KEOWEE COURIER. " TO THINK OWN 8KLF UK TRUE, AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS THE NIGHT THE DAY, THOU CAN'ST NOT THEN BE FALSE. T& ANY MAN." VOL. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1849. NO. 14. TUP 1 - JL illi KEOWEK COURIER, PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY W. II. 7.HIMMIEH. J. W. NORRIS, Jr., ) ? E. M. KEITJI, j Editors. TERMS. Ono Dollar and Fifty Centa for one year's bubscription when paid within thrco months, Two dollars if payment is delayed to the close ; of tho subscription year. AH ? ?- ' -J" ..W.I^HUIIO liut VICIIIIV IITH1ICO, Win DO considered an made for an indefinite time, and continued till a discontinuance is ordered and all arrearages paid. Advertisement* inserted at 75 cents pe square for the first insertion, and 37 1 -2 cts. fo each continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to those advertising by the year. .or All Communications should be addressed to the Publisher poet paid. [From tho South Carolinian.] THE BANK?ANOTHER FALLACY. But another fallacy which led to the establishment of this institution was, that as the times were hard and money scarce, a Bank must he created to furnish a circulating medium. The creation of the Bank may have afforded some relief to many persons directly and indirectly to manv more. But the notion of a necessity for increasing the circulating medium is entirely erroneous. Under a sound condition of things, the circulation in every community will bear a certain natural relation to the business to be transacted ; and It passes legislative sagacity to determine that relation: nnd it nno mvnrinWv J WW.. found that, when governments have undertaken to prescribe that relation, mischief has ensued. Inflation in all branches of business is the uniform result. High nominal prices for every thing, that for a time delude all parties with the semblance of prosperity only to make them feel with great poignancy the bitterness of disappointment?a condition of things verv advantageous to thr?sr>. wlm V?ov? time and opportunity and sagacity enough to profit by the blunders of others, but disastrous to the community at large.? The fact is that the amount of circulating medium required by each community will be regulated by the laws of trade; laws more potent than any legislative enactments. Legislative enactments can only affect the nominal amount; they cannot d?t?rmino the real valiiw nf *lm niirron/?tr And it would be quite as sensible to try to regulate tho nggrcgato value of the corn, wine, and oil to be used, as to fix that of the circulating muqium. Tho whole notion belongs to th? coonomy of the sixteenth century, and is quit? unworthy the consideration of grown men of the nineteenth. It is no part of the duty of government to furnish a circula ting medium; it does all that it can legitimately do when it coins money and regulates the value thereof, just as it determines upon the weights and measures by which articles may be sold, It fixes thus the standard for exchanges, and thus promotes convenience and equity in commercial transactions. It may seem puerile at this time of day to be malting these statements which belong to the horn book of economical science; but as their truth is practically denied by the friends of the re-charter at the present day, as it was by the advocates of the charter thirty-seven years ago, we must be indulged m a repetition of the A, B, C. This idea of its being a part of the duty of the State Government to furnish a currency is of a piece with the notion so much insisted on eight or ten years ago, that it wns indispensable to the com cn-i ii.. /-i ?? iiii/iW uiu uuiu;n unit ill'" UUVeni* raent of the States should furnish a means of effecting exchanges; and the friends of the United States Bank rang the changes upon it with, such perseverance, thnt even the most sceptical on the other side were almost inclined to believe that there must be something in it.? Thanks to the triumph of the Democratic piinciples, even the Whigs (the decided, if not ultra) must begin to see that there is nothingin it. In the United States Bank controversy the true position was taken by the people this State. It was in substance that'f he United States Government was the Rgent of the States for certain purnoses only: That as it could not of light t>e a ship owner, (excepting ships for defence,) or merchant, or agriculturist, or manufacturer, or engage In any of the industrial pursuits of the people, so it could not of right bank or engage in the business of exchanges; that when it had "coined money and regulated the valuo (hereof and of foreign coin," it hod performed all the functions required of it by the Constitution in this relation; that doing more than this was acting without L R | lawful warrant, and ncccssarily tended I to. swerve from their path of duty the servants of the people; that it inevitably led to a violation of that cardinal rule of I the Constitution which denounces commercial preference to one section (port) over another. For manifestly, according to all just rules of interpretation, the Government cannot constitutionally do that indirectly which it is forbidden to do directly. This same position we take against the Bank of the Stato. If it was a strong position against the Bank of the United States, it is stronger against the Bank of tfirt Stntn ]From the Shrevejjort Caddo Gazette.] COL. WIGFALL AND GEN'L. HOUSTON. We fully designed giving a synopsis of : the speeches of Gen. Houston and Col. ! Wigfall, at Marshall, but for want of i snace we arc nMicrnH mnte mil- nftjtnn of them brief. Notwithstanding the inclemency of the day, the concourse of hail, healthy tinged, honest-faced people was immense. We must confess, that if we ever entertained an opinion prejudicial to the beauty, honesty, gallantry, and hospitality of the good people ol^Texas* that opinion was forever banished from our mind during our temporary sojourn j tn Marshall. To use the expressive lanI gunge of the Hero of San Jacinto, "the i 1'exions are the cleverest people in the world." But, paulo majora oanamus. I Gen. Houston's speech was on able nnd ' ingenious, though, we think, unsuccessful, dcfence of his vote upon the Oregon bill. He evidently attempted, nnd doubtless expected, to honeyfuggle the good hearers, and cot up a general hurrah for "Old Sam. The onus of his speech was a tirade of virulent abuse, indiscriminately heaped upon John C. Chlhoun and the iSfniltllPrn AfMr*?ce Mo Ma/la n? allnciAn to his deviation from the written instructions of his constituents, sent him at the same time that he received his appointment from the Texan Legislature. He made no excuse for publishing his free boil letter in the organ of the "Whig party. He mentioned not a word that fell from his devout lips, when the abolitionist at the North, ejaculated the to triumph But he expatiated with Ciceronian peculiarity, upon his identity with the early history of Texas. Battles, toils, hardships and sufferings were recounted ; and the achievements of himself passed over to the no small admiration of the silent I auditor. He dilated with sepulchral voice, anil moving diction, upon the attempt of some to take from him his fair fame, and the waving plume of his bright destiny. His spcccli was interlarded with rich and racy Rnecdotes, which we relished ; but 1 for the life of us, we coidd not relish the doctrines they were intended to season, and render palatable. Gen. Houston is a calm, dignified, impressive, and self-posI sessed speaker. His address and manner I are captivating beyond description; and his action, that which enters largely into the composition of the orator, is graceful and easy. His eagle eye, his engaging manner, his clear, deep ttned voice, and his inimitable faculty of recitation, combined with good common sense, mother w}t, and overpowering irony and sarcasm, entitles hi to no mediocre position in the t - . . - - -i troiie oi oraionciu merit. When Gen. Houston finished hi < speeoh, the very welkin rang with a call for Col. Wigfnll. This gentleman mounted the stand, armed with documentary weapons, ready alike for defence nnd attack. We saw at once that the "tug of war" was coming, as the bold, daring, aptf indomitable Cblpnel, with resolute meln, steady nerve, and Impassioned manner, brandish" ed his rapier over the opposing Greek. He held him up to "public reprobation," and heaped Pelion upon Ossa with such dexterity, that we verily thought the old General's world wide fame no more than tke "visual line which girt him round." The couplet occurred to us: | "I pity the man whom the public gaze | Has made the object of censure, or praise.'* I Wo cannot too highly estimate Col. Wigfall foi his prompt, energetic, and patriotic defence of Southern rights. While snch a man raises his eloquent voice for the /Star St&te, no ambitious and . . n . - aspmng oenaior can mitreprtscnt nor with impunity, fiol. WlgfalPs powers of analytical and logical argumentation, and his extensive political knowledge, designate him as no ordinary man. Ho is a sound democrat, an unswerving ad* 1 voente of the institutions of the South, and a formidable foo upon the stump. In the progress, and future history of Texas, it requires no gerat divination to see, that the name of Colonel L. T. TFigfall will be prominently inscribed upon the page tfoat $?rvjres the wreck of nations. From the Spartan. | We publish for the information of our ( j readers the copies of two letters from I Washington, in relation to "incendiary Sublications." The first fs a reply to , iinnKnn KnKn Ren ' j'wva* JL/V/VV) ** UV to 1/ViUliOUI IUI | Barret, and Post Master at Hurricanc.! The second is from the Post Master Gen-! eral, to Maj. Legg, JPost Master at Spar-' tanburg C. H., concerning his arrest, and his declining to deliver letters in his possession, to any but those t?K wbow they | are directed, or their order. P. O. DEPARTMENT, i Appointment Office, Jfuty 24, 1849. j Sir?In answer io yours of the 10th, | you arc informed, that attempts have been | made in Congress, to pass laws to preI vent the circulation of what wts termed "incendiary publications," but no such law was ever passed. The Postmaster General is therefore powerless in the matter, and must leave the whole subject to the discretion of Postmasters, under the I niilhnritv r\f tUa I V? vuv vjwivc uuvcillllieill^. Very Respectfully yours, ?fcc FITZ HENRY WARREN, 2nd Asst. P. M. Gen'l. To SiMrsoN Bobo, Esq., P. Mr Hurricane, Spart. dist. S. C. P. O. DEPARTMENT, July 30, 1849. Dear Sir,?Yours of the ljth inst. informing me of yo.^r imprisonment by the authority of South Carolina, fbr declining to deliver a letter, which you held as Postmaster, to any one but the person to whom the same ?* his order, was duly received. As the matter now 6tands it would seem to involve a question of law and, possibly, a conflict of jurisdiction proper to be settled by tho legal tribunals. It>. has therefore been referred to the At tornev General of the United States who will communicate to you the proper course to be taken on the subject. I am Sir, very respectfully, Your humble servant, J. COLLAMER, Postmaster General. To Geo. W. H. Lego, Esq., P. M. Spartanburg C. H. FROM THE SACRAMENTO. "Some ton miles from here, on the North Fork of the Sacramento, laat week, the Americans and Chilians had a grand row. which resulted in takinc all cmW from the Chilians and their expulsion from the river. They were first warned to take their provisions and gold, and leave in a certain time, but did not go; so, Oregon-like, the Americans came down on them, and made a "fine day's digging," in the language of one who was in tho affray. No lives lost. | "On the Stanislaus digging tho foreigners were the most numerous, and trampled on the rights of the Americans, and i there were so few Americans they could not resist, so t'ne Oregon men from the I North Fork sent them a deputation of ouiy ttcu-uiiiicu men iu iiKb in i;unccrt with about the same number already there, to drive some 700 to 1,000 Chilians from their diggings. The result we know not as yet, but we can find notices on almost every tree that Chilians found In the mines after the month of June will be shot down unless sufficient excuse can be given for their delay, and you may rest assured that if the President and Concrress will not do unvt.hinrr to thn 0 ^ o ? tj -jj" *"*' citizens in California, there is sufficient force (though in comparison a handful? not one to five) to protect themselves against the aggressions of the armed powers of Peruvians, Chilians, Portuguese, iVexicana, Indians, ? ? ib m ic|juncu umi h iamuy was K\\iea near Fort Dade on Saturday night. This wants confirmation. Gov. Dana, of Maine, and the Legislature.?It will be remembered that i Gov. Dana, on the subject of slavery, in ; his inaugural, some months since, adop; ted the doctrines of Mr. Ca6s. The Legislature soon after passed a scne? of reso, lutions instructing their members in GontrresR to losft nn nnnnrlnnitv nf nincc!n? c. -ri ??j *? i" the Provko into any form of government to be provided for the new territories, and directing the Governor to sign and j transmit them to the Governors of the several States of this Union. ! We learn from the Portland Inquirer, that on the 17th a message was received from the Governor, in which he refuses to sign the resolutions. He says that he would have been willing to transmit the resolutions to "the Governors of the several States of the Union," if they had been presented to him in tho ordinary manner; but as they had been sent to him by the Senate for his approval and signature, the message from that body was evidently intended to request him to subscribe to opinions "diftmetrically opposed to those he had officially expressed." The message was ordered to be prjntedi Thus there is conflict between theso two branches of the government. ELECTIONS, Indiana.?The Democratic candidate for Governor, (Wright,) gains 177 votes, in comparison with tfye Taylor vote, in Bartholomew?loses 21 at nnother poll not mentioned, and 214 in Tippecanoe. The Whig osndidate, (Dunn,) for Com I gress, gains 829 votes over the last Con* gressional poll in Jefforson county. [This as far as we can make out?there l are other items given, but the whole matter is uninteresting, exoept tending to general result.] Nouth-Carolina.?Deberry, Clingman, Shepard, (Whigs,) elected. Venablp, Ashe, Daniel, (Dem.) elected. The contest between Lane and Stanley stilt doubtful. Kkntucky.?Returns from one or two counties mention favorable returns for the Democratic candidates.? Charleston Courier. A nnTntPKrT 4?\/VA<^JU41 4* The AtagQ from Hew berry Court House, to Ctyprabia, on laat Friday mornir^, whilst endeavoring to croon the creek near Cbleman's, 18 miles below Newberry, was qvjert\irned aixf tbe creek being very high at the time, and th? currcnt running with great force, stage and horses wer$ washed into deep water, and three of the horses drowned. A passenger inside tho couch narrowly cscaped the same fate?and one on the top, lost his pocket book, containing $350 in his efforts to reach the shoro. Tho large mail bag was also lost, and though it had not been ?-J _4 -J-: iwocicu uv uu vices, we suppose ore this H ha? boon found.?Lav,rcnsvUle Herald. Military Movement.?About forty men, belonging to Company "F," United States Troops, under the command of 2nd Lieut. J. M. Robinson, left Sullivan's Island on Friday last, in the steamer Nina, Capt. A. Magee, for Scu Augustine, Florida. The Nina arrived at her place of desi tjnation and returned to this city yesterday. We learn from a gentleman who came passenger in her, that a number of families baa come into St, Augustine, from the surrounding country, io cpn?cquence of apprehension of Indian disturbances. An aid of the Governor pf Florida hnd rf?nr>Tipd thftf. f - iV?a purpose of making suitable arrangement* for the departure of one or two companies that had volunteered t? go against the Indians.?Char. Courier. i t Bold Theft.?Yesterday afternoon, while Mr. Ellerhorst, proprietor of a Grain store in Market-st., was in a back store, some villian entered the front dpo,r, r J x r J-I i ?u\4 hv# iiv* miuner wemy-uve aoii lars, in bills, leaving some 8 or 10 dollars ! in silver in the drawer. Mr. K. a short time previously, had written his pnme on the back of two of the bills, which mny : lead to the detection of the thief, and recovery of the money.?Char. Courier. 1 - i Death rnoM Liohtvjnq.-p-Wo regret to learn, that Dr. John N. Yo.ung, an esteemed citizen of our District, had two valuable negroes killed by lightning, during a thunder storm on last Monday.? | One of them was a very likely man, tho other a gjr\ abc^t ftfteen. When struck, they, with the rest of Dr. Young's hands, but a little in advance of the balancc, . were running the field in which they vere working, towards an old house in the adjo\n\ng one, (or purpose of sheltering themselves from tne rain.? Vinlf tVlJ? Konn plished, however, before the lightning flash overtook them, killing these two outpght,r-nprostratjng, apd severely stnnnipg five otners.?Laurensville Iferald. A Good Example.?The Jl/aine Farmer says that Levi Holmes, one of the oldest of the society of Shakers at New Glcwcpsler, learned the shoemaker's trade i at the age of sixty-five, and is now an excellent workman. Another incident in his life is thus a^uded to He never had ! the privilege of going to school a day in ! his life, ana yet he has stored his mind with a good amount of learning.