pPP MU WEK LT. H-E,RALD. SNE WBEIRY S. .0 WDSDAY OING SEPT' 13, 1865. Afterhe 'th instant, the headquarters of his S- xelency Go.. Prry, will be in Columbia.- All COMMun eations must be addressed to him there. - The Cholera Is reported to have reached Marseilles. -Great akrniis felt in FDlce and England, at the ap oach of this awful malady. Me'tings of medi eal and scientific men are held to consider sani pary precantwons. The Newberry Delegation.' -The following gentlemen compose the menbers of the Convention fro& this district E. h LM Vt'S i R, ROBER STEWAnT. They are no do'Ubt fully able for the mighty - si. approiching. The Convention assem bles to-d4ymColumbia. Tha South Carolina ailroa Is now completed within fifteen 'niiles of Zo Tumbi;a The Congaree is passed! Three ar of railroadt iron recently arrived. for that r6ad, and President. Magrath hopes that by. the 1st of Oct. Charleston and Coltunbia will be uni Med. This is highly gratifying intelligence. - 1oxna.-Many complaints come to us from hipdint that the Herald is not received. We regret it,but itis not our fault, the paper is reau larly printed and mailed. The paekage is gen eratl sent by the. train, but frequently is -taken QUL by ndividua bcribes,.antheyodoubt fail to delitr.~Look out for the delinquent, '-and do-nbt blame is. - Death of Maj. W=. Laval. - We regret to learn the death .of this dis tingiished citizen of our Sta te. He expired on Tafsday last a& Greeinille,. in thei8th year of I . -his For terikious conduct in the- war of 18131 i ras honored *ith the rank of Brevet Majori'and durigtik tfe: sige of t ensacola, re eezved - oundi whlich restd i os t d in the T 6f Su e b Useo a limb. n 182 hie resigngj 'C;rdomm isso in the m and was elected S&retary of State.- Since .that time be has filled 6e ofxcesn- Tregsurer nd Comiptroller-General ahnetgooinuoslyDuririj the inte&vais hie "h"ek"i bl itieoin tltt ;nsteHouse adi the SubiTrasury epart *ret -heIrd.rem-are COMipp30', of exelw - n ,a n&-i lent enfan givgeneral satisfaction.' 'It-i -eliev$ield4st, on,d prudance *4d govert thi l-ibeia nlsd Apton .e list: T- anur,D J. J.' Wmnsmth, CapL. in le e. . a ][rtt n. JaS.;'Farre A ~ ~ M 0oin 1; VWDr I;W llat on Col R.d 9. PooLat. son have Zn besn,Jse.fedted ~ ise. A - dolumia,Sude Hv noton. iW, E aetA "W.~ ope~and Gl . W.n allaec Hon. l~. McBeth w en. . es..Mcg Geno Tho .Gaom Hegatf,'J ndt~ &en , Ja: . OrrJoh Wilso~, r. rs - ifre Picaens. W. Aorewd s H. geBr, 4chaer, 4Crgarr, W.. Martin, Rev. F. - "- - E,31 agW lar buls os *'ey hand 'thLefthe ~'e reUit'vtsgoea'n&go taenthey pl:ase; ~ - an sryeme4g gich isa :ver'r simlplQ nd e mee oe.ngtao their ptyer. Ifyuwl ~nq ire qngoasoek n-oply Syeuca threbnery my:ey.case, gt infor - a oh~Im~ acotr t opmfi4inT as to ~.1~ ~ *b ceLeIC ar people determmne to ~' .'~ nt-hbmieroes ocannot piedee acertifreate1 $' #'c5~~. ~.~ - . -bey havr;bezr2 This will putt stop to r'oving, an husll coinplaints.- AugstaTrnismpt. -- giigg t'fl& i al ther ciiaes,so a2 s ee h eadat is zumyersal andhb royemledyto ptvent-his runn4gg abu dmust i ff 't1-3eceij'dendess amis -ezy n an the n ee 't now wbrings annoyanca - .. diiutyt 6thewhitbniplojerin-Stht no on earqisW nless teN n~df - or edec a .ter.'*oeen'hon 3Ceion.for 1 av 11rteir former'hcames. Soe tig ofha s~ep1 be do if oiiyefor lhei "' 4 uinn-X e:are gratifiedopre - that friends GREi*a:F4 of the ferald are on te' ~high roa4to prosperHy. Tfebusiness has bn so m u'ncreased lhtely,i that- the, have been I3~d laip7 d he - -of "their st ieater, nd befe'na d 8 Pai - sheet ajthe 4 lpU e fo handsndoti *$,9 Won n --have lived" and "tove."' W caii only say hee '~" our hi d--ndong live the kfointaineer and' oui f end.- -- - - * - - - - * ~Siince the above, comes the- adaraon1azette, aagetmes we rzeco1mmndA,to them his excellent tper as enc among best that comes. to us. "The Newberry erlald nmnes -to its considera * bly enlarged and.improvcd. Increased business and prosperity are he cagse of this change5Iot dhe bete 1and abgratulate_.the energetic and * worty. opdPrs-H9 apon) their wholesome co'ndi tion. " - -, * - In the sa':ne budget we are pl-eased ty see the *Abeville-F'ress, lateljftbe B3ulletir, inmnim [ - - . .proved condihion anid lavger aize; and'undyr the editorial direction o t's heretofore editor, W? A. -Lee, who now after so long an -interval .oace more graces thie sannctum editorial. -e T.ress - speaking of th Herald says. : -"The last issue o~f this well-condneted journal - come?. to us enlarged and improved, and the pro prieters. inform its. reade~rs that the increa'scd.I business of the oftice, both in the pay of subscrip tienl and advertising will likely justifv still further improvement. We conigratulate them tpon the evidences of their prosper ity, and-upon the reviv ing brisiness of their District. The paper wellrepre e ,t h semingly to gain; some pa.rticular point, get orewere, or find -omething. Inc their midst iccasionnally. could be seen a husband or father artinghere andt,beteinsarch' of a wife or aghtr. e- aere anished, dismayed, comn ~letey catawanisse, could iot 'mnake it out.: V eman'aead j natie' geeing perhaps, but eu iia tEe,ynot wait ir"ibreakfast. ' The .was$mf g ( termiued o- so.le he- roblem byzs, rg, we 'ajproaceda young tfy, hat in haSF How bewitchiingly -beautiful~ was, with Lh& soft flash upon her cheeks,' f's spaxkhing like.diamuonds;md. a form.of'such 'vising perfection; In modest - diffidence .we. sed, aorbl mss, ghat's the -oew?" Row " li&Iiclaimed, with flashing eye, dis igg eehof pearly whiteness rd. beauty,. trow ! whyiits no row sir, 'we are waiting here &r thecaptain." NThe captain thought we, here ri iih avgeance, all thesefdea' ca a ureshergftct one poor..mam nd )ieonlya ptnhyh tandEm mOre change thana ctirma dpEigarr-et;thetw- akd. hat O4ha1-ion2tdily eictedn from.the tibwagonigwhhch artden with tho r.bvery d'resciition iaiety ad ud shade- of-color, and I want the first, pick." Sensible to theo last. Just 'then - a shout was raised, 'bya hiindred feminine Voices, "he's'pom lin; e's coming."' We lo?Ikgd eg sture enough, there rode the captain prouidly-:at-tho" head>f an mieense wagon -r,ain; bowidgANhliend left with bare headt the~smiling)crewddn~f either sidej nd ini a rtibite bat,~thElatesQW "ork si etchig.the efissu; we joine: Er-CIQW uic s'hed~ to meet hni, and ap -oachinidanisunense sheet of.-manus4p wid nly could be seen was an advertisements'the Herald; 'new goods Cor the million.' Joy afthis discdvery caused us o wake. It was not all a' dream, the captain has g"riyed, wears a little white 'hat, and the goods 'ae coilg, ind'so is the"advertisemnent. KILdi--The most- of out readers are, "ere this, in possession of the fa.,ts relating to the dia ol:cal occurrences of last Friday morning, which resulted in the.killing,.or murder, of ,Mr. Calvin: Crozer late a member of the-l3rd Kenitis..y -Car iy, under Morgan's comnmabdl,-by ttie 33d coer ed trgops, "ua . omand of Cot T'ronbridge. -The facts,' as we hear them are these : Mr. Cro zer, ong's pirisoner, was just retOing to las ome in Texas, and-arrived at this place some time in the night of Tyday, and had two young ladies under his care.- & p Togete enerv the ~ soof aH Va 6 -e an - n ad ngarAees a a n ad ay fiaesM eihW a1 TInbost e pre-s otheooe in sTes nany annot olettn othr ha own reigt lo alpRoad, noag- ( 1mii o cthton afatr~ t hev callbb.~~ sep M,seI-bif.. Aptgged rbered app1o p i e fon antb vcpi sbeeooe or coton on.--Masone mlin, Maer et. , isofe7dfo-al,aLabr.m. ferray appn ato is' made toc .ric .500 U F.e90R ~naktab1o o~Sei~#t 3Det~pr l~ {~- - MELOIJEON FOR SALE. good. Melodeon-~bsOfl & flarulin, Makers ~Bostw, is offc'ed for silo, at a bargain,. i early applftaiofl i~ ui~idc to ~.Y.flUTL1R. 4udge, A Sep6,7 IffAw othe id ' Omvsefo eTek n44 aryon"h 1h 1 lil advsop-est S- -Hrw * ~V J,aet-onTet*. and Irih men r a LeoAir,~ I' 7. of dipereo PnCe Mill~4L aed rishLi6e .4- poor. - Ae adea aS 2, f~-' -an por --s Drc~ 6 - - h rruM Stt z ULas e n-s n eam === === - -f - -. *~- - goL - - -. - 1 este - and 4 e - -g. WIL A --.-E Y, Pr-tgesms :~u~t be direct~L ~- - WILLIAM H. PUU~Y, r - .. r . ill