POURIER. DAY, THOU CAN'ST NOT THEN DE FALSE TO ANY MAN." iDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1841). NO. 17 3| mi MP i ii i ni !??w?? ? nn? i ' J BEAT. !~i a lone .'to tlio.se 'e testnreceutly English Inpu-ml on f.om the to the tvers of verncd ition of > have 1 history for his y, been One of >- imend i-iing up d ? done - ftcraiiiHt I,? XII., i of the >f princes ivras an ind the n ?'?the i, nan sosnr ennd and 1 I, (111(1 in her - fed by Ho !*J>t nf 11 \ Vl *'?r .. ;rcforc ,f I - , ifiKir.n i of the 9. _ , lurkey kynrds - mi 11:IJ t)f the entire lie fall " ;.le tojish as r r ?,the . 1 I 0 , ??:? in he:e, ic k 3 aacity j stnima(J U)iv}i, ,t ed ho ^ much 1(1 j i -o ed to t'lhivo- 1 Ill vc P ' , or e are , iot to . more Prn.rt 1 * >rced 1 bthat 1 lat so 1 >e ac- 1 ,n lidcal r?the it f ope. 1 ' great 1 'ie was * : | a ?d 1 who ' of fgln : ln- Ic> 1 he < >n" Fake 1 ff'Chui. 1 lu- e- nd | ' n-1 i 1 fer ;he OMt oflen when ho clouds are blackest, and the tempest i? fiercest and hope is faintest, a "still small voice" will be heard saying. "Come hither-?you are wanted," undaii your powers will find employment.? Theiefore tiike heart, young inan, lor cie I lnni* "trAii mill Ka *?.????-%?! " ?v??g J vu uw n amcUt Wife Sold by her Husband in Georyia. i ?Not long since, a lute merchant of 1 Stewart county, took a fancy to the wife of a citizen, in his neighborhood, and desired that she would accompany him to a distant clime. But how to get legal possession of the prize was a problem of no I easy solution, yet solved it was, and by , r ? ??""' A bargain wan efleeted, whereby tlx; merchant, was to pay the bercaccd husband $160, on the relinquishment by the latter, of all right, title and immunity which he held in the porson of his spouse. No oiiwl *!? ?" J ? ? ? rtw. nmiivi wnu vutm uuno. i no money was j paid, and the wife removed from the custody and control of her husband and de- i livcred into the safe keeping of the purchaser, who has taken his newly acquired piece of property with him to New Yoik ! We did not learn whether the seller put a halter urround the neck of his wife and led her out thereby, as is practised in old England, but we think it quite likely that HA KV Htuf oiiIA I.? . ? 1 wj uiutgaic, ou|r|;t:u ins UWIl I1UCK OUl of a very dUugiueuble noose that had been thrown mound it.?A{uxcoyee Democrat, 1(J th (& ?*, Vessel Burnt.?The Wilmington (Nf. 1 (Joii'uILK mill I if TllHKIlMV Wivw VV u / - - J' ""J" learn from ('apt. Murslmll, ol tne steamer ; Wilminyton, that the brig Samuel l'ol- j tir, Capt. Douglaa, from lliU port, bound to liio de Janeuo, (cleared by DeKnsbet & lirown, with a eaigo of 73,000 feel Lumber, 24,000 feel limber, 18 bbls. Ho^in, and 6U bbls. (Spirits Tui pontine) look tire while lying at anchoi opposite Smithvillo, on &und?y night l>?st, about 7 o'elocK, and wus hlili burning when C'apt. M. passed hei on Monday morning, 27th in>t. olie was biunt nearly to the Wlllnt 'tl ixliri' f.'lfltt mill I " "" 6?. ~ . i'-i f V?t yi"g saved. We liaw nut learned huw uie tire OMginuiud." An English writer u&es the following language la reteience to the conduct oi a daily paper: "In iisell it appear nothing. The labor is not oiunilesi, n il is it tiielaloi, but it is Lite conunual attention which u tojui< e?. 1 our Jiie oocouies as a Were, tlie [?uulica(ion. Uiio p-iper is no sooner corected and printed* man on uoures unoth^ ^r. it is tne stone oi fc>i?yphus, un end-4 less repetition ot toil, a constant weight upon the nnud. u continual wealing upou\ Lne intellect and spnits, tiunianunig ^1 Lily exCi uon oi your lueuliieb, at me saifce nine litul you are compelled io uo Ule severest diuugeiy. 'i'o wnlt j or a paper ( \u very well, bat to edit one ut 10 conati/tnA journtlj to slavery There is so much of Uuih in this te- < rvkUt&r thif ur?? rtimn/vt n.-ho,... ? .* W| %UUV n V VUIIUUI *UI UWI ^j1>ulo 1W a place in our colnmus* i lie leudeis of i^ iuily journal are unconscious ol tin; iniaaeuse labor of body and mind required ' io produce the sheet that utloids linn the opportunity of learning the occurrences :>! ilie day?that gives nim the intelhjeuce ot the pi ogress ot events in all quarters of the world?that makes hire, tiOin knowledge Obtained thiough that medium, a convertible man on matteis of general intelligence?that instructs hi.n do subjects connected with his daily uvo- j cations?in tine, that conveys to hu? u ind j meas iuui woum not oinerwise ever enter his imagination, exercising u large in* lluence in rendering him really iiited to net out his part ci editably on the eat theatre of life. The toils, the labors, the anxieties and troubleit of newspaper conductors, thei-, should be considered by those who reap such advantages from their perusal. It is important to all to have nccess to the columns m u ncwHwipcr?it is a unit/ 10 compenaate, libermly and promptly, the publisher who issue* it.?Charleston Courier,: Appropriate Epitaph.?A lndy who had died of cholera in Sandusky oity, and was Itid out by her friends, was found the night following standing at the cupboard eating cucumber pickles; whereupon the Louisville "News" says: Thoy left hor "ft laying' in white, Prepared for the grave's quiet Hlambcr*, but thoy found her the very xnu^e night A laying'in picklo.l cucumber*. , Non-resident debtors, it uppenra hy the new code of New York, may be held to bail, or in default, imp. i-oned, on the making an affidavit of fraud aguimHt him. The law applies to citizens uf other States, or perbons coming from ubioud. Overseer Jvillwt.-r-A gentleman from iho neighborhood informs us that a most aiclaiicliolly occurrence transpired in the lioiniiy of the JJmnt Factory, Spartanourg District, on last Fiiday, which re uiu u in lUe death ol Air. Henry Ferguon's overseer. One of Mr. F's negro lcllows hud l>een in the woods some days, and tho overseer?whose name we were unable to learn?went in pursuit of him. Upon coming up with the boy, he was found to be armed with a large knife, and refused to return home. The overseer endeavored to force bjm, and in the scuffle the negro wounded him so severely, tiiat he djed on Sunday last. The negro *iov.?pi;u uv um nine, out we trust lie hns been taken ore this, and will receive promptly the punishment his atrocity rneiils.?Laurensville Hcra'.i, 31 st ult, INDUSTRIOUS GIRLS. A clever female writer, speaking of the physical training of girls, observes: 1. * . ? iwiu cultivation 01 ine intellect, earnest exercise of the moral powers, the enlargement of the mind, by the acquisition of knowledge and the strengthening of its capabilities for firmness, for endurance of inevitable evils, and foi energy in comb ingsucn as may be overcome, are the ends which teoaule education has to attain; while, o the other hand, weakness, if met by indulgence, will not only remain weak rions, but become infirmity. The power ot the mind over the body is immense. The physical unhealthy and morbidlydclicute piedicament of thousands of fi'trwilpvi miaou f?Qm tlifi H??rlrrL rsf the homely uduge, ' Keep your children busy." it is a tauil mistake to allow the mind to prey upon itself, and ruu to waste. The compiler ol a' Present for an Apprcn uce lnuoauces un opinion somewhat siiongly, in advising his young ward, if he would avoid fulling in love, to lieep cmplo ed ; for he obacrvoa, "nothing fosters love so much as idleness." Now, without subscribing to ttic full c&lent of that opinion, as a rule, ii. is quite certain that idle, scmimentul yoong men and wo* men, aie cxtiemely apt to mil in love, if their passionate attachments deserves the name; ana generally tncir attachments Hie <>i any chiuacter but that which bids inn lot lasting hapineas in domestic life. Who uie the girls that foiget themselves, and form low, improper alliances ? Rot the iridubtiiouh, the happily employed. Mo, ua a cl.iss, they are moa;ly the deli cute vie I mis oi luaness, and beggarly, pioud, i'jJ.se, gentility. In a word, the grand misuike of the present duy, as we take it, ia the cultivation of the intellect, to the exclusion ol the moral sense and the affections" Eilcnxut C1 iWj c. liocksiak Creek, in the Northern JLiUii tics, which laid in ruins the extensive ttonc suwii.g and planing establish* ?iciu, known us ' Patton 's Planing Mill," i 1 i r\a/. a/wk 1* a. _ i* 8.. uiui coiioumcu i,uuu,wu kjo* 01 ousquehdfiuu und Carolina lumber.?I'kiladcl* phi a Hulietin, 24th ult. The Emperor of Russia has sont a suck of wheal tJivos.-m.th, and desired liim to count the gruina. Kosiauth wrote back, saying, j;Xhrt! tack Isolds many grains, but i have three hawks and three 1 uvens who will pick tlu:m up." The hawks are &up posed to be Bern, Dembinski, and Georgey* the ruvena to be June, July, and August, when the fevor generally rages, Japan.?The attention of Government, ia being directed by tho mercantile interest to the settled erapiie of Japan. That country U said to contain over forty mil I-- ? -- ? * ^" ? 1? ' !*.? ? ^At? 4mt/V kcin/lnAfl 1HUI19 UI JHTUJJIUf WI1U IIOfDIUI VWV 4M4UU3CU years isolated thomselvcs from all nations but the Dutch.?Carolinian. Coming Sutler of the South.?At tho late dinner given by the Virginia Legislature to til wood r'isher, a MivGogaToz, ...i ,*? ?ha Wllimi 11/ 19 MltCIIIU id < ivjwvhv ,.n, island of Cuba, toasted that muah-lalked of island as "the cortuning staler of ih? South?the future ytm State of the Un *o?.?Carolinian. FATAL ExplobiobhHRM Sun contains a despatchfrom Eiie, SlT#-? dated August 27, in which it that in fling a salute from thet^ftd Steamer Michigan, that agoi ping, m Uodot of Vice President Fil.H*or?, a oarrnon used upon tho oooa;i n ?i