"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj New Dress Goods and Notions? Our New Dress Goods and Notions have arrived. We will be glad to show you these Goods and the prices are so attractive that you will buy. Best quality Dress Ginghams, in new Spring Styles, only 20c. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, WALHALLA, S. C. IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. Horses - Mules -I HAVE ABOUT 35 Head of Good Young Horses and Mules to Sell and they are worth the money. Will sell for Cash or Good Paper. These are all real work stock-just the Tjtejij$^^ -Also^" have Buggies/ Wagons and Harness, Oliver Plows and J Repairs, Chattanooga Plows and Repairs-all to go at right prices. Milk Cows and Beef Cattle, v* Come and sec me. W. H. Brown, WALHALLA, S. C. \ Ladies' and Men's Cotton Hose, 3 Pairs for 25c. for 2 Weeks Only. - GIRLS WANTED - Apply at Mill Office at once. WALHALLA, S. C. Can be enjoyed to thc fullest when de fective Eyes are fitted with correct Glasses. C. Loyd McCrary, OF FOUNTAIN INN? (Formerly of Greenville?) Will test Eyes, prescribe Glasses or malle repairs at DR. BARTON'S DRUG STORE, Walhalla, Thursday, May 19. You Are Invited to Call. Careful Tests. Satisfaction Assured.) ?Ktv? AUTUiS OF IIONUTV LANI). Behool Closed After Successful Sos sion-Personal Hems. Uounty Land, May 9.-Special: Mrs. 'Fannie Reagan leaves to-day I for her homo in Weavorville, X. C., after a visit to her cousin, .1. .1. liai-' longer, anil family. Mrs. S. N. Mguhs spent the week end with relatives near llonea Path. Mrs. Julia 1). Shanklin and son Rd gar attended the District Confer ence at Town ville Wednesday. Quito a number of girls of tho "teen ago" assembled at the Davis home Saturday afternoon and or ganized a Once-a-Woek Club, with Mrs. Dean Davis as their loader. Mr, and Mrs. IC ugo nc Rice and family, ol' Fairview, were recent rpond-t he-day ?'tests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Owens. Mr. and Mrs. Lom Norton, of Wal halla, were on .. bri ff visll tn this! community recently. J. il. Shanklin and family, of An derson, wore late guests of relatives here. Mrs. Henry .Iones died Ft ?day at , her bonn1 on .). P. Strlbling's place and was buried at Richland Satur day afternoon. Wo are glad lo report a decided improvement in Mrs. \V. U. Lynch''! condition. She1 is now abie lo b'J up a good while during tho day. Our school will close to-morrow (Tuesday.) The term has been quite a successful ono, this fact being due to the conscientious and untiring forts of the teachers In charge. We understand that the teachers Jaie going to give the pupils a surprise picnic in the Doyle pasture near tho school grounds. Swift Marett, of Highlands, N. C., Marion Hughs, of Atlanta, tia., and O. H. Doyle, of Anderson, were week end guests in their respective homes in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Davis were re cent visitors to Clemson. Tho \V. M. S. of the Rock Springs church will be entertained by Mrs. E. D. Foster in ber home next Sun day afternoon. Mrs. S. N. Hughs and Mrs. J. D. Shanklin are in charge of the work of selling "Save a Child Life in China" stamps, and will appreciate the patronage of all. Stamps 3 cents each. . iidcal iNotes from X?on?ross. Coneross, May ii.-Special: Miss Beulah Barker returned home Sun day afternoon from tho City Hospi tal, Greenville, where sho had been for the past two weeks. While there she underwent an operation for goi ter and also one for appendicitis. Both operations seem to have been successful, and she is fast regaining her strength and recovering from the opera (ions. Mr. and Mrs. T.W. Byrd aro enter taining a little girl in their boni?' this week. The young lady has come lo stay. Dr. Strickland, of Westminster, gave a very interesting talk at Con eross Sunday, filling the appointment of our pastor. Rev. J. (?. Martin, who is on a vacation visit to his par ents, Rev. and Mrs. Martin, of Allen dale, S. C. Miss Gracie Abbott is on the sick list this week. J. C. Barker and sister, Miss Liz zie, and Miss Jane Hunsinger spent lost Sunday in Greenville with rela tives, Miss Barker remaining over to accompany ber sister, Miss Beu lah, homo from tho hospital. Miss Codye Alexander is spending this week with her sister, Mrs. Gro ver Hubbard, of Richland. The subject designated for prayer meeting next Thursday evening is "Promise." Let everybody attend these services and make them in teresting. Several from here attended (he singing convention at Wolf Stake on Sunday last. Mrs. Ollie Duncan, of Walhalla, spent the first part of Ibo week with relatives in this section. Melton Lu sk, of the Smoltzor sec tion, was in this vicinity the past week-end. Mrs. II. W. Arve is with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. j?, f. Rotboll. of Toccon. Ca.. Ibis week-. She is on lier way to Atlanta, where sho will spend some time wilh ber daughter, Miss Eva. and other relatives. Tb" friends of little Miss Ollie Belle Byrd aro ?lad lo see her able to be out again after ber extended illness. Miss Salena Du Bose, of G reen ville, \ gilt for their home. Wash ington, Oci^C. Mr. andjfolrs. \v. P. Reid expect to leave -Friday morning for fayette ville, N\!&?to visit Mr. and Mrs. !.. D. \Vyly$V5?hey will he accompanied hy their ''little grandson, David Wy lv, Jr., whb has been on an extended visit to Mein. At th?jl?st meeting of the year for the Parent-Teachers' Association last weekwlhe following officers were elected: \vMrs. C. X. Gignilliat, pres ident; Mt?. C. 10. lio wen, vice pres ident; %$8j I'\ S. llollenian, secre tary and??treasurcr. Mr. anfl?Mrs. A. S. Howie, of Pen dleton, wN6je week-end visitors in the home ofjiMr. and Mrs. R. L. Howie "Saua^Ji.the illiteracy play, will be pr?s,?lM,ed^ at the Seneca High School '.^Mitbriutn on Friday even ing, Ma? $}th, at S o'clock. The pro ceeds w^lJt?gQ io the support of an organlzeriiot adult, school for illit erate^ ,ili'>/Oconce county. Reports from Wi thalia and elsewhere that this, play ;Has. been presented are of the m?s,t flattering nature, and the people of por timm \ S?neca will have an op sh, the presentation of this unique Jtftyle- play, to witness some thin^" * interesting : in- itael f - and well calcniatod tb create a deeper and broader interest in the efforts that, are heing made to eradicate il literacy from our Slate and county. Nows Notes from Fairview. Fairview, May ?). Special: Rev. Hardy, of Seneca, will lill his regu lar appointment here sunday after noon at .:.:{0 o'clock. Sunday school at 2.30 o'clock. Miss I.adie Reid, ol' Calhoun, was the weok-end euost of her friend. Miss Annie Roth Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. IO. C. McMahan were recent ?nests of the tatter's home folks in Walhalla. Mrs. McMahan will romain In Walhalla for the Al exander reunion, which is to he held to-morrow (Tuesday.) Lnwreneo TMke, of Cent'al. was a visitor in the community la?t week. Mrs. J. R. McMahan, of near Al exandrin, Va., bas many relatives and friends in this com mu ni fy ami section who will be glad to know that slip is improving after a severe attack of hlood poison in her hand. We hone soon to hear of her com plete restoration to health. The Ladies* Aid Society will hob1 their regular meeting next Friday afternoon. Mrs. J. O. Huff, of Greenville, spent a few days recently with her motlier. Mrs. Tv. io. Knox. Miss Virginia IMcMahnn was in Salem fora few hours last week. We understand thal Miss McMahan has declined tho offer of the Fairview school for another year and luis ac cepted similar work in the Salem Graded school, it ls with profound est regrets that we give up this most estimable young teacher, lier going to another field )o work will bc keen ly fell in our school and in tho social life of thc community. Mis.; Jeannette Rowland is on an extended visit lo relatives and friends in Atlanta and Klborlon, fla. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tollisoii and Rrtnn Hubbard spent the week-end willi I heir relatives al Old i'ickons. Miss Rosa McMahan spent last Thursday in Greenville. Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders ami children spent a short while with home-folks near Ta mass?e. Tom Rowland, of near Atlan'n. 's ?non d'np a while with his mother. Mrs c A. Rowland. Mrs ceo. Garron, of Asheville, X. C . was :i recent visitor at the home of w. 1.. McMahon. Wagoner Township Singers. The Wakener Township Singing Association will meet with the New ry Baptist church on the third Sun day afternoon. May lath, beginning at. ii o'clock. We extend to all a cor dial invitation. w. n. Hrowor, Secretary. 11. A. Wood, President. lo their home hore after having spent .-onie time with relatives nt Slmpsonvillo. Mis? Vcr? Ramey is visiting rela tives in Westminster. j. H. Phillips and parents, of Long Creel;, were among their many friends here last Sunday. Kurtis Hunt, of Westminster, vis ited relativos here recently. Moving I have four Trucks > hauling at all times ant too long. You can tru a radius of 5 O to 10 quicker than you can s AV A IS A family to work crop furnished; crof Arthur Walhall .?. COUNTY AGIO NT'S NOTES. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? Sec N eleh and clover Pasture. "Vetch and clover can't be beaten for a pasture," says C. \V. Buuk llight, ol' Walhalla, and those who are interested in seeing his fine pas ture of vetch, bur clover and while clover should look the Held over on Saturday, .May 14, at 2 o'clock,when chose interested will assemble in front of his store and proceed to the pasture on the edge of town. "A gullied hillside, where a scrape was used to lill the ditches is where 1 began throe years ago," says Mr. Bauknight. The growth is now from ten inches to two feet high, lt has roseeded each year, and last year there were about ten cows and two mules on the six acres from lune 1st to frost. Kev. W. B. Aull ia also a big vetch grower, and the party-will louk'over his field if it ls still standing. Wire Bought Co-operatively. On Thu rfd y. May 5th, a carload ot" barbed re, which was bought co-operatively from thc government. Wan unloaded ni Walhalla for about six farmers, who will fence some mountain land for more live-stock. The saving on these eighteen lons of barbed wire was approximately $;i00. If co-opera I ive buying pays, why not co-operative selling? Visited Vetch field. Those who went to TOWUVlBo last friday saw a wonderful Held ut vetch al Lee Gaines's place, and they say they are going strong on vetch this fall. In an old cotton-field where vetch had reseeded itself the growth was nearly impassible-from three to five foot tall, thickly matted and of uniform growth. The cotton stalks remaining on this field showed un usual evidence of production, and Mr. Gaines stated that one and three quarter bales per acre was produced on this field. Poison the Borer, In these columns lately was pub lished Prof. Conradi's advice to plant some hills of squash ten days ahead of the cantaloupe planting, in rows by the cantaloupes, so that tho cantaloupe borer would eat tho squash instead of the cantaloupes, lt should have been staled also thal the squash plants should he kopi dusted thickly with plain arsenate of lead in order to poison the borers feeding on tho squash plants in pref erence to the cantaloupes. Dust tho poison on while lhere ls dow on the pla??s. Geo. lt. Briggs, County Agent. .Mrs. Frank Harper and baby, of Columbia, are visiting thc former's mother. Mrs. Ceo. L, Wilson. Mrs. Claude McMahon, of the (.'airview section, spent several days last week in Walhalla with her par ents, Mt*, and Mrs. \\\ M. Alexander. Miss Anna Helle Strickland, of I'el/er. spent the past week-end m Walhalla with her former college friend. Miss Anne Strutton, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \V. A. Grant. fariner's Skull fractured. GreonvillC, May 7.-Ills skull bad ly fractured by a blow with n single tree. Andy W?lls, a young farmer of the Travelers' Host section of this county, ls in a crit?ad condition in a hospital here. Walter Howers and his son. Carl Howers, have been placed in Jail, charged with having Inflicted the wound during a fight with wells to-day. For This Week liens tDc. pound, fries S2c. pound. Don't sell for less. See mo--Down Town, by thc Old Hotel. BIB >W NI/OW Of LB E BS, WALHALLA, S. C. Subscribe for Thc Courier. (Be8\,? -Hauling vhich do moving and i anywhere. No trip ick most things within O miles cheaper and ?hip by rail. on halves; everything ) now planted. Brown la, 5. C. * * * * * + -I- -I- * * * * -i .J. HOM10 DEMONSTRATION .J? ?> NOTES. * * * * * * * * * * * * * *? With tho (Jills1 Clubs. Five mootings wore held the past week with girls' clubs. The Cooking Club ut .Seneca Mill met on Monday and had a lesson on the combination of milk and eggs. The dish prepared was '10 g gs a lit goldenrod." On Tuesday tho Norton Sewing: Club tuet with Lizzie and Hessies Whitmlre. Twelve members were* prosent. ? Tho Hluo Ridge Sowing Club ot nine mein hors met on Wednesday. This club has a porfect attendances record. Tho Oak l?rove Sewing Club mot. on Thursday with Frances and Mat tic. Cobb. .Tho-.girls aro hog Inning tv .suit of underwear. . On 'Friday the Richland Cooking Club mel with M tb el and Clara. Ceorge. Two new members wore on rolled. Drop cookies and cup enko were used as a basis for a lesson on cake making. IMnnonAtral ion on May Kith. On Monday, May Kith, Miss Elis abeth Fordnoy. dairy specialist, will give a butter demonstration at Oak way, tit Mrs. 'Hutchins's store, at :'; o'clock. All of Ibo women of the community, and any others who ure interested, aro urged to he pressent. Pictures foi* tho Home. Pictures on the walls of our homos roiled our lasto ?md mold the char acters of Ibo inmates of the. homo. Since thought Influences character, our thoughts should he directed l?> the good and the beautiful, beauti ful pictures give us beautiful thoughts and high ideals. If would be il i 111 cult to estimate tho good in fluences that come from contact with inspiring pictures. Selection. Hood copies of tho masterpieces of great artists art': easy to obtain and are inexpensive. A few good pictures of this kind ?if far more valuable than a large num ber of poor, meaningless plct?ref-x. In living room, dining room and other rooms which all of the family nw;, pictures should be chosen thar are of interest to all. Plcturos Of places and people of historical in terest are especially good for those who tire students of history. Thc Bible is the source of inspiration for a multitude of excellent pictures which are stimulating to all. Pic tures of landscapes and animal lifo pout out to us most forcefully tho lion II I les of nature. Personal pho tographs Should be reserved for pri vate bed rooms or "dens." Hf gil Iv colored pictures of fruits, game and vegetables are no more suitable for the dining room than any other roon/ of the house. Framing, The frame should nd'' to the value of the jib.lure and nor detract from it. lt should be nar row, very plain and in color sh O uh? conform to the Ugh in ess or darkness of Hie picture. Fancy, decora leb" frames are unsuitable because tfre.t cheapen tho picture. Hanging. In order to study ano? appreciate a picture it should h? hung low enough to he seen easily. The bottom of the picture shotlltf not be above (he level of Hie oyo of an average person standing. Wheic several small phd ares are used r/ra one wall the centers of all tho pic tures should he on ti Straight: I?IMV. Stej) ladder \style, so often trs-oif. shows a poor arrangement. The pic ture shows off to best advantage: when hung flat ?iga i nsf the wall, Tho picture wire should be ?is Inconspic uous as possible. Use two wires thar run straight to the moulding rallier than ono wive that runs to a contraf point. ThorO is no substituto for a RC/C\? picture Wo Uko to bo surrounded* by our friends, so let us make beau tiful and inspiring pictures our friends, and visit them frequently. Ethel L. Counts. County Homo Dem. A go ttl.