THE PICKENS SENTINEL?" * $(?.} <' DEVOTED TO fOLlTICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST O* * , ' = ?' ~ 1 ~ ' . " 'I/ ?' "lO I ^QL- v- PICKENS, St C~ THURSDAY. OCTO^R ^7^7 " "" " 71t? Term of Office of the Circuit Judges ?An Important QuestionThe decision of the 8uf romo Court of this State in the oftao of Wright vb. Uharlos (4th volume of Richardson's Reports, page 178) haB an important bearing it seems to us, upon tho oloc-. tion of Circuit Judges, in establishing tfce principle that whero a tern of ofBoe is fixed by tho constitution a person elected to such oftlco, whothor tafil a vaoancy or not, must hold offico for tho full term. Under this decision (if it bo applicable to circuit judges) the torm of Jutlgo Carpenter (eloctod Dooembor 13, 1872) docs not expire until Decombor, 1876; tlmt of ^ Judgo Cooko (oloctcd January 14, 1872) until January, 1877; that of ouago xicou, joiocmju uccemDcr, jloyij until Docembor, 1878; and that of JudgoShftW (olectcd January, 1875) until January, 1870. Tho Judgos b namod woro clcctcd to fill vacancies caused by doatb or resignation of office, and wero olectcd for the unex-? Dirod terms of those whom thov sue m * ceeded; but, as wo understand it, tho dpoision in Wright vs. Charles givea them, nevertheless, tho right to hold office for tho full torm of four years, fixed by the constitution. In Juno, 1868,a man, namod Moss, w^selocted Clerk of tho Court in Darlington county, but failod to qulify. An election was hold on May 25th, 1869, to fill tho vacancy, and Win. E. Mto ! ] na ttrn a a1 aa! a/I A * I !?/* VIIRIIVO nno ViVUbVU* iVV HIU ^UIIUIUI olcction in Octobcr, 1872, Jonathan Wright wan olcctod to tho oflloc, and on Nov., 29 was commissioned by tho Governor. Wright qualified on November 28, and dcmandod possession of tho oftico, which was refusod, and i..< ii - viivj i^uuanuu uuiuiu tiiO uuilll WHH wholher Chorion should have surrendered poasosson. Tho State Constitution provides (Articlo 4, Section 27) for the oleciion in encU county of 0110 Clerk of tho Court of Common Picas, "who shall hold liia offico for tho torm of lour year*." And in tho cneo of Circuit Judgos tho constitutional provision (Articlo 4, Section 13) is tliat "for each Circuit a Judge shall bo oleotod by joint ballot of tho Genoral Aesombly, who siiaii hold his offlco for a torm of four vcars." Wo aliall ?eo that tho dccibion in Wright vb. Charlos covcrs tho case of a Circuit Judgo as fully as that of tho Clork of Court " Tho Supremo Court ?ay: "Tho torm of office being fixod by tho constitution. ih? hnlHinor !t. h? ?la/>>iAn , t J b "J ,.VVV.V.. is entitled to all tho rights, powors and inoidenta which belong or pertain to it, and, by whatcourso of reasoning the duration of tho term is not to bo included among thom,it is difficult to porooive. Tho porson elected to fill a Vacancy docs not succood to tho un^ expired portion of tho torm of his J predecessor, but holds by a determine ato tenure proscribed by tho constU tulion. Tho vacancy exists in tho oflico, tho torm is tho duration of it, not dopondont on tho death or resignation of tho person holding it, but on tho law. No mattor how tho of-, fioe becomes vacant, tho party olcctod to succood to It is not in as tho moro locum tenons, only supplying tho term of tho porson who Inst succood him. If tho logislaturo had, by express oiu nctmont, doclared that ono olocted to fill tho unexpired term of tho ofllco of clerk, mado vacant by doath, should uuij uviu i\ii muu jjunoUj suon provision would bo inoporative and void, for, its was said by Mr. Jastico Wright in the opinion of tho court in Regis* tor vs. Hemphill, 2 S. C., 335, whoro tho organic law fixes tho torm of of fico, it is not in tho powor of tho Legislature, by an aot, to chango thut torm" * * * "Tho question is not as to tho modo oi filling tlio vas calnoy, but tho tonuro by which tho prtfty olootod shall hold tho office."? * * ?* wuv KMtmjf . JL nuy UI'U pioneers in loarned exploration ; tlicy aro foremost in geographical and bistorieal discovery j thoy aro the teachers of social scienco. Thoy aro no longer satisfied with dissominaling the knowlodge laboriously colloctcd by savans' by travelers, by oxperimotors in natural phylosophy; thoy must j pursue thoir own investigations, and [ sond thoir agents into all tho luiW-nx | plorod fields ofncionco and adventuro. I Tho reporter of to day is tho advonturcr who ponotratos tho doscrt and tho junglo ; tho scholar who soarchos for rolics of tho forgotton past; the courior who boars tho news of victory to courts and congrosscs across tho irildornoss and through hostile armios j tho detective who prios into public ^1 * J! nuunuH, hiiu uinuuverB niuuon wrongs; the pioneer who throws now countries opon to tho world ; the philanthropist who unbars tho doors oi tho torturo chambor ; tho chomist who detects tho adultoration in tho spico box; tho inspector who Boizes t'also wolghts and measures; tho auditor who oxposos a public theft in the treasurv. .Tnni-mil ism busioa itsoH now with everything that affects tho public woifaro. It tronehoB upon tho province once Ba. creel to tho Bcholar, and BupplioB tho defects of an inefficient government. Year by yoar its ambition boootaes larger, it proposes more bo nificent, and its means moro abundant; and we can hardly doubt that it is dostin ed In a vory short timo to bo the foremost of all thoseoulnr ]profeB8ion?, tho most powortul in its operations, the most brilliant in its rowimln, and the raost uBoiul to mankind.?Proof SheetA 44 Johnny Reb," in Pennyslvania. A few days ago a group of old confederates were sitting on one of the galleries of a favorite lake shore watering place spinning yarns ot personal advent tiro during the "revo lotion." After several hud been spun out it caino the turn of a unite do- I X mure gentleman, who had served with one ot Lovisuitia's bost regiments in Lee's army, and with that army had been in l'ennyslvatiia. He said : "You sec, wo crossed the Potomac, and thought we should have a nice time helping onrselves to buttermilk, chickens, and such things that had played ou t completely in Virginia; but tlio ver y first thing after crossing^ the adjutant of our regiment read to us General Lee's order against "prowling," and threatened severe punishment to any ofticor or pi irato caught dopredating upon tho people. Wo thought it waa rather hard on tho American citizens, but , we said old Maasa Robert knows beat and if l.e says "pay aa you go," why, we will do it?in confederate money. It was near Greencastle when 1 and two comrades of my mesa straggled and brought up at a neat farm house, where there w?a every evidonce of plenty in the eating lino. We were met at tho door by a very matronly | lady, as neat as possiblo. "Ah V we j said to ourselves, "svo are in luck ; now fjr a square meal." Wo doffed | our gray kepis and entered thohouso and piled our rifles in a corner. 4Madam," I said, "wo aro, aa von It know Confederato soldiers, and consequently hungry ; can you got us up a littlo old fashioned meal?sometiling that will remind us ot homo as it wero, Homo Sweet Home, where you probably wished all .were just al this time!" The lady declared that there was not a scrap in the house ; ?I1 J I nu iuiu uuuu huht away upon near- j ing that tho rebels wore coming to rob, burn and steal. Wo remonstrated, wo said, why, Madam, wo cama hero to fight like men, not to moles1 woiuon and steal their bread. That's what old Robert says, and wo stick to it. Wo aro going to pay for everything we get. Evon this announ cumeni mat we uaci returned to specie payment would not move her? tliero was "nothing in the house, ab,olutely nothing." My comrade, Wilson, a father of a family down in Rapides, had dovotcd himself as soon as ho had entered tho llOUSO. to nlavinnr with n littln lmliv in j o ? """"V tlio cradlo. llo now arose and said iu the politest manner pcssib!o. "Have you any sfdt i" This was evidently regarded as a queer question and she replied, "Oil, yes ! I have salt; but what under tho sun do you want with salt, having nothing to oat?" "Oh, well," said Wilson, tlio. K!lH " ttnrJ a tjiilf D , .. V/. Q...I was at onco produceo. Wilson very demurely carried the bag to tlio era die, turned down the infantile bed clothing and procoodod to rub, right then and there, that baby all over its back and all. Moanwhilo the matron standing with eves widooncn watch ed the operations closely. Finally alio oxclaimod: "Goodness Hakes, what are yon doing with tho baby ?" "Oh," Bays Wilson, quietly "you havo nothing in tho houso to oat; wo aro hungry ; wo came from a long way just to see you ; we must cat. and when this baby is salted sufficiently we aro going to oat him." It is needless to add that in a remarkably short space of time that baby was ransomed by aa line a dinnor being I corunrl ao 1. - 1 fci uv. n.u ii'mrus ui a Pennyalvariift farm house." Organization1. The Press of tho Stato is agitating the question of an organization of tho Conservative party, and it is right that so grave and important a matter should have propor consideration. Tl. _ _ 1 J t % alio oki uucb should be blotted out and the old time leaders asked to retire. We do not propose any plan and fhirilt honestly that tho fewer the ( phVns the better, but wo do think that ft now Coil 1*^0 with new leaders fchoiild be insisted on by such ot the Press who show ft disposition to ilis rect opinion. Old things should bo done iiwiiy with, prejudices laid aside or buried is the better term, and all tl.e best elements brought together to light against tho eorrnntinn wl?I/*li riots so rankly over the State. Tho fight should bo made squarely against rascality, il anything is expected to eoino of it. Thero can be no objec~ tion to organizing, provided it be dour with pio'lnt" ?" ' ... ...... niauvill (tlltl U 13V;i Ul H'll. There is enough of good material in tho Republican party, which, if it can ho secured to help in the good cause of purging the State, to in3ure a vies tor}'. Let the proper effort bo made to attach that element to tho Conscruotitrn TT 11 (uki* u oiuv;.?nowuun y Liuruiu. ? Somk Boston Theatre Goeks ASTONISHED.?At tllO 111118011111 last llight, just as the orchestra wcro taking their scats, a mail apparently about forty years of ago, well dressed, and of intelligent appearance, arose in centro ot the balcony and said in a dear voice. Liiiuiea ana uenuouiou; Uelorc tiic I entertainment cotnmcncca this ovens ing, 1 should like to tell you all tliat unlt'38 you change your way of living and follow in the footsteps of Jesus Christ, instead of wasting your lives in theatres, you will all certainly go to hell. The audience was at first so as* toniehed that thero was a momentary silence, which was followed by ming* I _ 1 i i % 1 ' icu appiausoanu meses, ami ino man was put out by tho ushers without a show of resistanco and apparantly any desire to stay, lie then went directly to tho Boston Theatre, and tho curtain had just risen who'i he arose again in tho centre of the balcony and Bftid: Ladies and Gentlemen: I am sent hereto interrupt this performance by the Iiord Jesus Cln ist. I warn yon of your dangor. Again he was ushered out, and this tiino was taken to tho police station. lie gave tho name of Andrew Leslie, formerly of St. Louis, Missouri, and lately a member of (he divinity school at Cambridge. As i.~ 1 i?i?:? 1~~ .. iiu ouuiucu iu uu liiuui nij.; iiiiuui a temporary insanity, Dr. Fojs was gumnionccl, and decided that the temporary illness was caused l>y over work.?Boston Advertiser. A returned Enoch Ardon was tear* ing around and lading at a christain community"that woidd allow a woman to starve nearly to death in tho ahunnnn nf lint* litiohond 1 imi i K id lie left her in tlio days of hoop-skirts looking like thisO, anil on l?is return found |hor pinned back and looking liko this I. Tlio impression that kIio had starved was natural. -? Thus far tbo indications arc that thoro will bo a largely increase registration in Mississippi, the Democrats gaining notably?so notably, indeed, that with the accessions of strength from tlio respectable colored men which aroeverywhere reported, their proRpectsot redeeming the States are most excellent. Two sons ot tho Emerald Islo paid a visit to Foirmount Park, l'hiludol luuvutij . i nuy viwiiou uio wiiiur works. Looking on with amusement at tho great turbine wheels while in motion, ono exclaimed to tho othor; "Faith, Pat, tho Amoricnns must bo square pooplo; they must have thoir Wftther ground before thoy can drink it!" p..p?a-j-^ Dtf. Pieroe ota . - DltMsi >M#p Tho verier rfble Itev. f,t)viokfW<5?r D. D., has a long *tfqfr6\v to ladies," in the Souther CHvrldMarf AdvocfCte,- in which lio tlinu paya Ui^1* respects to the a'bonYinribTo Btylo mt nili bao.k <1 manna* I ~ ' wwwwvi i I ) : ' V Tho graduates o't tlie WeaTyrtfi F^> itfalo College liavC tally verefiod ftlt I ever ]>l6a'd in Woman's ftivo'i1 as t6' original nYentul criodowmoiif&i' but have utterly failed to establish ttyo moral" evidence of a great inlnd/.b'y the despising of little tiling, C8|>6cN ally ridiculous fusions, tlfan which none tnoro so lias civcr dral&norecf yonY sex than the present! pfn' back fusion, Since 1807/ atwjhich time! was stationed at Augusta, ami when tight! di'csses on' young ladies was carried so lar that eovoiing ajl they aimed at, concealmont waf i{^ noruu. mis outrage upon worafinly propriety w'e'nt on until tho laoeratod senso of fomnlo modesty left to tb? surviving matrons ot tho day, and the disgust of gentlemon who had a much higher sense of wonman'a place in society than making herself. the amusement of libertines, arrested it bv unmistakable donnnf'tsiliori Tlmarf shameful (lr esses woro made , wittingly. Tlio pattern was as scant as the dress. But now, after thq iyjh vanco of mental culture for sixty y eight years, all that the fashion following women have gained, is plenty of goods tor a full flowing dress, but pinned back without any grace, for 1? giiivuui {'inning UilUli, tJVUI'JT CHITdid woman will acknowledge, is A natural impossibility. iience, to make tight, so na to moot the most ridiculous demand ot fashion ever imposed on women, it i>s by pinning back an otherwise anplc dress, so ftt? to force a covered dis, lay^of clostf wrapped joints nnd ankle, fto'iias ?: 1 i - >? iiua iiiniuii n'jiwu ll|)Ull l 111' WOUieiJ, that oven eldeily ladios, that oonkl not brook so glaring an exposure, will nevei theless, pin back a littlo. How is tliis? Why is this? Thero i3 not a lady in Georuia in whom tbo normal lias not been sacriiicetl ?8 art offering to the abnormal, but what will admit this pinning back oi" urea ses up to tlio tight point is tho inosl supremely ridiculous and ugly fashion ever taken on l>y our cultivated jrt'j tno ~ ? Tiik Study ok Astronomy.?The young man who had always man* irested an interest in the hoavens above him, says (lie San Francisco Chroicle, paid his quarter and was loM to pick out any star lie pleased , and ieot hi; oyce on it. lie glued his optica to the small end ot the tube, and after shoving the machine about lor some seconds, suddenly became wrapt in the study of something which appeared to give him the highest satisfaction. For several minutes lie stood ah iminovablo as a statue. '"(idoss lie's goin' to grow there," growled a man waiting for a chance. "Perhaps lie never saw ? telof-c >pe before," said somebody cite. "Young man," icuiarked the owner of the tube, "if yen propose to moI Iia in. f i? ? iUii i f \TH 1 1*1 11 of i\4f %> IWJ.UMS.W U...W.VJV r..j more." Tho only answer made by (lie fellow was t > qnio'ly p(itfhs lintld in his pocket, and, without taking hid eye away fro in the opening, hand the man four hits. For nearly fitieon minutea the btu? uent ol astronomy Kept uj) a rapturs ed and uninterrupted j;a/.o npou tho heavens, and paid his regular assessnient every tiinu lie was ealled on. The owner of the telescope was tak? i 11 in a rieli harvoot. Suddenly thefb w:i? 21 Idih* (li-iivvn fcioli. and. i SKimr - - r> r-? i > ?, ts Irom liia stooping position, t'he young man stood up. "Mister, that's a good telescope ami 1 am satisfied with the show." Then lio walked on, and the next man who went to look M/ a heavenly hody, didn't s.'o it, fioin' tho simple fact that thehouso on TbI < egraph Hill which had heon in tho toeua ol tr.svt ti;le8cope i luugur illtuninatecl, and iliu g'rl wl.osc chamber hud lieuti j uci'cd into ?u tilea^ily liud 1 #ono to bed. i