/ THE PICKENS SENTINEL DEVOTED TO POLITICS, MORALITY, EDUCATION AND TO THE GENERAL INTEREST OF THE COUNTRY. VOL. Y. PICKENS, S. C? THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1875. NaT I ; jJJJ l-L_l!Li Jl IPl J. J. ? - 1 1.AJ--? . . - mi fl I | PI | I | | RnniCVN~Tlr> w ff?MT!tpa I m ' _ m rums sentinel. * I, F. BRADLEY, Editor and Proprietor, PICKENS, S. C., SEPT. 1(5, 1875. 1 Terms of Subscription. One Year ?] M kjmm. 4 0 Advcrtisiiig Hates. i- Advertisements inserted at (lie rate of $1 00 per square, of (9) nine lines, on less, lor tlie first insertion, anil 50 cents for each subsequent inset (ion. Contracts made for three, six or twelve months, on favorable terms. Advertisements not having (lie number of insertions marked on them, will bo published until forbid and charged accordingly. 'Plm.n -? -> ' A???? >V>IUD OI? HO Ol III JMC miy UM 1 III lll!?y understand thcia. Nino lines is a square? one iuch. In every instance \vc chnrgc by the apace occupied, aa eight or (en lines can | be made to occupy four or five squares, as (lie advertiser may wish, and is charged by tho Bpnce. oar Advorlisera will please state (lie number of squares they wish their advertisements to make. Business men who advertiso to be ucu?iiii?u, win near m minu inai tlio 8KNTINEL lias a largo and increasing cirf culation, and is (aken by tlio very class of persons whose trade they desiro. Advertising Agents. Tlio following tiro tho only author izcd agents to roccivo advertisements for this paper: Goo. P. Itowcll & Co., 11 Patk How Now York. Walker, Evans & Cqgswoll, represented by Roswoll T. Logan, Charleston, 8. C. \ Wo will accept cnsh-in-advanco of) dcro from other agencies, at reasonable ratos. Wc can givo no advertisement pre I _ ortinco in position, California..?The people of this State do almost everything on a grand and big ecale. Tlio wlio.it ciop averages twelve or fifteen million bushels per annum ; the cattle griizicru iwrnisli millions of beeves each year; tlio cro,, of wool ex ccc carriage drive, covered with glass and surrounded with tropical plants, statuary and fountains. The breakfast dining ball, reception and other rooms aro on a crnnd Rrmlo. Tim fotnl immlwi' " O' : " * "v vv*"1 UWl of rooms for the use of guesta id ecvcn hundred and tifly-.five, with throo hundred and fifty bath rooms. Thcro aro over two thousand ventilating tubca leading from the rooms and halls to the roof, five elevators Irofn the ground floor to the highest story, (worked by hydraulic power,) and eevon stairways. M. D. (Jonway tolls of a lady in ?no of the manufacturing towns of r\ . n . , v*ruui i>ruam who recently had her attention attracted to tlio window oj' a milliner's shop i>y a beau ti tut and rcry expensive French bonnet, and sho inquired tlie prieo. Sho was told it was sold. "Oh! 1 had no idea of buying such an expensive bonnet," said the lady ; upon wiich the milliner said: "It is a jointBtock bonnet?that it*, it belongs to thrco factory girltf, who wear it by turns on Sunday." A New Mexico editor, in a forgetful moment, the othor day, was so I imprudent ua to venture into liio sanctum without having a six-shooter with him. TliO coroner'a jury returned a verdict of "deliberate sui- | eide." * : " * Southern States aro not only strewn with tho wrecks of political, sooial and industrial systonis, but also with tho w rocks of the good and groat old families that camo down from colonial nines ana contributed so many high, historic diameters to illustrato and adorn tho annals of tho now world. Brokcnvdown families ! They aro in overy city, county and neighborhood of tlio South. Tho descendents of statesmen, warriors and notable old colonial antT revolutionary patriots and gontlomcn aro, in numerous instances, rcduced almost to beggary. Take Virginia. Il is melancholy to traco the dccadenco of those many grand old families which have mado noi* socmi 1110 uio admiration of all? tho synonym of honor, refinement, hospitality. Broken, scattered, impoverished ! Tho descendants ol man}' of tho be8t pcoplo are in.want. Now pcoplo?novi homines?lord it ovor thorn and tlioy fool dooply liumiliatod. Human naturo is human nature, and thoso people feci that the}' are in a falao position ; that thoso who aro socially over them ought to bo under thorn. Thoro aro young ladies, of Iho host blood in tho land, who have to exort their wits and exorciso all their activities and cnorgics to find means to keep up a barely respectable wardrobe. School teaching and sewing machines! Thoso aro what they aro reduced to, and it is noble in thom to avail thomeolves of thoso rosourcus. VVo should bo thankful to thoso occupations for giving thom tho opportunity for such honornliln iln.i'nlnmnniil. /-if' /-Im? ?*? ?? V.V| ~..W fV>VV,.. But what shall wo say of the young inon ? .Some of thorn are talented, mettlesome, liigh spirited lads, who feel that tiny cannot work, and that to'heg in a Hhamo, and so thoy />ii down and do nothing. Thoy dream away the aetivo period of lifo. Fortunately there are othcra who havo a more practical turn, and do not rest until tfioy find something to do. They start out with the determination to find BOinu occupation, and overy youth who does that will succecd sooner or later. Ono lliing is certain, ii tho brokendown families of Virginia, and indeed of tho whole South. are over to be ro~ cruitod nnd restored, that result in to ho brought about by the industry of the young?those from fiftcon to thirty. They can do this if thoy will, and surely there would bo no higher duty. Wo have in Virginia a population, old and young, malo and fumnlo, rich and poor, white and black, of moro than a million and a quarter. Wo nave our mnus, our cumaio, mo memunu and tradition? ?h:*.f. have do-* sconded from llio settlement of Iho country. Wo hnvo in ovory county of tlio commonwealth families of distinction and culturo. True, thoy aro poor and brokon down. Tho question is, how aro their fortunos to bo mended '( .llow aro thoy to bo restored'( Ono thing is certain, railing at their hard lot is not going to restore them. w t .1 ??? hi/ liiu out uuu isiuunti n.'HH people who have got above them will do them 110 good. Go back to the past and summoning up tho shades of illustrious ancestors will bo of no avail. Tho renaissance can only be accomplished by work ?steady, persevering work. If a population of a million and a /inni't ap in mi ???*/! ^un. vv? ?? ??? VIV* IUIV4 VOUU'IIDIIVU commonwealth liko Virginia, who owns llio lands, ho have farm anU mals and utonsils ; who lmvo citioB to tvudo with, ruilroads, rivors and ea>? nals to transport their products to market; who have churches and schools; who l.avo all tho powers of government?it such a population, with such advantages, do not rise, thoy do?orvo, liko Milton's angols, to bo forovor tallon. To tho hundrods of thousands of thofio doscondonts of high brokondown fumilios that are now bewailing tlioir hard lot wo Hay, go to work ! To recruit and restore your fortunes and your rank and prostigo do what your ancestors did tooBtablish thorn? go to work. In thoHo days all honest [ work is rcepcctablc.? Richmond iVa.) | Whig. tub JLand of I'alkstinb.?Palestine eita in sackcloth and ashes. Over it broods the spell of a curse that has withered its lields and fettered its energies. Wbcro Sodom and Gomorrah reared their domes add towers, that solemn sea now floods the plain, in whose bitter waters no livincr thine nxistft?nur.> CJ O v ' v? whoso waveless surface tho blistering air hangs motionless and doad? about whoso borders nothing grows but weeds and that treacherous fruit that promises refreshment to parch\ ing lips, but turns to ashes at the touch. Nazareth is forlorn. About iho ford of Jordan, where the hosts ? t T 1 - - ? 1 ? - n-- Vl the Savior's presence ; tlio hallowed spot where the shepherds watched their flocks, and where the angels sang "Peace on cai th, good will to 111011," is untenanted by living creatures, and unblessed by any leaturo that is pleasant to the eye. Renowned Jerusalem itself, tlio stateliest name in history, has lost all its ancient grandeur and has become a pauper village ; the riches of Solomon ai'O no lohJrer tlmro In p.mimul r> - f"* the admiration of oiiental queens; tho wonderful temple, which was the pride and glory of Israel, is gone, and tho Otioiuen crescent is lifted above the spot where, on that memorable ground of the world, they roared the holy cross. . The noted Bea of Galilee, whore Roman fleets onco rude at anchor, and digciples of the Savior sailed in their ship, was long deserted by the devotees of war and commerce, and its borders are a silent wilderness ; Capernaum is a ehadeloss ruin \ f i i . . - luugcaia is tiic iiuino of the beggared Arabs; IJetlisaida and Churazin have vanished from iho oaitli, and tlic "desert places" round about them, where thousands of nun oneo listened to the Savior's voice and uto the miraculous broad, Bleep in the hush ut'a solitude that is inhabited only by birds of prey and skulking foxes. i'alestino :e dcsolalo and unlovely. But why shouId it bo otherwise? Oan tho curso ol a Deity beautify a land ? Tho Atlanta Commonwealth says: Wo learn that tho negroes hereabouts again have tho emigration fever. Thoy aro now simmering to go to Mississippi. A man from that State is out herb now, working around to get up a crowd 10 loilow him back, llo is a preacher, and made Ihia emigration question llie topic ot his discourses, deliv crcd at somo of the negro churches of thin place last Sunday. lfo holds out very Mattering inducements to his brethren to follow him, by assuring them that they can make a great deal more out thoro than they can here, lie has gono down the Georgia Railroad in pursuit of this bushiest;. We undoi-stund j that that tlicro aro about 150 from Atlanta and tho country between hero and Stono Mountain, who are to go out lo Mississippi this iall. They aro to wait hero until their crops aro gathered and disposed of, and thou leave. A Detroit boy was sont tor a doc* tor, i;is mother being very ill, when, looking down tho street, ho saw a 1 I 'Plw - . I grunt uiuwu. A IIUII uuiiiu ;i bini^io between duly and curiosity, but lie finally started for tlie crowd, saying : 4M be old la-ly's pretty badly oil", but I know alio wouldn't want ino to mils that Hglit."' SUICIDR OF A DlSTINOUIHIIEJ) MUSICIAN.?U. C. Hill, who committed Buicido at his residenco ui Patcrson N. J., on Thursday last, has been idon-tified with interests in .New York for tho last half century. Ho was born in Boston, and took his first lc.s-? son tlioro. Coining to Now York, lie ( continued his studios horo. Atyor completing thorn, hogavo lossons upon tho violin and piano, llo bccamo a popular teachor, and was a leader in everything connected with music at that time. Tho only musical associa. tion that was at all prominent was I l.? "\T V - iiiu ii?w l uric eacrcu music society, of which Mr. Hill was conductor. Tho old standard oratorios, tho "Messiali," "Creation" and others woro the favorite pieces. Tho concerts woro givon in tho old Chatham Street chapel. In 1835 ho wont to Europo in company with Mr. Pfciflfor, who was a fellow worker with him in nil his efforts to advance tho study of muuic in Now York. After staying a ? : t 1-~ *r ? o.wiu hiiivj in jjuiiuuii iur. xii11 went to Cassol to Btudy under Louis Spohr, the colobratod violinist and composer, who at that time was musical direo tor at Iho Court thoatro in Casscl. Mr. Hill remained in Europe about two years and a half, and thou returned to Now York, whero ho rc*> Burned tho practico of his profession. Music had not advanced much during, his absenco. Anthony KoilY and /his brothor wore the only bassoon players 111 tuu city, possiuiy in tho counliy. The first bassoon which was ovor hoard in tho United States was played by Anthony HoifTs brother in the orchestra of iho Park theatre in 1817. Tho Philharmonic society was tho pridoof Mr. Hill's lilo. Ho was its l?iosi?oni lor in any yoars, and played lirst violin in l!ic orchestra up to two years ago, when his ago mado ncccsBary his removal from tho post. This removal, addod lo pecuniary cmbarrasmonts which grew on him with ago, preyed upon his mind. Ho was never tho samo'man afterwards. Ho had nover been a careful man with his money, and ho found it more and moro dillicnlt to gain pupils. JIo was not quito up to tho annroved moi.hn/1 of teaching tlio piano and violin. Difficulties began to press upon him sovercly. llo was recently employed as one ono of the extra force in the orchestra at Wallack's thoatro, during tho .engagement of Miss Mathews. Tho forco was diminished, and Mr. Hill was ono of thoso who wcro diss charged. ILo at onco set to work to arrango lor tho giving of a concert by his daughter at tho Tabernaclo in Jorsoy City, on October 13. Ho was unsuccessful in socuring tho co-oporas tion of other musicians. This was a great, disappointment to him, as^ he had great hopos in his daughter, and ?..,o ..i,... i.~ ?* :> mi Aiwun 1UI 11 Ui Late on Tliursdaj' night, after giving his daughter her lesson, ho took morphine, from the cfleets of which ho died on tho following day. The following letter, which was found in his room, explains tho act and gives some indication of the unsettled state of his mind at tho time: New VoUK,Septomber, 1875. I My Deau Wife, Mus. Lucie CI. ?The filial climax scorns at hand. Li' it must como, the sooner the hotter. For my part I am demoralized, and I feel like a drone about tho huuso. I am aged, discouraged, etc. Strong fears of losing our plaeo, which is almost euro to happen unless something turns up very soon in tho way of an income. There are scores of other things that havo hcon driving mo towards my final doom, and I am at timos crazy, mortified and chagrined beyond conception. So long has boon my ovory Iciiul of agony and fluttering that it must one! with ino very soon. Why should or howTan a man exist and bo poworloss to oarn moans for his family '( I Imvo tried long and hard enough to do so?"I'd rather bo a toad" than livo so?if I am driven out if will not hu my built l!?. .1 .. I ? .... 1 I I * i uiiinuij. it/ win ii-iivu you wini new liopoe, ami poihapn, hopes that stand a clianco to ho realized, and I shall not bo a harden upon. you. To live | and be a beggar and a ftlavo in little ton m 11 nl> 4nv t I ivi iibu, uuiu^ur x uiii lill OIU man. Look flit all of us. Is it not heart rending to contomplato? Ha! Ila! I go. Tho sooner tho hotter. O! moreiful Fnthor, tako good care of my wife and family. Blessings on all that have dono for mo. My ptay*< ers havo boon offered up to my heavenly Father for his son's sako, and will be to my last, for the forgiveness ! of tnv onlv irrimt. ?in Imi .1 ^ iT." ) ?" J Ul VIIIU I Father knows how much I have boon sinned against, and ho will judgo ma. j My best lovo to our dear Ida. May you and God protect her. Jiovo to Abbic and my dear boys?bless them. Ever affectionately, U. C'. Hii.t,. Mr. Hill was throughout his lifo a very temperate man. Jle was Iwico married, and leaves throo children by his second wife. As ho was in no senso a lusincss man it is feared that liis family will be left in a distressing j-situation. Tho funeral takes placo to (lay.?New York Herald. Strangr Story of an Ex-Confkd. ? A travel stained pedestrain, who gave his name as Johnson, passed through tliis placo Friday last, lie was badly crippled, and apparently in very indigent circumstances. In re*-ponce to certain inquiries propounded by several porsons, whoso charitable oilices he solicited, ho re^ lated a strange story, which, if true, embraces a sad personal experience, as well as a notaclo instance of oflis cial presumption. His narrativo was, in substance, as follows : lie was a nieinber of John Mors gana famous command in 18G2, and in a skirmish near Murlroeaboro*, in that year, was badly wounded,, and tell in the hands of the federal troop* Immediately after his capture, he was sent to Jl?ek Island, a prison of bitter memory, whero ho remainod a hoi pleas cripple until tho close of tho war, when, instead ofboing diaclmrs ged, he was transferred to tho Jeff. Davis Hospital in Marion county, Ohio, whero ho remainod until a few weeks ago. Ilia detention in tho H?r? I- ' ( I JflLlUi lO bUU Oil |'i\( t UJ tlie story, ilia wounds wore of such u nature as to rondcr hi in ontiroly helpless, and being uuablo to 'work ho was a inero iiiciunbranee to tho establishment, lie claims, howovor. that his detention was duo to tho tact that the keeper of the hospital ros eeived a liberal stipend from tho Government tor his board, and as there was quite a number of disabled Confederate boldiors quartered in tho same establishment, under similar circumstances, it was manifestly to to tho interest of that oflioor to rotain tlicm. During his couftuomcnt in tlie hoBpital, he, in common with his follow prisoners, was not allowed to'communiciUo, by writing or otherwise, with tho outside world, and his letters to friends and relatives were invaiibly intercepted by tho hospital authorities. A tow weeks ago lie regained the use of his limbs, ami the iirst use he made of them was to leave the hospital and strike out for Tennessee. Ilavind no money he svaa forced to travel oil toot, and trust to the charitable for subsistunco. lie succeeded in reach iug this place without sniftering lor food, but his general conditiiion was anything but enviable* lie told his story in a quiet, earnest way, that enlisted the sympathy of all who hoard it, and aa ho gavo an accurate his'ory of hit} command np to tho dato ot his capture, and displayed a familiarity witi) tlio characters ot several who bclongod to it, winch must luivo grown out of a personal acquaintance, his elatomonta wore reocivod without the figurative grain ol bait, llo says that two citi/.una of this county ? David Huggerly and Lundcss?aro at picsunt conlined in thu hospital inentionod, and tin; latter claiming to ho u son ot It s?i} Jvdlidess. Wis do not urnlnml I tv tay tliiit Johhnsun'B 8toi y ia worI thy ot crcdci.ci', hut it is certainly I pUusiblu enough tu awaken inveHti gat ion. At any rato^ the man, aa woil rts his narrative, enlist tho so-< lions attention of several of our prominent citizens, ami at their suggestion we give publicity to both.? Fayottsville, Tenn., Express. kaimioatr Aonoss the Atlantic.?* A railroad across tho Atlantic is on tlio list of OOSaibiliLiftH for i tlo, a Michigan farmor, was struck by ligntning reconuy wimo m ins Darn. ILifl horses wove killed, but ho mvoko to tlio consciousness of tho most intonso suffering, ospociafly in liislowor limbs. Tho pain was liko that of it burn, and heaftorwvrd said ho thought ho could not liavo sulFerod moro than ho did for an hour if ho had bocn in tho Haines. Nearly ten hours elapsed boloro he could movo his limbs, and tho symptoms iridicatod somo injury to the bones. IIo has now nearly recovered. 4^ Wo find tho following in tho Atlanta Ilorald of Tuosday. Wo un dorstand, from \v)mt wo regard aa rc* liahlo authority, that Gon. Jos. K. Johnston lias beon appointed arid has accoptod tho position of Commandorin^Chief of the nrmy of army of Kgypt. Only a Hhort tiiuo sinco,and for the third tiino, was ho tondoacd tho position. This time it was urged upon him so strenuously that ho afc length consented, unci in making his preparations to go over and assume his position immediately. Ho is to get *100,000 to prepare himself uu oil I (it, and iH to receive tho Bum of $25,000 annually lor having supremo control of tho Khedive of Egypt. Liohtnino Time.?Tho ninth and closing trip of tho Now York Herald's "lightning train'1 to Niagara Falls was made on Sunday last, and was signalized by tiio indulgence in an excursion over tho route of roprc-* sontativeB from tho papers in New York upon the invitation of tho maun agera ol tho Herald, The run from Koehester to Palmyra, (ilty-oiglifc inilos, wan made in filty-livo minutun, and between llatavia and IhtlTalo a portion ol tho dintnncO was run at the extraordinary ralo of Rovent}'tivo miles an hour, while tho whole run, thirty-livo milod, was made in thirty minutes.