Tt'teyraphcd for the Charleston Courier. LATIiR FSlOiTI KIJ16OPE. ARRIVAL OF THE CALEDONIA. The British steam ship Caledonia has arrived at Halifax, with Liverpool advices to the 29tli ult. TllB COTTON MAltKirr. Snocilllltivo rmrollilcrtlH; nvn ?li i - T" ",J>i,us' ed to support the market, and manufacturers and spinners find no inducement to anticipate their wants in the present state of business. The sales of the week amount to 3H,000 bales, and the imports during the same time are only .334 bales. The reports from the manufacturing districts repiescnt trade as languid, w ithout an\* prospect of improvement, particularly as the reccnt advices from India aro unfavorable. MONT.V MAH KUS. Money was more in demand. There was no marked increase in the price of j T-- < s~ * XII ^CVUnil 111SUU1CC3 100 was paid for U. S. Sijce-s, for investment. AK^.UUSi The over-land mail arrived on the '20th ult, bringing dates from Calcutta to the 8th August, from llong Kong to 20th July, and from Manilla to the 14tli of that month. Business was dull in China. Heavy inundations had taken place, which were doing serious injury to the cotton and lice crops. tiii: ciioi.KitA. This frightful disease, which has com- | milted such dreadful ravages, is on Ihc decrease. POLITTCAL INTELLIGENCE. AU8TKIA ANil HUNGARY. Nothing has yet transpired relative to the resolution of the Sultan not to yield I (he Hungarian refugees to the demand of ^ . I Austria Una llucsia that a Russian ofliccr, high in rank, arrived at Gonslan- i tinople to demand their extradiction ; no doubt, but .requisite facilities can be fur il 'it - * msiuiu nic. Hungarians 10 get. out ol I ho > Turkish dr. main, and go where *thev please. The latest intelligence from Vienna extends to the 23d of September. Comorn 1 si had not surrendered, and there is nothing of importance from that quarter, it is reported that the Hungarians made a 1 sally on the 13th and obtained some ad- J vantages over the Imperialist troops. ' Nothing definite as yet arranged as re- I gartls Hungary, but there does not an- ! pear to bo any insurmountable dilTicul- i ties in the way of a final purification up- j on the basis of a complete union with j Austria. The Emperor of Russia has returned to St. Petersburg, and his troops arc gradually withdrawing within the Prussian frontiers. France.?Perfect tranquility prevails i throughout the French dominions, and j there is no present pr#.sp.cct of another | rolitjcal agitation. ."rjsr CANADIAN AFFAIHS. Accounts frpm Montreal, to the 10th inst., state that there has been a declara* (ion put forth in favor of annexation with tho United States, which, in three hours, received the signatures of three hundred persons, among them merchants, professional men, two members of Parliament, nnd two of the Queen's Council, Baltimore, Oct. 11-5, p. m. ckn*. taylor. Gen. Taylor is slill in this city, lie returns to Washington on Saturday. . Paltimokk, Oci. 12-12 m. ohio klkction8. The Whiga in Ohio have a majority in the Senate. The House now stands HI 'Whiga to .34 Democrats. In Hamilton .county, the Democrats have a majority, but the returns, it is stated, have been illegally made out, which creates much ex.citement; the matter will come tttf before 4ho Legislature. It is bcHoYclP that a Democrat U. S. Senator will he elcctcd, which is admitted by the Whig?. FROM 8T. T.Ot'TS. There has been a serious riot at St. Louis, between the officers and crew of the steamers Ifaideeuv . Amihj, in which several were badly wounded. The city is now perfectly healthy, the Cholera paving entirely disappeared. Mki.ancjioj.y.?We regret to learn ii.?? xn. t timv in . miiMit'.wi, H J'OUIlfJ ltlHll nbout twenty yenrs of age, wns killed by the accidental discharge of a shot gun, on the 10th inst. He had been hunting, and in crossing a smnll 8* cam, attempted to aid himself himself i. doing so with tho gnu,' whon something interfered tCilh tho lock, and tho whole load was discharged into liia. loft side, Causing bis death in tho l?Vf>nlnrv -? Ah ?**** stunner. Col. Puv.8T6*.?-Wo nro gratified to iearn thnt this gentleman has returned in l>ottcr health, and repeat our hope that his devotion to the important ditties dejplved upon him may not rotard hi? aomplete recovery, and that lie may be long ?.pared in his present position Of U8cfulncs9.Tc-?S'o*vill i)oyer niiniuui?iicvur COIIUUU ail)' lUlOXlcallltg ; quality; and ihc longer it is Kept the more palatable it becomes." CANADA. A movement is evidently in progress in Canada to efleet the annexation of those provinces to .li ITr? : SlitntioilS So lfinri- no ol ' .vr.ltj ?W, UV HlltllCVV;! t'Uftlj j the people of Canada were contented with their necessary and subordinate ' condition as colonists of Great Britain, I it would have been clearly absurd l'or I them to have sought for any institutions! inconsistent with the principles of the lmpcrial government; but having arrived at : the conclusion thai it is no longer for their ' interest to maintain their cnn. I 1 I nection with the mother country, few can bo so blind as not to sec that the materials to found a Constitutional Monarchy, i on tins continent do not exist. The Transcript says:?"We are forced to the i conclusion that in this cit v the friends of ( annexation arc to be found in the ultra conservative party, and the most demoemtio and republican of the" So far from tho friends of anoxation in i nifir ' viwm v^vy iu1111cj uiv. j;uiiius IlJllll- j ed to the Y'mnscript, tho real difficulty is ! to discover who arc tlio opponents of an- | ncxation. Among the warmest ndvo- i catcs nro to be found our loading citizens ' of both national origins, of eVury shade in j politics, of every religious denomination. The Transoriot nlfcof^ethftr ?li<> character of what lias heretofore been culled the "Conservative party of Lower Canada." Lord Durham understood them better. They have no traits in com- . mvnn that of last year for the same ollicc, when 1 the Democratic candidate was elepted by about 4000 majority, The Democratic gain on that vote in the 25 counties is near 10,000. The Democrats will recover their ascendancy in the Senate, and have a large majority in the House.? Mccury. oisrruAitY. ; ?Man flint io r.C .. -ff 1 - V" " -> Ul WW UUJH and full of trouble. IIo eomoth forth liko a flower, niul is cut down; ho fleeth also as a shadow, aiul continucth not." Departed this life on Tuesday evening the 10th inst. at Ins residence on Keowee River, in Picking District, Majok. Aksalkm Alkxandkr. He died <>f fover, and languished on the bed of affliction near fivo weeks. Major Alexander wits a native of Pickens District, where ho lived, not far from the place of his birth, until his death : a wide circlo of relations and ? i i- - ? - ' guutu uviiHusu nc is numnereci with the dead; and a widowed wife with three small children, in the bitterness of her unutterable woe, realises hor loss, a* irreparable. It were impossible in a short obituary notice, to do full justice to our departed friend ; let it suffice that in all the relations of life Major Alexander ir.nmtcsiod tho mast uncompromising integrity of : ns ft citizen he wns ever prompt, patriotic and conscientious,, in the disehirgo of nil his duties?r&s a neighbor, he was benevolent, social, and charitable?as a friend, he avivs faithful and true?and an a husband and father ho was deeply :?nd intensely nffectionote. An omniscient Ood bos cut him down in the meridian of ltin manhood, and hi* sorrow striukon friends have curried away his mortal body and consigned it to tho cold, remorseless crround. It is a rdi-ii. vj , <7r ous duty to bow in solemn, reverential ncqnicsonee to this afflicting dispensation of providence, nnd a mournful privilege to remember his many \ irlucs, and to sor. row most of all becauso wc shall sec his face no more. In contemplating this bereavement, the rellection is peculiarly con .1 -? .1 ' ' * Kuiiiiurv, niiii uirougnouc nis entire life, Major Alexander's morality was pure and stainless, and that he exhibited during his last illness, indubitable evidences pf that1 chango of heart and faith in the CJospel of our Lord Jesus Christ, which divests death of its sting and the grave of its i r> * ? tiviuij .?j_ yytninuincuicti. "Oli! what n slisultlow o'er tins heart is fliuig, When peal'- the requiem of the loved ami young." Dikd i>f Typhoid Fever in this District on the 8th inst., Mr. Ki.isiia Puii.i.irs in the 03rd year of his nge. The Deceased possessed a vigorous constitution ,'ind stalwart frame, that 1 promised long life and sound health, and I his exit from cnrtli in the meridian of his days, is another solemn memento of the uncertain ty of life. "Leave* lmve their time to fall, And flowers to wither nt the north wind's breath, i vi n?l stars to sot?but all, 'l'hou bust all seasons for thine own, O Death !" The subject of this brief notice wns strikingly distinguished fur his mild and pacific monld of character, and tin; complacency of his character, by which he secured the friendship and esteem of all who knew him; and his loss will be sorely felt in the circle in which he moved.? lie had not cricicd the connubial state more than nine months before his death, ano has ictt a widowed wife to grieve over her early bereavement. "O, grief beyond nil other priufs, when fnto Fjrsjt leaves tho young heart lone niul desolate, In the wide worid, without tltut only tie For which it wished to live, or feared to die," | Communicated. HAMBURG MARKETS. ! (iu:poiiti:i> for tub kkowkk couhikh^ , Hamburg, Oct. 11.1810. Cotton 1ms improved this week.?now sells rom 10 to 10 3 -1; not punch arriving. Corn, 50 per bushel. Salt, ?1 50 Oats, 33 to 37 Beeswax, 1(3 per pound. Sugar, 0 to 10 Codec, 9 to 10 Tallow, 10 " rtiinnn " 1 ? " Hutter, 13 to 20 " Flour, $7 per bbl. Yoiijh, ?tc., II. "Wir e T i o jr. "' Wo will s*'!l nt. Auciion on Monday of Pourt our remnining stock of Sudd low, Harness, Hridles, liridlc liits,. Huokles, 1 Irtmcss Mounting, Arc. Persons who contracted debts in our Harness shop last j-oar are requested to make immediate payment. MILES M. NORTON. JOSEPH BURNETT. Pickens C. II. Oct. 15th, 18 19. 23?tds ?? lToi(Si;H! HORSES! I have a handsome pair of llorses, about 1 5 hands high, full brothers, well broke to both single and doublo harnosr, and one of them a first-rate saddle horse which I will dispose of on good terms. MILES M. NORTON. Oct. 20?23 tf SOUTH CAROLINA. IN TUB COMMOM 1M.BAS PICKENS DISTRICT. Henry Whitmirc, ) Dec. in Attachment vs. >- E. M. Keith John Bishop. ) Pl'ffs Att'y. Tho Plaintiff having this day filed his declaration in my oftiee, and tho defendant having neither wife nor attorney known to be in this State.?>On motion : It is ordered, that tho dofcndnnt do appear, and plead or domur to tho said declaration, within a year and a day from this date, or Judgment will bo entered by default, W. L. KEITH, c. e. p. Clerk's Ofiie.o, ) May 10, 1849. f 1 E. M. KEITH, Attorney at Law. W41.1, continue to piactiec in tho Courts j of fy'aw and Equity for tho Western Circuit, liy and ^iaiiuiiar.V. consisting of Histories, Family and Pocket Bibles, School and other Books. ?ALSO? A Lot of Iron, Nails, Castings, &c., &c. at th eStorc of DENSOtf ^ TAYLOR. Pickens C. 11., Jluy i, 18.40. [it. f. pkuuv.] [k. m. keith.] PER It Y & KEITII, Attorney* at JLuw, wr Yvii.i, rmetlco m the Courts of Law ! nndKquity for Pickens District. qkiick, Pickens C. II., ,S. C. October 1, 1840. (2f2 """TIN ; WARE! The Subscriber being about to remove ! from (his place, has a large assortment ' of Till Ware which ho "will sell low for cash, at wholesale or retail. Those indebted to him will do well to call and settle by Court, or they will find ?I A 1- J- .11? 1 - < ? ! nuiM mm jiuuuuillS 111 IIIC IIUIKIS OI officers for collection. H. It. GASTON. Pickens C. II., Oct. 12, 1819 22 CITATION. Andrew M. Hamilton having t?plied to mc to grant liim letters of Acininistmt;o:i on thoEstntc of JJ/iij.. Andrew Hamilton. ljltf? of tired and Creditors are cited to appear before me at Pickens C. II., on JVbnday the 29th inst., to show cause if any they can why said administration should not be granted. Given underlay hand and se;d 5th Oct. 1849. \V. D. STEELE, o. r. d. 2 ins. NEW GOODS. Just received from New York a splendid assortment of Fancy and B'lain Casiin'rs, Satinet*,'Tweeds, Cloth ^apx, Hunter Hat*" of .ill coli?r?, OvcrC'oatH, Fine and Coarse 19UOKS, ii i? iiMJfc tvaaaMutia^ I II. I.. Ji:i ri.JUS,| [\v. S. COTllltAX,] [li. J. nUCKMAKlKll.] W A RE-ItOUSE A N U omin3K?io? ^Icrvliaii^. Miirkct-Struut, IIamiiiuo, 8. CJ.?\\\vri:itrn:>ok. McIntosh Slroot, Artu.srA, (in.?Khu i'kook. Take this method of informing their friends and the public generally, thut they still cqntinuQ the WaitKiiorsK and Commission* business in this p]nce and Augusta, Ga., where they oft'or their seivices to Kkckive, Srottti pit Cotton, Fw>un, Bacon, Sic., IIkukivk and FonWAIM) MkIUMIANIUSI:, Jit'V (ioOD8, FOR Pl.ANTIilJS on Mkiiciiants. Their Warehouse in Augusta is on Mclnt^sh-stieet. in the centra of tl"> fV>t ton Iradp. Their Warshqusp in this pjacp is safe from water and isqlatod, t.hqrefore not exposed to fire. As they will be constantly at their post, promoting the interest of their friends (which they areawaro will add to their own.) Thfly solicit and hope to meritand rccejvq a fnll share of that liI?eral patronage heretofore bestowed, and, for which they now roturji thanks. T ! 1 1 * ... - jjiucrm casn auvancos will be made, when required, on any produce in store. JEFFEllS, CbTlIUAlj k Co, Hamburg, Sept. 1st, 1819. 18 Last Jlrrival! just ltECEIVEL from philaDELPHIA A KINK I*.JhORTMEXT pF u M n 11E L L a s , which we will sell low for Cash. J\ & E. E. ALEXANDER. Juno 30, 1840. 7-tf NOTICE. A i.i, persons indebted to P. & E. E. Alexander prior to (be 1st January last, must pay on or before tbc 10th October next. Duo attention to the above will save costs, as no longer indulR. A. m. cox, Of the Firm of Folger Cox, 1ms rer moved to Pickcnsville, S. C., and may be fonnd, except when professionally en gnycd, at tliu rcsjdcnco of M. F. Mitcliel, Esq. tfepi, 5, 1840. 18-3t JAMES V. TRTMMlJ j>' ATTjOBNEY AT I^:W, SPARTANBURG, C. H., S. C. iVii.i. practice in {he Courts of Union, Spftrtunbnrg niul Greenville. All bullosa committed tn his cnr? will rocnivn ]iroiuj)t junl faithful attention. II K K K It K N <" K 8 : ITon. I). Wam.ack, Union, ?J. T. O. P, Vkiixon, c. k. s. i>., Snnrtunbiny, S. 0 May 18, 1819 1-tf I)K J. IV, KAR lS; Tkndbhs liis Professional Services to the citizens of Pickens Village and tho HwUlnt TJ? e 1 -+* wuivwov. iin v.kii tuiwtya iju iuuiiu (lk his Office, or at the residence of Maj. W.L, Kkith, unless professionally engaged. llo has received a fresh assortment r.f Drugs and Medicines, which he will sol} low. Pickens . H.,July 28, 18J0. 11 notice. Application will ho made at the next Sessjpn of the Legislature for a Charter for a Turnnike Road across /fossii/i-ua Mountain, beginning near the house of Jacob Lewis, and terminating at tly? North Carolina Line. August 22,1840, 15?3m Dr. .T. IV. Lnwrcncc*. Wn.i. attend punctually to all calls i;? the line of his profession, Unless absent on professional business, ho may be found at his Oflice, or his private residence in the Village. He also, has on Hn/1 n general assortment, of medicines VhUHi )if> will furnish tn r.jistnmriffc nt. vorhievr 1 priccs. Pickens C. ir., 8. 0. ) _M?y IN. ist9. f ?. M Letters, Remaining iij the iy>st Ofl1c,o ?.t Pickw^s C II., Quarter ending 80th Sept., 184l>, which if not taken out within tlutec months wilJ bo t-cnt to tljo l'ost-Oftico Pepartnient as ' Ueorgo Unmos J Joel Sl?o?ly Wm. Boothc j John ,(J\vww JaniOfl Unrcu Foster I'erry Jninca Canntm Sarah Ann RanVins John Oouch John Roitt Uon. J. \V. G?mloy It. 0. Kegiati; Artist Wm. lloylai^l Oarncr Kvun.s Aaron Kofye^soii Wm. A. Edward* CVmnii/ttdc nfn.ifety II... i., i v t - i? f? jmiuy u. I'VIIUUI uuilicn lunmun Ira. G. (Jambrill Matthew Virkry Win. Jlowai'tl .InincH WiJkvi; JeflfO Jonas Kobt, Wilson '.I 0, G. M'Grogor Samuel Wilfoji l)r. R, Wa^WoIl Jofin B. YofnW T. ALKX ANDRR, P. M. Oc. fi, 1819. hereby gi\'cn thnt npplientiori will lie made totbf next /.legislature for nn Act incorporating tlio Villngo of Pickcnsvillo. August 11, 1810. 12-3m.