For Sale One Registered Berkshire Boar 18 months old. Weighs about 225 lbs. Price, $40. Will send registration papers, if necessary. GEO. E. RISH, Steedman, S. C. Phone to Pond Branch. - 49 bepojrt op th: The Carolina 1 at Colombia in the scace or aom-n {:a: 12, 1916. RE sot Loans and dissounts U. S. bonds deposited to secure eirculat value) - ? Securities other than U. S. bends (not ii pledged. Stocks other than Federal Reserve Ban] Stoc* ? F >der*t R-"*^rve B uife (50 per Value of banking house, if unencumoere Fnroitu e arm uxture* R al evened other than banking Net amount da? from bederal Reserve Net amount due from approved reserve York, Chi also and St,. Louis Net amount Due from approved res other re.?efTe cities Net amountdu* from banks and banker Exchanges tor cle*r,"ng house Ontside chfk- *'d other cash item Fractional currency, nickels and cent r Mrktoa nf rather national banks Federal reserve notes Coin and certificates Legal tecdfcr notes Redempfcfott fnnd with United States t S. treasurer f TofcaL LIABIL Capital eteck paid rn Surplus fend "Undivided profits Less current expenses, interest, and tax Amcuntrefe'ved for tsxes accrued Circulating notes outstanding Net amount doe to banks and bankers . DiyideiSfl unpaid Demand deposits: Individual deposits subject to ch< Certificates of deposit dne in less Certified checks Cashier's checks outstanding Total demand deposits, as above Time I>< pos'ts, payable after 30 days, 01 days or more notice: Certificates of deposit Other time deposits Total of time deposits Total State of Ponth Carolina?County of Ric] I, JOSEPH M. BELL, Cashier of the i that the above s atement is true to tne Sabseribed and sworn to before me t! Correct?Attest: T S BRYAN. J. H. BO^LIN, WASHINGTON CLARK. Directors. _ WM. M. O President and I Colur Ic j plant ani> off] ? hampton ani | huger street; i on irwin park I line Phones 470 and Not many can be like Christ on the cross, but every body can be like Him in pleasing little children and in saying comforting words to the discouraged. "Is your wife economical?" "Very. Look at the clothes she makes me wear." E CONDITION OF National Bank, roliaa, at the close of business Sept. "RCES. $1,345,516.54 ;ion (par 200,000.00 deluding stocks) owned un 74,476.79 i stock 12,600.00 cent, of s jbscriptior.) 12,000.00 id 175,000.00 9,000.00 house 6,1Z{.6?> Ban* 85,861.24 agents in New $ 76,651.79 erve agents in 39,819.53 116,471.32 s (other than above) 17,036.91 13,000.00 $587.48 s 750.67 1,338.15 650.00 350.00 28,821.00 19,250.00 reasurer and due from U. 10,000.00 $2,075,299.30 JTIES. ck 416,735.73 than 30 days 5,100.00 5,618.19 1,168.56 $ 428,622.48 subject to 30 3,700.00 977,794.91 $981,494.91 $2,075,299.30 bland (ss): above-Damed bank, do solemnly 6wear best of and belief JOSEPH M. BELL, Oshier. his 18th dav of SeDt^mbe"-, 1916 J. B. WITHERS, Notary Public. TIS, JAS Manager Vice President, S OLUMBIA, S. < We Mam and Sell: Windows, Doors, E Door b rames, lume< Columns, Newels, E Cabinet Work of ? Stairs, W ainscotinj Medicine Cases and; Wood Work, Casing! ings, both Stock and Flooring, Ceilin) Weights, Sash Cord, Special Flooring, and Hardwood, can r? Rough and Dress lCE, ? gles and Lath, Com]: CAR and Red Plastic Ro Store and Office Fi 471 __J Wall Cases. j Some Runner One day a college youth went west and got work on a farm. He wasn't very well informed about farm life, but as he was willing to work the farmer hired him. That night the farmer said, "How are you? a pretty good runner, boy?" The collegian swelled with pride. "I took prize at college for being the fastest runner." "Well there," said the farmer, "you can bring in the sheep." Two hours later the young man entered exhausted, his breath com-; ing in short gasps. "Have any trouble?" asked the j farmer, grinning to himself. "I got the sheep in easy enough." j said the youth, ''but I had an awful | time catching the lambs." "Why, I haven't any lambs," said the farmer, in surprise. Together they walked to the pen. There were all the sheep?and also five jackrabbits.?Rotarian. Rheumatism Follows Exposure In the rain all day is generally followed by painful twinges of rheumatism or neuralgia. Sloan's Liniment will give you quick relief and prevent the twinges from be! coming torture. It quickly peneI fro foe roifl-innf rnhhincr nnrl soothpR the sore and aching joints. For sore, stiff, exhausted muscles that ache and throb from overwork, Sloan's Liniment affords quick relief. Bruises, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to children are quickly soothed by Sloan's Liniment. Get a bottle to-day at your Druggist, 25c. Adv. Bargain Sale in Vehicles. 2 Spring Wagons, fine for truck business, 1 One-horse Wagon almost new. 1 Rock Hill Top Buggy, in good order and set harness. No use for them and prices will nloaeo r?nrr?V?QQPrc Lot of junk iron and metal, printing presses, gasoline engine, pullies, shaftins, etc., G. M, HARMAN. At Lexington Dispatch Office. ? Subscribe to the Dispatch. ???? *jm mm?ttmm? . C. OTIS, I secretary and Treasurer *8 1 ufacture llinds, Window and d, Solid and Staved ? alusters, Etc. ^ ; tnj kind, including g, (JJuna (Jlosets, l all Special Interior 3, Base and Mould- C . Special. . ?} Siding, Sash g Pulleys. ? such as Rift Pine juried in stock. ed Framing, Shin- ? Caps, "Nu Tile" I ofing. Also Bank, r xtures, Floor and 1 | SBKHBEB?aaSBBarogMEaHBBSaS : J i( I Wear A Smile Learn to know as you jog along The vilue of a smile? A glint of sunlight on your face Just as y?u meet the while, It speaks a message of its own To stranger and to friend; So wear a anile and pass it on, T'will par you in the end. The load wlich other souls must bear Will somehow lighter grow, Because yoi met them with a smile, And kepi your heart aglow. And some cay they will smile on you, When yoi are not aware, And chase :he shawdos from your hear, When yoi are press'd by care. Aside from -.his, God says "be kind," This word is full of tears; And love abne has might to charge The color of the years; So catch the summer of His skies And court the art worth while; And as you trudge along life's road Just wea- a cheery smile. ?I. Menci Chambers, in Philadelphia Presbyterian. Written For Last Week Miss Ma? Taylor is on a visit to her friend Miss Azalee Lybrand, at Swansea. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Lever and little Miss Sara Catherine, are at home in Lexington to spend the winter. IVficccic VorJo Rorro Viot'O ro. llXlkX7VO WA V 111V/ ? V/UU i^Ul X V/ .1U Y V A V/ turned fron Columbia, having spent several days with Miss Morgorie Luther. Mrs. L. M. Micchell, of Batesburg, is spending several days in town as a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Kellers Mitchell. Mrs. Julian P. Meetze and little Miss Minnie Rachel have returned from and extended visit to her home in St. Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Lawson and Mrs. I. H. Nunamaker, of Columbia, SDent Sunday in Lexington with Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Dent. Mrs. Rheede H. Addy has returned to her home at Gilbert after a week's stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Quincy Caughmann. Last week our folder did not work satisfactory causing us to send out many copies damaged, running short. It looks like trouble follows trouble, But we hope to get straight next week. Miss Belle Kaminer, a very popular special nurse, of Spartanburg, accompanied by Miss Langston, is visiting her sister. Mrs. Addie D. IToti fmnnn onrl ntVipr vplativps in JIVUUilllttllll, UliU VtliVi - -and near town. Mr. William Piatt, the dry goods and notion merchant of No. 1804 Main str vet, Columbia, with several ladies, had the misfortune to get truck 33 stuck in the branch beyond the depot at Geoges a few days ago. They had had a nice picnic and were en route home when it happened. Mr. Dibble and several others together pulled them out and, with profuse thanks, they went on their way rejoicing. ?.? Catarrhal Deafness Cannot Be Cured by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portions of the ear. There is only one way to cure catarrhal deafness, and that is by a constitutional remedy. Catarrhal Deafness is caused bv an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result. Unless the inflammation can be reduced and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever. Many cases of deafness are caused by catarrh, which is an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure acts thru the blood on the mucous sur races 01 the system. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Catarrhal Deafness that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Circulars free. All Druggists, 75c. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Remember that a note of thanks ;ran never be in bad taste and if you ire ever in doubt about writing >ne write it. It may not be necessary, but it will surely not be out >f place. Didn't Mean to Kill Wife El Paso, Sept. 14.?Henry J. Spannell, who was indicted yesterday by the grand jury of Brewster County on two charges of murder in the first degree for killing his wife and Lieut. Col. M. C. Butler of the sixth cavalry on July 20, while the three were out motoring, returned to Alpine closely guarded last night. "I did not intend to kill my wife," Spanned explained. He added quickly in explanation that his wife jumped in front of the army officer. Cored Her Two Little Girls. Mrs. Ada Sanders, Cottontown, Tenn., writes: "We use Foley's Honey and Tar as our best and only couo-h remedv. It never fails to cure my two little girls when they have colds." Relieves hoarseness, tickling throat, bronchitis, hay fever, asthma, croup. Harmon Drug Co. > Loan Association for Union County Union, Sept. 7.?Union' ''county National Farm Loan Association was organized here this week with E. L. Littlejohn, president; Thos. McNally, vice president; R. P. Morgan, treas I urer and G. B. Barron, attorney. These four with P. D. Barron make up the executive board of the or; ganization. The concern now has | ten members and there are in hand some $30,000 applications for loans. j For Hay Fever, Asthma and Bronchitis, j Every sufferer should know that Foley's Honey and Tar is a reliable remedy for coughs, colds, bronchitis, hay fever and asthma. It stops racking coughs; heals raw, inflamed membranes; loosens the phlegm and eases wheezy, difficult breathing. Harmon Drug Co. President Hurries to Bedside of Sister i Long Branch, N. J., Sept. 10.? President Wilson received word late to-night that the condition of his sister, Mrs. Anne Howe, who is critically ill at New London, Conn., has taken a turn for the | worst. The president immediately cancelled all engagements for to- j morrow and announced he T~". aid start for New London early ui the morning. Our Jitney Offer?This and 5c. DON'T MISS THIS. Cut out! this slip, enclose with five cents to j Foley & Co., Chicago, 111., writing J your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound, for coughs, colds and croup, Foley Kidney Pills, and Foley Cathartic Tablets. Harmon Drug Co. Ford and Neighbors to Support Wilson New York, Sept. 14.?Henry Ford declared today that he and "his neighbors" would support President Wilson for re-election, it was announced at the headquarters tonight. f ! f AVERY j | THE JEWELER " ! Carries a full and complete | line of all the latest and up! to date designs in i Jewelry Cut Glass Silver Watch Repairing at reasonable prices?all work guaranteed. W. E. AVERY, Main St. COLUMBIA, S. C. ! * ? | i 1 PROFESSIONL I CARDS Dr. H. W. Wall DENTIST 1316 Main St. Columbia, S. C. Office hours: 9 to 1:30?2:30 A,J.Bedenbaugh,A.B.D.D.S. DENTIST 1515 Main St. Phone 1626-J Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ^ DR. D. L.. HALL, Dentist COLUMBIA, S. C. Lutheran Publication Building 1626 Main Street Office Hours 8 a. m. to 5:30 p. m. . ? i ?? ALBERT M. BOOZER Attorney at Law COLUMBIA, S. C. Hook Bldg., Main & Washington Sts. Special attention given to business entrusted to him by his fellow citizens of Lexington county. REMOVAL NOTICE Dr. J. Edwin Boozei has moved his Dental Office to 1515 Main St. (old stand) Phone 1962-J. W. BOYD EVANS Attorney at Law OFFICES: Rooms 4 and 6 Clark Law Bldg. Washington St. TELEPHONE 139 Columbia, - - - - South Carolina ? J. H. FRICK, ATTORNEYf AT LAW CHAPIN, S. C. Office?Hotel Marion 4th Room Second floor. Will practice in all the court. DR. P. B. SPIGNER Dentist 1615 MAIN STREET Columbia, S. C. nR PH Aft r CT A XTT 17V m.*w ik/l V/. ....Dentist.... 1423 Main St. Columbia, S. C. Hours 9 a. m, to 1 p. m.~2 to 6 Phones?Office 707. 992 j WM. W. HAWES Attorney and Counsellor at Law Columbia, S. C., Room 16 Hook Building PRACTICE IN ALL COURTS I Business Solicited I 1 A. F. SPIGNER ! ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW | Pratice in County, State and United States Courts. . i COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA. June 28?12m. BLACKWELL & THOMAS ATTORNEYS AT LAW We beg to announce that we 1 have opened an office at Lexington, S, C., in the Home National Bank. Building and in the future will practice at both Columbia and Lexing| ton. je21-12m D TI BmT/M A\T U, 11. DJC/lV.AiTlAi> THE JEWELER j Established 1879 Columbia, S. C. I I Diamonds, Watches, Cut Glass, Silj verware and Optical Goods, at Lowi est Prices in Columbia. Honest ' goods that are guaranteed to give j satisfaction. Our Watch and Jewelry Repairing I Department in charge of Experts. First Class Work at Reasonable ! Prices, B. H. BERKMAN, i 1418 Main St. COLUMBIA, S. C. Flowers Astors, Daises, Gladiolas, Roses* ARTISTIC BOUQUETS AND DESIGNS SEEDS 1 Vf... jLyaiov, t ausv, Vciuucijit;, \_Uliartl, iViUStard, Turnip and other Seeds, to sow now. PLANTS Cabbage. Collard, Cauliflower, Celery, Pepper, Tomato, Colia, Petunia, Salvia, Verbena, etc. Mailed or expressed anywhere. Rose Hill Greenhouse 1542 Main Street Columbia. - - - S. C.