elLA& A Family Companion, Devoted to Literature, Miscellany, News, Agriculture, Markets, &c. Vol. XX. NEWBERRY, S. C., THURSDAY, APRIL 24, 1884. No. 17. THE HERALD IS PBLISUED E-7ERY T1IURSDAY IORNING, At Newberry, S. C. BY THOS. F. GRENEKEP, Editor and Proprietor. Terms, $2.00 per e1nuM, invariably in Advance. r, The paper is stopped at the expirstlMa o1 ime for wtilch it is paid. i7- The X mark denotes expiration of subscription. SPRINI -IO I res;pectfully anniounice tha;t miy NE W STOCK OF CLOT HING3 -Is now ready for inpection. Snits ii Broad Cloth, Worsted and Ca-;m-ieres of Latest Styles, Fineit Made Garients-an(l the very LOWEST PRICES. A choice line of Handsome and Servi ceable Spring Clothing for BOYS & CHILDREN I Noted for its iake up, Newness in Designs and Cheapness in Price. A handsome line of Furnishing Goods. Shirts Collars, and Cuffs, Silk and Li:ien Handkerchiefs. Hosiery in all of the Fashionable Colors. The Lateist Novelties in Men's Neck Wear, mnade uip ini an eleg-ant varlety of New Silk designs and Shapis. HATS & CAP*. Correct Styles-all sizes, 9bipe n colors for Men and Bays. FAUST & Son's. Celebrated HA XD MADE Shoes, (Every Pair Warranted.) in Congress Button or Lace, and Lowquarters for Summer. with any shaped toe. These shoes have no superior in Fit, Style, or Workn.nship. Also a nice line of runks, Travel ing Umbrellas and Walking Qanes, S Resapectfully, J. W.00PP00K. When Lovely Wolun! Smiles we naturally look for that row of pearls so tting to falrleatures, tiow often we are disappoia$ed eyery one knqws. Those lbroWyn stains an'd ta&rtzar deposits cain be r-emoved witha ouit inijury to the teeth by using Wood's Odentine which does its work harmlessly and eff'eetually. Try it at Once! 25c. a box. W. C. FISHER. Wholesale Agent, Columbia, S. C, Vor sale in Newberry. Mfar. 17 tf. KL FOOT Offers iKxtra Bargains! You will Satve Money. By buying from his Fall andl~Winter selected stock of Boots, Shoes,. Clothing, Trlus, Hats, Notions, Groceries, &c. 42-ti W QM AN .....a PB. J BRADFlI1 Tat. famous remedy most happily meeks the. mand of the age for woman's peculiar and mul!!Um smfiotions. It Is a remedy for WOMAN ONLY, and for ONE SPECIAL CLASS of he It isa upecffc for certain diseased conditions womb, and proposes to so control the MesrM'nto as to regulate all the derangements and frregularities of Woman's MONTHLY SICKNESS. -,. Its proprietor claims for itno othr medical propetd and to doubt the fact that this medicne.does tiveiy possess suchcontrolling and. is shmplg~ to discredit gli jgpluntq0 90ms4d of lil. #itatenes who are 1 Is strictly avegetable compound, and Is tedaling of medical science and practical erprssce towards the beneit of SUFFERING WOMAN? It is the studied prescription of a learned physicdan c whose specialty was WOMAN, and whose fame be- I came enviable and boundless because of his wonder ful success in the treat*ment and cure of female con plaint.. THE RIEGULATOIC is tho~IIRLI)E? WOVA% BEST FRI END, ' Because it controls a class of functions the various d~ dairangements of which cause more Ill health than all other causes combined, and thus rescues her rosm c glong train of amictions which sorely enbIgt: ka C life, s:$ prematurely gnd her existence, - Qhh Wha t.lg 4dq of living witacuwe sa tee, tiy toits haring efets, WOEAN! take to your coMenc~ this PRECIOUS BOON OF HEALTH! It will relieve you of nearly all the complaints peca liar to your sex! Rely upon It as ycur safeat dn health, happiness and long life. Price-Small size, 75 cents; Large sie 4.8O. gr Sold by all Druggists. :Prepared only by DR. J. BRADFIELD, No, 108 South Pryier yt9a 11CHIN ?iLk-..Ampus a ure.n The systems are moisture. like perspira tion, intense itching. Increased by scratch ing, very di.tressing, particularly at nig.ht: siee'ns as it pin-worms were crawling in and about the rectum :the private parts are aotnetlm?s alTectedI. If allowed to conit jie voryserious results may follow.*SWA YN E'S OlNTMIENT' Is a pleasant, sure cure. Also, for Tetter, Itch, Salt-Rhleumi, ealed-Ilea.. Eryslpe.la.e, Barbers' Itch. Blotches, all scaly. (rusty Skini Diseases. Box. by maii. 5) eta.; 3 ror $125 Address, DE. SWAVYNE 4 SON, Philada, Pa. sold by Druggists. The best evidence in the world of the purity and excellence of Blackweil's Bl Durham Smoking Tobacco is foundin the fact that the fame of this tobacco increases from year to year. This could not be the case if it were mcrely " gotten up to sell." or bad any dubious or dangerous Ingre dients in It. Among millions of users of Sall =ationalities, surely some one would find out if it were impure. injurious or unpal-UabLa For l' years this tobacco has been acknowledged to be the best in the wor&, and every year the Bull Durham beand grows more popular, the demand for it wider. and smokers more enthusiastic over its delicious natural flavor. Ask your dealer for it. Get the genuine-trade mark of the Bull. Thereis no mischief done where Blackw%l1's Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco is use:1. Ta Q. BOOZER DEALER IN First Class, Best Quality, Wines, Liquors, Brandies, CIGARS & TOBACCO. 1 ALSOI GROCERIES. Canned Goods, And all articles in this line. These Goods are Cheap fn Cash. If you don't find TOM, Call on BOB. DISSOLUTION. The business heretofore con FUtt-SIZE PAPER PATTERNS. -A Suppemient will oc given in every umber for 1884, containing a full-size pat srn for.a la'ly's or child's dIress. Every p)seriber will rec'ove, during the year, selve ofthese .-atterns-worth miore, a!one, ~an|fibscripin-price.Ag PUTZR3O0:'S MAOAzINE is theC best and henpest of the lativ's-bookss. It gi ves mote Jr the money, and combines grea:er mner A. tihan any other. In shart, It s a!(. est Steel Engravings, liest Ozi-guni 'Aop, est Colored Fashidns, Mecet 4:on -Table atterns, Best licessPt'2.ca es Mlusic tc.. Etc. Its immense circulat:.,r. and so-es-'tab shed reputation enabic its r:"p:.tor to istance all competition. Its s'or,es, novel ts. etc.. are a llowedl beggars leseription. Non :who lived to re member ever coal 1 forget. There ~vas na hope from the first, none ;ave in the boats. They were filled it on1ce. W'.o could forget it! in, who co 11(1 forget it. The >dman po'.nting~ to the lights m~ shore and c'rving : "I wanted to see the children once 'i fore I (lied. Tne captain, deathly pale, show ng that stran;e bravery which sai or-s only passss at su2h a tinje, Changing from a dlictatoral old iaird drinker tom a very hero; cling r'g in romaQ tie fondlness to his ship; 'd while 1Le did his best for every >thcr soul -m hoard, f'o-getting him ;elf and vowingz to sink with ier. The young passenger and his >ridle-she clung to him; the moth ~r with her ba'e boiind to her breast -praying on her knees amid the umult. The or-phan child going omeli to its grand p~renlts, wondecr ~tric.ken, and yet scarcely consce ous f its danger. The sailors changed ike the captain into heroes. Wbho o0uld forcret all this? Amid them dl ggantic in his ..rength qobeie it last by the awful scene around nim, toiled Sandy Caimeron. Tiey -ememberedl him well whose lives ie saved. The bronzed man with i&ght hair and the grrip of IIercules. So the boats and ra 'ts-some to live some to die-were all afloat. All gone nto darkness, and struggling forms ind vanished f'rom the waves. and ilone together, thie flames approach ng them like dancing demons. stood old Captain Oaks and his irst mate, Sandy Cameron, "Captain," said Sandy', "it's most >ver." "Aye. aye, lad."' said the captain 'Give me your fist. We've sailed ogether a good while, now. We seem bound for the long voyage 1ow. Lord help us, Sandy." '-There's a chance yet, maybe," said the first mate. "Try for it cap '-No," said the sailor," I go with ie r. No wife waits for me, no 3hild. She's my wife and children. ill in one. Try you. I go down wiah haer." That was the last that Sandy Cameron saw or heard of the cap lain. A rush and a roar from be low, where spirits were stored, end ed the words. There came blind ness aV1 silence, and time paused for him. At last there was sound again. The sound of waters. Sight. the red lamps of the light-house. Feel. ing. that of the wet sand against his face. Some strange providence had saved Sandy Cameron's life, Bruised and weak, lie lay motion. less for a long while. Bruised and weak, still he staggered to his feet at last. Above him-his sailor eye used to remember such things-towered well-known rocks, kissed by a strug. gling moonlight. The sea had flung him into the arms of his native sea port: and up above. a man wander. ing along the shore, watching the light-house signals, perhaps, was Singing a hymn: "There'a a light in the window for thee, brother; There's a light In the window for thee;" And then the tears rolled down the sailor's cheeks, and his soften ed heart yearned for the mother who had said: "I'11 keep the light till ye come back Sandy.'' Twenty yars ago, and she was nearly fifty then. Probably she was dead; but some one might be in the old home vet, who could tell him of her. And so, in the mid night darkness, the sailor staggered up the river path. through the chang ed streets. and. led by the compass of his heart, to the lane where his boy hood home had been so long before. The lane was no more a street of houses now; but at its end. or he dreamt, Sandy saw a candle-gleam. le drew nearer. No fancy misled him. Yes, between the curtains stood a candle, in very truth-and in the window of his own old home. IIe staggered on. his heart beating wildly. IIe struck the door with his hand. IIe waited, trembling and the door opened; at it stood an old, old woman, with white hair his mother. le knew her stern, strong features and her blue eyes still. '-What's this?" she said, in her Scottish accent; and he answer ed: "A poor sailor, shipwrecked and needing shelter." "Come in." she said, "come in and warm ye. It's a bitter night. The candle led ye here, na don't. It's burnt these twenty years. Ye wonder at that? I'd a boy once. IIe left me. The candle burns for him. "I've gone without bread, many a time, to keep it burnin'. The others are all dead; but I'll not believe lie's gone; and I said I'll keel) alight till ye come back, San dy--and I will." And then, as he flung himself on his knees before her, she knew that Sandy had come back, indeed. iIe ne ver again forsook her. A better son and a b)etter man than Sandy came to be. those of the sea p)ort say they may never see again. And if you go hither. they will point you out the little cottage-win dow, at which, strong in her faith for his return, Captain Cameron's mother kept a light burning for him for all the nights for twenty years that and the mansion were, with her son. nlOW married and captain of an ocean steamer, she yet lives to bless him. A HAPPY COUPLE. A married and experienced friend tells us that a man should always be a little bigger than his wife, and a little older, a little braver, and a little stronger, a"nd a little more in love with her than she is witti him. A woman s.hould always be a little younger, and a little nrettier, and a little more considerate than her husband. lIe should bestow upon her ill his wordly goods, and she should take care of them. IIe may owe her ev~ery care and tenderness that affec.tion may prompt; but pe aniary indebtedness to her will become a burden. Better live on a crust that he earns than on a for tune that she has b)rought him. Neither must lhe jealous, or give the other cause for jealousy. Nei ther must encourage sentimental friendship with the opposite sex. Perfect confidence in each other, and reticence concerning their mu tual affairs, even to members of their own families, is a first neces sity. A wife should dress herself be comingly whenever she expects to meet her husband's eye. The man should not grow slovenly even at home. Fault-finding, long arguments, or scoldings, end the ho'piness that begins in kisses and love-making. Sisters and brothers may quarrel and -'make it up." Lovers are lov ers na longer after such disturban ces occur, and married p)eople who are not lovers are bound by red-hot chains. If a man admires his wife most in striped calico, she is silly WASHINGTON LETTER. From our Ragular Correspondent. WASHINGTON, D. C.. April 22, 1884. The Danville investigation by Senator Sherman's special Commit tee, is attended at intervals with some interesting tilts between mem bers of the committee, and the witnesses, and some of them are something more than exciting. The evidence of Mr. Dezendorf last Tuesday, and that of citizens of Copiah county last week, will furnish Mr Lamar with all the pab ulum requisite for an interesting speech. He has been watching these investigations with eager in terest, and he doubtless intends to give us the results of his observa tions. IIe Iuds that most of the Northern people are ignorant of the real conditions of that sentiment in the South among the negroes that interprets Democracy to mean that slavery is to be restored and negroes again reduced to bondage. The Democrats in Mississippi, while in a numerical minority of 30,000, go on year after year secur ing victories, to the surprise of' those who take it for granted that the 30, 000 negroes, in excess of the whites, are all Republicans, and that Democratic success must therefore corne through fraud. This theory iL not by any means correct; for the negroes are not organized 1 as are the whites, and they are apa. thetic at elections unless impelled i by some strong sentiment. They conceive that their interests and those of the man who, pousessing the wealth, the learning and the governing experience and conserva- i tive opinions, have striven for the control of power, the collection and expenditure of taxes and the main tenance of good order. In the I elaboiation of these points; Mr. j Lamar will invite a long and it may be a most interesting controversy. The end, aim and object of the t Democratic party is to protect labor i from the reaction of enormous and grinding monopolies. The argu ment that is urged against tariff reduction is that it will tend to re duce American labor to the condi tion of the "pauper labor" of fore- f ign countries, which if true should I put an end to any debate on tariff reform. Bat, see if it is true. To day E the spinners of FallRiver,to the num ber 30.000, are working on to-thirds time, while every loom in England is running full time, and while our f cotton manufacturers enjoy the pro tection of average fifty per cent du: i ties, the wages of American >pera tives are no higher than those of the English spinners. Mr. Shaw, the counsul at Manchester, England, in his last report says: "Opel atives here are the best paid and most comfortable working class in~ En gland. and their influence and wealth are increasing at a rapid v rate." Mr. Shaw is a Republican,< and yet he gives this unbiased evi dence in regard to wvhat we are pleased to call -'pauper labor" in< free trade England. The Manches ter operatives are happy and con tended, while the Fall River spin ners are fighting, and fighting con tinually, against a reduction of wages that has aggregated in three years more than sixty seven per cent, and more now threatened. The contrast is one worthy the study of the politician as well as the1 political economist. When proper ly studied out, it is p)ossible thatI the Amer-ican operatives may desire to shake off a system that robs them of their ear-nings under the swind Iing pretense of protecting them. Everybody remembers that when the old public functionary, James Bnchanan, was Pr-esident, his beau tiful niece, IIarriet Lane, presided ali the White House, and never,I since the days of Mrs. Madison, have the honors of the Executive Mansion, been administered with more grace. She at once became so popular that a revenue cutter was christened after her, and once upon a time she accepted an invit ation to take passage in the vessel from Washington to New York. This simple act, which was in viola tion of all p)recedent in the histo-y of the Republic, called forth a most ster-n rebuke from the President, about whose ears came animadve sions from all parts of the country. llow different things arc in these days, though hardly ts:o decades have passed since this simple social innovation: The successors of Mr. Buchanan, with the exception of Mr. Johnson, have used the ves sels of the navy for purposes of pleasure without regard to time, season cr expenditure. Grant led off in the business, Hayes followed it up, and Arthur has outd"!ue them both by using one vessel k-- him self during tbe summer of lash year and the year before, while he sent his daughter on a junketing tour in another, nor is this all of it, nor worst of it, for thi-ee weeks ago the U. S. man-of-war Yantic was dis patched to the Bahamas by Secreta ry Chandler to bring home tho family of Mr. Edmunds,the upright, the incorruptible and accomplished Senator from Vermont, and who ex. pects to be in a position next year tc reciprocate these hospitalities from the Executive fansion. While it may seem odd that Mr. Edmunds, nnder the present stress of circum stances, should take a hand in this sort of business, the tax payers may well pray for a little less of the Edmunds method, and a little more >f the Buchanan style of perpetuat ing national integrity. PHoNo. "A M&N ANDAHALF." As Mr. Topnoody took up his >aper Tuesday evening, his wife .rom the other side of the fire-place ooked up over her glasses at him .n an inquiring way and finally aid: "There was a man here to-day I ,etting some sort of statistics or >ther. Do you know anything tbout him?" "No, my dear," replied Mr. Top ioody, without taking his eyes from i As paper. "lie wanted to know everything, t ike a census taker, or an assessor, >r something like that." "Did you tell him what he vanted to know, my dear." f "Of course, I answered all his luestions because I didn't know vhat else to do." "What was the nature of his [nestions, my dea:." "Well, he wanted to know if we iad a cow, or horse, or dogs, how nuch furniture, etc., and how many n the family." "Did you tell him !" "Certainly, I did." '-Did he ask you anything else?" i "Yes, he asked if there was a nan in the family." "Did you tell him?" -Yes." "Well, I'll bet a dollar he was a >urglar, and put on that disguise, uist to get the 'lay of the land.' t Cou are a bright woman, indeed drs. Topnoody, to furnish any hief that comes along with such t nformation; a very bright woman, must confess;" and Mr. Topnooby ,ot up and began putting on his vercoat; "I must go to the police tation and inform the officers." "Don't be alarmed, Topnoody; I xed him all right; I told him there f ras a man and a half in the house, nd the man was no slouch, eith- t r."E "A man and a half? What do you nean?" "Why, I told him right to his ace, that I was the man and you rere the half, and he looked at me minute and said I needn't swear o that statement, and then he left." Mr. Topnooby went out, but not ?fter the police.--Mierchant Travel er. WHICH WAS THE FOOL? There was once a certain lord vho (as a great man did in the old lays) kept a fool in his house to unuse by jests and antics. His naster gave this fool a staff, and ~harged him to keep it till he should meet with some one who was a ;reater fool than himself, and if he net with such a one to deliver it ver to him. Not many years after uis lord was on his sick-bed. His 'ool came to see him, and was told >y the dying master that he must shortly leave him. "And whither doest thou propose *o go?" said the fool. "Into another world," replied the ord. '-And wilt thon come back again vithuin a month?" "No" "Within a year?'' "When, then?" "N ever." "Never? And what provision 2ast thou made concerning thy en :ertainment in the place whither ;hou goest?" "None at all." "What!" said the fool; "none at dll? Then take my staff. Art thou foing away forever and yet has nade no preparation for the jour. 2ey? I am not guilty of such a fully is that." THRIFTY.-"I am going to be narried," said a young lady to her rather. "I tell you this so you will not be surprised when Wilkins isked for me." "I shall not be surprised." "You will not object!" "Oh no, but who is Wilkins! Don't be'ieve I ever saw him." "Why don't you know him! He ied to clerk for you." "Let's see. Wilkin's. Wilkins. Oh yes, I remember him. Hadn't been with us two weeks untill he showved a disposition to turn cash bis way. Tapped the drawer once, I believe, marry him by all means, for he is a thrifty young fellow." Arkansaw Traveller. Let us make a beginning by knowing one little thing well, and getting roused as to what else is to ha known. ADVERTISING RATES. Advertisemem inserted at the rate of 81.00 per square (one inch, for first insertion, and 75 cents for each subsequent insertion. Double column advertisements ten per cent, on above. Notices of meetings, obituaries and tributcs of respect, same rates per squac as ordinazy advertisements. Special Notices in Local cdumn 15 cent perline. Advertisements not marked with the nme ber of insertions will be kept in till forbid and charged accordingly. Special contracts made with large adver tisers, with liberal deductions on above rates JOB PRE"IWG DONE WITH NEATNESS AND DISPATCH TERMS CASH. WOOL UNDERCLOTHING. (The Lanczt I Among the many means by which we seek to guard ourselves from the effects of chill there is one which hardly, even now, receives sufficient atteation-the use of woolen underclothing. The major ity of persons of the male sex do, indeed show their appreciation of its wholesome qualities; bnt there remains a considerable moiety of these, and a far greater number of women and children, who prefer an undersuit of smooth but relatively meagre linen. Yet the superior advantages of wearing wool next bhe skin are easily apparent on re. lection. They do not depend mere ly on its greater warmth and close iess of application. It is further -apable, according to its texture md in virtue of its composition, )f better adaption in respect of ;emperature to the needs of various :limates and the changes of seasons ;han any other dress material. gIoreover, whether it be fine or -ough, dense or light, woolen cloth ng. it is evident, exhibits a special acility for absorbing and distribu ing moisture. It is this property ,specially which renders it the nat. tral covering of the constantly per. piring skin. If one be engaged, or example, in active exercise of imb, a linen fabric will absorb rhat products of transudation it an till it is wet, but will leave nuch moisture unobsorbed upon the lammy surface, whereas a flannel, rom its more spongy nature, will ,est upon a skin which it has nearly Iried and be but damp itself. It s obvious, then, that in the event >f an after chill, and this occurs in ummer as in winter, the body is, n the latter case, most favorably lisposed to resist it. Flannel is tot less cleanly than linen, though t may appear less white; and if the rearer bathe daily it is surprising iow long it will retain its purity. l'he disadvantage of skin irritation o which it sometimes gives rise is isually associated with coarseness >f quality or freshness of -manufac ure, and is with nearly all who tave experienced it, a merely tran ient condition. Women as well is men, we repeat, but above all, ~hildren and the aged, who are alike >articularly apt to take cold, should ~ertainly adopt a woolen material or their customary under-garment. ?t is easily possible to adjust the exture to the season, so that it ihall be warm enough in winter, Lnd not too warm in summer. COOKERY IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. (Juliet Corson.] Perhaps you do not know that here is, in connection with the a.g tation of 4the question of industrial aducation, a movement to have de ;>ar tments of cookery and domestic iconomy introduced in our public ,chools. Such is the case, however md I believe the day is not far listant when the art of cookery will be given the attention it de ierves. I am using all my influence :o bring about this result, and never niss an opportunity of pressing the >oint. The result of the observation s that people in all parts of the ~ountry are gradually coming to the ~onclusion that in a country like :his education for the mases must nelude industrial training in some rorm. And certainly there is no aranch which has greater claims 2pon the educational authorities bhan this, which prepares the girls bo become competent housekeepers. The experiment has already been ;horoughty tried in England and shown to be a success in every way. Sewing and cooking are taught there in institutions corresp~onding practically to our common schools. rhe British association appointed m committee to investigate the mat ter and the chairman reported that cot only was the instuction in these iepartmnents signally successful, but that it appeared that the pupils in the schools where these things were combined with the regular course of study, better work wae done in the regular branches. The mind of the student requires diver sion for most efficient work, and this explains the fact cited, which is certainly a strong argument for the introduction of these depart ments in our schools. I don't see why it is not quite as necessary that the home should be properly managed as business. In a country like ours, where so much is made of the common people, I do nof, see how a public school system can be considered which does not in clude practical instruction, complete which can be used in every-day life by both sexes. If ev-ery person would be half as good as ge expects his neighbor to be, what a heaven this world would be ! If evils come not, then our fears are vain; and if they do, fear but anmants the pain.