% KEGWEE COURIER. ?TO TJMNE OWN SELF DB TKUE, AND IT Ml'ST FOLLOW, Afl THE WIOHT THK DAY, TIIOU CAN'ST NOT THEN UK FALSE 10 ANY MAN." t 1_! ; ? i J ; ' VOL. 1. FICKENS COURT HOUSE,'S. C., SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1819. NO. 20 % m THK ' [Ccaroppondonco oftlie Savnruxniijlepublicnn.] | cent ontviifroc n\..s *' Jfrcrfrmm/H?** ?JUV ww MJMC4 II Illl'iK ) raiNtKn AND rvnustiKn VEKKJ.T BY IV. Tt. TRLMMIER, J. W. NORRIrf, Jn., ) y.. K M. KEITH, \ Klhtors? One Dollar and Fifty Cents for one year's subscription when paid within three inontlus Two dollars if payment is delayed to the closc of the Bubacription year. AH subscriptions not clearly limited, will be ronsiderod ns made for an indefinite time, and continued till a discontinuance is ordered and all arrearages paid. AJrrrlisnnrnts inserted at rent* nor I square. lor tlio flfst insertion, and 37 1-2 cts. for (t-ach continued insertion. Lil>eral deductions tnudu to those advertising by the year. All Comuuniipiiltons should be addressed to the Publisher post paid. J&om the South Carolinian. J$TK$15STlliG CORRESPONDENCE. The following interesting eorresponjloncp, which 1ms been placed in our hands for publication, we take great pleas-1 ure in laying beforo4our readers: Executive Department, ) Columbia, July 14, 1849. f Jitadum: The Legislature at its last session, directed the Governor -'to procure and cause to bo pivsontcd, 011 behalf of the State,, some appropriate memorial to the widow of thn T1 JJIVUVi VUI. Dickinson, as cvidcnoo of tho deep regard and admiration of the State for the lamented and distinguished dead. 1)1 the performance of tho honorable yet melancholy duty assigned me, I herewith transmit, and ask your acceptance of, seven pieces of silver, constituting a toa and cofFej bcrvice, Receive them, madam, as a slight testimonial of tne high estimation in which South Carolina held one of the gallant defenders of her laiiui; preserve tiiem as a memorial of his patriotic zeal and heroic conduct on every occasion demanded by duty and danger. Lieut. Col. Dickinson lived a brave, skilful and Immune officer, and received his mcrtal wound at his post, where ho was always to be found. Although no token of the gratitude of the Common wealth cnn dissipate the grief engendered , by your bereavement, still the hopo is indulged that the one I now forward, will, while It recalls (he most endearing domestic associations, bo considered and held iby you as tho reward of honorable merit bestowed by a sovereign k illness and delicacy with whichy yoji In v/>. fulfilled "the duty assigned you/ and to, you must express the gratitude I feel for this tribute from the State. You ask mo torcceivc it as a tcstimofcial of tlie high estimation in which Car- ' olina hold one of the gallant defenders! of her fame; to preset .e ij, as a memorial* of his patriotic zeal and heroic conduct on every occasion demanded by duty and danger. As such, I accept it most gratefully, and will preserve it proudly and sacredly. Carolina, over warmly loved, in now J trebly dear to mc. Dear as my native iState?dearer as my husband's native fltfltA dmraoi nu l?ia loa? ?> uu I.io IIIOU |)1UUV. Grateful to mc, then, is this "token of Jhcr gratitude" this proof that his services are remembered. If I cannot forget that for her I hnve suffered, neither can I forgot that the kind sympnthy, ko freely accorded me, has removed some. of the bitterness of my sorrow. Earnestly uo I hope tha* his sympathy. so comforting, may not be withdrawn from me. As a woman, I am denied an active p?ruc?paMotr m all that tonds to the glory of Carolina; but, as a woman, I may and do exult in hor proud reputation. For her prosperity I wish warmly and truly, and 1 ardently hope that her far^e, bo dearly bought, may bo preserved as bright and untarnished n,s hcv own beautiful oftV.ring to me. With much rospcct and esteem, I remain vours. i/ratftfullv. " EMMA 8. DICKINaON. Governor Skahrook. * ' 2 f.. . .. ' i * ?^ f. vx t Fivo of the ir.oat capitals of Europe are uow under military law, namely, ram, Vfftthn, Betlin. Homo aud Xny1o:?. or. 7VUOVRTTKE, JSept. 13. FROM INDTAN RIVER?MORE DE PREDATIONS. Tho steamer Nina, Capt. Vagee, arrived horo yesterday from the southern const, whither ?he had gone to convoy i fK?*nn ^ u. o. troops. J'y her wo loam that the Indians had returned to tho settlements on Indian river, ntul burned several moro of the houses.:? vV/essrs. J. II. Gattis, Lavana and others, who made their escann in .Tulv 1??>* 4l r - V..J .?o?| vil UIO first outbreak, hr.d returned to Indian river to look after their property, and with the intention of endeavoring to maintain (heir position. They have now, tho second trmo been compelled to fleo for their lives. "mkI have now gone to Key West. They discovered the approach of the In? dians in time to make their escano n?n i r? ~"w or two companies of troops are now stationed nt Indian River, and if the Indians ngaiu make their appearance, it is to be Imped they will meet with a warm reception. SHie steamer Nina proceeds this day to Palatka for the purpose of conveying Maj. Rowland's Company down the southern coast. uiiiy jiowiegs, the Uhief of the Scminoles, sent in three runners, who met Capt. Casey of the U. S. Army at Sara Sota on the 3d inst. Tlie runners said that Hilly had hoard with regret of the late murders, and told them to say that if Capt. Casey would meet him lie would be able to settle tlie difficulty1 to the entire satisfaction of the white people; also to say that Ram Jones had sent a runner to | inny with the news of the first murder, urging Hilly to nid in preserving pei\ce. The murder on Indian Hlver on the 12th of July, was committed by five young Indians (Seminoles) who reside on the Kissitnme River, pne of whom is an outlaw, and who desired to make war for the pur{>use of saving himself from the Indian HW. Thev remninnd nn fbnf ci/U vi? , ^ v.. Vi.iov niviu Vi JL' iU" j lido till the lf>th, and then crossod over in less than two days to Peas Creek, and committed the murders there, A party was despatched after the first murder to arrest them, but reached Peas Creek the day after the murders there. Immediately thereafter the five murderers were overtaken and captured. The Chiefs all disown and regret the murders, and all lift TnrHi?r?Q nw? 1 ? ?? ? iuu itivinu m I1USU1U1CS, Broken Hticks arc exchanged for a council with the chicfs at Charlotte Harbor on the 18th inst. The affairs now stand.? There have been so many false rumors of Indian signs, that I am in.lucod to send you this plain statement which you may j rely upon, as it is derived from the best i nnfWit-r V " ? . l uill.l, OS5,~J Old. [Tdegrajihcd to tnc Charleston Courier.'] Bi'ltimork, Sept. 19. Tke following are the particulars of the diflicultics with the Fronch Minister: Last February, M. Poussin presented to Mr. Buchanan, then Secretary of State, a claim in behalf of M. Porte, a Frenchman, residing in Mexico, who purchased a quantity of Tobacco, knowing it to bo , private propertj'. Gen. Childs ordered I the Tobacco to bo restored to the right1 owner, and gave thaFrenclrman back his , money, Tlie French 3/inister then set I up a claim for damages. A Court of In| pulry decided against the claim and their ! decision was approved bv Gen. Scott, | and afterwards by Mr. Clayton. M. Poussin, in a note to Mr. Clayton, used j insulting language against Gen. Childs. /Subsequently, at Mr. Clayton's suggestion, M. Poussin withdrew the offensive letter. M. Poussin addressed another note to the tftato Department, making charges agatikjt Commodore Carpenter in connection with saving the French ship Eugenia ! from rhipwreck, for which C'om. Carpen. tcr claimed salvago for his crew. This i wns rafnsrwl On ttii? W n"? . .. ?, . v. MWVUI via VI1UJ I*J. . 1 uun* | ! sin wrote a very insulting letter to Mr. ! Clayton, reflecting on the honcr of our ; Government. Gen. Taylor then caused I tho whole correspondence to 1)0 laid before the French Government, expecting immediate redress. This not bein g done. Gen. Taylor ordered nil correspondence with M. Poussin to bo closed, and his passports placed at his disposal. ft* Bai.timoiik, Sept. 20. i Tl\c Washington Republic of to-day, j contains three columns, giving an official account of the difficulty between our J Government and the French -^/mister.? < The substance is the same nft abeady sent j j you. The ItcpubHc thinks there is no | apprehension of war, in conseque -co of UII* uiiuciuiy, r , I Intelligence lifts beon received at the | War f)ej>arlment, staling that tho ?emiiioloi disclaim nil connection with the re.! a sMiysino Indians arc peacefully dispcspd. Cpn^modai-c Ballard, has been assigned to tho Command of the Washington Navy Yard. It is nov ascertained that the Demo * in ^izitme nave a majority in both branches of the Legislature. NKW-0M.kxn8, $ept, 21. The British steamor Severn arrived at 3/obilc yesterday, from Vera Cruz. Mr. Clifford, formor Minister to Mexico, was 1 a passenger on board. It i? st/itrwi 1 UUIb Gen. Parcdos had died in tho city of ,1/cxico, CAPTURE OF FOUR RUNAWAY NEROJSS IN KENTUCKY". The four Negroes of Maj. John S. Rowland, proprietor of Rowland's ?Sfprings, in Georgia, nave been eaughtin Kentucky, as we learn by a letter from Maj. R. to n friend in this place. The following exS'tatc allows $30 for taking n Negro, which alone will bring out u good force. My Negroes travelled at night, but when they got to where tiiey could neither travel night or day, they seemed to be well satisfied to go home?they are, indeed, sick of their trip, I have sent them on without being confined. If Negroes of such intelligence as these cannot get on, I think othern may give it up. Two Ne2roes arc in t.hn snmn -TnJi ? 0 - - .m.mv v.u?? MVIUIIUIII^ lli some person in Lincolnton, N. C.\ thoir owner has been written to. Four from this neighborhood were lately taken in the edge of Kentucky, one of which was shot thtough the heart, and the others brought back."?Greenville Mountaineer. Bcbinkbs ik Charleston.?We arc much gratifiod in learning from one of our most intelligent and enterprising merchants, tluit the business of the lost week exceeds in amount thotof a like period in any September previous. -There are a large number of merchants from the intenor of our own State, and from North Carolina, Tenucf^oe, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi and Florida at prosent in our city, and everj day is adding to their number. Mont of them aro here for the first timo, and express themselves highly gratified at the extensive assortment of goods, and the liberality of the terms on wnicn they arc disposed of. The stocks j of our merchants imve been solccted with j the greatest possiole enre, and in quantities calculated for a largely increased business, and they are offered at prices lower than they can be procured at New York or any other of the Northern cities. This is accounted for from the fact, that they were principally purchased in those cities, while the Cholera prevailed, and when goods were necessarily disposed of wn mica; wnuc since u?e partial ciisap- , pearance of the pestilencc there has been i a reaction, and enhanced prices. We have also had heavy arrivals of goods di- 1 rect from Enropo, which wore procured upon the most favorable terms. In short, every inducement Is held out in the abun dance, varioty nnd quality of tho goods, and the terms on which they arc disposed of, to induce the country merchant not only to make his purchases here the present season, but to form permanent business arrangements for the future,? Char. Mercury y A decision of interest to Manufactures ' nnd Kanfci K*?o w,v. ?>.V* vuwiiva iiuo I V'\ 'Xj 11 V t y UWH ^lYUII HI the Superior Court, New-York, byJudge Duor, upon a motion to vacate or modify ?n Injunction which hatt been granted to tho Amoskeag Manufacturing Company, forbidding certain parties to use a mark i to which that company claimed exclunlvo right. Judge Duer held that every Man* ufocturer and evory Merchant for whom goods aro manufactured, has an unquestionable right to distinguish the goods that he makes or sells by a pecnTOr mark known in market as his, and that he may derive from their side the profit which their superior repute may command. MEDITERRANEAN WHEAT. Many intorosting particulars have been . collected during the year relating tothe variety* of wheat in use in our country, as wen as the uncommon growth of individual specimens. An inquiry was em| brnccd in the circular issund fmm -v..? V11I5 | office, relating to the most approved, andl we hoped to nave been able to proscnt a classification of thorn, distinguished by their peculiarities and fitness for tlic various climates of the United States; but this must be deferred, for want cf completeness, to another time. It is gratifying to observe that the Mediterranean wheat, which was recommended some years since in the report of this office, still holds it? place, to a great degree., in tho estimation of i^s cultivators. We have noted* numerous instances in difl'eront. states and section of tho country in which it is mentioned with high commendation, and its freedom from rust and other evils which more commonly attend on other varieties of wheat assorted. We have noticed among other accounts of this i kind of wheat, one. in J/arylnnd, which j1 speaks of an extraordinary crop. Tho mode of cultivation was as follows : Tho ' ground, the previous season was devotod 1 to oats, and almost as soon as these were ' taken oft", the manure was carried on, the 1 stuhhle broken up and well hnrrowc'l. It ! was then left till the 26th of August, at 1 which time it was sown, nt tho rate of 1 two bushels of seed l or acre, t.lmn l"v'"e>"~ I cd pretty deep, then a large harrow was I passed over it; the first growth is stated 1 to have boon destroyed by 'C fly, but by having an early start, it came out from tlio root wonderfull, some roots bearing fifty four or fifty five stalks. The product of a single grain numbering fifty two stalks, in one instance, was counted, and found to be one thousand three hundred and seven grains, another gave fifty eight stalks yielding one thousand five hundred grains. Another person, alluding to the jl/editerrancan wheat, says tlmt it is proof against the fly, and that its quality, which is sometimes the subject of complaint as inferior to many oiler kinds, depend? greatly on the nature of the soil and timo of harvesting. He states that in order to make fine flour from this wheat, it must be cut in a irreenor shit p. t.lmn ??> !? tics, and incfced as early as can be done ' without injury. Asa proof that much also in this matter depends on early harvesting and the kind of soil, and that a sandy soil is to be preferred to a clay, he mentions the following facts.: Ilis first crop was sown on a clay soil of limestono order, and the crop was allowed to get 1 quite ripe before it was cut. His grain in this case was almost us dark as rye. | His next trait, however, was made on a! soil morn khiuIv <>nrl ? ? ? * , ?.IU villi VIUJI Wtlti cut ! when the grain was in a pasty state. On being threshed he found it much fairer, and it weighed sixty four pounds per bushel. The bread made of it he also pronounces as good as any ever made in ins house. In a third instance, alluding to tWo heads of Mediterranean wheat, six, and five and one-half iachos long, and thus of uncommon length, well filled with good, sized plump kernels, the person says that t.llftSft WPi'A fnlrnn (Vn*v% ^^ ??iwii uviu uiiu trnnc ui tut; j field, the land on each side similar, and the cultivation also: except the two lands which furnished the sample. The soil wa< a heavy clay on a lime rock. The two landsjin question were dressed heavily with half decomposed straw. Tt matured slowly, but the crop he states exceeded any thing ho had ever known from this variety, and he attributes the unusual growth to the top dressing.? These facts Drove that 11?? fnilnm r>finn of particular varieties which have been recommonded may he ascribed not bo much to the badness of the seed as to the ignorauce or want of care in thoso into whose hands it may have fallen. THE HESSIAN FLY. Tn a Canada journal we have found the following receipts, which are said to have been effcctunlly tried thcro as a remedy against the 'wheat fly,' by which wo presume is meant the midge, so often confounded with the Hessian fly. "Take orpiment. (which can he pro* cured at any druggists A and with lighted | j charcoal, burn the orplment close to the i wheat, any time after sunset and before and before sunrise; and nt the time when the plant commences to flower it should be repeated while the fly is found to exist. One ounce is sufficient for six acres. "Another and perhaps equally efficacious remedy.- -So soon as the fly is discovered, or 80 soon an the plant shows a Irt nnAn if.a finwvAfu around the patch c?f wheat htiong lights ?K?gKi, and the dark or the bcttcr-^the flics will all rush to the fires and 4ostroy themselves*" Indigo?Curious Facts.?The indigo plant a native qfSoute Carolina. It grew spontaneously among weeds and woods. More than one hundred years ago the planters (here commenced its cultivation. In the year 1748 South Caro una exported to Groat Britain, 200,000 lbs., and Parliament granted a bounty of 12 certs per pound to induce its greater cultivation. In }787, -when that ordl? nance was passed, Indigo was one of tho staples ofBoulh Carolina, and we believo of Georgia also. Now in 1810, nct^ single pound of Indigo is raised in South Carolina, or as far as we know, in all tho tfouth! A plant which is indigenuous to that region, and which in its early cultivation was exceedingly profitable, hnsj -1.^ e k/vi u unvcii irum cxisienco Dy tho che.ip labor of India. Qront Britain now pnvs so von millions of dollars a year for indigo raised in India! New Volcano at the Sandwich Inlands. ?By the Empire City we have a private letter from Bonj. F. BoJ.les, Esq., of Honolulu, dated May 20th. A few days pievious <1 new volcanic irnnf.irm trtftl/ ti:i~ ? " jiiiivu av j ilio, UII JILOOlll T.oa, about forty miles from the old cwLer of Mount Ivcah. The jippo:irance of this now volcano, hclching forth its fiery r streams, lias cauHod great alarm anion;* the inhabitants, though, as yet, no properly or lives haye been lost. Tlic spectaclo presented at night is truly sublime. No ;>ne has as yet ventured to c.yin}ino thy crater, Burning Water instead of Lamp Oil.-' Tho "N. Y. Sun has a letter fr? .>1 Worma tor, Mass., iii which the writer claims to have invented and put in use, apparatus which separates the oxygen and hydro, gen of which water is composed, una produces gas for lights. This itdoosatno other expense, than that of the uso of the machinery; as no other material hut water is used. The water is decomposed hy a current of electricity, envolvcd by tho apparatus. Marriaf/c on Sundays.?It is s;iid that the Pennsylvania o">urts have decided that marriage is a civil contract, and that they have also decided that no contract made on Sunday is valid. The Register says that the question is now agitated whether marriages made in that State ?n Sunday are lawful, and whethether indictments for bigamy can be sustained where tho first marriage had takou place on Sunday. The Future.?In the huudrod yearn from 1819 to 1848, both inclusive, "there will bo Bovenfeen yoara with fifty three Sundays in the year. An Eas y Rule for Farmers.?A quurtcr of wheat is an English measure of eight, standard bushels; so if you see thai quoted at fifty six shillings, it is seven shillings a bushel. A shilling is twenty four cents: multiply by soven and you havo $1,68 per bushel. In the Stato of Maine there are now fifty-eight subordinate Jjodges of Odd Fellows, with 5880 contributing members, having a fun^of $42,253 45. The revenue last year amounted to $22,349 13, wmic tnerc were expended $10,830 30. Neio Discovery for soldering Iron or Sfeel.?Mr. W. II. Clement, c fW^rHJivv, Ala., has discovered a new composition, whereby he can solder pieces of iron or steel, cither in plates or in other forms, The plates of iron nre soldered (OgOlhor as plates of tin by the common process. Wo have seen some rusty strips of steel beautifully soldered by this composition, :JI i ii-- - f * ' wii/iiuut nit; inxi.'ssiiy 01 vcouniig imp. edges, and it was done as easily and n-i quick ns a tinker would patch up a scf?n? in a milk pnn. Mr. Clement has taken tho usual measures to secure a patent. rr i - - unvsuai Appearance, of the Se.a.-?~ The Gloucester (Mass.)Telegraph say* the unusual appearance of the sea is at t trading the attention of many. It is of a light greenish color, and appears to b<' thick and dirty. The fishormen aro nnm j plaining that fish are scarce, or will not bite, and attribute it to tho state of th?> j water. It is something which has not I been witnessed for many yours, Houto"; flont. 15. Sevoral voasely havo arrived at this, port from Nova Scota, loaded with livcv stock. They report that the drought has I cut off the crops ?n? " !?? ##. I - ~ v ui^ ?i VTT w, w imr the third one fad through the winipr, %