"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj M U L 90 Head to I - We have our big barns fi .good, fat Mules than you / long time? We also can show you tl the Mississippi River, with Mules* We can feed and hour's time a day with one We sold 95 Mules in Jan be right* C.W.&J.E, WALHAI IT PAYS TO Bl FROM LITTLE RIVER SECTION. lunns of Personal Interest to Many in Our County. Little River, March 5.-Special: The farmers of this section are very busy this week plowing and prepar ing the soil for their crops, as this IS the finest weather we have had for several months. Elisha Holden, of Greenville, was Isitinr homefoiks recently. Mr. len's health does not seem to be very fast, but wo hop f?n^'enioylrig- Hpek?a Nathan Lusk, of Glenville, N. C., made a business trip through this section tho past week. J. H. Wigington and son, Oscar, have moved their saw mill up near tho mill pond in order to save con siderable distance in hauling. Melton Lusk ls teaching school at Fort George, in tho Stamp Creek community. Mr. Lusk has been teaching for some three or four years and has given entire satisfac tion. Tom Owens ls now In charge of the Alexander mill. Wo are glad to have him back with us, as he is a good miller and a good farmer. Nathan Moore and wife were vis iting relatives and friends in the Boone's Creek section recently. A. P. Barton has sold his farm and is moving to the Walhalla Cot ton Mill. We will miss this good family from our midst, but we wish them much Joy and success in thoir new home. D. T. Madden's health does not seem to Improve very much. Mr. Madden had the misfortune to lose his sight some two years ago. W. M. Barnes, who lives on the Hodden place, ls doing a great deal of work this winter, as ho has boon building a barn and other outbuild ings, besides making an addition of an ell to his dwelling house. C. S. Talley and family were re cent visitors at the home of W. B. Holden. Joe Burgess and Homer Whit mire, of .Tocasee, were visiting in this section some wooka ago. A. R. Galloway's health does not soom to Improve very fast. Mr. MITCHELL i Westminstc wish to announce th SPRING MI Thursday and Friday, ?VJ Our Millin< Carry the Ss Miss Ramsey .ES! Select From. ull of Good Mules-more have seen together in a ie best Mule Barn east of every facility for handling water J 00 Mules in one man. ?uary; so our prices must . Bauknight, n thom if received by us up to last nail1 Saturday night. Wo hope Oconeo's choice of rep "osentatlve to Palmnfosta will win In .ho Columbia contest for tho honor >f being Quoon of Palmafostn. She ins an equal chance with tho young adios from other counties. COUKT <)b^pS^j|^?i. SESSION'S. Considerableyjpisjiiess Transacted. Probubl'$ Thietvdny Session. J uti go Se||o, Solicitor Harris and Stcnographea^Clydo. Smith ware on hand Mondas?^ ready for tho pushing of criminal-Base?Uiat ha,ve boon set on tho docH^'.i???/this session. Not a few case?'were* disposed of Mon day in ono^wafc or, another, though only one caso,-.hud gone to a jury, and this caW'Was- being considered by the Jur^VvwIien the court ad journed MO?flay evening. Following ig. the record of Mon day's transactions: :&'^rue utils were brougjj^ln by the grand Jury in tho following", cuses: The Stajte^rs. Waddy Vaughn Housebreaking; and larceny. Geo. Wilt?jks and .Lige Wilbanks -Violation,', prohibition laws. , P. C. Lffllt*-Assault and battery with lntenHtftJcIll. Rob Lee f?f?d Sam Lee-Violation prohibition; Uk^Ws. (No bill as to Rob Leo; true bill as to Sam Lee.) Cecil LaMer-'Disposing of proper ty under ljp,. . Bryan/ Dickson and Guy Jones-?' Violation prohibition laws. Chris. Alexander--Violation pro hibition lajfei. t. James, raotiolson and Major Ra mey-Assajj i^jt and ^battery with in tent to kil ?'and carrying concealed weapons. '? ?* '"v Will Catjr?r unji John Swofford Violation, to?ohibliron laws. ArUiur.ji^ooie^-^Housebreaking and larcom .(t'yf p\-cu6es. ) Earle d$i r^^^toueebreaking and larceny. S -{; ', tf:-. Jas. ;\y$ter )ftnd Gus Walker Obtalnldff| J9?4^ under false pre .. . Willigi!pp^toon -disposing of 3. ^^fe^^Ha-T3bis?o?^j^^'" , -No Bill ' was the return of the grnnd jury in tho cases of Tho State vs. Irby Wilbanks-Vio lation of the prohibition laws. Odell Morgan and Robert. Patter son- .Malicious mischief. John Cox-Violation prohibition laws. Cases Continued. Tho following cases wore marked up on the Journal as continued: 'Miles Craft and Otis Harrison Larceny. Mish Cobb-Housebreaking iand larceny. P. C. Long - Assault and battery with intent to kill. Ernest Freeman-Forgery. To Contingent Docket. M. T. Long-Failure to support child. John Williams - Housebreaking and larceny. Cases lloforo Court. W. M. Suttles and Ansel Fuller Violation prohibition law. Suttles pleaded guilty. Sentenced to serve on public works at hard labor, or in State penitentiary, for term of six months and pay fine of $500. Sen tence to be suspended during good behavior on payment of $100 or in liou thereof service of 3 months. Gus Smith-(V. P. L.)-Pleaded guilty. Sentenced to six months or to pay lino of $500. Suspension pro vision on payment of $100 or serv ice of three months. Geo. Edwards pleaded guilty to violation of prohibition laws and re ceived sentence of six months or fino of $500. Suspension provision conditioned on payment of $7? or service on public works 50 days. Waddy Vaughn - Housebreaking and larceny. Jury returned verdict of not guilty. W. M. Suttles and Ansel Fuller-j Violation prohibition laws. Jury returned verdict of guilty as to An sol Fuller. Sontonced to serve six months and pay fine of $500. Son tonco suspended until first day Of noxt session of Sessions Court, then to pay $100 or servo 3 months. Fall uro to appoar at next term to sub ject defendant to service of full son tonce or pay $500. Geo. Wilbanks and Ligo Wilbanks -Violation of prohibition laws. Ligo? Wilbanks pleaded guilty. Sontoncod to 4 months or pay fino of $150. Fino paid. Town of Walhalla va. Goo. Suttles I ... Lubrical -IN QUANTITIES AT A CAR LOAD OF LUBRICAT TRACTORS AM) STATION?R TV Rlld SLYTY-GALLON CONT 1 AM GOING TO SELL THIS MY FRICK WILL SAVE YOU THE GALLON. IF THERE WA! SHOULD SAVE YOUR MONEY YOUR OIL IN LARGER QUAN DIFFERENCE ? TRACTOR OWNERS SHOUL BARREL OFFER BEFORE PL ONE LOT Olli-ESPECIALL SON TRACTOR. I STILL HAVE A FEW MAR TER GET YOURS. Arthur Walhal! -(Appeal)-Judgment of Mayor's Court reversed and case dismissed. Cases Nol Prossed. The following cases were nol pros sed on motion of the Solicitor: The State vs. Dover Walker-Dis posing of property under mortgage. Chastaln Pickens-Failure to sup port child. J. H. Hughes-Disposing of prop erty under lien. Geo. Perry-Disposing of property under lien. R. P. Harrison-Disposing of pro perty under lion. Henry Cobb - Drawing check without funds. Geo. Wilbanks and Lige Wllbanks -Violation prohibition laws. (Nol pressed us to Geo. Wi'hanks.) Alec Rogers and Cellje May Rog ers, alias Collie May Bollck-Adul tery. ' W. Oscar? Medlln-^-OMsposing. ot property under Heh. "';< TljESDAY-^-True BUI*.; , :? ?J. E. .Stephons'-VBtgamy. , ii #. B. Edwards-DlsposingfPf pro under falso pretense. ' . ? , John Norris-Disposing of prop erty under Hen. John Burton-Violation prohlbtion laws. Woddy Vaughn-Receiving stolen goods. Amos Dooley-Disposing of prop erty under Ken. J. W. Dooley-Disposing of prop erty under lien. The ense against Mayne Stephens was continued. Other Cases Tried. Will Carver and John Swofford Violation prohibition laws. Both de fendants pleaded guilty. Will Car ver sentenced to six months and to pay fine of $500. Suspended during good behavior on paying $100 or serving threo months. John Swofford sentenced to servo six months and pay fine of $1500. Suspended on pay ment of $125 or service of three months. John Burton-Violation prohibi tion laws. Plead guilty. Six months and fine of $500. Suspended on pay ment of $75 or service of sixty days. In the case of Bryan Dickson and Guy Jones, charged with violation of prohibition laws, the Jury returned a verdict of not guilty. Major Ramey and James Nichol son-Assault and battery with in tent to kill. The Jury brought in a verdict of guilty as to both d?fend ants, and they wore sentonced to serve three years on ?.he public works of Oconee, at hard labor, or a Uko term in the State penitentiary. No tice of appeal was given by tho at torney for tho defendants from tho verdict and sentonco so far as lt re lated to Nicholson. A conforonco held, and lator tho case wah nol prossed by tho Solicitor as to Nich olson, who was released from cus tody. Thero will be no appeal as to Ramey. Court, Hits Adjourned. Court adjourned sine dio Tuesday evening late, and tho Judge, Solic itor and Stenographer left for their homes this (Wednesday) morning. NO ASSOCIATE JUSTICIO CHOSEN. After Many Ballots legislators De cide to Postpone Till Next Year. Columbia, March 5.-Tho Legis lature will adjourn some time to night, or probably Just before day Sunday morning. Tho election of an Associate Jus tice has been postponed to noxt your under a resolution offered by Repre sentativo Barnett, of Columbia. The Houso first adopted the res olution, turning Itself about face from a position taken a few days ago. Tho adoption of tho rosolution Friday afternoon, and by tho Senate Friday night, carno as a distinct sur prise. lng Oils KIO REDUCTION.? . . . INO Olli FOR AUTOMOBILES, V ENXHNES-IN FIVE, THIR A IN ERK. OIL AT WHOLESALE PRICES. FROM Sift TO ?O CENTS ON K EVER A TIME WUBIN YOU IT IS NOW. WHY NOT RUY TITIES AND POCKET THE I) TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS OW TIME. Y HEAVY-FOR THE FORD TIN DITCHERS LEFT. BET Browii, la, S. C. GENERAL ASSEMBLY A1XIOURNS Appropri?t ions Total $0,0.14,024.87. Li. ttl o "?V?rie Accomplished. Columbia, March 6.-Tho "Defla tion Legislature" adjourned this morning at 8.30 o'clock. As soon as the appropriation bill went to free conference tho end of tho session was in sight. It took long and weary hours of effort for Chairman Chris tensen and Mr. Hughes and their conferees to untangle the differ ences, but they did so, and the act was ratified carrying appropriations aggregating $6,534,925.87. The increase over the act of 1920 is something less'than $500,000, and. all of this aggregate fa less than the additional amount added to the sup-, ,port of. the common schools of, the State.-' Some', other item?y.Shpw tn ithtere^ Tho presnt 12 mills duced py tho Comptroller General if advisable. No State levy for road work is included or imposed this year. The individual counties may collect this road tax if they s? de sire on petition of the delegation. When the Senate continued until next session the bill proposing a tax on gasoline and kerosene the fate of all the suggested aditional revenue bills was sealed. All four of the bills intended to raise r?venues from new sources, other than the property tax, were continued until next ses sion, as wero many othor important measures that had been suggested. Tho 'State-wide stock law act is perhaps the most generally Import ant act passed at this session unless lt be the provisions for women vot ing in the primaries, the increase of tho age of consent and the California marketing 't"tute giving the ma chinery for such co-operative efforts. Tho adjournment was in the host of humor and good feeling. Lieut. Gov. Wilson G. Harvey made an ex cellent presiding officer and showed surprising grasp of the probloms of a presiding officer. Hundreds of bills that wore not acted upon go over until the second session of tho present General As sembly. S. S. CONFERENCE OF ANDERSON District to Meet nt Sen cet? 'Methodist Church March 15th. Tho Andorson District Method* t Sunday School Conferonco will moot at Seneca Methodist church at 10 o'clock on Tuesday, March 15th, and will closo its session somo timo tho next day. Evory Methodist Sunday school in tho district is expected to send its pastor, superintendent and at least ono teacher. , Rev. A. E. Hollor, presiding oidor of tho district, is ox-offlcio prosi dont. Tho othor officers aro as fol lows: Geo. C. Goodjlon, Williams ton, executivo secrptary and tronsu ror; Rev. W. L. Mullikin, Polzor, suporintondont teacher training; Miss Maude Cely, Plodmont, super intendent elementary department; W. D. Cox, Belton, superintendent of Intermediate and senior depart ments; Miss Carrie Landor, Polzor, superintendent, of young pooplo's and adult departments.