I DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF TI1E COUNTRY. VOL. V PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, AUGUSTTI, mi NO. 52< jjmuMjmMMia_MLumMiBWtfwiWMiipwMWMyTmwtfi^ratfrrrmrtn~ftf'i -I 11 rrt-tnr?r?Tr^tttmnwtmmmm?rnn?trtmiimirrt-n--i 1 - ir iiwiimnninimhi ? ii? ?? OUR CENTENNIAL LETTER. Philadelphia, Ang. 21, 1876. 1 T * T Not tlio least wondorful pest in this groat Exhibition is tho vast nutubor of thinga it bus brought together, interesting boyond nil power of description and yet soeming to have no rlir-Ap.t noniioction with tho ereat Ex? liibition iteclt. In ft former lettor 11 romarkod that Ihoro woro buildings *v on this ground the names ot which afforded not Iho 6lighteot indication of the uses to wliicii thoy woro applied; conversant as I fttn with the fact I novor roalizcd tho full extent ot its truth till I entered this morning tho building ot the Empire Transport an Company. I bad passed it by day tor nearly tluco months f" without over suspecting that it contained an exhibition as ruro and curious as any on the grounds. The building itself has nothing to distinguish it from an ordinary freight "V.^od, such as you might find beside | miu rn i I mnd tvnok T h wfimdn nf tlm ond of the Narrow Gauge Paosongor *> Railway, and you might reasonably suppose that it was part of tho company's works; but oncc inside and tho illusion is dispelled, you find yourself at a single bound transported to tlio millet ol tlio oil region, lit* inuun ^tnins tower above you i tu vnliies are beneath j^ur feet and around you ^nro tlio* i^irapliornalia and g?-ar ol boring, hoisting, carrying, storing. delivering, and all (lie multifarious operations that lxslong to tho hintorv of Petroleum. AN'ells aro being bored, engine aro pumping, trains ot cue loaded with light freight (:hin is *" intended fur a K,u I'uahing along at lightning speed, hearing tho oil 1'otn the mountains te carried over mighty oceans ami across the desert sands 1 till at hiet it may be found adding a softer lustre to tho palace of Ilaroun ?.t Hui/dud' liorhtninir uii the dcon * o n o ? - i -?loom of tho pacrcd sopulchcr at Jus rusftletn, or feeding ?!;0 eternal flinno tiiHi burns on Vishnu's altar on the Iencred plains of furtliur Ind. Tho j r'\M and lull of oil cities and towuo readnmoro liko romance thau reality. In the spring of 18G5 Pithole wag a iiftmo unknown in ninety days aftor it was a city of 16,000 inhabitants* with post -jflieo, water workp, gas wovke, and all tho working parHpher nalia of a first cIhsb mott'opolis, and in ninety dayo moro Ibo bat and the ?} - owl wore fighting tor procodonco iu v ohambors wlioro the kings of specula tiou bad laid themeoivua to ropoec on bod ot eider down, and indulged ir fenata which would have shamed the gluttonous banquits of Oaligulrt am lleliogabulus. Jlore tho whole Byet nm ft f rlnli voru in r1nvnl*? %-v-* i 1 1 ? .t ?.?>*!_ 1. ii niioiui uiuu 11111/ luiiiiuiJUlUD Will; n world wido fatno and an unlimi ? , bank account. Coal Oil Johnny I Ie came a representative Atnori n ^I'rinco and two years after the < t jig? covory tho daughters of parvoil I m| and beggars loaded with costly | t Puna covorou wiiii ainiuofias, mi t bo eoen in Paris Vionna, London { f St. Potor&bnru, hobnobbling with I t Bona oi tho old npbleeao who trai| 1 tlioir lineago in an nnbrokon lino ( Pecpin tho Lit'.lo and thu Lord L - Jrou Muco. JJut Jt* muttt atop bou j I where bo I eftlc off right hero with 9|)Oci?l inj'dion to tho Centennial visitor to 1 auro mid aeo tho oiwclle. On ft few yards to tho north ol the lUtrro transportation uom- j pany'e br.ilng is anotlior Btructnro which socnto havo escaped tho all ftmtion of of tho Centennial visi? tors. Thits tho exhibit of French onrrmnnriitfuwl in known nn "Wn. 19.0 ~ - ~? Tliia develea tho whole system of bridges, quel nets, water works, viaducts, ?jht houses, dry docke, and iu aocontratcd form gives yon a better ia of tbo iniriclea of modern engiiiring than can ho got l?y years of idy from the books, while it may nbo quito so attractive as the bcavtil pieturea and statuary; fur iho ^at purposes of lifo, for its absolutcBce and rcalitios this exhibition itcond to none iu tho Oonteuuial.ouude. Tho Jgos have all .perforraod their des and now tho contestants are on & ragged odgo to find out what 1 decisions are to bo. Tho pphyneolf was not a more profound mysteit seems to bo the policy of tlio Cennial Commieaion to keop the k vied go of tho awards back tu tho 1st possible moment, and it is hiii from very reliablo sources} that are to bo kept in the dark til1 Nuvoer. Iiiumino the feelinera of a firdasB int?. /lower wlio had the hull J being kicked down stairs two or tlJ times, and boon pitched at leaatce <>ut of a third story window In-iidtiiVi'.d in iiia legitimato official exaiation by a beggarly Chinoao OonP6ionor, and denied infurmalionhicli to him would bo quail* on M, by u aetnbeavngo native of Juj But noiihODBo aaido tho mattorrotting serioU6, Schomakor, tho piamanufacturor, has opordy oxprid Lis di^Batinlucii' !! at tho con 8tii>n of tho Piano (Jonimittee and haithdrawn iiie iiietrutnonta from cobliiirolilie source of Hfiatibfaction in in tho departin of wines. Tho greatest rivalry oji between tho different States en tlrticlo of champagno. Still wino6 8( to bo entirely lost sight of jUO raoo ror supremacy it? ttiiB k of winoe, Tlio Uiiilod Statea I last your for Froaoli champagnes i*ly throo millions of dollars and i i Amoricane aro making an lions efl'irt to keep that sum at home, ifornia, Missouri, Ohio and New .1- I 1- * 1 s rit hi o lurguiy rcpi csoniou lit i nnpagrno; whothor it ia on account llio extra offorts they have made i o not know but eo iar the Now t rkors eeotn to Iihvo tlio call.? ) icro ie a district up among tho lakee I lio.h is known as tho Switzerland ol -inoiica. Lako Kouka, which lice itwoen thoconntioB of Steuben and i'atoB, la ono vaet vitioyard from out pd to tho other, and from this point omoa ono of the moat dan go row ompotitioiB that has yet beon eoor ii Amoricu tor native and loreig?i hauipagne. Tho Urbana Wine Jompauy, of llammondfiport, havo f plendid exhibit and tho champagne* roii) their cellara is spoken of b) ome of the moat experienced judge* q being inUy equal to tho bout ol tlx oreign brands. Otlior mannfuc'urrs swear if Uibana people got i uedul that they'll stimuli all thoii lottlea and drink nothing hut watei villi a stick in it for tno rist of thou ifttural lives. Tho Urbaua folkt ;oep on tho ovon tenor oi their waj irul eay if they don't get a meda hoy ought to and llioy will ili ink ii| ill their w inoa themselves. I hopi hat among thorn they will be ahlo t? ;eep that threo millions at home, i hey don't 1 shall havo a most thor >u^li contempt for Yankee ^oniu md Yankoo ingunlly. I'll disowi uy nation, emigrate tothoFejeo IsandB, put on n brooch clout and leu< )n po. 1 havo lettors every day reqnoal iii<5 mo to yivo iuformatiou uu to lb m necessary outfit for tho Contonnial. I must divido my tourists into two claascs. First class thoso who como to soo tho Exhibition and enjoy it> aocondly thoso who como to exhibit thomselvos. Tho ludios of tho first clti83 I would rospoctfully enggoat a half dozon pockot handkorchiefs, no bustlo, and tlio lateef edition of Moody and Sankoy's hymna. This will fur. nish tliom with amplo wardrobo for a woek'a tour and delightful literature for railroad occupation. To young gentlomon I would say a box of paper collars and tho last renort of tho Young Mon's Ghristftin Association. To tlio ladies of clft68 No. 2 I would rocconimond at least two Saratoga trunks, a enrpot hag and a couplo of valices, if you intend to stop two or three clays. Yon cannot possibly get along with less, bring at loast adozon dresses, you will nood them all, and of all things don't forgot to provide yourself with a two story bustlo, got a double broastcd one, if any lady in your town lias a particularly largo one, sec that you got ouo at least six inches longer than here, you will find them especially conveuiont in tho cars when you tiro going homo of an evening to your hotel, then bo sure to have a trailing dress, you will dia Cover its advantages in tho Art Gallery and tho Main llall, don't think of coming with less than threo hats, tivo or bix pairs oi ganois ana shoes may p<>3sibly answer. Ami lastly let mo impress on you to l>o euro and borrow all the jowolry you can and if your friends bavo their jowolry in t.so, a heavy chain from too nearest ilolli?r ?Un*UUIM. ??.? Tlio Press on Hampton. Tho Philadelphia Timos saye: Tho Pomocrats ol South Carolina hnvo nccoptcd Gon. Wado JIampton'n olTcr, and mndo him their candidate for ( Jovornor. Tho nomination is ono ominontly fit to bo mado. A South (Jaroliman ol proud Kovolutionary Block, Goo. Hampton fought bravoiy and honorably for tho cauBO to which his Stato was committed, and whon 1 doioatod acknowledged his defeat lilco an houorablo man, and devoted himself consistently to tho restoration of k poaco and ordor. All his influonco has boon exerted on tho side of harmony, ' not only botwoen North and South, 1.1 I ?1 ? l ^vl_ .1 1*1 .1 > uuo uuiwuun ukiuk. uiiu wiiiiu, una I tboro in probably no 0110 in tbo Stato wIioho election would do moro for iu ' political and matorial interests, or moro bopoiully break in upon I,bat j eni'ho oi Soutborn politics?tlio color ( lino. Tbo Now York World says: With singular unanimity, tbo con*. vcntion united upon tho nomination of (.ion. Wado Uapton. Cion. Hampton is a man of pronouncod ability,nnd rcprosontativo of tho class to Wuioh South Carolina's dolivoranco from tho bonds ol ignoranco and spoliation is of most importance. His olcction will be a guarantoo, not only to his own pooplo, but to tho country, that tho administration of public affairs in tho ouitO VT 11 bo with a view to tli<> hap^ ninnuu nurl well hninrr nf nil f>lnaana |,M.VUM ....... b bccauso on this basis alono oan tho prospority ol South Carolina, which i inoludos that of ovory citizon thoroin, t bo finally Becurod. I Tho Macon Tolcgraph, Domocrat, > ways: fnr>l anrtmiinn (l?nf t ?*!/> /mnf In. ~..v .v.. v..w w..V, {JVl.WV,-. man and noblo Uoimin, Cion. Wado Hampton, to load tliom. In ho doing %vo think thoy havo actod wiaoly, and if they go down bofore tlic darkened cohorts of lladicaliam, thoy will dio in a rightoous caurfo, and liko -Loondas of old, fall rotaining tho admiration and rospoct ot thoir countrymon, without a stain, or blot upon thoir names. Tho Atlanta Constitution, Democrat, says: Prudonco as well as onorgy is nood-? cd. Tho rccont or dor of Sccrotary Cnmoron indicates that tho adminis> tration would bo glad to find a protoxt for military intorforonco. Tho people of South Carolina should, in this canvass, bo as wiso as serpents and as industrious as bees. They have much to contend with, but thoj^ have a boautifu) and noblo State to contend for Slin nvnof>tas matured in cabinet deliberation. Before finally complete iiit tlio Secretary of War had an interview with tlio President this afternoon. It will bo seen that it is now proposed to go further than over before in tlic inattor of using the troops tor political purposes, lhore are but four Soutliorn States in which there aro now Republican Executives, North Carolina, South Carolina, Louisiana and Florida. It is not hv l\n niM^fnliniwlnd tliof nntr r\i vu I/O ? j;|M uuvuvtvvt V?J tvv II V'lll (II1J Ul tlio other Stutos tlioro will ho n call on tlio constituted anthortios for Foclo ra! intorforanco. J5iil tho language ot Secrotftry Cameron to Gen. Shoruiau that tho troops are to bo used to "assist" in preserving order indicates that tho contingency is con templated ot lntcrioring in tho in orn al concorns ot thcStatos, irrespective ot their own authorities. Tho Pre sidont 6taiod to day that there was, in liis opinion, and that was bnsod upon ovitionco laid boforo him, a great neccesity for concentrating all tho available force of the army in tho Southern Stales. There was an armed conspiracy to defeat a fair election in several of the States, and ?.* I'nnu.innf KAli/tl) mtl U 11 f\ 11 1 11 f 1 / 111 rl Q 11 IIV llivi|nuuv iViWii'VM uuvutM uvui lyn while ho \6 President. WHAT OICN. 811 HUMAN 8AY8. Tho Bttino correspondent adds: To day a Northern Democratic membor of Congress called at army headquar tors and denounced the lottor ol (Secretary Cameron to (ion. Sherman as an outrage ami a usurimikn. J.io said to Gun. Shorman that ho hoped that ho would pay no attention to tho lotter. Gen. Sherman ;op!iod that it was liia duty to oboy all orders and 8nggc8tioiib emanating tVom his euporiora. Several Southern Republican inetubera of Ci ngreas were also at army uoauijpiartora to (lay, uiacuaaing tho nioaaurob to bo taken under thoordoi of Secrotary Cainoron. In youthern Status whoiu there aro Do? niocratic Executives, it is understood that tho plan will bo to place tho troops at tho disposal of tho United States marshals and the intornal re? vonuc oIlicerB. Tlicso olliecrs are to bo well drilled in their parts, and aro expoetcd to call for tho troops whenever political objocta are to bo accomplish^!. THE Til HEATS KOIIOKD FliOM C<>LUMniA. Tlio Columbia Union-llirald of Saturday editorially doacribou tbo joint mooting hold at Nowborry on Friday, which it compares to tho Eilgofiold mooting of tho prococding wcok, and concludes as follows: It ia plain thnt tho Domocratio lnftflnrn nrn f/-w ?! /? v .v,v.v,w. w ? ? UIIUUV* VV IVI VU H1U Republicans bojond ondurance. Tbo limit lias, we think, been roachod.? We do not inoan to Bnbmit further, and wo predict that boforo the campaign is over tho boot will be on the other leg. Wo expect, before tho day of election, to report Republican meetings in Edgefield and Now berry i\ U...> :it ? -- ill, ? men IIIUOU UlUttlUIUltt Will yuu illi mildly up sucking doves. Tho Washington correspondent of iho Now York Tribuno says: Tho Attorney General's ofllco is adopting special measures to o:iforco strictly all provisions of tho National election laws, not only in tl.o South, but elsewhere. Great caro i3 to l>o exorcised, it is Raid, in the selection ot supervisors of elections, and specific instructions will bo iesuod for tlio guidance f>t all United States oflicora in a tew days. Prosecutions are alsso contemplated against porsous in Alaboma who are accused of having perpetrated frauds in the late State election, though it is d fficult to see how the United States has jurisdiction in the casos, and also agninst any who wore cniltv of inti initiation of voters. Special counsel has already been appointed to assist in (he work, and an oats are expected to bo mado in a few days. Tno United States marshals' oflicoa in tho South 1 vni'(sd ii iniiltitndn of ditthoni ?L dooda. WHAT OOKDON AND LAMAI4 BAY. Tlio \Vashin^toii corro6j)ondoat of the Baltimore Qazotto says: Senator Gordon, o{ Georgia, who left lor homo to night, whon askod I 4. I- ? 1 I ? 1 ? ? wiiui no uiougni wouiu L>o tlio elU-ct of tho President's order, said: I four it will be tho menus of wresting two States Irom us, Such orders woro* never issued Irani philanthropic or disinlorestod motives. It certainly was not intended to Btrongtlion the Democratic party, and, thoroloro, we mu3l reason that its object was do signed to etl'ect a contrary result.? thai tiioro was any fear of violence during tlio campaign, but tho slightest pretext would bo niado an oxouco lor calling upon troops, and alter thai, tales ol intimidation and terrorism could bo repeated without limit. Air. Lamar declined to ox? prees any oj. inion, but by his looks and actions it was evident ho was exceedingly annoyed at tho attitude ot tlio administration towards Iiic South. Congressman Saylcr laugh* ingly 6aid it would do tho Democrats (juilo as much good as it would the itopunlicauB. Thoughtful people would understand that ono portiou of the country cannot ho picketed and gjimeoutKl hy U'odoral trooj>8 upon tho order of tlio President without giving tho right to eoattor tho army all over tho count!y. COMMENTS OF THE LEADING JOUUNAL8. Tho Republican papers have very littlo to say in regard to the letter ol Secretary of War Cameron to Gon. Sherman, directing him to hold all hih available troops for n?e in the South. Kvon tho New York Times has not a word of commendation or censure for tho letter. Democratic and independent papers, howevor, in /?Anrlnni nnt Inn nf ffrl KJ V/IIVO j'vnvn iii v* tho order. Tho Now York Ilornld, Independent, says: It is oxpcctcd that t'.ie five rogimentfl to bo used in the South will curry four of tho Honthorn States by w hipping tlie negroes into lino who havo oithor become liatlcs3 in politioa or wnndored oft" to tho Doinocraoy, and by terrifying tho ''fiondish" whito linora into eubjoction. By keeping tho outrage mill slowly grinding, ana sending platoons of cavalry hithor anil thither, it is ovidontly hopod to revive tho bitterness whieh bus boon rapidly disappearing botsvoon tho races iu most parts of the South. Wo wish to 8co nil citizens protectod in choir rights, hut this turning of tho army of tho United States into bands of drummers for the negro vote is MIIUI.J.!..- A... pnu?v4oin|j oy mr tuuv iw would ho ^rotosquoif it woro not intainuuo. This is doubtless the work to which Gen. Shorman roforrod when ho said tho'Miighost authority" must answer why tho troops could not bo spared to fight tho Sioux. Tho desperation of a move which dares to saddle tho country with tho ox*? ponso ot extra soldiers while koeping nearly four thousand idlo for political purposes ia aparont, and adds an- ^ other stigma to ttio rnlo of tho party in whoso nnmo and for whoso aid ;? it>>i.I ??!.: 1.. a IV to L4II Ui UOI i 111 I y WUI1U. Tho Now York World, Dem., eajaJ Tho order of Socretary Catuorou to God. Sherman ia worth tho careful at tout ion of ovory American citizen. It is an order to hold all tho troops not absolutely required for Indian aervico, in roadinoss to movo. As everybody knows, there is no war nor rumor ot war, foreign or domes** tic, in tho country, there is no legitimate nso for troops any whore in tho country. What this oulor mouna, and all it can moan, is that tho ad ministration moans to uso troops to prevent froo elections in tho youthen) States. It was a cowardly trick to hold back Hiich an order until tho adjournment ot (Jongross, and thou issue it. It will do the administration no good and tho Kepublioau party no ^uod. Tho oxocutiou of it would do both great mischief. Tho mere throat ouirht to arouse tho in dignation ot all decont citizona, whaU cvur their politics. ri lio Now York San, Ind., saya: Grant lias noizod tho firat momont after tho adjournment of Oongroaa l'? dhow hid hand and tho people of tho country can soo tha^it grasps a bayonet, tho point ot which i* turned to* ward tho Southern Statoa. It is a tooling, not oi' alarm, but of indignation that will bo raised throughout tho land by tho military ordor thai \\r i i - ? i * wtw uu ?v euuusuuy l^auou irona IIiq war department to Gou. JShorman.? The onlur moana that ton to twolro thousand troops of tho regular arm/ aro to bo concentrated ia tho South? orn States?in those ot thoin whicU havo boon, or without thid order would surely bo wroatod from Grantiam iu November next. There is bat I>1W. fl.iiur niiu/ tn liA riaairrxJ u (I.nt is, tins military intorforcnco of Grant "Miy recoil upon tho party for whoao advantage it iti intended. Tho Now York Tribuno, llopubli-' can, says: Socrctrtry Cameron's letter to Gon. Sherman id undoubtedly smart, and tho country will chuckle ovor tho neat way in which tho resolutions of tlio Democratic House about tho right of freo suffrage at tho South uro turned into a boomorang. And yot Mr. Secretary, tho judicious will grieve. The etl'eet of tho letter will bo to revive at tho South tho dread of Federal interference with their elections, to cnconrago among tho nogrooa tho hope of having tho troops iillifinncltf m\ Hioir $lti (I - in nrn.nv. oral, to foment mischief rather than to avert it. It is a clover picco of work?too clevor by half. Tho Philadelphia Times, Indepond out, eay?: It lakes Don Camoron to do it.? The sublime ueeuranceof his ordor to lion. Sherman iB juett'jo lineHt thing wo havo had this year. A more brilliant piece of strategy wo do not often sue; its cool hnpudonco is simply stunning. It will bo vain lor Air. Lord to sny that tho Bocrotary'a order is not at all "in aocordatfSo with tho spirit" of his resolution, or for tho Democratic Congressmen who voted for it to nrgo that what thoj intended was a condemnation of law* le.ssneea and a domand for tho enforcement of tho civil authority ill tlic Southern States, and not for a lawless military usurpation. The Secrotary understands all that as well us they, but, if tho House can oxnrosa its opinion, so can ho, and tho Ilouso bein? out of the way, tho Socrotary has tho lust word. Start up tho outi ago mill. / J