Mi nil ~WKL' it m nc&jg s^hbl ;a. r, lMP^4rMriw PICKKNS, 8. C., 8&M* & Term* of ftubMcri?sUou. One Yenr $1 GO 70 *wttiW.iir "'M" Advertisements inserted at the rate of ?1 00 tier ?nuai>>. of nlhe linen, oh Ltins. fot (he first insertion, nod 60 cents for each tmbaequcnt insoition. Contracts mride for TiiRfcr,'six or twbt.vk monMiB, on favorable terirfv. Advertisements not haviug the number of insertions' uiurkcd on tliefifl, 1?]11 bo published until forbid and charged ncworditiftly. | Those luiTub aro so simple any cUild may understand tflem, Nino lines o?it(?rl n.ill I- ~:?.l ?!.-? il. ~ bKNUNEI. has a largo and increasing circulation, and in taken by I lie very class of ^ergons whose trade they desire. Advertisinc Airenta. a ?o ? Tlio following avo the only author izcd agents to rocoivo adverusomonts for this paper: Goo. P. Howell & Co., 41 Pat k Row JL 1 V TV 1 V/ I I\ . VYallcoi-, Evans & Cogswell, repieBen tod by Koawell T. Logan, Charlesten, S. C. We will accept cnshin-advanco or dere from other ngcnoicn, nt rooeonabio l-atep. Wo can givo no advortisomont prof Vonco in position, ni? f\ - . . / - inc .uomocrais swept toe btate ot California on tho 2<1 inst. Tho vote for Governor stands: Darwin, Democrat, 43,000 ; Phelps, lio publican, 25,000 ; Baldwell, Independent, 15,000. Tho Doinocrats havo an overwhelming majority in the Legislature. The Democratic tidal wave foils on, and will sweep the whole country in '76. Constitutional Conventions.?^i'he Alabama constitutional convention convened 111 Montgomery on the Gth inst., General L. P. Walker, first secrotary of war of tlie Confederate ouiiua, wits CnGScii l^rcsiucnt by nc clamation, Republicans and Democrats all voting for him. Th e Constitutional convention of N oj th Carolina convened in Raleigh the same day. The pa rtiea ' being nearly equally divided, the vote for President was llunsora, Democrat, 59 ; Dotkery, Republican, 58. The Djinoci a s have a majority, and will i!o.il>tlas effect an organization, and iomi u now cunbtitution for North Carolina. A dispatcjKlrOm Clinton, Miss., datcdJyi^T'lij says that in a fight ?ftfHlat place between the whites and negroes, about forty negroes were killed and many wounded. The negroes ecattored in every direction, and tho whites held tho town. The negro leaders are said to be in Jackson. Tho Governor called upon General Georgo, Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee^ to assist in restoring order. Quiet has been restored. Wo deplore these bloody conil:cts between the races, but the negro lenders are determined to bring them abjut, in the vain hope of keeping tbe Republican fablie from falling to pieces. Such conflicts can only terminal in one way?ttie utter defeat of the negroes, and we hope they will learn wisdom before it is too late for them. T?ik Shell Murder. ? Albert Parks ond Abraham Dial, who were some tiino ago committed to jail in Laurens county, for the killing oi .Dr. Shell, were brought beforo Judge Mackey, in Columbia, on Saturday fast, under a Wfit of habeas corpus and after the submission of affidavits and argument of counsel, were ro leased without day and allowed to go "scot free." It will bo remembered that Parka is tho individual who fled immediately after tho kil-> Hug of Dr. Shell, and was captured in Washington City last spring, by Capt. Alloy, ot Spartanburg, and brought baek to Greenville, where be made affidavit before Trial Justico McBco that he, with others wore hired by Joe Crows to commit tho murder, and that Adam Crews, son of Joe, lead tho band. This iellow now makes oath that through ins timidation and the promise of reward < .1.. '. * '* --'^T '" 1_ lured tools ot Joe Urows, was swili oient tor ihw |ihVpos?, and Uncle Joo is still allowed to go unwhipped ot justice. This is jtiBt a*ye ,oxpeafed ra when the disclosure was made. Old is too smart a villifin to be ertsily caught. But murder will out, and bis turn, at 'the end of the rOj)C,; nia^ ij&t bo a3far in tho futuro a? ho probably imagines. ' 0 Third Aiiiiit'orKui'v of ilift . Pit'kciw County fiiblc Mocicfy, Pursuant to provioiiB appointment, the tl?lrd anniversary ot t|jo Pickcns County I31tflo Society, was celebrated at the Methodist Episcopal Church at this place, on Sunday I ... O i K 1 OT2 morning, ou[)i.. u, io|u. The annual sermon was delivered by ltev. Edwin A. Bolles, District Supe?% ten debt of the American Biblrfj Society for South Carolina. " After the sermon, the Society was callcd to order, and Prof. J. 11. Carlisle, President, took the chair. After prayer, the Rev. Mr. Bolles addiessed the meeting in his usual pleasant and impressive stylo. A collection was then taken, and officers elected tor the ensuing year, viz: Prof. J. II. Carlisle, President; Rev. W. B. Singloton, First Vice President; G. W, Singloton, Second Vice President; Alonzo M. Folgcr, Corresponding Secretary; W;n. A. Lesley, Treasurer and Depositary. On motion ot Col. J. E. Ilagood, thoChair appointed a committco of tlireo to draft resolutions on the death of our worthy brother and efficient Treasurer and Depositary, Capt. J. M. McFall ; committee consisting of Messrs. D. F. Brauiuy, Alorzo M. Folger, and W.T. Moares. In a short timo the connnittee oflered the following preamble and resolutions, which wcro unanimously adopted by tho Society standing : WhiVukas, Iihhs'pluasod?Aruugl?ty r?^'l ! A A??p mlilol liro r i11 his viney^{'d^**ttyQ' church a bright RjjjlTt and a linn support, and tho Socioty an able and efficient ofliccr. Keso.vod, That tho zoal and intertiof n^AniiaalA-l Kit lu-rofienco and aid in establishing tho Society for tho dibttOtninuUtfU ot tho Bible throughout this country. .Resolved, That tho Pickens County Bible Society tender their kiiico'o 11 ihi)Ua to llev. Edwin A. Holies, District Superintendent of the v -V... < - ' -4- 4 Society fer Sunili Gai^fca,efticioi(?6 iunl^B ilijN^soiuiimtiuii siting year. Tho meeting was opened with prayer by Rev. Edwin A. Bolles. On motion of Col. Iiagood Rev. G. W. Singleton was appointed Colporteur for the Society, nod was requested to take up cclloctijns wherever lie may go throughout the county, in aid of the Society. On motion of Capt. Thornley, it was Resolved, That tho Secretary publish an invitation in the Pickens Skniinui., ono month previous to our next anniversary, inviting nil the various dcnomimvions to moot with this Society. On motion, Rev. G. YV. Singleton was elected Sccond Vice President ot ( tis Society. On motion, tho committeo ad~ journod. Ai.oxzo M. Folokr, i # ' Corrcspondding Secretary I'ickcns County Bible Society. Pickens C. II., S. C., Sept. G, 1875. Mu. Kditok :?In your last issue ?!.?. i ? -.1 ~ ?:?! HIU UI-BC1'VUU II WI1VUI SilWUll purporting to bo between a Mr. and a Mr. It. during and after a rocent Trial Juatico's Court. Now, a conversation did take i>lace, but your informant tailed to give an accurato report of tbe facts as they actually occurred. Therefore, I will give you tbo conversation as occurred betwvic.i the parties mentioned: Mr. C.?"(Janie here Air. It." Mr. It.?"What do you want. Mr. C ?" Air. (J.?uY.n brought into your pleadings before the jury the swings of witnesses whieh had- hot been proven. You-lultl what you knew aboiU-t-lio case." Mr. II.? ''I did not, air." After. a brief interval of timo. during which tJey had separated, tho conversation renewed as follows : Mr. It?,lOome liere Mr. C." Mr. t!.?"What- do >ou want 3" Mr. It.?"Hero is $5 I will givo you lor your extra maneuvering in this enee. Jon Kerb. OBITUARY. Derailed this life, August 22, 1875, John Gilstrap, aged 73 years. IIo was bom Sept. 13, 1802, and raised in South Carolina. At the nc;o ot 17 lie professed religion, aud juined the Methodist K. l\ Church i ft I. , f .. i.:, 1. I ? > - - Kji/iim, ui vt|jiv*ll ilU I I 11 Oilsistcnt member until bis death. Shortly after his conversion lie wa6 appointed class 'leader, and tilled that station as becometh an humble christian. In the year 1850 he was licensed to exhort, and held that position up to the time of hia death, It was his greatest happinees at all times to Le engaged in llio service of Iiis Master, and the Lh'J Messed It in labors. He removed to Georgia in 1S58, but often visited his native State, n...i i i 1: - --- v/H|?yjiiia'irun^i^iiB seasons willi liis christian brethren, to whom ho wae warmly attached, llid houee was over the homo of tho itinerant, and the weary traveler always found a .hearty welcome at his iirenido. In every relation of lite he was a good man, a kind iu 8band, and a tender lather, bene?olent, and'evor reaJy to contribute to the advancement ol the gospel. He was kind to Ihe poor ; a faithful, active, exemplary christian, striving to do his whole duly ; a man ol warm feeling#, honorable piinciplce, and gentlemanly deportment, lie was ,esteemed and beloved by all I iwwQiier I'1? Durn|g ^ Jbt I ||^Wcl td liia beJj^Sr sevljfal rtlys at % time? buPfor tfrt> IhsV six months had enjoyed tolerable good health. He attended the Holbriok camp meeting only a few days before hit) de^tb, where ho^enjoyed a tnllcnp. lie wrta in the act of starting to the Bliiloli cainp meeting, when the Lo d buw fit to call him. This last illnets was very painfu', but only lasted a few days. Ho was unable to converso but vfery little, but said lio bud no fear of death, ae lio 60 olton oxprcssed himself for the last tow years, that lie wan willing ar.d juBt waiting tho will ot tho Lord, lie was anxious to depart and bo with Christ. Our loss is groat, but who shall estimate his gain ? ilo leaves an aged companion and four children to mourn his death, but thank God tor tho hope of Ileaven. A Gkief IStkickkn Onk. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Town Lots for Sale. I will sell at Liberty Station, on the Air Line Railroad, in l'ickenj county, 8. 0., on THURSDAY, ~3d day of September instant, a number of valuablo and desirable building lots, to contain from one-fourth of an acrc to four acres each. Tho village will be situated on a beautiful plateau of land, iu one of the healthiest sections of the State, and surrounded by bold springs of excellent w.itcr, and in the midst of one of the most prosperous farming sections in the State. Terms?One Third cash, one third in three months, balance in six months, with interest from date, purchasers to%havo the privilege of anticipating any part or all the payments. Titles to be executed but not delivered until the whole of the purchase money is paid. Purchasers to *iav extra for rninor? M? agents, Mr. Addison Hoggs, Samuel Stewart ami S. M. Hnlcombe, residing at or near tlie placc,.will take pleasure in showing tlie lots to any one, wishing,to purchase. A plat of the towii and lota will be exhibited on day of sale. CATHARINE TEMI'LETON. Sept. P, 1^75. ' * 2 ot Clreeenvillo News copy 2t?once on 16th and once on 21st. Anderson Intelligencer copy once and send bill to this office. 1TATTTAT5!P V^UAfiu?i LMU mu, I nill sell to !hc highest bidder, ftl Piemen* C II, on saleday in October next, the real estaje <>f Jane I<. Arnold, deceased, to-wit : One,tract of land lying on (leorge'a Greek, a few miles northeast ef Eiy??cy Station, containing three hundred Acres, fifty of which is first-class bottom land; one hun 'red original find fine forest, tiie li?lance cleared and lii a gooil state of cultivation. Ou the premises is a large and comforts jle dwelling, with all necessary out-buildings. Terms?One-third cnoh, balance in one and two years, with interest at ten per cent, per annum, with approved securities and mort .1- i im iiijm i.iiiisl'3 ii uceiueu necessary. A. S. 11RIGGS, Agent for Legatees. Aug. 2o, 1ST.". fifty" Abbevlllo Press and Banner ami Greenville Weekly News copy 2t and send bill to A. S. Briggs, Greenville Court House, S, C. no51i 7t Executors' Sale. Will be sold at Pickens Court llouso, on laleday next, the following property, to wit : 1 HAY MULE, Lot ef WHEAT and lot of PA RXI I Vfl TftAI a Terms made known on day of sale. E F ALI.GO0D, S J I1KSTKK, Kxecutors o! i. a. Rogers' Kniiiic. Livery ana Salt Stalks. Parlies deu'ring lo hire conveyance (>tc Pickcns Court House, Table Kock. and ; otbci I points, cau be accommodated at my Stables, at all hours of the day and night. Purchasers can also be supplied rrirfi Go?d Slock at rcasonnblcpriccs. t&~ Regular Mail Line to Pickens Court house daily. (Sundays excepted.) II. A. RICHIE. Kasley Station, S. 0., Aug. 3, 1875. n?-J9-]y TABLE ROCK Tlie Hotel nt I his Popular Summer llesor is now open for tlie reception of visitors. Tin table will be supplied with tlie best (lie conn try ulTurds. The rooms arc well furnishet 1 and scrupulously clcun. No pains will b< spared to render the stay of visitors plcnsun Hud agreeable. ? ? * ? nuiv.t vi iionra, ' a Per iMy $ 2.(M Per M;ck 12.01 Per Month 40.01 V. 8. JONES, no60 Proprietor, FIT? A1VI) EPI1EPSY positively cured. The worst 'Mines, of long est standing, >>y using Dr Jlebbard's Clirf A bottle sent free to nil nddreshing J. 8. JL>jd blkk, Pruggiaf, 814 oth Ave., N. V. riifcKiay *?> tw m Li PickknWSounty. I PROLATE COURT. ' J. D. Gasaway, Administrator, against C. Gnsaway and others, Defendants. Complaint for payment of debts. and partif tlon. rt i * r tr tii.ti a t.. Ji ' _ . k* irv uy oruer 01 i, 11. rnupoi, .juugo oi rro- | bate, ! will Bell at PW&enir Uotfrt Howie, on sale day in October ihuli, the roil estate of Thomas* 11. Gasaway, ueceased, to-wit: Unf tract of land, lyiifig and being in the State of Koutb Carolina* county of 1'ickenB, adjoininglands oft. J. Robertson, C. N. Reid aud others, on Twelve Mile river, containing two liuudred notes wore or less; sold for payment of debts anil partition. Terms cash. J. RILEY FERGUSON, Sheriff lMckcns County. Sheriff's office, ; 1 Pickens Court House, S<^pt. 7, 1875. J 2-4t STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. I'ickens County. IN P110BATE COURT. Winuy Howard, Flaintiff, against Elizabeth lliggins, Emeliue Riggius ct al. Complaint in partition. By order of I. II. Phllpot, Judge of Probate, I will sell at Piokeus Court House, ou sale day in October next, the real estate of /ion Biggins, deceased, to-wit. One tract of l&ad, lying and being in tho State and county aforesaid, adjoining lands of Jordan llice, I?*niel Alexander nnd others, contaiuiug one huhdred and foity four acres more or less ; sold lor partition. Terms?On a credit of twelve months, except so much as may be necessary to pay the costs of these proceedings, with interest from date. Purchaser to give bond and mortgage of premises to secure purchaso money. Also, to pay extra for titles aud mortgage. J. KILEY FEUGUSON, Sheriff Pickens County. Sheriff's ofltcc, ) Pickens Court House, Sept. 7, 1875. J 2 4t ST AT JO OK SOU 111 CAROLINA. Pickens County. IN PROBATE COUKT. Jacob Lewis Plaintiff, against David James and utlurs, Defendants. Complaint in partition. lly ordcr'of I. II. Philpot, Judge of Probate, 1 will sell at, Pickens Court Hourie, on sale day in October next, the real estate of \Y. U. Durham, deceased, to wit: One tract of land lying and being in tho Siato of South Carolina and county of Pickens, on waters or ftliie Creek, adjoining lands of Frank Durham, iicrry Durham and others. containing sixty four acres moro or Josh ; sold for payment of debts und partitit ion. Terms?On a credit of twelve mouths, with interest frotu dnfc, except so much as may l>? nccessary to pay costs ot these proceed* ings Purchaser to give bond and mortgage ot premises to secure purchase money. Also, pay cxtiu for titles and mortgage. J. H1LKY FEKCIL'SON, Sheriff Pickene County. Sheriff's office, ^ I'ickens Court llouso, Sept. 7, 1875. j 2 -It STATf Of SOUTII CAiiOUNA". Piokkns County. IN PllOBATK COUKT. nullum ix. waiKer, rinntin, against Ketjcccft L. Corfcan ct al. Defendants. Complaint in partition. lly order of 1. II. Philpot, Judge of Probate, 1 will Hell ill lMckens Court House, jon sale dtiy in October next, the real cstato of James Walker, deceased, to-writ : One iittci of land, lying und being in the State of Houth Carolina and county of Pick, en;, on waters of ?asla(oe, waters of Keoweo river, adjoining lands of Alpha Barton and others, containing one hundred aud sixty acres more or lean ; sold for partition and payment of debts. Terms?On a oredit of twelvo months, with iutcreat from date, except so much as may bo necessary to pay the cost of theso proceed* ings. Purchaser to give bond aud mortgage of nromifittrttn mirplifixn rr.nnftu Alar* - x 4' to pay extra for titles and mortgage. J. IULKY FERGUSON, Sheriff Pickens County. Sheriffs office, 1 Pickens dourt Jfouse, Sopt. 7, 1876. j 2 4t . ''sTrrifoF SOUTH CAROLINA. v>l i f v , ' b j :PiCKKN8 CoUNTy. ]N PROBATE COURT. Kllen Oarrctt, Petitioner, against Emma Newton et^,. Respondent. Petition in partition. Ry order of I. II. PfcHjM, Judge of Probate, I will sell on aato (lay in October nest, at l'ickcuK Court House, the real estate ol Kllemler Griffin, deceased, to-wlt : Two lolu of land, lying and being in the town of Pickens, Btato of 8outh Caroliun and county of 1'ickens vis : Lot No. 1, known in tiio goncjal plat ol the town, as lot No 17, containing one-hall acre, more or less, adjoining lot No. 8!) on tlio north, fronting Carvin street on the went, 1 Cedar Hock ctrect on the south, and lot No. 40 on tlio east. , Lot No 2, known in (lie general plat of the B town as lot No. 49, fronting Cedar Rock street on tho bouiIi, and adjoimng lots No. I 17, M and KO, containing one-half acre, more B or loss ; sold for partition. ( Terms?On a credit of twelvo months, with interest from date, except bo much as may b? necessary (o pay costs of Ihcso Drtceedinors. Purchaser to giro bond, with two good sureties, mi'l a morlgpgo ojt the premises to ne? cure tlie purohnso money. J J. RILEY FERGUSON, . Sheriff lMokena County. Sheriff's office, \ Pickenn Court Houko, Hept. 7, 1876. ('1 4t NA9IPM: A ALDXANDER, Manufacturers and Jobbers of MKN'S HOYS' WOMKN'8, BOOTS'and SHOES, . Cbflrlolto, Is". C. 11m / ' \ r 8UBS(^I BE" 1 ,"w jiyy ,t 'Boutin 1 _ .M _ * ! ? FOR4 TlfB * mv, .?. ,:v i 4m* ^ - .... * - '/ 5 *' i jfts vfSftni ?MI B?v a "5 :~*rm2E?S? 'iriK' ' , 1? . ? 4 Hendricks & Williams, Eaoley Station, llnvo on hand and for salo at low pricos lor cash, a f General Amortment Of Goods to euit tho times, consisting in part of J DllY GOODS, NOTION S/f IJOOi S," 1 8I10L8 JIA2S, CAPS, HARDWARE, CROMER Y, er, in dealing with tho Angency, io saved trouble and correspondence, making one contract instead of of a dozen, a hundred oi1 a thousand. A Book of eighty pages, containing lists of best papers, largest circulation* religious, agricultural, class, political, daily and country papers, and all publications.which art specially valuable to advertisers, with AMA inf/\rmuiSnn aKntif f\pl/?no S J annf f OVIMV I"'""! ? ?V?HUB to any address on application, l'crlons at. . a distahc* wishing to make contracts for advertising in any town, city, county, 8(ate of f Territory of the United States or uj Dominion of Canada, send a concise statement of i what they want, together with a copy of the , Advertisement they desire inserted, and will rcocivo information by return mall which r will enablo them to decide whether to increaso or reduce the order. For such information there is no charge. Orders aro taken for ? single paper as woll as for a list; f?r a singlo dollar &ts readily as for n larger sum. Offices (Times Building), ?JIMM.7. Atortisir's Gazette < A JOURNAL OF INFORMATION FOR ADVERTISERS. EDITION, 9,000 COPIES. PUBLISHED WEEKLY. TEUMS, 12 PER ANs NUM, IN ADVANCE. ? 1 FIVE Sl'KOIEKN COl'IKM (f)lFFBKKNI DATK9) TO ONE ADDUKtM FOH 25 CTW. Office No 41 Park "Row. New York. GEO-P-HOWELL & CO . Editors and JjiHi'her*. stS