PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1893. GREEN WOOD COUNTY, a yo ANEW COUNTY ENTERS T HE LIST IN A CA SOUTH CAROLINA. th The 13111 Occupied Nearly afl the T me of n T the ncule in Yosterday'a Seeelonr, aloti le Day and Night. but was Pdssed at Last. - o COLUMBIA, S. C., Dec. 12.-This has w been Greenwood's day in the House. w Nothing else was considered. The re- G districting scheme was brushed away G on a technicality. It could have bien te considered, and there is a ray of hope cc in the disposition of the [louse. For w nearly three hours this morning the G( pros and cons of Greenwood County vc were advanced, and everyone ought by im this time to know what he wants about m the new county proposed to be made fo up of portions of Edgefield and Abbe- su ville. The most striking incident of ca the debate was the unexpected refer- th ,enceto the Legislative members being br 4; vest-pocket edition of Governor Till- ye man; otherwise everything went along (ir in a nice, quiet, humdrum way. The first tilt of the day was on the w redistricting bill. The people scored as onel It looks hopeful. The Black dis- pe trict champions haven't things alto- p1 gether their own way. The lines were ty drawn today and old Charleston and ed the low-country have their friends. at When the bill came up Mr. Moses's ur original bill was promptly killed. (N .VThen the substitute bill, with a fa- 11 V61-able report, came up. Mr. Magill na the chairman of the special committee, su moved to kill the bill, as there was a of Senate bill upon the same subject. Mr. if Magill did not anticipate Mr. Moses's oy close attention to the work of the at House. The House bill was laid aside ba and thereu pon Mr. Moses called atten- th tion to the fact that the Senate bill in had not been en the deska for twenty- of -ar hours. Speaker Jones held the th point of order well taken. m Then Mr. Magill wanted the bill whereby the House bill was killed re- M considered. Speaker Jones held that M an affirmative vote to reconsider cu)tild th not be regarded. Mr. Breazeale moved vi to take the bill from the table. The House, by a vote of 28 to 26, refused to ti< have any more talk on the subject to- 7.8 day. . of The Greenwood County bill was the nex. in order, and furnished the battle Ri royal of the day. Mr. Yeldell first took th the floor and made a very strong argu- fo ment, in favor of the new county. IIe iu said that there has never been a strong er argument for a new county Out di &f two thousand voters in the territory pr affected seventeen hundred pf titioned as for the new county, and the first, name pe on Ihe petit lon was that of Governor cih 'lillman. There are times when one m shoulu not let st-ri iment overrule av- pr cessitV. '1he objection comes from C< Abbeville. You have no assurance Cl that there N% ill ever be a consI it utional It convention. We have been looking for w: tariff ieform for twenty-five years and K It is still coming. We have had tl'e Q county surve3ed and Greenwood will Gr pay for the buildings. When we tell th these counties that we are tired pa5itig i them tribute they raise a great protest. Ile debated elabora'ely the question of tho area aLd the necessity of forming new re; countiec. Mr. Yeldell quoted from the th, census bulletin and showed that the Gi incorporated towns in Abbeville had more population than those in Green- ag wood. IIe devoted considerabie atten- an tion to the railroad situation, and de- A nied that Greenwood would get more ha railroad mileage than Abbeville. li Mr. 11111, of Abbeville, said that, al though sick, he was hero to prevent fa this monstrous iniquity being placed vc on Abbeville County. If Abbeville sh - must be despoiled consider the inter ist ests of the remaining portion ol the coun!y. The idea of a new county is ai mi newKding. iIe understood that names to the petitions had been secured by tli promises of dAlce. They want to take co out of Abbeville what they want and Ba leave us worn-out lands nearly all Ut streams that require bridging and an Gi undue proportion of the negroes. The dIr judiciary committee re*per ica favorab,ly M because it heard only one side of th'e da question. We 'were not adtv is d 'I mn their facts and data. 'Il,y -uk~ snap w. judgment. We (lid not knowv haowa much we were to be hit or how much JIt we were to be hurt. We wotuld rather a' move the court housi-e to Greenwood 1n than have the county dilvided. l Mr. Graham, of A bbeville, who fa- El vored the new county, said that the ad- Gi vocates of the county went about the il matter in a businless-like manner. WVe .Jc have aflidavits of competent sturveyors Ii that old Abbe ville has plenty of area. to We have been pa) ing for their bridges Ml for the past hundCred years. Tlhey ac- Ph cne' us of not having Greetiwood in era the centre of the new county. WVe n-e * went for tihe business centre. We have y ade Abbeville valuable, and if the so portion we wanlt is more valuable it belongs to us. We have made it valua- rh ble b>y our enterprnise anid push. WVe w. take only about half of the railroad yc mileage. A bbeville never tbuilt roads for Greenwood's bencelit. .rThey ne ver ear- co ried them that way. Abbeville aind Greenwood are rival towns and they nri are noc building railroads by our dtoo rs. 10, The first mention of tne new county M was made by jarmners living In Edge Ta field County and doing buisiniess in pr Greenwood. Notice of this matter w came out in the county newspapers a th wet-k after the preject was started. M r. Suddath, of Edgefleld, did 'not P think the new count y would offer any Io00 convenience to the people of Edgefield ed who were to t)e t akentin to Greeinwoodl. es There tire i-aid toi be 1,250 square nailes mi in the cunlt y. Mr. Yeldeli made him is admit that thierte were over 900 miles of lei t in the old county. Mr. Suadath Gi then went on to say that lie favored small cotunties arnd a const it utional thm county. Let us get an omnibus ill it and get all of the new counities at one Cc time. In Edgelield County stuch a scheme is not want .d. I have petitions to that fact. If anybody wats 0 (de serves any favor it is the country peo hi pIe of thie St ate and they are not askii ng for any new counties. M r. Fostier. ol Sp'artanlburg, saild that el he inaverted new counl'ies 'I hey add to 1K1 the we.tlth of the s.tate. North Caro- C linca is get ting a'heiad of us in that bite, dI ,As a mat te r ot Statu e polly it be hoov. a 11s to hiave~ 1:ew couli it-s. Talk about Cr Buncimte Cotunty being injured by 1E bceirg cut tup. No. The same is appli- W cable to A bteville. Look at tie State at. tha' ha,s aiprunig from 01(d Virginia. is Green wood us w. orthy of the luai+i thiat th Bshe is i-t img to get. Mr.FJirar-k Gar3, of Abbetijie, said that he htad to oppuo the proposed en- toi tmnt. In the outset I am not ol ised to new counties, but in doing e >u ought not to destroy old one bbeville is symmetrical. Our peop n reach the court house and retur, e same day. The people of Abbevill ed no better facilities and you d ithing for the people of Edgefielc iere is great doubt as to whether yo ive us the requisite number of squar iles in Abbeville. They have com ,er into Abbeville County and take hat they want. Is it a right plan t ant you to vote for this bill becaus )vernor Tillman heads their petition mtlemen, that is an insult to your it 1ligence and Independence. Have yo me here to obey Governor Tillman' .11? Are you his puppets? Doe )vernor Tillman carry you and you tes in his pockets? Governor Till in does not carry my vote, and a ich aq I admiro him I think and ac r myself. I tell you that it is an in it to you to suggest to you that b( use Governor Tillman favors thi Ing that you will favor it. You ar ave and loyal men and will act fo: urselves. I am loyal to my peopl st of all. Then he made a vigorous reply t iat he termed an anonymous attac to methods from some little whiI r-snapper. Ile then outlined th in of campaign of Greenwoo-l Cour and told that he had been approact by advocates of the Greenwoid bi, d told that if he advocatcd the meat e it would be named after his uncl [art Gary.) lie spurned the offei 3 would feel that it is bartering ,me he honored, and would not d ch a thing. Then he told of an offe the Senatorship from the new count he favored it. This he refused. II ved a higher duty to his present cou tuency. Ile would make no suel rters. Ile then went on to discuE e positions of the new counties, th justice of the change, the uselessneq the new county, the uusuitability c e time, the indebtedness and othe Atters. The bill was further discussed b r. J. T. Duncan, of Newberry, aiv r. Watson, of Anderson, in favor o e bill, and Mr. D. II. Magill,of AbbE le, against it. At 2.30 o'clock the House, upon mc in of Mr. Moses, took a recess unti 0 P. Al., with Mr. Magill in possestoi the floor. At the night session of the [louse o !presentatives the closing hour fo e receipt of the new bills brough rth abaut a dozen new bills,the mor por. ant being: 1y Mr. Sturkie, amendments to th 3pensary law, to lix the maximur oti. of the State dispensary as we that of the county disp-nsers at 2 r cent. instead of 50 per cent.; t ange the name of Graham's to Det irk and extend its jurisdiction; t ovide for a constable at Clemsi olb-ge; to amend the chatter of l lester and Lenoir Narrow Gaug >ad and authorize its consolidatio t h the Carolina Nartow Guage an g's Mountain ltoad4 to charter th ieen City Detectire Agency, c eeville, to regulate admissions t e Lunatic Asylum anc regulate con tments for idiocy. ,%r. Moses wantf-d to know whethe 3 Jiouse wanted to continue th iding of the Code. The IIois )tght it best to try and finish witl eeLiwood County scheme. Mr. Magill took up his argumen ainst the new county. Ile showei affidavit of the county auditor o >beville that the county would no ve the requisite area if dismeimbered 3 argued until 9 o'clock. Joshua Ashley said that while h vored smaller cotintiei he could no te to eit Abbeville into such ape. lie made one of his charactei ic speeches, full of fun and fire. Air. Yeldell made the closinig argi. ant. T'he prcvious question being calle e vote resulted. Against the nes unt.y: Anderson, Ashley, Breazeal uce, Bruce, 13rice Carroll, Coopel un, Edwards, 1Ellis, irly, Gar ick, Kirkland. Lemmon, Magil anning, Mitchell, Itast, Sturkie, Sud th 'Tatu m, Tupper, TIhomas, Whil re, W. C. Wolfe, ,J. 5- Woltff, Woot ird-31. For the new county'; sipeaker JIone: rry, lllack well, 13lease, Breland, l3uisi ~rd, Carpenter, Chandler, Cox, Cov ston, D)endy, D)ennls, D)ubose, J1. 1 incan, T. C. Diuncan,Edwards, Egar der, Estridge, Felder, Folk, Fostei ahaim, iIammnett, iardee, IIardil irdy, hlarvey, Henderson, ,Jefferies rdan, .Johnson, K notts, .J. D). K inard J. Kinard, Lancaster, Lesesne, Lol ii, Love, Lowrance, Luban, Mauldir C.0. White, Mitchell, Parks, Patton tillips, Rivers, Roper, Roland, RLog u, Russell, Shuman, Singletary, Skin r, ,J. L. Smnith, Stackho use, Sullivan rughan, Von Kolnit z, Waters, WVat a, Willborn, Yeldell-65. Messrs. IIaskell and Weston and Gar F and *[liver were paired. WVatts io wvas out of the hall, would havy ted for the new county. T'he tidlal wave favoring the nei unty was hardly expected-~ Mr. llarris want-e I the newv counta med Gary. The amendment wa it, about lifteen voting in its favo r. Magill moved that It be callet lman Counrty'. This, too, wai omptly voted dlown. The newv count Is given two members anid placed(l n 3rd Congressional (district. The Governor is aut.hiorizedl to ap int a commnirsion to arrange a divis of the bonded and Boating inidebt ness of the counties. Trhe bill pass Without further trouble and will to >rrow be given a third reading. I said that a canvass has been made the Senate, and it is in favor o een wood count.y. &t 9-2o0o'cleck the IIotse restimet rearling of the Code and continue< until about hi o'clock.-News aind urler. The M'thodisat Conference. UM'RE, S. C., Dec 9--At the meet r of the South Carolina Methodia n(erence today the following dele t.es to the General Confearence wer< ct ed: Clerical -8. 13. Jones, Wv D rk land, 11. N.-Wells, J A. Cifton-, j Kilwo, .John 0. Wilson, Samuel Lan .Lay-D) IL. Diuncan, .James ij alghiead, II. II. Ne wton, It. 0. Purdy tror of the Cuaritiaun Advocate, Rev .ID. Kirkland. Trhe Conference me L~a'reins next year. Tlhe 'Jon ferene )pise'd to a (divisuoon. Th'le work 01 -Coniterenice i over. The appoint lnts w Vill be annunced Sitnday night. . Aortou aiddre.ssetd the Conferenc4 igfht on Church extenamon. AN iMPORTANT BILL 3. 0 KNOWN AS THE COUNTY GOVERN e MENT BILL PASSES THE SENATE. 0 -. _ _ It was an All Day and A11most ,aU Al e Nilht Fight, but it Went Through aW e Lst, Despite the Opposition of Varlntim Senators. COLUMBIA, S. C., Dec. 13.- The County Government Bill was the theme of yes a terday's long morning session of the i Senate. The bill aoolishes county Scommissioners, creates a ''county su. 1 pervisor," elected by the people an s paid a salary, and township boards of t road commissioners, whose approving consciences are their only recompense, a The "supervisor" performs the admin e istrative duties which now devolve on connty commissioners and in addition to this he, with the "county board of o road commissioners," divides the coun k ty into convenient sections as regard( roads and bridges. Then the county L supervisor is required to let out thest sections tc contractors to be worked and kept in r(,pair. Besidt 3, there is provision for county chaingangs to be employed on the roads. The cuinty a supervisor is to be a bonded ollicer and 0 bonds are to be given for the perform. r ance of their obligations by roai and a bridge contractors. Mr. Evans is rontl of calling the bill a "road bill," and frankly admits that It. is primiaril y and] fundamentally a measure of that -har 9 acter. ofis elaborate argmient in thle f debate yesterday showed that he hid r given the subject careful and dil igeni study. The Senate met at 10:30 a. in. Th( f session was opened with prayer by Dr. Smith of the Presbyterian church. Abol.t a dozen bills passed their final readings. The county government bill 1 special order wes called up. Senator :1 Jenkins moved to strike out the enact Ing words of the bill. On a division his f motion was lost by a vote of 19 to 13 r A call of counties was then had for t Senators to sugest salaries for "coun e ty supervisors' which had been left blank in the bill. When L,ancaster e county was reached Senator liiller re 11 r!.xest* I that his county along with I t -arleston be excepted from the pro ' visions of the bill. Senator Evans 0 hoped that the amendment woiild t( i- voted down, declaring that sp 'cial le4 o isiation was the curse of the State. n Senator Miller briefly explained hi, ,e otij-ctions to the bill stating that, iTi e his opinion the bill multiplitd ofliee, n and was not suited to the people. d Senator Finley wished to know wli e Charleston was excepted, and Senatol f Buist answered tfat since a hi rp.)r tion of 13erkeley with its roam's ;nd. bridges had been added to the county of Charleston he could see no reaisoi r to except it fromi the general law oi B the State. Senator E vans was perf ec, - 1 ly willini for Cha. 1-t mn t , be (xvid 1 Senator lnist -,sked tiue to collsilt his colleague, Mr. Saytie. t Senator Evans was plied w%ithi qucs I tions from Senators l1ei-ely and d en. f kins until the quest ion on Senator Mil t ler's motion was demanded, whiib Sen ator Evans moved to table. Senat,or Derhamn asserted that under the bill i. e would be impossible to get a service .s t eflicient as that Il,rry was now er. a ing Senator Derhani beleed u the bill provided three mnen to do t lie work of county conimissionirs in oac township for nothiung, while the iiuper visor remained at the court houase an:d I did nothing. v Senator lirice thoughgt that t he hill 3, contemplated an in)creatse of tile burden 7, of taxation wvhichi the peop)le at. pre.;t u y were In no condlition to endure. PTe bill committed too much01 power to one I,man, iIe was unmwiling for I lie poor people of his county to be suibjecuted to the harah arnd inquisitorial provisions Iof the bill. On the motion to t able Senator Miller's amendmenit tihe v'ote , resulted 14 to 14 andl the l'resideiit vot - ?, ed "aye," therefore Senator Miller's amendment was kilk I. -Senator Verdier offered a resoluit ion I, to exempt Bleaufort from the provisi'in ', of the bill, Ile had been in favor of the ', bill when it was understood that h 4, supervisor waisto lie app aintedf. if he ,was to be elected, then it was cert.ain -that he would be a Itepublican anid a ,negro. *Senator ,John G. Evans: "I am will -ing to accept an amrendLrmint for Iihe *Governor to appoint the supervisor for 'Beaufort. Senator Verdier staited that suich an arrangement would niace himi in an awkward position. It, would break imp the amicable arrangement now exist. ing with the negroes, by which the Senate enjoyedi the benefit of his sir vices. Senator ,J. GI. Evans: "I shall give notice of general amnendmeLnts (on the thiird reading, anid promise the' Senator a political atnendmnent , agreail umponi with him, to nmeet t,he nmect SSities3 of his s county." 'Senator W. I). Evans move I to amue'i by making the time by which the tax couild be conmmutedl in iabor at live in. stead of eight daiys. Senator Ev,ms said that lie was in favor of the b)1l - nearly all tile way through, but, if the Senator from Aiken had beenm a roadl overseer as long I' he had, hie would( understan I what an unlfair burden wold be p)laced up m1 poor peolei. Senator ,J 0. Evanis, who was Iin an accepting tramCe of tminid agreedi to ac ceptthis amend mnt, too. Senator Ti'mmernman thought that the annmnd ment would defe'at the puirpose o1 the0 bill as to the hifihy .sectonns of thle S tate. Senator F"ulIler belhe'ved I ihat Inl his county three days' road service was a is ICuch as was averaged. Se'iator Finlhey obIjectedl to I hue 8 dauy 'provisioni, imainit ananllg thatIm tha laor 3 of those wh io coiubi rnot, pay the I. ax *weuld be given to tIh'e ounit y at. the -rate or twenty-live cents a day. So- u ~ tor Evanse w'as nt welle I to the' la * f aiy special n umblier o0 cIh,s, but Ie * ved that a mnliniin and mai n 'io *Ought to be fixed. Senator Dernham ref erred( t i.he chain gan g feature, and coulni inab 111. stand how there c mId be a ei Cii 0 og in his county, wnicth haud on11y aib m. two comnvicu,s in the penit.-nia;ry, it was runmling a gri nd-ston. vi l a f >c. ty-liorse ,)ower engine F'he (lebate waa heginning t att.. itu! ,d o the Stat.. Senator Harrison discugs the bill Ps its provison could be applie to his section of the State. Then th Senator struck out with his right v Section 14 which allowed the supervisc to dismiss defaulting contractors a will. Senator Jenkins had' listened wit interest at the arguments from Son, tors from various counties and or thing was evident, that there was vast deal of diversity of opinion as I what the practical workings of the bi would be: "that we are grouping in tt dark." Senator Evans replied to Senato Jenkins, saying that the Senator's ow bill had been reported unfavorabl) that he was endeavozing to "hood-vin Senators" for whom he ought to have higher regard. iIe had appealed t the thread bar, argument about whit men ['boring by the sido of convictE The bill made no stch provisions. 11 was under the impression that Senato Jenkins had said that this bill could 1) made a urood one. Senator Evans pr< ceeded to repeat that the bill include no great innovation. It merely abol ished the 0111ce of county commission ers which the people as4ented to ii their vote on a constitutional aniend ment. Senator Jenkins stated that the Sen ator's bill had been defeat. I in th House and referred to the history. 1i had admitted that sonie of the bill' provisions were good, but lie had foun, that it was imlpossible to amend it impracticable fe,itures. It had neve been votc:I to abolish the ofice of coun ty commissioner but merely to put i under the control of the General As sembly, aiid not to have it a constitti tional offiCe. "I am admonished by tl: Senator that 1 1m talking for bu. combe, but when I go home, unlik himself, my political career is ended I say its a shame and an outrage to de sire our poor people to work by th side of convicts." Senator Evans debated this bill a length, being fron time to time "in terpellated" frow Senators from al qiarters of the chamber. lie describe the growth of the recent road agitatior and the road congrejse,s throughout th Inited States, and alluded in glowinj terms to the magnificent roads of th Itomans. Wheni lie touched upon th "Appian Way," Senator Jenkins cruel ly li(niiired i f slaves did't build it. Th speaker respondc I that the argumen amoanted to saying that if we had no slaves we niust have no roads. Ou people were willing to build the roads Senator Derham thought the bil might be enaVted for those countie which wanted it, and to whose condi tions it was suited. Senator lighan opposioek the bill. iie contended agains i1s praciicability, aid objec-t d to thi expnXs(A ofhe Convict system. II bad Ialked with the people of Florence had tt;ldl them that this bill was on th( cal-ndar, anl not a man la-i posise the cheek t o isk that it. be enjcted. Senator .J. G. Evans: "Was not, ti bill ant issueI net ween you and Congress manl Mtiruirinl ii % our race for Con gress?" Seoator Bighai stood mit. for a minut-,,, and then replied: "Yes bl-t it was a soro point witi ongress man McL,tirin. lie (lodgel tihe issue lie Wa1-s williaig to relieve Bighan anc his people of i he whole I hing." t Fiit-y pronoitieed thie bill ir supe'rior to any of the in i previ 01ly itr i :1. h'lle bill coild hard lyi he oposd froii th1 ij t ind l'int a. th-0. 1rmi which the b)ill of List ye ir I had been object 11 to. It waw 1inpossiile, howtvver, to previil upon the I .ople to do gool service grattit o.1'sly, and iervice ol valie coillI not be expe1ted froml township road coninik ,ioilers wit hout rentilumrat ion. Senit or >tw yartw Wilson spoke in deleni11 of he hill. Ilo remindec thi *-wnae t.ha L it w 11 o e. f the few re torims ftor thie go(d of >Soilih Carolina which remineiI'd Iineniactedl. It w'.otdb be uint'rt unai;te for this one to fail 01 passage. Th'le Spartnhuriig Senator was manatiirIistly uni easy about his frienid M1r. Eivans' biii, atid his speech on its behalfI w as lull of eatrnest,iess; in fact it ,bordered on the p.thl ht ic. Elver mttil anion ('oh. l)orhami of' hlrry initerpost . in his' enat or Evans would ri.>? hiilp iniatteri. "V oii injure us by y our aid . LiAke m4st, of your sugges tions5," retnar.- ed Mr. Verdier with a IIni 5nmilIt, ".it, is i mpracticable.' Senator V~erdier's amend meiit was then voted down. Senial or li ighiam inovetd to lay upon the I able the ainenidment excepting Cha .rlIeiot fromii itN o)pertt.ion1. Sena Sin Sy the had no objection to the Sena; tr's niiIon, but it. was unnece s -ry bhi utise theo amnentdmint was not ini the bill. lI I hiopt I that IIf Senator luihaa tdes irte to lotok alter Charles If" s iii n~'ts he' would (d0 it, in atn Or i<, ry way. Whlenr -ernator liiam hobtainlt I the it >>r ii,i' rin'lt ti '"nator Smnythe In a I. tw r - in .r l- ('allsIig :otnsiderabjle illa- elit't. .11 ' t'i(d.'i h)y saying that "Wi, ii llgh i-o getIs thle loor he fylks buei'i.evis talI'i 1 114t lni's,'' antd eveni A I n-ei I, he aopi molt divi"s atmenid iren't the bi&~ill p.i'l i:s seconid read( ing witIitout a dihisa,n.-State SOME SPICY DEBATE. Lt THE REDISrRICTING BILL DISCUSSED ir t IN THE HOUSE. 1 Tile Metropolitan 'olico Iill Itepotted e Unfavorably Ul,mu--A 1.-voly eili I ilter eating 1l obate on the it itilst rictin InI l 0 it I lie IfI onle, COL UMIA, S. C., De c. 14 -in the r House vesterda; Mr. Weston inoved to n strike out the enacting words of the bill to redistrict the State, which brought on a sharp deba%te. ) Mr. Magill, in speaking against the 3 motion, said the imajority reporteA ftv . orably because they had c irel illy (oi r sidered the bill and felt that it de:iiawls e the serions attention of tho i[ous aI i should be passed, beciase it woid i. sure to South Carolina a Congressn.in from each district as a Democrat. It I will be shown on this Iloor. h sai i, that this will result. There is nothinl t to hinder the people of Ciia rieston, with their resources and political inl genuity, from carrying this district for the Democracy. When such a result followed it is lacumbent upon the G en eral Assembly to pass such a bill. r Mr. \Veston said the object and pur . port of this bill may be briefly stat _!l( in a few words-to place the city ofI' . Chatleston in the "Black )istrict." Ie ha I conideice in the opinion that t imembers had not descendea to such a t position as to pr-s anty bill lor the par- L pose of revenge IIe blushu i with shame that Mr. Magill should suggest. that the district ciuld be carrh 1 by the a political rt iource.s and ingeatuity of Charl( atoi. There wic a time wheni suell tactics counted, but it di not now. Notwithtanding all ingentity t and resource3 . W. Murray now ocet ppies a se'tt in the national Congress r from the Seventh District. Mr. We-. ton said that he had heard various mo tives for the introduction of the hill, amoig whici was the oppostiot of Charleston to the D)isj 'nsary w. Other cit,i had opposed Ihe law with equal vehemence as Charleston. li trusted that no member wrs ac, mvte I by the sentiment that Charle. Ion r should be degraded because she refused to vote for a man for a certain po -it ion lie was willing thit his portioln of lichland should remain in the "Black lMstrict" rather than see Chariestin so disgraced. It woi unnecessiry and L uncalled for. So far as ingenuity aid money is concerned you might, as well make up your mind tuiat a blacik le public-in would represent thtt d istrict. Mr. Vatson said while Ili was coin IweI I to disagree with his friend froil Charleston, lie wanit I to ask them 5 whether they had respe :tet t,bo piii Sf-arm entunciated by t ie )emnocr it i it . 1890. l[as Richland or Ciarlestmi (oIle so ? If my friend can ans wer t iit then I do tiot w.nt, Caarleston in the "Mack District." I cia iml that the rep resentative of that district shuli _> repeesent Soith Carolina. Theiro is lo disposition to injure Charlosto, It shall the tall wag i h i- ? I it whI --f Charleston denouinct it s a-i ipllst et ., my bo.ion swells wit 1 r1t-3111 it We have a naLional Demiocrit.ic pl.a forI which has not b. Ii kept imi w, have nut, been r, ,pect (I. I i* C s tori waits to help u- let her st -uil I up and suppo>rt us inl our dliaemiani is is I)emocratic 1party Wid L for onei will bid her Gol-sl( -d inl everythitng 11:1ta looks to her I ut ire advamliImvei . Mr. Paium inii his reimr' ld: ro WV believe it is to the bt i nt i-r ; ol 1 mnoracy atil th .a'e I h it t .- rd trictinig bill shituld l;'- I It -c .hi h ini the last election therne wa- ci a i1r once of 3.000 votes bi -t ween i the il airy andie gteneral (hdi'oncis iin Char:t tori. Chiarlestoin harin~g thlent :I vo)tes iln reserve woeh'1l be hiet h-r el to overcoime a lci)ipublicanmii uniit ym thiani the other (outies , wichi Lait thteir hull vote. Unoder the ci t.c it nit ani ces lie held that the Fi rst I )istric!, ha a larger negro m' -jority to ove-rconn than the Sevenuth. C ha rltttn h:i ad; taajiii01ty ofi three to onte ini the p runary,t but in the Ih .:tioni ().ungeburtie two) votes to lien oneL. Alr. U tv(ers, colonel, of lteaufor, I a rep treta.Uitive of a dijtSeprIs i rni woeuld any that, they were w: ak b their lt was cast here by (Uod auid t ne'groes and whites itlist. live' to' t IIlow are yeoi goinig to t?auniag th negro~.i vote's? Illow ara yOut gel I t ele-ct, seven l)eitiocrat ic C~oner< -- andt( accounrit for t lhe nie'gro vole e ''nmber there is antot.ter race i thtat while you are iunikintg comuf ori youiirself you coni-der' .nir irac . agree to every thirng that is done cii I loon, bitt we leave inot, had ouiir rie I. i'There is at tititt when Iilii i>r ;a.u-i e..ses to be0 a virtue. WVeo li ii imandu aniything eor ask antytheingi ot cmi, bit aire willing toi dio aniythinrg for ii I intereit Lof Ihe Statte. C onter - ih wei arFe niot (.at,tee, I hat we hive i ut amid have to) answer toi ( iI je- i you. Nuiw is the timie to rile-niwr u aindi t,hat we lwclongit to thle (i st rM t H wasi Set, asidei for is. We are pirlt si4tstied to stay where we are-. WhIi not let us stay there': We don't,:k chainge tior doec the Chtarh-st til debI tioni, TFits sp)eet.. wais attte-:tiv el I i medl to,L comiig tromi a negron, hea Ib Charleston peoplie felIt. thiit, it. htii lit them twenty vott S. Mr. lillease dlefieded th l >ard i-1' State Canvassers aigainist what hie cii s9iderem the irisinuatoins brouiht hvh Mr. \Veston that thec iiegro ho:lt it couinte(d in agait G -n'era I ltoi -. li said1 it was ats lile a Mmr. Wesc ncty co)uld do to insini tIe aniyuungt ag.uilt ir the floard whien the counlrty whimth lhe proieseI to love so miuch ihad not ; made a returnt of a sit ngle vt ag.mnlt- ' time negro Conmgress manh. tiliii hrc I time I i niation ande dliihon(six ba ck t the t.eeth of the mrembner arid lie -servid wa-r notice that the Buatard wol i it s du'li l'a ty l i lI 81 as mit had d e in itt I let in- .1,u Its ely arid honeostly anrd that thlere was of 1 not a ene-mber of the lioardi iupont whioi I r-i the slightest, suspiCcion could res.to n te wh Opinlion oif arty imani aca rd anid mii sai d t h t he Weould s ta~te poiiit,i veIy iins knai opti nions. D)id hee t,h ink any d eihone-ery tie was p.'rper rat.ed he wv mid sty so atnu( off The' Speaikcr hecre sidi th~ at hec cton- pe-i side-r dI Mr. WVestont's rc'rnrks mocre arc compliment ary toi ttiuuItLr t.ttani other- sce wmse when lie aidl that "re-ource arid . Ingenuity" no hnger countr,d ii e!e. I Lions. Mr,1 ill of Abbeville safti: "I inu aot intended saying a word in the di mussion of tl,s bill but when i se gf-1. Ileien rise on this floor and heir thtu proclaim, as dlid the gentleman irom i1nderson, that in casting their votes they are ever mindful of the best int-r :st of the people who are to be effect Ad hlereby, I cannot refrain from saving hat I for one cannot be bambonzled by my such stit If. To say, as did he, that ie has iothfing but the kindest feelings for Charleston and would do nothing o cripple or iijure her and then advo ite putting ier in tho 'Black Dist ict' iggest the assaisin who sinilingly akvs the hand of his victim wile he hrusts the dagger to his heart.' Mr. Watson arose to a question of lersonail privilege. 1Ie had teen at teked by a ineinber of this lonse. ie vas not receiving a double salary as an Iicer of South Cirolina. lie was nct tit vvssii and (ili meet his enemy aco t. iit!e with any man. lr. Voi Nolitz mnoved to suspend he debate it!i il tomorrow. There was ollidirabloo informal debate on this lrOpoit ion, hilt before it was) brought o lic hill. A tn g those rte t. ot ('h a ilest on were M:iyoi 'i Mk.n; Mr. ALer prv.;t e, te.iieln f thon Cott oll jxvhanIgc: 1". . ;, e10 ahin, president or the (hinb1wr of 0A)er -; andl .11. IZln:lt in w;'. ()'Neill Y31dell . tf the \lr1N h tht l ic, I I t I ' ;i i It'If., 11 ni I I ii I' n gre,1.- 9 V l o It I to. ,i kI m i th. it i li) 1ro, o: itlsnlt - oiS aba Ce. I a l iw r I i l h (ilt. is by tet Comn't '. lit iOtl I I ho I' ii LN I-ij tl' II thjIt I il.i t) btile opp-ise t- n f l ; w v.t rr.y wit it iti -r :is W . 1Abl I' I g a it. I -sh Wn hit ll - l aw m ol' cya h ) Iv bti o. In. " I h t or 1 \v a-ii ig.1 w IRdO' Pi . k tl tf. tI * i' r'l b i); I t i ight, I it i I un )InIIIII W e i s iti 'I; , win n0.o 4, s .w -rm akv 'el.sio. of a ilplrh r I o o.. ). . y v i irtl. !, ffl b-I t,111 alk. S LI ,i ui l-:ir it I'll i w'l- . Il i I Ijg t a i i : w i it b y 1 e r y .;!g (C ' eIZ :V().jj, ;ajn I -l it c i i ' w h1;1t-11( ji 0 1 1'. A lti ' . to 1- 1 W 1.11:'i' : m I Pri 11i v i . i ii . Miwo uni i y knewumtpl. ()'i. t*ll' l i 'I' U G y,au h Vlto ny I . wer -I t 111 \f t u t I - tl I' 't 10l i I ' 'i i:- t:t o Ii t I- I IIh il o I ix ;-t - h 1 uIt I In lil -tt m iui i st ably. I tt i'under iii;oo il I- t t "tD!ll II I It, b t t b r . will a u I'y r* p l:ritnno . ittpit'l, a:' I i, of; t>. an' \\'ill lii,n \vitt Wla,Y \t Ns lO LJl. I. -*t l ttlt:;. out, . i ntit pah It at,t I,y tt Vwei Ltsas: 11 ie wayg.un p IhelR 1 h u )lit iilliu su hiI. tis tIi tghLtii t.hree nen h iiet A tveri'- beglu pi Lig-prmy is-mis.. i,t'J i, nrv Iito iit nnt r tKi na--i y it a ex etso caremanit-u the x t- atnitt Jilu ie p.ro tIi 1 o t it) ty nyn. lt, is h ouht i; itit was - th-ri t I( til-e r))rl. vitf C lttr o hyd STATE BANK TAX. 11110 Of the Sub-coimittef's Propoxed "Ill for Its Repeal. WAr ilNXbo.N kiec. 1I.-The sub COmiuted' o banking antd currency ap to the repea confthrlev,islation relating Lo th rep(a of ttt e 10 Per cent, tax -if kte ,tv-k issues reported to the '>liot! tIay that it had adoned the . u tle provisional outline of Lli-'. v,twral features of a bill which it I. The tax of 10 per cent. a - - te bank not,1, & ., pal I out and (.-a-. Currency, is repealeao -- Excel)t as13 below Provided, no N: e >.mk notes & z., shall be paid oun ai n -! as currency outside of the th:7r issue, except subject to a A nt 1) iper cent. each time paid "N. B. 1t is nout expected that this peity w,;'d be generally collecioed, y Ilore th.a is the tax imposed by otr pic hiw; hat ratl.er that. as fast as tle IphYte.1nots A iame into the hands of re> sible' parties outside of the State o! ar issue, the penalty on pay - in- theni mt will cause them to be pro ierly reti rned for redemptiou and thus effectivO. 1:%L withiln the State of their issue. "Sec. 3. -tate bauk notes may be paid out mi1l u.el as currency (outside of tile State ol their issue) on compliance with tie follmin:: "(A) Blank nowe9 to be furnished and issue to be re -tere by the Comptroller of tie Currecy al to be of sharply (Aestrucive des7-u so its to show (1) that they are State h:mik notes; (2) the State of their issue and (:) un(er which sec Iion of this ac' .- fire issued. ".(B) B, nk s --v :.z iiiJh notes to be subiect to , !;, thie Comptrol ler of the Curren,c. ir to that now provided for natifial AI.Ai, but (except is to (C) below) 1,r purp)s-, 2!' pi1le niormation only-the Comptroller hav n-, no general supervision of the affairs of tile banks. "(C) Outstandin.; notes of each bank Sbe limited to 75 per cent. of paid up i] unlp .ired capita. "(ID)" btate bank notes t' be made >v States of issue a first lien on all'assets )f i.i.uint bank and a liability against 4 older to an amount equal to h r :I 'Uk{ in addition to R. () Ail qseasmuent o1 one halH per n . > h2 paid Oi t ikin*-i, out circula Li)t, :111l and also on all circulation out ;audhu more than a year so long as %il wvheiiever 1Jccessary (A) to keep ,ood a v:uarantee fund oi at leat 3 per unt. of outstanling circulation for ulti oate redempion of notes and (B) i> nect exicnises not covered hy 'penalty .oceipt4 mder scetioil 2, above. '8e. 1. State bank notes may also a p:id out and used as curren ,y (out ide of the Sate of, their issue) on com ):aicu 'viLh (A), (1B). (C) and (D) of cuon 1 on deposit w.th the Comptrol (er (x zeucuri v r ultimate rr lemption 11 0'e) o' I inited States, State,,munici. ill, :., secuilties to amol- 0 r- -a w' L' ri tm 4.,u-1no character of ecariei pernuited .o be trictly pre fi hed in thi I bill."' "It nmt1, he underi- )od says the re ti liit io nenner of the sub onimit 1 i per Sonally committed to any of the Iin outl inod above and that this sub oue is not ready to make a final .btt simply presents this 'ate ent of ti progress of its work for the I'r in Lion of the Iill committee and in o h11pe to proli ly the discussion by it of -a, r oovr 1))oints 1r this connection." Vincdicated. :tber, ilol, whien l'. I'. (G,liard, wtos al been t r.'asurer of Sumter 'unty 'ut t o have a settlfemnent with the )unpt roller General he waLs found to ai def aulter for a little over $9J33 hih he could not account for. Mr. InIs Norton, clerk of the CJomptrol -~ 'im-rail, who made the setalement a ai,slied at the time that the de leX)tioni was (111 to no criminal act on I' p urt, of' Mr. G.aillard, but wel, due (Uire'J'Siises or accident. Mr. Gaii 'If Wra: given t,ime and in a few 1:)t)!') tnile the .shiortage good. SInce ;e tinw' he has b)eenl industriously at nI rying to) discover how the short I''i-Iti r''I. lie has suicceed In find v)iebeIrsI to theI amiIount of $836 Wia luive bIen chiec.1 off and al 71U v I hIe Comtptrioller General, and b j the is tance of M r. Norton Mr. ulrd fins got.t eni is claim approvedl the' Ways and Means Commitf-3e I ii< Laoney wvill be refund( I to u. Th'is amioiunt leaves but a small lace, about .'.) ;gainst Mr. 4afl. d. w hichU N r. Noirtoii says often 00. re9 10 mnaking settlements with in! y 'l'resre'r throngh accident in I waly or ant hller. Th2e above not !yl restI ')>r(s to Mr. Giaillard his money ('1)on lletely vfidicates him from SMiSlIleon (een of wrongdoing, ';ister. .1 QuardirupIe Lynching. 1i I.) N(iI!Afl, Ala., DJec. 12.--A IL Ii ans just, reached here from Selma, I. ofI a< 'iindrauple lynchmnt, which oc iA in I)ilas County Sunday. Satr-r mo 0.t four negro traimps alempted break into the house of' Mrs. W il!M.m n:;, t at sunrise tall four were suspended a veUry (jllet mannier to the same ih. A volley of shiots were fired at wantformis after which the party h: away. The scene of the lynching Is ('W nuiles Iroma the place where three CrIles wvere lynchIed last week for the iwdcr of' ltubci Smith at Berlin. TLO ter was kept so Secret that nothing '-s known of it here unt,il today when U news Vas broughit by a p)rominene *eof aitn adijoining county, who was Selma Coual.', last night and heard the ay. A l)nitrum,waVi Firei in Texz.a'. Belon, Texas, D)ec. 8.--Early yes rIIay (miormniei. fire started in the groco M'oro o1 WVinklemnt & Freeman in e'mple, T2exa3, and before it, could be 'troIlle'd that store, together witb ose ol CJheevcs Bros. & o., and W. .Wilkers were dest roved. The total ai ic $[i0 000, with partial Ir uraseO. r. S:imuel Checeves was bx4neUd to ath in attempt,ing to save some of hI. luables.