"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj [A | We are openi I every day, and I come in and ins] | We have one S| stocks of Merch II ever carried. Il These goods ll right, and we ca i| that will sell th j C.W.&J.E I WALHAI I IT PAYS TO Bl ??*???????????????????????? MASTER'S SALES. STATE OF SOUTE CAROLINA, COUNTY OF OCONEE. In Court of Common Pleas. Pursuant to decrees of the afore said Court, in the cases named below, I will offer for sale, to the highest bidder, tn front of the Court House door, at Walhalla, South Carolina, ou MONDAY, tho 3d day of October, 1921, between the legal hours of sale, the tracts of land below de scribed: Mrs. Bessie O.'CrlSp, Plaintiff," against T. W. Harden, Defendant. All that certain piece, parcel or tract of land situate, lying and being in the State of South Carolina, Coun ty of Oconee, containing fifty-three (53) acres, more or less, according to a survey made by W. F. Ervin, Surveyor, February 2!)th, 1SSS, lying on both side.s of Crooked Creek, and adjoining lands of Sam Eikln, W. B. Reinhardt, Mrs. John O'Kclley and others. Terms of Sate.-CASH on day of sale. That In event of failure of the purchaser or purchasers to com ply with the terms of sale within five days from day of sale, tho Master do re-advertise and re-sell tho said premises on the following Salesday, or on some convenient. Salesday thereafter, ai the same place, and on the same terms as. heretofore set out, nt the risk of the former purchaser or purchasers, and that he do con tinue so to do until ho has found a purchaser or purchasers who com ply with tho terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE. Master for Oconee County, S. C. Sept. 14, 1921. 37-39 Tho Citizens* Rank, a Corporation Created by and Existing Under the Laws of the State of South Carolina, Plaintiff, against. Nanalyn Drown, Defendant. All thnt certain piece, parcel or lot of land situate, lying and being In the town of Seneca, County of Oco nee, State of South Carolina, same being the corner lot on Fair Play and South Fifth Streets, and designated as Lot No. 343 on the plat of tho town of Seneca, fronting 104% feet on Fair Play Street, and running back 20 0 feet on South Fifth Street, con taining one-half acre, more or less, bounded on the north by Lol No. .'RtG, now owned by -- Kelley, on the east by I S-foot alley, on tho south by South Fifth Street, and on the west by Fair Play Street, luting the same lot conveyed to Nanalyno Drown by Mrs. N. P. Wilde by deed dated Jan. 24, 1920. Terms of Salo-CASH. That in event, of failure of the purchaser to comply with the terms of sale within five days from day of sale, the Mas ter do re-advert iso and re-sell said premises on the following Salesday, or some convenient. Salesday there after, nt tho same place and on tho same terms ns heretofore set out, at tho risk of the former puprchaser, and that ho do continuo so to do until ho has found it purchaser who compiles with tho tories of salo. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WU I TE, Master for Oconee County, R. C. Sept. 14, 1921. :'.7-::9 Tho Citizens' Rank, a Corporation Created by and Existing Under the Laws of tao State of South Caro lina, Plaintiff, against Elias Earle, Defendant. All of tho undivided one-half in terest of Ellas Earle In all thal cer tain piece, parcel or lot of land, in the Slate and County aforesaid, and containing seven acres, more or less,! JOODS ? ZING! ng New Goods \\ invite you to ]\ peet them. ]\ ) of the largest \\ andise we have \ were bought j n offer at prices j em. i . Baukn.ghf, ?JJ\, S. C JY FOR CASH. : adjoining lands of W. J. Whitfield, W. H. Earle, C. A. Whitfield and oth ers, being the tretet of land on which is situated Earle's .Mill, together with the one-half interest of the said Ellas Earle in all machinery in said mill, consisting of threo stands of rolls for wheat, separators, gyrators, ele vators and other machinery neces- ( sary to said mill ; also one set- of forty-eight inch corn rocks, with ele vators and cleaners; one twenty-foot Pits steel water wheel; shafting, pul leys and belts. Terms of Salo-CASH..That in the j -event of failure--'?f Vue?parinm1?'?rror purchasers, lo comply with the terms of salo within five days from day of sale, tho Master do re-adver tise and re-sell said premises on the following Salesday, or some conven ient Salesday thereafter, at the same place and on tho same terms as here tofore set out, at the risk of the for mer purchaser, or purchasers, and that ho do continuo so to do until ho has found a purchaser, or pur chasers, who comply with tho terms of sale. Purchaser to pay extra for papers and stamp. W. O. WHITE, Master for Oconee County, S. C. Sept.. 14, 1921. :17-:19 TEACH EES' EA M1XATIOX. "Tho regular Teachers' Examination will .ho held at the Court House on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, Oct. 7th and 8th. Under the rules adop\od .Inly 1st, 1921, there will be three sets of examination questions-Primary, In lermedinte and High school. The Primary Examination embra ces the following twelve subjects: English Grammar and Language, Arithmetic, Playground and Commu nity Activities, S. C., U. S. and Gen eral History, Oeogrnphy, Civics and Current Events, Literature, Peda gogy, Health, Nature Study, School Law, Manual Training. Tho General Elementary Exami nation embraces tho following 12 subjects: English Grammar and Composition, Arithmetic, History (ll. S and S. C..) Geography, ('?vies and Current Events, Spelling, Heading, Pedagogy, Physiology and Hygiene, Na turo Study and Agriculture, School Law, Algebra. The High School Examination em braces tho following 12 subjects: Grammatical Analysis and Composi tion, Literature, Principles of Teach ing, American History and Civics, Science (General Science, Physiol ogy, Riology, Physics. Chemistry, Ag riculture, Home Econnomlcs-seven offered, two required), Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry. Foreign Lan guage (Latin, French, Spanish, Oor man--four offered, one required), Ancient and Modern History, School Law. u Each applicant may choose the examination ho or she prefers in ac cordance with the certificate he or she desires. All prospective teachers and all teachers wishing to improve tho grade of their present license might take this examination with advan tage, The examination will begin nt 9 A.M. and close at I P. M. L C. SPEARES, Supt. of Education Oconee Co. Sept. 21, 1921. 38-40 KCOWCO Township Singers. The Keowee Township Singing Convention will meet with Salem Methodist church on the second Sun day in October at 2 o'clock p. m. All lovers of music are invited to at tend. Jesse Sloan. Secretary. Subscribo for The Courier, (liest) DE I'UT Y AND Ki H.vi, POLICEMEN .Made Two Successful Haids-Esti mnted 200 Gallons shut Off. Last Friday Deputy SlieriiT Gus Sullivan, Kural Policemen \V. L. Lit tleton and O. A. nunnie.it raided 1 in the Rocky Fork section of Oconee ! and managed to make the raid well worth while. Tlyy estimate that tho beer, mash and other "makings" prevented the turning out of. at a conservative figure, two hundred gal lons of corn liquor. lt was Friday of last week when the oftlcers entered the Rocky Pork" soot ion and "resinned business," so lo speak. On property of Riley Moore they located a 30-gallon copper still with complete outfit, and this was totally destroyed, including 2(1 gal lons of singlings and (lilt) gallons of beer. Isaac Pointer and Riley Moore were arrested at this plant, brought into .town and given a hearing, as a result of which each was bound over on a bond of $800-$:50<) in tho State Court and $500 for tho Fed oral Court. Going about two miles further the officers ran across another stilling plant, this one bing "cold," destroy ing a GO-ga ll on copper outlll and seven large fermenters of beer. No one was about this plant and no ar rests have been made. Tho depression in price on the corn liquor market seems not to have reached this section as yet. At least, there seems to have been no cessa tion or let-up in the illegal manufac ture of the stuff hereabouts. We note thal in Virginia a drop in the price, of liquor of tho moonshine type ls given as from $15 to $2 a gallon and consequently there has been, lt is said, a virtual abandonment of the moonshine business. WORK PROGRESSING RAPIDLY On Waterworks System-The Onco a-Wcek (Mut) Resumes Activity. Seneca, Sept. 27.-Special: Misses Ethel Cromer and Marion Sheridan, teachers in Seneca High School, spent the week-ond In Greenville at . the tioiiu^?Xh^4to'er.^^^ .. ,. . ; Mrs. James Daniel, of Marietta, C!a., ls visiting Mrs. O. F. 'Bacon and Dther relatives here. Mr. r)nd Mrs. C. L. Anderson motored to Highlands, N. C., to spend tho week-end. At a recent meeting of the session i)f the Presbyterian church the fol lowing elders were elected to repre sent the church at Presbytery, which will convene willi Richland church Ml Oct. Ith: G. W. Rallonger, with I. M. Myers as alternate; and Dr. 10. 0. Doyle will be the representative it Synod, which will meet in Green ville on Oct.* 11th, with Dr. F. A. Hines as alternate. The pastor. Rev. 1. E. Wallace, will attend both of tho tn oe tings. Cadets Clarence Ellison and Sloan Strihling, of Clemson, spent the past week-end with their liomefolks here. Miss Thelma Verrier has entered Gr. NV. C. at Greenville as a student Tor the ensuing year. Mrs I. E. Wallace is visiting hol dster, Mrs. J. E. Watson, in Ander don. Mrs. J. C. Strihling, of Anderson, la visiting her daughter. Mrs. W. R. Doyle. Work is progressing rapidly on the Installation of water and sewerage, ind in a short while Seneca will be reveling in the luxury of having a long-hoped-for need supplied, The loise from the ditching machine and Hie contd ruction of the reservoir is U times somewhat annoying. Never theless we will admit that lt has a pleasant ring, for it spells "water works for Seneca." Tho many friends of Miss Sallie Burgess aro delighted to know that die is visiting her relatives here, and lt is boiled that ?he w'll make an ex tended visit. Mi.\s Rurgess has been nSsociated with the mountain mis don work of tho Presbyterian church near Franklin, X. C.. for some time. After spending two weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Gignil lint, and family. Warren Gignillial lias returned to Anapolis. where he s instructor In English in Hie Naval \cndemy. ibo Once-a-Wcek Club will hold he Hist meeting of the fall 011 next Thursday Afternoon tit the home of ho president, Mrs. J. H. Adams. Af ter a threo m/bnths' vacation the nembers aro ready to take up club ivork with renewed interest for the oniing club year. Child Smothered In Cotton PH Chester, S. C., Sept. 22- Raymond Dickerson, the six-year-old son of dr. and Mrs. W. L. Dickerson, of the Shelton neighborhood, was suffocat ed in a pile of loose cotton Tuesday tfternoon. The child, with several ?thors, was playing in a house where hero was a pile of loose cotton, and vhen the others went to dinner ho vas so engrossed with the sport that 10 ran back to ploy a Utile longer. lYhon his absence was discovered and libers had gone back to search for lim his legs were found protruding rom the cotton. Rife was then ex Inct. (KUI has moro imitations than any Killer Fever Tonic on tho market. tmt no ono wants imitations.-adv. 8TS REMEDY VOR WKHVl?i PI tin g of Cotton Proves Val lo in Controlling tho Post. HUI, uiii; hui] H&s istalTOKh [alton Tribune, Monroe, Gu.) iC. .Mathis, of Campton, was a pr.'to tho Tribuno o?llce Satur Vvnen ho gave us a new remedy le,, boll weevil, which, he says, troly-bring results. .^Mathis says tho colton should Jpnted early and very thin - (finalf of usual stand, lt must itched closely and plowed regu ftlid after the .squares fall off 'should bo picked up and de ll^, he continued, io weevils get numerous, Mr. M?tfiiBV says, the thing to do is lo cut? tfMe tops of tho stalks wherever thelWBffl found. Then if they continue to ?WMbtv, to top every other row. following this in about len days by ?uppjp'ff tho other row if necessary. TjEfi.Vtopping, of course, does away wltjjSwie top croi>] but ibis is boll wo?vflji properly anyhow, says Mr. Magills., and the removal of the top itot:qil.iy destroys the young weevils. the sunlight down into tho ('nd helps to make more cot ton.'-tfehh would have otherwise been madK according to his statement. Mn Mathis, tried the topping pro cess'.,lhis yepr and says that it was sttccolsfuV. He invited any one out to h $ thorne to witness i lie results attained. A;c$ompahying ibo above clipping we' rdcelvftd, .tho following letter: "S?n'pc?,, S. C., Sept. 26th, 1921. ''Ed^oi^l^?toweo Courier: "&n?l???d. And clipping that I cut from: a, ?$py of-the Walton Tribune, publi?lv?d;' at . Monroe, Ca., my old homoi "ttUju\.one^ of the best and most prosj^M^y'?riltaing sections of Oeor H?aK^MBBjfiMnted with this farmer and kny.wvhim to bo a p^od ono, and thordytgnty^ reliable. His method of flgHilhf"; 4fi,? >Cotton pest strikes mo as tp? ?t?cH>t.practical and sensible of any ^ainpiKy?t found. "I th?^tgjit perhaps ?hip might bo of interest and b?noflt/t?'tho farmers of th[is.sutton, for tUis;pest.is,?t pu.r doors'a?a, has seaily^t?t?eV'-'' ?' tlotrwIiThavV to prepare themselves to fight if they expect to profitably combat tho weevil and mako cotton. '/Yours truly, "S. S. Schacher." PIOKEXS COURT ROUSE PAOKEI) When Cosnoll Caso Was Called-A dury Chosen Within Hour. Pickens, Sept. 2(1. .lake Oosnell. Federal prohibition enforcement agent, charged with Hie murder of Sheriff Hendrix Rector, of Green ville, on .Inly 1th, 1!M il, went on trial in Hie Court of General Ses sions here to-day at 11.30 o'clock. The jury was selected within about an hour, and Hie court then ad journed for dinner recess. Counsel announced that tb?; defense was rea dy for 'trial, with Hie exceplion of t^wo witnesses, of whom ono is the daughter of the defendant and the other Is Dr. W. L. Matlldln, of Green ville. The defense requested hint their testimony at the former trial be admitted into evidence, the Statt! resisted, with tho result that the testimony of the adopted daughter was excluded and that of the physi cian admitted. ANTICIPATING EA ROE CROWDS. ("real Pageant, nt. Greenville (?ives Promise of Attractiveness. Greenville, Sept. 27 -Special: In dications are that, nearly 15,000 peo ple will witness tho mammoth pa geant, "The Keowee Trail." which is to bo staged at the county fair grounds hore on the afternoon and evening of Xov. 11th, and which will be the leading feature of Greenville's Home-Coining Week, according to announcement made to-day by offi cials of the Greenville Chamber of Commerce. The pageant, the purpose of which is to acquaint the people of this entire Piedmont section with ibo section's Important history and leg ends, is being put on by the Com munity Sordjieo in co-operation with the Chamber nf Commerce and or ganizations throughout the seven counties In this territory. School children and many others from the counties of Greenville, Spartanbnrg. Anderson, Cherokee, Oconeo, Rich ens and Laurons will take part in this tremendous event, and rehears als for the pageant are hoing held in each county. Col. w. /I. Keith, chairman for the publicity committee for the pa geant, said to-day that he is grati fied with the progress made so far. More than 1.600 people are already In training to take part in the pa geant, ho said. Mrs. BOrgdoll SiMdi.s Recovery. Philadelphia, Sopt. 26.-Mrs. Em ma C. Borgd>dl, mother of tho con victed army draft dodgers, Grover C. and Erwin Borgdoll, to-day filed suit In the F?deral District Court here to have Thomas W. Miller, alien property custodian, return to her certain property seized by him sonio months ago as belonging to Grovor. She contends that her son has no interest In any of lt. What the Face to Fae? Heretofore, some have beei \vny. With high prices ol' farm |i whether their yield per acre was money just the sumo. Hut nov prices of till farm product? much duet Iiis farm more otllcicnlly. I biggest possible returns for Iiis til pended. You know that it. ret)ni sume cost timi tile Mime efforts to As tb?- Kuli is un ?deal lime ti fanners will 1)0 interested in lear MARTIN (0 take care of sueii work. Wo ai greatly reduced prices. Como in Arthur Walhall MANY PREMIUMS AHE OFFERED. (?'roners of Fine Cuttle Have Chance to Win-Prizes foi" Hogs. Columbia, Sept. 2G-Special: Tho many attractive premiums that are to be offered-to growers of fine bogs in tho premium lists of the South Carolina State Fair, which will be held Oct. 24-28. will appeal to live stockmen in every .section. , Tho total of the premiums, exclu sive of the premiums offered mem bers of the Hoys' Pig Club Depart ment, is well above the $8,000 mark, and will servo to bring to the fair some of the finest swine seen at any of the fairs. Tho 4otal of tho premiums offered for .the Essox, open competition, ls $40Q.^?Epr/.13qtdc8lilre.H,..opon . compe ntion;- 980?; .pbiaiid Ch.iivaV'V.op?nv co m pe ti tToh, $1,42 0 ; Tamworth, open competition, $4 00;! Duroc Jersey. $1,435; O. I. C. or Chester Whiles, $<;fi(? Hampshire, open competition, $1,000. In addition to these open competi tion prizes the premiums lil the fu lurily classifications are Poland Chi na, total $1.020; American Duroc Jersey A asocial ion J state futurity show, offers $1,500/in premiums. Many Prizes for Cattle. Tho mizos being offered for line cattle are also of an n Mm eli ve value. Premiums are offered for Jerseys, Ouernsoys, JIolsteln-Erlcslan, Ayre shire, Hod Polled, Devon. Short - Ilorn. Hereford and Aberdeen-Angus, Tho sheep and goat department also offers some valuable prizes, as dot's tho horse department. South Carolinians are much Inter ested in cattle and swine production lion at the present time, the inroads of the boll weevil having served to drive home lo farmers the fact that cotton must b?5 looked to merely as la side crop for a few years at least. Interest in cattle and swine produc tion has been growing steadily over I the State during tho past several [years, and the indications are that the displays of fine stock this year will be especially full and complete. Good Midway Attractions. While there will be excellent dis plays of line stock and farm products at tho state Pair, the amusement feature has not been lost sight of, and an aggregation of thirty shows will hold sway on the midway. Tho midway attractions will be provided by the C. A. Wortham com pany, and are said to be til*? best that have yet held fif th at the State Fair. There are many riding and amuse ment devices ill tho aggregation. I many of which are new to this sec tion, so that there will be no lack of wholesome fun during the fair. Some real automobile racing is promised by Secretary Eil rd, and the horse racing, loo, will be interesting. Auto polo will have its inning and will likely attract much attention. The admission to tho fairgrounds lin's year will be 75 cents instead of one dollar, as was the ease last year, and Hie officials are looking forward to good crowds during South Carp linn's gala week. Hoys lo Share In, tho Prizes. Cash ; 'zes amounting to $100 will be given by tho State Fair this fall to Corn Club boys, and Other prizes amounting to $7 1 in value will Im awarded to winners among the Corn Club boys. Prizes for Pig Club members are to be distributed as follows: Host brood sow and Mtier, four pigs or more-'Prizes of $20, $15 and $r? for first, second and third prizes, respectively. Host gilt, from four to twelve months old-$15, $10 and $5. Mest boar from four to twelve months old-$15, $10 and $5. Host boar over ono year old-$15, I $10 and $f>. i Mest sow over ono year old-$15, ! $ 1 0 and $5. I Nine cash prizes are to be awarded for the best, exhibits of ten ears nf Com. The prizes are: $10, $9, $8, Farmer is B with Now. i fa rm i nu ?s n rather Indifferent iroduots it made H it. lu difference ? 1?v fnlr or only poor-they nuulo^fljf?j v tilings hnvo changed. With lower, ovory funner must con ic must, fnrm so ns to get tho v.. no, labor, money ami efforts ox ros tho sumo labor, same seed, ' *: produce little ol' much por non?. "'.'*,* i ito ditching and held lemming, liing ?d' ( bo wonderful.] " f? t??.. MACHINE o offering thom in nil sizes ul and soo for yourself. row n la, 5. C. I'ltOSHCl TN FORMER Tl.}A< ll Kit. Claude il. Hast, Former Orungoburg Supt of Education, Still ut Largo. A dispatch from Orungoburg says: Tho grand Jury of Orungoburg county recently asked Solicitor A. J. Hydrlck to prepare a presentment against Claude .). Rast, former Su perintendent of Education of this county, on a charge of attempted criminal assault, and tho grand Jury returned a true bill in this case, but it will not be tried at any stated term of court, ns tho defendant ls not under arrest. Although the whereabouts of C. J. Rast aro not known, it has boon statod hore that ho assured some peoplo that he was leaving only bo causo he had boen disgracefully beaton, in a cowardly manner, and . .thai'?he,'waa going uwjvy. fdr nyqtoo ??o#>ftM*t* ?^veWt?b'Ho?rt? r t nfeV *o? . rious bodily injury to himself or to others, but that ho was no fugitivo from Justice, and that he would re turn to Orangeburg county to meet his trial at the proper time, and to prosecute the men who heal, him hero in .inly. If will be remembered (hat ('laudo .I. Rasl. for over thirty years a school teacher in Orungoburg county, was elected County Superintendent of Education and assumed his duties on July 1st. On July 12th he was heaton early one morning hy several While men. and Hast left the next day for parts unknown. Tho charge against Rasl is that while superin tendent of Ibo East Middle school, In Orangeburg county, he assaulted ono of ibo girl pupils of thal school. TWO SALUOA CONVICTS LEAVE Cha I liga Jig-They Cut Molo in tho Floor und Made Clet-Awny. Saluda. S. S., Sept. 2li. Ernest G il rea th and Field Abney, both col ored, cul their way through the door in the cell In which they were con fined and late Sunday night or early Monday morning made their escape from the county chaingaug. The negroes made a small hole in the wood door of the cell, later en larging it to permit their escapo. Tho two men also stole a cold chisel from the chaingaug shop, officers say, in tending to use the tool, it is sup posed, to cut tho shackles from (heir legs. Tlie shackles have not been lo caled. G Uren til was serving an eighteen months' sentence, while Field was under sentence lo sorvo three years. Gilrealh is described as a black ne gro, lihou I .'Ml years old. weight about 150 pounds, height 5 foot IO inches, with a gold tooth. Abney is also about .'10 years old, of heavy-set build and coal black complexion. Bloodhounds from Newberry were sent for and a Irnil was followed lo a spol where, apparently, two horses had been tied. The fugitives, it ls thought, used these horses to make good their escape. Semi-Annual Singing Convention. Tho Oconoo County Somi-Anntinl Singing Con vent ion will meet with Heavordam Church at Fair Play on the second Sunday in October, tho Olh, nt IO o'clock a. m. All good singers and lovers of music aro in vited lo come. Como and let us sing unto the Lord, W. M. Lemmons, W. E. King. President. Secretary. $7. $6, $.'?, $4, $2.HO and $1. respec tively. Six prizes aro to be awarded for single ear exhibits as follows: $0, $f>, $4. $3, $2 and $1. Special prizes not included in tho above aro also to bo awarded. They aro: For best exhibit of flvo stalks of prollflo corn, white or yellow, with corn on tho stalks, $5, (by C. D. Kenny Company, of Columbia.) For best exhibit of singlo ear corn, whito or yellow/, with oom on stalks, $5, (by L. L. Raker, of Blsh opvillc.)