KEOWEE COURIER. "?TO T1IINK OWN SELF UK TRUE, AND FT MUST FOLLOW, A8 T11K MOIIT TIIK DAV, THOU CAN'ST NOT TURN BE FAlSE TO ANT MAN," VOL. L PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, JULY 28, 184'X NO. 11 the KIIOWKG COURIER, i'lllntcu and ri'bmthikd wkeki.y dv W. II. TRIMM1ER w. norrtsT7r7 i miot. E. M. KKITH, ] ^,0r8TERTttS. . | One Dollar iind Fifty Conts for one year's subscription when paid within tliree montlis, Two dollars if payment in delayed to the close of the subscription year. All subscriptions not clearly limited, will 1h> considered as made for an indefinite time, and continued till ft discontinuance is ordered and j all arrearages paid. Advcrtitfmcnt? inserted ftt *75 cents per | square for tho first insertion, and 37 1 -2 etn. for i each continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to those advertising by the year. .ear AH Communications should be addressed to the Publisher post paid. For the "Keowkk Courier." PICK ENS DISTRICT?HER PROSPECTS. But I pass on to the capababilities of our District: people at a distance may ask, what can we produce? the answer is at hand: Indian corn, (enough for tho ooiisnmntinn nf n frwirM? r?f !?wcra as wo have: we have enough to propel nil the mnchinery in Massachusetts. Not ft stream that flows large enough, but )uw ample fall to put a wheel in rapid motion. 1 have not space, sufficient to enumerate half our water power, and shall only notice one,' it beingnear our Village^ I alludo to the Fulls nf Lit tin Ttlvflr AWHAfl Kir nur nnlni'nMViii? WT'-'nrf ?f' -"S ~rlfr?- VJ vn?vi|'.ioiiig fcllow-citszcn, Col. Joseph Griaham. The ?vholo river is precipitated 70 or 80 feet over a solid perpendicular rock, and forms of itself, thc^most lovely and picturesque scenery any whero to be Having examined the Merrimack river at I,fmell, Mass.* 1 am prepared to say that fnlly as1 much, vwtcc falls over tick rock,, as b, ! used in propelling atl the machinery in J ! that place: and is it just to suppose that such a water power as this is to pas3 on unheeded and uncmnlovcd? No. assured j ly not; nothing was created in vain. I ' look with certainty to the period, when this torrent will whirl thousand of spindles?manufacturing our produce, such us cotton and wool?the latter article being abundantly supplied from our herds of sheep; to the raising of which our | District is peculiarly adapted; while cot1 ton, as has been said before, thrives well. We will, therefore, have our raw materials at home, and thus save tlio expense of transportation to which our Northern neighbors are subjected. When our district mnnufnr.tnroa. | shall find a home market for our farm productions, corn, wheat, vegetables, fruits, Ac. will be needed by those who labor in the mills. We can ship our fabrics : on our Railroad to the seaboard and from thence to nny part of the world; thus drawing the patronage of the globe.? These are no fancy sketches, but facts, stubborn facts, sustain the announcement. Angusta, GraniteTiHeand Charleston are thus engaged shipping their homespuns to every market, and arc de daring large per cents. We must wake up to otrr advantages, and not lie supinely down without an effort. Let us shake off our lethargy, and as Hercules advised the lazy wagoner, put otrr shoulders to the wheel, and that ultimate- success will crown our efforts, no sane man will! doubt. Travelling not loner since on the I South Carolina Rail Road, 1 was delighted with some valuable information relative to this District. Said Sir. Lithgo to me, (he w the Chief Engineer of the S. C. Rail Road,) 'the Columbia and Anderson Rail Road will not stop at Anderson1 C. H., btrt jftass on through Sickens, cross the Rabun Gap and find a connection with the Tennessee River at some notable point/ This, indeed, would make our District (fie most desirable in the Ql.i. A *- 1-1 otitic, uur conon goous couiu men uc taken to the West or seaboard as our ki' tercst would dictate We lmvc a ftitsre' ol pro^pority f* whtah ire are aeftartcing. Our District offers grand indfucemcnts to emigrants and settlers. Lands arc cheap now? climate fine and healthy. Society improving with the liberal spirit of tho age. Mechanics find employment: anrf all, a ; healthy and quiet climate. How often nave I wished when passing through the lower Districts m the autumn, and saw families down with chills and fever of every type, that they were in our District enjoying that greatest ??rthfy boon? health. Not long ago, I was informed by an influential gentleman in one of the middle Districts, that ha and ha?f a dozen more intended soon to come to our Distaict to make a settlement, and would devote his time to the raising of stock; a business in which he had understood that our part of tho State was eminently ! suited; I assured liini it was, for we have an immense tract of land suited for grazing. Yes, comcto Pickens, those of ' you who are debating tho subject of goI ing to the new lands of the West. Wo have their advantages without their sickness and other privations. To tho traveller and seeker ufter tho grand and beautiful in nature, here opens a panorama of loveliness that cannot fail to insnirp. tlir 1r%vr>r r?f nntnrp. with i'." light. By the pidc of our Village flfotrs the transparent Koowce, m clear and bright, that the smallest pebblo may bo plainly seen at the bottom of 10 feet water. This beautiful river comes in contact with no imparity from its head to iho Village, bat leaps joyfully down each cascade and cataract as it passes through its own bright scenery?here and there shut out by guardian? mountains and ' shadowed over with laurel branches. The Falls of Little River proscnt a romantic appearanco, and well repays the v'wjtor for a ride thither. Next come the snperb Falls on Fall Crock, nine mile* above the Village, well worth a week's trouble to observe. Next conies the magnificent Cataract or Falls known as "White Water," whera the Jocassec, or main branch of the Keowee, precipitates itself down, down, and still down a beaui tiful chasm or linn. These Falls present the most charming scenery of tho kiud in the Southern States; far ahead of the far-famed Toccoa Falls in Georgia; and the time is near at hand when it will be considered bud tasto not to have been to this Niagara of the South. Then comes t tho famed Table Rock, standing erect ami regal among its neighboring heights; no scenery in the United States that I have :c?* ?aii vajuiuo vuia iilii^iliuwilt IIlUUUUllli; the mountains of the Hudson River, the Crow's-nest, St. Anthony's Nose, Catskill, &c., drc., all fail when compared with the Table Rock; description is mockery, unless it were done by an Irving or Sir Walter Scott. A man placed upon the summit of this rock will feel himself a better man, for ho stands, as it were, in the presence of Deity, whose imDress is seen in this stunendows a r work of nature. Then come to Pickens if yon want good lands and good health, where you can rear up your families in safety?where disease will not so early snap the cord of life and compel you to consign to the tomb your loTed wife and "little one;" flee from the malarious Districts to our pure air and water; renew your constitutions and Hvc to a green old age. PRO PATRIA. Pickens C. H.f July 22, 1840. FURTHER ITEMS OF FOREIGN HEWS. The Baltimore Sun's Despatch contains the following additional items: England.- si] in Parliament the removal of the Jewish Disabilities has been rejected in the Upper house by a majority of 25, the Minister mot venturing to call for the proxies. Baron Rothschild having been rejected, ' Una fllcAn^ I*??. ?'?*" m#? uvwpwu inu viuiicnii MUil" dreds and made an appeal to the electors. His success fs considered certain. The House of Commons has affirmed the second rending of the marriage bill to render valid marriigeR with the staters of deceased wives. The affirmation^ wlifeh feeetftlr completed its passage m the House of Commons, hns been rejected-by the Lord's by a large lwrjorifty. laitXNb. The bill providing for the transportation of Smith O'Brien and his associates, has passed the Parliament and received the Queen's signature. It is expected however that the Qncen on her proposed visit to Irelnnd, vriM sigua&c ft by grnrtting n general pardon. Franc#/ Tlie advices from Paris to Tuesday evenimr state tliat the citv was nerfectlv tranquil, nnd business on the Bourse steady, wfthnft fmproved tendencf and a rise in prices. Five per cts. closed at 0Of. 25 centimes. Irt the course of the debate in the Assembly on Foreign Affairs, the Minister declared that thei e. was no danger of war. M. de Tocquevillc said that after having more carefully considered the subject, he had been ttaabfc to discover the slight si trace of that new holy alliance of which honorable members had expressed such jealousy. the course of his sneech de Tofcvu'vill hilkod nf t.hfc frnAir ivess of the Russian Government, an expression 1>hieh t?ns received with shouts of laughter, touring the debate, Genera) Cavaignac made a most important speech. Rome/ The latest intelligence from ftome says that Odinot had so far succeeded that the city was entirely at his mercy, but tu sjwrc it the horrorf of a frightful carriage, ho l..,. ?.-V? i~ it. ?i Iirvo ouulUlltK'U Miliua w iiiu iiiuinvimif, which it is thought Y/ould be accepted. It is said that, the English government oftered a friondly remortelrrtficcr against the bombnrtfment of ttomc, urging upon the French government the necessity of coming to an accommodation. Hittniftv It Ih said that the? Hungarians were , partially defeated by the Austrian on the 21st, and com puffed to retire beyond the Woag, where, from the naturtf of the country, they will be better abfe to repel the iimutfng forces. The Austrian and German journal state that contest* have occurred at several points on the Waag and Home ascribe victory to the HungAryms ntfd others to the Austria us,. | The Gcrnrun Reformer, which has hitherto been favorable to Austria, says that the Austrians have sustained checks, and that the cholera and other mofadics are rosing in their cauip. It also says that the Magyars arc displaying greater enthusiasm than ever, .i.ivi iimt ivus-sum nus oruereu Austrian prisoners numbering several thousand, to work on 1he Deweain railway. Italy. Ancona has at last surrendered to the Austrians, after a terrible bombardment of Venice has been suspended, on account of terms of capitulation having j been proposed bv the beseicred. Cavtukk ot Java. From Vallay the accounts announce the complete victory of the Dutch. The attack commenced on the 13th of April, and after 13 hours hard fighting, nil the ! fortifications were taken and the Nether-, land fla^ hoisted within the walls. The Vallans, it is said, had 6000 killed and wounded. The Dutch lost about 250. It is that the Island will be forthwith annexed tQ the Dutch possessions. Gkhmany and Prussia. The accounts from central Germany and Prussia are of a much more pacific cnaracier man Hitherto. ELECTRICITY AND CHOLERA?SOLUTION OF THE QUESTION. Dr. And rand, of Paris, has communicatee! to tho Academy of Sciences, the following interesting letter upon the con- j nection between the Cholera and Elec- j tricity, which appears to be a decisive so- j lution of the problem: ] Paris, June 10, 1849. "Throughout. the varying course of the } ravages of the cholera in Paris, that ? I to say during the past three months ncar| ly, I have studied the action of the electrioa) machine daily in order to satisfy myself whether there is not a fixed connection between the intensity of that seourgc and the absence of the electric fluid unusually different throughtout the atmosphere. The machine which has been the object of my daily observation is a powerful one?at ordinary time.-t, it throws off, after two or three urns of the wheels, destonating sparks from 2 to 2 1-2 inches m icngtn. l at first observed that from the" commencement of tTic epftfemfc, rt was impossible for me to produce this resuft once/ IXurfag the months of April and May, the' sparks, obtained with great difficulty, never exceeded seven tenths 01' an inch, and their variations agreed very closely w ith the h-reguTarRies of the cholera. This supplied at once a strong ground of belief that I was close upon the important fact t nought to establish; yet I was not quite convinced, since the variable moisture of the atmosphere might have caused the irregtifarftics of the machine: I awaited therefore, with impatience, the coming fine weather and heat, to continue my observations with more cer tainty. Heat and fine weather at fengtfi came, and to my amazement, the machine, though often referred to, fur from denoting its should have beerj the case, ! an increase of electricity, only gave more j sttid more feeble indications of it, to such j a degree, that during the days of the 4th I 6th and &th of June, it was inrpossibfe i to obtain anything more than slight crack! infrs, without sparks, and at length, oiy tfie 7th, the machino remained entirety silent. This new decrease of theclcc trie fluid coincided perfectly, as fs weff known, with the violence of the cholera. For my part, I felt appalled, rather than surprised, my conviction was fixed, and I saw in it btfl the result of a eJearfy estab! lished facf. i It may be imagined with what anxiety, in those criticnl instants. I consulted the | machine, tho sad and truthful witness to a great calamity. At length, on the ! rrtovnfng of tAe 8th, feeblo sparks rc| appeared, then intensity increased from hour to hour, and I porccived with joy that the life giving fluid was returning into the atmospheric void. Towards cven; in? a storm announced to Paris that elec; tncity had re-entered it? domain; in my view, the choJern was vanishing with the : out so that produces it. Tho next day, I Huturday, the Oth, my experiments were \ vvB&SftSed, and ev*ry thing had then re turned to its proper condition; the raa! chine, at the sli^ntest touch, threw out brilliant sparks with ease, and it might almost be said, with delight, as if aware of the good tidings ft was bl inking. I have thought it my duty, Mr. President, to communicate these facts immediately to the Academy. The question now appears to mo entirely solved. Na-* Iwe has infused into the atmosphere a mass of electricitv, contributing to the beTvfee aftd support of life. If| by any cause, this diminish4 ?l, awl sometimes decreased oven to cx httusiiuu, what follows? Every one suffers; those who carry within a sufficient supply of oTcctrieity, withstand it; those ivlui i*nn Trvo nuTu llV IvM'WvU'lHl* uLmlrlni ?i aiv # > v v??y fcrv??viflllg VIWiKVl" t v from the conuuou mass, perish with, the exhaustion of that mass. This is n clear and perfectly rational explanation, not only of tho cholcra, but, perhaps of all other epidemics that at intervals afflict humanity. If tho great fact in question' were recognized and admitted as principle, 1 think it would be easy for medical science, possessing, as it docs, countless ways of producing and restrianing electricity, to prepare for a successful resistonce, upon its re-npnearance. of a nlai?ue which I regard uo present ns at least, arrested m its course, if it has not wholly vanished. Accept, Mr. President the assurance of my respectful regard. Avduand. MR. BANCROFT. A letter from the London correspondent. of the National Intclligencer has the following item: A very amusing correspondent of the Liverpool Albion, who communicates every week a couple of columns of what ho. calfs Metropolitan Gossip, gives an account this week of a grand entertainment, at the house of the Turkish Ambassador, in which he thus introduces the present Minister from tho United States: "On a couch in the middle of the divan, [ on the right hand, were seated the two most remarkable looking men present. after the Pacha himself, namely, Bancroft, the American, and! Brunow, the Unsown Minister. Tbey conversed, together with great seeming cordiality the v.Mef part of the sitting, and in English too; tne Bar on, like all his travelled conntrymen, being a great linguist, though by-tbe-by he ? German born. He is a man of noble stature and commanding port, becoming bis stars and crosses well, lie bears an excellent private character for tfmrkr ami all the domestic amiabilities. An individual stamned more thor ougliTy with the BBipr^sa of ft gentlemun was not. to- he founu either in the ambassadorial circle below or the vast general circle above, than- Mr. Bancroft. In his pfliin and! rather quakerish cut black coat, rifcandTess and starless as he was, without even so- ranch as a diamond shirt stud, he faftcdf not to draw much more of the attention of the observant spectator than any of hfs gKttering fellow professionals around him. Apparently about fort} three or four, toll, well-formed, with ? somewhut scholastic form of face, lie, has all the polish of the coutior, without! any forfeiture of the simplicity of the republicans; arid there Is this to be said of him, which can be said scarccly of any Plantagont amongst us, he stands the ordeal' of a white cravat. Any man who canput a calamity of that sort round his throat without looking like a billiard marker, a tapster, or a country parson, is fit to shwfce hands with my Lord Devon, who not only like D'Israeli, looks upon | tho Normnn3 ns upstarts, but upon Cflnri kwagm as a mushroom." The writer's description of the otlicr iwewbers of t.?c diplomatic corps is very | grapfrrc, but in no case so complimentary iw (his of Mr. Bancroft. Lonq and Shout Auticlkr.?-A lbng newspaper article, like a 'great book,' is a great evil. They are less apt to be read: and if perused at all', a1 great) parb of their effect is necessarily lost, if tl\o be Set Irto* V?Afn\'/i ib rmnlin/1 ftXIIII1I1?? W IVOV V'liu 14 1VMVUVU. Short articles, on the contrary, as they are the most easily read and remembered",, arc most likely to be' Useful Virgil's good old maxim in agriculture, is equally applicable m writing for the public. HAo mire," says he, "large farms, euftfvato small ones." Many subjects cnimot justly be treated with brevity.- BH*C such arc not suitable to the coTumns of a newspaper; they should be discussed in the ' V ' - - l-_ A monthlies or quarterlies, or m noons, jv newspaper article or fwfragraph (they should be nearly synonymous) should be brief, and *o the- point. It fe a great art to say, either verbally or print, just whst one? has t? say, nwf *w more, and to stop when you hate ftnfefwd.?Char/fstown Frtt Prtts. iii:?ess op Mas, u.4ftnironth ^ Cincinnati Commercial c# the 2d itv'ffttti . ?' .?t?. .? j,iiw wurns irnri a reiwDie source tht> wMow of cx-Prealderrt tlarrr.on jg, Jying at h?a residence in tfwlli Uv*sd Ohio very low with chocra, Hie Hon. Jamtw tin&hanau been re* rjne?ted hy the city council of l?a|\caBter. raf to aenver a on logy on tho deceased ex-president Polk, but declines on th# kcote of delicacy, f .