"THE PKOKENS SENTINEE'2' 3 8 I'l X i J ' DWVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND 10 THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. ??? - ~~ ?---r --- : ~ 1 ? : ;.!? ?* ;? ? ? . . - i ? J.-'t'fr * __ YOL. V. PICKENS, S. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1875. NO. 4. wessseeasLA ! u * i?:?1 .J .) i i -jjuj-UiLiil-ii.? -i l. 1._ , _ * ... ?imAtiili. j Q1 1 0 1' I making money out of them. lie ha(j | if he did not got ont of tho wnv it I If. Porrv. John Fomr..on? r? n I -n iu6 uy^yus^yuwQBi. IB, f. BRADLEY, Editor and Proprietor, PICKENS, S. C., SEPT 23, 1875. Terms of Nub.seriptioH. -WWSix, Months . ?v 76 * ArtvWtfaing ttnicH. Advertisemcntsinserted at the rate of $1 00 per square, ot (V) nine lines, on i.kss, for the first insertion, and 50 ccnts for each subsequent. inset tion. Contracts made for tiirkk, six or twklvr .months, on favorable terms. Advertisements not having the number of insertions morked on th?m, will bo published unt(l forbid and charged accordingly. These terms are so simple any child may understand them. Nine lines is a square? *bne inch. In every instance we charge by the space ( .oupied, as eight or ten lines can be made to occupy foqr or five squares, as (lie advofttl<5"f'H5ay wish, nud is chnrgcM by the space. r fj-T!? nuivrmvra will J.ienSB SIHIO U1C number of squares they vrisli their advertisements o make. S>ST Busiuess men who advertise to bo benefitted, will bear in mind tlint the SENTINEL has a largo and increasing circulation, and is taken by the very claws of persons whose trade tlicy desire. Advertising Agents. Tho following are the onh/ author tzed agents to roccivo advertisements for this papor: Geo. P. Howell & Co., 41 Pat k Row #'Kcw York. Walker, Evans & Cogswell, represented by Indwell T. Logan, Charleston, 3. C. , Wo will rtecopt cash-in-advanco orders from otlior agencies, at rensona ble ralftg. ? ~ ~ Wo can give no advertisement profereneo in position, mm Address. ' At a mooting of tho Richmond Comity Grange, at Augusta, Ga. Inst Saturday, there were several addresses delivered by prominent 'gentlemen, among whom were Col. 1).^ AVyatt Allien. Wo fnaUo tlio following extracts from hie addrefes. Tlic Hue ideas, upon whi.ch ilio Grange was-first organized, \va?, first, tho St eioi ulcrt. It\>: iginatod wi:h a man n:>. SiJIESl V ill ?villtll ("!:l I-Iil I I i 11 ^ rz~"j 1 "v y"" i who was iljo candidate of I lie peojdu ^ of that Sialic and wished to devise i soino means to bring about a s-jcial ; intercourse. lie ep'olce of t when lie went back to Washington, and a wo _ ^4 _1 i I i - * ? man bujjjjjes'.ou mo ioi mauoil ot I he present Patrons pf Husbandry. Tho litt>t idea was social advantages ; the second, educational advantages grew out of it. And don't tho tanners want education ? How many farmers aro there who are arable to oven write their own names. When tho war come on, young moir loft tho school houses and r>a.trin?i?ftllv wnnt j mj .. V into tLe Confederate army. When the war ceased nnd the whole conns *tijr wits bioken up, these men hud to go to work and let education alone. Now the Grange proposed to give these men an opportunity to educate themselves. They woro obliged to study, thoy wero obliged to read. They could take agricultural works. A farmer who did not take agiicuU tnral works was like ft bander who did not keep hie accounts in books. Well, if tho Qrnngo gives yon social dvantages; it it educates you and your children, is not that admirable, does not that do all you auk I lint in addition, theio is the co-operative idea that saves your money, that ' puts money in your pocket. Why , ((0 to a merchant to buy plows, \\ hy ( ' iiot go to the'man that makes them i t iiut iako it for granted that you C....... ?lwv -t AT..... uuj iii/iii iiiu iiiwi witvilb. XUII j'^ i ID bim to buy u Iirinloy plow. lie asks you $G. But if you l.uy six ho Sells thcin at $0. There in t ho whole, bale idea. The uuiue it* ciouo by cooperation. Suppose again you go to . the niannfacluror. lie sells you one for $6 or six for lour each. Thero you uttvo jiguii; ; wnorover mere is ' Cd~ojjoratlof> you Crtu buy what you wan* at u living price. Yun go by .'railroad fctations unci you Bee nice houoCB going np. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred these aro not built j by tbo farmers, but by rnou who arc 1 on bis lartn to day wagons whieli ho qad bought three years ago at $70 for tenants. Twelve months ago he bought the eame kind at $50 each. TT/? 1 - -' -* JLAV> v mi LOiCU il blll^lU cur lib JLMI\ btique, Iowa, tlmt laid the wagons down at Greenville at $5 each. Three years ago the freight was $10 eaoh. The Grange said pay cash for everything. It was credit that was mining the counti'y. lie conld go to Augusta and buy hay at twenty livo cents less per hundred for cash than he could for credit. Thcro are probably men in this hoti3o who havorglven mortgages on their crops or farms for Hour. Tliey pay $12 whilo I pay $3, cash, per barrel. A mortgage of iliis kind reminds him more of tho old nigger pass than anything olso. This mortgage system was the ruination of tho whole country. The cotton crop wasn't a pay lllg UIIU j 1L IUUK IUO lUIIg lO IDUKQ 1C. The num who fo)l>ws out the idea of diversifidc industry will never sco a month in the year that ho doscn't have something to soil. It will bo corn, or butter, or a pig, or mutton* or something else. W o have tho best labor in the country. Some men isilk nhniifc f.lin nnnfi?iiiuln1" Husbandry was coming along, and would crush him. Col. Aiken concluded amid storms of applauso. The Greenville Conspiracy. 8iikhiff southern's 8tatkmknt. Sjjhhiff's Officn, Sept. 18. To Editor News?As 80 much has been said about tho Grcouvillo conspiracy, as the Union Ilcrald terms it, 1 have thought proper to give to tho public tho lull statement as to how tho information was obtainod concerning the nuuder ot Dr. Shell from Parks and Sullivan. In tho month of Parks wna committed to the Greenville jail by J. JL5. Sherman, trial justice, f v vio~ lating a contract; a few days after lie was committor! to jail, I received a message from Sullivan, to come and see him in the jail, as lie wanted to see me on particular business. I went to the jail to sec liim, and ho seemed to be very much elated, and told uie that one of the party that murdered Dr. Shell, was then in hia cell, and that lie had a conversation with him about tl.c matter. I asked Sullivan the name of the j arty, and ho told me it was Parks, and that ho had lived in Lain ens lor many ycat's?I then appointed the next morning to see Parks, and left tl?? jail at that time?at that timo there were two others con lined with Parks and Sullivan in the same cell, by the namo of Pink Smith and Charles Means. I at onco sought an inters view with them, and questioned them concerning the conversation between Sullivan and Parks, about the murder, and if they had heard thorn conversing about it?they told uio that they had heard them speaking of the murder, and that Parka said ho una with the party thatimu> tiered Dr. Shell, and that ho had been compelled to go with them to the place that was designated fur the murder to be committed, and named over several ?. f the parties concerned. Amongst them was Tuxbery, Adam Crowe, Dolt and others, 1 I L A ! . r\ 1 I iuiu uiixi ivuum urcws nau |>aiu nun twelve dollaislbr what ho had dune, and that Joseph Crews had afterwards taken tho amount trom liiin, and had mistieatod him generally. I then the next day went to tho jail and saw Parks?1 asked him about what had been said in tho coll concorning tho murder between him and Sullivan, and ho at fust hpni. tated. I said to him if he kuow anything about the uiurdor of his own knowledge, I would liko for him to tell me about it, and after a few minutes lie told mo that ho was there, and with the party that com-, nutted the crimeKgiving mo the particulars and the names of tho panics concerned, lie said to me that ho hild l.iuMi fumimllful Jo i?n tlimn' 4 ? f-,- ...... that they had threatened his lite it lie did not go, and that Adam Crews told hint with a p.oiul at his head that if lie ever divulged a word ab;>ut the mutter that ho would bo killed. When I went to leavo tho jail he asked ine it Mr. Aloseley did not live in town. I told him that he did. ile asked 1110 to toll Mr. Moseloy to como down, that ho know Mr. Mosoloy, uud that ho would toll him all about tho mutter, that ho (Mosoloy) know all tho parties and was well acquainted with tho plaoo tho murder was committed at. I im-? iinwl i?i I i\\\r unnl XI ? \f I1VIIV IVk Uli i AIAWOVJlUJr IIU camo to my <>iliuo. I told him what lnul boon mud by Sullivan and l'avks, Smith and Moans?and that Paries wanted to hoo him. Moaoloy wont to tho jail and saw J'ai kn, and ho mado his Btatemont to Air. Moeoloy Ircoly. After tho ntntoniont had boon miulo by Ta'-ks to. ABli Moholoy, I ?onL to Luutonn fyr Mi;, VVabhingtou Shell, brotnor ol .Dr. filioll, and wroto hiui what discovorieB bad boon made in regard to tho mtfrddr of his brother l>v Pjirkft. Ha imirinflift?Al? ^ ? T y VIIII^V iw Urconviilo, and myself ami Sholl, to^othor with Mr. Moselcy, Col. \Y. J I - J V/. Dendy and Y. E. MoBce, wont to tho jail to soo Parka, and lot Sholl hear what ho had to say. Parks eocmcd to bo glad to have tho opportunity to rOliovo his mind of tho groat burden, and commenced at onco to toll his part in the murder, as has boon above | Stated : tllOIK/li''' linlnvn 1?? moncotl to mako his Rtatomont, Mr. Sholl said to him that ho wanted him to toll tho truth, and nothing but tho oorrcct laots which ho know himsolf. As for any 0110 having made throats, or promises to either Stilli van or Parks, ia eortainlv fnUn hi uay own knowledge. T/ie statement was first made to mo, nnd if any blame attaches to any ono at all, it mnst bo to rnysolf. I gavo tbo information, as I havo said before, to Shell?thinking it right; and it waa, most assuredly, my duty to report it, i\8 nil clliccr. Persona knowing ine, know thftt it is not my disposi~ tion to "persecute," or to allow it to be dono wlioti I can prevent it. If oitnh linrl Knnn oMaimh^a/I !?? * ' UU VII U(%V4 UWVII HHU1U J'LUVI 111 1111$ I case, I most certainly would Imvo known it, and stopped it immediately. No, tho aflidavita published j in tlio Unionstlorald are false, and tho party who got them up knew it at tho timo that thoy woro made. I euro nothing for tho base and false charges made against me, and I am euro tho people know them to be false in evory particular. This is a full statement of how tho so-called conspiracy comtncnced and ended. J. L. Soutiikrv, CI n *? ^ ouei in ureenvuie uounty. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA,) Grkknvillk County. j Personally appeared before mo Charles Means, who being duly sworn, deposes and says, that ho was committed to the common jail of Greenville county, and was confined in tlio eaine cell with Wright Sulliuan, Albert Parka and Pink Smith ; was confined lor the offense of road defaulter ; during that time I heard a conversation botweeu Albert Parks and Wright Sullivan concerning the murdor of Dr. Shell in Laurens county in 18G8. Albort Parks told said Sullivan, that lie, Parka, was with the cownpauy who killed Dr. {Shell, that Shell was the fir^t man killed, and that a hoiee was shot irom under another man, but ho did not kuow whether anybody else was killed or not; that when Shell was killed, the attacking party got scattered, and did not get together until the next day ; that tboy got together in the town of Laurens about 12 o'clock tho next day. Said lie (Parks) got about twelve dollars for big services, others of the party got paid also. Somo of tbe party got as high as sixty dollars; all got something. Deponent further says that ho was in jail when Albert Parks made his statement to Mr. Southern and Mr. Mo8ely, and he is euro no ^o loncc or harshness, or inducements of any kind were made to the said AI bur t Parks to induce him to mako the statement he did mako about the murder of Dr. Shell. Sworn to, and subscribed beforo me, thitt the 10th day of Soptonibor, 1875. his fUIAltl.KY X MEANS. mark. C. T. lloi'KINB, T. J. G. C. Profanity never d id any man tho i * l M....... ?i.? ..:?i lUUSt JJUUU. IHdll 10 IIIU I 1CIPJI , or liaj>picr, or wiser, lor it com* mends no ono to auv society. It is disgusting to the retiued ; nbomiuublo to the good ; insulting to those wiih wliom wo associate; degrading to tlio mind \ unprofitable; nocdlc?3 and injurious to society. jL'roin Alio vvorkihg Uhristain. My Will?As far baok ns I Can f remember, it lias be6n customary at I protracted meetings, Unions and Associations to appoint one brother to preach and another to closo. In most instances tho word preach eeoms to have boon 1 _ ?.Y iiuuiur L11U etloit to attain to its definition was succohbIuI or not ; but almost invariably the meaning of tlio word close lms boon misunderstood. In my lexicon, when used in the ab >vo connec tion, it means to end, finish, con-* elude, complete, and to bring to a period,?not to rnd or finish the sermon which has just been preached, i but the religious services in which I the congregation has been engaged ; I n.wl lt.tr. 11- i ' U1ID IO HUMUI illlj UOIIO oy 61Ilg' I ing, prayer and tho benediction. On tho contrary, moBt preachers j think that allusion is had to tho sermon, and, instead of closing the oxI ei cisc3, they procood to closo or fins ish the sermon, as it the brother who preceded had just got tho framework arranged. And how does, he do it i Bv putting down a part of tho floor. Thon ho pirts on a few shingles, and perhaps somo of the weather boards, all of which requires a great doal of iimo but does not afford allelic". Instead of closing up tho framo'work of tho sermon, he most genorally tears it to pieces and scatters the mutorial in such a manner that no one is ablo to collect it again. Many good sermons havo boon complotly ruined, from a human standpoint, in this way. Isn't it natural to suppose that tho preacher has finished his own ucrmon wlion ho has worked on it a week ? Is it natural .to suppose that another preacher could linish it better in a few moments of time than tho ono v*he gives a week'* thought to it? T.?f ?.? i.~ l? 1 1 UUV IMV ViUlll|IIUUUIl UU UilUj guuu LIT inditleront, tlio house Unit is finished needs no other workmen fur tho present. lint again, I think that tho coin grogatiou deserves a great deal of crodit, forthoro are times when endurance nndor adverse circumstances ceases to be a virtue. However, tho good brother who is.to close does not think of thi?, nor docs ho consider tlili f?U!t that. millfrt-J moil nnrl (5 """ women heavier and benches harder* For one hour more he goe3 on after the regular sermon baa boen preached, repeating tho samo thing that has been said oy something else that could have been said in ton minutes, and which, uiaybo, would have had a better efleet if not said at all. From twenty to thirty-flvo minutes is long enough for any sermon except on a few occasions. Thcros foro, that tho sermon may havo tho desired effect and that tho conirres gation may not bo punished, lot tho brother appointed refuse to closo tho 1 sermon. Ho may closo tho exercises by ringing, &o. 1 am liko tho man who scut for a lawyer to writo his will. Tho lawyer having coino asked him what ho owuod. uNothing in tho world," ; said tho man; "not oven this bod on | which I am. But I have six chil dren, ami i want-to will thorn ten i thousand dollars apicco." "But, sir," said tlio lawyer, "how can you , will tliein that amount if you have nothing?'' "Why," said t'uo man, ' it id my w ill that they shall make it before they die." I have no authority to forbid the closing ot sermons, but it in my will that it be done, whether tlio will effect this end or nut. Cacius. l'ort ll^yal Railroad, August 21, I 1875. 4 . ?? A boy in Jamaica was driving a mule; the animal was sullen; stopped and turned his arcliod nock upon the boy ae it' in derision and contompt. "Won't go, will yon ? Feel grand do you ? 1 guo88 you forgot your fatlior \vati a jackass." Folby'b Status of Stonkwai.l Jaokbon.?Tho steamship Nora Scotian, which roached Baltimore from Liverpool on the lOlh in6t., brought Foley's bronze Statue of Gon. Thomas J. Jackson, the cole b rated Con federate leader, presented to the State of Virginia by Hon. Boresford Ilope, member of Parliament, anc" othor English gentlemen. A. descry ion of tlio statno is a<* follows: V.\o (iguro is of heroic Bisw, erect and noble ; head uncov* erod ; right hnnd, grasping a gauntlet, rests natural)v rioou ?!>? 1??i? - , ?J- ) tlio left arm hangs a military cloak, while tlio loft ln\nd holds tlto hilt ot a sword whoso point touches a pile of liown stones, its empty scabbard hanging from a belt arouml tho waiat. Tlio form, the attitude, tho faco and tlio expression of tlio countenance coinbino to make ono of tho most impro6sive of statues. This work of art. which cost $10,000, was purchased by Mr. llopo and other English sympathizers with tho Southera cause. It will bo -taken- to liich> mond freo of charge by the Powhatan Bteamboat Company, and bo erected in Capitol Square, a short distance from tlio equestrian statno of Washington. Tho citizons of Lexington. VII- madn nmilinntirm trv C3 J - ?7 --r, have tho Btntuo erected ovor the gravo of Jackson tlicro, and tho authorities o! tho Stonewall Cemetery, at Winchester, nlao made claim for it, but after duo consideration ofilio matter, it was decided to place tho . J * Btatuo in tlie Capitol Square at Richmond. (Jknuuai, Itkms?Tho chiof disoaao tlml reigns this year it) folly. livery man is an arcitcft ot his own tortuno. in01 mat winctft* is much is well; but that which iB woll is much. The world's great men imvo not commonly been great scholars. Tales have a strange passion tor telling thcmselvos out of school. As there is a silver lining to ovory ciouu, it will bo .soon that tticro aro bright to bo obsorved through tho depressing business inactivity that is upon us. Tho prospects of good crops, poaco and plenty in tho land, is very like a silvor tying to tho hard times. At, the funeral ol' a woman in Slaw* son, tho other day, a neighbor in at>? tondancc, fooling it ncccssary to say something sympathetic to tho afflicted husband, kindly observed?"You'vo got a splendid di\y for tlio funeral. Tho Government has just added tho portrait of Jefferson Davis, Socrolary of War under Prcsidont Piorco, to tho War Department collection. Uot-? tor lato than oovor. Castor oil is an excellent thing to soften leather. Brown papor is an excellent thing to polish tin with. Lunar caustic oarefully applied so us not to touch tho skin, will dostroy warts. Man.?Without dosiro and without ttr o r\ * : imiiu ivuuiu uu lyimuuii IIIVUll 1/1UII llliu without roaaon. A certain judge, whoso pompous ami ofticiou6 ways tempted anno of the lawyer# to acts which hid honor construed to mean contempt, finod them $10 each. Wlieu they had paid tlicir linos, n certain dry and fltoadiltf >iiur old rtttornnw wnll/oH j r> r> ~J up to the bench, and very gravoly laid down ;v ten dollar bill. "What is that for ?" t-aid the j'ndgo. t4For contempt, your honor," wsie tho reply." "Why L have not fined you for contempt," answered the judge. "I know that," said the lawyer; "but 1 want yon to understand that I cherish a scoot contempt for this court all tho time, and I am willing to pay fur it." T ~ A stalwart Indian is ofton Roon about tho fttreots of Virginia Olty, dvosscd in calico like a nquaw. Ho ia compelled hy tho Piutoa to weav* women's clothcH for coward,icq shown, shown :ti battle.