"-? TO THINK OWN 8KLF BE TRUE* AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS TIIK MIGHT THE DAY, THOU CAN'ST NOT ?HEN DE FALSE TO ANY MAN." -u-.. ??- ' , ?: .! , , VOL. I. PICKENS C?UBT HOUSE, S. C., SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1849. NO. 3. THE KEOWEfi COURIER, ' raiNTKD AND PCBL18HKD WEEKLY df j W. H. TIUMMIER. i iZESi; TERMS. One Dollar and Fifty Cent* for one year's ^ subscription when paid within three months, I Two dollars if payment is delayed .to the close ] of the subscription year. I AH Hubscrintinnn nnt ??1,1 1 t ... *(rr??tci+, Will IX! ? considered as made for nn indefinite timo, and , continued till jl discontinuance is ordered and 1 all arrearagca paid. 1 Advertisemcnti inserted at 16 cents per square for the first insertion, and 37 1-2 etc. for , each continued insertion. Liberal deductions , made to tlioso advertising by the vear. 1 ,t3T All Communications ahoufd be address- 1 cd to tho Publisher post paid. nil inn run. Illc 2VKUWSK UOURIKB." j A DREAM. ] ' $ Twfts midnights, !ono and ghostly time, And mnny a vision fled, Like shadows o'er the Bleeping mind, Mingling the living with the dead. And light aud darkness mingled thero, And mingled wight and Bound, As on tho hollow midnight air The strange forma danced around. At length the shadows fled away, And ceased the ghostly strife; And then I brw an opening day With childhood, laughing into life. 1 A boy was playing 'mong the flowom, i A fair haired sunny child was he, I As smiling as tho snulinjt hours. < Ap pure as dying infancy, i i O yes, he seemed so fresh?bo bright, , So innocent find guy. j Each niqmcnt brought a new delight To his boyhoods happy day. ( A song seemed murmuring on the streams, j And whispered on the breere, While fairies danced on the shining beams That streamed through green-leafed trees. ( The earth, tlio earth seemed ?ay and srrccn. 1 In lii?heart 'twas always May, Atw ' the ccn.wlcBs songs of the birds, I ween, V ore gladder than to-day. Then sometimes to tho wild?wild woods ' That huiig round his childhoods home, 1 I saw him go on ventures told, In those early days to roam. For even then into his heart ' Strung? feeling* often htole, And many a wild nnd restless thought j Would rise upon hia aoul. i Next youth, ita dreams of lovo and song, Ita burst* of flowing soul And bursting thought* that rush along, ( And novor know control Ita countless visions pure and light That strotchcd to tbc far unknown, 1 T*? > ~i? -??? 1 ? 1 ntwuoiuiu 111^11 BQU ongnx, And love wcro all hi* own. 1 The blood took fire at every thought, His leaping spirit none could tome, For in hi* wild life there wm naught ' But love, and a dream of fame. ' 'I And then youth quickly fled away, , Like meteors thwart the sky, \ And left him in his hearts decay, ' PoHorted, and alone to dio. I Ask not the cause; enough to know Love vanished like a Hummer'h dream, All joy departed, and in wo, And night, hope quenched her golden beam. . Then like a lost ship, tempest tossed, And driyen over unknown seas, Without a star to guide its course, The plaything of each varying brecic. He drifted out on Ufc'tt dask sea, i Forlorn and compacted*, till cart On thy dread shores. Etemltv. . w - w ? V ? Ihim wreckcd, and lost Uot ANGUS. ! ' 1" '1 EXTRACT FROM i LEO '?RE OH I THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH. | Delivered before the Young Men's Mer- ( eantile Library association of Cincinnati, Ohio, January 16,1840. , JfY E J,WOOD FISHER. , w- A - " ? luiwb now consider tne ette^t upon < the various elements of civilization of a i population once wealthy ana rural like < that of the South. 1 In covjmuiitie* which have acquired 1 great wealth, It is alma V^jfercrsal thft \ such wealth is very unequally distributed. ) Extreme poverty and extrom* wealth i characterize the population?but the Itanss are poor. This if> porhaps inevitsbia i where manufactures or oo^rnerceor^- i qww are uw mean# 05 aoqujeiUon. AM 1 in England this is atrtk&gly display*}. 11 ':M t/.s . . . ? .. . ? But it is not so in an Agricultural people. I know it is a common opinion, that,' ? much groater inequality of property ex- < ista in the South than in the North. But | although I do not possess exact knowljdge on this point, there is enough known j to prove that this cannot be the case. The State of Virginia allows none to exarcise the electivo franchise but white freeholders, leaseholders of five years, I md housekeepers who are heads of family xr? * ? huh lb wppc-uin Dy tno returns of the Presidential election of 1844, that Virginia gave about 96,000 votes; allowing 10,000 for voters who did not attend the polls, and it appears that there are 105,000 free white males in that State who are either freeholders, leaseholders, housekeepers and heads of families, and by the census of 1840 there were only 157,089 white males in the State above the age of 21 ; so that two thirds of them nre either freeholders, leaseholders or housekeepers. T do not know what proportion of the Northern States are freeholders, but 1 have seen a detailed statement from one of the interior counties of New York, from which it appears that oniy nail ol the voters were freeholders; and when we consider that the cities of New York and Boston contain nearly half the property of the States to which they respectively belong, and that in those cities pauperism prevails to a greater extent than any where else in the Union, it Is very clear that great inequality of property prevails. The State of Ohio, a new State and an agricultural one, nnd very prosperous, may be presumed to enjoy a tolerable nnnnl ? 1 uvjuui uiainuuuun oi property, xticrc are in this State, by the last assessment, about fifty thousand pleasure carriages, and the possession of one of those, is an indication of a comfortable condition of a family.?In Virginia, there were in 1847, over 19,000 ; and that in a white population about one third as great as ours is now. This proves that the degree of Mimfnrt. on?li - ?* - v .. invai nuuii ^nwtUlinillUUIlU) 111111' nates, is more diffused in Virginia than in Ohio. The proportion of dwellings built in a year, is another indication of comfort, md the degree of its diffusion among the people. According to the returns of the marshals in 1840, Massachusetts, whose white population is nearly the same with that of Virginia, built 324 brick houses inthatvear. Virorinm built, am nr nan* ?o " ly one fourth more. Massachusetts built 1,249 wooden houfies in the same year, Virginia, 2,604, or more than double. The cost of the houses in Massachusetts was $2,707,134: in Virginia, only $1,367,393, or about one half. Now if this excess in the cost of the houses of Ma .MAA. wooden houses, at the cost of $3,778,820. Thus, whilst we had twice the white population, we built only a fourth more of houses. Kentucky, also, aa well as Virginia, surpassed Ohio in this re - ' * * * * sjjcci. xvemucicy Dimt 445 briok, and 7,757 wooden houses; thus with only 40 per cent, of Ohio's white population, Bhe built 75 per cent, of the number of houses Ohio did. The fact is that is that Virginia and Kentuoky constructed in that vear. mnr? hnlMin? ! ? ? ?...u?>Ko iii piu|mniuii to the whole population, bl&ck and white, than Ohio and Massachusetts. Thin re* suit does not appear, indeed, in the cities/ or in the p-inoipal streets of cities, and therefore has not come to the knowledge of fugitive and superficial observers, or newspaper iteminongers, but it is demon- j itrated Dy labors of the officers of gov- j srnmewt who were required to vieit the jountry asweiiaa the towns, the bv-wys ind the high-waya, and it b triumphant evidence ofextraonlitwy agaref*te pre1-parity and wide* i!*ead individual com- J sort of the States which have been eelec*d by thfl new school of politicians and [joliticrtl economists as the object* of their lympathie* and vic'ima of their theories. The same relative condition of comfort n the two reeneotive seetiona of the Tinon h indicatoa in their food. Although Virgiria is not an exporter of animal food, j thel'i oneof the greatest producers of it, I V,\j,. ,\4> of all the State*. Ir? 1.340, she.'possessed 1,992,150 hogs, which is almost identically the umo number that Ohio had, although Ohio has twice the white population, and as is well known, is a large exporter of pork, whilst Virginia imports, in addition to her own stock, a large quantity. New York with three times the white population, was materially behind Virginia in this resoect. Now it. k well known that tho great mass of provisions oroduced in any State, arc designed for domestic consumption, as the cost of transporting them to the dwelling of ah agricultural people is too great to admit of their importation. Hence, the products of such people afford a good criterion of the character of thei- food. The stock of neat cattlc in New York was 1,911,244; in Virginia, it was 1,024,148, the proportion of Virginia being still the greatest. In sheep alone was New York better off, having 5,118, 777, whilst Virginia had 1,203,772, which, however, is only about 150,000 less than her share. The proportion of poultry in Virginia is double that of New York. And in all viicau articles v lrgirua is n?;!! more the superior of Ohio than of New York.? So also is Kentucky. So that if 'it be said that New York is an importer of such provisions, and thcrofore consumes more than her production indicates, what is to be said of Ohio, which exports them all. Now in determining the I'elative comfort of two civilized communities in the same climate, the quantity of animal food they respectively consume, is a well established criterion. .Yet, here is i State in the warmer climate consuming the greater Dronoriion. For whon it io I considered that the hog is killed for food | nt the age of eighteen months or 2 years, and neat cattle at five or six years, it will appear that the excess of animal food in Virginia or Kentucky over New York or ! Ohio is quite large?is quite large, indeed, even if we include the slaves as well as ' the free population of the former States. A reference to the quality of brendstuffs and other vegetable food, leads to the i same conclusion. Virginia is the largest producer of wheat, the finest and costliest material of of anv tfther fltntn. nr. cording to her population. Hor crop of 1840, was 10,109,716 bushels ; that of ! New York was only 12,280,418, of Ohio 10,571,061. All these arc wheat exporting, as well as wheat consuming States, h\it still the great mass of the article ipust be consumed in the respective States of its nrrvlllHinn In r>rnnnrtiA "??" WV?VW7V| liV|WU t BiJ,UVU Of course it it no'/ pretended that States of a commercial and manufacturing char* acter chiefly, should produce as much from the soil, in proportion to population, aa the agricultural. But the aitioles they do produce, and their proportions to each other, indicate the quality of food at least of the agricultural portion of the population.?Hence it annears that the farmer* tf Maaaachusotta consume but little wheal bread, and use rye, imtian corn, an} potatoes, at subatitutes. I think bow that if anything can be shown by facta* I have dwjjpostrafccd the* superior wealth of the people of the South 1 over those of the North in proportion to I their respective numbers; and this, by 1 comparing the loss prosperous of the I South with the most flourishing pf the ' North. And I think I have shown the t South to be most fortunate in the distri- 1 bution or equalization of wealth as well as < in its acquisition. At all events, I htive I rescued the controversy between the two 1 Bections from the control of bold assertions and slipshod declamation, and confided it < to the umpirage of argument and docn- < mcnt. There are some who sneer at statistics, and assert that anything can be proven by them. But such expressions I think are peculiar to those who deal in assertion chiefly; and find it unpleasant to be answered with facts. For statistics are nothing but collections of facts. I admit that facta themselves may be powerless or pernicious to a mind not logical nor philosophical enough to comprehend and classify them. But in relation to the af- J fairs of this world at least, I ask, with the , K.nrrlioV* ^ "What can wo reason but from what we know." ' i Facts constitute the great restraint on the 1 impositions of interest, the dogmatism of 1 fanatics and bigots, the fallacies of the 1 vulgar, the prejudices of the sectional, ' 1 and the dreams of tho enthusiasts. Facts I are the test of systems, the land marks i of progress, the harvest of time, the ele- 1 mental particles of truth. 1 But it is peculiarly important to resort < to statistics on this question, because they 1 are so much employed and perverted on i the other side. From the speech of tho \ Senator to the columns of the Editor we < are continually assailed with statistical 1 comparisons between the North and the 1 South derogntory.to the latter. In 1839 i Daniel Webster presented in a speech to ' the Senate in praise of Massno.buRP.tt* nn i official statement of her annual products, < which nmountcd to nearly $100,000,000, 1 which he characterized as the yearly < fruit of her industry and capital. This i certainly, would strike every mind as evi- 1 dence of great productiveness and profit < in a State of her population, since the an-|1 nual product of Virginia is only about \ seventy millions. But on scrutinizing i the Massachusetts fitntpmonf W ic ,v...v.tvf aw *0 IVIIIIU 1 that Webster included as the products of 1 her industry, the raw materinl employed i in her manufactures obtained from other | States ; the raw cotton, the wool, the raw i hides, the dye stuffs, ?fec. " * - {ucuuy mu property oi nis civuizcd teliow-men in his power; and this power ho mil exercise when circumstances permit, iccording to the sentiments which the possession of power inspires; according to the prejudices of his class, to the appeti e of monopoly?and not according to Lhe wages of labor, and the law of supply qiid demand. The monopoly of the necessaries of life which agriculture confers, has produced some of the most striking social and political revolutions in history. It enabled Jacob to extort from rvsuu, wno wr-s a nunter, his birthright, for a mess of pottnge. But Jacob himself, ftnd family, preferred the lighter labors of shepherd life to tillage, and hence From scarcity of corn, became dependent in the granaries of Egypt, and fell into bondage. In wars between agricultural and commercial nations, the former have generally conquered. Athena was overcome by Sparta?Greece by Macedon? Carthage by Rome?events which indicate superior resources of the conquerors, more than their bravery. In England whose commerce has been enriched by the monopoly of the trade of colonies in every clime, and whose manufactures have been expanded by the most stupendous inventions of genius, agriculture still remains pre-eminent in wealth and political power, although it comprehends only about one-third of the population. The agriculture of the South produces a greater variety and abundance of staple articles of human comfort and subsistence than any other region. Besides such breadstuffs and provisions as the North affords, the South has by the supenor genius ana energy of her people ncqvured dniost a monop' \v of the eotton culture. ?The South thur controls nn extraordinary proportion of that food and clothing which the world consumes, and hence makes a corresponding progress in wealth. [ro BE CONTINUED NEXT WEEK.] Cincinnati, May 9. Cholera.?Our city is in a staie of great excitement in consequence of the ie-appearance in our midst of that ? readfnl scourge the Cholera. In order to allay public apprehension, the Board of Health have issued a bulletin, from which it appears that during the last twenty-four hours there were 26 cases of cholera, 0 af which terminated fatally. The Roman General Marius replied to ,he Gaul who settt him a challenge. "If pou are tired of life, you can go and hang yourself." Dr, TDotwood, in his "Hints to Young Mother*recommends patience and care n teaching boy babies to feel their "footlea, "He fiavR that, fnr flflll ?ul/? ? -?j ?- ?*?W VI OVC* ng them tottlc.they are put upon the floor i?o soon, which has a tendency io furnish them with an everlasting pair of parenthetical shanks. "It ia not of so much consequence about the girls /" Honest Confession.?When Lucy Canper was once examined in a court of justice one of the counsellors asked her if she jame there in the character of a modest woman ? "No sir," replied she, "that i? i muvu iiftu ueen inc nm ot me, bas been the making of you; I mean impudence." We find the following piece of impueUu-m) in a New York paper, viz: Young ladies should never object to being kissed by editors, they should make every allowance for the freedom of the We are sDent vritfc indignationPKUa~ itlphia Timet. A young tody who wa# robuked bv hev mother for kissing' her inlawed jtwfi&xi herself by quoting l**age, "Wfoifr. werar yo woiid tWmen ?h