1 __ DEVOTED T0 P?LITi08, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND 10 THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY ==l1 1 Y0L- V- PICKENS, S. c7 THURSDAY, JANUARY 13. lOTfi. THE MOSES "MASS MEETING " FAINT APPKOVING ECIIOICS OF THE JUDICIAI, INFAMY. Tlio "Grand mass mooting" of tlio 'Union Republican party," ut White Point Garden on Saturday, for the purpose of sustaining tlio action of the Legislature in the recent judical elections, was ft email aflair. It conl sisted chiefly of Custom llousc and Court II0U8Q officials and corrupt members of tlio Legislature, with a good sprinkling of old maumas ami street boys. Tho meeting was called for 12 M., but at this hour tlio ]>at~ tory was almost deserted, and the enthusiastic speakers, whoso propa ration fur. the occasion had been go, ing on for two or three days, were crestfallen at the idea of having to bottle up their rhetorict, or dso lot * it out on a few women and child i on. At 2 o'clork tho Battery presented tho Enmc appearance, and tho commit teo of arrangements got desperate and sent off one of Sheriff Dowen's attaches on horseback to 6cour tho bvwuvfl find lio.lrroa on.** ...j~ ? lv' mon all to tlio pow wow. This lemon colored dragoon worked faithfully and first endeavored to get tho tnili? . tary, who had been celebrating Emancipation day, to comu downbut tbey mado excuses, except a company of about twenty "Possum "Rnncrnra " honiMii#* ' D , iHV l/UJ'ilUll lUUb* titlo of "Scott's United Pducs,!' who marched down without music to '.lie ba'toi}*, followed by tv nnall crowd of won en and children. This was a start, and tho committee <>l arrangements thought they had better begin beforo these left. l'\ J. I'ugli n h i . ? * whs eiecicu piTS'.ilont, ami A. T. r Stevens secretary, .of llio mooting,and the music stand, from which tho ejeakere hold forth, was occupied 1?\ about a dt/ami of the (J; s'oin llouso and Court llousu ling cliques*, t<>~ actliev with Tfrf.in ncciilui !? " I >:. ? I. .... . > vuviiitiinv; 1 11 l\ o I noy, Senator Jones and Jlepresenta^ tives HeBuiit and Thompson, ii \mis now after 4 o'clock P. M., and the crowd had increased to nln-nt one hundred and fifty. l'incknoy, tl ?. n -in -,i 1 i..,? i in til liicui uui j uukiui nnuit ii iiu ui<. "Srtntec orator," first stepped forward and began as ho said, his little ? niranguo" Ho mid that tlio lime for action Iind come; tlio Legislature had in its great wisdom eeen lit to olect Circuit Judges and one AssocU ato Justice, which were ACCEPTAIJLK TO THK MAJORITY of tlio people, and it was their dntv J J in spitoof tho Broad street Organ, to 8co that tho-will of tlio people was re8pcctod. IIo wanted the thing dono peaceably if possible; but clone at all hazards if necessary. Tlioy wouldn't have to fjglit themselves, because if tho whito people started a row Uuclo Sam's boys would suon rv?f A ' ? iuviii uuwii, a 11 is 60'cKM? CKAT FIIOM Til 10 STATIC. If I iroad street wants war, Uncle Sam will light for us, and 1 tell you what I know, that Broad street and Daniel II. Chamberlain will both be taken caro of when the Legislature meets again. This meeting in the Hibernian Hall was nothing more than to 6tart Ku-Kluxiani again.? llicy will drive the negroes from the polls and kill every one, it" neco?6ary, to carry the next election. Broad street is supporting tho Ku-Klux business, as she did beforo. It means our total annihilation or tho next election for tlie Democrats. But don't bo seared. We've gut the national guard and wo have the United States troops to help us. The government at Washington will take care of us. I voted for \V. J. Whipper, and I'll do it again. The requisite amount tf applause ol (liia ell it was trade up hy the vigorous rapping and stamping of the crowd on the stand, and the next speaker was "lled-llot" Jones, ben uui liuin ucorgeiown. dunes saul that i.e was very sorry that ho had not had the time to prepare an eia borate audi ess, and lie was sorry to see ii li \v present, but this he could account fur Irom the laet that a Conirressiuan. who was nnid to ho n: dy, and stand hero to day ruauj to bo carried home foot foremost if necessary. This is one of the proud est days that I havo witnessed in South Carolina. TUB NRQRO who has been run down as incapable and illiterate has proved himself the equal of any and every race upon ilie laco ol I ho globe. Ttio great trouble linn been that the negro has bi_'OM too godlike up to this time to elect negro judges. I stand here to day, i?s I did two years ngo, denouncing 1). II. Chamberlain. I advocated CJreen against Cliainborlain becanso I knew Chamberlain to he a traitor. \ fmlv uri?h t.i liumn lio/l I?aa?? v... J > w>> ?v V4 I VVyll ?IC?V4 WWII elected. Chamberlain proposes to sell out the Republican parly for social rccogniiion in South Carolina.? lie proposes to hind ua hand and loot and mako us worse slaves than we ever were. I admit that the Repub lican party ha-5 inado grave mistakes, but the election of these judges is not one of them. in llie last campaign ilio Dein cuita wore a'l down on Chamberlain; they called him a thief, a rogue, and everything else, and now thoy hold out their arms to him us the great reformer. Now why, in the namo ot Ciotl, can't Moaea and YVhipper reform too. If there ia to bo a general selling out, we propoao to bo parties to tho sale: ami boforo we will allow u baldlieated Massachusetts Yankee to bo 11 us out, wo'll elcct llo ). A. G. Magrath for Governor, aid lion. Goo. A. Tronholm as Lieutenant Governor. If Whip :il-_ .? / i jm.i 11 ??o uuyu 11 ty oi i ran (I, why don't they prove it? Wo don't propose to bo influenced by what has l)eon dono in Mississippi or Goorgia. Wo PBOrOSE TO Dili: IIERIC. Clmmborlain is fool enough to believe the Democrats are going to vote for him. You can't trust these white men, hocaueo tliey eurse the nejrro every tim? tlicy bow to him. 1 say to you, organize; also sleep on your arms, and keep your powder dry. Nesbitt was the next speaker. This now champion of Whippcr, it will be remembered, was elected on the Independent Republican ticket, and placcd in public position by the white votes oi ttie county. Up to this time he has generally run with tho decent members oi his delegation, and it was somewhat a surprise to see him num hering himself with tho renegades, who now are, McLaughlin, Davis, Pineknoy, and finally Ncsbilt. This speaker talked a good deal, and en. deavored to tel! his hearers that the uiuu nau come lor nction. ilio Legislature hadolectcd W. J. Whippet* Judge of the first Circuit; it was the duty of every colored man to seo that he took his eotit. lie voted onanist Whipper, because lie thought it was his duty to do so lie luicl found since that he had been wrong, and was now as ardent a supporter of Whipper as ho was then opposed to him. It was tho duty of every honest citizen to support him, because THIS LINK OF COI.OK liad been drawn. Ii has come down simply to a persccticn ot Whipperon account of his color. What arc wo to do? The Legislatures! must bo sustained and Whipper must take his seat. Now how are wo to do ti?i^? LL'incUnev bore cricl out: '"Fi^lit, ilull's llio \Wl) we'll do it." Hut this was not relished by tbe crowd, who yelled out in concert ''IS - ! No! don't lut'o li-bt." Tbe old mnuimis shook their heads knowingly, and eagely remarked to each other, kki tell you, niy sistei*. tiioeo are troublesome tunes."] Primus Green hero iiKk.--.il "Wnaliin why he had voted against \\ hipper. rse oitt neaiiu u 1 tui" soine little and endeavtred to get out ? f it by stalling oil'on a new lack; but Primus pushed his question, and atu.-i' some little c .T.ferenco with his friends nil f Iia atniwl \T?.ol ??- I- - - ii*v XI V.OIMIL JZilVU ?IS ilia reason for voting against Whipper, that lie thought Whipper was a partisan. This answer delighted tiie crowd on I lie stand, who seemed to consider it a complete quietus. Green wanted to know why ho didn't think W hi [-per would he a partisan now. This qneslii n, however', was net answered, and Green satisfied himself I with asking Nesbitt how much lie had been paid for turning renegade. W. IJ. Thompson was tho !ast speaker, and by this timo it was nearly dark. Thompson said thai they proposed to oiler resolutions countermanding the resolutions pass ed by tho Broad Street Clique, at iho Hibernian llull, which sustained Chamberlain. They proposed to sustain tho action of tho Legislature, and repudiate Chamberlain. The secretary, A. T. Slovene, then read tho following resolution, which was adopted: . Kesolvctf, That wo solemnly pledge oni'8ulvcs, without regard to C?/iioC i quenees, to support ami maintain the laws oi' the State ami fho United States, to uphold and support the action of tho Legislature and the Courts, ami to this end wo pledge our very existence. It was by this time very chirk, and the littlo band ol malcontents "folded their tents like Arabs and as silently stolo away." Gen. Rhorman in gradually approach ing tho condition of FalstafT wlion ho liackod tlio dead body of*IIot8pur. For our part, wo caro very liltlo what Sherman says, sineo ho publicly con*. fesBcd that ho doliboratoly and basely ! lied about Gonoral Wado Hampton. ? i Augusta Constitutionalist. Special Dispatch to Tho Nows and Courier. The Voice of SumpterF. J. MOSES, Jit., BIIAT.r. NKVEIt SIT AS .t i t nn li* Sumftek, January 3 ?Tho meeting of the citizens of Sampler Comity to take action upon tho election of F. J. Moses, Jr., of this place, and \V? J Whipper, to ho judges of this and tho lirst circuit, was held in tins Ma- . Tl-l! 1 - * ... I owuiu 11it11 iu utiv, ;inlandin<*, S. L. France, Di M. lieynohle, J. 11. Coopor, L. W* Dick, Dr. J A. China, J. M. Pitts, 1). J. Winn, Dr. F. A. Beckham, W. G. Kennedy, F. M. Mellette, Samuel J\,. YY lls'tn and Jno. W. Durban; Secretaries, Jno. J. Dargan, llobt. L. Cooper. President Fraser opened tlie meet ing with a clear and explicit state inent of the position and the issue, llo was very forcible and pointed, and declared it was one of the purposes of this meeting to announce to F. J. Moses, Jr., that ho shall never take his peat as Judgo in our Court House unless placed there by Federal bayonota. E. \V. Moi.se road the following I?i eainble and res??1:?tionand spoke to them "'hit gie.it power and eloquence. Whereas, the Legislature his elected W. J. Whip] er and F. B. Moses, .Jr., to serve as judges l'> r the fust and thiid circuits of the Smto; and where as the liovernor lun refused to coins mi-sion them, lie it resolved I il.lu : > ... - '< action of the Legislature in this matter us ruinous to tho |>o >)>le and dc? slructi vo of good government. 2 That tlie people of Sumptor County ennuot submit their legal affairs to the judicial chargo of F. J Moses, .Jr., a person who is generally jegarded as being dtvoid ot the neces.-arv legal attainment, and who is also notoriously corrupt. ?3 That we regard tho action ol tho Governor in withholding coin missions from tlieso persons as patriotic, justifiably and right. 4- that Governor D. II. Chambor^ lain lias illustrated by his conduct the noble ends which n.ay be achieved by a stranger, who differs from many of us in matters of political faith, but who unites with good men of all vhjwo ju iii?jc??|?i?-*, be nut surrendered by him without their consent. 8 That in the opinion of this meeting, the judicial election has brought U8 to a point beyond which endurance must cease to be u virtue. 9 That, invoking the blosfcinrM <>i J Pi' V' Divino Providence upon our resolutions, wo now appeal to nil patriotic citizens, while or color oil, of all shades ot political opinion to assist ua iu an effort to restore good Government to tho State, by securing to all persons meir itui legal rights ot person and property, without infringing the eacrod privileges i?t' others, and especially do wo appeal to and roly upon the aid und aaaidtancc of those leading i- on of tlio country who control the national parties, in tliis last 8tniggle againsl degragation and disgrace. J. S. Richardson seconded llio prcamblo and resolutions in ? ?? * VI J V/ilUU'* ! live speed), pronounced with nil the grace and oratorical finish ol one of the best speakers in the State. ('has. II. Moise supported them in an earnest address, in which he de^ monsl I'm : * | v..v. uuouHUU IIIIJiUNSIUllliy 'of any legal proceeding which could reach CJovcrnor Chanbcrlain. lie quoted decisions of tho Supromo Court of the United Slates from 1801 to this time, showing that no court in the whole country could compel Governor Chamber am to issue the commis sions 10 J.M0S09 and Whippcr. lie closed his remarks with theso words: "Should P. J. Moses, Jr., by any logal trickery, attempt to ascend tho steps of tho Court llouso to take his seat as Judge; T, Charles II. Moise, forty six years of age, with a wife and ton children to fitinnnrh nm ?/ > ? "11?-1 * "? ? * ? uissisBippi, oub mo result win ijo similar. I Imvo not pationeo to write of the stupendous folly of Llio blacks of Carolina in elevating to the highest judgeship of the State those notorious persons, NVhippor, Wiggins ami Moss cd. Wiggins 1 know little of, but that there should bo a legislative body on earth who would deliberately elect to important judgeships such follows as Moses and Whippcr, surpasses my comprehension, liovernor (Jhamberlain does not use too strong language when ho apoakt, of it as a''horrible I! i ... ? I * .111- - ? uiHii.tiur. i ii.uuiy Know now iocud vcy to tlio mind of tho reader an idea of tho blacUnoss of tho characters of Moses and Whippcr, and their unfitnosi for tho honch. Tho very thought of I wo Riioh persons as judges of tho two most important circuits in South uaronna is startling. i ntenigonco nnd property recoils from the thought. Hut as tho Logislnturo which eloctod theso fellows hns neither intolligonco nor property, wohnvoin that tho only rational solution ol thoir aclion. l'ick out. two of tho most notorious l^iu, 1ST ward bummers in Crncirtnnti?mon ns ignorant of tho scioncoof faw its ft hog is of astronomy, men of tiff standing in the community, and no charactef S.'lVd t.lint. rtf idlnno"" ' -* iuiuii UIIU oiovato them to tho bench In two of tlio most important Ohio circuits, Cincinnati and Cleveland, for instftfico. HoW would you fcol about it? This man Moses is tlio worst of the' lot. lie is a more corrupt man than Whipper, tho negro who has boon clccled Judge of tho Charleston Cir* Ollif t lin mnol S ~ i :? 'i - * , ...wuv mull ill LllO OltttO. Whippor in an ignorant negro, and it is doubtful if lie ever read a law bookf but lie is not steeped in iniquity liko Moses, who is known over tho country as the robber Governor. IIo is nolo-' riously corrupt, and besides boing in 110 wise qualified for tlio position of judge. With Moses and Whippor oft tho bench, tho South Carolina Court* will degenerate into bargain and ealo shops. Tho scales of justico will in' ' ' ' m ' i 1111u iu liio eiuo 01 lno highest bidder# Thcso judges woro elected by th? Legislature in t!io abscnco of Govern-* or Chamberlain. Had tho Governor been at the capital ho might possibly have defeated it, as ho still has soma little influence with tho ski Hot bonds of tho JjCgiHlaturo. WHAT WILT, BE TIIE KE8UI.T? Tho whites aro arousod, tho color linn 1A fllMl WM on/1 KnfrtM/v I"*"- " .. . J Ituu UUUIU IUIJg J'UU will hear of a "great Democratic vie-* lory'' in South Carolina liko unto that in Mississippi. Tho Governor has refused to Bign the commissions of Moses and Whip* per upon merely tochical groundB? something that he would not havfJ thought of doing, as ho says him.solfj Un/l ll,no? -i?? ? ^? * bi>v>au UlCUl; UUUU UCCWl men. lint how he is to carry out his point 1 fail to see. There acorna nc cscapo from Moses and Whippor on the bench but the complete ovorthrow of tho so called party which clcotod them. And that in what is coming. 1 say to the reader, and hopo he will romember it, hereafter, look out lor Democratic gains in South Cnrolinaf For a long timo the whitos have wanted a sufficient excuse to riso up and overthrow the African government under which tboy live, and now thoy liavo it. Not a white Kopublican in tho State, from tlio Governor down, nor a Kopublican journal, protonda to justify tho election of theso notorious men to tho bench. uovernor uiiamborluin has tried tor make tlio Legislature bcliavo itsolf?* oficn going into caucus and talking to them with tears in his eyos, but to little purpose,?although Chamborlain was elected as an idCra^Jffepubl'icftn?* defeating tho Liberal whom tho Democrats supported?Utf can't control tho African Logislatuio. Tho campaign in South Carolina next year will ho very bittor, if not bloody: Tho whites will now draw tho ''color lino," and at tho samo timo throw all tho blamo nnnn f.lm I" - ~...W?D. Wo know what tho color lino moans. II any thero arc who don't comprehend tho term, they can havo light by spending a few days in Mimjisnippi. 11. V. B. Furman University. To Ai.k Whom it May cottokttn: Tho Hoard of Trustees of Furmafi Univorsiry hereby announcos, that according to tho certified roport of C. II. Judson, Treasurer, the st/rrt of two hundred thousand dol!as has boon se>? cured, in good, reliable bonds, towards a permanent ondowmont of said TTn?? vcreity. JLoncoforth, lor a torm of ton years, tho University will be opened to nil coinpetont to ontor, free of any chnrgo for tuition in any of the rogulnry ncIiooIp, Tho conditions of tho bonds having boon complied with, on tho part of tho Univoraity, obligore will bo calloil upon and will bo cxpoctod, literally to fulfill thoir parti in tho prompt payn mcnt of tho inatalmontp, and of tho inloreat aa thoy maturo. JAMES 0. WURMAN, Preaidont.. Fuei>. W. Eabon, Sec rotary.