"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj 1 W W W WW??????WWWWWW??^?VW^ - ? ? i The Globe M? Aug. 29th Woolens snown in The Globe T OF CINC C.W.&J.E WALHA1 IT PAYS TO Bl *7\T At tho I). A. lt. School. . Tamaasee, Au?. 20.-Special: Sun day afternoon services were held ns fr usual at. the.D. A. R. School. Rev. Mr. Langston, pastor of the First Baptist church of Walhalla, was in charge of the services. In addition tq the usual class room .work tho .girls haVe been studying I hygiene through the making of health posters. They have studied balanced diet, adenoids, health rules, trouble Komo insecisV^te*trint^ T? tMs way, and have made posters that are both attractive and b?n?ficiai. Noxt week Miss Bcjiley, of tho Home Demonstration Department, is expected, and will teach rag mg making and the making of organdie Howers. Mrs. J. T. McLeos, of Greenwood, is expected also and will teach tho girls to make sweaters. The wool is being furnished by the Kosciusko I Chapter of tho D. A. R., of Green wood. Mrs. Melles will act as houso mother during the last week. Friday night Gie State' Board of Health will have a representative at the school and will give a free pic ture show. This ls being advertised W extensively and the whole community is invited to attend. .Monday night, Aug. 29th, the school will close with an extract from"Sand" and an address. Tho State Superin tendent of Education has been invited < to deliver this address, and lt is sln " cerely hoped that it will be so that he can accept. The girls have invited friends and relativos to come early and to bring a basket supper, so that they can attend. All the neighboring communities aro invited to do the BO me. Spartanburg Overrun with Vagrants. Spartanburg, Aug. 20.--This sec tion is overrun with vagrants. Fight were sent to tho chaingang yester day by a local magistrate and two hy the recorder, six or eight arc hoing rounded up every day. There is a lot of car-breaking and petty larceny. There is hardly a night that box cars at Mayne aro not entered, and small store:; on the outskirts of the city are tho prey of the wanderers. Yesterday afternoon, while Mrs. .1. h. Keller, former school attendance oft!cor, was away from homo, some one entered the house and proceeded to eat and carry away all she had cooked. The partios sat at tho table and helped themselves to what abo had prepared for tho family's supper and thou took off what was left, ex cept a half cake of butter and a cako of cornbread. A wholo pound cake disappeared, as did all tho biscuits, hut tho cornbread was not touched. Of tho ten rounded up yesterday only ono was a negro. Will Ask Restoration of Monarchy. Vienna, Aug. 21.-Former Empe ror Charles, of Austria-Hungary, is said to be planning to ask the coun cil of tho League of Nations to con sent to tho restoration of tho mon archy in Hungary. un ls Coming j and 30tH. full length Drapes. | ailoring Co. f INNATl. . Bauknight, JLA, S. C. UY FOR CASH. Now Hope, Auj?$v3$rt-Special: A series of protracted' services has Just come to a close at this place. Rev. M. J. st an s (>i ably did the preaching, while Mr. .Holding, of Pickens, had charge of the revival music. Seven teen additions were made to the church. The baptizing; will be wjth Wolf urda and Sunday with his parents at Lavenia, Ga. Miss galena DuBose left this morn ing, after having spent a very pleas ant vacation here with relatives and friends. STOLE STILL FROM GREENWOOD Sherill's Ollico in Court House-Thc Offenders (Jet Away. Greenwood, Aug. 20.-No develop ments had come to light to-night in tho robbery of a fifty-gallon still from the sheriff's ofllc? a few hours aftei its capture. Officers declared thej luid clues which might lead to arrests in the near future. The still, the larg est ever captured in this county, wa: taken boldly on', of tho front, door -1 the court house and hauled away on Friday night. The coppor outfit was in full op eration when captured Friday after noon on tho Greenwood county side of Saluda river, a short distance above Smith's bridge. A negro, Ches ter Hawkins, according to officers was catching tho liquor in a jug as H ran from the still. Hawkins wai arrested and admitted to Jailer T.W, McMillan that ho had been helping mako liquor at tho still. Besides thc still 2 0 gallons of corn liquor and 24 GO-gallon mash barrels-all bul 1 1 of which had been run - were cap tured. The theft of thc still from thc sheriff's office is regarded by officers ns '.he most audacious in the annals of the county. Thieves apparently gained entrance through a window and unlocked tho doors from the In side. The still was taken out through tho front door, loaded on an automo bile or truck and carried away with out being discovered. Oflieers did not discover the robbery until they carno to the olllce this morning. Subscribe for Tho Courier. (BPS*.) >sfe. U.M? ?HR|B.? LIVES AT MACON MaCo son? '?f' Uves' Iii'* Browij, ?? early jjtjjrat the bell? bo mater} * . egress-that of leap H??jbie windows. Specta jSidewalks saved some of j.lnjhjry by catching them js. Destruction of the ho hampored the work of of the dead and in ouae was the oldest tty an BOU* UY .^AIliiOAD ChnrUvsUm Man Thought io lluvo Fallen from Moving Train. Lake C?ty, S. C., Aug. 20.-Yester day afternoon tho dead body of a white man about 30 yearn of ago was found in a railroad ditch near tho track of the Atlantic Coast Line rail road by the section hands, about a half mile north of Newhope. Thia morning Coroner Smith, of Florence county, vrt?? Summoned atfd an In quest was begun. From .the appear ance of the railroad the lu^n.fell frp]n\ a moving train going'B'?uth, and " ho apparently had boon (loud four br five day$. Dr8. Lynch and 'Graham held, a pofit mortem ew^ln.?^?^m.^. dhftv* ken and that he had received other' bruises. On his body was a .45 Colt's magazine pistol and soveral car wires for sealing box cars, and ho had on at the time of his death a heavy sot of eye-goggles. Nothing was found on his person to identify tho man, but later the local agent al F (fl ii g ham came to the scene of the acci dent and lecognized the body na that of J, C. Motley, of Charleston. Mot ley was employed by the Allantie Coast. Line railroad tis a special agent, for tho company. The olflclais of tho company said that Molloy had been missing for three days. The body was prepared for shipment to Charleston. MIK. (?CO. McKee Head. Westminster, Aug. 19.--.Mrs. Ceo. M. McKee died at her home lu tho Pleasant Hill section last Wednesday. She had been con lined to her room for only ti few days. The body was interred in the cemetery of Pleasant Hill church yesterday, the funeral services being conducted by ber pas tor, Rev. J. A. Rond. Mrs. McKee was n devoted Chris tian lady and a consistent member of Pleasant Hill Baptist church. Her husband preceded her to the gravo about ten years ago. Mrs. McKee is survived by the fol lowing children: Messrs. .lohn and Fred McKee, and Mrs. Alma i/oo, of Walhalla; Sloan and Ed McKee, of Oklahoma, and William McKee, of Alabama. One of her sons, Boss Mc Kee, who had been In tho United States naval service for fifteen years, died in mid-ocean on his way lo France in the early singes of tho World War. There sire hosts of friends of tho deceased who will Join with the peo ple of this community in extending to the bereaved ones sincere sympathy In their great sorow. Novillo School Improvement. The Neville School Improvement Association will meet, next Friday af ternoon at 3 o'clock at tho school house. Kvery patron of tho district is urgod to attend this meeting, and wo especially want thoso who are in terested In the adult school to bo present. Now, patrons, our school will bo Just what wo make it. Fach ono of us has an opportunity to holp mako our school ono of tho best In tho county, so ploaso como and Join U9 in this work and lot's havo a good R. S. I, A. and a good school. Mrs. Sidney Blanchott, President Neville R. S. I. A.