TRUTH. We published n brief paragraph sonic time sine*? with the caption of "singular fact," stating tliat while the subscription v v__f. :.i ..c n 111 in-'i i urw, in ;iui ui me i Hungarian refugee# had nearly reached i 1,000, a propos-itict; to raise funds for the relief of the , disabled Mexican volunteers had cntivelv failed, We say charity and benevolence i ttliruilfl l'.mrm iif lunno- tnntmv ic IIImmviIIv subscribed to foreign patriots ? money is lavishly bestowed upon foreign darn ers ?our public lands will possibly bo given to recentimmigrant patriots and anything, dancer, singer, soldier or author, who may come here with a foreign reputation, is idolized and bespattered with popular adulation and favors to such an extent ihnf tl - ? * v., .,v^ : gusted, and return home to send back to the model republic their sneers and their ridicule at our folly. ^Tie New York T\ ibur.e, in noticing the "singular fact" above alluded to. has the following just remains:?C'urnl!,,'(ni. "Thisis not by any manner of menus so "singular" ns it purports to be The; same sort of propensity runs through :i hundred other different things. For example, do we not send missionaries to the Pacific, yea, even to Paris, to teach the heathen, yet iyinj, everywhere in our great cities and parts far from the cities, are uiousarms 01 neninon?regular pacran bipeds?who live like boasts, and have no more idea of the duties ofhfethan a Pittsburgh man has of clean linen? Who in America reads an American book unless it have the stamp of a foreign publisher? IFlm will riiti jifti*j* *1 iv?fi\#* /l*mr*o>* m?i* 1 haul her about as horses do ordinary mortals? Hero in the south, who will send his sou to a southern college?who support n high-toned, dignified magazine devoted to our local interests? "But this is the way of the world, which passes over the jewel Iving at its feet, to find something brilliant far ahead. It is human nature, and what s the u t> of ridiculing ii? Men, women ana children follow the bent. No man is verv great among his intimat. s. Kven a valet may scorn the great philosopher whom he waits on daily. Distance to the. eminent mnn is n sort of present posterity. Poets and geniuses die out daily, and no Ulic I lit" 111 UI1 11 Uir WCIlhllMSMUS >V 111C 11 made them as are other men, nre forgotten, and they live only in what gave them eminence." "Gamboge," of the Yankee Made, in alluding to lh" Phrsique of the House of Representat: vos, as displayed on the first glance, remai!. . Prominent on the Democratic side, was'lhe magnificent looking Gen. Bailv of Virginia, in his blue coat and yellow vest. The centre of another knot was Linn Boyd of Kentucky, another splendid specimen of his race, and an old stager in debate. IIo wears bis hair in a large erect tuff, on his lorehoad, or what we used to call at the North a 'Boston.' Another noticeable man ii. the crowd,is the new aspirant f >r the leadership of the Democratic side, Robert Alcf/ine of Baltimore. He is tall and finely propor uonea, miner 100 ?n(iilivr>?i iv<>urlis 1n?? ftannn turn. dred pounds, and is as often taken for a ?age from the galleries as for a member, lis thin, sickly form affords but a slight index to his mental activity and the superiority of bis delivery. Schenek of Ohio, perhaps the readiest off-band debater in the House, is a man of medium size, and looks still less, from the habit of sitting somewhat crouched in bis seat. ihe i'resest ri:.\n.---A uerman news 1)npcr has recently published a prophecy ))'a Benedictine monk, who died in 1847, the purport of which is that tho present year, 18f>0, will he one, of unusual prosperity. The different sects of Christianity will in that year accord. 7he Sultan will be poisoned, (vlbdot'l Mejid had best take care) and his empire will become christian. Russia will suffer , much from a warlike nation of the ens!. A German Prince will found an eastern empire. Grain, fruit, lentils and other vegetables will be so plentiful that the bams v ill bo unable to contain (bom. The disease of the sweet potatoe will evory whore cease, and old men will not remember such n year of fYuitfulnoss. The wino of this year will surpass that of the year of the comct.?Foreign Paper. ______ Rev. Theobald Mathew delivered his ' pccond Address on Temporanoe, (and (he last in this place,) on yesterday evening ! at the Catholic Church. TPe have un- ' i derstood that about sixty persons have j taken the pledge from him during his stay in our town, and we fee from t Ik 'Charleston papers that his labors in that!" placc resulted in administering the pledge to about fifteen hundred persons. Twelve years' labor iti the cause of Temperance has not abated his ardor aim zeal in the least, if we can judge by his ; exertions here.? Col. Telegraph. K 10 OW EE COU1UIS it I Nafurday, Jail. SO, 18?S0*| With ii view t>f accommodating our Sub > scribors who live at n distance, the following , gentlemen are authorized and requested to acl a agents in receiving and forwarding Sub cni'iiWiiinis f<\ tl\n Iv vnwrr Ciirnirn viarr " Maj. \V. 8. Grisiiam, fit West Union. Edward Hugu>:8, Esq., " II< r-e Shoe. E. P. Yeuskr, Esq., " Bncliblor'.s Retreat M. F. Mitciiei.i,, Esq.. " l'icken at this place on Monday next, and those desiring to have schools located in the District, should apply at the lirs1 meeting of the Board. The Free School fund v. ill l>e increased by nearly one half for the present year, and we sincerely hope to hear and see a goodly report from its influence u|>on those who nuy avail themselves of its ad" vantages. Every neighborhood should endea vor to ha. e a s-chool located in its vicinity and carried into successful operation. We have no intimation from the board as to how the increased fund will bo disposed of, whether they will increase the number of poor .scholars heretofore allowed, or whether the same number will be continued and the pay of the teachers increased. We arc an advocate for paying liberally that class of nun, win: have the supervision of our children*' education, and who 'train them up in the way they should for no avocation is more honorable or more laborious, and no laborer is more worthy of his hire. J>ut as the fuiul is only increased temporarily, perhaps the greatest good would be elfeeted l>y increasing the number of public scholar*?by giving a greater number of poor children an opportunity of obtaining the rudiments of .in education, and having tasted, they may be induced to drink Mill deeper of the 'perennial spring.' A nd while on this subject wo take occasion to say to the teachers of the country, what wc have h"!g thought, viz: that there ought to be a radical change in the general system of teach : ing. '1 eachers tJionld keeg this fact constantly before them, that ccnt to school. And is too otten irue, mat parents are pica ca,?aye, oelij't 'eel, if in the course cfsix months, the teach erlearns the 'dear little boy' to spell 'vagrant' by heart, and'crucifix' on the book. But that devoted parent forgets that his child has no distinct idea of the meaning of those words, and so far as knowledge is concerned, lie is but little in advance of his a-b abs. He might in less time learn to say crteritt pa-Hats and many other Latin word*, and understand just as little of their meaning as he would of that many English words. We venture the assertion that n boy at school with proper books in his hands, ami wholesome instruction from his teacher, would acquire really more knowledgo of our language in < nc year, than he would in three years with WelMcr or the elementary spelling book under the general system. To remedy this great defect, we respectfully recommend the use of 7'ownV Spoiling Book* in which the pnpil, as soon as he can spell, is taught the meaning of the words of his language?the definition or idea intended to bt conveyed by the use of the word, vlnd this the pupil may be learning profitably, while lie is nquiriug a knowledge of the letters, sounds and pronunciation' For the mere ability to pronounce or spell a word, without a knowledge of its meaning, is as worthless to the student, as it would be to a man totally ignorant oj tlie uret k language, to memorize a long cat nlogue of Greek words, ami (hereby expect to speak the language correctly. If nny of our teachers have not cxnminod the work above alluded to, wo h< pc they will avail them elves of the earliest opportunity of doing so, that they may the better judge of the applicability of our remarks:?tlio snperi orityof the book, r.uJ the nccc ;si!y of its adop tion. REPORT OF yilESPECIAL COMMITTEE. | Wo have commenced this woek to publish the Report of the Special Committee? appointed by the Legislature to examine and report upon the condition of the Hank of tho State in Charleston, to which we invito the special attention of oimreaders. As the Rank question is likely to prorluco some interest during the present j'ear, wo shall from time to time publish 5ucb documents as will give the people ill the information on the subject in our possession on l>oth sides. And while wc >ay to our friends, read nil the documents -obtain all the information you cm on ; the subject, and then deduce youfconclusion calmly, and deliberately, and unbiassed by prejudice, we also I .sirO' to say, that our opinions nrc made ap?our position is fixed, and wc are not to be diivm? from it bv the idle threats of bartizans * *<* and demagogues. Our columns are open to communications on both sides, for and against the Hank; but as for ourselves, we oppose the institution conscientiously fnm principle, and we are determined to do what we believe to be right without regard to con sequences. We mean to advocate our position firmly, fairly, and fearlessly, hut courteously as we know how "NVe shall say nothing intentional y, to wound the feelings of our friends of the opposition, and we hope a like favor will be extended to us. Ana as an ews paper qunrreis are interesting to none but Editors, wo shall sedulously avoid every thing of the kind. VIRG1X1A LEG ISLATI'RE. The House of Delegates of tho 'Old ' n^onntl .1ml Sn < hoii' lmriel il ll-n i j y u i?111i? ?i i, p 'a Imut /" Tlin 01inrli>s. ton Courier, whi h litis generally been very prompt, bus not come to band this week at all. There is some mismanagement, somewhere. "Who claims it? We have also heard some complaint that our papers are not received regidnrly at some of tho offices in Anderson District, and to those of our subscribers at Roc ; Mills and Andersonville, it is duo to say. that the packages have been made up in our office regularly and placed in the post office at this place, so that we do not claim to ourselves any remisncss so far as they arc concerned and we sincerely hope that hereafter no miscarriages will occur. CoNGitnss.?The House of Representatives has succeeded in electing Mr. A% J. Olosshrencr &crgeant-at-Arms, on the eighth ballot. | Ttlcr/raphcd to the Petersburg Intel.J CONGRESS. ,v Washinotcn, Jan. 10?6 pm. IT. S. Shnatk?Iii the .S'eimte to-dav, Mr. Benton introduced a bill do ning the boundaries of Texas. It appropriates Fifteen J/illions of Dollars, as indemnity forToxnR surrendering the same. Mr. B. advocated the measure in a brief speech. Mr Footc followed against it. A ft or n slmrt. K.vr?on tivr? coccinn ?S'oniitc i.djourncd. OC8K OF REPREBuNTATIVES.? 7'he Mouse, to-day, was engaged in tlic election of a Doorkeeper. Four hjlots were taken, but no clioico made Mr. Evans, of Maryland, offered a resolution for the election of M\ Horner. Tlie Speaker overruled the motion. An appeal was taken, and the decision of the Chair sustained. rin it it - -1 1 i lie iiouoo wit:ii iiujounieu. A New Invention.?vVrs Mary Cook ' has invented a Polish Iron, which is designed to facilitate the work of ( he Indies, and make shirt bosoms, ruffles, collars, ifeo., shine with a beautiful polish, without using any composition injurious to the linen. D!ant//>r/>.n?r? ntwl lni.rl .... ......... v..w , ~ mono)* to whom they please; and should the whole of their capital l>c lost, it will be a matter of no consequence to the people of Pickens, as their property will not be rc -pcns-ible; as there are private Banks enough in the State now to afford a good circulating paper medium. ? ? i > - ... . ii... r i 1 11 . ). ijucaiisc tiiu lihoib iiuu mans ui im-> Bank arc for the most part extended only to a small circle, as (lie facts will prove. The Officers and Directors of the Bank of the State have borrowed from it upwards of one million of dollars ! The three Districts of Charleston, lUchlnnd, Fail field and Kershaw have borrowed iibout two millions?thirty individuals have borrowed seven hundred thousand dollars?the Georgia Rail Road has borrowed one hundred thousand dollars? the Limestone Springs $25,000?the Ncsbilt Mnnuiacturing Company has $1-10,000?a Hotel in Charleston has ?.r}0,000. Upon several of these loans losses have been sustained; and yet, though riekcns has not ovc dollar, the property of her citizens is responsible for nil (lie liabilities of this Rank. Is it right? Should the people of the State, nnd particularly the people of Pickens, keep up a Hank for the accommodation of the JJank oDicers and their favorites upon such terms? 4. This Hank has already lost bv their own showing five hundred thousand dollars in ':> 1 delits. The sum of $850,000 ; lias t>ocii lost within the last nine years IIow .nu:h more will be lost when (ho aftairs of the Hank are fully brought (o | light, no one can tell. The suspended debt, that is the amount for which the j Dank has brought suit to recover from ? . . - - i t hose w ho have borrowed and failed to pay, amounts to nearly $150,000 more, and it is probable that at. least one half of that amount will be lost. Each year the Dank losses on an average near ?25,- | 000, and this is principally from the fail- i lire of the Directors?the men who have J the keeping and management of the peo- i pie's money. Think about it, and say if 1 you are wiiliiur to continue such an insti- ! (ution on such terms. 5. The Hank is not paying llie simple ' interest of the capital the ?57tnte furnished her to hank on. Lust year the Bunk fell short about ?34,000 of making the simple interest on the capital. And yot j the salaries of the Bank officers amount : to 830,000?and the annual expenso of the Bank is about $40,000. Having an excellent houSe, the Bank officers con eluded it was not good enough for them s much money as n five dollar f/ofd piece, aiul the State has no more light to make one than the other. 11. 'I bis Hank is unnecessary as there arc at this time in our State enough private Hanks to answer all commercial or business purposes. These private Banks are all sound and their bills pnss all over the Union. Then there is not the same necessity for this Bank now, as when it w!ifirst. i>nt!i 1 ilU'iipiJ fm< nvivntfl Ttnnkc have sprung up all over the State, and consequently the profits are by no means as large as in 1812 nnd 1815. 12. Because it is inexpedient that the State should borrow money to bank on, when the Bank does not make the simple interest of the debt. F. B. THE SPANISH CONSUL. SThc President dismisses Don Carlos D'Espcna in the following words; tiw\ j ~ *t.& r J . J a nusu arc iio>v tu uuuiiiru uun i no no longer recognizb the said Carlos D'Espena, as Consul of her Catholic Majesty in any port of the United States, nor permit him to or enjoy any of the functions, powers, or privileges allowed to the Consuls of Spain; and I do hereby wholly revoke and annul the said cxequateur heretofore given, and do declare the same to he absolutely null and void, irom tins day forward, January 4, i?ou. Mw Clayton explains this expulsion to rest on the results of the trial of said Consul, which must impair his usefulnoss if continued in office. ^ The Spanish minister thinks his gov.ernimntwill be surprised at this after the acquittal of the Consul, but consents to the right of tlvs^?kpsident to discharge him? Carolinian.:? % A **A#AninAVf1wr uoire1 WltAtl wA OAA u .1 X I I ?? ? ? J Wl J P? M JIUII ?? V BV*? W neat, pretty girl, with ft free, but innocent air, with cheeks like roses nnd heavenly blue eyes, wliich fcccm to repose in serenity beneath their silken lashes, wo always wish that she was near a mud pud die, and that wo had to lift ho.1 over, A Geneva watch of a Id^s sizjp than a rrold dollar is in n ir-welrv ?;fo?W in St. 7.oui3. It is full uns 25 Formerly it wns rnigfef hflt n crirfle escapes punisl)mcnt;'tt(WSflpT)en any Way atrocious, it is raro UuflBSrcts puiiishca. The Legislature ofjMfifetrfkhng pawed a hill to incorporate tn^RH^onoc horso thief detecting ccwpanyT**" I