"TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FALLOW AS THE MCHffi By Steck, Shclur HugliM & Shclor. WALHALLA, SOUTH CAROLINA, WEDNj BARGAINS J-2 lb. Pink Salmon, per can. J Oe. J lb. Pink Salmon, per can ------ J 5c. Large Size Beans and Pork,. 15c. No. 2 Tomatoes,. 10c. No. 3 Tomatoes,. 15c. Corned Beef, 40c Cans, per can, ----- 25c 50c Package Star Naptha Powders, - - - - 35c Try our Special Blend Coffee at 20c. and 25c. per lb. C. W. & J. E. Bauknight, WALHALLA, S. C. IT PAYS TO BUY FOR CASH. SPECIAL .** Hosiery Sale FOR THE IMMEDIATE PRESENT: Ladies' Hose, IO Cents per Pair, i Gents* Half Hose, IO Cents per Pair. Hetrick Hosiery Mills, Walhalla. S. C. "AN OPTIMIST PROM 0<'ONTOIO." Columbia Paper- Does Not Want Mr. Mason (o Quit South Carolina. (Columbia Record, .Ian. 17.) We salute Senator Mason, of Oco neo county. Ho is a man of a happy and sound quality of mind. He is pal pably not a "gloom," and moreover he is courageous enough to get right up in meeting and say his little piece without wiggling or wobbling. That is always the sort of man to whom we delight to extend the glad hand of fellowship. Senator Mason is tired of listen ing to the note of distress. Tho croakings of the ravens of depression are distressful io him, and ho is at tempting to choke them off, in the which commendable enterprise the Record bids him ,:Ood-spoed." The Senator knows that if you give a dog a bad name, every chance passor-by will give bim a swift kick. Some of our notable statesmen and theorists rose up on their hind legs at Wash ington some month;; ago and howled in such melancholic fashion that tho impression is very widespread in the East and all over tho country that tho South is "broke." Newspaper publishers have felt the effects of this calamity howling on (hat occa sion in tho reduced volume of adver tising that is coming down this way from the manufacturers of the East and North. Manufacturers konw that there is no use of wasting money try ing to sell goods to self-confessed paupers. Senator Mason has introduced n resolution in Hie Senate deprecating tho continued campaign of depres sion. He wants tho Senate to resolve "That no further resolutions of a depressing and pessimistic nature bo received in the Senate, but that such resolutions be forthwith rejected and not considered." Dravo! We say it again. Senator Mason talks Uko a real he-man. Also, in ordor Hint It may be known that bo probably has as much cause as any to feel depressed, we want it known that he is a farmer, tho son of a farmer nod (he grandson of a farmer. Ho says that if we keep on talking "hard times" bc will have to move Iiis family to Georgia or North Caro lina. He shall do no such thing if we can prevent him; we need him and people like him right here in South Carolina too badly to permit him to desert us. Endorses J. I?. Kt Holing. J, P. Stribling. of Richland, has received the following endorsement of his recent article in The Courier in regard to the methods best suited to the proper meeting of the present cotton situation: "Greenville, S. C., Jan. 10, 1921. "Dear Mr. Stribling: "Your aritclo In The Courier is the one sensible suggestion I have seen for the adjustment of the situ ation. If carried out in Oconee she will bo the most independent county in the State in ten years. "But how aro we going to keep down that crop of obligations? Do that and your plan will work to per fection. "I wish you success in your effort lo reduce the cotton crop for 1021. "Cordially yours. "W. P. Anderson." G. E. OGG WILD PACE TIDAL. Vining Lieutenant Charged with Im proper Cse of the Mails. Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 22.-G. H. Ogg, former lieutenant at 'Camp Cordon, was brough! here to-day from Colum bia, S. C., for trial next week on a charge of misuse of the malls. Ogg is charged with having written many alleged improper letters to a young woman, daughter of a Colum bia banker, despite the fact that ho had never met her, and also ls said to have written various letters to her father and to A. E. Gonzales, editor of the Columbia State. Post office officials said Ogg wrote as though "under tho delusion that the girl loved him and that tho men wero persecuting him." They added that Ogg's relativos Indicated a plea of guilty would he made, and that lt would be Claimed he was unbalanced mentally. Ogg was brought here for trial, ns tho letters are said to have boen mailed from boro, beginning in 1018. COL. JOS. x. mtowx IS DEAD. Noted Citizen of Anderson-Promi nent Lawyer and Business Man. . Anderson, Jan. 24.-Col. Joseph Newton Drown, aged 89, ranking surviving ollleer of the Confederate Army In South Carolina, died at his home hero this morning ut 9 o'clock. Joseph Newton Brown, lawyoi, business man and banker, bud been prominently identified with the prac tice of law in this part of the State and with the business interests of Anderson since the close of the War Between the States. He was born near Anderson on Dec. 16. 1832. His father, Samuel Brown, was a mer chant and planter, and a solid busi ness man, though he never held pub lic office, but made activity and in tegrity in business his loading nim in life. His mother, Mrs. Helena T. (Vandlver) Brown, Uko his father, had strong religious convltcions and much of practical benevolence In life, and they both save religious training to their son from his earli est years. His father's father was John Brown, n native of Baltimore, Md., and was of English descent. His mother was a descendant of Jacob Van der Weer, a Dutch settler of New York in 1650, who served in the Dutch army which captured from the Swedes Fort Christina tnow Wil mington, Del.,) in 1?5r?, and settled thore. Edward Vandlver, Col. Brown's great grandfather was :.. Revolutionary soldier, who fought at Eu taw Springs, und he had six sons who were preachers of the Baptist church, among them Rev. Sanford Vandlver, Mrs. Brown's father, be ing prominent. A hearty, healthy country boy. he enjoyed the sports of hunting and fishing, and he early became habit uated to moderate labor on tho farm with the negroes who belonged to his fifher, and this, he always felt, gave him "health and strength and the habit of perseverance." Ho at tended the country schools within ! reach of bis home-the old field schools, and when an accident to his father interrupted his attendance at school, he took a place as clerk In his father's store. Later he attended tho classical school of Wesley Lev erott, at Williamston. In 1855, when he was 23 years of a?&J?9 ??JRt^dilJ?.??KoaaUl? JIfe inTLnurons. Soon afterward he be gan the study of law in tho office of Col. J. H. Irby, and was admitted to the bar In 1858. With his preceptor, he formed a partnership and the law firm of Irby & Brown was establish ed. This was dissolved at the death of Col. Irby In 1860. A partnership with Col. P. R. Todd was then form ed, but in 18G1 both partners entci ed the Confederate Army. The for mer attained the rank of lieutenant colonel of the Third South Carolina Regiment, while Mr. Brown, by suc cessive promotions, became colonel of the Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers. Enlisting as a private in Co. B, Capt. Janies M. Perrin, Gregg's Reg iment, on Sullivan's Irland, Jan. 11, 1861, he was transferred March 5th to Morris Island, where he served through the bombardment of Fort Sumter. Returning to Laurens be organized Co. E, Fourteenth South Carolina Volunteers, and as captain of that company, re-enterod the ser vice on Aug. 16, 186D On Fob. 20, 1863, be was commissioned lieuten ant colonel of that regiment, and be came colonel of the regiment on thc 17th of September, 1863, continuing In that command until the close of the war. He commanded tho regi ment in most of the important bat tles from Chancellorsville until on April 2, 1 865, when ho was captured at the fall of Petersburg, and was held as a prisoner of war at John son's Island until July, 1865. As senior colonel of McGowan s Brigade he commanded tho brigade in the hattie of the Bloody Angle, Spottsylvania Court House. Va, on May 12, 186-1. Ile bad command of this regiment tn the Battle of Gettys burg, July 1, 1S63, and with the First Regiment, Col. McCrary's, his men were the first troops to enter Gettysburg. Ile was severe \v wound ed nt Gaines' Mill, June 27, 1862, and at Gettysburg on July 3, 1863. Ho participated in most of the bat tles of Stonewall Jackson's Corps, his military record appearing in Caldwell's "History of McGowan's Brigade." After his release at the close of the war. Col. Brown removed to An derson, and in October. 1866, formed a partnership with the Hon. J. P. Reid, then solicitor of the Western Circuit, which continued until in 187-1. For the succeeding six years bo practiced bis profession nlono, while from 1 880 to 1 888 he was In partnership with .L L. Tribblo and William S. Brown. In 1 888 ho virtu ally retired from the practice of his profession, having acquired from a large and lucrative practice a hand some competence. In his political relations, always a Democrat, be voted tho regular ticket, even for Wm. J. Brynn, al though bo differed from him on fi nancial questions, Yet ho was not willing to be a "bolter." In 1886 and 1887 he was a mem ber of tho House of Representatives, and lt was he who drew up the bill for Hie refunding of tho State debt, and be took an active part in advo cating tho sale of the Columbia Canal by tho State of South Carolina '? j Saw Mills 1 Farms! jl have yet three complete Saw Mill Outfits. I will ?sell any o all of these mills anrl take lumber in ex 'change. To those who contemplate th,e purchase jOf a mill soon this a chance of a life time. Lumber its now a good price. Better act quick. j M FAl^MB TO RENT. ** ?Have some splendid Farms yet to rent. Will furnish the right parties if they have good force. ARTHUR BROWN, Walhalla. to th?' city of Columbia. Ho was a director'in both the Anderson Cotton Mill and the Cluck Mill. He was a publioj. spirited citizen, and contrib uted largely to the various manufac turing] interests of the city, Ills con tributions to the Anderson Public Library totalled $10,000. In 1872 bo toqtk a leading part in organiz ing tho State Savings and Insurance Bank bf Anderson, as he also did in forming the National Bank of An derson, in January, 1873-a bank which'* "paid good dividends for 19 years, (and closed up the business in September, 1891, paying the stock holders $-170.00 per share on each $100 invested." Throughout this period ; Col. Brown was president of tho bink. Col. Brown and the other ofllcqrS of the bank often recalled with pride the fact that when that bankiwas closed it stood eighth In point pf ! success In tho United States and t?|3 Jn the South. It was for e?yW?r^wrp tho pioneer-in mukluk small ' Kiana ? to farmers to enable them to purchase their supplies for cash, and lt was a strong factor In beginning to make Southern plant ers and farmers financiers by teach ing them the value of ready money. On Feb. 28, I860. Col. Brown mar ried Miss Lizzie Louisa Bruce, of Anderson. One daughter, Miss Verina D, Brown, was born to this union. Col. Brown had been a member of the Baptist church for many years, and for more than thirty years he was a deacon in that church. Ile was a consistent church member and tho rough Christian. "Whatever success I have attained In my profession and in business," he was accustomed to tell his Inti mate friends, "I attribute to indus try, perseverance and the exercise of strong will power." "Diligence," ho would continue, "ensures success." ills was a successful life in the broadest sense of the word. He was known and loved by many, and his name and memory will bc revered by all those who knew him personally and by reputation. He was a clean man, an honest, upright citizen, and South Carolina has lndeod suffered a loss in his passing from our midst. | Local Notes from Concross. Conero8s, Jan. 24.-Special: The friends million campaign bas given some needed improvemen and better equipment for tho school and Long Creek Academy has before it i bright future. Fortunate Indeed ls the hoy or girl whoso prlvllego P is to he in the Christian atmosphero of this grand Institution. Too ninth cannot be said for Rev. Raines, who, undaunted by many discouragements and reverses, stood by the school in its darkest hours, and now, in the name of tho Croat King, is leading Long Creek Academy to certain vic tory. Services at Fairview Church. Tho weather permitting, there will be preaching nt Fairview church next Sunday morning, tho ttOth, at ll o'clock. Owing to so much rain on the past preaching days, lt is hoped to have a largo congregation on ibis fifth Sunday morning. H. B. Hardy, Pastor Methodist Church. Subscribo for Tho Courlor. (Boat.) FA TA li AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT Automobiles Collide-Ono Lady was Killed, Another Seriously Hurt. (News and Courier, .lan. 2 4.) As a result of (he overturning of an automobile on the road to Folly Beach yesterday afternoon, Mrs. .las. Lovett was killed and her daughter, Mrs. C. R. Minson, was seriously in jured. Others in the car escaped without Injury. The automobile overturned after it was in collision with u car driven by Jas. B. Ileyward, in what is de clared to have been an unavoidable collision. The fenders of the two cars came together ar.d one was projected off the road into tho marsh, where it came to rest in about two feet of water. J. S. Minson, a passenger in the overturned car, managed to open a door and get out of the car, ?and, with tho assistance of persons ? from other automobiles,'h?'remof?d tlie other passengers. They were^Virs. Lovett, who was dead; Airs. C. R. Minson, who is seriously injured; Clyde Moore and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sherrin. Mr. Sherrin was driving (he car which overturned. Dr. A. E. Raker, who happened to be returning from Folly Island, ar rived at tho scene of the accident shortly after it occured and imme diately rendered medical aid. Tho body of Mrs. Lovet was brought to the city and left at an undertaking establishment, while Mrs. Minson was taken to the Raker Sanatorium. According to J. S. Hinson's state ment last, night, the collision be tween the cars was accidental. Doth cars are stated to have been going at moderate rates of speed. Mrs. Lovett was about 7 2 yours of age and was the mother of Mrs. Min son and the grandmother of Mrs. Sherrin and J. S. Minson. Tho acci dent occurred close to the last bridge before reaching Folly Island. Mr. Sherrin was proceeding to the resort, while the other car was coming to ward tho city. BISHOP MADE MASON AT SIGHT. Unusual Ceremony - Bishop Guerry Deceives Honor. Columbia, S. C., .lan. li).- In cere monies extending over a period of six hours tho Rt. Rev. William A. Querry, of Charleston, bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of South Carolina, was made a "Mason at sight" in Co lumbia Tuesday afternoon and night, Grand Master Samuel T. Lanham, of Spartanburg, being assisted by nine of the Past Grand Masters of South Carolina and the (?rand Master of Georgia. lt is believed to bo the ilrst time in the history of tho fraternity in South Carolina that a man has been given tlie three degress of Masonry in one day, and one of the compara tively few such cases on record in the United States. The Entered Appren tice and Followrraft degrees were conferred in the afternoon, while (he evening was devoted to the Master's degree. Most of the important posts in the ritualistic work were lilied by (?rand Masters. The Jewels used in the ceremony wore the emblems presented to Spar tan Lodge No. 70, of Spartanburg, by the New York (?rand Lodge, in ap preciation of courtesies shown New York Masons while at Camp Wads worth when tho 27th division was in training Micro. The famous Lafayette trowel, the corner-stone of (ho DeKalb mon ument at Camdon, March ?), 182?, was also used, as was tho gavel made from parts of trees planted by George Washington at Mount Vernon. A distinguished guest at tho after noon and nigh? sessions was tho Rev. Charles L. Bass, D. I)., of Atlanta, Grand Master of Masons In Georgia. In Ontario towns and cities with populations of over 15,000 may por mlt tho operation of street railways on Sunday, provided tho residents voto favorably on such operation. .J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? oj? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?I? ?J? ?J? ?J? .J. COUNTY AGENT'S NOTES. .U .J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? ?fr ?J? ?J? ?J? ?J? A ?J? ?J? Bee Keepers' Meeting. There will he an important moot ing of the bee-keeper? of Oconeo county at Seneca in the Chamber ot Commerce Hall at 1 o'clock Thurs day (to-morrow,) Jan, 27th, for the purpose of completing tho organiza tion of tho Oconee County Bee-Keep ers' Association, which organization was started at the mooting last Wed nosday. At tho meeting held on the 19th the following officers wore elected, after those present at tho meeting had votod in favor of forming un or ganization: J. Wade Dickson,Wost-., minster,-president; \V. T. Hubbard, Seneca, vice president; Mr. Knox, Seneca, secretary-treasurer. This organization will havo as its object the promotion of bee-keeping in Oconee county, some of tho spocific aims being the buying of supplies and the selling of honey co-operatively; the standardization of products; the use of modern, ellicient methods in production; the exchange of ideas among experienced men; helpful talks by the bee specialist; timoly articles mailed to members at the proper time, giving proper methods of handling; and prnctical field dem onstrations. Tho members shall individually and collectively urge the abolition of tho box gum forever and tho replace ment of modern frame hives. All be-keepers should attend this meeting. I>o Not Forgot the orchard Held meetings over tho county this week. Dook in tho last week's paper. Geo. ll. Briggs, County Agent. Union Meeting at Full Creek. The union meeting of the second division of the Twelve-Mile Uiver As sociation will be held with tho Full Creek Baptist church on Saturday, Jan. 29th, at 10 o'clock a. m., for a two days' session. Queries carried over from the last union meeting will be discussed, and others will be ar ranged to occupy Gie time, lt ki hoped that all the churches will send delegates and that all committees will be present, us this ls the meet ing at which ofllcers will bo elected for the year. Kev. W. H. Nicholson. Moderator. Two Years for Killing with Auto. Aiken, S. C., Jan. 22.--Thomas Carpentor, a young white man, who was charged with killing James Creed on Dec. 27, while In an intoxicated condition, driving an automobile,was sentenced to serve two years and six months on tho public works yostorday by Judge Mauldin In Court of Gen eral Sessions. Much indignation was aroused ovor the killing of young Creod, who was crushed to death on tho Aiken highway by Carpenter's car when it struck tho Creod auto mobile near Dangloy, In tho Dorso Creek Valloy. . .-. - lt ls estimated that moro than 20, 000 worth of eggs aro accidentally broken in New York ovory week.