KEOWEE COURIER. " TO THINK OWN 8ELF nK TRl'K, AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS TIIK NIGHT THK DAY, THOU CAN*8T NOT THEN 1IK VALUE TO ANY MAN." r ^ VOL. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1810. NO 2# THE KBOWEE OOUIIIER, l'KINTKD AMI) PUfiLIAlUit WKF.KLT MT VT. II. TRIMMIEH. J. W. NORMS, JR., { E. M. KEITH, \ hiht0 ' Tim.ns. One Dollar nnil Fifty Cents for one yoitr's KObsctintton when paid within three months, 'Two dollars if payment U delayed to the close of tho mn>9crSption year. All subscriptions not dourly limited, will ho Considered lis made for nil indefinite time, and Continued till u discontinuance is ordered and nil arrearages paid. Advertisements inserted at 75 cents nor square Tor the first insertion, and 87 1 -2 e.k?. for each continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to those advertising hy the year. ,?r All Communication* should be addressed to^tho Publit her post paid. C'jrresjjorulenr? of the Baltimore Sun. Washington, Nov. 15, 1849. We u> e only at the threshold of the California controversy. It is i\ mistake to sunnosn t.bnt. cv?n !?/? PnUfn? _ - ri ...... Vf VII VI1V VOIIIUI lliit tJUH" vontion has disposed of the slavery question. It turns out that the nrti-lc restricting shivery had only passed the com mittce of the whole, and sub silcntio. It had not been reported to the house at the date of the last ndtftccs. It is manifest that there is to be no opposition to it nt the next stage of proceeding. Not oven Doctor Gwinn, of Mississippi, offered any opposition to u in tno preliminary *t?ige; but, according to the New York Tribune, Doctor G winn's special mission to California was to defeat the proviso. The Administration pent out General /tflcy with special instructions to promole the formation of a State government, with a viow to get rid of this disturbing question but several private individuals of energy influence also went to California with a view to secure a constitution unrestricted <13 to slavery. jThore is to bo n severe struggle still in California before the anti-sluvcry article is adopted; but it will be adopted, and the scene of strife will, therefore, bo transferred to the United ?*?tates States Senate. But there is still another difficulty in mc rear. Another portion of California, embracing the Mormon settlements, now contains a fow slaves, and the jVorm?ns, in their form of government, have not excluded slavery. When they como forward with a State constitution, then there will bo another controversy. The South will be really in a helpless predicament. First, thoy will be forced to permit tho admission of one State, with a restriction of slavery; and next, they must consent to the ex l ision of another State, because it does not restrict slavery. The South is, :M ?.-it ?i * 1 mvt, wuiuu upon 10 no nut three nonslaveholding States from the newly acqnired territory, to say nothing of Minesot*, Nebraska, and Oregon, which will soon be at our door. The South, now on a footing of something near equality in the Senate, will he thrown into a hopeless and helpless minority. 'Fallen liken gfOlnntliorse, in front rank. A pavement for the abject renr? To o'errun and trample on.' (Still, I suppose the Union-will survive the destruction of the political balance, but it is to sustain a severe shock before it becomes settled upon the new basis of Southern inequality u to person and rights. /iffTvnnn ^ ? 1H HAW FKANCISCO Among the strange groups going to make up the population of San Krancisco, not the least remarkable are the emigrnnta from China. A ietter rays: At least soventy-five houses have been no ported from Canton, and urc put up by Chinese carpenters. Nearly all the chairs in privato families are of Chinese manufacture, and there are t\o restaurants in the town, kept by Kong- anw and "Whamr-tonfT. where vrirv njiW-nhl* *hr?w ^ o- J w.?w?f cow, curry, and torts aro served up by iho celestials. Another account says: We arc so fortunate as to be located in a section of the town where large numbers of Chinese have pitched their tents, and we havo remarked with wych int?ve?t the character and habits of these people. Fioni early morn until late in the evening thjsc indus trious mrm'nro. * ? ?" * "on5wl1 'ii niuir ocuopr* tion of house builders, of which a great pinny have been exported from China; and the quietness anu order, cheerfulness iwd temperance, whkjh it observable in their habit*, is noticed by every ens. Search the city through and you will not find an idle Chinaman; and their cleanli neaa exceeds any other people wo ever Nfwkr *4?'? "r-'if i #Th? bmldinjva brought from China are generally twenty feet square, ono atory in height, nnd twelve feot from floor to ceiling. The tim'txJra hr* round, nnd many of SM-JStMl* iVj^v.Sv &S them very crooked. We have noticed in several instances the erection of China buildings of double size, described nbovo; but wo suppose that in such cases two separate fratnos are erected together, thus forming a single building. The first movement after raising the frame is to attach the window, which consists of a frame and blinds, without sash. The blind is so constructed as to close itself by its own \vr?ii*l?f l"-5 ' .jj..v tiivi oiiiv UI UUUU1C width outside* The Umber in very uniform in size, and about six or eight inches in diameter. The boards nre well seasoned, and resemble American cedar. The price of a C'hincse building, such as wo have described, including the erection, is $15;00. The building, however, consists simply of the frame and covering. They are brought from Hong-Kong. j From the Baih (Mc) Times Nov. 12. I DISTRESSING SHIPWRECK AND j LOSS OF LIFE. One of the most distressing shipwrecks that has ever taken place on our coast, occurred at the mouth of the Kcnnebcc ; about noon on Friday last, during the I lnte heavy gale from the east. TMie ship j Hanover, of Bath, Capt Ilogers, from (7a diz with a full cargo of salt, In attompt! ing to run into the river, struck on Pond I r..- ?.?i .1 ? ' 1 tdxuiu I/in, aim milium lumicumteiy went to piece-,and ;> it hands on board perished For an account of the circumstances attending tins fatal duuistea, we aro indebted to an eye witness of every thing that transpired, Mr. Oliver states that when he futftsaw the Hanover she was about two miles outside of Segnin, standing in uimer inree reeled topsails, reefed foresail, aud foretopmnst stay sails, with the wind, as he judged .from E. by 8. or ESE apparently making good weather, and with a fair prospect of making a harbor without difficulty. He accordingly got in his boat in readiness for boarding the ship which he intended to do, as booh as she was up with Pond Island. lie soon discovered however, that owinor to the n strong ebb tide that was setting out of tlic river and westerly, t o ship wan rapidly falling to leeward, and as she approached the shore, the wind veered more easterly and headed her off; and under these circums/ancos, he soon saw that she must fail to weather Pond Island, he accordingly landed and took a position on the point, a little to the westward of the island, from which he had a full view of what tollowed. Capt. Rogers, finding he must fidl to the leeward, tacked ship with a view, no doubt, as he was well acq\inint?d with the coast, to make a harbor to the west or to stand to the open sen. The ship stayed with readiness, but when bend to the wind she wns met by a tromendous sen, which lifted ! her forward, and at the same timeset> tling aft, her storn struck heavily on the bar, carrying away the rudder, and liftj ing the stern-post and the whole after ! nnrfc nf Sim i ? _ ...v N/IIV uvn^T^i, |?(V^UU off rapidly, ana the after yards not oeing hauld, swung nround with her head ashore. At this moment, boarded by a heavy sea, she was thrown on her beam ends and her topmasts carried away. The crew gained the side of the ship, but wero swept off by the sedond sea, and <1 i ? ' e - mo ?uiiujmasiB ioro ana nil were carried by the bonrd. jr UI nimins IUUI1U II1U KIlip, t\I1U the skipper advised liim to jump overlx>ard; but he could'nt bear the idea of being cation raw.'?Killolah, in Blackwoods May. THE BLOOD OF AN INEBRIATE. Dr. Georgo Stephens Jones, of Boston, communicates to the Afedical Journal the following singular, though notxmprecedented, case of the transformation of the blood of an inebriate: 'I was called upon in great haste to see A* L 1 ~ " ii pituuiu wno was represented to be in a (lying condition, nnd on my arrival at the house I really found him sick, but far from being as bad as was represented. My patient had a severe attack of the pleuritic The symptoms being very urgent, I thought proper to take blood. T\ic peculiar odor emitted by the blood wVllln ninnin/v x 11 g nuui uivj vein, uigciuer , with the singular appearance it presented after remaining in the bowl some few minutes, led me to a further examination of it. One hnlf (that is laternl half) was of the normal appearance when drawn from a pntiont laboring under an inflammatory aftcction; the other half had the appearance of milk upon the surface, so much so that I questioned my assistants as to tho fact, although I was quite positive of the vessel being perfectly clean when handed to me. I &ave the bowl a rotary motiofi, yet the fluid would notmin gle, remaining just the same as when first observed. 'What is still moic interesting, nnd to which 1113' attentien was attracted, were the fumes of alcohol, which were so strong that one would have supposed that article to have been thrown in among the blood. I did not apply alighted taper to it, but have not the least doubt that if I had I should have seen it ignite burning with its lambent flame. Is it at nil strange that we find in nut onpsies of those persons who are in the habitual use of alcoholic liquors such depositions and concretions? Why should not their tissues 1 ?i? *t -? ^ uc bii>uoiuiiiilesome food, a comfortable bed, or fire enough to warm their rooms. I once boarded in a 'genteel boarding house,' in Louisville. There two young ladies and a piano in the house; halls and parlor handsomely furnished. The eldest young lady, the belle, wore a summer bonnet at ten dollars, n silk and blonde concern thnt could not last more than two or three months; silk and satin dresses at two, three and four dollars per yard, and five dollars apiece for making them: and the entire family?women, boys and babies, nine in all?slept in one small ruum, wun iwo uirty bags of pine shavings, two straw oolsters, and throe dirty quilts for beddiug: no sheets, no slips? nnd there on the wall hung the pengreen nnd white satin, the rich bilk and lawn dresses. These* Indies did not work, hut played the piano, accordeon and cards, and nearly broke their hearts the week I before we were there, because another, who I presumed lived just as thev did. " J ' culled on them with a great clumsy gold chiftin on her ncck. None of them had one, ond Miss Labalinda, the belle, could eat no supper, and had a bud fit of the sulks to console her for the want of a chain. But, dear me! I had no notion of running away off here. I was just thinking how busy you country girls arc apt to be in the fall, and this led mc to think what a blessing it is lhat you have something to do, and that you think it a disgrace to live idly. It is a preat blessing to live in a country whore it is a crcd it to work, for idleness is the parent of vice and misery. vcct tieasuro is taken away, iovful. bpfWlllSft- tVlofc 1, ^ , nn IVV?UIW UtMV.UrU I gliders in the diadem of the Redeemer. I t Tub Baconian Systkm.?At one o the great, laird manufacturing establish* ments in Cincinnati, where they 'try out* 000 hogs a day, the entire animal exclusive of the hams, is reduced to ft grease spot by a remnrhle summary piocess. 7'he factory has seven large circular tanks', of an nmn'ocrnln rimnnitv t.\ u/t r\n/i no" "O""" v"vj vv/ num uv|WW lbs. These tanks rcccivc the entire carcass, barring the hams, ami tho mass is subjected U> a steam process, with a pressure of 10 lbs on the square inch, which dissolves it as the aquafortis bath melted the Veiled Prophet. Every drop of oleaginous juice is squeezed out of tho quadruped, nnd its bones arc reduced to powder. 7'hefatis drawn off, nnd tho rcsidum used ns manure. The idea of feeding the insatiable tonka with a cont inuous stream of hogs, just as you would teed (ho hopper of ft mill with corn, has something grand and startling in it. One wonders that tho porcine genus docs not run out under the tremendous consumption; for there nrc upwards of thirty of UK.-3U motorics in i;incinnnu alone, unci it they use up 200 hogs per day for three months in the year, it involves an annual annihilation of half a million of swine. The sows in that region must be remarkably prolific. And only think of treating the creatures as (he French do frogs?cutting off their hind legs for tho t.i.i t ?? . ? ?.-< ?i . . ? utuiu uuu muKing itfjni o\ an lllO I'CSt OI the carcarcass? Awful waste, is it no;? Wo never heard of a rasher proceeding. Anecdote of Franklin. ?Doctor Franklin and I, (said Jefiorson) were sometime together in .Paris, and wo dined ono day in n mixed company of distinguished French and American characters. The Abbe Raynal and Franklin had much conversation; amongst other things th? French philosopher obseived that all things in America, degenerated, tmd he made many learned and profound oh serrations to show this effect of the climate on people, although recently from a European stock. Franklin listened with his usual patience and attention, and, nfiL A ll- I * * ? 1 * * tcr me jvouo nno iinisiH-o, pleasantly remarked, that where a difference of opinion existed, it was the custom of deliberative assemblies to divide the house; ho therefore proposed that the Europeans should go to one hide of the room, nnd the Americans to tho other, that the question might he fairly taken. It so happened that the Americans present were stout men, full of life, health and vigor, while the Europeans wore small, meagre and dwarfish. The Doctor, with a smile, cast his eye aionj* the lir.os, ar.d Raynal candidly ncknosvlcdged the rol'u tntion of Ins theory. New York Election.?~The result in (his State is n tolerably equal Division of the Wn the ticket voted for by the State at large, The Democrats elected the Judge of the Court of Appeals, tho Attorney General, the Canal Com missioner nna the ?b'tate frison Inspector, and tho Whigs Comptroller, /Secretary of State, Treasurer, and the Engineer. Of the eight Judges of the Superior Court, elected by districts, the Democrats have elected four, the Whigs four. Iu the Legislature, the Whigs have a majority Af 2 in the Senate, and the Democrats 2 majority intho House, making a tie on joint ballot. Tub Boi.ton Olatrvoyantk.?Tho Manchester tiuavdian, contains a long account of the second interview between Mr. Haddock, a friend of Sir John Franklin, and tho Rolton oJiiirvoyanlo.