" TO THINE OWN SELF DE TKUE, AND II MUST FOLLOW, A8 THE NIOflT THE DAY, THOU CAN'ST NOT TIIKN BE FALSE TO ANV MAN." VOL. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1849. NO. C. THE i rnmnlnln ~L?,r # JKEOWEE COURIER, ' PRINTED AND PUBLISHED WEEKLY BY W. H. TIUMMIER. \ e.M: . * wn twu^> m. |( One Dollar luid Fifty Cents for one year's i } subscription when paid within tlsree months, I Two dollars if payment la delayed to the close of the subscription year. ' All subscriptions not clearly limited, will bo i considered as made for im indefinite time, and c continued till a discontinuance is ordered and A all arrearages paid. t Advcrlitcmen($ inserted at f5 cents per ' square for tlie first itiHPff 5r>n anri ?i ' ? * ? , ??- w?*v* v i yw. lur * each continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to thoso advertising by the year. t All Communications should bo addressed to tho Publisher post paid. POETRY. ~ f For the "Kkowkf. Courier. 1 REST THEE. ] Rc?tthcc, oh! rest tlioo, tho wild hope is past) I J The billows r?.ll cnlin o'er thy grave; J Thy arms cling no more to tho storm shatter'd most, Thy heart's dearest thrill, on tho wings of the ! ' blast 1 1 Ic carried far o'er the wave. | Oh, real thco, dear lo9t one to country and homo, No night windH shall trouble thy Bleep; No longer thy bark braves the dash of the foam; SK* rs away, on tlio wild cliff nlono Vox?far o'er the calin swelling deep. Thy home is too far 'ncath tho white crescent wave, To echo tho storm-spirit's cry; Tho surge, looming madly, tho dark steep may brave, Tho Oaprey's dark wing coldly dash o'er thy grave, -Nor waken the death?dreaming eye. f Oh! where b the gladness, dear sailor-boy, 1 where? That oft from tho star lighted dock, Play'd sweetly, a far, through the deep sound- ( ing air, Nor thought of tho ruin that darkly roam'd there, To bfOcd over hope's driving wreck. "TwlV ne'er on thv watcti Vu> * ? J ..un-u^cnl wjfl When the red arm of battle ia still; f No more shrill the wildness of ocean employ, 1 The night breathing fancy, or day-dream of joy, J O'er the swell of her white misty hill. t Rest the a compact ror the common good of all. Ilcnce it is 1 :lear that in a government like ours, n i secession by one or more of the parties to ( he original compact, does not necessarily t work a change in its character, or the ? iharacter of the acceding States, doijs not i imount to revolution?will not produce i convulsion 'and disorder, unless indeed, \ night be substituted for right. Such t substitution would doubtless work a | ? ihnnt/o ?1 v..*, vuium uuu responsiomty ot ! ,vhich however, w^uld rest upon the ( (boulders of those resorting to it?not <; ipen ours for the act of secession. I But, sir, let us admit for a moment that t ;uch change will be effected by secession, t >n the part of the South, and I still con- I end we have full and ample justification { or the deed. Justification full and am- t Die, not in "light and transient causes," 1 )ut*in "a long train of abuses and usur- & nations, pursuing invariably the same ob- t ect," and evincing "a design to reduce j 1 is under an absolute despotism," which 1 lave for the last thirty-five yc?io been t jcrpctratcd upon the South, in utter dis- ; r egard of all remonstrances against their ! t niustice and unr.nn?H*nfi?w??i!*? ' 1 -- ..vMVAviiui'by un uui I )art. To prove this, let facts be submit- s 'ed to a candid world. 1 We haveneen taxed for the last r hirty-five years at the average rate of t orty per cent per annum, to foster and \ juild up Northern interests and Instltu- t ions?having paid, directly and indirect- r. y, during 1 his period, not less tb^r. $1,? t )00,000,000 unjustly for this purpose. 1 JC3T By the so called Missouri Com- t 3romi.se, we have been cheated of our I jght to emigrate to any territory, the ?. ;ommon property of the whole Union, i \orth of 30, 30. ? Our slaves havo been forcibly i .cized and taken from us, while passing t ,h rough or sojourning in the Northern 1 ? U-. ii-- * - juuua ily i iiu citizens inercot, in clear 1 iolation of tho spirit of the common i sompoct, and that comity which should ] iver exist, between sovereign, confedcr- i tted and friendly States. t jfjiT Our right of property is no long- t ;r acknowledged, and one of its highest t lafeguards has been virtually abrogated, J >y tho passage by Northern Legislatures, ) >f acts forbidding the surrender, and tho r "ofusal of t hnir r.ili*?no if\ . w uuiitoi u|; iu* l (itivos from labor una service" in express i md positive violation, of the 2d section r tnd 4th Article of the Constitution of the < Jnited States. I The freedom of the press has f here degenerated into the licentiousness c >f abuse and fasehood, whereby, and in i he person of our Representative in Congress, we are daily and hourly insulted in ; -lie most shameful manner. Our citizens whilst claiming their property under the Constitution, have | been insulted and stoned by mobs of their , litizen?, clergymen, professors and free , negroes; and the blood of .-one, inhumanly butchered, (Mr. Kennedy, of Mary- , land,) like "a brother's blood crictk to us , from the ground." JfcfT Our slaves have been kidnapped , lind stolen by gangs, in sight of the walls , r>f the Capitol itself, and the felon3 have J found sympathisers and apologists, if not | ibcltors for the deed, in the persons of j, Representatives from the North. j, trxv Tim ?!?M !? ? -? ?J * 0v.-xs ' nv, ijfjim j.t uuw caumeu lo ex- | ^ jludc u$#om all territory acquired by !, the bIo6a and treasure of tne South j :hicjly, though a portion of it lies South . af the Missouri Compvomi<*& line, a: d is the property of the ooutii aa/well as ihe North. * I JC3F The right is now claimed and its sx^rcise has already been attempted, to vbolish the institution of slavery in tiie ' :listrict of Columbia, and in nil other 1 ?1 * * ? ^ " * [Hiices oner wnicn uongress claims and 1 to exercise exclusive jurisdiction. 1 JtL?~ In fine, the great objects set forth in the preamble of the Constitution, "of establishing justice, ensuring domestic tranquility. promoting the general welfare, and securing the blessings of liberty to ourselves and posterity," have ceased to -< 1 ? ww ...v. >uuw3 ?i uui conicaeracy.^fiisy The foregoing Mr. Editor, presents a brief outKne of the many grievances.? j Brief though they be, they are enough in all conscience to justify the South in < rtny measure of resistance, she may i choose to adopt to relieve and save her- 1 self. Our forefathers restated a trifling i tax on te* and paper, not because the . rtflvmArit. wa?M *--??? L ' ...y TFVUIU I Mill lUCll JOrLlIIl&Xf OIU because the Kxibmission to the principle would make them slaves. Are we less MnsiMo to wrong??re we less tenacious of principle and right, thart they were? < Shall we submit, when submission will not only make us atrvres, but nun our fortunes Tf ?.k? ? tun DJ/1I1& V* HI? OOUljl | is not utterly crushed and broken down by a long and systematic courso of in- ' V * usticc and oppression, sho will resist, nul that too if need be, to the death. But, I am free to confess, that if this Union could be restored to its oinginal 'ruth and purity, and kept so, I would be >no of the last to disturb its quiet. Not hat I believe it has ever conferred one tingle solitary blessing upon the South, vhich the South would not have enjoyed n an equal degree without it, but because ,vlien in the exercise of its .legitimate Amotions it docs us no harm, and because jovcrnments well established should not jc changed "for light and transient iauses. Tint. if 1rno*/?f the South and the entire accomplishnent of its hellish designs. A conipronise would but postpone the evil day? t -would he but the calm which precedes ' he tempest, which we must sooner or \ ater meet, or disgracefully succumb be- i ore. Let us then meet the danger j vhile we are strong, physically, morally, pecuniarily?meet it in the only effectual vay and at once, by severing the Gorlian knot which binds us by presenting he only alternative?separation, or resisance to? tyranny much the worse, as fiiflcrn HKawao * r v?v*^v v?iv??t/o icii5 uSj UCC(IUS6 It IS 77i(L1l1/ leaded." The cases of Jamaica. Hayti, ; ind Gaudaloupe, furnish but miniature ixamples of what wo will yet be, if we .ontinue to parley with the fanatics, fools ind knaves, whose tender mercies we arc iven now experiencing. It is dishonorable, it is cowardly, it is slavish indeed, to ihrink from ond thmi/i th? ? *>r% vwiwvr? t// / \ 'overing the inheritance of our fathers, ipon our children. L. From the N~. Orleans Picayune. LATER FROM TEXAS. By the arrival here this morning of the steam ship Fanny, Capt. Scott, from Larnca the 20th, and Galveston the 30th nit., we have the Corpus Christi Star to the 26th, and the Galveston Civilian and Gazette of tho 30th ult. A gentleman who arrived at Corpus , Dhristi direct from San Antonio nn fliA i 24 th ult., reports that the cholera was i raging among the troops encamped noar that place, the deaths averaging thirty : i day. lie also states that all the troops | were on furlough, meaning, wc suppose, that they had received permission to scatter themselves about the country. The disease was also prevailing to an darming extent among the citizens. Wc tako the following in relation to Indian outrages from the Corpus Chriati 3tar of the 20th ult.: The I n'dx aks.?Sine* onr last we have heard of no fresh depredations hy the Indians in this section. The horses stolen from Sari Pntrlni<"? < .1 - 1 ' .....wi i?j iinvt; necn taken by a band of white thieves, mixed with Mexicans and negtbcs. They were pursued by?. party of citii ns who kept them in view for ton miles, but being badly mounted wero unable to overtake them. | A gentleman iu this town has received n letter from a Mexican friend of his at Laredo, wnioh gives an account of a rencontre with the Indians near that pHce. j He says that a party of fifteen Caman- ' ches onived at the Ranoho Capita ^eno and carried off a gir! about twelve years old. Her father and relations immcdiiitely oalled together the inhabitants of the other ranchos and pursued them, but being badly mounted tneir force gradually diminished until they were only oight men left, who, being mends of the unfortunate captive and excited by a feeling of anger against those atrocious Caribs, resol ved to purette and punish them &e vmly. On the 7 th inat. they overtook at a place called Mngueyitos, (near the old Rancho de Dolores, in the Laredo district,) and after a fight of more than an hour succeeded 111 rescuing the captive girl. The Indians had three killed and the Mexicans three wounded; the former losing all their plunder and horses. Sinco that day the Indians have relumed in force, and now range the line with perfect freedom, robbing the ranchos and destroying every thing they can lay their hands on. Anotiieii Outraoe.-A Mexican named Resendes arrived yesterday from Matamoras, in company with four families who intend settling here. On Wednesday evening they encamped this side of the Arroyo Colorado, and while the men were out getting their cattle together, a party of Indians attacked the camp and carried off four women?two of them married?and a female child two years old. They took an old woman, whipped her nearly to death, and let her go.? When the men returned the Indians had been gone some time, and they saw no more of them or their unfortunate captives. The same man leportcd that the old and extensive Rancho do Rosalia, above the town of Santa Rita, on the Rio Grande, had been entirely broken up, and nnd the inhabitants were making their way to Corpus Christi. The whole Rio Grande country, with the exception of the large towns, is said to be completely de. 1 .1 T noin;u, aim uie Indians roam at will, killing man and beast wherever they meet them. The inhabitants were casting longing eyes to ths Government for relief, and we hope it may arrive before it is too late; And Still Another.?Yesterday two Mexicans, belonging to Col. McKinney's Itancho del Oso, were shot on the West bank of the Nueces, just above San Patricio, and one of them, it is thought, mortally wounded. The persons who shot them are said to be whites, nnd doubtless belong to the same gang who stole the horses at San Patricio. Mr. McGraw, who arrived from Laredo on Tuesday last, reports that he saw an Indian camp at Paso Ancho, about thirty-two miles from here. From the appearance about, he judged that a large party had recently camped. Mr. McGraw encountered two Indians on the other side of the Rio Grande, about forty miles from Gnnnv>m TKnw him nt once, but being armed with a double-barrel gun ho succeeded in beating them off, wounding one. He was not hurt, though the arrows fell around hirn thick as hail. Some distance farther on he saw'a party of ten or twelve Indians, about a mile and half off the road, but they did not attack him. By a note received from Mr J. R. Holbein, post master at Saluria, we learn that on the 8th instant, a tornado blew with rrronf C1..1 * - x.?%v ?iuiviiuo iii iii13 VIUHlliy UI OitlUI Iil and Deckro's Point, which levelled Severn 1 houses to the ground, unroofed several others, and threw several of the strongest built houses from their blocks. No lives were lost, but a person named Brown broke his collar bono by jumping out of the second story window of Deck ro's warehouse. [i?Yo?i the Baltimore &un.] NEWS FROM CALIFORNIA. The U. S. ship Lexington, which left San Francisco 27th Inst Novomber, arrived, (as we stated yesterday in a telegraphic dispatch) at New York, on Sun uthy iiiuiuiii^. The L. has been absent about 35 months. She started from Son Francisco on the 25th of November, from Valparaiso on the 1st March, and passed the U. 8. shin Independence going into that port. On the 22d of April she sailed from Ilio de Janeiro. one nas brought on treight from California, twelve hundred and eighteen pounds of grain fjold, having landed at Valparaiso four hundred and fifty-eight pounds? making a total of 1,676 pounds, troy weight. One of her Bailors who shipped at San Francisco for the voyage, brings With him $0,000 in gold dust, which he accumulated by a few months' digging. Another, we understand, had 36 lbs. i /noavWftT nnn \ .QV%a ftloA ^ J " ^ yiwvi VI )VV\/> ^ MIIV 1HU-1 ?|"\/ Ull IJUHIU a number of curiously wrought guns, capturcd from the Mexicans; sixteen composed of braas, *md seven of iron?calibre, oighteen and uine pounders. I 8he experienced delightful weather i during her pasaago. The accounts from j the gold diggings aro of the mast f.cisfactory tnd cheering character?in fact, exaggeration is out of the question. jn any part m a tract ot country to the extent*of five or ?ix hundred miles, the precious metal is found, and is card, ed about by the fortunatu diggers in baga, and this is the cane with all, from the highest lady down to the humblest wasbcr woman, When they make purchases in the stores, they give in exchange tins uncoined gold, which is weighed in proportions according to the vf luo of Jie articles purchased. In San Francisco every article of food and clothing is enormously dear. Bologna sausages, for instance, are $2 12 1-2 a pound ; but at the digginngs the profits ore considerably upwoi as of 200 per cent.?There has been considerable suffering in conscquenoe of a want of shells.. ?i ? ? - ? I mji tmu unj?r lnoispensaDie conveniences of life ; but this has been obviated to some, extent by the arrival of frame houses and tents. At tlie diggings the only shelter at first was the trees, which were totally indequate to afford protect"nn against the distreasirg effects of the climate. It is said that there are but three months out of the 12 in which the diggers can prosecute their labors; but by industry and I perseverance, a rich harvest may be gathered in that time. This arrival, with so largo an amount ] of gold, will bo the subject of important speculations among the Wall street gentry, and will so absorb the public attention as to leave little time for calculating the fatal effects of the prevailing epidemic. THE INDIANS. In the Brownsville Flag of the 24th ult., we find the following feeling and i truly melancholy details of Indian rava; crp-c The accounts that reach us state that the Indians have bwe.pt, tempest-like, towards their own homes. They bear with them many captives, and thousands of horses and nudes, ladened with plunder. They have left a broad track of desolation ; what were once populous villages are now deserted, or are the scats of mourning. This army when last heard from whas moving along without oppo.-ition, gathering prisoners find taking off property. By the arrival of steamboats from towns above, wo learn that families were seen along the whole, lino of the river, hurrying across to the Mcxican side for protection. The river br j once crossed they are safe. Their rai.onos may be burned, their crops destroyed, their property pil lnged, (heir valuable stock driven off, but their wives, themselves and their children are safe from these terriblo ravages. The accounts that have reached us of their treatment of women and children are heart-sickening. HENRY CLAY. At a meeting of the citizens of Trimble I rr.. i.-i.i .1-- /-./wi I vuuuty, xvy., uciu on uie zum ummo, ni, ! the Court House, in the town of Bedford, ! without any distinction of party, tha following resolutions, offered by John Robert, Esq. a Whig, were adopted :-?7Vcgraph. Be it further resolved, That the doctrines published to the world by the Hon. 1 Ifftnw Cl:iv. in vfllnfinn in Atv?nn/Mv\ntir?ri J J, ... ~ v.. ~ ; are calculated, if carried out, not only to i violate the Constitutional rights of this | Commonwealth, but greatly to Injure the [ condition of tho slaves, by corrupting I th?ui. Be it further resolved. As the sense of i this meeting, thnt the opinions of the said j iieniy tJlay, now made mamtest, upon the subject of abolition or emancipation, that ho is no longer deemed a fit instrument to carry out the wishes and defend the rights of the good people of tfhis Commonwealth in the ?etmte of the United States, and therefore, as the first act of the next Legislature of Kentucky, he, tLo said Ileury Clay, shoxdd be formally rc t.: . u- o 1|UC3>ICU '.U lll? Bt'Ub IU VUU OC11UUU of the United Suites, i Baooixo Factory Burned. The large hogging factor}' of the Louisville (Ky.) manufacturing company was entirely destroyed by fire on Tuesday week. The entire loas is estimated at forty thousand doll are, o; ft half of whic'i is covercd by insurnnce. The factory emplovvu -.1 i 1 Jt t l ? . - huoul one nuncireu una iwemy pertsop*. who are all thrown out of employment. The principal hooks nre in the vault,?*. Columbia Telegraph. Death of Capt. Edv7aiw> Dr.Afe.~~'Tbo Brownsville Flng states that Capt. Edward Deas, 4th U. S. Artillery, stationed, at Camp Ringgold, was drowned from on board the steadier Yazoo, near Rio Orando City, on the 6th ult. Ce.pt. Deas served on both lines dating the Mexican war, and was taken prisoner 6hovtly before the battles of the 8th and Oth of May, and carried into Matamoraa. -?Telegraph. CHOLERA. New-York, June 8?6 p. to. ' i There worn 12 deaths from Cholora te ' j day, up to noon. The r.umber of