"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj I BARG 1-2 lb. Pink Salmon, per cz \ lb. Pink Salmon, per ct Large Size Beans and Por No. 2 Tomatoes, - - - No. 3 Tomatoes, - - - Corned Beef, 40c. Cans, per 50c. Package Star Naptha F Try our Special 20c. and 2 C W.& J.E WALHAI IT PAYS TO Bl SPE< Hosier FOR THE IMMEC Ladies* Hose, IO C Pents' Half Hose. "CALL AT MILL A Hetrick Ho Walhal THU LOCAL NEWS OF SENECA. Well-Known Minister and Former Oeouee Lady Mlivo Passed Away. Seneca, Feb. 1.-Special: The lit erary society of the Seneca High School is aranging a program of un usual interest for Friday afternoon. There will ho several musical num bers, and altogether the program will not only be entertaining, but instruc tive. Visitors are always invited and welcome to attend the sessions of the 8ocoity. Our former townsman, L. D. Wyly, was a welconio visitor here for a few days last week. Mr. Wyly was re turning from a business trip ,to St. Louis, Mo., and stopped over to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Wyly. at Richland, and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Roid hore. He loft Friday afternoon for his homo at Fayetteville, N. C. The Woman's Missionary Society of the Methodist church will meet on next Monday afternoon with Mrs. C. M. Bowen. Tho Y. W. A. of the Baptist church will meet nexl Tuesday at 4 o'clock p. m. In tho church. A full nttend anco of tho members is desired and now members and visitors well bo welcomed. A lovoly compliment was shown Mr. and Mrs. Hoheit Kay Tuesday evening when Mr. and Mrs. Claud< Hopkins entertained a few friends nt (ho home of Mrs. Hopkins par ents, Mr. and M"s. Wayman Holland. Truly this was an evening of merri ment, especially so when the guests of honor wore literally showered with many useful articles that will help them to make their kitchen comploto for housekeeping. Tho hoa toss was assisted by her sister In sorving dollclous refresments. Tho i guests wore Mr. and Mrs. Kay, Misses Sara Davis, .lossie Lawrence, Annie Hunter and Mrs. W. J, Schroder, (of Walhalla), doo L. Byrd,William Aus tin nnd Charles strlhllng, of Green* villo. Rev. A. T. Spalding, D. D.. tho oldest Baptist minister In the South, and tho oldest graduate of Mercer University, passed Into tho Great Boyond Monday afternoon at his homo In Atlanta. Dr. Spalding was m. J Oe. tn. J 5c. k, - - - - - - 15c, .- 10c. 15c can, ----- 25c. 'owders, - - - - 35c. Blend Coffee at 5c. per lb. . Bauknight, JY FOR.CASH. DIAL y Sale )IATE PRESENT: ^ents per Pair. iND GET YOURS." siery Mills, la. S. C. born in Elbert county, Georgia, on Oct. 20, 1831. Ho was widely known and greatly loved throughout the Southern Baptist church as well as by all denominations. His strong per sonality antr spiritual influence were an inspiration to all who knew him. Ho was given the degree of Doctoi of Divinity by Georgetown College, (Kentucky), and the degree of Doc to of Law was also conferred on him by Mercer University. In the death of Dr. Spalding only one sister ls left surviving of a family of twelve brothers and sisters. The only sister ls Mrs. Mary A. Wilkes, who makes hor home In Seneca with her daugh ter, Mrs. S. K. Dendy. Mrs. Wilkes was bom in March, 1828, and will In another month celebrate the 9 3d anniversary of her birth. To her is extended tho heartfelt sympathy of a host of friends in this sore be reavement, especially so since she ls the only surviving member of her family of that generation. Mrs. It. H. Ron fro added a charm ing social affair to the unusually full week's calendar when she was hos tess Monday evening to the Fidelis class of the Rapt 1st church. In her apartments at the Palmetto House. Tho business of the class having been disposed of, the remainder of the evening was converted Into a de lightful social occasion. During tho evening Mrs. Ronfro served tempting 1 refreshments. There will be many people In Oco noe county who will be grieved over the death of Mrs. David P. Vernor, which canto Sunday morning after a month's Illness at her homo In Groonvlllo. Mrs. Vernor spent tho early years of her life In the Town vlllo section, and is remembered by many of tho older people as Misa Mary Eliza Johnson, until her mnr rlugo to Mr. Vernor. Since then she had roHldod in Greenville. She was a lovable Christian woman, and will bo soroly missed, not only in tho homo, but as a friend and neighbor and In tho church. Mr. Vernor pre coded her to tho grave about 17 yoars ago. She ls survived by two daughters. Sho ls a sister-in-law of our townsman, R. S. Vernor, and of E. E. Vernor, of Richland. DETTER FROM SENATOR MASON. Writes of What tho Oconco Delega- : tion IK Doing-Some Bill*. Columbia. Jan. 31.-Editor Keo woe Courlor: l Intended to write you last weok, but as 1 spent tho week-end at home I did not roach the Capitol in time to write you and 1 decided to wait until this weok in the hope that I might be able to tell you something about tho Gene ral Assembly and their work. But, so far, nothing of Importance has been done. Everybody seems to be at a loss to know what to do. A bill has passed both Houses ex tending the time of paying taxes un til the first of April, although the Governor has not signed the bill as yet. A bill has also been introduced to place moving pictures under a cen sor, the object being to cut out im moral or objectionable portions of j the pictures. This is a bill I will support unless otherwise requested by my constituents, as I think we ought to protect the youth of our country. The Oconee delegation has intro duced a bill providing tho necessary funds to pay all past indebtedness of the public schools of tho State If this bill passes und becomes law as introdticed it will put all of the pub lic schools on a cash basis. 1 have a bill prepared which I will Introduce In a few days. This is the bill I promised the people of Oconee during the campaign that I would Introduce. If this bill passes and be comes law it will reimburse all par ties who are damaged by reason of ?heft. 1 have been spending this week end In Columbia visiting tho various State Institutions. The first place I visited was the State HoapUai for the Insane. -''Tl?V'?c^ftee* Tf??effitfim was gladly received by the officials and we were shown through the entire institution. This institution has made wonderful improvements dur ing the last five years. Every depart ment is commendable. Tho next place wo visited was the Old Soldiers' Home-a place very dear to me, though, in my opinion, this place is not what lt ought to be. lt is a shame to the sons of the Con federacy to send their fathers to this Isolated place to spend their declin ing years all alone. The Oconee delegation has passed bills validating all the school bonds of Oconee county. So far, no ap pointments for magistrate or rural police have boen made. I am at a loss to decido between my friends, the contestants being my friends on both sides. I am not a Solomon, and therefore, I am liable to make a mistake, and sincerely hope that my friends will sympathize with mo in my efforts to serve all of tho people. Hoping to bo back in old Oconee again soon, I nm, As ever your servant, W. P. Mason. TRAIN HITS CAR-THREE j.-.wVD. Another Seriously Injured In Acci dent Over at Central. Greenville, Jan. 31.-Three mon wore Instantly killed and another seriously Injured when the automo bile In which they .vere riding was struck by Southern Hallway passen gor train No. 37 at a grade crossing at Central yesterday afternoon. The dead are W. M. Strickland, 4f? years of age, drivor of the car; N. E. Strickland, 40, and A. J. Sontoll, 37. W. I. Miller is the injured man, ho hoing in a hospital hore with chanco for recovery. All aro well known citizens of Central. t Whole S. C. Town Belongs to Church (Furman Hornot.) The little town of McColl, In Marl boro county, South Carolina, enjoys tho distinction of having probably tho largest proportionate church membership of any town in tho country. Excluding tho mill vlllago adjoining, every man In tho town ex cept two ls a church member; ovory woman and every girl boyond twelve years of ago ls n church member, and thoro ls only ono boy In tho town above twelev years of ago who In not a momber of tho church. Subscribo for Tho Courlor. (Boat.! i I have yet three sell any o all of $ change. To tho 1 of a mill soon th fjis now a good p] FAR Have some spl furnish the righ ?ARTHU1 JUSTICE HYDKIOK'H DEATH WELL Necessitate New II curing of tho Gos 8otKCu.s?">-Must Review Appeal. JudJb Hydrick's death makes nec essaryffa rehearing 4n the Gosselt case, Recording to a story in the Greenville News. This hearing, says that ywpor, may be in tho form of wrlttofl briefs submitted to the mem bers ot\the Supreme Court. The arti cle says: " TflOMijath of Associate Justice D. E. Uydrlck, of the South Carolina Supremo.' Court, makes it necessaiy for . tifrt tribunal to have a second hearltjL'Ibn tho appeal of Kenneth Gossff.li'the young Abbeville white imprisonment for criminal assault upon a young white woman of Abbe ville a number of months ago, and If Solicitor Blackwell, representing tho State, gives his consent, the case will be submitted this time to the court bf last resort without verbal argument, to enable Chief Justice Gary and Associate Justice Gage, who wero not present at the first hearing last fall, and who are still indisposed at their homes, to pass upon the appeal. Attorneys for Gos sett yesterday agreed to submit their contentions in tho form of written brief, without a verbal hearing, but consent to such a procedure must be given by the Solicitor be/ore lt can bo carried through. At last fall's sitting of the Su premo Court only Asoc?ate Justices Hydrlck, Watts and Erazer wore presont. Chief Justice Gary and As sociate Justice Gage were ill at their homes In Abbeville and Chester, re spectively. The Qosett appeal, along with a largo number of others, was argued before the three first named, who constituted a quorum of the court. No decision had been rendered at the time Associate Justice Hy drlck died suddenly In Washington, so that now at least throe of the Su preme Court Judges must review the case again. Tho two who were 111 when Ute first hearing was held are still confined to their homes, and the only way to got the appeal before a majority of the members of tho court any Hmo soon ls to submit the print ed brief? to them. The clerk of the supreme tribunal ls sending oui from Columbia Inquiries to Interested law yers asking them If they are willing to. have rehearings by this method In cases argued before tho threo Asso ciate Justices last fall, explaining that such rovlows can be hold only upon consent ,t both sides. With Chlof Justice Gary and Asso ciate Justice Gage still absent, and with Thos. P. Cothran, of Greenville, the newly olected Associate Justice, remnining a member of the House of Representativos for somo drt^s be foro leaving lt to take lils placo on tho Supremo Court bench, Mr. Price oxplnined thnt lt will be a good while boforo tho second hearing can bo bold unless both sides agree to have lt conducted without verbal argu ment. Tho Gossett caso, which originated many months ago, was ono of tho most sensational ever tried in this section. A motion for a new trial in Sessions Court, which motion con sumed much Hmo boforo hoing fully doniod, delayed tho oppoal to tho tri complete Saw Mill these mills and tak se who contempl?t is a chance of a life rice. Better act qu MIR TO lil endid Farms yet 1 t parties if they ha^ R. BRX>Wi> ?2? ?j? ?|. ?j. ? j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? ?j? .J? COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES. .T ?J. ?J? ?J? ?|. ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? Ort hard Meetings. "Orchard Week" Held meetings which were held last week proved to be such a success that further Held meetings will bo held to meet the demands that the County Agent is called upon for advice und assist ance at this time. Some of the meet ings were "snowed under" and will bo held this week, weather permit ting: Wednesday, Fob. 2, at 10 a. m. H. D. McDonald's, Richland; at 3-p. m., at W. T, Hubbard's Seneca, Rt.1. HI ty Farm; at Dickson's, Tabor. Friday, Feb. 4th, at 10.30 a. m. S. L. Brown's, Return; at 3 p. m., J. Steve Smith's, Earle's Grove. Tuesday, Feb. 8, at 2 p. m.-Orch ard field meeting nt H. A. Wood's, Ebenezer; at 7.30 p. m., at Keowoo school, (talk on fertilizers.) Wednesday, Feb. 9th. at 2 p. m. E. L. Stone's, Bounty Land, (orchard field meeting. Thursday, Feb. 10th, at lt).:iU a. m.-J. M. Davis's, Harbin's Siding, (orchard field meeting.) A meeting held on Friday, Ian. 28, at Tugaloo Academy school house resulted in the formation of a "Community Orchard Improvement Association." Thoy will bxiy proper pruning and spraying tools for the I use of the members of the associa tion. This is a good way to get the full benefit from your home orchard, at the least expense. Two young men have been trained to properly prune and spray trees and vines for Walhalla orchard own ers. Geo. R. Briggs, County Agent. Local Notes from Little River. Littlo River, Jun. 31.-Special: Talvon Alexander's baby bas had a severo case of croup, but is much better at present. We are glad to see the good work that our overseers are having dono on the roads In this district. We aro now looking forward to good roads as soon as the mud can dry up. Miss Annie Nicholson and brother Willie, of Whitewater, visited their grandparents, Mr and Mrs. M. P. Al exander, of Littlo River, last week. Miss Annie is such fl jolly girl that she brings sunshine and gladness to every homo that she visits. Mr. and Mrs. Nix visited at Boon's Creek last week and roport having had a fine timo. Miss Addie Aloxander has return ed homo from North Carolina, whero she had boon visiting hor sister. Baylus Burgess, of Seneca, was seen In inls section Inst week. His many friends wore glad to welcome him back. Mllas Aloxandor klllod a mad cat In his homo last Thursday morning Dospito tho bad woather, tho far mers of tho Littlo River soction aro going to work. Hard limos and low prices cannot ovorcomo tho farmors of Oconec, but by sticking to tho Job wo will ovorcomo them. bunal of last resort until tho fall of 1920. Farms! Outfits. I will e lumber in ex e the purchase time. Lumber ick. ENT. to rent. Will /e good force. J, Walhalla. IMPORTANT TAX MEETINGS To bo Held at livery Court House lu State Next Monday, Fob. 7tli. To tho Tax-Payers of South Caro linu: At a convention of tax-payers, in tho Capitol on Jan. ll, 1921, a memorial was adopted and presented to "the Governor and both branches of the General Assembly, protesting against increased appropriations and urging the strictest economy In the State and county governments. lt is apparent, from.the published reports of the Acts of the G?nerai Assembly that they are not disposed the recommendation of tho Speaker of the House to hold appropriations down to a maximum of five million dollars. Therefore, we, the committee ap pointed to represent the tax-payers' convention, do hereby call conven tions of tho tax-payers to meot at their respective county seats al ll o'clock on Monday morning, Keb. 7, to elect delegates-not loss than flvo from each county-to meot in tho Capitol at 3.30^ o'clock on Wednes day, Fob. 9th, to consider what fur ther action may bo wiso upon this important issue. Wo especially in vito Senators and members of tho House to meet with their constitu ents in their ropsective court houses on the first Monday. If you do not respond to this cali, blame no one but yourselves when tho tax burden grows heavier. E. W. Dubbs, J. A. Banks, T. H. Dreher. A. K. Smoak, And others of tho Committee. HAS SEEN ACTUAL HORRORS. / i menino Minister, Educated in Our Country, Writes from Near East. Columbia, Jan. 31.- Rev. Isaac Vornan, of Armenia who was edu cated in America, and in turn wns a teachor in the only American col lege in Syria, says in a message to tho Near East Relief: "I have fought Itt this war. I havo soon those horrors, seen tho starvation, soen men torn asundot, soon women carried away captive, soon husbands killing their wives when tho Turks came lo snatch them away. 1 have boen in these fights when mothors took their children In bags and flod to save thom. I havo boon one of them myself." And ns an Armenian ho says: "Wo aro killed; we are starving, first ot all bocauso wo aro Christians. Wo aro Christiana of ages; wo aro tho original Christians; we have boon fighting Islam alone for 1300 years." Why should wo aavo Armon?a? Wo must save Armenia to save Chris tianity, and whon wo do that wo savo America, for without Christian ity thoro would bo no America. Bombs Fxplodo at Sharon, Pa. Sharon, Pa., Jan. 31.-Many por 8ons had narow oscapos from doath or injury oarly to-day whon two bombs explodod in tho doorway of a produco doalor hore. Windows in two of tho 'loading hotols woro de molished, but guests escapod injury.