I " to thine own HV.tV uk Til uk, and IT MUST follow, as tiik night TJIK da i, thou CAn'sT not tiikn uk kalsk to any MAN;" ; . ^sv ^ | *. .*&?' ., , 'J VOL. I. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 1?, 1849. NO. 5 THE KEOWKE COURIER, PRINTED AND IH'BMSIIKD WEEKLY BY W. H. TRIMMIER. J. yr. no:iris, j?, ) m E. m. KEITH, [ Editors. JL'JKlfJW!#. One Dollnr nnd Fifty Cents for ono year's subscription when paid within three niontlw, Two dollars if payment is delayed to the clone of the subscription year. All subscriptions not clearly limited, will bo considered iw inado for an indefinite time, aiul continued till n discontinuance is ordered and all arrearages paid. Advertinonent* inserted at *?5 cents per square tor the first insertion, and 8*? 1-2 eta for cacli continued insertion. Liberal deductions mft'In tn ilmon J l? -? w, Mu'nu mutui vi9iup uy ino ycur. All Communications should bo addressed to the Publisher post paid. From the New- Orleans Delta. Messrs. Editors:?My attention having p been called to an article in Monday morning's "Crescent," setting forth the claims ; f of Lieut. Mayne Reid to Qcn. Jackson's gold box, and noticing iti that article ma- i ny glaring inconsistencies?not to use a ! harsher term?I have thought it my duty, as a member of of the regiments mentioned by Bam, fr give a simple statement of facts which heretofore have never been disputed to mv knowlpflcrn T V ?" * ?"*? ply review liis statement in the order in which it appears, so far as my personal knowledge extends. Of his first three statements I can say nothing. But in his fourth, he claims having taken the first trophy captured by the brigado of Gen. Shields in the battle of Contreras. Such an exploit was totally imnossible. frnm t.liA nnlnro '>f , ... ...V .IUVUJ V VI tliU IU1 " mntion 01' that brigade, the South Carolina volunteers having been brought to the attack of the retreating enemy?before, and at least 300 yards farther up the road than the New-York regiment, of which the Lieutenant was a member? furthermore, the fire of the South Carolina regiment destroyed what littlo order was preserved in the Mr.xiimn mnVc nnA gave the New-Yorkers but little opportunity of making the first capture, as dozens of the Palmetto regiment were in the road capturing horses and making prisoners. In his lifth, he says that Shields' brigade was composed of five regiments. St?h vas not the case : it consisted of the New-York and Palmetto regiments, who were afterwards supported by three or wmjiiuuua uiKcn irom tiic Jlitlcs, and if I remember rightly, also from the Oth, 11th and 13th regiments of Infantry?in all, not more than 1200 men; tins includes the party with the howitze^. Li.mt. Beid says that his comnanv (13 V was the only one that stood the lire of the enemy. For that I can say positively, that when the South Carolina regiment was brought into line, the New-\ orkers were in the utmost confusion, and had retired behind tho Hacienda, or were scattered about the field, save some twenty brave fellows who had surrounded their flag. The Palmetto regiment remained in line wmc fifteen minutes, Col. Butler vivu. ioiiiviu? 10 givo mc order to charge, which he refused to do, nnd ho having failed to restore tho NewYorkers to tneir ranks, ordered the retreat of the South Carolina regiment. Even then the order was not extended to the three left companies, who stood until the balance of the regiment had proceeded somo distance, when having been ingvi formed r>f fV>r> *v.A~ e -'\ ' uvi, Miuy niiiuwru. In the sixth, he says he forced a body of South Carolinians to carry Lieut. Col. Dickenson from the field. Cuch could not possibly have been iho case, Col. D. having taken his position in the ccntro of his regiment, and was there when woun ded. Ilence, if Lieut. Reid was near Col. D. when he was shot, he must have so far forgotten tho first duty of an officer, as to leave his company nncl regiment, and jittach, himself to another, at a time when every man, more particnj^rly an officer, fcwtt should be seen at his post. In the seventh, he says that he caught the flag of the Palmetto regiment, as it fell from tho hands of Col. D. and earned tn lor some time. Again, I ask, was lie at liis po?t? . But th?| is n?t tlie only ground on which I base ray disbelief. The subject of the fi?g has been discussed a hundred "time?, ana I will crivo a brief histm-v nf w in fchat engagement. W hen the regiment wan flr?t Drought into action, it was earned by the color-sergeant (T. Hoggs) who was wounded while carrying it. Colonel Dickenson then took the flag, and bore it till he was ?l?it downt lie then handed fr. it, with his Moord. tn PL* 1 i.'iiwujj n' "TV" W it'iyas committed by the Major to the care of a member of company H. (P. Le-i ! opard) who bore it throughout that battle, and every subsequent one, (ill it /was the first to wave over the capture# gates of the Garita do Belen, and every mom her of the regiment will sustain me in this assertion. In his eighth, he sayc. 1 led the twe regiments to the charge. Pray,, may 1 ask, where was (Jon. Shields that he thus passively resigned his command to Lieut Reid ? Again, I repeat, if ho did so, lie had left his post; for in the second forma tion the Palmetto regiment was given the post of honor (the right, ving) and were in advance of the New-York regiment in the chaigc, which broke the centre of the enemy. Of his ninth, I can say nothing, only il is singular. I never norco.ivod T.innf T?olvithln a little more fhnh (ivo months. ..j/tatniLk j One of the linos of tho Chagres Division j having been completed, tV parties en| gaged on the same were sent, a few days > since, to seek a third line on the Panama l Division. > The two lines across the summit make . tho greatest elevation some 40 feet less >. j than previous examinations. The highi est grade over the summit* on one lino, 1 1 will not Pvrorul 4*7 fnnt nni> mi'n .. short tunnel; while the other line dispeni 1 scs with the tunnel, hut increases the !' grade to 00 feot per mile. i The total distance from Panama to the j j Terminus on the Atlantic is 40 miles. , There will be required only one impors tant bridge, all the rest will be small. I T>1,a l .1?i.i i ? jl nv. uvaii uuu uiusb UVBIIUU1U WOOU Will DC i obtained on the line for the superstructure. ; The surveys will be finished in four or > five weeks, and if the same energy is exf j ercised by the contractors Tor building the j i road, you may expect to see it eomplej ted in eighteen months, when I hope to i uc oil my way home., and enjoying a steam ride across the Isthmus." ? > From the JYciu Orleans Bulletin. THE OVERFLOW EXPLAINED. 3 The Mississippi runs through n ridge of land formed originally by its own deposits, which gradually declines as it recedes from the bank3 on cither side. This ridge, however, though higher than - the ground further from the river, is not high enough to keep the water within its 5 bunks in seasons of flood, and in consequence, an embankment, or levee, is raisn ed, tho top of which is intended to be J Iiuuiv 111V niyiiust UOUU8. J. Ills 1CVCC, IS (j howovcr, sometimes not substantially 0 made, or from some other defect, or being undermined by the water, the latter 3 makes a breach or crcvassc in it, which n though small at first, rapidly enlarges, 1 from the heavy rush of water through it, and unless promptly checked and _ eloscd, frequently becomes unmanagea3 ble, and impossible to bo stopped. The n great body of water which thus flows 0 with overwhelming force through the _ break, naturally seeks, first, the low lands r. and swamps which exist a short distance n back from the river, which are gradually it 1 filled up, until the whole country above | and below the crevasse, becomes overly fiowe.fl. niul onnfiniKH lien (n r r j VW IMV W C ^1 VUtUl or less extent, as the water may be able ,r to escape and diffuso itself more or leg? ;t i freely, into channels, lakes or other outlets that may sxiat in the rear. The crevasse from which New Orleans ls i* now suffering is fourteen miles above the city by the course of the river, and ;C the break through the levee, we understand, is to the extent of 300 feet, thro' which the water is rushing with greal force on an average depth of not less ,_ ! tVinn tAn foot All dm y ....... v?.. twv. Alii HIV UVUI11I J III LIU i. neighborhood of it, and nil the adjoining Y plantations were soon submerged, ant the swamp in the rear was likewise fillet j, with water, gradually making its waj |{ down towards the city and the swamp ir 3'. its rear, and as this latter filled, the watei ltj ste.'idily backed up into the rear streets oi j the city, and has kept gradually swelling s_ | higher nml higher towards the more j. | thickly built portions, until it has reached \. in some places within six or seven square* rt of the river, it being borne in mina, that the streets are highest nearer the liver, j and that the drainage of the city contra ry to that of Northern towns, is from V, I ,1 i 1~ i g (him uut luwwriM miu river. ,, j Our distant readers will at once sot c\ from this statement, that all idea of loss of life from the flood (whieh appears tc have bean so strongly impressed on theit imaginations) is perfectly ridiculous, ns j. the greatest rise of the water in the real of thfl r.itv. csf.-tmn !?/>!">' , ..W W* V..WWU/U owyil IIIVUV^ r in any twenty-four hours, and it is berg Jioved it lias now attained its maximum I height, and escapes by Lako Foncharn | train as rapidly as it is supplied through lt j the Crevasse. Indeed, during the last , I twenty-four hours, there has been a slight ie ?l. 1 The business portion of the city has not been at all invaded by the water, and n/. ^i! ?i?1 l I IIU CA|AWUIUUI1 U1HI) it Will DP. ID iins ,f i been almost exclusively dwelling houses , i that have been flooded, and those prinoil pally occupied by citizens of moderate. c circumstances, on whom the los? has n fallen with much fevority. Great num0 l>era of them havo abandoned their dwellings, whilst many, however, con r tinue to occupy them under all the in I . n willlfj RIIW Uixpjll h water, or being conveyed to nnd fro in a . skiff. I A largo portion of the rear of the First, c and (111 toe' rear of thiJ Third Munieipalf8, ty, hiive thus far oscnped, as the Itivee a< Of the Old Canal has prevented the wa j j wrirom spreading in that direction, but i great fears are enfortpiti'od'fcfcafc it. eannot much longer resist the pressure. Should this be the ca".e, it wiiiadd gteatly to the extent of the calamity, and the consequent distress, as those districts which would in consequence be overflowed contain a very large population. We hope, however, for the best, and j as the river has fallen two feet and a Iinlf since the crevasse was opened, and 'till continues to full without advices from above of any further rise being on the way down, we cannot but hope, that the efforts now making to close the crevasse, j will be successful. If this river should i fall two or three feet more, of which there is every prospect, it would render it a work of comparatively easy accomplishment. THE WAR BETWEEN AUSTRIA AM) HUNGARY. The Boston Post, in an article on the subjcct, gives a very clear statement of the condition of affairs and the object of i\ i?a k a r> * . uiu vjuiucsi. ivt nrsi it was a war 01 races j the outrageous demand, of Austria went far to turn it to a national war, and some of those who were lighting against each other turned their common arms against the common enemy. Austria demands that Hungary, even to the sacrifice of its ancient independence, shall be incorporated into the Auptrian monarchy. Hungary deniit ads that her independence shall be recognized. Kossuth, Georgy, Bern and Dembrinslii, the Hungarian commanI ders have agreed upon the following I terms, for which they contend:?Albany Atlas. 1. The recognition of tbo kingdom of Hungary in its ancient limits, including Croatia, Sclavonia, and the military bounI daries. 2. Union with Transylvania as dccidcd ' upon by the Hungarian diet at its sitting i last year. . uenerai amnesty for the whole ol Austria, the immediate release of the October prisoners, and indemnities to the families of those who were murdered. I 4. Transmission of the Hungarian regiments serving in Itally and elsewhere throughout the empire to Hungary. . Recognition of the Hungarian con ' stilution of 1848. , j 6. Hungary slinll remain under the government ol a provisional executive ad . ministration, electe J from among the diet , until the hereditary succession shall have ; been leg.nlly restored, and the king vrhc shall have been elected shall be erownec | at Buda Pe.sth, and sworn to the consti 5 ! tution. , | 7. Galicia shall stand in the samcrela tion to the Austrian federal state as that j in which Hungary now stands, and wil stand under the name of the Polish king dom of Galicia : it will, therefore be linkj ed to A ustria only by personal union, hav , intr its ov, n armv and its own tinnnrrs t ; ~8. The participation of Hungary in th< [ Austrian national do.bt shall ho dccidct I by the Hungarian diet by majority. , The Hungarians; who are composed o t Magyars, Poles, French genehils, and va r rious races, arc carrying everything be ( fore them. They have eleared their conn f try of the enemy. But this is not th< best of the news of their condition. Troop: j are flocking to Kossuth's army from cv . ery quarter. When Pesth was taken pos session of by them, they were receivcc | with frantic enthusiasm. Crowds of young iti*? 11 imswutHi 10 enrol mcniseives. Utli , cr places were eaually prompt, o&'hero i i one spirit pervading the country ; the tw< 51 towns of Szegedin and Ketskemet sen \ ' six thousand horsemen to the army, am , their cavalry is the most splendid eve . gathered, it is said.?Kossuth is more it , need of arni3 than of men.?It is difficult . however, to find a nloAr ncnmint nf l?i. i strength. It was above one hundrcc thousand, imulc up of the finest troops ir Europe, driKtmder officers who have wel displayed?weir skill and bravery. It it oonstantly increasing. Their victories hav< been great and decisive. The next news from Hungary, now the great Daitie ground ol Europe, will be oi absorbing interest. Will the Magyars be able to cope against the Russians ? They arc well commanded, brave, united-, i inspired by a spirit of freedom, and fighting by their own hearth stones. If not ! able, will Prussia stand by and eee AusI tria become Cossack ? Will thoso who : are struggling in the same cause of nationality see the autocrat stifle this spirit iii Hungary will not .Austria, uftor striking down Hungary, strike down Hie Frnnktort Assembly and the Prussian nationality ? Weil docs the London Times say "it is scarcely possible to overrate the importance of these events." Fi/c hi, Wiltninyton.'?On Saturday vL. -i.it-w iL. xr.-.Jf wviiuugi inu iUlU llilllliu, Ull! 1"* or HI Carolina Lamp Black Manufacturing EsJablfcahni^nt, to Wilmington, was destroy I "JJLM'Jl" !L"?4 ' od by fi:e. It is said the building wty* of wood, and therefore quickly consumed, together with 100 barrels of Lamp Hlack and all the fixtures. The loss is estimated at ?5,000.?Carolinian. From the Columbia Telegraph. LEWIS KOSSUTH. Who is Lewis Kossuth, the Recent of Hungary, and her master spirit in these grave days of his country? ! Kossuth was bom in 1805; his father, of old Hungarian nobility (for what Hungarian is not?) was very poor and sup: ported himself as clerk to some fellownobleman. Lewis went to'the University o'fPestli, to study Law, in his 10th year, where his great talents and equally great nov erty procured him patrons, who fed and clothed him. We first lioav of him in public, when he at once distinguished ! himself in the opposition, as writer 1 against Austria. In 1838 he was arrest ! eu; in 1840 he founded a paper; in 1844 : -i ii * jiu vouiuiiuiiuu uie general "JLcaguo of Defence;" in 1847 lie was clected member of the Diet; in 1848 he placed himself nt the head of the Anti-Axistriari movement, became Minister, nml i< nnw virtual ltegent of Hungary, showing equal military, political anu rev6tuliona.ry sagacity. Kossuth is a consummate' master of the sword and pen. If tho question he to fill his hearers with enthusiasm and to rouse his fellow-'IIungarians, 1 he can be passionate, poetic, pompous?as the occasion may require, while there is , perhaps no terser writer and closer re'asoner when facts, numbers and statistics form the substance. lie possesses a thorough knowledge of the philosophical and positive Law, and is master of an l>vtnnu;.rn I 11 - .O.V.WKV i-iw|hjuu;ui KIlU>YlUUgO. HIS organ of speech is strong and very soho. rous. Ilis mastery of the language fs wonderful. IIo addresses wrfch equal effect the Magyar in Hungarian; the Croat ! in Slavonic; the German in German; and lately when it was necessary to fire the Clergy for the Hungarian cause, he ad! (l.? n 1 -f?i - n .1 ? ?- i Iuivwvu nit ujuuu ui uiu v,utnonc rriosia in Latin, in such a manner that thoy were filled with patriotic urdor. life wife was described by that executioner, Prince ! \Vindischgratz,^||^an order to the police ttf$atciw*ior, among other things thus: > "She is an elegant woman, of a high de'' gree of cultivation, speaking French, * English, German, Sclavonian find Walla' china as fluently as Hungarian." xw^.nivii iiun lilUVCia'U 111 UCHlUUlVi Franco find England. lie is tall, handsome and of imposing appcaranco'; his head is of an orontial cast. The greatest day of Kossuth's life was, perhaps, when in an inspired specch he demanded of the Hungarian Diet 200,000 men and -12,000,000' guilders, and the whole Assembly rose and exJ claimed: "We give them!" 1 When he was informed that Russia , was going to send an army to assist th6" Austrinns. hp rmintlv "Tlmn T , ..j ? march all poland against Russia. Lewis Kossuth seems to he the model of a statesman in a national revolution of a modern vast country. The difficulties 3 which he ha? to overcomo are immense; " for never before had a patriot to unite, in I n period oi revolution, such discordant ' elements as the Mngyi\ty German, and ? I Sclavonic populations in Hungary are; " I yet his master mind and high soul do s j not only seem to rule, but to rouse, im> 1 pel and inspire them nil for the samo 11 great, end. L. 1 r " , Extract from the Columbia Tdcjraph. ,! SEVEN DAYS LATER FltOM THE * OLD WORI^D. ' The steam packet ship 'Europa' nrJI rived at Halifax on the fltn inst., having : made a quick trip. European affairs rcJ i mained the same ixs at last (lutes; but. 5 the conference of the two Emperors at Warsaw bodes badly for Poland. Commercial news not flattering?markets fluctuating. Two days after the ' j Nihgara sailed, the demand was good for ; trnrlA nnrl ovhui'la uml fn>l ? ?%? ? jsuywc ?1 VIO 1 paid for Amoricun descriptions. Tho business of the week from the 1 Oth to ' the 20th ult., amounted to 40 thousand i bales, while the' imports wcn(?not lens than 125 thriiisand bales, ncarlj- all ! American. ' The most, important item of Polni^V intelligence!? the rumored r.nnfp.rAru>n << ?> bo lWd it, between tho Emperors ot^uisia and Austria, to btytnnotlior partition. Wo decisive battle has been j foujjhV between the. Allied Powers and 1 the Hungarians#, vlio still hold their I titfhfttL *75^; .1.. *** j JuumgH irom K