. I ? " TO THINK OWN SEI.K Illi TRUE, AM) IT ML'AT KoI.LOW, AS THE NIOIIT TUB 1)AV, THOU CAN'bT NOT THEN HE FALSE TO ANY MAN." VOl.. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, !8 I9. (?*. ift THIS KfcOWEE COURIER, FEINTLO AM) FirOMSIIKD WKEKI.Y BY W, II. TRIMMIER. J. W. NORMS, Jn.( ) ..... E. M. KEITH r E?l?taid. Advertisements inserted at 15 cents per square for the lirst insertion, and 87 l-i5 cts. for each continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to those advertising by the year All Communications should be address- I cd to the Publisher post paid. FOREIGN NEWS. [From tho Columbia Telegraph.] AltUIVAI, OFTHE STEAMER HIBERNTA J COMMERCIAL. Liverpool, August I. ! Trade has continued quiet but steady. The harvest is being gathered in the South of England, and promises to be an abundant one. Cotton has b?'cn in moderate demand, ' nmrn ar? limn onw/Wl.?/. .. V ?;w viiuii ivi OUiUVUIIli; The, sales qf the week amount to 12,- ! *200 bales; of wbi^J6,300 wcrd'tntidn by Speculators, and tf,700 for Export. POLITICAL, Hungary.?The accounts from Hungary bring the news of continuedksucesscs on tho part of the Magyars, who have . . rtjompletcly out-manouvred the Austti.ms pn all points, and pl? w vi?v x x. vm^ai iuur? OUUHUllICU SIUI continues to retreat towards tho Southern frotior of Sorvia. Gen. Hem announced his victory "?ver tho Bann, Jollachich in the following words "Bem, Bann, Bawn." The London News of the 3d instant contains Viopna dates to the 28th of J uly. The report of Lord Palmereton's HDefich in thr. Kritinh Pnrlii>tvi/.n? f..ll eu like a thunder clap on the Austrian Ministry, ?n J tlic news of Gcorguy's victory over the Russians at Coassin and his entry into Oestlmrd were announced ftt the same time. Humors were prevalent that negotiations for peace would be entered into, in consequenco of these tidings. News from Craoow to the 23d yf June states that numbers of Russian troops which had been designed to leave that city for the seat of War, had received subsequent orders to remain, and tho railroad cars recently arriving had been fdled with Russian soldiers. Onthft4t.ll. n/lvinnn wwn mnoiira/l Liverpool that another great victory of the Hungarians over the Itnssians at Esclau?placing the Austrian General, llaynau, in a most critical position. The Hungarian Generals are now masters of the whole line, from Kssy to Assova, opening communications to Bel graoe, and the Turkish provinces. The great battle at IPaitche.i, between the Russians under Prince Paskiewich, and the Hungfliians under Ueorgey, in which the latter were reported victorious, has been fully confirmed. Georgey's army forced the Russian lines and march* cd North, effecting a junction with the maiu body. A letter fro n the seat of TFhr says, that tlld nf llin ST..; 1 VMU AAUII^ailUll J' UU on Paskiewich's col umns v crc irresistible ?and that all the troops exhibited wonderful coolness and courage. Another letter describes the Russian retreat as most disorderly. The army vas only saved from entire destruction.by the the t? -icly arrival of Humbert's division, wfiich covered the retreat, and checked further pursuit. The latest information in to the elfect that the Austrian ministry hi'.d been dinsolved. Thf? Tl.rlftaU *' ... vviuiilllll'IU DilVO soman army of eighty thousand men to the Hungarian frontier, to pro vent th?: paaaago of Kuasian through (,Toops Trang) lvunia. la Prussia uta>, thoro was a reported organization agnitrt tliq (government, and n conspiracy for the purpose of establishing a Republic auspected, Several of the supposed conspirators have been ar- j rested. j Charles Albert, of Sardinia, whose death has been already reported, expired ' at Ionw half century or uiuiv in ui-ticicrH vimiiy important to the interests of this country, departed- this life at New-York on Monthly last. I.OSty OF Tin: UMI'lUR STATE. A splendid steamer, heaving thin name, encountered a heavy blow on Lake Michigan, and sunk. The boat was a total loss. Passengers ull saved. 8T. I.OT IS AFFAIRS. On the 10th inst. there wore five attempts to burn this ill-fated city. One bv firing (he steam boat Whirlwind, the others in tlie northern parts of tlx; city. St. Louis is said to be infested with desperadoes and thieve.'', who threaten its destruction. Tl.is state of mntters has caused the calling out of nn oxtra police. A deficit of 127,000 dollars has boon discovered in the Bank of Missouri. Nathaniel ('hilds, late paying Teller has been held to bail in the sum of 30,000 dollars, lie has been a Iiank officer since the foundation of the Hani. INDIAN NEWS. Accounts from Chihuahua state that the Indians are very hostile, and have entirely laid was e Senorn, and all the regions around El P;isso. Letters from Independence state that1 300 Comanches have died of Cholera. [Telet/rapacd to the Charleston Courier] Proclamation of the President*. Ualtimoub, Aug. 14. Tim following Proclamation was re| ccived ftt Washington on itfbnduy tVom 11 lurrisburg: wr rn i .\ii. BY T1IE PRESIDENT OF TIIE UNITED STATES. A PROCLAMATION. j There is reason to believe that an arm; oil expedition is about to lie fitted out in ; the United ?S'tates, with an intention to in j vacle the Island of Cuba, or some, of the Provinces of ATexieo. The best information wbich the Executive has been able to obtain, points to tho Island of Cuba as the object of their expedition. It is the duty of this Government to observe the faith of treaties, and prevent any agression by our cUbson* upon the tPl-rit/wmn r>f frSniwl!.. 1 ? ..WW V. ...vuv*?jr Imiiuin, A IfilYi;, therefore# thought it necessar - and proper to iRsue this Proclamation, to warn all citizens of the United States, who ahull connect thcmslvcs with nc enterprise, so grossly in violotion of our law and our treaty obligations,, that thoy will the?eby subject thoni9clvea with heavy penalties nnnnxtiw/ mruStto* tl.m.i K.r " -?? ...? 1.1V V. IV I 11 1 >J UUI tM Congress, and will forfeit their claims to the protection of their country. No.such persons must expect the interference of this Government in any fovm in their behalf, no mntiejf' to what extremities they may be red need in consoquftnco of their conduct and enterprise. To invade the territories of a friendly nation, B0,t on. foot and prosecuted within the limits ofthe-United 6'tates, its in t'no 1.1 1 ?. .1 ! - ? - ' - " ' ' ingiiust uvgrvo crinuimi, us Mfliding to ondanger the peace ai?4 compromise the honor of tills nation; and therefore, all good citizens, as they regard oil? national rcpntalioh, as they respect their own laws of nations tu they vnTuo the hlosaing of peaoo and the wolfafe of their country, to I discountenance and prevent, I>y all lawful I mcjnna, any such onternrise. And f mill ? : , t 1 upon every otliccr of litis government civil or military, to use. all efforts in his power to arrest for trial and punishment every such offender against the laws provirlmir fnv t!in 1 I .j iu\> j/ui IUI Miiiuuu v/i Vjiuj ouuiuu obligations to friendly poworR. Given under my hand, the 11th day of August, in the year of our TiOrd, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and seventy-fourth year of the Independence 01 mo united males. Z. Taylor. By the President. 4feJ. M. Clayton, Secretary of State. ROME. On the 4th of July, which was the day the Frcneh troops took possession of Rome, the following Address was circuLi .. .1 r 1 *< liuuu irom nana 10 nana among the peo- , pic: TO TUE PEOPLE OF ROME. Minfo. tunc, brothers, has fallen upon j usuuu" jmu 11 is a wifuoi brief dura-I tion?it is tlio stone of the scpulchrc | wliico we. shall throw away after threy days, ri^injr victorious and renewed, an immortal Nation, Fop with us are God and'Justice?God and J us! ice, who cannot die, hut always triumph, while Kings and Popes, once dead, revive no more. 5 As you have been ^reat in tho combat, j be so in the days ol sorrow-?great in ' b 1 ,~v.. wi.uuw <.-> ui generous uisI dain, of suUimc silence. Silence is the I weapon wo have now to use against the Cossacks of France, and the Priests their masters. In the streets do not look at them ; do j not answer if they address you. | I it the cafes, in the eating houses,.if they enter, rise and go out. Let V0U1' windows rnmnin . lnsr>#l ?c pass. Never attend their feasts, their parades. The harmony of their musical, bands be j for you tones of slavery, and when you | hear them, tly. Let the liberticido soldier be condemned I i to isolation ; let him atone in solitude and j j contempt for having served priests and I : kinKs-. j And you, Roman women.?master-pioce j | of God's work!?deign no look and smile j j to those satellites of an abhorred Pope ! i Cursed be she who, before the odious satellites of Austria, foigeta that she is an Italian ! Her name shall be published for the execration of all her people ! And even the courtezans 1 let them show love for their country, and thus regain the dignity of citizens! And our word of order, our crv of it 1 ' - J ? union and emancipation, be now and forever, Viva la 1'epudlica ! The incessant cry, which not oven ( French slaves can dispute, shall prepare us lo administer the bequest of our martyrs, shall be consoling dew to the immaI culate and holy bones that repose, subi lime holocaust of faith and of love, near ! our walls. nrul mnk?> - t ?W1 Y 1I1U IHU j J,Stomal City. In this cry we shall find : ourselyes t; I ways brothers, and we shall conquer. Viva. Home, the Capital of Italy 1 Viva the Italy of thp People! Viva the Rowau Republic ! A Roman. Dated Rome July 4, 1840. CIVIL WAR IN ILLINOIS. Paducaii, Aug. I. A band of lawless, thieving despera, does, with the unenviable appellation of ' Platheads, have for somo time past committed outrageous depredations upon the honest portion of the nonulation of il>? j Southern end of Illinois. The bund of thieves number about three huudied. For tho safety of life and personal property, about five hundred of the most i respectable inhabitants of that teeth', and making a fort of the log house, thjy determined to stand their ground,, unci gfvu until*. , The Regulators having discovered the , retreat, oume and summoned tho Flat- i j heads to surrender, which request being 1 rktfi.oA'l ?> 1-A-? -i viiv utimji? tmuaujueu lo charge tho log Louso, and invited ovory honest uiftn who was misled into it to leave. About twenty-six, seeing tha eido of justice was tin strongent, left theirj corv [ punions in (ho log house. The Itogulatoi-s then charged upon Iho remainder of the Flathoads. and soon nut ! 1 them to ;i precipitate flight. During the charge, t\\? of the Flatheads were killed and three wounded. Three of the Regulators are said to have been mortally wounded. The whole neighborhood is in tho >rM'ilnJ TK- 1> 1. *-- I S.-VHWV V.WIVMIIVUV. 1 I1U lVVtfUllllUrS) assisted by the authorities, determined to run this lawless band out of ih?' country, and are pursuing them in every di- i rection. A number of the Flat beads have lied over to Kentucky, and others have lied over to the swamps.?Philadelphia va per3. [From the South Carolinian PRACTICE vs. PROFESSION. ATess's. Editors: The most c.\traordinnm Af - J - iil?i j VyIIOVy v/i V* 10 V?I U J< UliVj ^ JL IcH_?Ilt(_/ I and Precept that has been discovered, in modern or even ancient limes, h s lately boon, developed in a letter that was written by Jacob G'ollamer, Postmaster General, to Thomas P. Crawford, Esq., of1 Pickens County, Alabama, and published , in the Pickens Republic of the 24th July. 1819. The Postmaster General is de- I fending himself from the ch:..ge that he i i.-) ii uuwmig 11 /vooutiouist," and the ; following is an extract from the letter: "All 1 can say is, that 1 am not now, , nor have 1 ever been, ar Abolitionist ; and ; L have always received the most bitter | Opposition fiom the Abolition party in | my own State. 1 have always held that ; nothing should be done by the geneial irovernmnnf. in relation t<\ : u ; slavery in the several States. 1 have always discountenanccd and opjnscd all measures, public ?r ^rtvate, intended to interfere with or disturb the institution us existing with the States, as recognised by the constitution." So much for profession. Mr. Collamer i was once a member ot Congress; let. us examine his votes while in tiiut body, and sec whether he leully did "oppose '1 measures, public or private, intended to I interfere with or disturb tln> in>;titnti.-m nc I existing Avith the Suites," iVc. | On the 1 llh of December, 1846, Mr. 1 Culver, of New-York, prtbented memorials from Washington County,New ^ ork, praying the abolition of slavery and the slave trade in the District of (/olumbia. Mr. Hoyd, of Kentucky, moved that the memorial be laid on the table. On this duestion the VMS iinfl nnve ti-rtm nvrlnwi/l I . J "V.V uiUVIVUi j and Jacob Collamer voted in he negative. ?(Blair & River's Cong. Globe, p. 43.) On the loth December, 1840, Mr. Adams presented tile resolutions of ihe Legisluture of Massachusetts, in relation to the wrongs alleged to have been Buttered by the colorcd, citizens oi Massachusetts in the States of .South Carolina and Louisiana. Mr. Hurt, of South Carolina, moved tn lilv llir> wienlntii.n J ?..v ??A>VIMUVU VU tUU IUUIU. On this motion the yeas and nays were ordered, and .lacob (JolLmer voted in the negative.?(Ibid, p. 63.) Oil the same day Mr. Adams presented the resolutions ot iho Legislature of Massachusetts, remonstrating against the admission ot Texas as a slaveholding State. Mr. McCoiinell moved tlmi the resolutions lie on the table. The question was taken by yeas and nays, Jacob C'ollamer I voting in the negative.?(Ibid, p. 53.) 1 On the 10th January, 1817, a bill esi tablishing a territorial government in One I jjun piiiwea me riouse ot Ileprescniives, containing the Wilmot Proviso. The yeas unci nays wore ordered on its passage, and the name of Jacob C'olhuner is found among the votes in the affirmative. ?(Blair 61 Hive./ Cong. Globe, 20th Congress, 2d se^ion, p. 108.) Oil r.lirt y.l-t io?- ** . ?. ...V - >>? 1/VVUI1IUC1, 1 O t I , 1UI', V.tlCli dinga, ol Oi.io, preseuted a memorinl l'roin j certain oiiiuens of the District of G'olumi bia, representing "that the slave trade is : now curried on in ilie District of Columbia ; to a largo extont. Your petitioners therefore ask tliut all laws authorizing ur .sane* r\ tioning such trade witlun said District may lie lepealed. ^tiere follows a list of L A iiuaittt.j iv motion was made lo lay the memouul on the tablo; the yeas and nays | were t^ken?Jacob Collaraer voting in thu I nogati* e.?ylilair ct.qf Columbia, 'Mr. lio'inod, i4 Souiu Carolina, objecting, " J uuquosUon way than stated on gntnliner lwavfi. - ,-,Q ' * "lhe yo;w und nays wen* ordered and taken, und Jacob Collumer voted jn fat of of grantiiiy leave to intrmlucc a bill to abol* ish slavery tuul the slave trade in the JJi* (rict of Columbia..?(Blair fc Rivcs's Cong. Globe, UOtli Congress, 2d session, p. 38.) * ' - ' Gn the 8tli Jiinuary, 1849, Aft. 3/ead, of Virginia, offered the following resolur tion : lit rnllTfl. Tlirif flip f liimmitfrtn r??i ?lm .Tudici iry is hereby instructed to report a bill to this IIousc, providing effectually for the apprehension and delivery of fugitives from labor, who have cscupcd or may hereafter escape from one 3tatcinto another." The yoas and nays being ordered, Jacob CoHftmur voted in the negative.? (Blair & llives's Cong. Olobo, p. 188.) Mr. Collamcr also voted against the vi i st rule in Uongress, "which rule prohibits the re. option of abolition petitions mid he also voted for the infamous resolution of Mr. Gott, of New York, which resolution proposed "that negroes and! slaves should be permitted to vote on tho question of the abolition of slavery in tbis District, (that is, the District of Colurnk:.. \ So much for practice as proven by tho record. T\ow is there not an extraordinary difference between the~e recorded votes r.nu Mr. Collamer's assertions in his letter to Mr. Crawford. How can thoy be reconciled? V- iil some Southern Whig, whose aHini'.ies are with 'he picsent noparty Administration, enl.ghtGn us on this question. Riculakd. [From the Southern Recorder.] Sweet Potato Seed fiiom tiie Hloom. ?The undersigned has raised for three years past, Sweet Potatoes, of better quality than usual, in the following way, vi2: I The Yam Potato vino blooms in Au gust; in about a month thereafter they ! !orm a rod; the seed are then formed of about the mzc of sago seed, and o? tha same color. The pod' should be noticed and gathered when ripe, or else they will soon drop. In the Siv.ing, at the usual' time of sowing seed, 1 sow them in'tho usual way 1 sow cabbage seed. They will not come up quite as soon, but Vfijll j continue doing so through the spring. The plant is small and delicate in appearance, nnd should b6 drawn in a wet season, with it little dirt attncVd to it, and transplanted. The leaf and vine have-, a dift'eient appearance from the potato^1 usually, and the potato will be found to j grow larger and smoother than usual. I T T?.r,r,.^ : e- ' jl uiwvi tuia uiuuiuU) niwr suusmciory practice, to raise thepolato, to any other whatever. Collin "\Vood. Baldwin county, June, 1819. [From the Southern Presbyterian.] THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. The Anniversary of the Theological .Seminary in Columbia was held on the i2i.h ult. We le-?rn from uersons who attended it that the audience was larger \ than usual, and the exorcises highly creditable to the graduating class. Below is found the order of cxercises at the lute meeting. PRAYER. Music?"How beauteous aro their feet." GRADUATING CLASS. 1. A. E. Chandler?The Kingdom of Christ. 2. T. j\. Iloyt?The Eloquent Preacher. 8 A. O. Johnson?(Absent.) 4. E. II. VViuc?Tho Millennium. Music?"Joy to the world," , withjn n short poijod, bo brought to Charleston, having been especially ordered by u gentleman of oui city. Wo s?oc it stated that ^' Cfcident Taylor has been hitting to vlfr. r^i(ls,'tor the piu\ jw>sc of having hi* bust tnkcn.r? Ityurfm'