Till? keowbou couitifii:**, PRINTED ANI) VITIIT.IS1I HI) M'KHKtY BV W. IT. TKIMMIEIt. J. W. KO lilt IS, Jtt., ) ?... E. M. KEITH, ) Editur3' TEJpks. Uno Dollar nncl Fifty Cents for one year's Rubsoriptiou when paid within three month*, Two dollars if payment is delayed to the close All ftubf^Hptionn not dearly limited, will be considered as mado for un iudolinito time, and continued till a discontinuance is ordered and all arrearages paid. A rlixtniinn , ""6 vefe measures indispensably hecessary to guaranty public traklfjuility, after passing from a state of long excitement and commotion. Letters from /'esth state that in consequence of the very harsh proceedings of Gen. Haynau towards the Jews at Arad, the Christian portion of the population of that place, buying always lived in peace and nmity with the Jews declared their intention of joining them in bearing the burdens imposed upon them; thfl .1 nwj). it. lC IISCnHprl ill have almost all becomo proselytes to the Christian faith. Great excitement has lately prevailed at Cracow, in consequence of a rumor that a portion of Gallioia, and the city of Cracow and its territories., had been demanded and ceded to Russia na an mdem>nity for her intervention in Hungary. Letters from Rome of the 28th ult., announce the arrival in that city, from Gacta, of the French 3/imster, Count de Ruynevnl. M. de Corcelles was still confined by illness at Castellamarc. The right of a Roman citizen, conferred on Gon. Oudinot by the municipality, was xo do transmitted to his male descendants forever. Hie Government Committee had apppointed for its prolate Niechola jl/e!lella, and named M. Ginsoppe d'Avella and Navamv senior raembol* of the Santa Rota, President of the Central Board of Censorship. X'hc Treason of Gedrgey,?Tlje EmpeIot of Russia is still af.. Warsaw, wp oil the notabilities of St", Petersburg assembled there; tbo city is so croVvded with Btrnfi^era that single rooips nre hiring at a due it a day. The Grand Prince Michael who has hud an attach of apoplexy, was still nlivo when the last accounts left, but there were slender hopes of his recovery; he had loot the power of speaking. The police of the frontiers of 7'oland is more rigid than ever; scarcely any stranger is allowed to enter that country aialh ido &u>poror has addressed a IcitoiWo Prince Paskiewich, thanking him for his conduct arid that of his amy during the campaign in Hungary; as the highest mark of the imperial favor, tho Prince is informed that in future lie is to be rcj ceived by all (ho Russian troops with the j snme honors as the Emperor himself, even when his Majesty may be himself present. ' These Royal honors arc nil that the fortunate General can receive from his impcrial muster as a further mark of his gratitude; for wealth, orders, and rank had been before bestowed upon him with a prodigality that left nothing more tocrive. The same journal that records tho ho, nora paid to the victor, brings the f.llow! ing letter from tho chief of the defeated; it is a letter from Kossuth lo Count Cnssimii Ksterhn/.v, the commandant of Komorn. "Dear Count: You will receive this letter from Colonel von Ralmany. who is charged to communicate my wishes to you verbally* The apprehensions I Rta- ! ted to you ut Szegedin on the 2.3d of June, i ' have been realized. Georgev's conquest | of Ofon was the last gleam of the setting i sun of tho Republic, foniniwcdiatoly nf* t terwards DembinsV.i was defeated in the north, and rerezei in the south; then Ceor^oy fell into his fatal nosition at Ko morn, nhd finally, Hem was compelled to retreat before Kuders. My slender hopes i of being able, by rcsortiny to extraordinary measures, to give our cause a more favorable turn,have been wholly destroyed by the shameful ingratitude of ( eoryey; for the sudden revelation and execution of i his pla.is, which I have long perceived and feared, was a treason to the cause of the i nation, and in flicted on me, and through \ me on the Iiepvblic, a death blow. Our ; misfortune has already cost us 200,000 ; cannon balls, and aili^bt already become I dangerous as the grave of so many victo- | ries.. Our cause is now utterly lost: the I ' ;mr?m.onl'.vi; I ? - J ! 1IIUUUV9 I. II.nu mu iy Viuuur^uuo I have wearied my spirits and shattered my | bodily strength; I sigh for repose. My I greatest consolation in my present criti- j cal position, is the knowledge that the | most dear to me after my native land, my j I family are in safety. 1 go to night with | Csanyi and Hoxvath to Lugos, where 1 , shall expect your verbal answer through Colonel vonllalmany. In the meantime accept the assurance of my profound respect. Anad, Aug 11. Kossuth. Correspond oco of tho Courier. WASHINGTON, SEPT. 22. The correspondence which led to the dismissal of the French Minister?M. Poussju?appears in the Intelligencer. The tone assumed by N. /\>ussin to! wards this government cannot Jje justified, anu is limy worthy ot the rebuke with which it has met. There are different opinions here ?is t.-) the cause of what is considered as his insolent bearing, ^omo suppose it is ignorance of diplomacy; and others think it was assumed for the purpose of pleasing Louts Napoleon, who has shown so much | I of the insolence, without the dignity of I power. Others, again, think that Louis Napoleon has given him instructions to treat us with disrespoct. Certain it is that from the timo of Louis ; Napoleon's first message to the Lc^isla: tivo Assembly, he has never, in any friendly or respectful manner, noticed the Unii ted States. Certain it is. nlsn tlutf. present administration have been led to dfetrtwt his policy towards this country. Nothing could be more prejudicial to the ambitious views of Napoleon than a war with this country. It cannot possibly enter into his policy. Hut, by multiplying the difficulties with foreign nations he gains one point?an excuse for keeping up a large armament, and the power which he now has of declaring the 'state of Beige,' in the recess of the-Legislature. Armies are maintained by European powers, not to oYush each other so much as to keep their own people in subjection. M. Poussirt I met to day in tlio nvemiP Hn OnrUlIM ftlllfn ! t v??*w \JUIW ' UTIVWIVOI I ICll about this matter. Ho is familial* with chanyannd with trials. But it appears that he was actually recalled, and M. J/bntholon prospectively substituted for him, two months ago without reference to this matter. 1 tis Biippoe*d by some-that ho h?8, nevertheless, made his peacG with Napoleon, ! and that he returns to figure in some other courts, us a bullying minister, or ia som j oftioe, civil or military, in which he can bo useful fo the French Present. Ii1 both of the cases which M. Poitsein presented to tins government bo had a show of riuht. The (list capo he abandoned, and tl>e second we hod abandoned. No two school boys would have made a y<>int ui qua) lei on either case. Y fhinL- Kau/UWAP A 1 ?. V7(i|in( I1WITVT v* f V'HWW UK' illlivi IVUII turn mortiBen Qt (lie suggestion liint a nntiornU vepHel of th? United ?tatesshould, , oven lor /,wo <]aya or for ono b^nr, be put in tho position of ft toreckcr, higgling lor or demanding salvuye, I have heard tli free exprssions on this subject, and I ot have no doubt that the general opinion Is, C apart frora the resentment of M. Pous- w s-in's manner, that the 'dignity of our national marine' was compromised by gi Commodore Carpenter in the demand bi made on the Eugenia. w Tulegrnphod for the Baltimore Sun. A T11E FRENCH niPT OMATTP inrn o. TUReT* ~ ki The offensive words in M. Poussin's g< loiter a: e said to be as follows:* T am sorry to Jinf Foreign Affairs, addressed a note to Mr. Rush, saying : ,Tho French Executive saw no occasion (j( for its fiction,' and that there bud been y unneccssai y recrimination and marked ! j., faults on both sides.' Thus seeking to 1 t] divide the responsibility and directly in- ,] culpate ">ur government j f., On the receipt of t his note the Presi- | n, irYimn/lintnltr /-li? /?/*f.wl ? ~ C.... V.v,.? ..uuivumbV T UIIV WICVI UIUI IIU 1 III - j.( tlicr intercourse beheld with Af. jPous- << sin, and that his passports be made out jv and placed at his disposal, lie also in- i ^ slructed the Sectetary of State to inform . jr JV. de Tocqueville that 'his opinion on the conduct of tho American Government j (] had not been solicited?that action and 1 c, not criticism had been expected from him . n and that before this despatch should i a reach him, N. Voussin's passports should , ^ be placed at his disposal. > j, On Friday night last, N. ./'oussin's I a passports wore prepared, and on &alur- n day they were transmitted to the Lcga- j ? non in Washington, lie was in NewYork at the time but arrived here this evening. Telegraphed for tlio Charleston Courier. i SAVANNAH, Sept. 25?5.15. p. m. i The ship Charleston took fire 110 miles ' northeast of Charleston on the 22d inst. The fro was discovered at 0 o'clock in i the k .ning. The hatches were opened, ! i but Bij(iuin iii cno of the iLn^lish steamers for l#ial. rp [Ait account of the murders here refer m to has appeared in our c dumns, fur- ct nished by our Key West correspondent], m A report was current at Yucatan that rc England Avas about to exercise an armed m inteiferenro fr>i* Mia nf tVm Peninsula, by virtue of n contract with r0 the President of tho Republic,. n cortdition that the port of Bacilar, nnd the jurisdiction thereof, be ceded to England; another report however was in circulation u that tho Yucntari Government would re- |c jeet the intervention on the proposed ||a- 'j0 sis- th Accounts from Guatemala to the 20th July, have been received, which Ifflttc jlt at the rebellion headed by Guzman and hers was still progressing, and that the barge of the United Sates and Belgium ere about to quit the country. , A civil war had broken out atNicaraaa, producing most lamentable effects, , it the Government, it wa*. expected, as able to suppress it The United ( tates Chatgj had arrived at Sun Juan, question had arisen, which was the ibject of a good deal of discussion, mnncj Oanilon the line of the river Nicara irt. Accounts from Jamaica state that the incipnl merchants h id called upon the i nito I States consul, for tho purpose of licitinp the Government to establish r gular mail communication between New oik and Kingston. HE AMERICAN AGENT TO HUNGARY. Tlv Paris^corro-spondou' of'ho f,onr>n Times says: "A letter from Now orlc received in Pafis, wi'hin tho ! ist few days, says that (lie P o-iden' of le United States was mo -f anxious to he ic first to welcome Hungary into tho ' imilv of independent nations, and to an- ' ounce in his message to Congress, the. 1 icognition bv tho American Union of the young European republic." In tho ear ' * i - - * r pan. 01 mo struggle. Kossuth hod ?!p- | liod lo tho Minister r>f the United States i Vienna, to mediate between Hungary I id Austria, hut tho intervention of that J iploinatist fail?*d to eflect the desired re- i mcilliation. Since then, the Govern- j lent of the United States lias cherished | lively feeling of sympathy for the llunarian cause; and tho President, so far ack as June last, sent a confidential gent to Hungary to obtain correct information on the state of the country, and to see; tain, as far as possible, the probable DKlllt of t.hn st.rilfrrrln Tlio mmllin.n.. * "* wvbarged with that important mission, M. j ). M., wasan amateur diplomatist, resi- , injr at the time in Paris, and who was j i the hahit of communicating occasionlly to the American government his imrcssions de voyage. M. D. AT., having o ostensible character or position, was roll fitted for a mission, in the accomphment of which the utmost discretion as strictly enjoined, lie was, above 11, cautioned not to commit bis despatchs to the post office, but to avail himself fa safe mode of forwarding them; and j ith a view to greater secrecy, the Min ;ter of America at Vienna, was ordered > put at ]lis disposal the cipher used bv lie legation. M. 1). M. was instructed ? mane the best of his way to the seat of le Provisional Government at Pcsth, or rherever it might lie established on his rrival; and he was furnished with a letir of recommendation from Mr. Clayton, lie Foreign Secretary of State, to tho linistcr of Foreign Affairs of Hungary, pprising the latter of the ofiieial charac3r of the bearer and the object of his lission. The contidential agent yi quesur. was, moreover, furnished with full owe is to conclude a commercial treaty 'ith Hungary, or to enter into any armgement he may consider necessary or fceful to the interests of the United tatcs." Telegraphed l'or the Charleston Courier. ONE DAY LATER. BALTIMORE, Sept. 35. The Pope, it is said intends placing imsolf under the protection of the A us* iim Hag. The French Government have sent inructions to Gen. llostolon, now in Rome, ) withdraw the settlement of the Rolan affairs from the hands of the Cardi Ills. Continental stock was improving. Pierce Buthir hris succeeded in nccomlishing iu the old what he could not in in now world. Flo has obtained n full ivorce from his wife. A sharp correspondence has tnken laco between Mr. Clayton, *9eeretiry of '(ate of the United States, and the Uriah Minister, in relation, it is supposed, to le Mosquito question. Th c Fre n ch Diffic'ilty. h rough tho friendly imor^ionco of the uglish Charge, M. Pous^jn eonsen*'?'l to mediatory proposition* (o ou' jjnivern* , cut. through tncflecv^tuw OfRrite, in ferenca to the recent difficulty. The alter was referred to Oca. Tivloi*, who omptly refused to allow M. fMfi&in fo sumc his official intercourse un'il furicr advices were received from France. ; ft (KKWIpQl 4tWir f 3>&>flPREMv> * Mr. Bancroft, late Minister of the rnted States to Ofrc^ Uiitnin, is, m we !ivn from the newspaper, nt. present so- ! urning in the city of Now York, rifh ] e intention to t^ke np 1m ^ residence I (fro, And devote -JiiM tiihe hereafter to ernry pursuits,? Cher. Courier. I NEW ORLEANS, SEPT. 23, Late and Important from Mcxico. The J3r. steam ship Severn has arrived nt Mobile. She brings one million ono hundred and thirty thousand dollars in specie. The most of it is destined for England?the remainder is for Mobile and this city. The lato Round Island expedition ha* excited much uneasiness In the city of Mexico, The con; ul at New Orleans sent word that. the expedition would land on the I?d m I of 1. , : v. v Tomnico. nervosa addressed a renioi'.trance to the United 6't:?t.e< Lev ! >:. 1 the Capital o' Mexico, and the (jov-miwij' commenced making extensiv prep;'to defend the cities alon^ the coua. G. n. 'La Yoga had collected together a body of about 800 men, and armed a steamer with nrlillery, to defend the enrtaanee of the river near Tumpico. The town of Antigua, near Vera C.iua, w is completely inundated bv heavy rains. 7'he inhabitants barely had time to cacapo with their liv^ /'uhlic contributions worn taken up.-it Vora Cmz to relieve -he sufte;er*. The Cholera was decreasing throughout J/exico. CONSUL WALSH ACTUALLY RE, MOVED. Notwithstanding the contradiction, in several quarters, of the N. Y. Tiibme's original statement that Mr. Robert Walsh had been ejected from the U. S. Consulship at Paris, it would seem, by the following positive statement, that he is actually out of office, or will be as soon as tho edict can reach him. The N. Y. Courier of Thursday s;?ys* Wo learn that despatches went forward by the last steamer, removing Mr. Robert Walsh from tho. nffico nfii c consul at Paris, which he has hold for some eight years past. Tt has always been a point conccded by all parlies that the representatives and agents of the country abroad should agree substantially, in sentiment and political sympathy,with the government at home. The present administration, though not disposed to insist rigorously upon this safe rule, with reference to our own domestic politics, has felt in the existing state, of opinion in Europe, a just regard to the. char* actor of our country requires it to be, enforced, so far as the essential principle* I of republican institutions arc concerned. Afr. IPalsh, therefore, has been removed mainly because bis sentiments and spmpnthies, in regard to the struggles for popular rights and republican institutions in Europe, are not in harmony with those of Gen. Taylor and his Cabinet. AFFAIRS IN CANADA. J/ontrual, S'ept. 22, 1840. We learn by passengers who have arrived here from liytown, yesterday, that the disturbances continue at that place.. On',wedncsday last, there were large arrivals of men from the surrounding country, who were fully armed, equipped ?r.ij ready for a fiifht; but the irovi'i-nmi-nf. troops were on the alert, and prevented the occurrence of any serious mischief. N. V. Herald. QLav and >S'qi;iuk Turxkr.?The Louisville Journal of the 17 th, publishes the reply of Squire Turner to 0. M. Clay, upon the subjectofthe Fox town tragedy, in which the son of the former was killed and says: We think there is but one opinion among,sensible and dispassionate men as to (lie conduct of cr. cr. crlnv'in iliuf nfFmV <.i ii CA**V "** The rift is d-wtHfd spot' upon hlsnat.da tlvnt nil the w.-iu-. j of the ocean ennnot wish out. . M impuf (ion on flic diameter of cq'ui: o 2*tvnor is in \ Cl(f) ami the, Wihnot Proviso?tvThef l.ouisville 6'hronielo states, that the two \Vi?isr Representatives from Chris tfcxrt county, the one from ATontgomery the other from Scott, are pledged tovoto fo>- in*tr'to J/sssr#.. Clay and Underwood. to vote u'aiust the W'jlmot Pivi ooi' to i?4iga their seats in tl>e Senate. ... ? > ANOTtiP.uKtNonoM is America.?Tho NV<*rop.s of I-T'tyli ii ive heretofore had, nominally, h Ueputfltb^n Government, but they now have rjot n crowned Kin)? or Emperor. Soulouque, sometime since their President, has recently been crowned. Pity the pure Abolitionists of the United .States eoidd nof all omigratfc^attd iowl?Ll~ !- i- _ * - . - -> ** m-uumu nn sr.njpci^may aeaerve to hnvh a black King for their Blaster.*? (rreetirillc Monv/oivcrr. f | KEOWEE COURIER. ? ? i> TO TIIISB OWN SELF UK TilUK, AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS TUB NIGHT TUE 1)AV, T1I0U CAN ST NOT THEN 1JK FALSE TO ANY MAN. ! \ ' , VqL. 1. ? PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, OCTOBER C, 1849. A NO. 81