THE PICKENS SENTINEL. 1 ^ r ' r'1 n'^n-, |riil > ** I i j= ' " ' ' lli1 '* '' * ' ' .i'lMi r,.|ij n -1,,.i ,,! > i.> j .t .' . .,' . . . Diovqx^a TO POLITICS, MOKAL1TY, KDtrCA'ftaN A#D TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. i ?v- ' ' :r- .? . i . . . : . VOL. V. PIC CBN8, S. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER TO 1875. NO. J6' - 1 ' ' ' ' - - ' ' * * v>> ' ? ' r- new advertisements. I ? ... 1'^^pomestic SEWING (f 1911] machines. woti-Jw Liberal Terms of ExO/ A^onffArA?On/.AnJ.l,nMJ ay1**1 CX wovwuu iiituu ^Machines of every des; cription. -V DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIONS. The Beat Patterns made. Send Seta, for Catalogue. Addroos DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO. A0BN*8 ffmio. -M_? NEW VOllIC. (ft 1 Q a day at home. Agents wanted. OutJL/0 fit and terms free. True & Co., Augusta, Maine. i:; SHUN DRUG POISONS[MEDICINE RENDERED USELESS. ' Volta'N Elcdro Ileitis and i Isaiius ate indorsed by tho most eminent physicians in tho world fqr tho euro of rheumatism, ' neuralgia, liver Complaint, dyspepsia, kidney 1 disease, aohes, pains, nervous disorders, fits, femalo complaints, nervous and general debility, and oilier chronic diseases of (lie cliest, head, liver, stomach, kidneys and blood.? Jieok with full particulars irce by Volta llelt P Co , Cincinnati, O. . AHrKll WEEK guaranteed to Agents, V I / Male and Female, in their locality.? * y I I Terms and OUTFIT FftKM. Address ; T-' ' p. (). VICKEftY & CO., Augusta, Me. I l?)i) to per tiny at home. samples worm *1 free. Stinson & Co., Portland, Maine. T)8VCH0MANCV, OR SOUI^ CHARMING> JL IIow oithe"- box may fascinate ami gain tlie love and afl'cclions of any person they choose, instantly. This art all can possess, * freo, by mail, for 25 cents ; together with a . Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oracle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, e!c. 1,000,000 sold. A queer f ?t)ook. Address T. WILLIAM & CO , PnV Phila. AGKNT.ST, |he greatest chance of tho age. Address, with stamp, National Copying Co., Atlant, Ga. Maryland Eye & Ear Institute , 015 N. Cii.viu.ks St it k kt, Uai.timokk. Mi>. GEORGE REUL1NO, M. J>., late I'rof. of ji^u iiihi ijjir otir^cry m iiiu iv lisniugioil University, Surgeon in charge. ( Tlio large handsome residence of .the late Charles Onrroll lias been lilted up with all ., Surgeon in Charge. KLT CAIUMJTfNasi :?) ccnlH per yard. , .!. Felt Ceiling for rooms in place of plas,ter. Felt Kootiing and Siding. For Circular aud Sample, address C. J. FAY, Camden, New Jersey. JiAl/n.MOliH J'lYFi ami IvA II Institute, No. 50 i'll an km n Sr.. HaI.timoisi:, Ml). JITLTAJJ J. Cll ISOI.M, M l? l'rof..of Kyomid V Kat* disonscs in the University <>f Maryland, Surgeon in charge. Tliis Institution is thoroughly orgiiiizod and lilted up with every oonvmienoo for the treatment of Kyo and Kar Diseases, Qiair' For further information, apply to the Above. . CONFEDERATE Dills, Ponds and Postage Stamps Wanted.? for rarest bill". Sit) Pur stnmrw Ii ! Trill piiy to send llicni immediately. Also otljcr cnrioBitles. American Stamp Co., Box *10415, New York. 4 1)ec 2 -11 4 livery and Sale Stalk. I .Parties llAsirinir In lit vn AAni?ii'1, 1875. , no-19-ly Colonists, I1'migrants and Truveloi'H Ucshvai'd. Fov map circulars, condensed lime tables onil general information in rogard lo trans* portation facilities to all points in Tennessee, Avkansas, Missouri, Minnesota, Colorado, |VU(1H Texas. In?a Nnu/ i'*-1- 1 , 1 -- ?? muii nnii ^California, apply to or address Ai.bkut 15. Whknn, General Immigrant Agent, Ollico No. Q II. I. Kimball Houu'e, Atlanta, (la. No one ahouM go Wost without first getting in communication with tho General (Kmigtr.nL Agent, nnd become informed ns to ttuperior advantages, cheap nnd quick trans> ymrtatiori of families, household goods, stock, And farming implements generally, f AH information cheerfullv triven. I wVVlMNI.BY, ? iu>3 Om G. P. & T. A. ISAAC M. BRYAN, AI'rOKNUY AT f.A W. GKJEHVILIE .ft H? S, C. Practices in. Courts of I'iokons | punty, Mid in United States OoUl'tS FITS AK1) l,riM;i?S? positively curcil. The w?rst eases, of longest standing, i?y usiupDr- Hebbard's Curea v.-.111? e 1 ? ii -ii i- ' " 4* uwtuu ouill III-AJ I U Mil IMKII J, O. (#|I| htujj, L>rtigrgl?l, 5l J Oth Ave., N. Y. I I: ?- - ? ^u4i /ans Hi pi. ~ J From ilio Soaihcrn OuUirator. A Very Important' Cluedtidn?What ane We Drifting to? " a J/ H Editor Southern Cultivator :?13oing engaged' in two occupations, my umo is so comptetoty occupied, that I liuvo always to write* in a hurry- 1 shall condense as much as possible. The negroes were set free and turn ed loose among us without any preliminary training lor freedom. We had contended that tho negro left lico to diroct ftiwl nonM-nl could not live to any advantage in a Temperate Zme, where long winters ITovnil, and subsistence must nccestsarilly bo dug out of tho earth by patient, pcretarveritlg toil, backed by judgoinent and economy. Of the truth of thffc j^ropositiob. 1 am now as fully convinced as ever. But lie is hero with ujjtyid Tree at that. Thoso who know nothing -about bam bo, may prate as much as tbey please about his excellent qualities; they aro at a oale uistanco from him and know nothing of the enhject that they prolend to discuss 60 sapiuntly; but one thing is certain?1-[ speiik most cmpliaticady?two must control tho no~ groes, or rdin us inevitable, both to i 'i'i ..loin ti11v( ii?.? jL?iu.Buuuer wc iinuer? standlhis, tho' bbttcr it will be for the well arc of our country. I do not mean by tlijs' fitaitjiiig declaration, 11 ut we should ?dopiivo tliem of a Kulitary light that legitimately belong* to tliem as -freemen; but the L;rciit law of I^iture declares in divers wave too chmHy to be misnndel'titood, that "kuowledno is nower.'' and that within thte grand circle that it swoops, a: o to.,1)o found wisdom* peace, safety artd prosperity. Thisj law also declares just us?c!early, that ignorunco enthroned, is a power for evil! lynowjedge I.things comparatively to the white race, anj must have full sway and soope, in all irrand depart1 incuts ? !' bnsinits, or else prosperity and progress will ?pvur bo moiepliantasm of tho brain?a eovotVd >al :!.t will iicv?!? bo rofidhed. Thanes groeB aro tho best laborers that wo have or (jan got; but they arc liabio to undergo great changes in tlio future, unless wo control (hem find keep tlieni in tho right channel. If left to lloat ut will, they will aig zag in every direction along the cross and complex currents ot a boundless swamp. As for white laborers, it is nonsense to talk about them where land is cheap and fanning very'nnprolitiiblo. They are only a lapted to suctions where land is scarce and rich. Furu snort liinu after tho negroes wore s-et free, they were hired mostly for wages, and working under the control and direction of tho whites, both races bid lair to prosper; but a groat change has como o'er the spirit i/l our dreams. in llie mind ot tliu injrro, a great deal ot idle time is the "sine (jua non" of happiness*. Ilecau grasp ilio present; but all the powers of his intellect combined into one mighty ('.) locus, fail to illninitiate tho dark future one inch in advance of his nose; never did and nevor will, bating a few. Since being 6et free, lie has taxed his limited intellect to i the outmost to discover some plan by which ho can give a large portion of hi? time tn't ilatter yourselves for a moment, tliat the negro raco can alarve in your midst without dragging you down in the fn 11 I Tim <-?- K . aiiv vuiuoo unit lllio UUUII J)III'" sued has furnished lho world with mure cotton than it needs, and has rftiecd tlio price of nil tho necessaries of life, plunging tho whites iuio* bankruptcy and mini And has brought the negroes to the brink of starvation. We may toil day and night to make cotton, but tho more wo make, the lower the price and tho highor are provisions: uuort this lino wo mav ; 4 - ' J work until wo become walking skeletons, and remain all tbe while misM crably poor and half starved !?while all the world outside of us, is laughing at our fully, and growing fat and saucy upon the unienr. njiated sweat that issuer from our every pore! But tbe negro ngrtin. We do not c-urtrol him ? he controls us. He idles away one third of every vear. conning Irom Christmas, to Ciirittimuj and sorry forming is equivalent to the other third, lie makes no manure and but little more than half a crop upon the .hind that ho pretends to citltivu'.c. Soon the land will bo so poor that he cannot support bin.self and pay rent?what J v.... ...:n ...u? .1... . i - t lull 111 IU1\U nit: 1 cl 11U UWllJ IVoni liim mid let it rest, or sow ii in grain. But what will becomo <>t tiio Uo will bo compelled to emigrate to Afiicaor tho Weal; or they wil go about in gangs liko prowling wolves, plundering tho Mnmitrir ntwi trill in tv !?/. I I VS-.S ?t ii ? 7 nil" nnillli: U1U H I1IIV.O I I You may call all this Sensational, or tho mere phantasm of a efensitivo 4 m brain; but consider, ii' you plo i6o, tho signs of tho times, undr the cause now in full operation, in connection with their legitimate effects. Tho soasons in this section, for ine tho last two or tlueo \cars preceding this, ? -? j ? ? wuru inmost pcriucr; yei starvation ib now at our doors! I have scon nearly all the renters in a neighborhood gathered around one small fanner, that happened to be so fortunato as to have a little money, corn and meat, ottering to gather his whole crop in one day for a little something to If 4 * Jl i i Unti I illifl 1? ni'l W Kaii I ?VV J' UVII? ????\? IV^V/VIIVI i 1? iJ^II wo seo a dozen buzzards gathorod around onu dead snake or us many crows pocking away at a stray nubbin of corn, or lienr the blackbirds chattering in tho cracks of your corn crib know ye, that starvation is not far oil ! Anil what is tlio cause of all this? Various reasons have been assigned; but tliu real causo is, the negroes have tlio agriculture of tho South pretty . much in their own hands, and the) are just ab >ut ;ib weli qualiiied to tnanago it*-as so inauy children. If wo givo them a farm upon their own i.~ i, :? ?i? ? uuii i i mi iij uuiutig Wt5 advance to tliem; il wo do that they cannot pay back, unlets wo unsettle them, and leave thorn right where wo found I hem. Many a white man has brought li fin so If to grief, on ucs count of allowing tho negro tlio pleasure of running a farm at his? w iing nmn a?uxpunsoj vainiy 8upn i poeing tlmt Sambo could support himself, pay rent and clc*t#ts, and do it all by skinning only a halt' crop out ot the land. Well, what is tho remedy? It is I to bo t'.iuml in sowing more grftin, or planting mure corn, or making less cotton? All arc generally pointed out by tlio servants of the South as constituting an effectual remedy, but thoy are not tho remedy only, thoy would be effects of a prop* er remedy applied. The true remo(] v f. till tli/11'A ! J nrv ? j -w tiivio 10 ii*/ ^vuv;i?iui uu whites to take the groat business of agriculture into their own hands; then the reins will he held strong ami 6teadv, and the''woi Id's backbone" kept in the proper position. A course ; will be pursued, adapted to secure | the permanent wnltarn r?.?a I for the present and future. It is generally admitted that tho whites must have ''political supremacy," or the country is ruined. But be not deceived; it is j st as necessary that the whites should have agricultural supremacy, to save the country from ruin. Finally, all sorry hands must he hired for wages. Renters must bo able to Kiinnni't Mipmsnlvoa* must Kr> I directed in pitching their crops and working thorn, must be compelled to make manure and keep up fences. The Iftnd they work must not bo allowed, at least, to become any poor . er. The law against vagrancy must bo rigidly enfoicod both black and whites; drones must be kicked ( lit oi the hive and put on the chain te""?} iiiiuui mi uvuititui . it'gill economy must bo the i rder of the day. Living upon the credit system must stop; it ia bad, very bad policy to allow the present to 6ceal both principle and interest from the future More grain must ho made and less cotton. liaruyard immures must receive more attention, and guano loss. The low nricc of cotton mid ii'urlt i I ------ '" price of provisions furnish an Argument lhut will convince fanners by and bv, that they have been pursuing a wrong course. The tyrant necebsity, is tho only argument Southern farmers will lis'en to. This tyrant is now marching everywhere tluongh the South; and "I disc >vcr a {jrowini; / o r? disposition in our people to pull oil" their lints and make him a how. I now hear much talk about sowing more grain, planting more corn and less cotton, and making more minure, &c , &c. Many of the whites hnVfi 51 littlli fur 111 i.f tlioir nun tl>al thiffy are (lying to make rich, but out side ot thia, they rent tlie balance of their hind to the belter skelter negro, who is fast wearing it out! I asm in aek the question, if this coureo is pursued much longer, what will become of Sambo? I am not his enemy, but a bettor friend to him than he is practically to himself, lie must bo compelled in some way to improve tho laud lie tills; or else after awhile wo shall be compelled to ship him or do worse. When ilio black man t-ha! 1 have worn out the laud allotted to him, he will not he allowed to fall back up? n the white man's lew "bales acres," that ho lias nursed as careful' ly as his own children. hot a wise courso be pursued in ,j..~ ?: 1 - uuu uuiir, u iu soon our country will resemble a gardon; provisions will bo cheap and cotton briny a remunerative price; our wives will bo nappy and our children merry; Sam bo will again look sleek and oily, and will whistle and sing, as ho was woitt to do, iu Ihc good old days ol yore; but in order to reach thi* Imn, py a'ute, tho whito man must hold tho reins, both political and agi {cultural?and not tlio negro. J Afl. II. 01,1 PI IA NT. Btellavillc, Ga., Sept. 1875. Tho Jackson Tiinos, tho leading Republican organ in Mississippi, says:?From tho charactor of thoso who liavo controlled tlio caucuses nf tho party, and thonco tho leadership and policy and destiny of tho Llcpnbli^ organization, defeat was only a quests ion of time. It has como at last, and though by moans wo do not approve, yet it has ovortakon us, and tho party is ;kt tho bottom of the hill. Political Precedents?A WarningSonic of our contcmpoi ivies seem to think that tho Democrats will certainly olcct the next President, bo1* cnuee they elccted a largo majority of the House of .Representatives last full. They tell us that from the clays of John Q miey Adams down to the present timo tlio party which has carried the House in the middle of a 'Presidential term has always been | successful in the ensuing Presidential] contest. The facts on t It is subject are no doubt curious and suggestive, but they will not quite warrant such a sweeping conclusion. Tho House which inei in ueccmber, ISiJO, contained a larger number of Democrats tlmn Whi^s; but becauso of a feud in the Democratic party (lie W hi .... * ? i?iv>o liiV t \J UJUIl cept ions. Other political'precedents or maxims which at 0110 time or another have seemed too strong to yield to any amount of pressure, have finally broken down. It was for many years treated as an axiom that as Pefinsyl vai.ui went at tlic Octobcr elections, so New York would go in the follow iu<: November, lint in the convulsions of1S5G this axiom, on which aspirants to oflice, anil those who slaked money on elections had so long relied, was exploded; lor while Pennsylvania .'as then carried for the Democrats by a decisive majority in October, New York went over whelmi; g for tho Republicans in November. Another time honored precedent shared a similar late in t e famous ] olitlcal conflicts of 185G. It had long been regarded aa a lirms ly Lrronnded truth, that if cither two. ?.if the great States of New York, Pennsylvania, and Ohio cast thoir electoral votes for the same candidate for President, but he was sure to be eh sen. lint in that year New York and Ohio voted for Fremont by heavy majorities, yet Buchanan was elected nevertheless. We illicit cito two or three other general rules ot this character upon which poliiicians have been wont to rely, but which have finally enconu" tereil except ions and then ceased to bo trusted; but thoso who have reterroil to will snttieo to warn the Democrats that they cannot safely count upon success in next year's election, merely because a largo body of die* gtisted Republicans in all parts ot ihe coun'iy stayed away fiom the polls last fall, and thus enabled the Democrats to olect a handsome ma^ jority of tlio House of Representatives. So tar a* the llouso is concornedv tlie result of the Presidential campaign will depend tar more upon how the Democratic majority act during the coming session, than upon the fact that they obtained that majority in iho elections of the past year. Indeed, should the Democrats in the House iail to meet the 1'uwiiu on me euojectoi reform, tlio pcoplo will bo likely to seize tlio opportunity of tlio approaching national contests to set aside in a very marked manner a precedent which lias heretofore exerted a irood deal of influence noon %J I party lcu'ioiB.?N. Y. Sun. ladies of Chicago liavo boon poisoned by wearing tho striped or zebra stockings. Tho arson io used in the coloring did i!. Sincerity.?Givo us sincere friendship or none. This hollow glitter of smiles and words compliments that mean nothing? protestations ol aftoc utm us bouu as 1110 iroin irom chain pagne?invitations that are pretty eentenccs, uttered bccauso such things aro customary arc all worthless. Thoro is no ncod ol them. It is proper to bo civil and courteous to the most in?* different .Uran/jerj but why assume iriendship's outward show when no iculity underlies it? When one foeh friendship, tlio object of that senti inont cannot huIter, and leave our hearts untroubled?cannot bo slandered leaving us unharmed. Paro ned.?Tho Governor has par cloned Charles Sims, convicted of burglary and larceny at iho Octobcr, lS7.r), term of tho Court of Sessions for Union County and scntoncod to six month in the penitentiary. Tho Solicitor and J udgc recommend tho pardon, and slate that the evidenco did not warrant a conviction. ? Zoroaster says: "When you doubt, abstain." lloylo says: "Trump und take the trick One of tlic sons of Qucon Victoria luis placed himself at the head of tho tompcrance movement in England. Tho Columbia Union-Herald, tho Republican organ in this State, admits j that the last election in this State for members of Congress was illegal, beccauso of the want ol "contiguity" of tlio counties composing the Third District. Hon. Kcrnando Wood declines tlio furthoi' use of his name as a candidate for tlio speakership ol the next House of Representatives, lie says ho is not > a canidadalc and will not.he a party to tho contest now going on lor thai officio ? - A three year old boy asked his mother to let him have his building bricks to play with, but she told her darling that it was Sunday, and therefore not proper for him to have tvim 1/111, mam iililj tiillU I HO hopeful, "I'll build a church." lie got the bricks. A little boy carrying 6omo egga home from the shop dropped them. "Did you break any?" asked hh 1? 1 ? * II 1 " lui/iuvi, ? nuii nc ioiu ner oi it. ".No" said the little follow, "but the aliells came off some of 'em." ... + 4^ -? J. A. Tolly, of Anderson, killed an eagle recently. The VOUIIAT men a niwl a -- Cukesbury speak of forming a rillo club. Nino prisoners were recently placed in the penitentiary from Mnrion county. "Jim," inquired a schoolboy of one of his matos "what is tho meaning of VollooV'' (I I 1 * 1 J/UI1 i, yull KIIOW 1110 mastor licked mo in school yoaterday?" "Yes." "Well, lie wasn't satisfied with that, but kept mo alter'school and licked mo again. That is what I call relick." ? - ~ - ? Capt. Snnford and Prof. Thomas Archer, of London, havo boon ap pointed on 1th instant as cxocutivo commissioners to the Philadelphia Centennial exposition. Tho Prince of Wales has an incomo !iiir>ii!illu a!' ci 1 'i nrtrt J "* * *V,WV. Mr. Kerr, candidate lor tlio Speaks endup, 1 or hard money. Hard money is vory good, if a man can get enough of it. An Irish tablecloth peddler, named Dronnan, was found dead in Anders Hon countv recentlr V " Mr. 10. O. McCulIough lias been appointed agont of llio Southern jnoss Company at Uroonvillo. Attempts Imve boon made to throw tlio ears off the track near CJroonwood. Tho Now ICra adviaou lynch law.