' 'THE PICKENS SENTINEL.' > li i l)li it m ' i .. 1 ' l j r . . . . , - . f DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO TIIE GENERAL INTEREST Otf Tllft COUNTRY. YOk Y. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 27, 1876. NO. 34. * kt tlll.1 l_ . ni i ? i - - - - ' ?cw jjignt on an uia joddurql4rt, perjury and most villain: MU j . \ ? .? ^ ' ' 6u8 od&spirtacy. Washington, April 9.?The story of, tbo siifo burglary conspiracy, wtif&tT, taken altog6thor, is probably one of the most rcmarkablo in the annals of crime, is soon to bo laid bo fnrr> tlin Iiiit.lin in nil ilo flotnita I1' ?-> c.Qnfqqeions of YVhitely and Nettloship, two of tho piincipal agents employd by the original conspirators, fastens the toils around Babcock and Harrington, and deepito tho almost superhuman exertions which will be made by tho District King to save f 1i Am !?/%? n 'ft ! r\l ? n /\ n 1 ? ,-1 VHWIll, illVll VIUUIII IO V.V3I IUIIII) DfiVIVJN. 13ut will these two miscreants have to expiate tho sins of the other and ^ perhaps gniltior men who stood be* hind them! This is the inquiry that addresses itself to every man as he reads the story as it has now beon unfolded by two of the principal actors. It is so plain that neither of flhicm could possibly have any motive to driginnte such a conspiracy.? Neither is it likely that Babcock and Harrington were alono the originAi*n AkP f li/\ -?!/-? fr Y\7 L'lnl . * nvvi O VI tliu UKU TV II 11 V3I V (II1U Nottleship undertook to execute.-Doubtlees both Harrington and Bab cock had sufficient malice to load them to conspire the ruin of one or two coricepondents who had shed a t flood of light on their dark and devious ways. But is it possible that thojr alone deliberately planned the Jest r net ion of hall a score of eminent gentlemen, whose only offence t tliem wty* the petitioning of Congress tor an investigation into the affairs of v the District government. TIIK 6TOHY OF TIIH l'l.OT, as read in the light of the develop ^ muiits (?t tlie last tew days, is as follow#; When a commit too of Congress bogan some years ago to investigate tlie frauds and thefts of the Washington Improvement King, the influential persons concerned, whom a discovery would have ruined,stopped at nothing to prevent it. The coins mitteo had, fortunately, help from some of the honest and substantial v citizens of Washington, chief among whom was Mr. Columbus Alexander, a gentleman who has shown remarkable pertinacity and ability in his long pursuit of the Ring. It was at Mr. Alexander's suggestion that the committee required the leading men of the Iting to produce tho hooks in which the course and cost of tho city improvements were sot down, and who pointed out, when a sot of books tnni'A *M?Ar1n/?A/l ' ? MVIU |>i VUUUUVIj MI ill; IIIUJ' VVUIU IillHU and that tlio genuiuo books were still concealed. Thereupon it occurred to Bonio of tlio Iting to endeavor TO GKT KID OF MR. ALEXANDER, by implicating hiift in wbat would liave tho appoarancc of a criminal act. A epy was sontto Mr. Alexan(lnr wllft tnlH liitn fliof llm I'unl ^ , .. --W w?v? MIIU Iimv vuv 1UH UVUIVO were in a Bafe in the oflice of tbe District Attornoy, and that if he would pay a certain aura of money the office could bo entered, the a.ifo broken open and the books handed over to him. Mr. Alexander replied that ho would have nothing to do with such a transaction, and this little plot failed. The plan of entrapping ' liini, however, l^id boon formed, and was not ao easily abandoned. Two burglars had been hired, and other preparations mado, and bo tho spy was ngain sont to Mr. Alexander with a simpler proposition?that on a certain night the books would bo brought to him; and it was determined by the conspirators to nost well instructor! Ipolicomon in such a way as to seize Hi'. Alexander while ho was in the not of accepting tho boohs. All the arrangements were, theroforo, made for a givon night. Tho police who usually guarded tho district attorney's ofiicb wore dismissed or eont tc a distance; two professional burglars, - _ tlio King, nnd brought down from Now York, wore introduced into tlio building, and policomen in Iho cou^ fideuco of tho Ring wore atationcd outaide, for tho double purpose of preventing interrnption and of following tho burglars to Mr. Alexanrlnr'a linnan whnn llmo olinuld obtained tho books. Tho safe was blown open, a aliam set of books taken ont, and with theso tho burglars proceeded toward Mr Alexander's house, followed at a short distance by the policemen, ready to pounce upon Mr. Alfiyandoi" nk tlio ment, and to conveniently suffer the burglars to escape attor having identified them. A DROLL INCIDENT. happened on the way. The time was I o'clock at night. The burglars, carrying the sham hooks had forgotten the number of Mr. Alexander's house; and aftor wandering past it, and when about to ring the bell ol t 11 n ttrfjkVtr# Imno^ %x.vl!?-? ...v .. ""ft >iuUQb| IUV jJUHUU, BUJJ" poeod to bo in vigorous pursuit ot them, had actually to call them and direct them to the right, house! Arrived there they rang the boll, but in vain. Mr. Alexander, thinking little or nothing of the proposed delivery of the books, and at any rate determined to take no notice of irregular proceedings with whioh ho would have nothing to do, had gouo | to bed at his usual hour. The bell I had vvakened no ono. in tho. lin?n?> ? The burglars ami the sham police were both | orplcxed; the area bell rung wi h no better Bucoess; and, finally, af.er consultation between the burglars and the police, I he whole party di camped. The next day Washington was excited b'y the report that a most daring burglary had been committed and the safe blown up in District Attorney liarringto i'b olliee, and all means were usuil to show that the persecutors ol the Ring hud been guilty of this crimo. But alter a while THE TRUEBT011Y I.KAKKD OUT, and several <>f the actors in it were pre secuted; but always unsuccessfully. And no wonder, for the chiefs in this conspiracy had very powerful friends, and moreover the conspiracy had been very shrewdly managed so as to conceal the chiefs from the knowledge of the subordinates in such a way that but two confidential agente knew who were tho real authors ol the plot. At last, however, by the nundfttatit nffiirta of Mr I " 4 % Vy * and others, Harrington, tlio dibtricl attorney, a particular friend of Shep herd and Dabcock, and an intimate at the Wliito Ilouee, was indictec and brought to trial. The caso against him had been confided to Mr. A. G Riddle as assistant attornuy-goneral and Mr. liiddlo, who had receivec hia appointment because ho wai known to be tUG par*onal friend o domo of the Ui"g, but who happenoc to be an honest and ineorrnptibh lawyer, was about to eonvict liar I rington, when tho public wits as tounded first to see Harrington, thou under trial for a felony and a prisoner on bail, conspicuously INVITKD TO THIC WHITE HOUSE, where lie appeared as a welcome anc favored guest, and second, Mr. Rid< die suddenly, and tor no reason, removed from bis post of prosecuting attorney. Thereupon tho trial hrnl? down, lint the general conviction o: Harrington's guilt was 00 strong tha the Ring, who had usod this weal young man, now found it neceeBarj to drt>p him, and he drifted back ti his homo in Delaware and into obscurity. Tho prosecution, long baf 1 fled, was nut dropped; but con von ient nroHfifiiiJinw Jittnrnnvn rinAlniw I 1? " J " - i grand juries, and during last summoi > a shftm and falsely porgonated bai giver delayed and frustrated the dif i terent attempts to bring this scanda , lous crime to ligbt. At last, it seeing f an investigating 90111 uiiMeo of t,li present House baa got at the key to tlio mystery, and it is to bo hoped that the patient efforts of Mr. Proctor Knott and bis fellow committee men will succeed in dragging the authors to tho light and to punishment. The Chinese Puzzle Tho decision of tlio Supremo Court of tho United Statos says tlio San Francisco Chroniclo, declaring Cali* fornia legislation to prevont tho immigration of Mongolians to this State unconstitutional, has had tho salutary cnect oi awakening a lively public attention to this great and growing ovil. In this respect it is welcome.? Thotimo has arrived when something must bo done for tho protection of fcocioty, or there is dangor that tho Stato will in timo bo overrun with thoso barbarous hordes, and bo no longer dcsirablo as a place of residonco for whito people. In his communication to tho board of supervisors directing attention to tho subject tho mayor has graphically described somo of tho grievances already sufFercd from tho presence hero of the Chinese; but thcro is a ropuleivo insidp history connoctcd with this peoplo which can only bo lcarnod by frequent visits to their haunts anil tho study of tho luibits which mako their residenco among us undcsirablo. It is evident that thoso w ho have never visited California arc in gross ignoranco of tho afflictions thoir influx entails upon tho State. Thoy aro rc> mote from tho scene, and.refuse us their sympathies and assistance to get rid of tho evil, hecausc they cannot realize its threatening character, nor understand the extent to which iU onoroachincuts have reached.? Kvory steamship that arrives from tho Orient adds from fivo to fifteen bun c!rod of those people to our population. They aro poured into thin ci13', where many of them remain, while the others scatter abroad; and as subsistence , is, of course, a necessity of their lives, these underbid and supplant poor whilo men in different vocations, go into our charitable institutions. At this rato of increase, with an empire 1 containing four hundred millions ot , souls to draw from, it can easily bo 1 soon that at 110 distant day tbo Chi, ncso may absorb and outnumber tbo j six hundred thousand ol our whiio i population. Theso pcoplo cannot becomo citizons, or do thoy as a gonoral thing dC8iro citizenship. Thoy aro brought ; hero as serfs under contract to the different wealthy Chincno companios, ind altor they havo acquired a fow '.iimdrcd dollars, which is a lortuno to " thorn, depart to China to enjoy it.? Their return, thus enriched, stimir * latca immigiation, which may bo ox' pccted to grow larger from year tc t year so long as tho State is doniod thc right to place restrictions upon thoii coining. Thoy nionot only scrls, but i idolutors. They havo no homostoad: 3 but thoir shops, whoro thoy hurdle to f gether liko shoep, and liko sheep an | moved by a common impulse, by the 3 mob spirit, when they havo a real 01 imaginary wrong to avonge. Thorc aro but a low women among thorr who aro not ol tho viler sort, ant | this is 0110 of the most obnoxious loat uros of their communities. Wo art jostled by thom on tho sidewalks forccd to stand up in tho stroot car? ' whilo they ocoupy tho scats, to si * bosido tlicm in places of amusomont and in many othor rospocts to undorJ go an onforced association with them, ) because tlioy claim certain social rights f which thovo is no powor in th3 law to t torbid or restrain. { These aro a fow of tho griovanccs t( r which wo aro compollod lo submit no . ine.lmliul in Lholiat.nf f 11 ill rrrniif.ni* nnoi J ?*' ? ? rocitod in tho Mayor's communication Wo prosumo no romody can bo obtained through tho steamship linon I who, as long as thoy aro paid (or oar rying this sort of human freight, wil I not rofuso it. Then Congress mua bo appealed to, as is proposed, for ro II dross. Tho delegation to bo sont t< " that body from this Stato will hav< S enough argumonts to mako out j o strong case in their favor. They will doubtless, have tho assistance nlso ot our Senators and Roproaontativos, and perhaps ot thoso also of Oregon and Nevada. If tho law could bo mado to reach l tho Chinoso companios by forbidding thorn to mako advances to thoso sorls, coolica, or whatovor olso they nifty ho callod, ftnd which, in fact, nro tho dcopoBt rooia of tho ovil, it would bo roachod; for thoro is not ono in a uiuuwuiu ui mo ciass most, oujccLionablo who would othorwiso bo ablo to roach our shores. ^^4Tho Next SenateThe elections in Now Hampshire and Connecticut having mado it cor. tain that the new Senator troni the former will continue to be a Republican; and from the latter a Democrat, it becomes interesting to inquire how in all probability the benate will bo divided politically on the coming in of the next Administration ti.o *? tnu u\,iiuiu v/uuoiovo ui ouvumy lOUl" members. Thoro is a vacancy in Louisiana; but for our present purpose \ve will assign tho 6eut to the Democrats. There are four 60 called Imlcpendants in the Senatf, namely, Christianc}', Hamilton, Booth and Cameron of "Wisconsin. Wo will classify them all as Republicans, though it is rather doubtful whether liooth ought to be thus placed. Di. viding tho present Senate in this manner, it stands forty tour Republicans and thirty Democrats. Tlio tot ms of twenty six Senators expiro with Grunts administration* of these, seventeen are Republicans and nine are Democrats. Of the seventeen States now represented by these Republicans, that party is reus onably sure to havo the new Senators in L?wa. Kansas, Maine, Massacliu** setts, Michigan, Minnesota, Nobrass ka, New Hampshire, Rhode Island} S nth Carolina and Wisconsin. The last elections in these States show that the Republicans aro pretty certain to retain their eleven Senators. The other six States aro Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and New Jersey; and there is scarce ly a doubt that the Democrats will wrest their six Senators from tho Re publicans. The ni 110 States in which the terms of Democratic Senators expire next March, are Alabama, Delaware, Goorgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, Oregon, Tenneseo, Virginia, and West Virginia. There is no doubt that tho Democrats will securo the new Senators from those States. Assuming, thon, that wo ftro correct in our calculations, how will tho , next Senate stand? It no now State > is admitted to tho Union, tho Senate will consist of sovonty four members, i, of which thirty eight will constitute a majority. Giving tho Republicans tho tour so called Independents, and 5 conceding to tho Democrats tho va cunt seat in Louisiana, tho Republicans luive in tho ] resent Senate, as already stated, forty four members; and tho Democrats thirty. Now, it tho Republicans lo6e the Senators in tho ?ix Statos wo have named, and tho Democrats gain them, then, in tho next Senate, tho Republicans would have thirty eight, and the Democrats thirty six. This estimate makes tho new Senate so evonlv balanced that a loss of i ouo by tlio Republicans would pro** > duce a tio; and tlioro tiro tnuny shrewd politicians who will insist that tho > Democrats will stand tho best chance 1 to'got tho Senator in Wisconsin. This 1 would give tho Democracy thirty seven, Thoro aro others who beliovo that a regular Republican cannot be 1 olccted in South Carolina; and si ill I others who think that Booth should L not bo counted among tho Republi s cane, 5 At all events, it in cloar that the p probabilities in regard to tho politi? x cal complexion of the now Senate aro , yery nicely balanced; and whether the Democrats or tho Republicans 6lmll have the majority, may dopond upon tho influence which will be ox^ erted in two or throo doubtful States by (ho personal character and antecedents of the two candidates for President.?Now York Sun. Bail Columbia ! Tho Now York Tribune, Republican, Hays: Senator Morton has won a victory. Tho Republican Convention at Columbia, South Carolina, has practically do clarod for him. Tho Convention had a very ploasnnt and lively meeting. All tho grout lights of tho party wero prcsont, and worked lor Morton like heroes. Whippcr was there, tho man whom tho Governor refused to commission as judgo because ho had such a bad character. Mosos was thoro who was rojocted for tho snmo ronson. NVhittomoro was thoro, who was turn od out of tho XLIst Congress for solling ondetsbips, and donicd admission nnuu il?J V1III1U UllUK IlgHlIl U00UUS0 110 wnB infamous. Senator Patterson was thoro until, as a reporter brutally oxpresses it, ho "got soared" and ran away. Mr. Swails, a statesman of color, presided over tho gathering, and Mr. Elliott, another distinguished black man, whom Judgo Maokoy torsoly described to his faoo as tho captain of a gang of thieves, regulated dobato with his revolver. A moro enumeration of tho company, howov. or, would give but a faint indea of the naturo of tho festivities. "Liar" and "villian," qualified by theological adJoctivos wcro tho mildost of tho opithets toasod to and fro upon tho raging sea of discussion. Furniture flow through tho air; tho ruins of overthrown desks ondangorod tho nimblo shins of tho dologatos; and in tho crisis of tho proooodingi a chair, flourished over tho head of Governor Chamberlain, camc near bringing Lbe auti-U?ng faction of tho party to sud don dissolution. Meanwhile tho pro~ ocoJings in tho gallery soom to have viod in interest with tho oflioial transactions on tho floor. Somo Northern visitors of the gontlor box, unusod to tho politioal customs of Columbia, fainted dead away, and tho negro wives ot iho honorable fighters down bolow ran shrioking through tho passages and elattoring down the stairs. Quiet having boon at last restored by tho oxhuuation of tho combatants, and tho gontloman with tho pistol supprossod by tho oombinod physical foroo of tho nowspnpor ropoitors, tho Convotition proocodod to rulo out all tho Chamborlaiu or Kcform dolegaloB, and put the maohino in working ordor to eonU Morton dolognt.oa to Cinoinnftti. Tho history of thcflo proceedings is worth romeunboring. bccaueo by and by whon tho friends of Mr. Morton begin to press his olftims a littlo mor? boldly, wo shall hoar a great doal about tho oppression of tho oolorcd people in tho South and tho villanous schomos of tho Ku-Klux to skin Elliott and SwNilft alive. It is only as tho protector of tho olass which has iust made (his picturosquo domonstralion nt Columbia that Air Morton has tiny moaning an a oandidatc for the nomination. H wo may bo allowod the expression, it is tho rod and raggod shirt of Swails that is carriod bofovo him as a labarum. llis only policy is to porpotuato tho supromacy of the faction which Judgo Mackoy happily charactoriiscd as a gang of thiovos'? llin fftfltinii whifili in l-nftrnonnln/l I i/j. Mosob, Whittomoro, and tho'.r black dupoB in South Carolina, by Sponcor, llays, Hester and Hinds in Alabama, by Ames in Mississippi, by Casoy and Kellogg at Now Orleans. Morton moans nothing but tho 'ruling out' ol tho docont Kcpublicans who aro trying in soveral of tho Southern Staton to administer political affairs on the bams of tho Ton Commandments. The ftAll 11 ft**/ !\<1? Kncres in size, and can it bo that these lakes arc all connected with a giand underground water course? It seems so. In September last ono driod up or ran off, and left bushels upon bushels of fish in holes of water about upon the bottom of tho lake. In January another, about five miles from this, did tho samo thing; and now Grassy pond, a lako covering about live hundred acres, just between tho two just men ! < i..u noi.n. tlUUUU, una IUH i ID 1111111 ?_M i o \J 1 uouto iOut of water. About throe weeks ago it was roportod thut the waters of this ! lako woro sinking below low water mark, and everyday or two wo would hear that it was still going down. Last Friday a report spread all over tho county like, wildfire thnt Grassy pond was low enough to ralto tho fish out with nets, and by suit down more than ono hundred people had oolloctcd at tho placo, somo had dip nots, somo cast nots, and there was ono soino in the party. Tho first haul with tho scino caught enough trout, jack, beam and speckled perch to mako a "moss" for every ono pros ont. During tho night nil tho water disappoarod and thoro wero millions of fish loft dead upon dry land. Saturday, next day, tho plan tors hitchcd up thoir wagons and haulod load altor load and ecattorod thorn in thoir fields for manure, and thousands woro loft at tho morcy of buzzards, hogs and othor croaturos of proy. Such