f . j EAGCOD & / LI ! Willi h View lo F FIJI ENDS AND Ul '.i Have Replenished Ktock of CS< J And iiro now prepare dale ALL on the most JiEASOXA JiLE AVe are also Agentf biuited CAROLINA FEE i f it" And wiU be pleased - ** Bumo to our la vine is a Prices. Hagood & j Phoenix C T "If" OTrtii MV Old Cusiouierp, nnd pureltnse I lie lict-l ju !Iit'ir |>rici', lire rr?|ii'Ctfnl1 inn now lilting ii, iiii nni|de l>o I'loiuod tf; hnve tlipir mi Tcrma neocinniodiiiinfr. j GKO. ! l'liidlctoi!. Jan. ]f>, IbTi FURNITURE ! FU Undersigned M-iW pi JL old tr.udi.' of making F kinds in ilie Cabinet Line, |>ri?u-K: i Common Tk-dt-leads from Oolitic Fiends, 7 lo 111 do >> Jimront b ]i) uollartf. Tin Safes. )' dollars, liurenus, 16 dollar*?glaf Tables, Cfiesis, Cribs uiu Also, Raised-Lid Coffins 1 Also, will repair all Old figures- for I'aufi or Country 1 will reicrn 1113- tlian" s I the public generally, for 1 he and bolicit 11 continuance ol L. J Al YlW filfl ctntwl *'d?. G, 1873. r JXANDER, 'Icnso their JSTOMEHS, their Full IKMlN, NAVE mii.i. J. M > to itceommo- . Wl1' l) givv you more HEAD TERMS. _ , . ho fis I o lie r< i for lho Colo- i]"' New Gu0,N Lome every! mm, to' furnish the t't Manufactory Alexander. iuano, Best:. "S ?. others desiring to lying manures at \y informed (lint 1 f [ ' supply, nnd shall / ly applications. ^ SEABOltN, Agl. VV'.iK'ki 3-_ . 20 il \'$*h RNITURE ! ! till continue ?t 1?m UTMTl'KE of nil *>V; fit the following vv r> lo 7 dollars. Vj&fa ilar?. r~ * * J* is lops 20 dollars. ? tie to order. aiaue to order. r Furniture at low fcgjXmX. l'roduct, ~^sjy?s o my friends mid ~J"" :ir pnRtjpnti outtgct> (lie came. v * . " brown, f0; . "' kens C. H. 8. C. ? J" ', 27 tf er.tr ;n:.l r wr-nn, VOIR MO\EY ilcFALL Returns from market, ring tlie larpi;sl STOCK ami for your money than any one. THE SENTINEL, eruly to come mid trade wlicn nro advertised. rk boJy. " Pi 11 f :t f. : C I i P. l I r?1 - ? liioj Y f - jmm pll ;' . { vm,' III P? I ' ggjj SMii c;>> vj'.. ' ^ / y^ I -^s&N&is? 3 #'/&.||t IsrailiESi||??g /t^b'?'" ,y 4*4.1l- : ?--TLrsr; v- sTua&^mif' . n bofvn the .Amcricnn puhlin'tY TIIir.TY years. It h~3 iiovrr j fi 1 11 jjivc por.'eet sat: * .< '. !->n. and I p< Iv l1 H ;ro CloD'.r.lnr: C V?> is Purely Vcrrr-?. jaw.iy v.,.1 t i e.-iUKi Jnjgi?int and I'.-.; P]$\ rr .tivV v?v. ^ .rin ~.\ ithrmt this L:niinonf. ' irrlod utiIoes fie. L,ir.;:TK nro nnd rc ihx:ca:? iiustanu ol'l l>y nil I)ru~.'rist? and I ?5c., HOo. mi 1 ( 1 .CD per oi^c of bji'.lo, j. ' F9 Balm * v.\~r. a icmplcxion. ^wmtion In noon and ..e KlUKhid Aii;x or iplco, dlnjxtlling dark y Ton. ?oc1k!ob, and powerful lullueuc-o NT) BEAUTY. ;icy btoros. Depot, RgSgiFi Dio money rois nc reprc t the pc'.iv.ir.o LINIMENT. Country Store.-., Bottle, Koticti