Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, December 27, 1922, Image 1

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,.. i? . . ... IN *J-^V^' ? ,V ' ,, .f.v !''''-.'.;' ";' ' J.J, . . ?"'i'K.'i THOU CANST NOT THEN BB FALSE TO AFT MAN." . VFEB. g ?022? New Series No. 940. - Volume LXXL - No. K. Mules ?V? u IWe arc in thc Mu? e. Businss ! ped our first Mules last wcel good fresh Mules from now try Mules. Thc pi 1:9*5 ai 20 years ago. WE WILL BUY; C. W. & J. E I WALHAL \j??^Z? It Pays to B Till". LOCAL MOWS FROM SENECA H isl 101) Candler lo Preach In January School Oir?a Entertained. Seneca, ..Doc. 26. - Special: Tho numerous friends lu ?his and other ?sections of tho State will he gratified to know that Mrs. .1. ll. Pickett, who has bopn seriously ill, her life hav ing hoon despaired of at one time, Ipis passed tho crisis, and unless con pli cations arise, she will soon bc on tho road to recovery. .for. and Mrs. J. H. Burgess and daughtor Mary loft Friday for Union Springs, Ala., to spend tho Christmas season with their son .abd daughter in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Thoa. Burgess, lt Is probable that Miss Typhaino Burgess, of Easton, Md., will join tho family there in a few days. Mri and Mrs. Henry Garrison, pt McColl, and Clyde Garrison, of Char leston, are with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Garrison, for tho holi day season, . Mr. and Mrs.* Geo. W. Shelor and two little children, George, Jr., and archie, of Andorson, spent Christmas With Mir. Sbelor's mother, Mrs. John W. Shelor, of tho Richland commu nity, and other relatives in Seneca. Miss Vivian Bradborry, who bas boon teaching in tho Piedmont schools the past terni, ls at home for /tho Christmas holidays. ' Vs Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hopkins, of Atlanta, arrived last wock to spend tho holiday season with their homo folks. They will visit Mr. Hopkins' parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hopkins, In Westminster, during their stay here. Mrs. L. A. Dickson has her daugh ter, Miss Dorothy Dickson, of Win throp Col?ogo, and two sons, Malcom, of tho Theological Seminary, Colom bia, and Winifred, teacher of agricul ture in the Cross Anchor school, with her for tho holidays. Next Sunday hoing tho fifth Sun day, thoro will bo union sorvices in tho Presbyterian church, in which all donomina'lons of the town aro ex poctod to Amito. Tho choral club has given considerable timo in prepara tion for a program of music, tho music hoing a special fentnre of tho services. If weather conditions aro favorable,, no doubt the church will be filled to capacity. The church-going people will lonni with pleasure that. Bishop Warren A. Candler, of Atlanta, will preach In Snoca on the second Sunday in Jan uary. Our pooplo havo had tho pleas ure of hearing thia distinguished di vine on previous occasions and will be glad to havo anothor opportunity of hearing him. A Christmas pageant was presented in tho Prosbytor'an church Sunday evening at tho hour for proachlng, tho members of the Sunday school, including a numbor of primary and Junior children, hoing on tho pro gram. During tho program Miss Mil dred Heller, on bohalf of tho Chris tian Endoavor Socioty, presented to Rev. I. E. Wallaco a handsome Bible. Her presentation speech was most feelingly given, spoelal mention ho ing - made of hU work among tho ' ' ' A '. . . Ill Moles ; good and strong;. We ship z, and will have plenty of on. Also, some good Coun re as cheap as they were SELi OR SWAP. Bauknight, LA, S. C. ny for Cash. J&JZ? young people's organizations, tho Hoy Scouts, Chriottan Endeavor-all his influence on those young lives holplng tb make Seneca a cleaner arid hotter town for thom to live in. Mr. Wallace's resignation as pasotr of tho Presbyterian church has been tho i cause of profound regret by his hosts Of, friends hero. / A beautiful (Christmas program' was given in the Baptist church Sun day evening and was creditably car ried out by a large number of young people of the Sunday achoo). ; The January m?etlng^?f tho IT;, TX C. chapter will bo hold at tho home of Mrs. ll. H. Lawrence (with several joint hostesses). As there will be an election of president and correspond ing socretary at this time, a full at tendance is doslred. The chapter re grets that circumstances were such that tho president, Mrs. C. M. Bow en, and corresponding socretary, Mrs G. W. Hallenger, deemed it necessary to tender thoir resignations of thc abovo ofliccs. Members will please notify Mrs. Lawronco as early as con venient if they cannot be present. Tho .hour for the meeting is 3.30 o'clock. j M\iss Stella Bowen and Miss Alma Jeffcoat, pupils of tho Tamasseo D.A. It. school, aro guests of the Seiveca D. A.It. members for the Christmas holidays and-are rocoiving a cordial wolcome, visiting in the different homes and in many ways having at tentions shown thom. They spoak In the highest praise jof tho D.A.Ti. school and tho wonderful opportu nity offered the girls who attend tho school. Miss. Grace Doll Jamos, the superintendent, and her staff of tonchor8 are doing splendid work. Tho young ladies will leave Saturday afternoon for Tamasseo to resume thoir stud j 6s at thc reopening of tho school on Monday morning. DEATH OP MHS. LUTHE? MEDLIN Oconco Lady Passed Away at Home at Ware Shoals Dec. Kith. , Ware Shoals? Dec. 21".-Special: On tho lGth of this month tho den'.h angel visited tho homo of Luther Medlin and claimed his darling wife, aged 24 years and 9 months^ Mrs. Mjedlin had been a sufferer for tho past two yoars from that droad dis ease, tuberculosis. Sho was a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. GUmor ami 'ho Idol of tho homo. Sho was a real child of God; thorofors wo weep "hot as those who have no hope, but look forward to tho day when wo shall moot in that colectial city, whoro separation novor comos. She loavo^ to mourn her death her husband and a darling llttlo girl, her father and mother, throe sisters aad many rela tivos an* frionds. Tho bereaved fam ily havo the sympathy of many hero and hosts of frionds in Oconoo, A loving ono from us is gone; A voice wo lovod is stilled; A jilaco is vacant In our hopie That ivevor cnn bo filled. Funeral ?orvlces wore conducted ot tho home of hor father, ofter which tho remains were laid to rost In tho com'otory at Donalds to await tho dawn of tho resurrection morn. LOCAfJ NOTES FRO.\l CONEHOSS. Christmas Greatly Enjoyed by AU. Numerous Now Oise? of Mu. Conoross, Doc. 25.-Special: As this ^Christmas day, tba child run of this community are up early enjoying looking through their stockings to ! soo what Santa Claus has put into j them during the night. Also grown up- people are enjoying looking through their Christmas gifts that! have conic to them from theirs rienda and loved ones. Tho writer extends lo the readers \ of Tho Courier best wishes for a merry Christinas and a happy New Year. .... j Wo are glad to have our school teachers, who have come in from their respectivo places of. employ ment, at home willi us to spend Hie Christmas holidays. Among these are .Misses Ova Arve, Plat Shoals; Nina Abbott, Isaquoena; I.c,na Ab bott, Salem; Gracie Abholt, Long Creek, and Elsie Fro) well, of Earle's (?rove. We aro glad to announce the im proved condition ol' Grady Smith,who bas been qui ba. ill for several weeks. Several of bis relatives, Mcsdaiu s William Wyatt and .lessie Croidon and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyatt and chil dren, of Fairview, were nmo'bg his week-end guests. Iiis brother, W;ll Smith, and family, of Greenville, were also called to his bedside Sat urday and Sunday. Jesse King made a short visit to relatives in Anderson last w?r.k. Fred Roach and wife, of Westmin ster, spent Saturday and Sunday with baxter Roach and family hore. The Bluo Ridge school closed last Friday willi ? short Christmas pro gram. In addition to this feature a Christmas box was brought by aa'ch teacher and distributed among tho pUpils;of his or-'-irer-YOOm? 'The 'sev eral teachers,. H. Hi Duncan, Mlisses Nora Gllstrap and Hottio Derrick, left Saturday for their respective homos in Lavonia, Qa., Plckens and .Long Creek, to spend the Chrlstmns vacation period. Among the new eases of influenza this week aro Mr. and Mrs. Hjenry Logins, J. W. Alexander, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dilworth, Ruby and Cecil and Noun ic Dilworth, Miss Ada Keith, Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Alexan der, Bossio and James and Keith Al exander, T- D. Alexander and Mrsr S. M. Hunslngor. s Charles and Harriet DuBose, "of Sonocn, were guests of tbolr grand mother, Mrs. E. C. DuBose, during tho wook-e.nd. Mb*, and Mrs. Clifton Hunnicutt, of Westminster, wero recent guests of tbolr cousin, Grady Smith, of this community; also Mr. Smith's sister-, Mrs. Ila Kell?y, of Now Hope, spent several days last week at his bed side during that time. Mr. Kolley was a spend-tho-day guost there also. Ralph Cannon and w'fo, of Wal halla, are at the homo of tho for mer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rcose Cannon, of this community^. Miss Poarle Hunsinger, matron of tho Six-Mile Academy, arrived hero yesterday to spong the'*vacation with her mother and other relatives. Mn? and Mrs. Henry Hesse and M'r. and Mrs. T. D. Barker were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Cleland, of Westminster. Clifton Cobb, of North Carolina, is spending this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Cobb, of this sec tion. . Wo wero glad to have De,wey But lor mid wlfo and sister, Miss Edna, of Taylors, Greenville county, with us at ^Sunday school and church ser vices at Conoross Sunday. They wero accompanied by Mr. and Mlrs. Sloan Addis, of Westminster, nt which plaos they were visiting. They will visit in our community this week. We are always glad to have thom back here again, ns they have many warm frlonds in this community. They an nounced tho marriage of tholr bro thor, Rainsby Butler, which was to have taken place to-ciay (Christmas.) Ramsey's friends here congratulate him, on recoivlng such a valuable Christmas prosont. Mrs. Stove Blackwell, of near this community, ls critically ill at this writing. }Vo hopo sho will soon bo much better. Roy Arve, who has boon, attending school at Long Croek, is a welcome guost this week at tho homo of his parents hero. t Miss Cora Fretwoll spent soveral \ days i ist week with hor sister. Miss Elsie.? U Earle's Grove, and attendod the CI Vistillas exorcises. Lmf 'night willie the people of the comm] rtity, wore hanging their stock ings i ir receiving their Christmas gifts, l^eiiry Hesse, of this commu nity, S ?joidol that ho preferred set ting s eel traps, which he did, and placed; Wo near his hollie, and this morrtfjjg he received two large hoot owls tis], his Santa Glans gift, which your'^d?ffrespondent had the pleasure of s?oiiig this beautiful Christina^ morrilMj Only n few days ago Mr. MessofvVas successful In cnichiitgian others >iio .of these large birds, which he pitt'Gil in the show window of his brotb? .,-in-hiw', C. E. Davis, in West mini? ?! 1 Mr* and Mrs. (??ovor Hubbard, of Itichla Vd,'sp'eni Christmas eve with Wt 0.| Alexander and family here. Saii ylTayrtos. of llonea Hath, was a recaiH visitor .lo bis cousin. W. \\y Hayh$&; of Cp'ioross. Ile acconi paniei?py -Ide. Todd, of W'.-1 halla. W.My,.. Hale, of tito Wolf Stake co m m?fiH ty, has puVchasj.d a farm in our c^m,hiunity and bas moved to lt v/lthilppthe vory recent past. We are glad t??inive Mr. Hale and family in our o&Bi'munity^ and welcome them into hftf) church and Sunday school and augpf. our church organizations. Mlisf?r$alene Du Hose and brother. GnilltuKti. of Greenville, are at. the their mother. Mrs. E. C, Du i'this community, for a few home. Hose, day sis n; " Xewrjr? rela MfSj C., 16^ .^H/ste??ftry * Murphreo and son .loe* di ^Oa|railSter, were; 111 tills section re?oitagain d went from hore to Wolf staki spot last Saturday with relatives in Wal halla. They were accompanied home by their brothor. Minion, who is en joying Christmas g Diiwmi'th and .family, of Vere spend-the-day guests of fi'jn this vicinity recently. wavArve, of Wayuosville, X. l?, ten-day visit to her par Sm Mrs. ll. W. A rvs;. RPT by CHRIS TO PI 1 TIME, to be ever yoi With every year, ant Were he incarnate once He evidently would be Thus is he envious, yet But pales the crimson t It laughs upon his spite Renewed in fragrances w Nor .'knows the urchin it That, all untouched by I Its heaven, and from its Will twinkle down and Accident In Hoad Near Madison. (Tugaloo Tribune, Doc. 19.) While returning from Madison on last Friday night tho buggy Tn which Mrs. John T. Smith and Miss .Chris tino Davis wore riding turned over and Mrs. Smith sufforod a broken arm as sho was burled against tho ground. M;IBS Davis lodged in the buggy top and was only slightly in Jurod. Mrs, Smith's arm was broken Buy AUTOMOBIL ?TI?i:, Tl i CK COVFl?, SP? S??T OP \i:\V SPA?kVP?J V (.)IAl?\S-,e?.lS in fact, any i ?ho ( lir moro sacisfactory il A ?f?ifj? L;M: OP ALL TH IN STOCK. Arthur Walhallf "Chevrolet for Econom fMTKiTMIt?H&W gjwm WV J TCO Army Transport to tl>o Cacilie. ? / ? T* -I'M . <i ^ ' Charleston, Doo. 2 1.-Three offi cers and 136 mon loft Fort Moultrie to-dny oi.t tho army transport, CanF hrai f?ft1$bpolulu, Hawaiian Islands, hy way of-th? Panama Ganai. Capt. E. V. Brooks has ohargo of the incre ment. The Cambrai brought 6S en listed men from Fort Slocum, X. V., .these soldiers going Ibis afternoon to Fort Benning hy rail, .und-sr com mund ..Qf^.LiQut.. .Q, M. . Sntf th, will return to Fort Moultrie. The'fiS \ men were recruited in nnd near New I York city. ; .Subscribe for Tho Courier. (Best.) j j f=\LM)?TH?; rt?R G. HAZARD IO) NKWJPAPtR UNION mg, is born again ? thus he flaunts his youth, alone, sure then old, in truth. all his frost S ranner of the rose; ?ral labor lost, 'hen winter goes. he interior star iiim, will yet attain glorious heights afar smile at him' againt al the wrist. Tho front whool of tho buggy ran over something, causing tho vehiclo to turn ovor. Tho sido pieces of tho top bi oko as Mrs. Smith wont to tho ground, lt was a very dark night and tho obstruction could not bo soon. An ocoan liner recently stoppod in mldocoan for an hour whllo tho ship surgeon removed the appondix of ono of tho members of the crew. An E CASING! T LIGHTS, HORNS," (?S, COOI> I'AIII, WEE!) IccesSoity (hut wi H nniko i every way. WE HAYE ESE ARTICLES NOW. rown, i, ?. C. L L?cal Transportation." t MHS. .MAItV NEVILLE ANSEL. IgiXl Linly Laid to Host Last Thurs day in St. John's Cemetery, In (he dcntl? of M vs. Mary Neville Uisel. which pc ralf rod, lflBt Wodnes lay morning, Walhalla lost ono .of 1er oldest citizens anJ a lady who vas known in ?very section of Qco ice for hor good works. Slio \vgi ipent practically her whole life in (Valhalla, -and *there .aro few Uve3 i hat have so long and continuously dossed those who have lived tn nnd icar tho commun Jty. Mrs. Ansel was the widow of tho ate John J. Ansel, anti was In her 16th year. She had spout inoro than Ifty years tn Walhalla. She waB well mown, and^ there are indeed tunny ibo recall her many deeds n* ktnd 1088 and constant labor of love with riendo, neighbors, and among' tho mor and distressed. Her nnmo will ong be remembered Tor hor good forks and her khully, always Inter sled and charitable disposition. Mrs. Ansel had boen a member of bo Methodist church since carly ;irlhood, and sho was no merely u noni ber of. tho church; tho was a onsistont member, and a follqwor f tlu meok and lowly Nazareno. Sho /ill ht greatly missed in the home, a the church and in tue community t large. Tho funeral services wore con victed by her pastor, Rev. A. W. Jarr. of tho Methodist church, who vas assisted by Rov. W. R. Aull, pas or of tho Lutheran ohurch. The deceased Is survived by tho ollowlng children: John A. and O. il. Ansel, of Walhalla, and Jas. F. ?isel, of Chattanooga, Tenn., and no daughter, Mrs. G. F. Clarkson, f Antrevllle. S. C. There aro nu merous othor relativos and a host oX rleiids hore nnd olsowhero who ooply mourn the passing of this mst 'excellent woman. Roth of hor children from a dls ruice, Janies F. Ansel and Mrs. G. I'. Ilarkson, arrived in Walhalla boforo heir mother passed away, and ro lalnod over until after the funoral. Tho Courior Joins with hosts of thors In extending sincere condo 3nce to tho bereaved ones in their our of sorrow. ?ROE. WM. H. MORRISON DEAD. foll Known Clemson Professor Died .Suddenly Lu^t ?fonday. Clemson ColVege" Dec. . 2C. -Prof. Vm. S. Morrison, one of tho oldest rofossors at Clemson College, died u dd on ly last night nt his home hero rom acute indigestion. Ho bad been well-known educator of this State )r many years. Prof. Morrison was a nativo of airfield county, having boon bora at /innsboro. He was In his 70th year, aving been born April 7th. 1853. Io became identified with Clemson ollogo in July, 1893. Ho was ono f tho most highly esteemed gentlo lon of this Sta lo and was an activo orkor in church and Sunday school [roles. His death will bo tho sourco t great sorrow over the entire Stato. Ancient Egyptians worshipped tho rocodllo while living and mummified , when (load.