KEOWEE COURIER. " TO THINE OWN SELF HE Tltl'E, A..D IT M'*8T FOLLOW, AS TUB KIOIIT THE DAY, TJIOl" CAs'flr NOT T1'?;N f)E FAI.3E TO ANT MAN." V<>1.. 1. PICKENS COURT FIOT'SE, S. C., SATUUDAY, FEBIUJAIIY 9, 1850. NO 38 .'JUt '1 J J-lLIlil'.mj.' I I' 1 ? ' ?_ ??? ill -T in n mm i i ? "1'IIK | 'linir ' ' * 11 1 * ** courier, rRiNTitn \xr> pubi.imikd wkbki.y nv W. II. TRIMMIEIt. I. W. VO'iaTS. Jr.. > wi8??r. K. M. K8ITII, ! Orv* D >llnr nil' Kiffv CV'it" for nno vout'h o'ltw^rip'io'i wtion |v!' w'Miin Muvo nionOvi, T'Vm ,o'V?r?,rn'V'M^nf U lolrtv?? 1 to tin? clo'c ?f 'h? vrir. \'1 itih'Oriptlo'i not ulnar'v HnxifrJ. will lie con<5 Iciv 1 -\> 'iv* lo for in in lo^ni'o *ii??\ mi 1 co'itinni* I till a li scontiii'innce i~< or lercd mil a'1 ir-i 'o" tifti A ill inrlo ! ul = *qu??r? for Mio 'n^rtinn n>vl 3" 1-2 rti. for ?i?\1? flrtVimjp 1 tM crfinUy Mint ?1Wno* Cnn ligh: Ike woman's rye impnr', The onrfli holt no* in nit il? m'nc, A com sorioli \vonvm'? lie rt Hit vi ire i>r cvt-n fa' iehoit I quonrli it< ray: But hko tlio Mnr of Bi>1l?UMi<,in, Of <>1<1 to I-racl'* liephcr '? Riven. It tniir Imlswi hit* stonily flunn The erring fou! of man to He.iven. SI IF, WAS LOVELY. Slie "was lovely, ?lie WiU fair? Am iiflldAuiinimcr oven, An angel from :< hpirit bright, A star tliat dropped from Heaven. (Well tin* wax!) And oil! tlio?e bright nn l luMfon* orb*, Hint burned with holy fire--Those unburn cur!-*, tlmt lovely brow, None, iv'no could but admire. (Well they cnuld'nt!) yin'lrli! that light nn 1 ur refill f rni, So like nhe;intorn ?r irv, (Porlnp' we'd leave "If the f. And then i- would he airy.) (Well it TrouV! I knelt l>efi r<- her. nn.l I swore I'd hnvc n burning ki^?, 'he^nid "/Jirgo an! wn h your fare. You can't on joy Mich 1>Uhs!" (WelMiC )ing (he mi- in^I (I di ln't Jo nn'liing ole!) From tho Pendloton MoKscngcr Mv DRAit Butt/.?I m ist in-i-t thnt the taxes pnid hv the honest 11, <1 Ivndwoldnjx fmirn * of I'erdleton, in sums of two unci three dollar?, me ennied lo Columbia iinil deposited in the Bank. and Joined out to the "rich merchants and wealthy pi ihter*," and that there is no vnti tion of my ala'emen'n nhout this m-ftev in my l ist and peceding commitment ions. If you will refer to the Comj trailer General'* nnnu I lienor!*, yon will sec that the xtate taxes pill hv tho people of S. Carolina imouni to neiilv ?300.000. .i.wl tin. ..t" ft - i hunk in M i'qtioii(1yiTSj6 ttiirk hit? tin* use of llio m ?ney till d Jtwnf fi?- -o m'H't tins unp np i.-io-)-. of the Lejji I ture. At tne expiration of fi.e ni nths th?:^ * Hltl bill 'HCt'Jn thuf M .|||{ (lllf.the State of S7O.OQ0. I'lii-i sum h:is not rein ijnc and plnntos-s." Iti - trud vi'v often, L..J l? in tin i/ttraftttSBBli.. - ' ' II ?r? WI in nv m/iijiivviu -nin hi | IVf5 I I C* ?Sin v. t cfo ind the i < t,' oi )y in fiivo-of the Ii ink. Any of she |> jv tie Bmk- hi the S-iih' would $K Vfti*V willing lotiiki* thy pi ireof thftS^iffe Umk sMltf 1n|Veihe keeping nnd ditd>u:xkiv?oiit ject* of O >vi? misfit It purports io maki miney fo tlu ptvi,-?!e! rev 'rsir.^ tlto naturul rolatioo bt'lweoa a pOQplO and noil mi nriii ; /ill lll'iion", II!! OXPOit'iioc.ns ?is oom'non sprw?' olios hut n po'inlc mu^tsiippn t their Governnmnt. The mind ?>f m m c*innof eo'veive of n tjre'iter nhstr'di'v than thm of n irov- , ? nmont nt'emptinj^ to -nppo-t tin* p^n- ( oh-! It nvitters nr?* wheilio'* thh iitff-mpt | i-; 111 >d<> hv 1)1 infi'l.c m innf , ........ ..... .-?* iiuj: chnndizinir, or h ml>in?x ! In a Peni'enti n v " nivl felons, nn l rispmN of eve-v rJetj ee," ire punished at tin' exnpjve of the Sti'e. In i Bink if sr m inns happens ihii? ro?*nes, 1 svvi vile-*, hank upts end ' ;isn>u-< of every deirr m;" ii e l a the expense of the Sttte ! I refer von tr> ?'?? wi'M known, of dim-to- of the Ti ink >f '1w> $ >'< of South Cii,-olin:> 'unninff off. :\f'o?- h? viny swindled the Bunk out of thoinnnds tind tins of thtv.Hnnd* of dolI p*s! I ivfu voti to t'*c c is*' of nn of tho H ui!; vj<'?i in?r 1 i V-uuk burnt wi'h ?-onio c 20.000 in i ! I ii'for vou 'o tho lo:/,( 0.000 in Iv .l I T M-f.... ? 'ru:i vrtu to th?* a'tntt 1 iivoriffc 1o I? nk of "s2 \0V) hv hi- n-mlvoncv of h?'r (lch'M v ?tnd di iM-totv! "Dont J'ort/el fir pi'< fa'I." 1 lv>ve dvod comp mio , Iw.-iu o tlio cons'meted fo- ill ! benefit of cvi'i'v mini in S mill f?i'-?!iniit j ove v .. cvi"v um* who \ <-s :i , poun.d or s-1 . N'>*hinif is tvo-e ?reni*r. I j o unive s?ii in liu* dilYii- ion of i s hh? -i v_ri j nnd mlvmitmre . Nol *o with tho U mk. i Its oTHim'P.< nnd di es-iors, in j/?tf i-700.''fw ' Th" G <> ' H il Wn d Iimr 5'iop.opo! 'I"'" ir ! 1 on wn k^ -10.000! Tie Linn- '(>.? Nminjr- *2^,000 |i> t ! Tw> 'vtlivr:* !: d rd r>("HOii* in Siinili C imlin i >?.. !? > ' *inc<'! The |mm?p!p. tho if o ni i.^ of the n?imli? noll injf ! "Dont /'or of the S'ltcs hsivincf nnv?Mn?/ to tin with the mcnaffmmt of tin- 11-*.i 1 Rd 'il*, nnd v ?U't| .??to in ii ppcivivv point or vi.'w. R il RowU exf >i sjiIu'o' v rnornl, induM i 1 >ind ?'n lii'l'tlTIH' IpfllK'H'"'' ll>nd very upp'orvi ne.?The in in ol-Wt of.lnek, ro douht. in wii inir to Iii- fti? nfl. w";', 'o jrel some i?f the t?i<; tnil. //. thought, too. it wis a inntt?*r sil'Mut. \v 1 irh I.i? f iond notilil lo-e v v li t'c. nnri hence the cofWsuit ippe'i in with si \ie If.. iln> flunk 1'iul \v;>s likrlv to ovp" look ibimi?um J.-ii'kN wns tin* pitr il ? //t-noc mv vpo i i?>nol th#? and '-xponrt' of tin* B ink wih the \ ie\v of iujiro--?, hi (? of ??vm\ t?i\, *4 IB 2;V All of thtMP cx'vmw* to .1 !.l. .1 - i i mi- >1 iff s?iimtii?x ;>momii in ?!'?,000, Whin \v<* con*i |c? 'w/hln* w'i '1 'In* Inof ihi* B'mU. wv c im?'| ?' |y conuludt' tho p-ofi.n ire nv ll. f rtUppf M.012 10 i p iifl i_hr \mo ni'v G-'iifval. Int voir, i \ |!j(U'< !?<>? fi'i? sin I On* fi'ii of Mt*. !**? *i'X "?i rivnn 11)?* 11 uk. *o ?h?>w itho 'lll-ll Itfll J Iwunwl I A f ? M ,Un.- IM Ml " III MI 'I' in I . I ' I I ill 4 m'llovm >nt of (nvincil. ;in 1 pivinif thou vith ihe ?pl m ne\\ hv th" Ii ?nk. he ?!) ?? ttuie in 1 of t h?* li'ji litre to -how to the wo 1 I, tint the Letf1 tu*e i? w o \ r j i r,.fu i vf to -e-i.-hi'te he n nk, o - 'n o'ltfjr wo-d* to on'inw thcexUtcacy of their crc.iiu.'o anJ ?#o:it, i-? Mhnut ns hi^'i 'vnrh"1 >n * ? ? .-.i i i- iiy ipp rresi tont nn I Di wos." Their course f? r the lu*t si v vein*, has been to p -ovo tlvit the L"??hI itu <* n bound ?o rerhnrter >hp Bank. Yon o ni so in olv rofp- to -i Bank ducunent wi'hout M'oinjf tli'w Vvidi-nrp." 1 am *o?v mv de tr f ii*ti i ?h?f "Memmino Jc'rkinn o (frnel /inn. if \ on?* ??ilv ohiiv* :s " o nv(?M ilic mill" inlcndod J)v tin' /?ill. B. F. P. Mil. CALHOUN. W r.lin tin* f"11<>w'iii?f ivmn'Vs. urnn ?ln? clvimc'or j'tid n ' io'i ni of Mr. C 1lirvui. fr im iui?"1i o.i I in ilo N?*w Yo-.k Ht'"'i '1 of ond-iv 1 " ?: ,\nti tm?* i' i; i\i . i v/'io, n t'u* nf'vo is mi?1 i i i?;tV 1?? ?jrloiv of lii< m?nin*. Iio'vivs 1ii< f i-li p*fn'c"ion; even lif> i> no' I f-otti 'f" 1 >o P??nn -vivid i in 17fl'*, "ind i'i 1750 ' mnvcfl to iSfou'h r'-i"n!in-. Iff 'f i ?vis ivgoded *>v ill nil f mili" of tint is jin >'dv??ntitvp-; Mild, f o*u tlio onoo' n fl " :,i?nd'" ojipfc i ion, w! idi :l''0 ? ??U* of 'Ih> V |o?l*'V of sonfll* of'l'H i iniof iVitSf ro- nnd ??#!. ,1 iv. w* nn* fo hvli *\ ing hi< i 1 w>v ovi'r Piitolina i>nd tl.o of ih?* South is rojr-ivdrd wi'h col*s md sm pit-inn ! \ nV hv of tho n f"uili'-s who look upon tlu'itwhos as tie lf_ri i-M'iO* and Iwi'di'-'irv ai-tocr>?o** of fho Smu'Ii: hut. the force of his tfpnius has bi'i'n i"to i-ti' h?. He has nvdf* flu* cuvt* of flu1 South his own. ITi* hns hi'i'ii ?h Hi.'ha' d Poeiv dc Lion of th" .W c n fit ^e-: and w'ile hi< cltivi'l 10 Hrfl'IfC of n i ? ... ... -#?* ?. * ? III t I -* > IT'S* m"do him doir fo the'ho'-n S'>,'o<. 1 i' Mneornfromi in'jr ? nd ?-olf sropoli i?*: 1 infot; i'v h-vo ij "mod him ' o ro noc1 of m pv or hi< oo'ompo iio< tlrnu^'out ilio wo 1 I. Mv vomr he i toijM'dol f n uir 1 mid ul" i ? ? ''>o ouostion of >11ve v: hut wo h \?* to lo r n tint M\ C Ihoun low roquiod th?tt C'on(r -fss should ill* iiiu>ll'in>? i ' l'L dppin ???! pvp-f?rv? ilio irn-mmtrp* of tW (Vms'i'u'ion. lie m-11 lojfi I "io?. IT,, nv Icps no denr nd-* upon tlip fitvo- of ?>nv A'lnini-tn'ioM Independent of t il P e.idpn's >md .ill od-inets, hi own f"pp m m. '?p 1o?t? Mip ITniun, mid 1m* would p' f ??i vp i"; l?uf lie loves ilie Soirh s'ill, wV"i she i in d-p^e", ml he will -jfiind hv ' .-n I p e e vp bp' n? nil h z d1' h -s I'een 'I'." mi C . ..< %? x-* i n? Mi'ic in m " r' im*?n i to hi' mil cp rn i?? : hut in il i ??rec'. ho isonlv suft*o invrthe f't?* ofoMo ij mi'", who sci' mo "I'Iim lv th Otv/'i tin- i ->s inn- ?f he ?vo o i' ?oi ! In* rr i s nf In u'u < . lie, 11? ?'?oip, rri-'V t? v t i? noil I v of fo i'r i- f i >tr i M-rif--niH Mcini/ ?' ? <1 nf hi- ?im**; 'if we '> vo ** ?I M?i ?? t: I nr? in nit fin c. nnl?>.? we v ?vk??n nrion u'?st--ivi I i U 'il!i Mll'v w1 i-^ now 111 i m* * In* 11 i i * ? hi mi ' If pr I li?, '.ono-.i' |<\ s'tfi*, nnd fi > I ?!jusiir.i'nf. GKN OARS. Ilonir lo tIk* ovvi. ft i know i th it tli eseii'.itive , *o vo?e :ij^ nnst t !i?? ex'e.i i*?? of .-I v?< y. In n*<; ik! to 'he < i isti'iic ions, G.-n. Cass s i I lii hi* I ilt? speech. "I acknowledge the eM'rjfiiiion of the ins rm-.iions I linve ee?*ived. and cui iot no in op'iu i '.?>i to t lx* n; n'>* ?:n I net 11 ?? ?!??? i i'M *o mv Co ivie i?in< of tliMfuc nu? mi ig of thp * Nnsii u'io i. W ,<-n f.?. iiMf c.?iu!-, tin I I urn ? jui ?*?v hnwVo Vrt >nfile mi' .1 i?v *o the L"_{i >1 ?iu o with my duty tomvM'lt hv ?u Tuail-ving a trust I nan no lo ijjp r fulfil.I' THE WORK COMMENCED. OiKlowuar in, D . B inch, wrhjf.nit promp'nois. com ihmiccJ ?fuli'hg the ?n of or* /? i-i-'i It > <1 he hn unr If tike.i, ; iduj 10 llvo vili which has not yet been ? ? .." loc 'tod. It fill tho.-o wlm Ivivp tiikr-n ' ?v*nt flirts upon tl'e /frnuu'h Roid will "< ' wi h i? ju?il p ornptness >tn?1 imv p <_r . i 'n* M>?? 'imp - r>" ,:fi >1. Anil 1RM. Othe *, we lo tin, wil' c ? mvn< e griidii'g I fin Monday IU'X". I j Ho fun. .I'M. 18.? A friir b'11 found | a 7>r. Wtb-h r rnr the murder o'"| /)". Pa?Icnntn.?Tlic O nnd Jurv to-Pv, j nfu*" bi'tMino" iii tbo otidonfo, found n! t no 1 ill 'ion lyfo o tho 0"'i'd .Turv w is not. wliollv oxp'fto. Rovo* 1 witIHSSP'i WO O I'V imi'wirl *' - .. ?n? r-fl H I I I C V siiw I) . Pa>km >n Jif'frhis di-taippc ivmiic**. In t'u* m i Hou-oof Rt?prt?-i?nt}*-' tlir followinjr t> oln'ion whs < p- *? j r1nr?* m Miufi'c'ir?* of () ? S'tMc of W 'ii t if. o *s to Vi gi;ii i the l:ingUMm? of rrn?n?co or jvo-cli. 77/" Vor'xl'ilif in Cinch,nti.? 7*1 ol'in<-i Mii-'i Nonpv i? I of tl.? 17 li snv : "1' i< 1f iruivd tlvif -ix thousand porous or ; no rlv oni'-fir'<'?'iit1i of our w' o|?* popuJ?tio'. ' nvf 1'iidthe smidl-rox or vaiioloid du inif tlio h?*t f- u** months. It 5 injj to ? con ?*>i* 1?? ?*x'cn? in 0 wv. i It will ><* ''cm1'!' <*(1 l?v "imp of ourci izcns, tlvit M . S. ;tnd 1 dv w.c of the same* p^rtv th?it t)ie iwn I,iw"cint^ of our oi'v wee. These vounu ^entlrmen I ho'h dh'd I i-fotv tli v ' ched (lie 11 in<. I , ' , .. ? * ' Ki.? / ? mnri, :'rron 0 vi?'irs. of Jiirob I'ilo--, at. L N. T.. jjo' "pccss 'o i jnor of not- in i!: > )>0'll t* l ist \V()>ib mill .li i ' 1 ' - . - - . .. v 9 IIIMI U i tl < t\ ? \f IliUt'li 1 11?11 ! ho died nox' day. | f.arne Man.?0;ipt. Conno-, who ! diinl nt E io, h'is hoen in tho rpvonut* -o-vr.o -ihont twon'v vo -rx. ,\t tho j ( 'imp of hi< doath ho wei?jhi?d four lain- j j d od and - ixtv pounds. ?*lfhoiiirh whon . twenty voar< of >i?r?ho was a sm ill, puo * nvun Sltnfftrr fto'frr*t?,'PIim i ' St Jos*t h. ho * w >v mi i , Mtvl twenty persons mere j killed *>> the exnln ion. Tin* ho it took J fi ? mid hu>'ni to the wvor's el-je.? ( har. Courier. "e -''ri'ikt'tK ( it-* t c Yankee Bh-le) j will hrdlv c.vcii-o Tom Hood fo letting J off H<(? following ^nui'i i??r ilw.i- f> vo ?'? bovem?r?\ True. ho is no Bnbe- j ?ni n. V?u? wi bnv?? mndc wit' 1 bv in fca-diou.-*, j hr (? Hoo'l'x lines In ii T: I''wino'i# |vii?in ??i< twi, Tlmu jfl* in i\i? i'Jht Imp;-. Wl..? .v. ...i... i- . i ....... win; iivi in -> lire kiiic.I. By a mister* or 'gr.ip '? 1 "Boh, who c is tho stnto of M iirim ? nv?" "If i< <*no of tho United S'hIch. It's bounded by linking nnd kiting <>ri one si lo, nn I cradles mid bill ies o1 the >thr . Its ehii-f product# mo ponwhtion, b ooin sti.-ks mii I sfiyi'?if out o'uijfh'.s. It whs di-covi'-etl by /Idimand Kvo, ?J die trying tofiida north-west passage out of Pir.uli'o. Die . lin ite is rat hor sultry, till yo i |?;isst!i? to pi us of hon>e-keepirig, when squally we.itner co n mMily sets in wrn :?u:ri > *nt pi?wor tok?:? p nil si?- I co i) a cucunjheiv. Ko ilic p-im ipjd | leuling to thi* inle zesting stntf, con suit tin* fi si p iir of Muo eyea you run Hg lillSt." When a gentlonvin murrio* a ladv, bunut.ful and rich, bin friend* suy, "He h i;* m inioJ .1 pti.ft'CL I3i d of Paradise/ If tlito I ?u do no* know who has '!? c cdi' of o iuinn'in" it: .i m;.-.- in ii >i no ?"'uik I'oosn r" w is fo nd hv ('apt in , of tli ste .in ?r . i:i ihe unjfine room ->! That's just whnt I wns injf i)kcd dmvn town together. Cnpioin Perry nsked nil' to drink?>o 1 did. I knew that I wantedod ink. ?v 1 would'nt Imve been s?i cussed <1 y. S'? Cnpt. Perrv nnd I d link two o- three time-. C)ip?. Pe i v i nd I went to a bill. lie wns ? nillllMir 111 ?', 'Go i\ 0"n'. Perry, if you hurst your I il?* !' Willi that, a man stops up to me, and m-s he? "See he*e. stn uifor, vou nv s' leave." , and dida'1 lci'\ e, nu'luv With tlis'.t In* i'>ok n?e l,v tl.c nn|i of ib?> nook ;ind sosil ?>f lie laoeohos, anc'? I left. As 1 wis sltovon' down si" ret, I mel i> 1 dv. J knew s^o w.-i-- a la lv ' v a renv-k si o ur do SI ?> s; \ ? ? "Yni'iiir you must conic home w i li nic " And 1 wen', i' I cci. in 1 oi laie on jIoM tine, wlcn I l.ciid i; devil of a knocking at ti e r ('?* wouldn't lwivo k?pt up : ich si 'lundf if' ijM-kn. * , 'rid n v?|i?r? 'if you rimi'i oj on I'll liust in tltr doo" ' Ard >o 1-c* Hiil. I put on ?t I old I. e<\ nnd snvv I?".Sir; tifft" , does ili-. wnnv n I oloocr tn \ (i\i R ?v> Jw?"51-r docs." "T\ cr," M V--1. " l-.t'V vir'iou--, I think, from >dl 1 1 a\?* v?-?-n nf In".1'; Wit I) Mi?t In* como :o m1 fii <>! inowlmnd, n i i iiowi'--krnfr ii tin < -, Hiul . ? lecilf fi ? s on von.' And that's ?Imway I happened in vourengine-:onm. I'm a good Rwimmiv, ctptain. hut do o.xruse m<\ if von pie is?', f om tnkin' water. Si.ow P : > M.'i.?Pi* "son-; of dull and I in^nid Ii I it* t'ail themselves ulnjrgi hlv* tlv'flllirll !?!* . j ... mm f U-. it wti. LlirMMIIl' ?I 11II i^oni'-iny \i.-etis elnt; nee i* nothing | ut the *hme of indolence, an I their co ltracted sinil p it'i i- cove ? I with t'lei own pollu ion, Th<*ve is no hedthy al ic ily in th ni, none nf that viv iciom ene -jjfv which indiea'es either a \ivjo ou8 body or n forcible mini. T u-y d "iif them elves tardily to heir toil, as if eve v joint we e a socket \i ? , n i mi i-Utll IIH* 1111 1 ' 11* 1111' 11' III ivlustrvas timidly as if they ex pec'ed ilifi elleininate flesh to adhere to whatever it htndh.J. "Work affo ds them no : - ? imv kill') MM- IIIIMM m Mil, IIOl 111 U! It) li) I tlu'i work, o- wlion thcv have found (li'it, not able to find their bunds; doing everythi if dre ming. and therefore, confuse.! and 'n-ompletely; their woik is u dream, t'jeir sleep a (i earin, not repo c, not refresh m en I, hut a slumberous vision of rest, a dienming queiy concerning sleep, loo 1 ite fo- everything, Inking their pixsage when the ship his stiled, infuling their piope?ty wl en the h< u?e is burnt, locking the door when the goods are stolen?men whose bodies seem to h:ive started in the race of existence J e? Memoir minds w?t? learty. >irrl vlo ire >dw ys jr zing out vacantly as if they expected their uu? kv(| cooiii'g up L?y .he next arriv I, Usenet I\l?uslachc.?The editor cf the London Medical Timet*, lel'oriiug lo ihe moustaches of medical students, -.mes a correspondent that "moustache* invn tlwi lit#-1 ?'>-? "*" * v.. ?uv.'? (iiivi hid liil* po.tnn', tliev are considered lo point out .lit' idlest, the v iiu*M, and most nclf-eon eifed, if no', psob ?l ly, the most dissolute i:i the el is.-. They are be. icons (o warn utl.Cii,"