... . mi m ' DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. "vol. V. PICKENS, S. C., THURSDA Y, OCTOBER 14, 1875. _ NoTT ?* From tho Bunny South. I - ?i " ? -? I ~e ?>-- 1 ' " ??a ""? " 1 May the Tenth. "Lot us cross over the river, and rest in tho shado of tho treos."?Dying words of Qen. "Stonewall" Jackson. How perfect tho hush 011 him lying! And where is the light on his brow? Is ho yet in the land of the dying, Or wakes he in Paradise now? Without, in the calm Sabbath morning, The "B078 iu Gray" are at prayer For tUoir hero, their hope, their adorning, No* lying so quietly there. lie hears not their outcrying sorrow? He knows not their passion anil tears; His spirit no Bhadow may borrow, So far from tho presence of theirs! ^ Alone, 011 the brink of Forever, The palms of tho lJlessecl ho sees; He cries, "Lot us cross o'ver Ihe river, And rest iu tho shade of the trees " Tho crimson of battle is paling? Tho shouting, the thuudoring dies, I11 tho beautiful future unvailing The forests of Paradise rise. llchiiul him is clamor aud clashing? llio clouds of war luridly loom; Before arc the life-waters plashing Trhough vistas of fragrancc and bloom. Iu the flag hoso oft did deliver, They've laid him away in the sod; He lias passed o'ver the mystical river, And rests with his Master and God. 1 Oh, men who have marched to his order? ^ Who fought wi'h the shield of his prayer; When ye conic to that still river's border, 11' ! 11 11 1 1 i n in yu iuiiuyy juui iwnuui, iuu, iiiuic. When ye've grounded life's armor forever, And won from life's balllc release, Will ye cross (o him "over ihc river And rest in ihc shade of the trees?" A Centennial Inciter. A Flying Trip to Philadelphia, and a Jiird's Mxfc View of llxc Centennial Buildings and Fair mount Park. Nkw York, Octobor 1, 1875. I luivo just, returned from u Hying trip to ruiiauoipmn to BOO ine pros gross niudo towards the proper celov Oration of the centonnial. L was a little curious to see Philadelphia at home. 1 have always hoard much of Philadelphia houses and housekeeping?ol their comfort, of thoir spaco compared with NewYork houses, a:ul their cheapness added to their superiority. So I was prepared to gcc everything rmilr.ur de rose, oxccpt Fairmount Park and the Centennial buildings, in which, com parativoly (not having tho right of ft citizen to bo patriotic), I felt very lits tlo interest. But thin indifFerenoo din-, appeared after I had been in l'hilaphm a fow hours, and had paid a visit to Fairniount Park, and now I am quito sure, and am proud to know, that tho contonnial will bo a big thing ?tho biggest thing of tiio kind over floon in tho world, as it ought to bo. TIIK 8ITK OF TIIK CENTKNNIAL. Moreover, 1 am convincod that l/hiladolphia is tho only placo whoro tho centonnial would havo room on-* ough to spread itself whoro it could ho successfully hold; and tho sooner llio country gets rid of any petty joalousy and turns in with a will to help, tho hotter, as nothing now can prevent a worthy hoginning from being carried to a moro or less successful conclusion, and tho greater tho success the A A 1 - l'i /I . . - I * gruuior inueruuii* reueoieu upon Aino rica at largo. Tlio sito of tlio build* ings has boon admirably chosen, and admits of abundant spnco, coupled with ovory natural advantago for sight soors. It consists of four hundred v and fifty acres reserved for exhibition purposes within the precincts of tho great park of Philadelphia, which coiaain? tnroo mousanu noros, richly woodod, diversified and watered by si rlvor, tho Schuylkill, seven milos long, navigablo for ploaauro or trrific. Tlic buildings occupy wliut is known uh tho Landsowno plateau, nnd a superb view oi tho wholo grounds in obtained from St. Goorgo'tt bill, onoof tho most beautiful of tbo park olovations, Chaounix boing tbo higbost. Tbo fturnbor of foot contained In tho plan of tbo buildings would bo simply bewildering to any but ? house earpontor or an onginoor, but an idoa of tho siee of tho main strncturo can bo obtainod fro.n tho fuct that it covers \ ??mviivjru ?v;ia!3, >vuiiu mo wnoio area coverod by buildings alono will bo not less than sovonty*fivo acres. THE.CKNTENNIAt, BUILDINGS. These, it was at first supposed, would not bo moro than fivo in numbom, viz: main exhibition building, memorial hall or art gallery, ma-< chinory hall, horticultural hull, and agricultural building, with perhaps Viiu III 1IMV111/-UII, V,T>I JUUIUII \ l'USUl'VUU for United .States Govornmont pur* poses. But not only havo tho areas which oacli one hns to cover been enlarged, but tho number of buildings has boon incroased by tho "woman's pavilion," and many others erected for special uso by Countries, States and Territories. Groat Britain will have a uniquo and attractive one in tho stylo of tho sixteenth ccntury; Kansas and Connecticut each havo one, and thero aro many others. Tho buildings devoted to govern mont offices aro alroady in working ordornnd in activo occupation. lloro artists arc at work upon the trophies and plaster decorations which arc to adorn tho buildings, and through favor wo aro allowed a ininuto examination, which was most interesting, but which 1 must pass over, as any attempt at detail would render this loiter too long. The progress recently has been so rapid towards completion that it is qui to possiblo to form a very fair idea o( their beauty and fitness for their purposes. It is hardly necessary to say moro than the conception seems havo boen adequate to tho undertak ing, and that the wholo plan, in detail, as well as in its broadost souse, seems to havo been admirably thought out. Tho design of each building seems to havo boon specially and beautifully adapted to its purposo, and tho artist is as visible as tho architect, not only in tho grandly picturcsquo effect of the wholo, bin in tho graco and harmony of eveiy part. Mem rial hall is to bo a permanent structure. It is in the stylo of the modern .Renaissance and occupiosan elevated position upon a terraco norrthward of the main ex*, hibitiow building. It is built of graiK ito,glass and iron, and is completely firo proof; tio wood is used in its composition. It la about three hundred and fifty feet in length by two hundrod and twenty-five in width, and is surrounded by a gorgeous dome.? Sixteen spread oaglefj, cr.ch sixteen foot in length or width or eireumf'orence, I forgot which, aro to form pari of tlio architectural decorations, in addition to figuros of. colossal size, which aro to typify tho four quarters . f 4 i iA|. .v .....i iI.a :: ~ r ? ui iiiu giuuu ivuu uiu huiuiiui; and art. Machinery hall covers sixteen acres, and required 5,000 000 feot u| lumber, 500,000 pounds of cast iroii, 750,000 pounds of wrought iron, 20, 000 pounds of nails and spikes, 100, 000 feet tin roofing, and 195,000 square feet of double thick American glass. Horticultural hall is a very striking specimen of architecture. It is in t li A \f r? 11 I'/ien ii r\ of pin I Iia lfil. lit V ? ? W XUdlll VCVjliV; DIJ Vil L I J 1/ >> V- i 1 I 11 century, which was very ornate, and will remain sis a permanent object of interest to tlio visitors of Fainnount Park. Tho woman's pavilion is slaked on I, l>ut is not yet begun; suflicioiit funds aro, however, now in tho hands of Mrs. Gillespie, and tho work will bo pushed forward rapidly. .Nut a dollar of debt has been allowed to accumulate in tho prosecution of the 1_ All 1-11 _ - 1 II yvoik. ivn uiiih iiro pjiui weCKiy, and the management linn boon so wise success is now bo fully nesurod that wealthy men arc volunteering subscriptions who formerly predicted failure. The epaco in now nearly all aj>s propriatcd. Almost every loreign country has applied for increased space, and in two weeks applications for room will bo closed, and no more received. The exhibition will onen ' May 10, 1870, and closo November 10, 1870. VA1BMOUNT 1'AltK. Philadclphians boaat of tho caso with which thoy can reach Fairmount JL in iv 11 win iiuj pun, ui imu uuy, oui tlio difficulty seems to a stranger to consist in getting awav from it, not in getting to it. Three thousand acres ot park, traversed by seven miles ot broad, navigable river, by tho Wissahickon, which rnns smilingly through a minia'nro Cheat liver valloy, which has Indian rocks and waterfalls and wooded hills, rising to almost inaccessible heights, and jrlo^ l ions extents of meadow, w liicli the | whole world is free to press and graze upon every hour of the day, and every day of the week, is a i'.ct whose immensi.y it is diflicult to take in without seeing it for oneself. Fairmount possesses advantages all its own in its size, in tho beauty and diversity of its natural features, in the freedom with which every one can enjoy all there is to he enjoyed, and iii tlie many olijucts of historical interest which are enclosed within its precincts. Its houses ol refreshment are magnificent old mansions, which antedate the revolutionary war; and in one of them is a window whose panes of gloss have existed since I7C9. I should like to stay a long time at. Fail mount Park. Great preparations arc being made for the reception of visitors next year. Almost every family will rent rooms, and a new temporary, I nit very handsome hotel is going up, capable of accommodating two thousand per sons. n lf'si.itmi Prpflfl jkiiniHCNn rrogpcciSc Full sales, comparing favorably in oxtent with those of last year and not unsatisfactory in profits, wore reported by prominent merchants in l.o. i?^: ? -i - 'i 111v3 hjiiviii'^ nwj'ciriiumiiB o( easiness in New York, in answer to inquiries made by Tribune reporters yesterday. According to the statements given I below, while p ices have been lowered somewhat, there i^ a feeling of greater confidence, and the general ' belief that business is now conducted ! with prudence, and is more generally sound than heretofore, gives the wholesale dealers ground f>?r encouragement. In several linos of trade sales f^r cash or on very short ered its me represented as coming into favor ; but there appears to bo no ap prehension ielt of many failures in tbe near future.' Tho West and South aro stated to bo nbsoibing large rin rates to tho West. They decided that the old rates were ruinous, and made a new schedule on tho l>;isis of 50 cents n, hundred on first chitss freights to Chicago. A circular whs drawn up, signed hy the Presidents of the three roudtf, utul Bontxlo the ollicers of their respective compnnfey, giving jorders that until further notice no contract l>e made or renewed or ox-> tended with shippers, and that no time whatever ho given kon the new rates, which are lo apply only to sins ' i;lo invoices. The Baltimore and i Ohio ltoad, it is understood, is . bound to these rates by its 4tgree? j ment with the L'ennyslvania Kaili wnv. Wrstfti'ii tVniolkt: rntna if io I ~-n ,v ,,J liuveil, tuo likely to advunco still furthor.?Now York Tribune, October 2d. Our Policy. Our article on tho policy of the conservatives no.xt year has been i warmly commented upon. Tho Nowb |& Courico endorses it as fore shadowing tho proper course to bo pursued. The Greenville News, of course 1 ?n.?na? If < 1: 1 -- - - vj?jM?ovo ii) iyji uin nvuiy coiouiponv ry, looking around it in the Piedmont region, ntul seeing a large Democrat* ie majority in its vicinage, wishes to make a straight out fight over the whole State- Tho Columbia Itogiss tor believes organization prop ?r ; but doo8 not give itself unreservedly to i ho straight out policy. Tho Pickens Sknti ^iil declares lor war. Tho Ab bovillo Medium favors organization, but calls very properly lor a new deal ot lcadeis. The Anderson In telligencer thinks co-operation may l?o necessary. The Aiken Courier Journal thinks the experiment ot" a comprise dangerou >. But the Lr.xns caster Ledger is of all our exchanges, the in.>st ultra. Tlic editor has voted hid last timo for a comprise, ilo wants a straight out fight next year. | lie does not even promise, as the' Greenville News much moro wisely docs, to abide by the action of the Conservative party. Now tho papers that advocate the straight out nolicv eon tout, ilmnimli-nj with tlioargumont that tlioy will novor consort with those who havo ruin-, ed Ilio State. Tlicy do not show how the colored voters may ho induced to vote the Democratic ticket. In he iaeu <>f repeated defeat, they scorn to he willing onco more to run it tilt against a stone wall. Tlioy do not recognize tho tact, thattho reform and the Greene campaigns came nearest achieving success. Of course there is no Concorvative in the State who would not prefer to elect a straight Conservative ticker, and if any one will demonstrate the feasibility of any such undertaking, ho will hear nojonnositimi. P.nt Mm whites of South Carolina will not go to tho polls unless thoro is a prospect of winning, and this prospect. at pros* cnt lies only in a corporation with tho elements of tho opposite party. Tho time lias not coino yet lor a straight out light. Let us he content with securing a hair ioaf. Wo have had no bread f>r a long time, and are too hungry to quarrel about tho siy.e ol the &liee.?Winnsboro News. ? t i3fc Col. W. Alston Havnic.?Tho Santa Barbara (Cal.) Index announces the election of Col. W. Alston iniyno, to ilie uaiitonua Legislature, on tho Democratic ticket. Col. I lav no formerly represented Anderson (J unity in the Legislature of this State, and removed to Cafifornia in 1SC7. He is a son of tho lato Robert Y. Ilayne. The Index says: "Wo prodict that Col. llauio will do more effective work, will nurc readily place tho demands of our city, coir.ity and district in tho current of legislative action, and give greater satisfaction to tho people of tho clis trict than any ropresontativo wo have ever lutd in tho State Logishv* tare." A diflioulty exists in Sumter in procuring teuehcrs for tho colored public 6chools ot the county, because of the inability of colored applicants to pass tho board ot examiners. Tho hoalthtulnc88 of the rule in securing more odlciont teachers is thus being brought to bear. Tlio Mai8hall (CJa.) Messenger, crio : "For tho Lord's sake, Iriond, don't keep telling an editor how to j run liia paper! Lot tlio poor dovil find it out himself." A pair of stairs that ordinarily aro as solid as rock will straddle in tho joints and croak and crack together with :ill tho. t'orviir nf u llinn/lfli- ?l'm ? ? - w V,"P when one is attempting to olimb thorn noiacluttly late at night.?Fulton Times. Situation in 9Ilst to tho Republican party, and that tho successful candidates will ho the lovers of ?;ood order