A jr Tie PiAw^iliiiil. D. F. BEAI^C Editor and Prosrittor. or Subscription. Ono $1 60 Six jpnths 76 jr ^avertiBfiiK ltaten. ^/Advertisements inserted at the ratoof $1 00 Vper of (9) nine lines,.on less, for the / first insertion, and 60 cents for each subsequent ifts ?- - x nuii omul uu ciuutuuui-'u tu lurra 111 tho Penitentiary." Wo would liko to know under what law tho learned Judgo expects to cons vict thom for receiving cotton aftor night from tho 1:-vvfui owner. Prftrtftfti/Mia Hon. Fathor, (to 4 yoar old son,) my eon you haven't wn?hcd your faco. Son:?Yes, sir I huvo. Fathor:?Well, it don't look much iiko it. Son:?I washed, hut it rubbod out. a Tho Board of County Commissionni?fl woi'n ill DnontAn ^^ ^ v.w vi v ovooiuu x ituounjr iiUU Wednesday of this week, auditing claims and finishing up their work for tl?e past liscal year. Their exponditares have exceeded the three ?y*? |]o fn v n Kn 11 f f lirnn ,1, .11 .... ..w VMA wuvit* trtii wv :: :x ri'ji eu uuimi ?. If tliorc had been three terms of court during the year, instead of one, the dificit would liavo been near tw^thoueand dollars. The ordinary and necessary expensesjiMlie County can hardly bo delved on a three mills tax^witlT only ono court a year. We have advocated only one term ol court ft year for thia Count}', on ti.e grounds of economy, and are glad to know tho tax payers are unanimously with us. The Legislature meets on Tuesday the 23d, Inst. Dead?Wo regret to learn that Porry Elford Mullinix, a young man, raisod in this County, died recently at Newport, Arkansas. ? ^... ...u- i 1? j.i u?y L i^ua, WI1U WJIB KilUUKUU in tllO head with an ?x in Greenvillo somo timo ago, by a man by tlio namo of Sullivan, ib dead. Chatlio Kobh' whoroaboiitH in at last thought to bo ascortaiuod. A man by tlio namo of NoIbo Booth has confosfiod, through a corrcspondcnco ...lil. ? M .. 11-1 il -i :-*-J nun ?? iui. jjimur, UIUb HHB1SICU 111 inO abduction, that a Gipnoy by tho namo of Sam Hurbort, now in England, has tho boy, and Ilakor has gono in soarch of him. *4^* The Barnwell County Tax Union mot on saloday in November, Bays tbo Coulum' ia Register. At this meeting delegates to tho Stato Union, to moot during tho samo month, are to bo elected. Wo should liko to seo this body rovivod. Aro othor countion moving in tho mattor? Tho Tax Union can do much if it will tako hold 11.:~? :~ ~ " ' i/i bijingo 111 uiiruuai/. j)Ut UfllCPS It does that, it Imd bettor not moot at all. . ?? Mr. Lano, Democrat, has boon clocted to Congress from Oregon by a ma jority of 1,200 votos. The Republicans lmvo enrrio I tho Territory of Colorado. 4^ Tt snowed nt Dos Moinos, Iosvn, on tho 30th ult. * upixc meeting. Novkmbku 1st, 1875. An informal meeting of thooitizonB of Piekons County waB hold in tho Court Ilouno tins day, for tho purposo of taking into consideration tho oxpodicncy of lovying a tax sufliciont to pay off tho past indobtodnoss of mo uouniy. n motion, Ueoso lioivon was oalled to tho Chair, and G. \V. j Field requcstod to adt as Soorotary. ' Col. C. L. Ilollingsworth read tho following report of tho County Commissioners, viz: REPORT. County Commissionkh'h Office. Piekons C. II., Nov. 1st. 1875. 7b the Taxpayers of Pickens County: As your servants, wo bjsg Ictivo most rospoctlully to report, that in tho porformanco of our duty as County Commissioners, wo hatfo registered, carefully examined and approved tho pnst indebtedness of,tho County to bo as follows, viz: Pnst indobtedneaa of 1873, $3,302.22 Past indobtodncsH of 1874, 4,137.00 Past indoptednoss of 1873 and 1874,on witness pny certificates, . . . 401,05 Claims more than 3 mills of 1875, . . . 293.59 Balanco duo on Poor Houso farm to Nov. 1st, 1875, 1,584.55 Total indobtodnoss, $9,778.43 Tho assessment for 1875 is ?1,475,050 c?: i - t -1mi i oix uiiu ono-nnii mniH will givo 89,987.80; 8209.43 moro than is sufficient to pay tho past indebtedness of tho County. In order to pay this debt of 89,77843, it is necessary, that the' Legislature should pass an act providing for a special lovy, to meet tho fiamo. And in ordor to have this spocial act pass cu, it ispresumable that tho Ijegisla turo would net upon tho recommendation ot your County Commissioners, togothor with tho co-operation of your Senator and Representative. Wo dosiro to sorvo yon acceptably; and according to your will and in-, torost. Wo thorcforo would respectfully ask that you indicalo to us in hoiuo tangible form what you would have us to do in tho nr??iniso<* _ ? I ?? .Respectfully submitted, John T. Gosbbtt, KoffltRT CuAIG, CJidkon M. Lynch, County Commissioners. C. L. hoixinosworth, c.n.c.c. On motion, tho report was ruuoived ns information. On motion, Saturday, tho_13th trint. was nppointod /or aitnnss mooting of JjlT tax-payors of the County, to take into consideration tho report of tho County Commissioners, and indicate to them what action wo dssiro them to take in tho premises. On motion, tho Pickens Sentieei. was requested to publish tho proceedings of this mooting. n.> ? v.> IIIV/KIVII, IIIVVUII^ tiVJWUIllUU to Saturday tlio 13th instant, at 12 o'clock M. REESE BOWEN, Chairman, W. G. Field, Sccr'y. ? Tiik Aik Link Muddijc.?Mr. T. S. Gamer lias recently iilod in Fulton Superior Con it a disclaimer to any right, title or interest in the Air Line Railroad property, which will result in substituting Mr. John II. Fisher, the Jteceiver appointed by the Dis irict Court of thu United States, in place of Col. L. P. Grant, who at present holds the place l>y virtue or an appointment by the Superior Court of Fulton county Ga. This only effects so much of tho property as lies in Georgia, as all the rest is alroady in the possession of the Federal Courts.?Gainesville Eagle. Tho new volton factory in Green 11 ~ 1 I...! ..L i - - 1 vino luuKD urignu mm oniuaiit, with itsimrnonso tin roof that has just been put on, mid tower adds much to its appoaranco. An addition is being put up in tlio roar. A Stato excliango is responsible /or the story that a person residing near Midway, in Barnwell county, a few rl n na nr*A l>- ' 11 />/! /.w-1. >.? fl. ma/v ' ^ ?1 udjo niiiiu uif^uiv iiiicu ULMIItiU snakes, tlio largest being fivo foot tlirco inches in length and tho smallost moasuring nino inches. It is said that tho now stylo of pantaloons to bo worn this fall wil bo largo enough to j>in bock?men's nnntfihmns. of nonrno. tliia mnono 1 Make no mistnko on ii quiot, meek looking man. Ho may ho cormindcring how hftrd ft blow it will tftko to knock you down. Executive AddressExecutive Chamber, Columbia, S. C., Oct. 25, 1875. To tlio pooplo ot South Carolina. On the 4th day of July noxt, tho first contury of our national lifo will bo compiotcd, and llio ovont will bo marked by a contonnial colobration and exhibition in tbo city of Philadelphia. It ia now cloar that tho occa* sion will bo obaorvod in a manner commoneurato with its significance to this nation and to tho world. If among tho many communities com* prising our nation thoro aro any which have stronger roasons than othors for patriotic intorest in that occasion, they aro tho original "ThirItnnn" Rintno ,..l.!r.K il- -I ?wV.? mvi?fcvo M uiVII JVIIIUU III tllU UU? duration of indopondonco. South Carolina was not bohind tho foromost in tho groat ovonts of 177G. Ilor right and duty to join in our nation's contonnial colubration cannot bo di>putod, Up to tho present timo, almost nothing has bocn dono in this Stato towards discharging tho duties which this ovent imposes. Tho causes of it!- J.I 1 * ? * inio uuiay iiuou noi oo CII8CU880U. No causes aro sufficient longer to oxcuso South Carolina from this duty. Tho Central Centonnial Commission at Philadelphia havo invited tho several Stales to appoint such boards or committees as they may judge no^ cossary for tho promotion ot llio object of Lho contonnial colobration in tneir rospcctivo Slntcs. In compliance with this invitation, I havo this day appointed tho following citizens of this Stato as a Stulo Board of Centennial Commissioners, to hnvo in chargo tho perfecting of such arrangemonts as they may adopt for promoting and Kocuritiglho propor repreeonn 1: ? 1 i.iMun ui uuiiiii v/iuuiiiiu{ nur rubuurc? os, history and industries, at the colcbration on July 4th, 187G: Col. W. L. Trcnholm, of Charleston; Capt. Jacob Small, of Charloslon; lion John 11. Cochran, of Anderson; Col. D. Wyatt Aiken, of Abbevillo; (JoI. Thos. Taylor, of Columbia; Hon. lieuben Tomlinson, of Charleston; Col. C. W. Dudley, of Bonnottsville; Prof. F. iS. Holmes, of Charleston; Hon. i). Ji. iJimcnri, 01 spartan utirg. This board will liavo full power to malco such organization of tho Stato as thoy may doom most efl'uctivo. 1 roBpcctfully suggest that a tnobting of tho board bo held at tho oarliost practicablo day, with a-Y+ow to arrango for such loxJtvl, county and city organizations as niav bo ndvisjildo.: iinf! to I J ? ? / this end I have requested Prof. F. 8. Holmes, of Charloaton to communicate with tho other members of tho corns mission, and to fix a timo and place for such mooting. Time prosaoa, and tho field should at onco bo survoyod and tho plana porfoctod, in order that the General Aasombly may be memorializod lor such nid as may bo ncoJ on. I most carnoslly involto tho cordial co-operation of all tho pooplo of I ho Stato in tho groat work of scouring for South Carolina an honorablo rcprosontation on tho occasion which will commomorato tho complotion of tho first ccntury of our national life. J). II. ClIAMBKliLAlN, MUVl/l II Ul, Communications CiKKKNVIM.U, S. C.} Oct. 20, 1875. Dear Sentinel: You will pardon ino for not making a minuto reportof the prococdings of tlio rcccnt Fair at IIiih placo. During tho Fair 1 could not givo that attention tlmt I desired, 1 other duties claiming my attention,and 1 of course, you liavo seen very full roporta through our dailios. . I am fond of tho Greenvillo Fair for many reasons. It bring# beforo tho whole people a show of most of the , productions and business of this see-, tion, and thereby encourages to greatj or strides in industry, in tho arts and | sciences. Tho attendanco oach day j was largo, and every body seemed ' pleased. I tako it therefore, that tho Fair has been aauccoas?financially it certainly haw boon, and you know "money malcea tho mare go." Every thing wont well but tho racoa, and it aeemed hard to get a Htart, thcro being only a fow "scrub" trials. Moat ] of tho money lost wuh on "tho vliocl of fortune"?they, mostly misfortiinos. Tho most interesting thing I saw, was Til K BABY SHOW, which took plneo on Friday. Every U?,l.. ..I.~ 1 - uuuj ouwnuu, UI' willllOU lO 8i10w Lll0 j pretty littlo oreaturos. Myself and , an old-chap-friondiof-mino, agreed to ' I pick cacli n baby?(foinalo,) and hoc ' which, if oithor, would got tho p?'0? iniiim.* Tho show was had before a committoo of most intolligont matrons, and if ovor a committeo madoajust and faithful award it was thov. My bahy, littlo Minnio Shubrick Ilayno, daughtor of Mrs. Mittio and Mr. Paul B. Ilayno, and giand daughter of our Br. Irvin of this city, rocoivod tho beautiful "baby carriage." Littlo Minnio is a swcot cbild(_ajxtUfi?ds not only ft Iftrgcr placo in tho honrts of paronts to ontiro and comploto fullness, but in that of all who ?co hor. May she livo long to delight tho f world in which sho may mo;o, us sho did at tho Fair. And God being with them, may hop noblo young parents roar hop in tho ways ol truth and lovo, and lead hor in tho paths of rightoousnoss, that they may novcr ccaso glorying. In tho ovening it was nico to sco bttlo Mim.in ,.,.11,..! I .1-- t? iuiivu luuim iiiu ring uy nor lather, followed by tlio father of the ' boy" who got tho other "baby ear* riago," Willie Lark, who is only five months old, and woighs 271 pounds. t _1 _ - ? i uo not, Know his parents names. Tliey aro young, howovor, and L hopo they may ever bo blessed in their fino boy, and thus assist in roaring the stiong arm of our noblo old South Carolina, and that little Willio may graco what over calling ho may as" sumo, as well a.* ho did his handsomo carriage. Willie's mother need not now bo broko down with his groat weight, but can whirl him about I 11 wnuii Jinu wncvo 8iio pleases. Mr. Lnrlc did not look at all awkward rolling his boy. I liko to sco men handy and ready lor any omcrgoncy, liko Lark?ready to soar aloft and admire the heaven^' orbs and the (Jod who made them, or to dart down and destroy tho birds and bugs of sin. As I do not want to bo prolix, 1 will say ll,r>? :? K.v I ' - viuib iu huurn uu iur mu 10 mrin* er particularize, than to 8113*, that tho ladies wcic the fairest of tho Fair. Hut what is tlio matter with Pickens? Have yon nothing up there worth showing? No babiois? no ladios ?no stock? .No handy work? I did not sco any of your people, except your Senator, lion. It. K. Bowen, and a few others. (Jomo, you aro our neighbors, and should tako moro inIni'Aul. tit no. w. vuw mi no ?iK'j uui lii UHj DDL in yourselves. Both our habies wore from the country. You should havo had ut least a hundred babies ou ex^ hibilion. Well, I declare, you must do belter next time. Edward F. Stokes spoko last night in Clyde's llall to a very good audtenco, who frequently applauded him during a vory interesting speech 011 "tho political situation," It was a very chaste and sensible speech, and I wish I had Limo to Bay more of it, as I took notes to do 8o, but cannot now. IIo has not Bpokon lor two years 'till to night. (ieo. K. I'ilford, Ksq. diod, at his rosidonoe in this city, this morning, shortly after midnight. A good man has gone. The citrons, and parties larly his family, and the ehihlmn nf his own Sunday School, and all eliils dron will mourn tlio Ions of this faithful servant. Your friond, Jim Yerker. Mr.JMltnr: ? l'lcnso stat^ that a Baptist church will ho constituted, at tho J. C. I'arrott school house, noar Woodall Moutain, on Suturday boforo tho socond Sabbath in Decoinbor noxt. Tho following churchos, with thoir Eldorships especially, nro rcspoctfully rcquosU-d to attend, viz: Six Mile, Praihors Creek; Secona, Mountain (f I'OVfi. TTnll V Snvirw* A ntiftnli ?? ~.l _7 j ^mviwii auu Shady Grovo. Elders, W. JJ. and G. W. Singleton aro specially invited nlso. Easley Cotton Market, ? November 2, 1875 No. bales weighed for the week, ending Oct* ?0th, 20'2. Prices?good grades, 11 J? 12c. No. bales shipped for the month of Oct. G26t tllos. w. iius8ei.l. Pickons Pricos Current. oonnucTKii wkkki.y iiy w. t. h>all. Cotton per pound, packed, 12c Cotton per pound, seed, 4o Uacon per pound, 18o Lard per pound, i!Oo fork per pound, 10c Corn per bushel. Cfio Wheat per bushel, ?l.r>0 h'lour per barrel, $8@10 Apples, Dried, per bushel, 1.00 Apples, Green, per bushol, 1 00 I'eas per bushel, " 80c Ibitter per pound, 16@20o Ueef per pound, f>(W)Gc [leeswnx, por pound, 2oc Tallow, per pound, lOo Chiokons, per head, lf>e Hides, Dried per ponud, 160 limes, urcen, porpound, (jc Kgg*, per Do/on, l0o finders, per bushel, $1.60 Sliest nuts, per bushel, . 2^00 Peat hers, per pound, /jo0 Wool, per pound, ,jq0 4 ' % NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A ~ Member ?f our firm lias just returned from New York whero he purchased the largest stock of Qcneral Merchandise ever brought to this Market. A Live Elephant Loose on the streets would not create tho citemcnt and wonder, that our prices do. Best prints nt only ten ecnte, and other goods nt proportionate price*. Polite elirkl always in attendance, and ready to plee* our goods On Exhibition. Satisfaction guaranteed or no sales. Large Stock of Groceries, Coffee, Sugar. Molasses, {Mmnon nto ~ At Bottom Figures. Hats and Caps, Boot* and Shoes of evety grndo and prices. Io fa?t, anything needed by tho farmer can bo had at Hudgins & Bolt's. Remember tlmt this stand is in theMaaoaio Hull Building, fronting tho Hotel, just below ll.n Tl.ir.^1 Easley Station. Ensloy Station, Octobcr 0, 1876. 6lf fall i vra n AT r A CT CP A rrrnw 0 A JL ojiajiivfli 19* V? I WOULD RESPECTFULLY call tho attention of my friends and the public generally, to the large and well selected Stock of Goods I have now in store. My Block consists of J) R y. FA NO Y k 7) ft K.W a MIT) ST HATS AND CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HA RD WA RE, GROCERIES, AC. All bought in person for this ninrkct, f?t prices Hint can not bo cut under. Tito Iftlr,na will nnisofi ? * a..v uiiu>vo 11111 mm mjr and FANCV GOODS, especially suited to their wants, nnd Gentlemen in need of CLOTHINO of tlio luteal styles will save money by inspecting my stock. liy strict nttcntion to business, and with fairness to all, I liope to continue to r???iv* the fuTors of tho past. M. W. FOKD. Persons who nro duo the firm of FORD A. MAUI,I)1N on account, will please settle n*me 1st of November, n? the business of the olil firm must be closed. M. W. FORD. Oct M 7 If Notice. ALL persons indebted to the Estate of the late J. M. McFALL, dccense.l, eithsr by Note or Account, will please come forward at once nnd settle same, in order that the business may go on successfully. W. T. McFALL, Adm'r. Oct 28, 1876 9 If Notice. PERSONS Indebted to the nnbacriber mnsl coino find make .S'cltleinctU. My Hook# must be closed. I inuBt Iinte money to pny my debts. F. A. MILES. Oct 28, 1875 9 8 STATE OF SOUTII CAROLINA. COUNTY OF PICKENS. In tho Probate Court. Mary A O'Dell, Administratrix, and J Perry Eooper, Administrator. Plaintifl'a. V8 Margaret M Loopcr, James A O'Dell, Fr? COUNSKI-LOn AT LAW, GREENVILLE, S. C. | JmclicoH in the Circuit ourt and Court i roome ior rickriiy ounly. Mny IB -12 fm