Keowee courier. (Pickens Court House, S.C.) 1849-current, June 30, 1849, Image 1

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KEOWEE COURIER. || % ,'li ' * " TO THINE OWN ISELF BE TRUE, AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS THE NIOHT THE DAT, TnOU CAN*flT NOT THEN BE FALSE TO ANY MAN." | VOL. L v PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1849, NO. 7. THE KKOWEK COURIER, PRINTED AND PUnUSHF-D WZEXLY UX W. II. TRIMMIER. J. W. N0RRI8, JE., ) ? ... E. M. KEITH, \ Ediu>r9 TRRm One Dollar and Fiflv Cents for ono vonr'n milxicription -when paid within three months, Two dollars if paynu-nt. U delayed to the close of the subscription j oar. All subscription 1 not clearlv limited, will be considered as mado for an Indefinite time, and continued till a discontinuance ia ordered and all arrearages paid. Actvertitnncn(a inserted at 1G cents por aqtiare for tho first insertion, and 37 1-2 eta. for each continued insertion. Liberal deductions mado to tho"WJ advertising by the year. ZW All Com m un icationa should be address ed to the Publisher poet paid. THE'CAMEL'." IWe make the following cliract from the National Intelligencer, written by "a traveller in Syria aod "Arabia," upon the utility of tho Camel, and ita adaptation to American nervicc: We arc indebted to an esteemed friend /I ? * ' 1 " ior me suDjomeu paper upon the Camel, from the pen "of a gentleman who has had much experience of the habits and character of the animal, and wishes to see it imported into America for its serviceable qualities. , It is a fact, well known to Eastern travellers, and especially to to those who nave visited the mountainous regions of Syria, 'Palestine, and (ho Peninsula of Sinai, that the oamel is as serviceable on rough mountain paths as in the moving sand of the desert. On this account the modern Arab never troubled himself with .. i ?1.:?~ tj? ...:H ? t. iu<iu iii?niii^,. tic mil nut uven remove H stone from the middle of tho path whu". leads to his usual watering place. The dry bed of u torrent is his hijjh road across the mountains, and foot prints are his guides through the plains. The tough soles of the camels feet are af? fected neither by the burning sand nor by the loose sharp edged stones strewed over that volcanic mountain range which extends fitn. tho Taurus to the Indinn Ocean. The long legged, sure footed animal makes his way through the heavy mud, crosses the rapid torrents, steps over the huge stones and other impediment* which he often encounters, and this with a loa I upon bis back, nr<J ?omc? times, perhaps, the additional weight of the lazy driver, while the mule would be utiablo to travel over the same ground, though without any load whatever. The camel is not exclusively mad<; use of by the peaceable traveller and merchant. Both tho privileged and unprivileged robbers of Arabia and Africa prefer them to the horses of Nedjdce or Dongolc. The dromedary,* or running camel, (in Arabic "bahree," or "bakeen,") is not a particular spccies. Any young camel may bo trained for racing and for war, although tho mountain breeds are best adapted for these purposes. The cornel dunks only every second day; but it may be deprived of water for three dayH together, without any effect upon its healtn and vigor. It will perform an eight days' journey with no othor food than three pounds of oil-cake and a few handsful of grain, he dromedary carrel sixty pounds' weight, in addition to its rider; and it will outstrip the fleetest! horse in a day's march, The "cavoss" of the Egyptian Government travel or. dromedaries from Cairo to Suez, a distance of ninety-three miles, in eight hours. It takes brv half a minuto to secure tho eamel in its sitting posture by the bridle' string, so that it can neither rise nor ??nt.U roleaseit Camels would. Uivi v/ ' * < therefore, p-ff^rd as "rot^ctj^ J to mounted riflemen against t?o attacks of cavalry ?.s chevaux-de-frise. The common day's journey of caravans in Syria and Arabia is from twentyfive to twenty-neven English miles, and the load of each carats) lit uutWcSii four. and five hundred weight. The Indian mail it conveyed from Sues to Cairo on camels in eighteen hours. An Egyptian camcl, amongp.t the tallest and ?tror?ge#t Kvi*?k/1o \tr.W fl'irnf ft fillAvf. dlof ?n V VUs',. Will V???* J) iV? W """? ? U?WViU?UV si* hundred io one thousand yards?-from ten to twelve cWt. The camel is also very successfully employed for draught by the eip^ncer department of Aden. It is far superior ! io the *Iow and greedy ox, (an anirrial s which notie but a persevering Dutchman ever forces to a trot. The camel draws ! as flfekch as two oxen; it, It walks twief* aa fast, and it certaiuly do^not cat more than one ox. It may be^feroften hi when three years old; and will be useful And active io the age of fifteen or twsnty.--* Tlwbest food on journeys is oil-cake, nnil i-Arm vy,p/V, - w<w^f . Tl<c camel ia ccrtainly mort useful' than ejth?r the lama, mule, horse, or or, | as w?11 on account of i* s superior strength,' frugality, endurance, and willingness, as m of its adaplibility to every climate and every soil, On the journey from Damascus to the coast, in the month of March, or from Koniah to Smyrna, tho di traveller often passes in a day from the Si snows of the mountain to tho burning b< sand of the desert?a ohange which has la no effect upon his hardy beast. j th Amongst the Mohammedans camel's ; flesh is an artiolo of food. When young ; it is not efts?ly distinguished from beef, i m Camel's milk is the chief food of the ! wandering Arab: and the hide of the an- i imal is considered superior to every other I *' for sanrtrtls ' na "7 I g. I have thus enumerated some of the j advantages which would render the in- ^ traduction of the camel into America an i ^ inestimable beneCt. The is no reason why the camel should not be as sewrice- sjr nble to man on the prairies of Texas and ji(j the mountain regions of Mexico, New ^ Mexico, and California, as in the corres- c(^ ponding tracts of the Old World?the ^ line of country from Orenburg to Mogadore, and frcm Mogadore to Pekin. It would be acclimated as soon and as j3 j easily as the rrauis asinus, no species of j which existed here until the Spaniards , imnAvtftfl ?%*%A ? xT' ^ ,vv? ?iv uvisu oiiu t?s, uiiu me n uw | World already possess an nnimnl of a cor- | Pr responding species to the camel?the Pa i?m?. ? S Camels are often tormented by sore humps and the mange, which, from the re{ innate carelessness of the Arab, are often j8 , neglected until they put an end to the 13 animaVs*usefulnes8. There are also other tjj, defects, which th? rlpnlf>r? nrr> m ou3 in concealing as any dealer in horse- ^hi flesh in the Old or New World. In pur- ^ ehasjing, therefore, it i.? necessary to be a acquainted, not only with the nnture and (j0 habits of the animals, but also with the C01 "language and character of the dealers, y^ and with the laws which regulate cattle- wj] dealing?laws wliich are the same wher- mc i J-'-- - viv/i mvi aiauiu i? bj.iub.uu hiia me rvorun revered. I have seen camels of burden , sold for $3 and for 860, and running ~ camels for $20 and for $200. The cheapest and th^ best aro to be procured in those placcs where there is least foreign >w trade; for example, Mogadore, in the fS Khalifat of Morocco. j ? fy" T m "7 n i Tr?nnr?nc?^\*? TA * ? " ' v. *ai*iVin AHV -"V V15."" Queer things happen in this world. A del few ycino uuo a younsr man On the Hanks ti of the Southern Mississippi eloped with fia tbe daughter of an old planter, as the fa- bul ther would not consent to the marriage, ive Time rolled on; the daughter died, and the father and widowed husband met on , the bloody but victorious field of Buena , J Vista. On that terrible dav. amid scenes . of carnage and valor, the {gallant young ^ sustained well and nobly the gallan- ' try of his countiymen, and the old hero, rcc extending to him his hand for the first time since the marriage of his daughter, hnj said, "Sir, my daughter was a better judge of character than I am. Here is hlv my hand," 1 j i tfill i nu jrwra iiuvu jtussuu nway. .ft. . . President is to inaugurate. The son-in- u' law, now a member of the United States ? Senate, is appointed chairman of a com- *. mitlec to wait upon the President and in- ,1 form him of his election. Then again the nj{5 father and son-in-law met. That was a proud meeting for Jefferson Dans. It i . ' ?t.s his hour ot victory. We would rath-1 s'11 or have bcon Davis than Taylor. The | w? sweet whisperings of the spirit voice of1 c'1' the 'departed one' must have been with him there.?Mis&isaippian, ?. but A 8 The Sheriff of Cleaveland county, N. col 0., a short time emuS, >yhi!e byntij:^ ?.n .t.: J _ ' wiu uepieuuiors on iuu property i?nu per* son of Mr. Norton, was himself arrested in the lower part of this county as one of them ; he refusing, it. was said to tell , his name or business. He was carried before a Magistrate, but recognized by a P* citizen of Lincoln, and discharged. We understand a writ for (1,000 damages rtr baa been issued against the arresting par- f ,u ty.?-Lincoln Courier. Pn coi *' /. "*! ckfftl Trimmjko Fruit Tukm.?The last of May ant! first of June w a favorable tim) , to lop off, smoothly, the small sprouts f?' whicn usually, at this period, are noticeable on the trunks, and noar the roots of fruit, trees. When this n<rrosaary opera* tionw performed at tho time here indica- 0 . ted, the wounds soon heal over, unless the Pri limbs are largo. When grafts have been 001 inserted, the foliage should be carefully "V cut away in order that the warmth of the j sun mav oenetrate to then? and impart . vigor to tJw> young shoota. In trimming t!M ft-utt troflH of all kicle, ca/e sho\ild be ?r had to amputate at clowk to the trunk , aa possible. Vfo long1 Btumpa should be J* ETIIODIST KWSCOPAI. C CII, | SOUTKI. Previous to the division of the Methost Episcopal Church in the United tates, by which the North and the South :came separated, that church was the rgest in this country, nuinbering more an a miPio" ">f members. But the unippy. contentions about slavery made 'o of it, which, of course, so reduced the ombership as to prevent either half from peating their frequent boast of being e larmt Hnnnmtnn<in? in ilm tt? I _ , D ?i< vuu * ' inuil. ie Northern division is the largest, but, that part could not fellowship the mth enough to live with them as broth 3, It goes hard now to Include them in eir church statistics in order to outnumr the other sects. But while the Drth has decreased for several years ice the division took place, the South s steady gfiined in numbers. We irn f om vne Southern Christian Advote, t tat there arc now in the South nineEm i^nnual Confnroncoci. ?v>?, I mthern States and tho Indian Territory, le general superintendence of the whole in tlie hands of four Bishops; the regur pastoral and missionary work is enistod to the care of 1470 travelling eachers, being an increase during the. st year of 73. The total number of 1 pcrannuated preachers is 108 ; and of uil preachers 8020, a decrease of 110, ; ygh some of the Conferences give no j urns. The total number of members ' 401,780, viz : whites 354,258, colored 4,153, Indians 8,375, exhibiting upon 3 returns of last year the largo increase 20,233. The missionary c?3leotions of j past year are reported from sixteen of 5 nineteen Conferences, a-'d amount to little upwards of $65,000. Putting 1 wn the Conferences not reported acding to the returns of the previous ir, the aggregate missionary revcnxie 11 stand at about ?07.000. im inmmvn. mt of more than $4000 upon last year's erations. the immenso property vested in the ok concern, &c., claimed in part by the uth, and in whole by the North, still aains without a settlement, fiutwheththe South should finally obtain what !y consider their just portion of that jperiy or not, they will move on strong : for although thev have embarrassnts f'-otn slavery, infty are a body of crmined, efficient men. And whether 1 i North extend to them the hand of ternal friendship, or not, it will make 1 t little difference to them.?Boston 01- ' Brauch, 1 < Bdrnino of Washington.?The Lon1 TinrtOa rv'itfAo ? wito IUUUG1II uuu picauuw r version of the burning of Washington the year 1814) in connexion t/.th the ent violences in Canada i "Under ordinary circumstances, it is ( possible to guard afiainst a surprise, i 5 remember another House of Assem- , ' in North America, situated fifty rtriles j \hd/ in the heart of twenty States and i millions of men. One fine day a hand- ( of men, about as large as the Montreal k i? i?j-J * ->,;u up u uav. muucu, mnrcuca , ough some woods, jought a smart ac- j i, walked up to a city, passed a quiet lit, and the next day burnt or blew up , the buildings of the capital; matched . 5k ns merrily as they CAuie, got to their , ps, and sailed further m here they fared j rse. It was all a mere piecc of mis- , ef, unworthy the name of war, doing ( ,hing but to exasperate the people ana | Inn thn hlWlrtVl nnrJ nrnnintv nntliitiM I that it was Impossible for us to hol<l | ingle inland position in the eu6i'riyf5 | y intry for more than twenty-four hours," , HX "Mm j PRtCTICE OF THE EARLIER PRESIDENTS. Hie Washington correspondent (Ion) the Baltimore Sun furnishes us the fo! ving rich paragi aph in referes * to the ict conformity of the AdmwmtrJjtitn; +o ) example of the earlier Presidents in sserviiig the etnetest neutrality in the iduot of our foreign affairs:?Carolini"So resolute is General Taylor iflkbis termination to keop the United Spfes 1 imelowi of partiality or interference in y coming strife of pow^ra and people in nopo, that he has directed copiva qC Washington's Farewell Address to he nted and sent to e*cry diplomatic and isukr representative of this govern:nt in Europe and in all other portions the world?a precaution which cannot too mnch conameudfid, if we consider it many of item?ever read that pager, in fact muck of any thing else. The rewell Addfljsa has been made a part the instruction* of evny representative the country abroad." ' 11 1 "Don't pull >>/f the Suckers.?It is not an unfrequent practice with farmers, at the second com hoeing, to pull off the scions or sprouts, commonly called suckers, which spring up at the root of the main stalk. "The argumont is, their presence and growth abstract so much from the vigor and size of the main stalk. This is a great mistake. The main stalk is not in J ... V. v*M4i?uoaivU^ UUV OUpJJUI vcu uy 11. Besides this sucker is indispensable to a full crop of corn. "The Zea Maya (or Indian corn) is a diocian plant; that is, in its inflorescence, the staminato and pistilate blossoms are on'diffcrent parts of the same plant. The silk is the pistilate blossoms, and .has one thread attached to each kernel. The tassel is the staminate blossom; containing tho pollen. As the silk and^tftssel make their appearance at,the#samc time, the pollen, being a fine dust, is broughj by | the agency of the wind in? contact with thfi sifif- and (lift ffnnnfiitinn nf til" ?, Wi V1?\. agiuci produced. In every instance In which any individual thread of the silk fails of contact with the pollen, a vacancy on the cob occurs. "The tassel withers and the pollen disappears long before the cob attiuns iti full growth. Hence the silk at the end of the cob fails to receivc its supply of pollen, and the consequence is a barren cob end. To meet this deficiency of pollen, the suckor, which is on a tassel-bearing plant, comes forward in exact time, and supplies the pollen needful to the fil ling out of the end of the cob with grain. Undoubtedly this arrangement adds much to the corn, and teaches us that the Creator's provisions are exactly right. Therefore you are cautioned, don't pull off the suckers." THE CHOLERA. The following artirln Rrmpnrofl in National Intelligencer of tfie 16th inst. CUftE AND PREVENTION OF CIIOLEUA. SpMucTcamphor, }eac'1' 2ounc<aTinoture Cayenne Pepper, 2 drachms. Tincture Ginger, 1 ounce. | Essence Peppermint, 2 ounces, i Hoffman's Anodyne, 2 ounces. Mi* all together. Dose, a table spoon full (in a little water) for an adult. This prescription is carricd on nearly ill the boats on the Western Waters, and will check diarhcea in ten minutes, and abate the other nremonitow svmntnm? of _ 4 J -J ?v* :holera immediately. I have tried it in my own person, and have given the re;ipe to over one hundred persons. Taos. 8. Bryant, Paymaster United States Army. "San Francisco, April 9th, 1849. "There is indeed gold and 'much gold' in California, but it requires great sacrifice of the usual, I will not say comfort, but necessaries of life to obtain it. During the winter, very little can be done l? ,i: : iJ 17 UJf UlVUlllg I/IUIII IMC IIlUIllll OI July till October, the miners are exposed to the bilious remittent fever?a disease which nearly cost me my life last sumncr. I have not aa yet recovered from t3 effects. At present, a person working at the nines muy make from $12 to $70 per day ?but, occasionally, ? man may find a , rich spot and make aa much as $600 or i BQ00 per day for a short time. A spot I that docs not yield $16 per day is not' ionsidered trood. It Li imntrasihffl to snv I how long this will last. The expenses lcross the Isthmus arc exorbitant?much ietention is experienced. Perhaps it wrou'd be as weii for you to take a p?slage on board a vessel! around the Cape. Should you decide on comming, it would be well to come alone. This country in its prcsattt condition is no place f6r a family. You could not get a house for thorn. Many families are obliged to live in tents. A. r/Crvant J* not to be had at any price. My wife is constrained to do her own Imnan Wrtrlr unrl r.nftUinir. We nav f.'200 per month for a very inferior houi*. If you come, I would advise you to take with you as little baggage nr. possible, (especially if you come through tho Isthmus) ana nothing fur J.hc purpose of sofcculating; do not buy even A gold mtidifte?plenty here, better than those from tho States. Once here, you would Boon find something to do. I expect to leave thus place in five or sis months for Charleston. The market here will soon ' ie glutted, and heavy losses will be experienced by those who have bought freely. Those who will hereafter arrive here with goods will certainly be. disappointed. Mon?r thhina ira almflrtu ft* Law httrfl lil in Ne^Yprk?"*"""" IMHU? 11. No vooym U oapabk of being beauts ful who ia not movable of being false. I A Convaloscing "Son."?The Picayune is responsable for the following anccdote: ' Gougk'd.?We are indebted to a friend I from the country for the following little anecdote, showing how one of the "Sons" recently got gouglid, which, being interpreted, meaneth getting "high," "tight," "flldHlcd " Tt cflflmo Ai.i. ?_ - ~ uv^uino vaav vui n;ui|JUl UUUC man had a "shako" with the cholera, but fortunately recovered. When he was getting convalescent, as the doctors say, his physician prescribed a little brandy? an ounce ppr day?nnd the patient at once sent out and procured a quantity of the "article." On the following afternoon the physician paid a visit to the cholera man, and, to his astonishment, ftiund him in a most excellent flow of spirits?or, in other words, quite yougtiiU On inquiring into this singular statc^oT things, the medicine man cxcl iimed : "Did I not prescribe an ounce only of brandy ncr dav?" "Yos. sir," replied the cliolem man ; "but then you must know, doctor, I had no scalcs to weigh it in, and remembering that eight arams make an ounce, I had no scruples in measuring it out in that way. Yesterday I took eight good 'horns,' and, have already had three this morning, and feel much the better from it. You're n first rate cholera doctor, you are !" The doctor then went to his next patient. Search for Sir John' ? "Our readers have heard much about a certain expedition now fitting out by the express command of General Taylor, to go through the arctic regions in surch of a British officer?Sir John Franklin. This expedition has been universally commended by the Whig and Democratic presses; but there is quite as much reason to censure it, as for disapproving that under Lieut. Lynch. Some Whig papers have even blamed President Polk for not sending out to look for the lost cxpe ditionof Sir John Franklin some time ag<\ whon the appeal was not made by Lady Franldin until after Mr. Polks term had expired." The above is from the Richmond Enquirer, and we copy it merely for the purpose of correcting our contemporary. The Georgia Constitutionalist, Democratic and '.he New Orleans Bulletin, Admin stnrtion, together With the South Carolinian, have all dcclaicd that the Adminhave no authority under the Constitution for fioinjT out this expedition. We would he glad if the press.genera/ly, would pay some attention to the matter, as there doso not exist, in our opinion, any grant in the Constitution that can be construed as giving the least shadow of authoiity for this act of nationul benevolence. Unconstitutional usurpations of power by the Executive Branch cf the Government should be handled without gioves. SOURCE OF ELECTRICITY. The earth is the great reservoir of electricity, from which the atmosphere and clouds receive their portion of this fluid. It is during the process of evaporation that it is principally excited, and silently conveyed to the regions ohovc ; and also during the condensation of this same vapor the grand and terrific phenomena of thunder and lightning are made manifest to our senses. In order to form a correct estimate of the immense poWer of this agent in the production of electricity, we must, bring to our view the quantity of water evaporated from the surface of th? : ml also the amount of electricity that may be developed from a single grain of this liquid. According to the calculations of Cavallo, about five thousand two hundred and eight millions tons of water are probably evaporated from the Mediterranean Sea, in a single summer's day. To obtain some idea of the vast volume of vrr.ter thus daily taken up by the thirsty heavens, lot us compare it with something rendered fnore apparent than this invisible process, President Dwijjhtand Professor Darby, have both estimated iiiu uuKUUty ui wawi ui ut;i|Jiuucu gvur the Falls of Niagara at more than clever* millions tons per hour. Yet all the water passing over the cataract in twontv days would amount only to that ascending from the Mediterranean in one day. More recent estimates make the mean evaporation from the whole earth as equal; to a column of thirty-five inchos from, every inch of its surface in a year, whicK gives ninety-four thousand four hundred and fifty cubic miles, as the quantity eoninually circulating through the atmosphere. "What's that dog barking at?" asked a fop, whose boots were more poUihed than his id<Ai?3. "Why/1 *epU?d. a bystander, "be. oauae h^ ftecs another puppy in your boots."