1 ? New Fear's Greeting By Emory J, Haynes -/TTVIINK of un Egyptian pyrn y/: I mid-tlie Sphinx, for in X stance, tlmt stone ' forged ; head of u mnn. It stolidly stures j out of sightless eyos over tho J wastes of sand. Now think of ."a K big town clock In tho forehead of that "hatti face. Tho hour, hand hay.been wagging around and yet I around, for all these centuries. A4id now it marks the beginning of jihother New Year. Does the stony face smile?t No. Do tho granite Hps move' to bid us, of this age, a Happy New Year? No. If we speak up to the broken jears 'do they hear? Never. i TSucli a senseless, heartless- 'thing 1 is time. It knows us o6t norteares \ for us. It has no^Cyes to see us, i whether we be/Greeks, Egyptians y or Yankees./ As well might be the ! countless groins, of the desert , sands, ?ve' and "'the generations gone before us.' Our laughter and i emblen rs are alike tq time. If we l.yflng beings carve a clock on Its r /brows; If we renew Its wheels as they wear out; If we wind it day by day and appoint pur children to keep lt going after us; If we make Its Iron tongue ptrlke the hours on a hell, lt yet Is nothing to the spldhx of Old'Time. We only are the living ones. Time ls not alive. And If there \vere no living ear of man or beast on the vost Sahara there would bo' no "sound of the striking clock. tfjWe speak liv error of the New* J! Year's coming. It is we living souls who come and go. Time never comes, never goes; ls not new, not old. Time is a fetish, ; an imaginary thing. Man is,.#11, Iq fact, since the soulless beasts take no note of time, and God's measure is Eternity. . [NVluiJ we do on New Year's day lake note of our existence. Away hack of us.are multitudes of bunnin lives to whom we real ize our relation. We say back of ns. Wliy not say before us? For rh ey nra the procession that passed 'lils way. Are we the head ol' the column, or ls lt they who hilve gone before? In either view \\ arc all ?mo. It ls Humanity that ls passing over the earth. The Sphinx is not bing slnco it has po soul to sec us pass, or to hoar us as wt? pauso and toss our Cups: hi thfe ?lit Ix finv lijrVi it? a N'bw , . \ oar festival j?jjInstead fhe pyramid let mi a J'io.ii: up t" a l'\\rhw, Kow lii 'ior Obi .tin- llybiight ! Eyes bas Ho and'' He socs us; oars, and Ho hears our thankful acida lins. Hands has U.c. which extend* ?? \ themselves to sustain us, to hplp the toddling children, to upbear the aged, "For a thousand years hi thy sight ure but as yesterday when his passed, and as a watch \ In the night." ?fJJWe think today of brotherhood, jl Wo are conscious alike of our mortality and our Immortality. ?j I^lfe seems sweet and we are glad to oe aii vc. Ulfe seems all em ? bracing, all conquering) for we ! have survived so many trials and ( yet are, living. 'f??ln vain does one seek to pi>? ft ^?In words, this mighty shout of men into the faces of the aged stars i, and to the sunrise, "A Happy New Year." It ls a day of tinkling bells and music with dancing feet. Yet poor indeed must he the mind that cannot also rise to say:. "When I consider Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, the moon and tho stars, which Thou hast ordained, what ls man that Thou are mindful of him?" And so give thanks. GREETED WITH COLD WATER A quaint New Year's custom ob served ^n South Pembrokeshire, tho "Little England beyond Wales," ls de scribed In a London newspaper, Ho Itween six and seven o'clock on New (tear's morning the householders are aroused hy a .succession of smart taps nt their doors. On opening them they will he 0|eeted hy One or moro chll dron, chiefly boys, armed with a little year, I cheerfully resolve to obey all or other evergreen plant. The greet ing consists of the words, "Will you take this Now Year's water In, please?" No true native of the dis trict would dream of refusing, for this . water ls supposed to bring good luck ?for the ensuing year. If tho child's j request ls granted, he sends a spray ?of Icy water into the face of the gen tleman or tydy of tho house, with the words, "I wish you a happy Now ?Year!" Every member of the house Jhold must participate In the luck? ; bringing water, so the child ls brought Inp to the members pf the family still '.abed and tho formula ls repented again. -MAKING THE, YEAR i A New Yonr ls tho starting placo, I Lot's leave lt with a amltlng fnce, iLet*S\9tart with laughter and with song* [And when tomorrow comes along, ; Lot's cling lo nil our happy %vnys 'Until we've built a stnok of days, And wc?fcs and months of faith and eboor, V ?And made of lt a happy year. ' - ' 1 -Detroit Freo Prose. Subscribe for The Courier. (Best.) ti* II mm i Ultimi fri i Vmfirmirnirti iii II.iiimiinimiiiiiiwiiiwariiiii jft Nineteen Twenty-Three ^H'fKtiHiiwi. II , i MI riinitfiiilliiUMlmMUMiliiiiMiiirniruiiaMubMuinii (?, 1822, Western Newspaper Union.) THY friends aro all Importunate ' That this year may bo fortunate, They weave a opeclnl wishing spell About this year to guard lt well; Lest any bunn should coitio to thee Because old Time Baye "Twonty-threot" Grace and good? dheer attend this year And rout all-shades of doubt and fear. But lt will be well bot to put'too much fuith In. resolutions. Itesplutlons aro Often tho vapors of nuto-iutoxicatlou. 'They aro the rainbows that succeed the last storm, before the tears have dried up. They uro the halos that wo place Upon our bernis too soon. They are the thin ice thuf glliters but lets us through. t J , There is^noip* power in resolution.' If a man tan overcome himself he has; conquered his worst enemy. Ho will! have to use both .fists to knock himself, out and both feet to kick himself ottt; ho> will have to get himself down and nit upon himself before ho can be himself. * This ls worth willie, but lt is un pleasant and difficult. Resolutions are apt tb. fall before lt or be entirely for gotten, but resolution can do it and hove force to spare. As a popt has said : . . * , / So nigh ls grandeur to our dust, / .So near ls God ito man,. When Dujty whtsjpfbrii low, Thou must, Tho youth replies, I can. -,-fMii^S . Household Resolutions Y for Father IWILL not ein. Never again will I touch tho guest towel, for I have seen the error of'my ways, and how know thal guest towels are to be seen but not used ; yeo, not even for a newly shaved face. I will reverence the parlor. Verily, verily, no elgor stumps nor ashes' shall I leave behind me, nor shall I. lay my-head upon the sacred em broldered cushion. I will reform. The socks that are taken off at night, even so shnll they bo picked up by me and put Into the laundry basket. I will be thankful. For the cut gloss berry howl and the mahogany sew ing table, for the synthetic toilet lotion, for the belligerent cigars; for these Christmas gifts, will I show rejoicing. . ( I yvill not answer back. Yell, though the bills of the NoNv Year morn are mighty ,as monnliilns, and I wfij w?lk Ki iii . ?diod' ?* ot bhnkr^tcy, l wili pot lift my vojee iigfiln'st thee. I win ..o', complain? Ify. tuongh gou lash and .rona.'tis hi handed to pic even und the third evening, I Shall bold no peace, and ui.v desire for porterhouse shall be no more, f will not struggle. That good will may abide throughout the coming year, I cheerfully resolve to obey all the rules of the Institution which harbors me. Amen. NOBLE PURPOSES COUNT Out out the long string of New Year resolutions and substitute for them a few strong, noble purposes. TOLBERT HEARING IN SECRET, Marshal Nominee Appears in Person. Tho Fight a Bitter One. Washington, Dec. 20.-The fight ovor President Harding's nomination of Jos. W. Tolbert ns United States Marshal for South Carolina (West ern District), which has developed into one of tho b'tterest confirmation (ton tests of tho prosent adminstra tion, to-day roached tho stage of for mal hearing before a Senato Judi ciary sub-comniltteo. Charges against tho nominee, who ls tho Republican national commit teeman for lils State, were made and dollied at tho sub-committee's exeou tiv session, at which Tolbort himself appeared as a witness, Ho entered a .sweeping dental of all tho accusa tions made hy Senator Dial, Demo crat, of South Carolina, and a num ber of others. Lost Baby Pound in Mail Hack. Cleveland, Ohio, Doc. 22.-^vAmld the bootle and bustlo of a largo crowd of Christmas shoppers In tho main postoifice to-day came tho crios of a mother for hor lost Infant. Whilo tho mother 'was addressing Christmas packages at a table In tho lobby she placed tho child in a mar ket basket* 'which sho plncod under tho table. Her packages ready to bo mailed, sho lobkol for tho baby. H I had disappeared. / Tho basket, with its contents, had been pickel up by a postofilco om ployeo and thrown into a small sack. Cries from the child as the sack was about to be placed on a mall truck led to its discovery, YVnstod Energy. (?ti? 1 Nhl n gh a m A go-11 o ra 1 d. ) "When I wir/ a young man, mum, do neighbors whero I H Ved called me a 'human dynamo'," said thc languid looking tramp. z ?"Well, they would hardly call you that now," answered tho housowlfo. "No'm. But I wlisS Uko a dynamo in ono respect." L "How was that?" . J "The energy I created nevor got mo a ii y whore." _; 'PROHIBITION' LAW BREAKERS Aro 'LegallyLiable to Prosecution^ bj* Both Federal ami, State Courts. A ftf?patch iron? Coliuiibia says: , Holding that conviction in Federal Court of violation' ftc tho prohibition laws is no bpr to trial in tho State Courts for tho simo trans-.e'tioii,' tho Supreme point of South Carolina lias dismissed the hppial of Arthur Mose ley and Calvin Spencer, of Cherokee county. Moseley and Spencer appeal ed from sentencos Imposed in tho Circuit Court on tho ground of for mer conviction in tho Untied States ,Court for tho samo off?nso. > "Under the decisions of tho Su preme Court tho rule has been well established that a single transaction jrtay/givo rjse to more than one viola tion7, " the opinion, written by ChlOf Justice Gary, assorted. The court affirmed the verdict of involuntary ni?iiBlaughtor against T. J-j Tolley, of Anderson county, who was sentenced to two years Imprison ment for the killing of Irale Brown, from which vordict and sentence ho appealed. -t Notice to Confederate Veterans. The Confederate voterans of Oco noe county are requested to meet on Monday, Jan. ls., 19 23, for the pur pose of electing a hoard for pensions for 1923 and 1924, as the law directs. Let every veteran attend who possi bly can. / ~ W. T. McGill, y Chairman Odonoe Porndon Hoard. SUMMONS FOR HELIER The S,tato of South Carolina, \ County of Oconoe. IN COU lt T OE COMMON PLEAS. Goorgo Seaborn, Plaintiff, against Krank C. Alexander, Mrs. Eredda Youngblood, Mrs. lnoz .?aynos and W. J."" Schroder, in bis own right and as Administrator of tho Estate of T. E. Alexander, Deceased, ' Defendants. (Copy Summons for Relief.-Com plaint Served.) * To tho Defendants Above Named: You aro hereby summoned and re quired to answer the Complaint in .this action, of which a copy is 'here with served upon you, and to' serve a copy of your Answer to the' said Complaint on tho subscribers at their ofllco, on tho Publia Square, at Wal halla Court House, South Carolina, within twenty days after tho service heroqf, exclusive of tho day of such service; and if you fail to answer tho Complaint within tho time, aforesaid, I the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to the Court for tho relief demanded j in the Complaint. Dated this 24th day of November, ! 1922. I (Seal.) W. J. SCHRODER. . ' > C. C P. I . SHELOR & HUGHS. j>! Hnilfi ' Attornovi. ?j I Dec. 'J 6, KUH . 511 ! SUMMON i F0N Hld IUP. > the State of Suitth Carolina, County of Oconeo: COURT OE COMMON PLEAS. Jesse C. Neville and Mack Novillo, as . Partners In Trade* doing ,business under the'Stylo and Firm Nnmo of Neville Brothers, Plaintiffs, against R. S. Nichols, Ella E. Nichols and J. H. Wood, Defendants. Copy Summons for Relief.- (Com plaint Served.) To tho Defendants Aoovo Named: You tire hereby summoned and re quired to answer the" Complaint in this notion, of which a copy is here with served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to tho said Com plaint on the subscribers, at their office on tho Public Square, at Wal halla Cqurt House, South Carolina, within twenty days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiffs in this action will apply to tho Court for tho relief demanded In tho Complaint. Dated this 6th day of Decombor, 1922. .(Seal.) W. J. SCHRODER, ' C C P SHELOR & HUGHS, . 'Plaintiffs' Attorneys. ' Dec. 20, 1922.. 5111 NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. All persons indebted to tho Estate of Amos Sanders, Dcceasod, are hereby notified to make payment to tho undersigned, nnd all persons having claims against said Estate will present tho Bame, duly attested, within the time prescribed by law, or bo barred. MRS. HANNAH SANDERS, Administratrix of tho Estate of Amos Sanders, Docoased. Dec. 20, 1922, 51-2 CITATION NOTICE^ The Stato of South Carolina, Coun ty of Oconoo.- (In COurt of Prohato) -By V. F. MARTIN, Esq., Prohato Judge. - Whereas, J. J. LICE has made suit to mo to grant him Lot tors of Administration of tho Estato of and Effc'.s of J. S. Loo, Docoased Theso aro, tboroforo, to cito and admonish all and singular tho kin dred nnd creditors of Vie said J. 8. L10E, Deceased, that they bo and appeal1 before me, in the Court of Prohato, to he held ht Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on Friday, tho ..5th day of January, 1923, niter publication hereof, nt ll o'clock In tho forenoon, to show causo, if any they have, why tho said Administration should not bo grant od. Oivon under my hand and seal this 20th day of December, A.ID. 1922. (Seal.) V. P. MARTIN, Published on tho 27 th Ulny of D.e comb?r, 1922, and tho 3d day of Jan uary, 1923, In Tho Koowoo Courier, and on the Court House door for tho timo prscrlbod by law. , Dec. 27, 1922. 52-1 baster's Sales STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, COUNTY" OF OCONEE. In Con.vf of Common Pleas. Pursuant *? decrees of Hie nforo satd Couil, Sn tho cases named be low. T will p/fsfr for salo, to tho high est I'iditci. ij| front of the Court liol do. ... at Walhalla, S. C.* on MO.M'VY. tho 1st ? day of January, ' 192:<, between tho legal . hours of ' sali, ?ho, tracts of land below do scii. od : . . . Hui a vi q, Cole and Olivo O. White. Essie Phii.:/o Wright and Amos A. (Join, by !ie,ir Guardian Ad Litern. AV. ?R Co,. , ?and W. H. Colo, Ouar dlanj Plaintiffs, against- ' June Lewis, Tho Citizens' BnnkV J. E. (?rant antd J. C. Edwards, part . news in business, undera the firm ?namoi o? J. mt Grant & Co., D fendants. All thur piece, parcel or tract of land, continuing sixty-five and one half acres, moro or lons, on tho north side of tho public road leading from Friendship ("burch to Pendleton, in the Comity and State aforesaid, ad Joining lands 'of J. P. Ledbetter ,011 tho north, Ullon Lowery on tho east, E. P. Cochran on the sou til, and Mrs. Ellen r?ail o.i the wost, this being the: some tract of land conveyed to thelsaid Mi'S. Eunico p, Cole by Mrs. Mar;. H. Fredericks by her dood dato i tho uh day of December, 1912. Terms ol' Sale-Cash. That in thc oven! a iy imrctyase'r or purchasers shall tail to comply with" tho terms of [heir b (ls Within five days, then the MUstor .io rc-advertiso and re sell' hu tjhld premises,' at the risk of th?j torhtei purchaser. ? Purchaser ?0 pay exlraVor deed and f;,nip. \V. O. WHITE, ..luster 'or Oroneo County, S. C. Boc i:>, I ?j22. 50-32 llaiti. of Walhalla, a Corporation cro >a'tc'? by and exVllng under and by ^virtue 01 ilia Laws of the Stato of Sou 1 li Carolina, Plaintiff, against J. .H. Vaughn, W/.I. Schrpder, Indi vid vi a Hy and ns Administrator of tho Personal Estate ?f T. E. Alex ander, Deceased; Mrs. Inez Jayiies, Prank C. Alexander, Mrs. S. O. Y? unghl tod and Den Taylor., Defendants. AU" fha! certain piece, parcel or trnol of land, situate, lying and be ing In Ceo '"o County and State of South C.;ri lina, containing five acres, being the same sold by T. E. Alex ander uiKi lien Taylor to 'R. W. Vaughn Oft of tho ?3Vi-acre tract of land, udjo liing Sam Bruce, Rice and others, an 1 which was conveyed tb T. E Alexander and Ben Taylor by J. H. Vaut.iin. Terms cif S ?le-One-third Cash on day of S.aio, and the lialance in two equal nrmiial installments; tho-Credit portion to ijear Interest at the rate of elghl cor split pe.r annum, payablo amii) 'Hy fr 0p\ day of sale, and if not no p: ? 1 ' ' - inte; tjiii al eight pe.' chut per a.'. Hum until poid, and iib noeurod. liV- oond. of |ho iiurcliajter 'arill niqrtgagb -of the premires Shoulil Ibo purch.wr, or pu reba sc. r?, 'ail lo cour vy ' ':* :V? t.pr'ins ot s..lo withs* live day prom tho, day of salo, that tho Ma:'vir flo ro-advortise and rc SeH^Shtd premises on tho following SaUsduy, or some convenient Salos day. thoi eal ter, nt tho same placo and on the sam? lorms as herotoforo set out, at tim r i >k> of tho former pur chaser, .ir purchasers, and that ho do continue so tb do until he shall have found a parcnasor, or purchasers, who shall comply with tho terms of sale. Purchaser io pay extra for papers, stamp, and recording mortgage W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Dec. 13, 1922. 50-52 Sophie UiUer, Plaintiff, against W. S, Sc h roder, in. his own right and as Administrator of the Personal Estate of T. E. Alexander, De ceased; Inez S. Jaynes, Frank C. Alexander. and Predda A. Young blood, Defendants. All that coi tain piece,v parcel or tract of I ?.nd. situate- lying, and hoing in Ohonde County, Stato of South Carolina, on branch waters of Long Nose Orcokj adjoining lands of Al lison i .et-, R, T, Jaynes, Goorge Haw thorne .?id others, containing 72 acros. more or loss, and hoing a part of the I,rn ! 01 land bought by T. E. Alexf. dei Crbm ErvIn Spencer. Also, All thai c0iiatn piece, parcel or tract of land containing, 42 acres, moro Or ' >$s, situate; lying and be ing (n .nonce County, South Caro lina, Ki >wbn tho samo terms as here tofore sol out, at tho risk of the for mer 1 rchaser, or ' purchasers, and that he discontinue so to :lo until li has found fi pun baser, or purchasers, who comply with tho torms of sale. Pur' li ir to pay oxtra for deed and st . W. O. WHITE, Mas Or >? mee County, tt. C. Dec. 1922, 50-52 Tho Ci . - l-ii" Insurance- Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, a Corporation created and ixlstlng undor tho Laws o? tho Sr.ato of Ohio, . * Plaintiff. 1 against Leonaid 0. Brown, W. J. Schroder, In his own right and as Adminis trator pi the Personal Estato of T. 1'!. Alexander, Deceased,, Inez S. Jaynes, Frank G. Aloxandor, Kro?Yiu A. Youngblood and W. P. Bollek, Defendants. All that certain pleco, parcel or I ll I I 1*1 tract oMand, situate, lying anXbeTng" in Wagener ' Township, County ol Oconee,- Stato of South Carolina, oh , branches, waters of Coneross Creek, adjoining lands of lf-rT?. Brandt, Knight Thompson, Nancy Watkins, Titos: N. Hall and others, and har ing Ibo following coursus and dis tances, lo-w it: Boginning at a stone 3-X on north hank of tho public road to Walha)la,y cornor oominon with lauds of Knight Thompson, and run ning thence north 32 degrees, wost 33760 chains; thenco north 13 de grees, west 7.50 chains; thence north 31 dogroos, east 4 chains'; thence north 71 degrees, enst 19.SO bhatn^l thenco south 35 degrees, bast S chains; thenco south 26 dogrot..;, west 54 chains; thoncQ north"*- 80 de droos, wost 11.00 chains to the be ginning corner, containing 1G7 acres, moro or less, and hoing tho same tract of land convoyed to Leonard O. Brown by Thos. N. Hall by deed bear ing dale the 15th day of Janu?ry, 1912, and recorded in Clerk's OnTce, Oconee County, S. C., on the 25th" doy of April, 1910, in Book XX, page 29. Terms of Snlc-Cash. ThaJ> in tho event of failure of the purchaser, or purchasers, to comply, with the terms of salo within Ave days from day of sale, the Master do re-advertise and re-sell said promises on the follow ing Salosday, or sonic convenient Salesday thereafter, al tho samo plaee and on tho same terms tis hereto/foro sot out, at the risk of the former purchaser, or purchasers, and that he do continue so to dh. until ho has found a purchaser, or purchasers, who comply with tho ternis of salo. Purchaser to pay extra for deed and, stamp. W. O. WHITE, V .Master for Oconee (County, S. C. Norwood National Bank, a Corpora tion, Plaintiff, - against Mrs. Mary L. Cary, Individually and ns Trasteo of W. L. Cary, and as Executrix of the Estate of John C. Cary, Deceased; W. L. Cary, prank Hi Barrett. E. M. Cary and J. Nor wood Cloveland, Defendants. Tho ihreo-fourths (%) undivided interest of tho Dofondants, W. L. Cary, Mary L. Cary individually, Mary L. Cary, as Trustee of W. L. Cary, and Mary, L. Cary as Executrix of tho Estato of- John C. Cary, De ceased, of, in and to all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on the west side of Keoweo River, in Koowoo Township, County'' of Oconeo, Stato of South Carolina, adjoining lands now or for merly of estate of J. J. Norton, de ceased; estato of W. L. Keith, de coased; estate of Samuel Reid, de ceased, and others, containing 600 acres, moro or less, according to deeds In tho chain, of title, but as sessed for taxos on tho Auditor's hooks of Oconee County ns 450 acres, moro or less, and known as tho old homestead place of tho late Mrs. Mary Cary,,Deceased, TcrniN'of Salo-Cash? That any bidder shall deposit with tho .Master O'S- evldonv- .>f rom) faull* Ohsh, or 'cr?fiod ?heck, in ibo sum ot Two ; Hundred and Fifty Hollars {'?2.5.0?00?) ! ?.nd in Hm oven? the sf??d ? ? ?'.ase/;, j or purchasers, fail or refuse, 1.0 coni-.l ply With tee !. rms of Sttl? wiitin too (10) days from tho dato of any such salo, tho Master shall re-sell tho name, after duo notice, nt each sub sequent Salesday until bc shall ob tain a purchaser who shall comply with tho terms of salo, and that all subsequent sales shall bo made at tho, risk of the former purchaser, or pur chasers. * Purchaser to pay extra for deed and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Mastor for Oconoo County, S. C. Tho Union Central Life Insurance Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, a Corporation created by and exist ing under the Laws of the State of Ohio, Plaintiff, against General Butler Gillespie, W. J. Schroder in his own right and as Administrator of tho Personal Es tate of Thos. E. Alexander, De ceased; Inez S. Jaynes, Frank C. Alexander and Frodda A. Young blood, . Defendants. ? All that certain pleco, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being in tho County of Oconee, Stato of South Carolina, adjoining lands now or formerly of Leonard Rogers, George R. Pike, John F. Gilllsple and Ella C. Whitmiro, on branch waters of 'Little River, containing 62 acres.'more or loss, samo being* moro fully rcproscntod by plat of sur vey thoroof by Jamos H. Wigington, of dato Docomhor 27th, 1912, and being tho same tract of land con veyed to General Butlor Gillespie by Goorgo R. Pi kov by deed dated tho 16th day of Novombor, 1912, record ed iu Clerk's Ofllco, Oconee County, S. C., in Deed Book QQ, pago 4 7. Tenus of Sale-Casi?. That in tho event of tho failuro of tho purchnser, or purchasers, to comply with tho terms of salo within flvo days from day of salo, the Master do ro-adver tlso and re-sell said premises on the following Salesday, -or some con venient Snlosday thereafter, at tho samo place and on tho same terms as horotoforo sot out, at the risk of tho former purchaser, or purchasers, and that ho+do continuo so to do until ho has foun." a purchaser, or purchasers, who comply with tho terms of the sale. . , Purchaser, to pay extra for deod and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconeo County, S. C. Southeastern Lifo Insuranco Com pany, a Corporation created by and existing under and hy virtuo of tho Laws of tho Stato of South Caro lina, Plaintiff, against G. H. Hudson, Carl S. Hudson, R. T. .layaos, (Tho Union C?ntVal Life Insuranco Company of Cincinnati, Ohio, and W. J. Schroder, as Ad ministrator of tho Porsonal Estato of T. E. Aloxandor, Deconsod,) Dofondants. All that cor tain ploco, parcel or tract of land, sltuato, lying and ho ing in Koowoo Tpwhsh)i$y of tho County of Oconoo, Stato of South Carolina, on the west sido of Llttlo River, 'adjoining glands of Mrs. Kate O. Vandivor, formerly S. K, Cannon, but now W. T. Holden, Bamo being fully represented by av plat of tur vey thereof by W. F. "ErvIn, Surveyor, . iu 1882, abd containing, according to ?aid plat, 141 acros, and being ' tho ! same tra ot of land conveyed to G. 13, Hudson by W. O.^Whlte, Master, by deed/bearing'date' the otb day of Uobrnary, 101 G, and' recorded In Cleric's Olllco, Oconeo.. County, S. C.. in Hook WW, pago 21, the said tract being described tboreln by mistako as contain'.ig 120 acres, moro br less, whereas il. appears that tho said tract actually contains Ul acres, move or less, as shown on said,Ervin plat. Known/is the Mauldln placo. Ternis ol' Sale-Cash. / Als ,, All that certain 1" :co,' parcel or tract of land, sit?alo, lying and being ? in Keowoo Township,' of the County ? of Oconeo, of tho State of South Car olina, on the east prong of Little Uiver, and on both sides of tho road leading from Salem to Walhalla, ad< joining lands now or formerly of Ellas Fleming, W. W. Murphee, Mar tin, Findley and others, and having the following courses and distances, metes and bounds, to-wit: Begin ning at Maple 3X on bank of Salem Branch, waters of Little River, and running thence 39?, east 10 chains; thence north 63?, east 17.50 chains; thence north 79?, east 7.16 chains; s. tboneo south 7?, east 30 chains; thence south 53?, west 3.60 chains; thence north 89?, West 43 chains, and crossing Little River to stono x; thence north 28?, wost 12.72 chains, to B.Gum 3X; thonco north 17", oast 1.50 chains to pino on tho bank, of Littlo ltivor; thence up said river with tho meanderings^thereof to tho fork bf Littlo Uiver and Salem Branch; thonco up Salem Branch with the meanderings thereof to Maplo 3X, tho beginning coiner. Known as the home place, containing 135 acros, moro or loss. Terms of Salo-Ono-thlrd of tho purchase nionoy in cash and,tho bal ance in two equal annual install ments; Hbo credit portion to bear in terest from day of salo at eight per cont, and with provision for ton poy cont for attorney's foo should tho notes or bonds be not paid when due, or In case the notes should bo put In the bands of an attorney or attorneys for collection after due; tho credit portion to be.secured by bond of the purchaser, or purchasors, and a mort gage of the premises. That In both sales herein provided, in event of failure of the purchaser, or purchase era, to comply with the terms of sale within Ave days from day of sale, the, Master do re-advertise and re-sell* said premises on the following Sales day, or some convenient Salesday thereafter, at the same pla ce. and on tho Bailie terms ns heroterore sot out, at tho risk 'of the former purchaser, or purchasors, and that be do con tinue so to do until ho has found a' purchaser, or purchasers, who com ply with tho terms of sale. ? Purchaser to pay extra for papers, stamp and recording mortgage" W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconeo County. S. C. "'?7??7t3, 1f?~22. 50-02 NOTICE ni- M'NA;, S?: t I J I uroxa AM) plSOlLVitOE. Notice i? hereby glyon that ibo un dersigned will make application to V. F Martin, Judge of Prqhate for Oconeo County, in tho State of South Carolina, at his olllce at Walhalla Court House, on MONDAY, tho-15th day of JANUARY, 1923, at olovon o'clock in the forenoon, or as soon thereafter as said application can be hoard, for leave to make final settle ment of tho Estate of AMOS^SAN DERS Deceased, and obtain Final Discharge aB Administratrix of the said Estate. MRS. HANNA SANDERS, J. Administratrix of the Estate ot Amos Sanders, Deceased. > Dec. 13, 1922. 50-1 CITATION NOTICE. The State, of South Carolina, County of Oconee.-By V. F. Mar tin, Judge of Probate. - Whereas, T. B. Shelor bas made suit to me to grant, him Letters of Administration of the Estate of and Effects of Helen Khoury, Deceased These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular tho kin dred and croditors of the said Holen Khoury, Deceased, that they be and appear before mo, In tho Court of Probate, to bo held at Walhalla Court House, South Carolina, on SATUR DAY, tho 30th day of December, 1922, after publication hereof, at ll o'clock in tho forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why tho said Administration shduld not bo grant ed. Given under my hand and seal this 15th day of Docembor, A. D. 1922. (Soal) V. F. MARTIN, Judgo of Prohato for Oconoo Co, S. C. Published on tho 20th and 27th days of December, 1922, in Tho Koo weo Courier, and on tho Court House, door for the limo prescribed hy law. Dec. 20, 1922. 61-52 CITATION NOTICE. The State of South Carolina, County of Oconce- (In Court ot Probate.)-By V. F. Martin, Judge of Probato. - Whereas; C. R. i Knox has mado suit to me to grant him Loiters of Administration of tho Ins tate of and Effects of Carolyn Knox, Decoasod- ; Those aro,1 tboroforo, to cito and admonish all and singular tho kin drod and croditors of tho said Caro lyn Knox, Deceased, that tho i>o and nppoar bofore mo, In tho Co'rt of Probate to bo held at Walhalla Court Houso, South Carolina, on FRIDAY, tho 29th day of December, 1922, af ter publication horoof. at 11 o'clock In tho .forenoon, to show cause, if any they hnvo, why tho said Administra tion should not be grnntod. Given undor my hand and soal this 14th day of December, A. D: 1922. (Seal.) V. F. MARTIN, Judgo of Probato for Oconoo County, South Carolina. Publishod on tho 20th and 27th days of Docembor, 19 22, in Tho Keo woo Courier*, and on tho Court Houso door for tho limo proscribed by law. Dec\ 20, 1922* 51-52 Subscribe tor The Courier. (Best.).