* ; V - . THE PICKENS SENTINEL > wl i ' DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION ANI> JTO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. ?flu ?-iiit !.? ; r : o __ "> i :< li i"1 " ' PICKENS, S. CM THURSDAY,MAY18, 1876. NO 37; * [From (he Columbia Rryitttr.] J mittCQ. who escoi'tod Gen- Kflinlmw I Sf. T.nnio ** ' "" THE DEHOCBACY IN COUNCIL. FIRST DAY*6 1'ROOKKblNGS. 0 x TbtiBtate Democratic Convention AR8?U)bl?d last evening, in pnratianco of the 8tate executive committee in the hall of the Bouse of * Ifce\>reBentatlve8, at 7 o'clock. Shortly after this hour, on motion rvvi r? am? ui ueui x>unui| vui> JLJ* It JfllU Alktill was callod to the chair as temporary ^ presiding officer. On motion of Gen. Butler, Mr. T. O. Gafiton, of Chester, was requested to act ae temporary secretary. yhe proceedings were then opened > 4clth prayer by tho Rev. Dr. E. J. Meynardie. On motion of Mr. M. P. O'Connor, of Charleston, the State Democratic x ' \ . . executive committee were invited to participate in the proceedings, without tho privilege of voting. This courtesy was also extended to tho county chairman of tho party. On motion of Opunrnl UntUv tlio secretory proceeded to call the roll ol delegates. [The list of delegates * i& omitted for want of spaco.] HVIr. J. S. Richardson, of Sumter, offered a resolution that the convention proceed to permanent organization bj'tbo election of a Presiding eix Vice-Presidents, and two eecre taries ; that nominations bo made from the lloor of tho convention, and ' that tho election ho by ballot. Major Meetzo, of Lexington, o fierce an amendment to strike out "by b?'!ot," and insert "viva voce." The amendment was adopted, and the resolution agreed to. A motion to pos'pooe the election of nHrmnmiiit -* A.... y. IUU.IU.lk VIHVUli) lllllll IU U wna almost unanimously voted down. General Gary offered a resolution that the Bcneo of tlio convention bo that the representation ol each Colinty in the conventi >n ho twice the number of its uu-mbuiu in tiie Legislature. i t a ins resolution was explained by General Gary to mean that the mom bera in llie Legislature included Senators and .Representatives, and said x that tho secretary of tho State executive committee erred in his report of tho roaolution ad- pted by tho committee by limiting the representation to double the numbers in the lower branch of the General Assembly. Tho resolution elicitcd a discussion, in which Messrs. Butler, Gary, Mullins, Lipscomb, McQueen, Tillman, Wallace, Richardson and * others participated. During the discussion, Mr. Mul* litis was ruled out of order, and on I appeal to the convention, the chair was unanimously sustained, when Mr. Mulling withdrew Iroin the convention* , General Gary then withdrew his resolution. It was then agrocd that a majority * of the votes cast should decide each I election. Tho permanent organization was then proceeded with. General Butler then nominated General J. B. Kershaw, of Kerahaw, for permanent President. whlMi ??? unanimously adopted by acclamation, * Goneral M. L. Bonham, of Edgefield; Cols. T. Y. Simmons, of Charleston; J. A. Iloyt, Anderson; J. A. McQueen, of Darlington; ox Gov. B. F- Perry, of Groonville; and Gon. Johnson Hhgood, of Barnwell, were unanimously elected Vico-Proaidonts Mr. T. O. Gaetori, of Choater, and - Mr. J. J. Fox, of Colloton, wore elect ed secretaries. Cfn motion of General Butler, the chair was requested to appoint a committee of tbreo to wait upon the president elect, and oecort him to *ft - - ' trie cnair. Tho chnir appointed Goncral M, C. Butler, Captain \V. 13. Stanley, and Culonel J. 13. iiooro us tho corn to the chair. General Kershaw,upon faking the chair, briefly addressed the convene tioo. He assured the gentlemen of tho convention that it was as much a surprise as gratification to him at being called upon to fill so diet in guieiied a position. Ho felt tlmt the most distinguished position that any man in tho State of South Carolina can occupy at tho presont time is to be tho presiding ofticer of that class of ostracised citizens whose voice should always bo heard in shaping the destinies of the State. lie excused I.: If t ; > uiiMBcii iioiu Baying inoro man assuring the convention of his heartfelt rhanks (or the honor conferred, ilo felt that this was not the occasion, it it wne otherwise proper, that ho should offer measures or counsel for the consideration of the convention, when the battle for the redemption of the State, iti which tho Democracy expoctcd to bo victorious, was so far distant. As a military man, ho should not indicate his plan ?>t b ?ttlo until the enemy nas somewhat developed his plan of campaign, lie said it would bo a presumption on his part to indicate what should bo tho couiko of this convention, of which ho was incapable, and, therefore, would announce tlial the choir was ready to entertain tho business ot tho convene lion. Gen. Johnson llagood, of Barnwell, oOVrod tiie following preamble and resolutions: Tho Democratic party of South Carolina having met in convention, after being without active organization for several years, t his convention .\iil addrc^a it^eil exclusively to ihu woi U oi the re-organization of the party iit the Statu and the selection of proper representatives in the National Convention ol the party. The following shall be the order of huai....-O . f ! 1 ! Q 1. Tlio lirdt business of tlie convention shall ho the election of delegates to the National Convention of the party, to be l?o!t! in St. Lonis, Mis* souri,on the 271li day of June. There shall he fourteen (14) delegates elecU ed?two (2) for each ot the Congrea-, sional Districts into which the State is divided, and four (4) for the Siaie at large, mid uu equal number of al*? ternates tor each Congressional District and for the State at large. 2. The next business shall bo the election of tlio State executivo committee, consisting ot fifteen (15) members, and a majority of the vctes cast shall bo necessary to a choice. 3. Tliat the convention then to go into secret session. A discussion ensued upon tiio resolution, during which Mr. Tillman, of Edgefield, freely ditcuescd the policy of the party, when there appeared to bo a desire to debato tho resolutions in secret Bcssion, and it was indicated that if thcro should he a division of couuscl, it should be kept from tho public until a plan of nartv organization and notion hud I ^ o " " " been fully developed and was made harmonious. To obviato further debato of so important- a set of resolutions, Gen. Butler offerod lho following resolus tions: Resolved, That a committeo of (iftoon, to consist of three from each Congressionhl District, bo appointed by the convention to bo known as a Committee on Business, whose duty it slial) bo to proparo business for the convention, and to report a plan of action, to whom all resolutions shall he referred. Heuolved, That said committoo ro^ port to this convention at 10 o'clock Friday morning, to which hour this convention shall stand adjourned. In the disoussionuf this resolution, Colonel Aikon said lie opposed it, and believed il was only the duty ot' the convention to elect delegates to ? viw>* ? oiuio exycnuvo t committee, and then go home. Time i had boon taken up in tho discussion t of a subject which tho convention had 1 no right to tako up. lie should vote against all measuros except tho two 1 above mentioned. t General Butler adrocpfcd his roao- i lution, and said it was of tho utmost t importance to tho people of South .1 . vnroiimi mat mo organization of tho t Democratic party should bo discussed and sonic plan ot action bo submitted t to tho people. If the campaign was f worth making it was worth propar- 1 ing for. ( Tho resolutions of General Butlor t were laid on the table. c Tho President ot tho convention > was mado ox oflicio Chairman ot the ( Stftto oxecutive committee. i The resolution for secret session f olicited Borne debate, whon ft motion i wag made and carried, at 11:30 P. M., to adjourn to 10 o'clock this morning. LAbT DAY'S I'KOCKKDINQS. The Stftto Democratic Convention reassembled in the hall oi the House of Representatives yesterday (Friday) morning, at 10 o'clock. Gen. J. B. Kershaw in the chair. The President called the convention to order, and announced the first business before the convention to be the consideration of the third of the resolutions introduced the previous evening?tbat the convention go into caucus. Gen. (Jury moved to amend by striking out "caucus," unci insert ( sossion." Col. LI ask ell opposed a secret aes j sion, us ho was willing that his friends | and opponents alike should know what he had to say and do, and what ^ n ere the intentions of the convention. , (ion. Gary said he was not the an- ( thor of the secret so6sion, but made ( tho. motion in itpnorilmi/wi tviili ?a q greeinent had with the author ot , the resolution for a caucus. lie ] showed the necessity for a considoras ^ tioii oi the circumstances surrounding the delegates from those counties in , which the Democrats are in a hopoIcss minority. As tor his county, ( Edgefield, they not only hoped, but ( wero determined to currr tho noxt , election on a strnight-out Democratic , 1 A piauorm. Col. Bull, of Laurens, thought the i matter ot a caucus or a secret session should coiiio up for consideration hereafter, and the first thing in hand for the convention was the discharge ; ot those duties for which they were especially sent here?the election of i delegates to the St. Louis convention aud the choice ot a State executive coaimitteo. Tiio caucus or secret ?i i.i i - a.. i?i 4i ; ? ouumuil OUUIIIU UO IHU 1UDV llllllg brought beforo the convention. Gen. Bonhtun urged that it was contrary to parliamentary usage tor a convention or a deliberative body of any character to go into caucus? and suggested that the object desired oonld be attained by going into a committco of the whole. Col Haskell thou offered a resolution that the convention adjourn to meet again at 12 in. this day. mi. * - 1 ? * inib resolution was auopcea, and at 10:30 tho convention adjourned to moot at 12m. Ool. 11 Hnkell then took tho chair, and requested tho delegates to the convention to remain for tho purpose of holding a caucus, and upon his mo tion, O 11 Simponton, of Charleston* was called to tho chair. Tho reporters of the pi-oss, and otliors not members of the convention wcro thou requested to withdraw. Tho caucus was then held, in which tho plans and policy of tho Democratic party of tho State wore fully discussed, but no dolinito plan of action was agroed upon. At 12 m. the oonvontion ro-assem bled, President Kershaw in the chair. me tiurd resolution of tho series* ntroducod by Gen. Ilagood?that ho convention go into caucus?wag aid on tho tablo. Col. Sinionton moved that ono Tom oach delegation be appointed by lie President as a committoe to vhoni all resolutions shall bo refer cd, without dobate. Tho previous quoatiou wm called: md tho motion adopted. In accordance with the foregoing notion, tho President appointod tho ollowing members as said committee, Messrs M C Butler, of Edgefield; J S Jothran, of Abhovillo; Paul F Hamnond, of Aikon; J A Hoyt, of An lornon; joitnson liagoed of Barn- j veil; J W Moore ot Beaufort; J B ! 3anihell of Charleston; W A Walker, >f Chester; A McQueen of Cheaterield; John L Manning ot Clarandon; ! Mien Izard of Colloton; J A Law of Darlington; T W Woodward of Fair ield; B II Wilson of Georgetown; B ? Perry of Green rille; F I Sessions i >f Horry; J D Kennedy of Kershaw;* 3 W Ball of Laurons; II A Moetze >f Lexington; W W Ilarleo of Maion; Y J Popo of Newberry; J C !?e;th of Oeone; J F Izlar of Oiangos )nrg; 11 E Bowen ot Pickens; A C lI ask oil of Richland; J II Evins of Spartanburg; T B Frnzer of Sumpter; l O McKissick of Union; JatnoB MoJutchen of Willamsbnrg; ami J S Bratton of York. Mr. M I* O'Connor of Charleston ntroduced a series of resolutions, ;bar^ing the prevailingj misgovernnont and corruption in tho State up>n the Republican party, urging that hey bo hurled lroin"po\ver at the jallot b'?x, that the national Republican party bo overthrown at the next election, that the Democratic .arty of this Stato aline theniKolves Evith tho national Democratic party t lint lliuc ..t. ?.? ^ 1 utUMM VII tllVJ I'lauwi 111 i\? lop tod at Baltimore, and that! they [>lcdge thcmselvos Jnevor to attetnp \n interference with the present relatione of the citizens of the Stato as ajnamnteod by the laws now of forco. Lteferrod to the committee on roaolus tions. Mr. Shoppard, of Edgefield, ottered a resolution from the Democracy 3f Edgefield, pledging thotnaelvcs to sustain only well known Domocrat6 for oftice, both Federal and Stato.? Referred to tho committee on roaolu^ lions. Mr. Edward McCrady, jr. of Char? loeton, offered a preamble and reaolutiona, proposing a plan of organization and dolining a courao of action for tho Democratic party of South Carolina. Referred to committeo on resolutions, n * t -tr " uonerai jvonncuy, oi iverenaw, oiforrod a resolution tliftt the action of tho convention in electing the President of tho convention, chairman ox ollicio of tho State ox<.cutivo commit tee bo rescinded, and that Iho coin^ mitteo, when solected, elect thoir own chairman. Tho rules wero suspended, tho re^ solution considered immediately and adopted. iina action was takon in doferonco to tfio wish of the President, Gen. Kershaw. Col. J N Lipscomb, of Newberry, offered a flories ot resolutions from the Domocrutic convention of Ngwborry, urging i in mediate and porfoct organization of the Democratic party of South Carolina, Referred to tho committee on resolutions. Mr. G 13 Lartiguo, of Barnwell, ottered a resolution deeming it inex* pedient for this con vet ion to adopt ahv rimeifirt nhin of action until tlio meeting ol tho national Democratic convention ut St. Louiu, in order that tlio democracy ot South Carolina may net in harmony with tho notional Democratic party, but urging a prcHorvution ot township and county cluba, for the purpose of being pre?? pared tor prompt and dccibivo action and that wheu tlio conrontion elects detonates to St. Louis and Stato oxecutivo committee, it stands adjourned snbjcct to the call oi five mem bore of the Stnto executive committee.? lieferred to tho committee on resolus tions. Colonol Koitt nf ? :-i~ ?-?^ v? iiuru* ducod resolutions, which had been read in caucus, and wna submitted lor reference to committoo on reeolu-. tioitB without roftdiug. The 1'rosident announced tho bus. iness before the convention now to be the nomination and election of dclo1* gates to the St. Louis convention, to bo composed ot two from each eon** gressiouul dietriot and four from the Stato at large?fourteen in all. On motion, it was agreed to vote Grst for the tour delegatoe from the n. _ ? . aiaie ai large. The President announced bis roadinesG to receive nominations. The following nominations wore thon made: General M C Butler, of Edgefield; ox-Governor B F Perry, ot Greenville; Gutiorals, John Bratton, of Fairfield; Win A Evans, of Chesterfield; M. L Bonhaiu, of Edgefield; Golono' D YVyatt Aiken, of Abbeville; Genoral J I) Kennedy, of Kershaw; Hon J B Campbell, of Charleston; E W Moiee, ofSumpter; Jamoa A Hoyt, of Anderson; William Wallaco, ot Rich land; and Ilonorablo W D Porter, of Charleston. * Air. bheppard, of Edgrfield, moved thut tho four nominees roceiviug the majority of votes bo doclarcd elected dologates from tho Stutc at largj, and the four receiving tlio next highest number of votes bo declared alternates. Agrood to. Mr. Richardson, of Slimpter, movr. eel to reconsider tho motion just adoptcd, for the retison tnat there wore twclvo nominees, and fivo or nix u( them may get all tho votes necessary to a choice, and there would bo no election, necessitating a second ballot; tlierotoro, it would expedite the bits* iness before the convention by electing the delegates first aud then tho alternates alter ward. ( )n 11ni i\f* niif a ' 4 - .. "V jiui IU n ?uiUj UIU tUUllUIl to reconsider was lost. The President Appointed MeaaraWoodward, Bncon, Ball, Sheppard* Keitt and Brooks as tellore, when the convention proceeded to vote by ballot, aa agreed upon. General llarlloo, of Marion, moved that the delegation from each Congressional district nominate two dele, gates and and two alternates, who shall be votod for by acclamation.? Adopted. General llarlloo moved a recess lor imeon minutes, which was laid on the table; Mr. Murray of Anderson, making tho point of order that tho moinboiB could not nominate do'egates and alternates from thoir congressional districts until they had beon informed who had beon elected as delcgaloe from tho Stato at large. General James Connor, of Charles ton, then addreesod tho convention briefly, stating that ho had supposed that tho caucus held earlier in tho day was for tho purpose of ascertaining from tho delegates tho desires and vinurft nf fliAir nnnah'fnaiitii aa il , . ? v. ao %\y mu cum so to ho pursuod by tlio Democratic party of South Carolina; but as such a purpose had not boon ifevolopod, ho moved that tho convons tion, when it shall deem proper, to go into a caucus for an onterchange of viows and to givo expression to tho opinions of thoir constituents aa to tuo proper com bo to bo pursued by tho Democratic party ot the State mid tluit speeches bo limited to iivo minutes. Agreed to. An nmomlmonl to mako tho limo for spccclios ton minutes was votod down. Col. McKissiek, of Union, solo voicc ?Fivo ininutos is onougb limo for gus: Tliero arc too many ot us for ton minutes Limo, * if On mation of Gon. Connor, tho convontion, at 1.30, wont into caucus* under tlio 4rulo adopted, while tlio ballots woro being counted. Colonol Simonton was callod to tlio chair. lOxit roportors nnd spectators. Tlio caucus romainod in sossion un? til 3 p. m., whon tho convention re-an. eombled, and tho following rosnlf. n# ' "O - ?"? tho balloting waB announced: Delegates from the State at large? General John Bratton, of Fairfield; lion. W. I). Porter,^f Charleston; Col. 1). Wyatt Aikon, of Abbeville; Gen, J ohn D. Kcnnody, of Camden. Alternates- -Gen. M C Butler, of Edgefield, ex-Gov B F Perry, of , . Greenville; Col J A lloyt, of Anden son; ex-Gov M L lionham, of Edgefield. Tho convention at 3:15 p. m. adjourned to 5 p m. At 5 p m a majority of tho delegates woro present in tho hall, but the timo was consumed by tho delegates from tho Congressional districts in making thoir soloctions of two dclogates oach until six o'clock, whon tho Prcsidont called tho convontion to order. Tho procoodings woro opened by tho Presidont announcing hi? rfmdi O ' " w*"*' noes to roceivc nominations lor two delogatos and two altornatos from each Congressional district to tlio St. Louis convontion, Tho following nominations wcro mado and unanimously confirmed by ^ acclamation: 1st District?J. It. .Richardson, of Sump tor, and J. G. McLucus, of Marion. Alternates?K It Melver,, of Darlington; J 15 Mo-Lauren, of . '2d District?M. P. O'Connor, of Charleston; John F. Fickon, of CharIcston. Alternates?John L Man-* ning, of Clarendon; J F lzelar, of Orangeburg. 3d District?Gon. S. McGowan, ot ! Abbovillo; NY. B. Stanloy, of Columbia. Alternates?11 \Y Ball, of Laurens; Sampson Popo, of Newberry. 4th District?J. II. Fvins, of Spartanburg, and Gov. It. F. l>orry, of Grconvillo. Alternates?W II Wallaco, of Union; Gabriel Cannon, ot Spartanburg. 5th District?J. C. Sheppard, of Kdgcflold; William Elliott, ol Beau fort. ?Itornatos?J J Fox, of Colloton; Paul F Ilummond, of Aiken. Qovornor Porry doclinod as altern* ato at largo, and Col. William Wallace, of Richland, was clcctcd to fill tho vacancy. Tho convention then prococded to tho oloction of thrco mombers of the Stato oxocuiive committee from each Congressional District, with Lho fol lowing rosull: 1st District?W. W. llarlec, J. A. Law, T. B. Frasor. 2il District?T. Y. Simmons, J. F. Izlor, Jas. Connor. 3d District?A. C. Haskell, J. N. Lipscomb, J. 15. Moore. 4th District?W. D. DePass, T. Stobo Furrow, 15. II. Mnssoy, 5th District?A. C. Izard, G.T. Tillman, T. J. Counts. Tho committco on resolutions requested further timo in which to complete their report, which was granted. On motion of Goneral Connor, tho convention, at 0:80 1'. M., again rosolved itself into a caucus. At 8:40 P. M., tho convontion reassomblod. Tho President staled that Captain R. O'Noal, Jr., of Richland, had boon appointed Troasurorof tho convontion torcccivo contributions for defraying tho incidontal exponsos of tho session. . MM - I > * 1.x .v 4 , J I. .. 1 ll . 1 no I l C'biui"111 iiunumiL-cu tuut liiu State Exocutivo Committoo would moot iu tho J udiciaty Committoo room immodiatoly after tlio adjournmont of tho convention. Tho committoo on resolutions submitted tho following report on tlio resolutions roforrod to them: Tho committoo of ono from cacli county to whom was roforrod tlio ro-> solutions of tho gontloman from Chaiv. leston, Mr. O'Connor, il?o gontlomon from Nowborry, Lipscombo and Kcitt, and of tho gontloman from Kdgofiold, [cOMIM KIi ON Kol III I'AUE.]