---- t? *' ? ?'???fi ? m i By Steck, Shelor Hughs & Shelor. 'TO THINK OWN SKTJF HR TRI'lC. Wi? IT KPjjjg^ AS Tl IK Yf? WALHAFAA. SOOTH OAUOI,?NA., I Our Fall a Stock is ( Our Cotton bought on the ket and we < some good va! show you. ! CW.&J.E WALHA] ???? W. A. HOLLAND DUOS SUDDENLY. Prominent Citizen Passed Away Lust Thursday-A Wedding. Seneca, Nov. 1.-'Special: After a pleasant visit to relatives in Abbe ville, Mrs. Baskin and little son Gus have returned home. Mrs. Marshal Rust, of Leesburg, Va., is visiting her sister, Mrs. J/. L. Marett. Miss Francas Alexander has been home from Lander Cojlogo for two weeks on account of sickuess. Wo ;Yh?s week tb resume her studies. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude Hopkins, of Atlanta, and Miss Margie Holland, who has been in Baltimore tho past .month, were called home on account of the sudden death of their father, Waymar. Holland. Cancer control week will be ob served in Oconoo county from Oct. 30 to Nov. 5th by the Oconee Mcdi ll Association. The first public meet ing of the campaign will bo held on to-morrow (Thursday) afternoon at 3.30 o'clock in the Westminster Bap tist church. There will be a number of strong addresses given by physi cians of the association on the sub ject of tho dreaded caneor,"~how to rocognl/.e iMn its incipiency, how to ^control and how to treat same. It ls very important-in fact, necessary that every thinking man and woman who can possibly (Jo so attend this meeting so as ?o bo better prepared to enter a couniy-wido campaign for controling cancer, which is reaping a harvest of human lives annually. A gloom was felt over the entire town when the sad news was rapidly spread from ono to another that W. A. Holland had passed into tho great beyond at his place of business on Malu street about 7 o'clock Thursday . evening. While it was generally .known that Mr. Holland had not been in good health for about fifteen ' months, when ho suffered a serious attack of apoplexy, yet there was not a thought that the end of his life was so near. He was at his store as usual and bringing his day's business to a 0l03*>i preparatory to returning to his hor i. He was sitting down, and, without, a struggle ho gave a slight gasp, which Mrs. Holland, who was in t.ho store at the time, detected at once, and was at his side immediate ly. Medical aid was summoned and every attention given, but the death angel had claimed his spirit and ta ken him home. The funeral was con ducted from his late residence, where n largo concourse of friends gathered tb pay the last sad rites. The service Wes conducted by Rev. I. E. Wallace, of the 'Presbyterian church, and Rev. J. W. Willis, of the Baptist church. Tho interment was in Mountain View cemetery by the side of his first wlfo nnd daughter, who preceded him to tho grave'several years ago. Resides his widow he leaves three sons, Way vnian A., Jr., of South America; Ooo. Holland, Philadelphia; Hov. Charles Holland, Baltimore, and two daugh ters, Miss Margie Holland, of Seneca, abd Mrs. Claude Hopkins, of Atlantn. Four sisters also survive bim, these being Mrs. Brownlee and Mrs. Ervin, Abbeville county; Mrs. Anderson, of Greenville, and Mrs. Lillie Sltton.who spends most of her time In Seneca in Ibo horne of her brother's family. The warmest sympathy is extended to tho boreas ones in this sad'hour of their so. ow. A beautiful marriage of the early nutumn, and one in which all Seneca 's interested, is that of Miss Louie Emma Lowery, of Plains, Ga., and Thomas Huger Burgess, of Selma, Ala., the marriage having taken placo Oct. "7th i'i noon. The home was at tractively decorated, green and white pv?vi>i|lng In the color .?chemo, which was beautiful in its simplicity. At nd Winter Complete. Goods were ) lowest mar dan give you lues. Let us . Bauknight, ULA, S. C. UY FOR CASH. : high noon, as the strains of the Men I delssohn Wedding March rang out, ; with Mrs. Chalmers at the piano, the I wedding party entered tho ceremony room apd stood before an improvised ?altar of ferns and potted plants. The ! Impressive ceremony was said by tho 1 pastor of the bride, Rev. Johnson, o? ho Baptist church. The bride wore her golng-away coat suit of brown, with hut and accessories to corre spond, which was most becoming to hor type of ?blonde beauty. After the Ceremony a two-course luncheon was sorved. Tho bride and groom left im mediately, amid a sho\j^r/of rice, by i.motor, X Lamar Court, Selma, Ala., after Nov. 1st. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Low ory, of Plains, Qa., but has spent the greater part of her life in Seneca, lt as hero, in the graded school,where '?o friendship was formed between the couple, and which grew into love J and terminated so happily in their marriage. She ls a beautiful young woman with those charming person alities that win friends. Mr. Burgess ?is the only son of our esteemed I townspeople. Dr. and Mrs. J. H. flnr i goss, and has those distinct charac j terlstlcs which mark the true type of i a gentleman. When the call came for I volunteers in the World War, Tom heard the call and laid down his books nt Clemson and enlisted. He] wag overseas about 18 months. After tho armistice he re-entered college and graduated with the class of 1020. Since that time he has boen located In Selma. Ala., whore ho holds a lu crative position as field agent for the Selma Creamery, tho largest creamery In tho United Slates. Only tho Imme diate families of tho bride and groom witnessed tho marriage, with a few close friends. Dr. and Mrs, Burgess and little Mary Burgess and Mis. T. M. Lowery, Jr., wore there from Sen eca. Tho best of wishes and con gratulations attend this happy younr couple from scores of friends in this "tate, for a happy mnrried life. Zion School Nov. 7th. Zion .?..ehool will open Monday, Nov. 7th. All patrons are invited to at tend the opening of the school and aro urged to seo that all children of school ago aro on hand for tho begin ning of tho term. Miss Alice Corh'n is principal of tho school, with Mrs. Alma Alexander as assistant. W. A. While, Trustee. Notice to Teachers. The Oconee County Teachers' As sociation will meet at tho Walhalla High School building Oil Saturday, Nov. 12th, at 10.30 o'clock a. m. Every teacher in tho county will bo expected to be present at this ineot I ing, ns there aro many problems to Ibo discussed. Prof. D. L. Lewis, Ru ral School Supervisor, wi i bo pres ont. L. C. Spoaros, Supt. of Education. Tugaloo Township Singers. Tho Tugaloo Township Singing As sociation will meet with Bethel M. E. I church, nenr the poor farm, on next I Sunday, Nov. 6, at 2 o'clock p. m. All ? havo a cordial invitation to bo pres ent and help us. Let's have a good singing'. J. R. Brown, Secretary and Treasurer. Tho host Is nlways tho cheapost. '-'ometimos tho cheapost ls the host. Any way you take it, Tho Courier flt3 tho bill. Best and cheapest. It takes >nly $1.00 to pot T?i* Courlor for a yoai. but lt takos th:.t-and In udvanco. No credit to nnytKMly. LOCAL NEWS 1 HOM FAU??T*L7LYT? Tho Groat Community Fuir at South Union--Personal 1 tonus. fr Fair Play, Oct. 31.-Special: fho Fair Play High School began ita 19 21-22 session on Monday, Oct. 24, with a splondid number of the pa trons present to boost our school. The building is under repair, and when llnished will contain eight large class rooms and an auditorium. We feel that the building is something lo bo proud of? aiid wu hope that each Citi zen of tho community will do his or her part to help beautify the bouse and grounds, and then do their ut most to help teachers and trustees to keep it in good condition. Let us make our school this year second to no rural school in Coonee. We have a splendid corps of teachers--Supt. Bert Singleton, of Westminster, who is ably assisted hy Misses Thodo, Per kins, Link and Mrs. Louis Glymph. Mrs. Wallace Glymph was to have had charge of the beginners' depart ment, but is ill willi typhoid fever. However, she is getting along nicely, and it is hoped that she will soon be able to resume her duties in the school room. The Fair 'Play-South Union Fair will bo held at the now school build ing at South Union this year on next Friday, Nov. 4. This is to be the big event of tho harvest season. Stop work, como and see what, other peo ple can do. Enjoy tho day and learn something new. Jule Marett was a visitor here for a while last week. Frank Sheldon, of Baltimore, and Mrs. J. D. Sheldon, of Westminster, visited their brother and son, J. Lau rens Sheldon, last week. Miss Bessie Clenn and Joe Strib ling, who attend the high school at We8tminster,spent tho week-end with homefolks. The latter was accom panied by Wm. Foster. Solicitor L. W. and Mrs. Harris and daughter Elizabeth, of Anderson, were visitors of Mrs. M. E. Harris Sunday. Mrs Steele, of 'Rock Hill, was also a spend-the-day guest of Mrs. Harr ris. A brilliant social affair of the sea son' waa-a:,l?fiHow6'en :.ttwasuri?ff?dr? hty tir^trienome-of Mr. and MrS. T?~V. \ Mitchell on Friday evening, Oct. 28, for the benefit of a plano fund for the Presbyterian church. Their 1 ovely home was beautifully decorated In Hallowe'en colors, ferns, Chrysanthe mums and autumn leaves being used profusely in tho halls, living rooms and dining room, which were lighted by tho mollow lights of Jack-o'-lant erns and Japanese lanterns. Bla.dc cats looked down on ono from I ho walls, and "dor goblins were ev i:y where-ul most a hundred in number, for all of tho guests were in mask, and most of them as ghosts. After much fun the masqueraders unmask ed and woro invited to the witches' corner, where Mrs, Mitchell served elegant lunch. Tho pupils of Miss Lil Thompson then gave a musical program, reflecting much credit on both teacher and pupils. Those who took part in this program were. Little Misses Katherine Marett. Lois Leathers. lono Olenn, Montez Marett, Eleanor Glymph, Hazel Leathers and Claire Wooten and Mario Grubbs. Mrs. Meares then introducod her friend, Miss Annie Strutton, of Wal halla, who delighted every one with two readings,."Mary Cary" and "Bet sy In a Storm." Miss Strutton ls a charming entertainer and was at her very best. Tho chillren, both old and young, then enjoyed a fish pond. At a lalo hour the guests departed, thanking tho host and hostesh for a most pleasant evening. About $30 was added to tho plano fund. Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Grant, Misses Annie Strut ton and Julia Watson, Henry and Cary Watson. Ralph Hetrick and Rob Macaulay, of Walhalla, were out of town guests at tho party. Dr. W. IT. Mills, pf Clemson Col lege, will preach at the Presbyterian church. Fair Play, on Sunda) n ht, Xov. nth, for the purpose of meeting with the congregation (o call Rev. Coftfelter, now of Lowndosvllle, as their pastor. Tho public is invited to attend thc, service. Lillie Dorothy King has been ill for tho past two weeks, but is much better, to tho delight of her many friends. Tho splondid rain this morning will bo of great help to the farmer?, who have about finished picking cot ton and aro planting much more grain than usual. L. B. Marett has a large field of alfalfa. Just up, that is in Splendid condition and a thing of beauty. The Fair Play farmers mean to beat the boll weevil. Tho B, Y. 1?. U. Program. Following ls tho program for tho 1 B.Y.P.U. Associational Rally to bo i held at. fmmnnuol Baptist church of Westminster next Sunday, Nov. 6th, beginning nt 3 p. m.: Song service, conducted by Mc : Duffie Brewer. j Scripture rending and prayer- -By I Rev. Ceorgo Smith. Address by Dr Ira E. D. Andrews. Ploy-"Trial of tho Robbers." Pre sented by Rooky Knoll B.Y.P.U. I Announcements by president. Ad journment. J. W. Willis, J. E. Willis. Geo T Morton, I Committoe. v -./ Hi ITJ?SW UIl>Hf*>i?"|i mim eiaupt* Maui unythingyb? done tb irrtprov?* these conditions during 1921-22? "The figures relate only to enroll ment because too much space would be required' for discussion of other, topics. Tho figures below speak for themselves: * No. schools participat ing . 1st grade. . 2d grado . . 3d grado . . Ith grado . 5 th grade . 6th grado . 7th grado . 8th grade . 9th grado . 1 Otb grado nth grade HigTl Schools. Jly.1,1919. .lue.30, *20. 3 521 291 217 200 154 110 135 106 104 76 Jly.1.1 02 0. .Ino.30, '2 1 3 4 62 261 206 183 180 134 108 139 88 78 20 To'al .1914 1859 Koral Graded Schools. Jly.1,1919. Jno.30, '20. No. Schools participat ing . 21 1st grado.... 1147 2d grado .... 373 .ny J no 1,1920. .30, "21 3d grade . . 4th grade . 5th grado . 6th grade . 7th grado . 8 th grado . 9th grado . lOth grado llb grado 327 376 293 220 184 104 4 3 16 26 1086 4 67 4 35 398 328 254 206 140 51 24 Total . 3 083 3389 "Yours respectfully, "J. E. Swcaringon, "State Supt. of Education. Habitai! and Temperature. Bolow is a record of meteorological observations taken by H. W. Brandt, co-oporativo observer of the Weather Bureau of the U. S. Department of Agriculture, during tho woek ending October 30th, 1921, at 7 p. m. (Tho Instrumental readings aro from gov ernment standard instruments ex posed In thc ?riBiinor recommondod by tho chief of the Weather Bureau) : Character of Day. Dttto Tempora ture. Oct. 21 Oct. 25 Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Clear... . Clear . .. 26- Ptly cldy. 27- Cloudy. . 28- Clear_ 29- Ptly cldy. Oct. 30-Ptly cldy. 01 . . . . I i . 4 ?1 Total rainfall . . .|1. 41| xi bo Pd 80! 81 69 68! 75 7 4 74 42 42 5 5 48 54 52 58 .German resldonts in Milwaukee have sont 80.000,000 marks to Ber lin to alleviate tho distress in Gor many und Austria. \ [cording to W. V. CoopBT$I$qiw]ntend ant of terminals,- on what, in known as a'"permissive block." Mr. Cooper said that h "permissive block" gives written permission to use tho track, tho engineer looking - om for other trains'. Freight train No 84 was leaving Columbia, northbound, entering thc main line at the intersection of the "cut-off." Mr. McAlistor's engine ami tho latter cars of the freight train carno together at the intersection, both going tho same direction, Uti force throwing Mr.McAlistor's engine over, according to Mr. Cooper. Mr. McAlistor's body was found pinned under the control lever, in n sitting position, according to per sons who wore there when the bod) was removed. After examination bj a physician he was removed to Mc Cormlck's undertaking estahlishmoni Wno Widely Known, Widely known and popular ovoi South Carolina, Mr. McAlistor's sud den death comes as a groat shock. Ii addition lo being ono of tho leadini railroad engineers, and of mud prominence in Masonic circles, hi was actively identified from timo ti timo with many public, spirited move monta, and was an outstanding ngill in Columbia. Mr. McAlister was long an enev gotic worker In Masonic circles, hav ing taken tho highest degrees in liol the York and Scottish Hitos. Ho wa honored by election to the higher olllces of all the York Rite bodies 1 Columbia, being twice past master c Acacia Lodge No. 94, A. V. M.; pa* high priest of Columbia Chapter Ni 5, It. A. M.; past illustrious mast? of Union Council So. 5, H. and S. M past eminent commander of Collin bia Oommandory No. 2, Knights Ten piara; past grand patron of Sont Carolina Orand Chapter, Order of th Kastern Star. Kor several years Mr. McAlistc had been Imperial representaliv from Omar Temple, and after bavin boen advanced through the sever, grades of successions, ho was elecic illustrious potentate of Omar Ten plo slightly less than one year agi His fraternal connections, especiall those of the Shrine, gave bim wit acquaintance throughout tho Unite States. Was Horn in Haleigh. Mr. McAlister was born In Ha nigh, N. C., in 1 872, tho son of Joli H. and Artella (Smith ) McAlister. ! lost his parents when a boy, and 1 888, at tho ago of 1??, came to O lumbla and wont to work with tl old Richmond and Danville Hailroa now a part of tho Southern, with run from Columbia to Charlotte. F< moro than 80 years he had fired < piloted engines out of Columbia, mo of the timo to Chnrlotto, but more r cently betwoor> Columbia and, Augu ta. T?o was always selected to tal Presidontlnl spoclals ovor his di vi ion. Tin was promlnont In war wor serving ns State chairman of tl labor division of tho war savlni stamp campaign and ns a momber the central committee of tho Llbor Loan campaigns. Tfo was a direct, of tho Liberty National Honk, and ono timo a diroctor of tho Yout wnw* ''P('\*">M. v?Mi^fwtuinu i Vor'? Plows and Ilct>aJwi.n MULKA, HORSES ?NI> CATTLE. AH 1 ask ls that you como ami lot mo .'how you. My prices aro away down. IK YOU HIDE, HIDE HIOHTI HIGH POINT BUGGIES I II. will ho a pleasure to fill your orders. HI'IUCIIIIMT: Drown Dais lt or Drown Goto lt! I W. M. Brown, WALHALLA, S. C. Mon's Christian Association. Under tho old aldormanic form of govern ment ho sorvod the city from Ward 3. Mr. McAlister married Miss Kate Bell, of Walhalla, and is survived by her and one daughter, Miss Kath erine McAlistor, who is a student ul Drenan College, Gainesville, Qa. The announcement of tho tragic death of Mr. McAlister brought, deep* gloom to the people of Walhalla,, by almost all . of whom ho was we'. D known, and among whom hw R?ii' no acquaintance who was nor. ft-te friend, Funeral services were held in Coln mia Sunday afternoon at i o'clock, tho service hoing conducted hy Kev. Mark L, Carlisle at tho Wash ington Street Methodist chUrch, assis ted'by Hov. Herbert F. Schroetor, of tho Church of tho Good Shapherd* . Mr. McAlistor was a mouther of tho Episcopal church, his wife being a member of tho Methodist church, and the services were hold in tho latter church on account of tho larger accommodation afforded to tho great throng of friends and sorrowing ones ot tending tho last sad ritos for th ie? popular man. It IF a peculnlr circum stance that Hov. Mark Carlislo, who had charge of this funoral sorvlcn last Sunday, was tho pastor of Mw. McAlister at Walhalla when sho war* a young girl. "Dol" McAlistor was a man of large frame and large heart. Whor over ho was known tho annouiiconionf of his untimely end brought genuine sorrow, for he was ono* of thoso merr who made frlonds by reason of an? unconsciously exerted charm of per sonality that seemed to flow spoir taneously out to overy human hoing'. To tho boroaved widow and daugh ter ls oxtendod tho deepest sympathy of n host of frlonds hero, who haver part In their sorrow. Changa School to Open. Tho Chauga. school (Dlstrlot 23,> will opon tho fall session Monday,. Nov. 7th. All pupils are urged to bc there on tho opening day and hav? their hooks ready to start right with tho fall tomi. .Tamos Weldon, Principal. Miss Laura Matheson, Asst.