse was at once organized and they captured the offenders at (Coosawhatchee, having to shoot two of them and injuring them slighhtly. They were taken to Hampton County jail today. Operator Commins took a very active part in their capture.