I ~ I I ^ KEOWEE COURIER. * ? ' '? ' " TO THINK OWN 6RLF IIK TltUK, AND IT MUST FOLLOW, AS THR NIGHT TUB DAT, THOU UAti'sT NOT TI1BN HE FALSN TO ANV HAN." VOL.. 1. PICKENS COURT HOUSE, S. C. FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1810. NO. 2< THE KGOWEE COURIER, PKINTED AND PUBLISHED W'KKKLY BY W. JL TR1MMIER. J. W. NORRIS, JE., ) ?... E. M. KEITH, \ Editors. TERMS. Ono Dollar and Fifty Cents for one year's subscription when paid witliin three months, Tw6 floilnm if nnvmnnt. ta dnlnviul In )lin f.lfion of the subscription year. All subscriptions not clcurlv limited, will be considered as made for an indefinite time, and continued till r, discontinuance is ordered and all arrearages paid. Advertisements inserted at 75 cents per nquaro for the first insertion, and 87 1-2 eta for each continued insertion. Liberal deductions made to those advertising by tho year. tST All Communications should bo addressed to tho Publishor post paid. Written fob tiik Kkowke Courier. LIFE. Life,?what in lifo ? when nobly borne, Tho brightest boon tho Goda can give, And though the brave heart may Lk3 torn, It still exulting dares to live. O theul how moan it is to weep, When bursting tempest round ua ravo, And call on Death to liide us deep, From Life and Fato witlun the grave. Such coward spirits howl to feel, The lash tlmt whips the Harlot's slave; But only such to Fortune kneel, Sho cannot hero subdue tho brave. The youthful brow may wrinkled grow. And sorrow turns dark hair *o gray, Stout forms may bond witli weary woo And watching, in iito'a toilHomo way. But npito of Fate and Fortune's brunt, The loyal bear them nobly still, Defy the Gorgons front to front And bravely dare their worst of ill. Then troubled Bpirit checr the up, Though dark as death tliy lot may fall, If firmly drained the bitter oup Which Fate presents, shall loose its gall. ANGUS. Pickens 0. H., May 21,1849. EXTRACT FROM A LECTURE ON THE NORTH AND THE SOUTH. Delivered before the Young Men's Mercantile Library association of Cincinnati, Ohio, January 16,1849. BY elwoud WISHER. Let us first examine tho condition of the white people of tho two sections. Tho State of Massachusetts for instance, \b generally regarded as one of the most successful and flourishing of the "Nnrth : find is rnnRtjintl\r rofnrrnrl in Ktr J - ~ w, -J, the newspapers as a model for nil the others, and very frequently as a taunt to the Southern. If, however, wo compare this favorite of the North, with Maryland, a State of similar territorial extent, and one of the Southorn States, we shall find the latter to bo decidedly superior in wealth in proportion to the number of her citizens. According to the census of 1840, Maryland had a free population of 380,282, and in 1847 hor property was assessed av *202,272,650.* Massachusetts in 1840 had a nonulation nf *73*7 - i r '' '' 609, and her property now is only $300,000,000. Taking these two assessments as the basis of comparison, and it appears that the average property of a free person in Maryland was $531, whilst in Massachusetts it is now, in the palmiest days she has ever seen, only $400 per head?the freeman of Maryland bc;ng about 25 per cent, tho richer. The States of New York and Virginia are both of great territorial extent, and not materially unequal in that respect.? Now York is also regarded habitually, as g\T\A r\r?4 uuv u> I>uc giniiucat puuuuw Ui net? Ill* stitutions?and the present condition of Virginia is continually referred to, as a striwng and melancholy result of slavery. Her poverty, her ignorance, her idlcne her aecay, and her misery arc the thres. bare topics of modern political philosophyhere and abroad. Let u now con^ ,jJR sider the facts. Her free population in 1840, according to the pensus, was 790, eiu. ana aer property 18 now about $800,000,000.f The population of Now York in 1840 was 2,428,921, and in 1841 her property w assessed at $032,609,903. The average property of a free white person in Virginia is $758; in New York it is only $260, or a little more than oncthird. . Virginia, instead of being poor and in in need of the pity of the much poorer r\f -t?-- ? ? |n the Suites I have considered, the South- c em are still wealthier than the Northern, 1 counting the slaves as persons and deduct- 8 ing them from the property. So that in i no aspect of the question whatever, is t there any foundation in fact for the pop- 1 ular delusion, that tho Southern States, c or any of them, are either now or hereto- t fore, or likely to be hereafter inferior to t their Northern neighbors in wealth?but c the reverse. s The. triiimnli nf Snnfli nvn nnfn?mv?PA??/l I i w. vvv?v>(Vk?? VUWipilOVtlllU 1 capital in the accumulation of wealth be- * ing established as a fact, demands of us * an investigation of its causes?and this, I i think will materially elucidate the cliarac- ' ter of modern civilization, and particularly that which has been developed in tho United States. The original methods of acquiring wealth, adopted by men on their organization into community, was by conquest ' or c-mmercc. ilence the almost exclu- < sively military character of one great class 1 of the ancient States, which resulted in t the universal empire successively of the t Assyrian, Persian, Greek, and Roman f governments ; and hence the rise of Tyre t and Carthage. Ilcnce, also, in the middle ages, the empire of Charlemagne, and the lonir protracted efforts of Fnim-n 1 to conquer England, and England to conquer I" ranee?and the wealth of Venice, Genoa, and Holland. At a later period < when the arts had made more progress, ' manufactures were included in the means i of creating wealth. The policy of England has combined the three?conquest, i commerce, and manufactures?and by < these she has succeeded in the construe- 1 tion of an empire which, for extent of ter- I ritory and wealth, 1ms never hiul a paral- < lei. The policy of England 1ms been 1 dictated by her insular position. This i rendered it necessary for her to acquire 1 the empire of the sea to he secure from invasion by great continental powers; and with the dominion of the sea, it was easy to establish a great colonial empire. The growth of sucn a great, power in com merce, was the strongest possible stimu- I lus to progress in the arts and manufactures ; hence her success in them. But an extraordinary developement of commerce and manufactures has always resulted in the concentration of large masses of people in cities, which causes inequality of condition, great depravity of morals, great increase of want, and of crime; consequences that arc fatal in the fir of. f r\ HVvAvftr 1 vu uuui ^ 111 J^llY CI UlllL'llltS, HIIU I finally to independence in nations. This I tendency has been so ol ions and univeri sal among the great States of all ages, as to have caused the belief that communities, like individuals, contain within themselves the seeds of dissolution which must ultimately bring them to the dust. Buc whether we consider a State as a moral being, whose essence consists in the i principles on which it is constructed, and therefore not necessarily mortal, orwheth I w n\-, irjjniu it us u mure creuuire 01 ine race or persons that founded or inhabit it, and therefore transient, there can be no doubt that its prosperity is seriously impaired by the evils referred to, that generally attend the progress of civilization. . Rural life has always been celebrated by the poets for its innocence. "God made tho country nnd man made tho ! But it is a kind of life that has seldom been thought, favorable to the accumulation of wealth?the first want of civilization. It is also usually associated with rudeness of manners. Hence the votaries of fort une and society preferred the city, and if to these we add the vast multitude who seek the immediately gratification of their appetites and passions, which cities afford, at the hazard of future want, we havo a clear solution of tho undue tendency to city at the expense of country life*. This great evil, sufficient of itsolf to dUt a stigma on civilization and even ultimately to destroy it was for the first time successfully encountered and conquered by iho institutions of the South; and in tho great achievement Virginia^Jed the way. Amongst the car I iy wi'iie ueiuers oi Virginia worn many | of the Cavaliers who had beer, driven into exile by the triumphs of the Roundheads and of Croyiwell. The Cavaliers were of the country party in England, the cities and towns were more generally devoted to tiie Roundheads. The Cavaliers of Vi^iufa seem to have brought over with | them irom England a hostility even to | the mode? of life of the enemies they left j * X'hintl them, as the settlers of New Engand, on the other hand, from thcRoundlCads, became highly commercial. These jeculiaritics wore exhibited in a striking nanner in the progress of the two cololies. Bancroft tells us : " But the greatest safeguard of liberty n Virginia was tho individual freedom of nind, which formed of necessity, the haracter of independent land holders iviner apart on their plantations. In thf>. ige of commercial monopoly, Virginia had lot one market town, not one place of rade. As to all outward appearance it ooked all like a wild desert, and the mer antile world, founding its judgment on lie absence of cities, regarded it as ' one ;f the poorest, miserablest, and worst ountries in America. It did not seek to tharc actively in the profits of commerce? t had little of the precious metals, and itill less of credit?it was satisfied with igriculture. Taxes were paid in tobicco; emittances to Europe were made in tojacco; the revenue of the clergy, and the nagistrates of the colony, were collected n the same currency; the colonial tradesnan received his pay in stragling parcels if it: and ships from abroad were obliged to bo whole months in tho rivers, be'ore boats visiting the several plantations >n their banks could pick up a cargo.? [n the season of a commercial revolution, he commercial element did not enter into lie character of the colony. Its inhabiting 4 daily grew more and more averse x) cohabitation.' " -1 * < t" kiuv/u uiu uniiuiuvur 01 Virginia m j 1700?ninety-two years after the colony ivas founded, and seventy-six before her Independence?such she has remained. I have seen a law passed by her Legislature during the revolutionary war, prohibiting merchants from serving as Representatives in the Continental Congress. But this primitive character of Virginia could not have been preserved to th? extent we now behold, hut for peculiar circumstances. incsoiioi Virginia wns found to bo adapted to the cultivation of tobacco, and African slave labor to its cultivation ; and tobacco soon became an article of commerce. The introduction of this sort of labor had the effect of excluding, in a great measure, emigration from Europe?the emigration which subverted the ascendency of the Quakers of Pennsylvania?which has materially mod ( itied the original character of New Eng- j land, and still more of the new free States \ of the West. And it has been through! negro slavery that agriculture has been j made, for the first time in the history of the world, so profitable and attractive as to render rural life the favorito of wealth as well as of the mass of the people?to make the country instead of the towns t.ho abode of elegant manners and refined taste. And this system of Society has i. 1 1_ .1 At- - -.1 M' * JMUV.IIH-U uirougiwjunne OlOCV OUllCS O! I tho South, owing to tho similarity of their primitive chnrnctcr to that of Virginia? to her example?to emigration into them of many Virginians, 'he warmth of the climate, and to tho culture of cotton, which is more favorable to the employment of slave labor than that of tobacco. Thus, then, we have fifteen Southern States?one half of (ho number belonging to tho Union, occupying half our territory?who present the extraordinary, and, so far as my researches extend, the unprti'allelled result of a population which has acquired greater wealth by agriculture than any other people in any other manner ; and who have consequently given ascend v icy within their borders to country lilo over city, in social and political power. In Great Britain, the only coun uy v? muii rmi ut; iHiiiiiJurvu in civiiiKUUUU with ours, the land holders are indeed a very wealthy cln.es, perhaps the most so, hut they have dwellings in Lonnon, and pass a large part ot the year there. The land holders of Great Britain also constitute but a small portion of the population, [to he continued next week.] The Pillar ok Sax; ?Lot's Wife. We recently announced the appearance^ from the press of Gary ence that of a common-sized person of the nintccnth century, Be that as it may, no two minds have, perhaps, formed exactly the same opinion on this matter who have not visited this spot. But here we are, around this immense column, and we find that it is really of solid rock salt?one mass of crystallization. It is in the vicinity which is pointed out in tkc Bible in relation to the matter in question, and it appears to bo the only one of its kind here. And the Arabs of the district to whom this pillar is pointed out, declare it to be that of Lot's wife?tho identical pillar of salt to which the Diblo has reference?the tradition having been handed down from each succeeding generation to their children, as the Americans will hand down to succeeding generation the tradition of Bunkers Hill Monument, in Boston. My own opinion t \?i v?* uiu luiibivi i?, iiuii/ ajui> s wiiu nuving lingered behind, in disobedience to tho express command of God?given in order to insure hei safety?that while so lingering she became overwhelmed in tho descending fluid, and formed the model or foundation of this extraordinary column If it had been produced by com* mon, by natural causes, it is but right to suppose that others might be found of a similar description. One is aofm^lv nhln to abandon the idea that it stands here as a lasting memorial of God's punishment of a most deliberate act of disobedience, committed at a time when he was about to show a distinguishing regard for tkc very person. Too Good to he Lost.?The Philadelphia correspondent of the Boston Age and News, in a late letter, tells the foli lowing story. Y.Te hope Thornley won't Li - ... i* ' * 1 ? urnine us ior priming u: l neara a case of extreme modesty the other day, so ertreme that it couldn't be understood. A lady went into Thorn ley's India rubber store, and enquired of the fascinating Mr. T.?"Have you any India rubber elegy encirclers?" "What did you say, ma'am?" said the storekeeper, slightly confounded. "Elegy encircles," repeated the lady with a blush. Thornley looked around the store, first at the crrcat o piles.of India rubber, then at gutta percnn, then India rubber cloth, and so on, but without seeing anything corresponding to the name. "You're sure its mado out out of India rubber," said Mr. T., inwardly declaring that there was nothing made of that article which ho had not seen. "Oh, yes;" replied the lady, "Do you see anything like it?" at length replied the bewildered fellow. The lady looked around the well-filled store, and pf length her eye rested upon a box, which she blushingly pointed io. What do you suppose it contained? G-a-rt-c-r-s. She was soon helped to a pair, and as she took her leave, it all at once occurred to Mr. Thornlcy, that garters were L-c-g encirlera. A new married couple went to house 1,?? t -o? IIut 1V.#I1^ nilllTC III JL)IK>IUII> 111 JC uplnr street. At breakfast next morning after their entrar.ee, the gentleman said to his lady. "My dear, this is Poplar street, arid by putting u (you) in it, it becomes popular "And by putting us in it," promptly replied tn? inay, "it will becomc populous." A Mighty Constitution.?"Hiram tjf\y boy," said a fonder father to hie son " you must be more careful of yourself than you are. Yo\i have not the Constitution of some." ".Don't b'lieve it, dad ?don't believe a word on't?I've got the constitution of n. horso Ttinr* nint no break up or down on me. Dang it, if I don't blievc I'vc pot the Constitution oC the United States!" 4 ft V 4